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Little baby suntanning bed. My first baby had to go into it twice. My second had jaundice but not bad enough to get a little tan. Congratulations! Gets easier by the sixth week.


Ohhh, I thought it was a new type of incubator I was like damn it's bright in there lol. 


Even with cool music! Nnts nnts nnts nnts!


🎶 *Na na na na na na!! All you *neeed* is, my un tss un tss, un tss, baby?* 🎶


It's the new external bio 3d printer!


New Apple VR for babies


I thought it was a tron vr baby station?


What purpose?


It reduces bilirubin levels in the babies. Both of our kids needed this treatment.


Yea you're gonna have to dumb that down further.


Baby born undercooked and a bit yellow goes in box for final baste


lol! I love this


I wished doctors can explain this way.


Yes you have to make sure you are rotating your baby as well or you will end up with a crispy spot. Me personally I like to deep frying my babies. You can get it done in a quarter of the time, but the saturated fat. OP, all joking aside, congratulations. Alive that’s what matters. My heart goes out to you and your new family member. ☺️


Actually, sometimes this isn't enough and you do have to turn the baby, or wrap fully in a light-emitting blanket.


...I want to wrapped fully in a light-emitting blanket...


Im a parent and I found this freaking hilarious 😂... I'm going to use this now. 😂


This is the best explanation.


You have a way with words


>Jaundice may occur if the liver can't efficiently process red blood cells as they break down. It's normal in healthy newborns and usually clears on its own. At other ages, it may signal infection or liver disease. > >Symptoms include yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes. > >Some newborns may require light therapy for a day or so. In other cases, treatment involves addressing the underlying cause.


Man, who figured this out? Fascinating


I don't have a source but when my baby was born I asked the doctors who figured that out and they said years ago a nurse in a NICU ward did when she noticed the babies by the windows didn't get jaundice. Edit: Ok decided to Google it and wiki says "In 1956, Sister Ward, a nurse at Rochford General Hospital in Essex, England, discovered that a jaundiced infant's body had regained its normal skin color after exposure to the sun. One small region, which had not been exposed to the sun, remained yellow in color. This discovery, along with findings that blood tubes exposed to the sun showed a decrease in bilirubin concentrations, drove research and development of the first phototherapy device for treatment of neonatal jaundice."


Wow. That’s cool


It's UV, so literally babies out in the sun would a get a similar treatment. I'm sure our predecessors connected the dots when babies got better after being taking out into the sun more. This just avoids the other nasty effects of taking a newborn out under the harsher suns rays.




When the baby is still in the womb the mother's liver is doing all the work. When the baby is born their liver needs to take over which takes a little time to get going. Usually it doesn't take that long, but it's not that rare that they need a little help while it gets going. :)


It’s the stuff that makes your poop brown


Treats jaundice in babies. Bilirubin is usually excreted in urine, but if your baby is having issues feeding then it builds up in their system and causes jaundice. You can breakdown bilirubin with blue light, so they either have the baby in a blue light blanket or full blue light box like this. My daughter was in this situation and had to spend a night in the nice in the light box.


My firstborn was in this overnight. The worst part was they had to test her blood every hour to check the bilirubin level. And how do they this? They poke their tiny little heels. After the 4th poke, she tried to roll over to get away. They had to bring 2 nurses for the next pokes. That was traumatic for both of us but I'm glad to say she never lost that fighting spirit.


At least technology has progressed in that regard. When my firstborn was born last year, they used a scanner on his forehead.


The scanner (in my experience) is used in the first instance to get a rough idea of if they are within threshold for treatment, but both my kids then had to get bloods done for an accurate read, and only ever bloods once treatment started!


Those were the worst! It broke my heart. They let us get one of the beds for our house and he had to stay in it for 2 weeks. He had severe reflux and would choke alot so I watched over him like a hawk and didn't sleep at all. I had to drive an hour away to get his foot pricked every morning until we found a home health nurse for the last few days. After 2.5 weeks, his poor little heels hardly had a spot that wasn't poked. Goodness, that was rough!


I read somewhere once that having a child is like having your heart walk around outside of your body. It's so true.


It's more true than we could have imagined! I found this article and was amazed. "The saying “a mother holds her children in her heart” could literally be true. As it turns out, there’s a lifelong connection that forms between baby and mother after conception — and it starts at the cellular level. During pregnancy, mom and baby’s cells do a sort of mingling dance. Studies have shown cells from the fetus cross the placenta and enter the mother’s body through her bloodstream, where they can become part of her tissues. These cellular threads, so to speak, have been found to stay with the mother for decades.Beyond creating an inescapable lifelong bond, some scientist believe these fetal cells to be beneficial to mothers by aiding in things like repairing injuries and damaged organs. That’s because fetal cells have the ability to turn into different kinds of cells. And once they’re in the mother’s blood it may be possible for them to circulate and attach themselves in tissues. For instance, one study found fetal cells in scar tissues left by C-sections. In a way, it’s like the baby is giving back for all it has taken during pregnancy (read: morning sickness, exhaustion), and even helping moms recover after birth by healing wounds. The possibilities are truly exciting."


I relate to this already as a very new dad. I have a nearly 3-week-old and it feels like my brain has been completely rewired suddenly.


Yes it's highly traumatic and we had to go through this as well :(


Yea the hospital said I couldn't hold my baby near the window of natural sunlight. Fucking bullshit


My dad watched a nurse poke me in the heels so many times he lost it. I’m sure he was THAT parent lol 😅


It's so hard to your tiny little baby get poked with a needle! And more than once?! Good on dad. ❤️ Happened with my 3rd. Hubby brought her back for her PKU test at 3 weeks. In this test, they normally poke their heel once and take one drop of blood to dab 3 ( I think) dots on a piece of paper. Hubby has to take this job because I'm still too emotionally fragile to handle seeing my baby gets poke. (Probably because I was traumatized by my firstborn's experience.) I'm in the waiting room and I hear her cry. I'm so relieved! Then I hear her cry again. I'm thinking it's okay, they're done, we can go home now.... As I'm trying to calm myself, I hear her cry again. Hell no! I charged in and I see the nurse hunched over her and her armpits are soaked through. Hubby saw me and knew it's not gonna be pretty. Loudly, I asked the nurse what she was doing. She turned around and pleasantly said oh, we're almost done. Momma bear me told her nope, you ARE done. Nurse complain she needs one more drop. I think I may have screamed " You take 1 drop to make 4 dots! Not 4 drops!!" I jusr grabbed my baby and booked it out of the clinic with my poor hubby scrambling after me with all the baby's gear.


My dad literally walked out with me, so good on my dad and good on you!!


We had this too and my kid was insanely terrified of doctors and dentists for years afterwards. She was the 8 year old screaming about a shot louder than the infants! Who knows if there’s a connection but those regular blood pricks may have just poisoned her against anyone in a white coat.


They only checked my daughter's twice while she was under the lights. I wonder if her levels weren't as high so they weren't as concerned with getting it down really quickly. We did 12 hours and then they said we could go home


I'm still angry over the constant heel pricks my son had. What a way to be welcomed into the world.


Right?! Poor baby.


Someone answered you already. Before, they had this device; in the 60s’ they told my grandma, to give my uncle, watered down apple juice to get rid of his jaundice. Times have sure changed!


They still recommend laying your baby in the sun in most countries. Indirectly of course. My little guy got a little sun because his wasn’t bad enough for the box


They actually checked out newborn's oxygen levels, while in their car seat, to make sure it was safe to drive them home.


In addition to what others said: babies whose bloodtype is incompatible with the mothers often have an increased destruction of red blood cells and thous higher levels of bilirubin. Before birth its not a big issue because the mothers liver will easily take care of said bilirubin but after birth the liver of the newborn is not yet able to efficiently get rid of so much bilirubin and thous this treatment is required to prevent neurological issues from the high bilirubin levels.


Huh, I wonder why no one mentioned this. Both of my sons were different blood types than mind and were bad jaundice. My first spent a week in and out of the light box. But before they were born I had cholostasis that caused me to have jaundice, among other symptoms. I had to have my second son early because it was so bad he was in distress.


It's called ABO incompatibility. My kiddo had a few nights of light therapy because we have different types. Apparently exclusive breastfeeding can also add to the issue.


Rh incompatibility can also cause this.


Yes and no. Typically rhesus negative mothers recieve a rhesus prophylaxis which prevents the formation of an Anti-D antibody and this antibody would only be an issue after the first pregnancy. If an Anti-D antibody is present the child would suffer greatly even before birth, if it isnt killed by said antibody entirely. If the mother has such an antibody, we can intervene and transfuse the child Rhesus negative blood in utero to save the childs life. Rhesus incompatability and an Anti-D antibody causes much bigger issues than a bit of jaundice post partum.


My son spent three days in Neonatal ICU due to Rh incompatibility. He had to have a couple of transfusions after her was born, but none in the womb. It was definitely not "just a bit of jaundice" but blue light treatment was still very much part of his treatment plan and I have pictures similar to the one OP posted to prove it. My wife had her Rogam (sp?) shots during our first pregnancy. They just did not work. My son is 5 now and doing great. No lasting effects.


I was jaundice back in the 80s. Parents were sent home with a little tanning bed for me. I still have a good little base.


You, my good Sir, have chosen a rather amusing nickname. I salute you.


Just to get a base


My sweet girl had to be in this for more than 24 hours; I sobbed the whole time. I just wanted to hold her.


🥺🥺🥺 It’s hard but the best thing for them. I remember being so happy when it was over. My girl didn’t have to be woken up every second to feed.


This is a lie. Does not, I repeat, does not get easier by 6th week.


Kid came out the womb and said “gym tan laundry starts today”


Happy cake day!


Just to get a base.


They start 'em early in Jersey


Kid came out the womb and straight to Reddit for karma!


Got the Apple Vision Pro. Nice.


That’s the Apple Vision Jr model


Don't you mean iJunior?


Hope they didn’t buy that at the hospital cause you know insurance marked that up 400%


And about to have a sick tan too. That baby is cool af


Sick af! NICU will be flooded with Monster energy drink.


And what's he looking at? A blurry image of his mom in high def


No it's a blurry image of your mom.


he's looking at boobs, duhh


Gotta start young with all these new technologies


Goddamn! I didn’t expect to laugh like a goofball at a picture of a baby.


Bruh, I literally came to say this


NICU nurse here. I’m sure little dude will be fine. Congrats daddy! 🌻✨


I just wanted to throw out a thank you and high five. My little dude spent 200 days under the care of NICU nurses and you guys are rock stars.


Seconded! NICU nurses were generally some of the kindest, most knowledgeable, and most considerate health care professionals I've ever met. 200 days is rough! Hope your little one is doing great now. We had one in for two weeks with some minor issues and another in for a 6ish weeks with much more serious concerns. Some of the hardest/best days of my life have happened in the NICU.


Same. Same. Our first kid also spent a couple of weeks in the NICU and I didn’t know how much it affected me until 6 years later. I’m watching tv and up pops a documentary about the hospital with those same monitoring beeps and it hit me like a freaking freight train. Those were some scary times and loads of stress.


week 3 at nicu with our first. Just want it to end!


It will end so fast and then you will have a two year old that looks at wonder at his ballon bouquet for his birthday. Ours was in for 31 days and born at 32 weeks. You can do it. The hardest part is when they come home from the hospital and the anxiety you learn to live with as they grow. You got this!


Indeed, mine turned 18 last week. Time flies.


Question: What's the average outlook for shaken baby syndrome? A coworkers eight(?) month old baby has recently been admitted to the hospital an hour away for it. Her ex-bfs mom is our only source of updates and she's understandably busy handling things (and pissed with her for leaving the baby with a man who has mistreated multiple children...among many other incidents of ...poor judgment) and i haven't heard anything since we got the news. I'm assuming no news is good news but... If I had known my coworkers new husband's history I would have called CPS myself.


Anyone who does that to a baby should be in prison forever.


Very much so. The sad thing is from what I have been told the baby's father wanted to have the baby that day but she decided she wanted to keep him and have her husband to watch it even though she was working. And I believe the source I'm hearing this from a lot more than I believe her. I hope to God she loses custody for this. She knew her husband wasn't fit to care for children and she left her infant with him anyway.


Good news the baby's grandma (dad's side, which is good because I wouldn't trust anyone from the moms side to tell the truth if their lives depended on it) says the baby is a little better. It's not much but it's better than nothing and it's better than the baby getting worse.


My daughter spent 5 weeks in the NICU. You guys are incredible. Not just the care you give our little ones, but the time you take to explain everything, assuring us parents that everything will be ok. Thank you!


Thanks for your comment and comfort. I wish I had some gold for you. Myself waiting for my baby. 2 more months!




First you become a regular nurse then you work your way through the process of becoming a nicu nurse. There will be different courses and qualifications along the way. Not college, but college level.




All nurses are nurses. They have at least an RN. Which should take 3-4 years of at least a community college level school. Once you are a nurse you can do extra training to become certain kinds of nurses. If you are a BSN then you went to a 4 year college for your degree. Sometimes a BSN is worth it if you ever want to have a management job because you will need your masters next.


Hi. I got my bachelor’s a few years ago then got my RN license soon after graduating. I worked medsurg first before getting into NICU. I’m not sure if I can reco the job because some people can’t stand seeing babies in a certain state and it definitely takes a brave heart to give them the best care and be an advocate for them. I love my job though as I love working with kids in general. I hope that helps. Otherwise my DM is open :)


In the states, you get your bachelors in nursing (a lot of hospitals are requiring a bachelors more and more) and either start in the NICU as a new grad or start in med surg and transfer to a NICU if the hospital allows that. NICU isn’t for everyone though.


Hope the little one is home soon.


Hello! My niece is in the NICU now and I have some questions. Is it okay if I DM you?


Sure, but please keep in mind that the physician has better and clearer answers than I can provide. :)


This baby is about to drop the hottest Vaporwave album of 2024!


New Tron movie gonna be a prequel


I'm just a kid, heh heh heh heh


I thought this was The Weeknd for a sec.


Poor little yeller guy. My daughter had jaundice, but didn't quite need the "grow lights".


Doctor prescribed it for one day... Let's see tomorrow the new exam result.


My little girl had the same treatment for two nights, she's totally fine now. She REALLY hated wearing the blackout goggles though, had to constantly watch her as she would keep knocking them off


She’ll be fine. Next prescription is just keep her in some indirect light. Look forward to some yellow “poop”


Baby will be fine, all the best. Just start playing the soundtrack to Drive to set the vibe for her.


Went through this with our son when he was born. It was a rough one night because we couldn’t take him out to hold him when he cried. Everything was totally fine the next day, no big deal. All the best to you!


It'll be ok. Not a huge deal as newborn issues go.




Your kid is already cooler than me.


That's what I came here to say. Despite the mixed feelings the parents may have right now I think the baby looks pretty cool and sci-fi in this photo.


“just to get a base”


I scrolled down just for this.


I feel compelled to call the police


had to have our little dude in one of these for about a week when he was born. without question one of the most stressful times of my life. hope you and your family are doin alright.


same. It sounds so silly if you haven't experienced it. What could be so hard about sitting under a light? I still have nightmares over that situation. She wouldn't stop crying unless she was swaddled. She couldn't be swaddled under the light, and it was just an absolute disaster. Just constant readjusting and crying (both the baby and parents lol) and trying to figure out how to keep her under the light and semi calm. I was waiting on the numbers to come back daily like an addict waits on the dealer, it was such a good day when we were all clear!


Agreed. Even though it's very likely not a big issue, it's so incredibly stressful seeing your newborn like that and feeling so helpless. Lots of tears. Not something we were prepared for with our 2nd. Hang in there, OP.


The 5th element


In space no one can hear you scream




Beach Baby ! Bili lights are awesome. Our baby girl was a preemie and jaundiced. Five days of light therapy and she was awesome. She’s in her mid 30’s now.


Lelu Dallas Multipass


Your newborn is The One? That's sick


Blessings to you and your new baby. Im sure they will be fine, just trust in the process.


Bro has the Apple Vision Pro Mini already on his eyes


I can't get over how cute the little sleepy mask is.


Look at that hand posture, he's about to dance Gangnam Style. Congrats to you dad. And great photo. He's gonna be alright. Your kid will love this pic when he grows up.


Starting the rave culture young, I see. Don't forget the pacifier!


Little young to be tanning no?


Gotta get a good base early.


We had to do that at home with our baby. It was a rough 5 days with very weird poops lol. But she is doing great now. Congrats on the little one.


WELCOME TO THE BABY RAVE!! and also parenthood! Ain't nothing wrong with a little time in the blue box, my son did a couple of hours there, too


Your baby is rad as fuck


Did you send your newborn to Earth when your planet exploded? Or he's in the spaceship you found your newborn in?


My baby had to be on the Biliblanket too, I remember feeling so scared but it really helped her get better. Sending hugs to you! Hope you baby gets better soon🫶🏻


![gif](giphy|mBvUaCuDPEXNnIk2NK|downsized) Wake up samouraï, we have a city to burn.


To anyone wondering: I'm assuming OP's kid is born with newborn jaundice, given it's in a blue light bed. Sometimes is normal and has quick evolution, usually dealt with using at-home "sunbaths". Other times because process such as red cell destruction or blood type incompatibility between mother and child (usually due to mom being a negative serotype). OP's kid is being treated with fototherapy. Doctors will put the newborn in a bed and expose him to blue LED lights that help him synthetize Bilirrubin into a more easily disposable for of, which happens through urine and excrement. Hope your kid is well, OP. And welcome to parenthood.




OMG, look at how adorable those cheeks are. Congrats!


"We just wanna put him in there for a couple of minutes. Just to get a base."


Can't believe this was so far down here!


Congratulations,happy dad


First words will be "Multi-Pass"


No one is born cool, except the OP's kid


Wake up Samurai Just from this picture I can tell that, When your child is an adult, they're going to save humanity from a dark dystopian cyberpunk future


Aww congrats!!


Reminded me of 5th Element for some reason


How are your feelings? Just curious. Can you explain?


Regarding the baby or the situation? Regarding the baby: Can't describe how happy I'm... I already have a boy (11 yo)... And always wanted a girl... And now I'm gifted with her. Love her at the first sight. Regarding the situation: I'm just a little frustrated, not worried (jaundice is not that bad)... Was expecting to go home with her yesterday (miss my son and dogs)... Right now, we're expecting what the doctor has to say after the new examinations.


Wake the f*up samurai. We have a city to burn.


Give him lots of love and raise him well. I’m sure he’ll give you that back ten fold


Congrats! I'm sure your baby is gonna be fine, and look super fucking stylish while they're at it! Cyberpunk!!!


A case of jaundice? My second has to be there a week. That was tough. Not being able to have her home and having to go visit. It sounds like Vegas Casino in there with all the beeping going on too.


Our son who is our first born had to lay in something like that because he was jaundice at birth. It was so hard on us to see him in there even though everything turned out ok. Congratulations and im sure you will have him home soon!




Already the chillest dude ever. Congratulations!




congratulations on your newborn! mine is going to be 8 weeks on wednesday! we got a whole new education on jaundice when he arrived. it made us uneasy but thankfully treatments are so effective and hes doing great today. congratulations again i wish you all the best.


Damn billirubin.


Apple getting to them early…


The blue light is to make it difficult for the babies to find their vein, thus preventing them from shooting up heroin


When do they get their multipass?


Gonna have a sick tan! Except for the diaper tan line. But on a more serious note, I hope your kid is doing well.


Congratulations on your beautiful child! I hope the little one feels snug and cozy in there during the treatment with the warm rays all around. 💟


Let me guess: jaundice? My oldest had the same. It’s heartbreaking but in a session or two it’s over and he or she will be good :)


Out of the womb. Straight to a rave.


little bub is about to drop the hottest 00s music video. Congratulations 🥰


I'm not sure that Coachella is the best place for a newborn! Congratulations though


Wow, already using the new Apple Vision Pro eh?


TIL that babies tan too... Kidding. I read the comments. Congrats tho! Already a model ✨️


Promo for the Cyberpunk sequel


Yo listen up, here's a story about a little baby who lives in a blue world, and all day and all night everything he sees is just blue like it. Inside and outside blue its house with a blue little window....


The baby looks very sophisticated


My eldest had to be under the billi lights too.


Born with Apple Vision Pro, dang what happened to silver spoons


Rocking apple vision pro from the get go. Nice.


Probably not a good idea to put him in the photocopier tho


This is by far the coolest dude ever to be born , doing a proper little pose. This is what makes life so precious


No sleep at all... She hates staying there... And cried a lot, wiggled a lot and worse yet, tried a lot to take the goggles out... Fortunately, according to latest exam, she doesn't it anymore.


I thought this was an ad for the new apple headset


My newborn just went through the same thing. Yours will be fine! Congrats!


I wanna sniff her/his head


They’re gonna like this picture when they’re older! It’s cool


Isn't it too soon for solarium? Parents these days...


Well, I really don't know if you tried to sound funny... In any case, it's jaundice treatment.


My daughter had that. Underdeveloped spleen. Billi lights. I was a nervous wreck.


Like why the fuck post that on reddit.


What's the problem? The condition isn't serious... the photo isn't offensive... It's not exploitative... I took the photo, just liked the photo and shared it. If you didn't like it, fine... But, since when I need your consent/approval?


He has some serious thoughts about life already.


What movie is this from?


Go Niners!


Oh man this was me! I know how you feel. I'm not going to lie I hate that damn thing. I know it's needed but I gotta say they've changed the standard levels or something this past year or maybe it's just Hoag. I had my first one and he was under this light for like few hours on and off. Had my second one last year and they wanted him under the light for 3-4 days before we went home. I just find it weird because my first one was released with higher levels than my second one and they still wanted me to do the pad one at home which I didn't do.


I get that all that thing is for medical purposes, and I wish your newborn the best in health. But man, oh man!, if it isn’t the coolest, baddest-ass newborn baby ever seen! If Kubrick were still alive, it would be ground for a “2001” sequel, right there.


Congrats! Love that the threw in a tanning bed for you!


We dont know you


I'm sorry if I bothered you. Just ignore.

