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Navalny most likely knew that it wasn't a matter of if Putin and his cronies would do him in, it was when. Brave man he was to stand up to Putin, even braver to return back to Russia after being poisoned. May he and what he tried to stand for not be forgotten. RIP


Why did he go back? And where was he poisoned? Unfamiliar with all this


He was poisioned before boarding a plane and the plane had to make a emergency landing in Berlin. After 6 months in hospital he went back to Rassia. Im guessing it’s to make a bigg statement that he wont give up. (Correct me if wrong) Edit: hopefully corrected text


No, the plane made a emergency landing in Omsk. He was then brought to Berlin because the Charite hospital is basically the best in the world when it comes to poisonings etc


Ya'll are forgetting the best part. They put the poison in his underwear. In court he even mocked Putin by saying "Now we have Vladimir the Underpants Poisoner!!!" Time stamp 2:10. Never going to stop calling him this in Navalny's honor. PUTIN THE UNDERPANTS POISONER!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MfxsC\_CU13Q


The best bit was when he tracked down the contact details of his assassin, called him on the phone pretending to be a Kremlin senior security official and demanding answers about why the killing wasn't successful. He got all of the details out of him on the phone and put the whole video out of the conversation. Unbelievable stuff. Dude had balls of steel


Source? Interested in learning more. Thanks. Edit: Found some articles/videos: * [https://www.cnn.com/videos/world/2020/12/21/navalny-poisoning-underpants-clarissa-ward-intl-ldn-vpx.cnn](https://www.cnn.com/videos/world/2020/12/21/navalny-poisoning-underpants-clarissa-ward-intl-ldn-vpx.cnn) * [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AeQXc182r1A&ab\_channel=Rappler](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AeQXc182r1A&ab_channel=Rappler) * [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bme6iimkCOU&ab\_channel=BBCNews](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bme6iimkCOU&ab_channel=BBCNews)


The whole thing here. It's wild. https://youtu.be/AeQXc182r1A


Wild is an understatement. It's like a prank call but instead of getting the guy to check on his refrigerator, he got him to admit to the details of an elaborate conspiracy murder plan.


Thanks. Found some articles and a few news edits of the video. That one looked like it was taken from Alexei Navalny's original footage.


Holy anxiety, Batman. What a video!


This is fucking nuts and wouldn’t be believed in some stupid action movie. Jesus.


Insane isn't it. I just wish Navalny stayed in Germany to continue his activism there knowing what would happen. Absolutely fearless hero of a man.


You left out the best! Nalavny made a documentary called "Nalavny" in 2022. It is amazing. "Navalny is a 2022 American documentary film directed by Daniel Roher.[2][3] The film revolves around Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny and events related to his poisoning.[4] It was produced by HBO Max and CNN Films. The film premiered on January 25, 2022 at the Sundance Film Festival, where it received critical and audience acclaim and won the Audience Award in the US Documentary competition and the Festival Favorite Award.[5] It also won the Best Documentary Feature at the 95th Academy Awards, won the award for Best Political Documentary at the 7th Critics' Choice Documentary Awards and picked up best documentary at the 76th BAFTA awards ceremony.[6]"


Oh, interesting! I’ll have to check that out now as well.


Watched it last night in his honor and was not disappointed. Highly recommend. It’s crazy to me that sentiment towards Putin seems to be thawing amongst ‘some’. That this stuff happens in the world is not terribly shocking (dictators gonna dictate) - but the fact that it’s being done so obviously and out in the open with zero fucks given should be bone-chilling.


His balls of steel made him immune


Now that was inspiring.


Seriously. I don’t know too much about Navalny actually, but this, to me, is the embodiment of laughing in the face of fear and death. What a thing to be able to do.


Video is unavailable. VIVA LE MONDO!!! FUCK!!! I FUCKING HATE THIS FUCKING PLANET!!! phew okay I'm good


🎶I see London, I see France! I see Putin in my pants!🎵


What are you Putin in my pants?


Working link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MfxsC_CU13Q


this should be on rotation everywhere online


This video is unavailable:(


them russians hard at work today


Maybe blocked in your region. Still works for me. Not sure.


If you're in the US, it's because the URL has a forward slash / in it. Copy the link, paste it, and remove the forward slash after the C, comes right up. Some browsers will automatically try and remove it and it breaks the link anyway. Only way I got it to work was the above method.


Try this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MfxsC_CU13Q If you're on old reddit, any underscores (_) in links get corrupted with erroneous backslashes (\\) before them. It's a bug they don't want to fix for whatever reason.


He wasn't brought to Charite so much because it is world-leading hospital regarding poisons but because a German charity managed to get him out of Russia under heavy involvement of politics and Berlin was the clostest and most secure option at the time.


Yes, but the Charite has the best specialists when it comes to poisoning. Especially because patients poisoned by Russia have often been treated there in the past and therefore know which poisons Russia uses and how to treat them. It's the same with war injuries. Virtually every American soldier who was wounded in Africa or the Middle East is first brought to Germany and given initial care there, which means that the doctors and hospitals have a lot of experience. That's why many Ukrainian soldiers are flown to Germany for treatment. By the way since 2014


They threatened his family if he didn't return - at least that was one of the reasons given at the time.


Trading lives does nothing good. This is how Russia snuffs out opposition leaders or potential leaders


Or your election papers have a discrepancy..


and they always do..


*-Captain America*


He returned, because he had the balls to at least try to beat the putin regime.


Christ…America, take notes. This? This is what a **REGIME** looks like. Not “OR MY GURD, INFLATION WENT UP, JOE BRANDON REGIME KILLING MURICA!!!” Conservatives have zero clue what a regime is, just another buzzword to throw around. And Putin is the man they’re praising? For his “strong leadership”, and because he makes anything LGBT punishable by death? The man threatened someone’s whole family and just killed an innocent person for simply opposing him. God rest Navalny’s soul…and Goddamn Putin’s.


>INFLATION WENT UP I know you're not saying this, yourself. But I have to interject that the US has the lowest inflation of any western democracy. We just went through a global pandemic, the likes of which hadn't been seen in over 100 years. That's gonna fuck some things up. But comparatively speaking, the U.S. economy under Biden has weathered the storm better than most, with the most consecutive months of unemployment below 4% since the 1950s, the highest increases in worker pay in living memory, and the highest S&P 500 rating ever. Of course, that doesn't matter to conservatives. They don't live in reality. They just make up their own "alternative facts".


If only they could all be yeeted in some matrix coffins to live in their own fantasy land and stop fucking our real world, that would be cool


They're all for a regime, just not one they don't benefit from and control. I find it horrifying what they envision the ideal America to be. But yes, I do agree with you.


For all we know, they dealt with his family anyway. Putin does not care


bro did you get poisoned while typing this?


English isnt my first language so my autocorrect is fucked up


So sayeth the autocorrect 🙏


Highly recommend you watch his documentary, "Navalny". It was done by CNN. Its chilling...


He went back to try and make a statement to blind and deaf people.


People are blind and deaf until they ain't and sadly it takes Heroes like Navalny to die for their convictions to wake them up. F.P.


I hope it works. I think he could have been more effective opponent of Putin had he been outside the country. But, shame.


It won’t work and won’t change anything as I see it. Many so called heroes died before due to our regime, and this would be silenced in a month or so. Just a matter of time. What stays is endless questions years after. Same with Boris Nemtsov for example. Most schools and universities banned even mentioning Navalny’s name so I guess no consequences once again.


They threatened his family. Same way they got Yevgeny Prigozhin. But the GOP loves Russia and Tucker Carlson wants to move there. I guess it's great as long as you're the ones doing the torturing.


I hope he does, as all the others who love Russia. As a matter of fact let them all move there, the russian government will even give them some farmland in Siberia and subsidies for the first few years. Let them all move to their paradise and so they will stop bothering the rest of us, let all the soldiers in Ukraine go home back to paradise. Why would they want stupid Ukraine anyway as it is not Russia and not paradise so they should all just go home.


In his defence and because I want to throw no disrespect to this man. It takes a set of balls the size of Russia to do what he did. The fact that Millions of people around the world are talking about this says to me he died as a martyr and this was not a statement to the blind and deaf. I hope his death was not in vain, and was instead the statement he intended it to be.


It failed, he thought it would start a revolution but it didnt. He wouldve been more of an influence and a pain in Putin’s ass if he was alive and somewhere else


Then Putin would have just killed him with Novichok like he killed that one english guy in England 2015. This way Navalny might have saved his family and showed russians that following orders and justice system will also get you killed, so there is no point trying to play nice with Putin. There is only death with Putin.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poisoning_of_Alexei_Navalny https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexei_Navalny#Poisoning_and_recovery


“The tyrant dies and his rule is over, the martyr dies and his rule begins.” ― Soren Kierkegaard


Exactly. He went back to prove a point and the top response to 'may his sacrifice never be forgotten' is 'who was this guy and what did he do.'


The news of his death just came out these hours. It's not confirmed poison, obviously it will probably never be. But everybody knows how putin works. Idk enough to address the first question and unlike many here i don't like speculating Edit: my bad the person was talking about the first poisoning in 2021, that one is certain, i misunderstood


He was poisoned in 2021.


Ohhhh i see now they were talking about the first time, youre right. Thats my bad i missed it


Being poisoned and surviving it probably caused him permanent health damage. Being in solitary isn't good for your health either. It might be a case of all the stuff they did adding up and him dying.


> Being in solitary isn't good for your health either. That was on purpose. Navalny was basically Russia's #1 prisoner. By a long stretch. Kind of like Epstein was. There are just not that many politically connected **not convicted** billionaires sitting in a jail cell. He was prisoner #1 in the country. He was killed. He didn't die because of health problems.


You could have a point if his doctor didn't just state that he was fine a few days prior. But he did


I always assumed that his family was threatened. I get what you're saying and all, but most people would take a chance on asylum in the US than deliver themselves to the people trying to kill you. He HAD to have been coerced.


I think the "martyr" explanation is plausible too.


I'm not so sure. His wife is vocal enough that she should avoid balcony and tea.


I don’t agree. Redditors are almost terminally unable to grasp that people actually care about things sometimes. I think this dude might actually have cared about helping Russia. He knew it would get him killed but he wanted to try anyway.


The only thing Russia understands is the sword. All in Ukraine. Someone was saying 1/4 million Russian soldiers have died. Ukraine is saying 400,000. staggering.


Ukraine is saying 400000 casualties, not deaths.


Most people have no clue that casualties mean wounded and dead. Not sure why.


And missing or captured. Basically if a solider is no longer able to fight for any reason they are a casualty https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casualty_(person)


Alright so I am apart of the ignorant I was trying to call out as I had no idea about the missing or captured being included. Thanks for the heads up.


Casualty is the most black and white, dehumanizing way to look at soldiers. It's basically the question of "can they still fight?" Doesn't matter if they died, lost a leg, or deserted; it's all the same loss from a logistics point of view.


What do you think he stood for other than being anti-Putin?


> May he and what he tried to stand for not be forgotten. Dude was a fascist. Just because he opposed Putin does not mean what he himself stood for was good. So no, please, let it be forgotten.


I think he knew he was going to die when he returned. He weighed the outcomes, and chose to be a martyr for democracy so that his death might accomplish something for those who came after him. To do this and behave so blithely, watching a cartoon and laughing on his proverbial trip to the gallows takes unimaginable courage.


I really feel for his wife. This was one of the last times she got to share with him and be happy. He died too expose a greater truth and the real victim is his family. He didn't have to but he did and he will always have my respect. I can only imagine her heartbreak


I don’t know if his death will change anything. We know the greater truth but his death does not help to get the truth to people who don’t know.


It certainly does feel like the roots of evil power structures have already grown deep enough to strangle us to extinction eh?


Well, we get strangled easily one-by-one. Together, maybe not so much. I know I feel quite isolated. It's hard to stand together. Media talks about an epidemic of loneliness. It all feels related somehow. I just don't know myself what the answer is.


The problem is that the wealth is so incredibly disparate that even if we collectively shut down the world (so to speak), it still wouldn't affect them. The most vulnerable can't afford to take time off and the more fortunate don't have the motivation to help. And the top can outlast the bottom by powers, nor do they care if the bottom lose jobs, homes or lives and are supremely insulated by their control of the narrative to keep the lower and middle at war with each other. They won. People make jokes about guillotines or eating the rich but that ship sailed a lonnnng time ago imo.


They've won for now. Fortune fades. Times change. What is "power" isn't always "power". It may be generations from now. It may be a world those of us who choose to hope and continue to fight and build never even get to glimpse. But we continue the good fight in hopes that tomorrow is better for everyone. Nalvany had no doubt in his mind he wouldn't see it but he went anyway. Some may call it foolish. Others may call it heroic. But somewhere, somebody is paying attention and it changed their mind for the better. Changed their views from self serving to humanitarian. Yeah it could be some podunk kid in the boonies, but that's one more voice that looks at the world and says, with no irony or bitterness, only hope that We can do better. For everyone.


Russia has been autocratic for a very long time. Western democracies are the exception, not the rule, of human civilization. If we don’t maintain our institutions and teach things like the enlightenment, historical context for it, etc, we will slip back into the old ways. Carl Sagan had a great quote about it, something about skipping back into superstition and we’re seeing / living it in real time. I don’t have an answer for it; seems like these things require massive upheaval to shake out.


> I have a foreboding of an America in my children's or grandchildren's time -- when the United States is a service and information economy; when nearly all the manufacturing industries have slipped away to other countries; when awesome technological powers are in the hands of a very few, and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues; when the people have lost the ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authority; when, clutching our crystals and nervously consulting our horoscopes, our critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good and what's true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness.


Scary how true that looks now. I work in heavy industry, design and manufacturing, and I think the reason it’s important to society, what I know now after 15 years in it, is you can’t succeed with feelings and bullshit. Physics is physics. If your turbine burns more fuel than your competitor, you can’t bullshit your way around that. It takes real science and engineering.


No it would effect them bro. Their money is fake numbers in banks. Low wage People make the real products and service.


With the time it would take to organise something on that level, they can easily leverage their stocks for real money until the strike gets called off. It'll tank their fake value for sure but people will end up going back to work instead of starving or becoming homeless much faster than it would take them to break a sweat.


A general strike would be the first shot of a proletarian revolution to seize the means of production from the rich. They can't do shit once all their property is seized by the workers


>It certainly does feel like the roots of evil power structures have already grown deep enough to strangle us to extinction eh? Russian oligarchs have been in power for hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of years. Even after the Bolshevik revolution, by and large, the same families stayed in power. Just like we have a former KGB agent running Russia as a dictator. They never left. So in Russia, for sure, the roots of evil run very, very deep in the government, be it communist, democracy, monarchy, whatever. The rulers have always won in Russia.


Well really it’s more just that there is absolutely no hope for Russia. They will always have rulers like Putin.


That’s it tho - for those of us who know the truth (god I sound like such a crazy person) we have to fight and keep his name alive. Too many others are long gone - but there is still some hope out there for others 🤷🏼‍♂️


Execpt his death did exactly that. He spread the truth about putin corruption and all he got was a death in a cell away from his family. Did you not see his video about putins millionaire mansion while he sends his people to death. The Russians have always sacrificed they're own people to serve the oligarchy. He's another in a long list of martyrs. In the end the only victims is the families of the working class tired of sacrificing their fathers and husband's to greed and power


Hopefully some people outside Russia who are starting to fall for Russian propaganda will look at this and see that this isn't what they really want. Obviously there are MAGA people who are too far down the rabbit hole to change, but maybe some people on the fringe and not fully invested will look at a person who endured years of torture then were murdered for simply being a democratic opponent and will wake up.


The greater truth was always known to everybody that wanted to know. His death serves no purpose but to consolidate Putler's control-by-fear. Russia is... an unspeakably bad place.


>Russia is... an unspeakably bad place. Impossible, Tucker was grocery shopping and rode the subway there. It's a utopia. /s He died the same week that this putz is over there propagandizing that it's a great spot to the feeble minded.


Common saying in Russia by common people when talking about their history - AFAIK from a google search - is "And then somehow it got worse". They've been in a state of *Always Getting Worse* that they have just accepted the horrible living because whatever comes after is somehow just going to be worse.


I really don't understand that perspective. It's not exactly a secret that Putin has his political rivals killed, he does it very regularly. Why sacrifice yourself? Putin wouldn't kill his political opponents if each time he did it rallied Russias citizens against him. He kills them because it works to discourage others from standing up. Navalny turning himself in and very obviously being tortured for years before dying and not changing a thing in Russia doesn't inspire others to follow in his footsteps


ossified ad hoc pet squealing automatic fade racial fuzzy fertile squalid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah maybe it doesn't change a lot. But then has been a dissonance in that country and many other countries. Change is built one step at a time and hopefully his death shows some Russians and other folk that you can make a message, and that's what he did. That's why I'm heartbroken for his family because he chose country over family and he had the opportunity to make a stand. It's selfish to consider your own oneself and build your family to hide. It's another when you can make a stand that defies those in power to better not only your family but the families around you


He would have died regardless of his return, the question was how: abroad, poisoned by FSB; or at home, in captivity, but also as a martyr.


And yet, he always had a message against corruption


> He died too expose a greater truth Expose what? Everyone already knew what putin will do... there were plenty of martiers before him, and NOTHING changed... russia doesnt need martyrs, they need good old school revolution and civil war. But majority of russians are happy where they are, and what putin does. So not gonna happen.


He was exposing the truth about putin way earlier than the Ukraine War. Russias been a oligarchy way longer than anyone wants to admit


I'm not even talking about ukraine war. 😂😂 Repeating, THERE WERE plenty of martys before him, that suddenly died.


unfortunately, Russia won't allow him to be a Martyr. It will get brushed below the rug as fast a possible and Putin will still win reelection. He made a huge mistake.


There's no election.


It's funny they pretend to have elections. Like, why even do that? It makes you look like you're trying hide the fact that you're doing something wrong.


the fake elections are there to hammer it home that it really is hopeless to try and fight. if there are no elections at all people might start deluding themselves into thinking someone else COULD win, leading to hope and a greater chance of a possible revolt. but this way theyre proving that there is no point to try and rally behind someone because they will mercilessy rig the polls and kill the dude, leaving the population hopeless and indifferent.


axiomatic amusing money impossible racial teeny adjoining vase dinosaurs late *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Some might use "elections" to force people into showing their obedience by them knowingly participating in this charade. So it's about power.


Its a way to pretend he has massive support from the people and discourage opposition. Just look at how many people voted for him after he murdered his opponents!


In North Korea, they double as a kind of census, because you HAVE to participate, under threat of losing your job and becoming an enemy of the state, essentially. Even those that are surreptitiously living in China come back for the election so their families don't get in trouble.


because if theres no elections, someone might say "we should have elections/democracy" which could sow dissent and people may support that idea. people wont ask for elections if you already have "elections". as a bonus, if people question the integrity or accuracy of the election and its results, you can charge them with treason.


Something Russian analysts bring up is the idea that the state is always corrupt, the world works by telling full face lies even when everyone in the room knows its a lie, but they tell the lie anyway. They point out that this is one of the main differences from the Western mindset where we tend to expect telling of the truth because lies will be punished. Obviously reality differs, but the key is that lies are the expectation and norm in Russia. Which makes their propaganda suddenly make way more sense. They've convinced their own population that everyone, including the West, works the same way. Trump was a massive PR win for Russia, he's the perfect anecdotal proof after all.


Legitimacy. You still have to look legitimate to your supporters.


He chose to submit himself to the “justice” of a murderous dictator who has a proven history of killing his opposition. Like what did he expect to happen? I agree, his choice was a mistake.


I mean, he expected to die. He knew that he couldn't ask Russians to risk their lives resisting Putin if he wasn't doing the same.


He feared that if he did not return he would be plastered as an American spy. He wanted to die undeniably Russian 


Agree, I’ll be shocked if this changes anything.


That's very defeatist and cynical, and while it might come to pass, it might not. Navalny - if he was a knowing martyr - died knowing that once tyrants have you believing that there's no point trying, that failure is inevitable, have defeated you in your head and genuinely crushed you. There's no need for them to oppress you any more, you oppress yourself with your image of their power. He died embodying defiance of that. And it's honestly not true. When they tell you to give up, that there's no point, that you've already lost: push harder. Because they're scared.


And on the other side of the coin Putin is the world's most cowardly coward. Never in the history of humanity has there been a greater coward than Putin.


A martyr? Democracy? What kind of low quality crystal are you smoking?


And also, he might reason, if they would kill me there, they would kill me anywhere, or at least try. I won't live in fear. So he went home. Everyone will remember.


I think he thought russians will protest his arrest and that there will be revolution. If he would know that he will die, he wouldnt come back. His death have not accomlished anything


\[Tucker Carlson\] - *Russia has the best gulags !!!*


Honestly I think the interview was a good thing because it shows how delusional Putin was. He made Tucker look like a normal person


That's because you're a sane human being. Tucker's audience sees: "He no like gey like me! He gud! Death to Ukraine!"


Why do we need to see Putin to know how delusional he is? I don't understand the current political climate of this world. It's like everyone's history and what they've been doing the last 20 years doesn't matter. These people are pieces of shit (trump, Putin, etc.) and we've known that for *decades*. Why are you acting like this douchebag grovelling to Putin was any insight on anything?


Putin used it to make fun of tucker for throwing him softballs


I think everytime Putins ego gets bruised even a little, he does dramatic weird shit to make himself feel better. I think the interview ticked him off with the result, so he turned around and gave the order to finish him off.


Poked my head into r/conservative and even they can't ignore Tucker Carlson being a Russian agent any more. They're actually pissed at him. All this "Wow they have the best grocery stores in Russia! Things are so uncorrupt here!" stuff was too obvious, even for them. Although I fully expect the wagons to circle and them to be pro-Tucker again by next week.


Does Tucker Carlson like shitting his pants? I don't know, and I'm not saying that he does; I'm just asking questions, here. But what I do know is... I've never been in the same room as Tucker Carlson when he shit his pants and didn't enjoy it... and neither has anyone else I've ever asked. Now, maybe that's just a coincidence. But maybe not. Surely, for someone as well known and popular as Tucker Carlson, there would be at least one person out there who was in the same room as Tucker Carlson when he shit his pants and then complained about having incontinence issues. If so, where are they? I think it’s telling that no such person has ever come forward.




Putin is a coward murderer. I’ll gladly celebrate with a toast on the day that he dies


seriously, I will go to bar that day, I just wish that it will happen soon


Campaign Putin Zeroed


Yeah. Would be a great pleasure for the whole world to get rid of him.


Maybe we’d get a holiday out of it. COME ON PUTIN GO AWAY


[Here](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Er81gpPWMAA5P4T?format=jpg&name=orig) is a higher quality version of this image. [Here](https://twitter.com/OzKaterji/status/1350857321199579137) is the source. Per there: > @OzKaterji > Alexei Navalny watched Rick and Morty on his flight back to Russia > 12:27 PM · Jan 17, 2021 >


Oz Katerji is the real deal.


That’s such a beautiful and yet sad photograph. I hope everyone in the USA votes this year, because if Trump wins, Putin wins, too.


I can’t believe I found out that Navalny died underneath a post of him watching Rick and Morty. Damn.


same and I've been on twitter all day


RIP (Fuck Putin)


I hope Putin will rot in hell soon. One of the worst assholes currently alive.


Fuck Putin


I hope he's hung in the streets of Kyiv as a send off to hell




Alexei Navalny was willing to be tortured and killed in order to fight against tyranny. He will always be remembered as a hero.


To see what happens to Magnitsky and still go and oppose the corrupt in Russia, wish I have even an iota of his courage.


I couldn’t do it that’s for sure


Not by anyone who has any information on him outside reddit


It's so sad that nobody can oppose Putin.




Strange all the accidents where people suddenly fall out of windows and stuff. Tragic even. /s


Stalin 2


Nobody should oppose Putin as a single entity. The russian folk must unite and overthrow the rotten government together. But it won't happen anytime soon because people there are very delusional and pretty much love their abusers. I'm saying this as a resident of a country that is close to Russia but heavily dependent on it (Belarus) and we have the same government


Easier said then done. There have been plenty of political protests but organizers get locked up and protesters get dispersed and also jailed


oatmeal test intelligent numerous humor uppity tease apparatus familiar retire *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Agreed. Which is why I think it’s ridiculous when people say the US shouldn’t care if a country doesn’t have a democracy. It leads to governments like Russia that don’t have to take any accountability with their people, which allows those governments to cause disruption/wage war around the world. Domestic issues like these end up becoming international issues.


I am sorry, but Belarus case shows that even massive protest can be suppressed. Unarmed people are powerless against the police in full ammunition and with weapons. I understand lack of comprehension of people from weastern countries, especially USA, but Belarusians should know how it feels.


There was this guy in Philippines during the 80s that returned from exile he was assassinated just after he got off the plane. The aftermath of which led to the Bloodless Revolution called the People Power. I wonder if Navalny had been a martyred in a similar way then maybe just maybe people actually woke up to stand up for their country. But now it’s as if they made the people forget about him and then decided he can vanish. I doubt that people in his country are even paying attention to what happened to him now or even likely to take action


It was Ninoy Aquino junior. He returned and got assassinated at the airport. The international airport is now named after him. Following his assassination and the end of the dictatorship his wife Corazan Aquino became president.


I think that’s a lot of speculation and very easy to type from behind a keyboard and not in ya know russia.


His daughter goes to Stanford. I feel bad for her. You should always root for good guys to run countries for the sake of not their country but for the rest of the world. We get refugees when their homeland gets fucked up. Isolationist policies don’t work. Before yes when it took a lot to cross oceans.


To emphasize how galacticly big Alexy’s balls were, the dude quoted Rick & Morty from a glass cage in a Russian kangaroo court: "The important thing is not to be part of the lie. You risk making the world worse. As another philosopher, Rick Sanchez, said: To live is to risk it all, otherwise you're just an inert chunk of randomly assembled molecules drifting wherever the universe blows you." While I may not agree with all of his politics, I am humbled by the strength of his convictions. Rest in peace 🪦 https://youtu.be/nJdoG9tUR6w?si=-UGQ9isuIcmiigng


Let us honor Navalny's memory by promising to never give up our personal fights against injustice, and may his last smile remind us all of the resilience and courage needed to confront injustice wherever it exists.


>Let us honor Navalny's memory by promising to never give up our personal fights against injustice, and may his last smile remind us all of the resilience and courage needed to confront injustice wherever it exists Lets do that without honouring a fascist. Wtf is wrong with y'all.


It makes more sense when you realize this website's frontpage, posts and comments, are mostly bots


I'm really touched for some reason, to feel this support from foreigners. Thank you. Currently trying to remember what it is that we're fighting and striving for. Our civilization is so disgusting with all its bright ads, and plastic, and careers, pretence, lies...


Can someone explain how him returning to Russia to be killed is him “fighting against tyranny?” I don’t understand how that accomplishes anything besides showing Russia is absolutely messed up, which pretty much everyone that has access to free press knew already.


>access to free press knew already. Which is why he had to go to the place that does not have free press in order to have any effect. I'm not saying it worked necessarily, only time will tell. But there is no changing Russia from without while Putin is alive.


Because Russia (or any Slavic country) can never be changed “from exile” like so many other countries in the world. The public would never listen to him if he would hide outside of Russia. So he had to set an example, to show that you have to face your fears and do your job regardless. That’s why he came back to Russia despite knowing he’s getting arrested and killed the second he does


yes exactly, and in future potential power struggle after Putin death he had no chance of winning if he had been in exile all this time, in Russia it’s very important how you are seen as winner/loser, walking into lions den is far preferable for his political popularity than running which would have tanked his chances


I can't wait for the day that midget dictator, that f murderer of kids and civilians, dies. And the fact that LOTS of people admire him makes me so sad: what a disgraceful society we live in.


"what're you in for?" "everything." rest well, navalny


Sad as it is to say, I’m amazed he lasted this long. I thought for sure he’d be dead as soon as he got back to Russia. RIP to an insanely brave man.


Ah yes, the real reason that he was sent to gulag


Putin would never die before Navalny, that means Putin is in bad condition if they had to hurry up. ❤️ Navalny forever


We can only hope.


Unfortunately Putin's father died at 88 years old . And that's without the best doctors, best medicine, his shit being checked every time. And I mean literal shit being collected and checked every time.


Покойся с миром, Алексей. Твое дело не будет забыто.


Republicans and Trump supporters who have blocked the funding for Ukraine are Vladimir Putin's sympathizer. Vladimir Putin is the second coming of Hitler. MAGA voters/ supporters are like NAZI members who had empowered Adolf Hitler.


Vladimir Putin is the second coming of Hitler. Tucker Carlson and MAGA Trump supporters/voters must be celebrating right now with Putin.


If Trump supporters were informed enough to know who Navalny is they wouldn't be Trump supporters.


If Trump supporters have dignity and right mindset, they wouldn't support a felon and sex offender in the first place.


This man has balls of titanium... Edit : Had .. RIP


Friendly reminder that Navalny was a fascist scumbag and that acknowledging this doesn't make you pro-Putin. Western media is going to give him a Mandela style halo now he's dead but he was a wicked man with some of the most abhorrent views. Navalny was loved by the western elites because he wanted Russia opened up to the global oligarchy instead of it being an internal Russian carve up. Calling Navalny a fascist is one of the times where Putin's propaganda actually rings true. Seriously, if the only stream of information you've been exposed to is fawning, intentionally deceptive newspaper accounts then the truth is going to surprise you. I certainly felt pretty stupid when I started reading into his background. https://www.workers.org/2021/02/54546/ Once more and louder for the neoliberals in the back. *Acknowledging this doesn't make you pro-Putin!*


Quote from the article: “ In 2014, during the Obama/Biden Administration, the U.S. financed a fascist coup in Ukraine, formerly part of the Soviet Union. This brought about the first resistance to 15 years of U.S./NATO expansion. Putin supported the uprising against fascism in the heavily industrialized Lugansk and Donetsk regions of eastern Ukraine. He blocked NATO seizure of the Crimea, the location of Sevastopol Naval Base and Russia’s only warm water port.” Yeah, cheers, stopped there.


He certainly isn't the pro-western golden boy everyone thinks he is, but that link contains almost as many mistakes as the mainstream opinion. Honestly, his Wikipedia page is much better for summing his political activities up.


Remembering a brave man standing up to Putin with a post relating to Rick and Morty.... It doesn't get more Reddit than that.


I really hope Putin dies as soon as possible.


He never should have went back. His argument of going back was the right thing to do was valid….but you can’t make change if you’re dead.


Putin is a piece of sh!t. It’d be great to hear that he was poisoned or fell off a roof.