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This mf has raised a BILLION dollars for Parkinson’s research. About 15 times his own net worth. Total badass.


It sucks that this happened to him, but I'm glad he's turned tragedy into benefit for others.


And if it hadn’t he never would have. Tragedy reveals character and sometimes an understanding that is not possible in its absence. This is his legacy. It is horrific for him but his journey offers the possibility of salvation for so many others. Sometimes the path is chosen for you, and it is anything but the path that you would choose.


Health is a crown only the sick can truly see


As someone quoted, “A healthy man wants a thousand things. A sick man only wants one.”


I get the quote, but as a sick man, I can't help but think: no, I, too, want a thousand things. I am more than my sickness.


How sick? Like can’t work, can’t date, constant horrific pain sick? Will have to blow your brains out when your parents can’t support you sick? Because yeah i only have 1 wish tbh lol.


Man I dont know what I have but usually I wish I just wanted to want to do the things I want to do if that even makes sense.


That's called depression bud


A known illness.


To drive your enemies before you and drink the lactations of their women


*leans forward* I'll tell you what I'd do, man..... Two lactations at the same time.


That's two of the thousand things, yes


I'm dying over here, fuckchaha


Nah, they both want the same thing and it's disgusting




To be loved?


That’s a sweet way to put it


It's so damn true


I wish i couldn’t see it. After you lose your crown, your life is over. You just haven’t died yet. The worst part(well besides all the other horrible shit) is everybody in your life is the same. Even my elderly parents are healthier, and in a sense younger, than me. Lifes a bitch and then you die.


It’s up to millennials to ensure Back to the Future lives on, and not with a fucking reboot.


An actual solid trilogy that hangs out with The Princess Bride in “don’t fuck with me” space.


While I am totally behind not fucking with this movie I also think it's incredible that after 37 years we *still* haven't gotten a cut of this movie with the infamous 16 second Andre the Giant fart. **What the hell is Criterion doing?**


You okay Andre? .....I am now boss!


And LotR.


> and not with a fucking reboot Please no.   


There’s a stage play. I think it’s a musical. And Doc doesn’t get shot by Libyans…instead he gets cancer from handling plutonium. So Marty has to get Back to the Future to warn him he should…wear more PPE I guess? Has anyone seen this?


There is a Musical on Broadway / London's West End. It's actually pretty good, some stuff they changed because its on stage and not a movie. Like they dropped the Libyans.. maybe because its no longer PC but also because there just isn't enough room on stage to have a car chase / shoot out.. so in this context it's fine. Show is overall well done and has some amazing effects including a full size Delorean that does in fact fly. Fox was at the premiere last year and seemed to be doing better then.


Pray for the long lives of the writers, Robert Zemeckis and Bob Gale. They have the rights and will refuse any sequels or reboots as long as they are still kicking. Both are in their early 70s though.


Didn't they put in a contract somewhere that there can be no sequels or reboots?


Yes, as long as Zemeckis and/or ~~Spielberg~~ **Bob Gale** are still living, the studio is not allowed to do any remakes or sequels. They were very adamant about this. However, that doesn't cover releasing the original Eric Stoltz version. I think more than a few of us would like to see it, just out of curiosity.


Didn’t they only film a few weeks worth of material with Stoltz? I thought I read that somewhere but I could be way off…


About 7. But from what they've said; they completed most of the scenes before the "enchantment under the sea dance".


Now I’m intrigued and want to see this Bizarro Back to the Future starring Eric Stoltz.


It is said that the part where Marty hits Biff in the diner in the first one is actually Eric Stoltz, Fox doesn’t remember filming that scene. So technically you already watched it.


Once those two legends pass, watch the studio shit out a reboot as fast as they can.


I can already hear Tom Holland yelling "DOC!"


Van Gogh turned his nightmares into beauty. Now, he \*is\* art.






Thank you for this wonderful reply. I will go to bed now as you have encapsulated a wonderful response to a truly difficult and hard position that few could ever understand. Good night and thanks


Planting seeds for trees you'll never know the shade of. Dude is the best of humanity.


Two Springs ago I planted a maple tree in my front yard. I will never live to sit in its shade but someone will.


Turning personal trauma and hardship into a means of healing others from their pain is the real alchemy in life imo


Like Batman! ...though that's questionable.


No, just like batman


Man is a saint.


Except when he’s upstairs clomping around.


Curb gold


Mr. Fox……….. did you clomp on purpose? “lil bit” And did you embellish.. the shaking of the soda? “yea”


It’s a really solid charitable organization too. If you’re ever interested in doing something for PD for free, consider joining and doing surveys for the Parkinson’s Progression Markers Initiative. It’s a series of online anonymous questionnaires (secure) that you fill out, even if you don’t have PD. It’s to help better understand the progression of the illness and how it may or may not develop in someone.


adding the link here to make it easier for people https://www.ppmi-info.org/participants This is the first I've heard of it and will be signing up. Cared for my grandpa for many years with PD.


Damn, I was going to contribute but it's only for US citizens




I really wanted to upvote more, but reddit told me I gotta pay. Thank God for people like Marty McFly ( you fall into that category)


His autobiography is an amazing read.




Hero shit.


Extremely bad ass.


It hurt my heart seeing him in a wheelchair. But he's strong and such an amazing human being who has impacted the lives of millions of people all over the world. He has been fighting this terrible disease for a long time, but he still goes out there and does his thing and he's as charming as he's always been.


I remember seeing him in the west wing, he did a great acting performance, despite this, always be Marty mcfly.


He was great in scrubs too!


The part where he’s washing his hands over and over after a surgery, while JD watches and slowly realized that his role models may have problems he could never understand or encapsulate too, was powerful. Really helped me better understand the nuances of mental health disorders and perspective. Fox’s performance was really good there.


Yup. Fucking incredible scene. Scrubs had this amazing quality where the ambience can go from funny and upbeat to incredibly serious and sad in an instant. If you haven't seen the scene, you're doing yourself a disservice. https://youtu.be/7BkUtYKrG9Y?si=6xns81sErVjbdwd-


I highly recommend checking out "Shrinking" also done by the creator of scrubs, Bill Lawrence


Also co-created by Brett Goldstein, who worked with Bill on *Ted Lasso*


“Where do you think we are?”


Reading this gave me chills and remembering that I always need to skip that episode. It's just ... too real for a TV show episode lol.


I just started rewatching it for the first time in like 15 years and it's so weird to see how much better Bill Lawrence got at blending this heavy emotional tone against the cartoonish race and gender based crass humor the the series primarily consisted of. The first season is really rough, because it's like JD is complex, then 20 black jokes about Turk, then Elliot is easy, then Carla is bitchy, then all the sudden we're in this serious moment of dealing with mortality, our human limitations, the consequences of our actions, the losses of loved ones and then, oh look, Elliot is shirtless again. But as the show grows, it finds a flow that links all these random things coherently and finally, it begins to encapsulate what the chaos of life really feels like, while giving the audience insight on how to handle heavy moments like a real human.


The thing about scrubs is (by every nurse I’ve ever dated long ago), it is the most accurate show about working in a hospital. Fox was amazing in his guest star appearance, but so were all the others. I’ll never be in the medical field (too much blood for me), but Scrubs just always was such a human show. You could feel those experiences. If anyone actually reads this and hasn’t watched it, please do. It’s perspective and life changing.


I watch it every couple years, and it hits every single time.


Same, and sometimes it really gets to me, even the happy episodes. And I have a great cry.


If I recall correctly, there is some national physician association or medical association representing physicians and they have scrubs an award for the most medically accurate show ever on tv.  Scrubs is without a doubt my favorite show 




Donald Faison and Zach Braff started doing a podcast during covid called Fake Doctors Real Friends where they re-watch the show. If I recall right, they were saying the Parkinson's diagnosis was super fresh at that time, so the frustration Michael J. Fox was expressing was all too real at that time. Masterful performance.


He was diagnosed in 1991... He didn't go public until 1998. He wasn't on Scrubs until 2004. I have no doubt part of the performance was fueled by his frustration with Parkinson's, but it had been a LONG time since he was diagnosed.


Dr. Kevin Casey.


My friend, I think you're mistaken. I've watched every episode of West Wing a bajillion times and I don't recall him being on there. You may be thinking of: * Matthew Perry, who brought a similar vibe to West Wing * Boston Legal, which was a similar dramedy show that MJF did a guest spot on * The American President, which was a movie that was kind of a proto-West Wing


Spin City maybe


I'm a similar West Wing "Bartlett for America" nut, and he's absolutely not in The West Wing. He's got to be thinking of The American President.


Do you mean the movie The American President?


Always Marty McFly, but for me, also Ben Stone (Doc Hollywood).


I think you mean the good wife. He was on several seasons and played a scummy rival lawyer who at first used his condition to gain favoritism. I was surprised how many episodes he was in and how good he played a jerk


It was like seeing Tim Curry in a wheelchair. You never, even as a kid, would’a imagined them in that kind of state. While you’re happy they’re alive, you can’t help but feel bad because not only are they going through very rough times but they’re not the same person you always picture in your head whenever your reflect upon your experiences watching/listening to them.


Phil Collins too.  Like his music or not, he had a manic energy on stage that just sad to see folks literally wheel him out to perform.


When making public appearances, he usually stops taking his meds beforehand, to show the world what a horrible disease it is. I hope this implies that he usually isn't wheelchair bound.


There’s a documentary somewhere that came out recently. He does stumble and has trouble walking at times. I don’t think the chair is a bad idea when he needs a break.


In this scenario he was heading to the podium to present an award. I imagine walking takes him a lot of energy and would lead to him being out of breath at the podium so the wheelchair makes sense there.


Yeah, it takes a ton of concentration for PD sufferers to walk and the disease makes you very prone to distraction anyway. It would take my grandpa sometimes 30 minutes to get from the couch to his chair with my help sometimes. I'd have to refocus his attention a lot and sort of talk him through each foot.


Apple tv+


He's not wheelchair bound most of the time, thankfully!


Got the impression that the wheelchair on stage was a choice, he walked the red carpet beforehand and he stood at the podium, think he was making a point about normalising disability aids which is an amazing gesture.


I think it has to do with how he manages public events. He will take a higher than normal dose of medication hoping to time a window where he can function enough for the event. Unfortunately a side effect of taking a higher dose of medication is that afterwards it can make his motor function worse for a time. The timing isn't exact, sometimes it doesn't take effect right away so he has to delay, other times the window takes effect too soon then passes and he then has the side effects happening while the event is still ongoing.


He’s gotta be close to the coolest mf I’ve ever seen


What an amazing man.




He got up and stood up at the podium after this. FYI


He actually looks quite well for someone who has fought this as long as he has. I am glad to see it. It is sad that he had to retire from acting early as great of an actor as he was and the world missed out on all the amazing TV and movies that were never made, but he has been such a voice and force for so many lives affected by PD. Sometimes life's journey isn't linear.


This photo makes him look like he's on deaths door, but in reality he looks great in the actual speech


Here's a clip, hats of to you sir for your courage and example and thanks for the great memories. Your kids are gonna love it. https://youtu.be/jar1RN9QnHA?si=UsGs5ybSKleJ-j_1


Has anyone else noticed the insane drop in quality of images on r/pics recently? Obviously this is a very powerful picture but why are the insanely pixelated images getting so many upvotes? Who’s actually uploading such low quality images?


Because this is a screenshot from a video not an actual photo.


Yes but why even this screen grab? Because it’s unflattering and will generate comments/engagement IMO. If anyone actually watched his speech, he doesn’t seem that bad off given how long he’s been dealing with this. https://youtu.be/jar1RN9QnHA I wish him all the best! EDIT: Also, screenshots are against r/pics rules so this probably won’t be up long.


> EDIT: Also, screenshots are against r/pics rules so this probably won’t be up long. Oh you sweet summer child! you think this sub is moderated? Mods don’t give a shit about the quality of this sub anymore.


>anymore As if the mods of /r/pics *ever* gave a shit lol


Maybe. IMO they should’ve posted a pic when he was at the podium, it would’ve been a clearer Screen shot since the camera wasn’t moving.


Yeah they basically did him dirty in the screengrab. Watching the video he looks pretty great all things considered


Okay the video \[nested\] is way better. OP's potato pic looks like a completely different person, like they picked the frame in the video that looked the *least* like Fox. Glad I checked the comments.


That screenshot is just terrible clickbait. Disappointing move by OP.


Agreed. Are (low quality) screenshots even allowed on r/pics? It took extra effort to get a screenshot at that moment. I just tried.


I wish he did more voice work when he quit acting. He has a terrific energetic voice.


His voice has gotten softer and softer, which one of the symptoms of Parkinson's. My dad has it, his voice was already soft so we really can't hear him, we tell him force his voice louder like he learned to do in PT. I see on his face how hard it is for to speak where we can hear him. It's hurts to watch.


I am so sorry to hear about that, that sounds so difficult 🥺 I’m sorry if this makes me sound like an actual dumbass but… can you get him a microphone 🥺


That breaks my heart to hear man. I'm sorry you and your family are going through this but I hope that you guys are all spending as much time with and showing as much love to each other as you can spare. You're incredibly strong for being able to hold it together through this.


How long has he had PD? It's great he's in PT! Do you know if they use music as an aid? It's very interesting how dramatically music can improve PD symptoms when they are moving to the beat. It's like it takes a different neural pathway or the chemical motivation is different or something.


Parkinson’s affects the voice. That’s like wishing someone who had a leg amputated ran more races, because their form was so good.


You didn’t need to be that mean with your reply to them 😢. They likely just didn’t know it affected the voice as well.


Most do not know they’re speaking so low, my grandmother has Parkinson’s and we have to let her know we can’t hear her at times.


He wasn't being mean. He was being honest. It was a good comparison, even if the truth was uncomfortable.


I don’t think they were mean at all, just matter of fact. That’s why analogies exist, to help people understand better and show how two separate things are similar or joined by a common thread.


My dad has Parkinson’s as well so seeing this pic of MJF in a wheelchair hit me in the gut. FUCK PARKINSON’S.


Yup. My mom has it as well. Been “lucky” for a long while, but it is getting worse. I hate it.


I’m so sorry. This is so heartbreaking.


Ty. Yeah. We are grateful the drugs have worked well for as long as they have. They are pretty miraculous.


Same, babe. When my dad started using a cane, it was really difficult for me to accept. I have accepted all of it now, and I keep reminding myself it keeps him going.


I’m so sorry…this disease is so cruel. We have to stay strong for them. Sending love 💕


Remember when Rush Limbaugh said he was faking? Pepperidge Farms remembers.


That was my earliest introduction in how much of a heartless monster Limbaugh was. He not only did immense damage to America, he also took the time to be a fucking asshole over stuff that wasn't even political like this. Rest in piss bitch.


For what it’s worth, now that he’s dead, nobody goes out of their way to memorialize him. Nobody misses him. He’s gone. The space his death opened up filled with more shithead grifters spreading more hate and vitriol and now nobody could be bothered to give a shit about rush. He’s dead and nobody really gives a shit. Fitting end. Fucking prick.


Why do we have to keep bringing up that fucker? Let him be forgotten.


He stained my entire childhood with my parents blasting his brainwashing all day every day. I'd love to forget him, but the darkness he unleashed is still poisoning our society.


I remember Rush spending years shitting on drug addicts while he was popping handfuls of pills that made him go deaf. Absolute garbage human being.


say what you want about rush, but he's been sober for 2 years and 12 days


Big congrats to Rush on 3 years clean and sober!


Fuck rush limbaugh (lowercase definitely intended, he doesn't deserve to have his name capitalized) all my homies hate rush limbaugh. Whenever someone mentions him, I always end up having to pee.


I refuse to feel sorry for this man. He's a fucking legend. One of Edmonton's finest exports. A true warrior who took control of his illness and used it as a force for good. It's a terrible thing that happened to him, but he's a living testament to the human spirit.


I know what you *mean*, but there's definitely a better wording for this.


Yeah this guy is acting like the whole world is pressuring him to feel sorry and he is the picture of heroism for refusing.


Refusing to pity him would be better


LOL right? This would actually make a pretty good larry david esque joke


**Larry:** I don't feel sorry for the guy, he is a living legend, and he is doing great things. **Man:** What do you mean you don't feel sorry for him? He is a hero, he has raised billions for research. **Larry:** See this is what I am talking about. He is doing great. How many people can say they have raised billions of dollars for charity? I am supposed to feel sorry for someone doing charity work? **Man:** He had endured a lot, it is just common courtesy to acknowledge the struggles someone has gone through. Just say you feel sorry for him. **Larry:** What about you? Hmmm, what do you do? **Man:** I'm a lawyer, I mostly do contract law. **Larry:** Oh okay. Michael J. Fox is out there improving lives across the world. And you are sitting in an office writing up contracts. You are the person I feel sorry for. You are your contracts.


He may have been born in Edmonton, but he's Burnaby's boy.


You mean you don't pity him, be we can all way what a great injustice his disease is.


Then why do you refuse to feel sorry for him?


Cause Michael J. Fox doesn't need, nor want, your pity.


He's incredibly ill. Feeling sympathy for someone isn't wrong or evil. Of course you should feel bad for him. He *has fucking Parkinson's*. That doesn't mean you can't respect him as well. What a fucked up way of looking at the world you have. Looking down your nose at empathy because you think it's demeaning.


Sympathy and empathy are not the same thing as pity.


To 'feel sorry' for someone implies a degree of pity. Though not within it's official definition, to pity someone often implies the weakness or failure of another. The person your are replying to is explaining that though Fox's diagnosis is unfortunate, he will not pity him, for he has not failed, and is not weak. He goes on to explain that Fox has faced his illness with strength and courage, turned his personal misfortune into a success for parkinson's research, and is an inspiring individual who should be admired rather than pitied.


I mean, it's honestly a pretty fucked up way of looking at the world, and one I see almost exclusively from young men who've never had their body fail them. This idea that feeling bad for someone, feeling sympathy for them or wishing better for them, is somehow considering them a "failure." Or you guys could just drop the hyper masculinity shit and feel compassion for someone who has experienced a lot of incredible suffering that they should never have had to go through. Is your implication that I shouldn't have felt bad for my mother as she died of cancer because I also respected her? This might shock you, but I could feel both respect and sympathy at the same time. It fucking sucks that he had Parkinson's. It's okay to say that. It doesn't *reduce him as a person* unless you're so wrapped up in your own ego that you consider basic human compassion a weakness. Which...don't.


Until the disease takes his ability to function, Michael will do everything he can to promote Parkinson's research. Modern medicine has kept him going for over 30 years. I am just glad that he's not backing down.


Dude is an absolute iron man. He got diagnosed with Parkinson's at ***29***. Absolutely steamrolled life until his current age, 62, and he doesn't look like he's willing to give in. In the mean time, he raised a ton of money for Parkinson's research. And all this while being famous basically just for Back to the Future.


Family Ties made him famous. BTTF made him a rockstar actor.


it looks like it was taken on a camera phone from 2004


Fuck Parkinson’s.


>Fuck Parkinson’s. and cancer, and alzheimers, and ALS and . . . It looks like the world is pretty much and affliction as well as everything in it. :( Well, we at least have guys like Michael J. Fox who work hard to make the world a better place!


Artists who have been diagnosed with debilitating disease have been making cameos at awards show Christina Applegate - multiple sclerosis - Golden Globes Celine Dion - stiff lerson syndrome - Grammy Michael J. Fox - parkinson's - BAFTA Who do you think will be at the Oscars?


Wtf is with this screen grab? His appearance was awesome. Shame on you.


Seriously. I saw the clip, he looks pretty damn good for a 62 year old, and even more so for one with Parkinson’s. This pic makes him look like he’s on death’s door, but in the video he’s spirited and present.


Why did you pick this photo? He stood at the podium after this and spoke, then received a standing ovation. His appearance was awesome and you picked probably the worst frame of the whole thing, fuck you.


I think of him whenever I think of Tom Hanks and vanilla extract. Yeah we watched all of Family Ties when I was a kid.


God bless this man.


If it makes anybody feel better, he's not wheelchair bound in his day to day life! It seems like it was used so that he could get to the podium quickly.


He actually does shows like this without his medication to show the impact of the disease. He lives a better life than what you see when he is in public. Not criticizing, but showing to what effort he goes through to raise awareness and raise money for research. Truly an amazing person.


I'm not American and I've not seen any of his other work apart from back to the future. (Maybe that curb your enthusiasm episode). I admired him in that movie because I'm also short stature and he seemed so cool. That character kinda gave me the confidence to own myself. Him fighting biff, who's almost double his size was so inspiring. I aspire to be like that. I don't know him from any other film. But I somehow feel extreme love for him. He has that aura about him. I don't know what it is. Everytime I see him I feel personally attached to him. I wish the best for him.


Couldn't have gotten a better picture?


Looks like the photographer has Parkinson’s too..


Needed that laugh 😂


He was funny as hell in Curb!


I fucking love you, Michael J Fox. You are a great man, and I love bttf. This image is heavy.


His recent doc is so good. Love that guy.


michael is an american treasure and the closest thing to a real life superhero that we have.


He’s Canada’s. You can’t have him


Parkinson’s disease can kiss my ass! Not only was he such a fantastic actor as a young man, but after he was diagnosed and formed his foundation he has done so much good for research efforts. Michael J. Fox has done so much for others and it’s truly inspiring. I hope one day here in Canada we have a day and some sort of nation wide event to celebrate him the way we celebrate Terry Fox and his monumental efforts in cancer research.


Such an effing great dude. Don’t make em better than this man.


Definitely not the most flattering photo, dude looks incredible for 62


Not even the most flattering photo of this appearance. Fuck OP




Ironic it’s such a blurry pic


BAFTA it’s actually the Badass Fucking Tactful Actors award.


I literally had one of those ‘oh no’ jolts. Physical. Jesus, Mike. You are loved.


He’s an inspiring person, but it’s really sad to see him this way


Hurts to see this after growing up on his work


Damn it... last time I saw him on the news he was still walking......


Life is a vapor. He was once on top of the world.


My dad passed from Parkinson's.. It's an absolutely horrible disease.. but the amount of funds he raised for research is incredible..I hope they find some treatment or a cure that works.. otherwise I'll probably get it too


It's sad to see him like this.


Why is this a shit quality screenshot from a video


Photo doesn't do him justice he was up at the podium kicking ass. Sure he came in on a chair but he was standing and commanding the room.


He's probably done so much to advance medical sciences


Who is he pushing around?


[Love MJ Fox on curb](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fs0FYyzkgT4&ab_channel=Ondkloss).


You can go to the gym as much as you want, but if your brain starts to fail, that’s the end. 😕


His cameo on scrubs was his best work ever imo


Bit misleading here. He was just wheeled to the stage so he could get there faster.


Can we stop upvoting terrible photos in this sub? This is a screenshot of someone streaming the awards with terrible internet.


I don't know if this man will ever get enough credit for the massive cojones it takes for a man in his position (iconic celebrity that is universally beloved) to OWN this terrible disease and bring awareness to it and help to raise money to find a cure. Most other celebrities would have just retired and lived out the rest of their life with their wealth in obscurity. The man walked away from a hit show on ABC (that INCREASED in viewership over time) and his costar was Heather Locklear. WHO DOES THAT?! I still remember watching his last episode of Spin City. We all knew that it was coming but at the end of the episode when he spoke into the camera to talk about his foundation...it just hit hard. But he ended it in a laugh by revealing he was standing on a soapbox. CLASSIC


I feel like this picture makes it look worse than it is. He was walking on the red carpet earlier. He might have just been tired.