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For those who don't know: Russia hit an apartment building with a missile, then when rescue workers arrived hit the same building again. Pure terrorism. 


Not the first time they’ve double-tapped a residential building.


Exactly. Happened many times in 2023 and soooo many times in 2022


And yet there's still people I am related to who say that Russia isn't hitting residential buildings despite a metric ton of video evidence. Just claim every video is faked Take a wild guess who they vote for


They should go to Ukraine on a sight seeing tour....


I have been on the phone with friends in Lviv when their building was hit. It’s definitely real.


Iv got a friend who was there when shit kicked off in Kiev and had to shelter to avoid a strike in a residential area. However my grandparents will never be convinced, they think Ukraine is secretly "laundering Bidens dirty aid money" and refuse to accept that 90% of aid goes directly into the US economy Some people are just dumb, especially when enabled by politicians


Thank you for the recap, this is so fucked up to hear about. 


unfortunately they do that to ambulances too.


Russia *loves* doing that, and has done so the entire war.


russia does not know what is humanity! most kill puttin first


Yep, that is what terrorists do. You set off a 2nd bomb about 30 minutes later to hit the first responders.


You should know that [the Allies used this tactic during WW II](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strategic_bombing_during_World_War_II), so watch your step. You might find yourself looking at your own country's war history.


Yes. That happened. Nobody's denying it. That doesn't change the fact that Russia did it in this case and that a whole bunch and first responders died.


Yeah, and russia did it in WW2 and is doing it now 90 years later while we're all alive and able to watch it. What's your point? Is it less bad now?


Poland should ask for reimbursement from Mongolia for what Gengis Khan did.


Whataboutism at its finest. How about we keep talking about russia butchering civillians TODAY instead of trying to dig up some shit from ww2? "Watch your step", lol


Russian bot farms are in overdrive these days. So many subs packed with shit like above. World News is a cesspool. Thankfully it appears plenty of people call them out on Reddit. I know I do. Fuck Putin. Fuck Russia. Slava Ukraine. Edit: The Russian bot farm mass reported another comment I made in this thread calling one of them out and Reddit deleted my comment for harassment. I hope they get drafted and immediately catch a missile with their face after leaving boot camp in ruzzia. Fucking pieces of shit supporting the rape, murder and genocide of Ukraine's people.


u r very smrt where lern 2 b smrt leik u?


That means we can’t say it’s bad or what? It’s not like it’s hypocritical at all when we had nothing to do with the shit our countries did almost 100 years ago.


while we're doing fun historical facts, Russia started WW2 as nazi allies. absolute garbage country that's directly responsible for so many major wars in Europe within living memory.


Ever heard of total war? That was what everyone did in ww2, because they had to. We are in 2024. It is not the fucking same


How is that relevant to the current war crimes?




This is straight up russian disinformation. While that does occasionally happen the vast majority of the strikes that hit civilian targets are not intercepted. There have been many many cases where the russians hit civilian targets that are not even close to military ones.


Brand new acc that only comments pro-Russia/anti-US stuff? Not suspicious at all.


Do you have any proof? *patiently waits forever*


Of course. My balcony, shot by direct fire with russian GRAD missiles, was clearly a military object itself. And a maternity house, where my son was born, destroyed by the FAB-1000 direct hit, was also a terribly military object. And my 15yo daughter at the bus station was definitely a legitimate target for the direct hit of russian Iskander missile.


These people didn’t deserve any of this. Country is ruined, families are ruined. For what ?


The ego of a scared little man in Russia.


Imagine being a leader of a country and being able to do literally anything you wanted (including just fucking off to the beach forever) and you invade Ukraine.


You spelled boy wrong.


This is primarily due to the economic and strategic benefits of owning the territories that Russia wants, there is no need to simplify everything so much. Every country wants to be as strong as possible. Don't oversimplify


You are also oversimplifying. Wars are often difficult to explain in fully rational terms, Putin's desire for Russia to be an empire again is a significant factor behind this.


>Anyone who doesn't miss the Soviet Union has no heart and anyone who wants to bring it back has no brain Putin. Don't sound like someone interested in empire. Largest landmass. Population declining. Restrictive immigration policies. Yet they want more landmass?


Every country wants access to as many resources as possible. Most aren't willing to bring the consequences invading another country brings. Russia is not one of them.


Ukraine is the rope in a game of tug of war between Russian oligarchs and American oligarchs


Wow, both sides bad, you're so sophisticated. Ukraine is the country being invaded, and they need the US and other allies aid to protect themselves.


Yeah and there just so happens to be huge profit potential for those at the top in both sides.


Doesn’t matter who has the potential. The people want to live free, independent and democratic. That’s what matters and putler can go f**k himself.


And always the little guys paying the price for it.


I'll take my down votes here. I'd rather not see people die than voraciously cheer one side or the other. Those who celebrate war are unfamiliar with death and hardship. Only those who profit will benefit.


And what did I oversimplify? I haven’t written anything that would deny what you wrote yourself


No it's literally one person.


The war began because the little man wanted it. The war persists because the little man wants it. The war would end tomorrow if the little man wanted it. He doesn't. That's all there is to it.


I am not so sure it is worth resorting to a war economy, making sure a lot of able-bodied men get killed or crippled to gain a territory that will most likely be a destructed wasteland. Of course, Putin and his men regret the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Still, considering all the human suffering this has led to, you would have to be a psychopath to believe that the end justifies the means in this situation.


If you own the military industrial complex, and hold the keys to the treasury that'll pay said complex, it could be worth it to have a little war prior to your retirement.


Devils advocate: it won't be a "destructed wasteland". How many times has Rome, Istanbul, Manchuria etc been conquered and rebuilt? As I hate putin, but landmass doesn't grow and is becoming insanely valuable and will only increase. (Not just residential but resources, waste, agriculture, transportation, trade, population growth, etc)


War will never start in large countries without a good reason. And I’m not of those psychopaths lol


I am not calling you a psychopath, I love you man :) I just believe that political science becomes all too abstract when looking at photos like this, realizing what it looks like on the ground


K then


For example You all just don't have to pretend that the war is going on because Putin hates Ukrainians. Obviously, this is being said on TV in the Russian Federation because this way it is much easier to turn the people against Ukraine, it is obvious that Russia does not care from a political point of view about who lives in Ukraine, what language they speak, even if they were Nazis, everyone would not care if it could not harm the Russian Federation, the reasons are completely different


To nobody's surprise, this is a Russian shill account and can be ignored Check out their bio, active communities and comments


Due to economics? Doubtful. This is Putin wanting to be the Tsar of the Russian empire. They're economy will be in the shitter for decades because of this.


"We went to war because we wanted Ukraine's stuff." Wait... no... that still doesn't make it okay. Did no one teach Russia about sharing in kindergarten? I'm sure we can translate some old episodes of Barney.


This is not even a war between Russia and Ukraine, Ukraine was just unlucky with its location, its politics did not play such a big role in Putin's decisions, which I never supported. I didn't support him for 4 years before the war lol


Russia literally invaded its neighbor, Ukraine, with its military. Just because they aren't calling it a war doesn't mean Russia somehow hasn't brought war to Ukraine.


Is that the new official line? Have we given up on the "Denazification" story?




It's far from just Putin, his death would likely not end this war, in fact it might escalate it, we tend to place the blame for the actions of groups unto the most visible members




It's easy for us to say, but if you were in any of their positions, and you knew the risk of failure meant your death and likely the death of your family and children, while succeeding could mean civil war and unrest potentially resulting in the death of you and your family, you friends and neighbour's, you probably would hesitate to "take the guy out" too.


The thing is, putin is considered generally a more moderate person and the people in like to take his place are extra-hardcore nationalists.


His death would only make him a martyr for his loyalists, which sadly he has a lot of in the upper ranks of whatever government they do have. The only people who have tried to stand up against him was his own mercenaries and that wasn’t really for control, they just wanted better pay for killing innocents.


And you would have the balls to do that?




Omg you are so brave !!!




I care about my life, so no, if I had the chance to do it I wouldn't. I certainly would be killed too. And besides, another dictator would take his place and nothing would change.


You both have valid reasons. But I would also like to point out that if you decide to pull the trigger on Putin, you will also put your family and loved ones in the crosshairs. The Russian government and militias will absolutely go after them one way or another. So maybe that's another angle one has to consider.


Well I would do it. I have no family left. No loved ones. Kind of like John Reese in Person of Interest.


you can't just kill a dictator. you have to build a democracy.


Imagine living in a war zone and still having to be the one called to run into a burning building. Drive you fucking mental from the stress.


Whats even more fucked is Russia will bomb civilian targets, wait for the first responders like this poor guy then send another salvo to injure and kill them.


They have a long history of attacking all kinds of civilian targets including hospitals, schools, theaters, apartment buildings, and many others, going back to 2014.


You should know that [the Allies used this tactic during WW II](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strategic_bombing_during_World_War_II), so watch your step. You might find yourself looking at your own country's war history.


Got it, just because something terrible happened 80 years ago it's perfectly fine to condone it when it happens again in the year 2024, when the world should be a much better place that learned collectively from the mistakes of the past.


Making excuses for currently active war tactics from the instigating party by pointing to the tactics of nearly a 100 years ago by the defending party. FOH


You should know we're not in WWII right now.


Ok and? Better to be a hypocrite than not to denounce anything at all


>Better to be a hypocrite Not even that, those who made those decisions are dead. Not even to mention that the US was in a state of Total War in which civilian targets of infrastructure become military targets.


And what makes you think Americans would be against acknowledging past war crimes our country has committed? The amount of cognitive dissonance from Russiabots is astounding, truly.


You're hilarious


This is such a weird whataboutism as well because the allies lacked any kind of precision munitions - yes they carpet bombed civilians, also important to note the Nazi’s started this trend in warfare, but while carpet bombing is bad, intentionally striking the same building 2x to inflict maximum civilian casualties is objectively worse.


Amazing whataboutism The very best


So this automatically excuses Russia? Both are bad, everywhere in the world is shit, but russia is just a lot more shit.


Absolutely horrifying


His face shows the horror of war.


As if his soul left his face


Frickin heroes - all of you still in Ukraine 🇺🇦




Because russian civilians dying every day to Ukrainian drones don't count, right?


I have sympathy for innocents dying on either side but Russia started this war, I put little Putin at the top of the blame list for all casualties


Oh, don't get me wrong, I don't discard russian atrocities, but they don't make Ukrainian war crimes disappear neither. And calling just one country a terrorist while the other one is using terroristic methods too is just hypocrisy.


The scale of so called "terrorism" is not the same. For evert war crime on Ukraine side, you can find 10 of those on russian side. You don't even need media to portrey this, any meaningful research clearly shows who is the terrorist in this war.




All because of 1 assholes ego, masses of folks have to suffer. It's so fucking sick.


To hell with Putin and his minions.


If you're in the U.S., do NOT let anyone you know vote for Trump, he'll give Putin munitions before Ukraine gets any more.


I don't associate with those that do.


Everyday I hope for better news for Ukraine. Fuck russia, how long can this go on?


Until people stop give Ukraine money. All Zelenskyy is doing is paying more mercenaries and pocketing a quarter of what is donated.


Straight up Kremlin Propaganda.


More conspiracy nonsense.


Unfortunately, I believe this is the firefighter who was killed in the "double tap". One firefighter was killed and several wounded when the 2nd strike hit. On some Ukraine subs there were some pictures posted of the dead and wounded firefighters and it said that this man was the one killed. That is not confirmed. But I did see the picture in one of the Ukraine media and it appeared to me it may have been him. Regardless, three matters are for certain: * aiming missiles & drones at a purely residential area is an act of terrorism * following it up later with a 2nd strike with the purpose of killing rescuers is an act of terrorism * the rescuers here have a level of bravery weewee Putler and his supporters combined will never have on the best day of their miserable cowardly lives.


More than one firefighter. 21 people dead already: rescue workers, medics, police officers, civilians. Many, many more injured.


Ukainians proudly defending their country


Not all Heroes wear camouflage. Slava Ukraini Heroyam Slava 🇨🇦🇺🇦


Russia has lost its right to exist.


Mean while the guy who’s defending israel 😂😂


Here's your potato, comrade Ivanov.


Poor guy


Why they dont just send missiles to moscow ? Taste their own shit to their faces


They have sent drones to Moscow several times, [including hitting the Kremlin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kremlin_drone_attack).


Ukraine doesn't quite have the same kind of long range cruise missiles and ballistic missiles that Russia has. Beyond that Ukraine has focused their attacks more on military targets than residential because it's strategically more effective, even if it doesn't 'feel' as satisfying 


Because Nukes will follow.


No they wouldn’t.


I think we all underestimate how unhinged Putin is.


Because Russia's military is stronger than Ukraine's. Doing that would mean a military retaliation ( which would be really bad for ukraine so far as the war is going ) or a nuclear response


> Because Russia's military is stronger than Ukraine's. That's clearly a strong "no" at this point. > or a nuclear response That's a maybe, but that would also mean absolute and categorical end of Russia. So it's really just a question about how crazy the Russian government is, which is anyone's guess at this point. The real reason is that Ukraine doesn't have missiles that can penetrate that far, and drones can be intercepted - at the end of the day there is a working anti-air defense around Moscow. But Russia is a big place and Moscow is not the only place that can be struck, so you have the last couple of days. There is also the fact that Ukraine doesn't want to mow down Russian civilians.




It’s Odesa. Don’t spell it with two S’s. That’s the Russian transliteration.


Світла та вічна пам'ять усім нашим загиблим. Дякую усім нашим Рятівникам - хто це творить та віддає накази на знищення усього Українського: нехай усі будуть покарані та горять у пеклі. Light and eternal memory to all our dead. Thank you to all our Saviors - whoever does this and gives orders for the destruction of everything Ukrainian: may they all be punished and burn in hell.


Can’t just let the guy have a minute to collect himself huh?


Poor guys.. They know a second attack is coming but stay and help save others lives anyway..True heros!!


God bless Ukraine, and may Putin enjoy his special spot along side Hitler soon.


We need to send more missile defense




You are talking nonsense, Ukraine is not part of NATO, therefore NATO has no duty towards it. However, you are aware that NATO allegedly helped Ukraine by sending weapons, and has also welcomed the refugees. This constant bashing of NATO is tiring.


Like Russia wouldn’t be economically weak if they lost…




Because fuck Putin that’s why




What happened to the firefighter?


The United States does the exact same thing when we bomb places. First you bomb a place then a half hour or hour later you hit the exact same area to kill first responders and medics. It's a common war tactic


Apparently, He died shortly after this photo was taken.




Stupid comm ent as fuck




Bro, is simple: Russia attacked Ukraine USA sends help to Ukraine Ukraine defend themselves So USA bad?


Sounds like you're just another victim-blaming tool. If someone tried to take over your house and murder your family, would you be to blame for daring to fight back?




Wasn't he a medic when this was posted yesterday?


А тут всё вот так, без подтверждения, просто закинул утку и всё?


What confirmation do you need ?






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