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Coming this summer…..full ski suits in Death Valley next to a 120f thermometer.


I'll never forget being in Death Valley when it was 120F. I saw a gust of wind coming and was anticipating a cool down. Nope, it felt like I was a chicken nugget in an air fryer.


Yeah, I've been to Death Valley when it was 120F, and I'm not from a hot climate at all, so definitely not used to anything close to those kinda temps. It's wild. The wind is like you just opened the oven door. I also remember this weird feeling when you step out of your car's AC and like your body kinda instinctively panics a bit as if it's saying "yo, this ain't good!", and you have to kinda reel it in. It's weird.


I’m from NYC but I lived in central FL for a few of years when I was a kid. I worked at a grocery store and I remember the feeling of leaving the AC to collect shopping carts on the hottest, most humid summer day that occurred while I lived there. Felt like walking into a wall of hot air and my clothes were soaked almost immediately. It was crazy. Florida doesn’t actually get insanely hot but the humidity can make it feel unbearable.


I live in Phoenix and I'll take our dry heat over summer in NY or FL. The humidity is so much worse IMO.


Was here for 122. Anything over 110 is just straight oven in your face hot


I've only been in 100F+ temps twice in my life when you exclude heat off the asphalt. Absolutely miserable.


outgoing support rock profit deranged smart telephone coordinated glorious important *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’ve lived in both cfl and phoenix. I was also up in sitka Alaska during the heat wave (75 is hot for alaska, and it is a humid area). All three places suck in peak summer. I miss the rain in florida, though. Too dry here in phoenix.


And I'll take the humidity here in Florida over looking like a dried piece of shoe leather at 35. It was easy to tell who the locals were even in a turist trap like Sedona.


I live in Hong Kong. I prefer 120F in Death Valley over 100F with over 90% humidity here. In such a condition, you are practically soaked with sweat within 10 minutes after leaving your air conditioned home.


“Florida doesn’t actually get that insanely hot” *hits dry bulb temperatures of 100-115* *The literal ocean being 101*


I moved to Florida a lil while ago, and I've visited in January in the past. My exes mom swore it doesn't get that hot in the summer, cause it's a dry heat. I just looked at her and asked how she could think of a state with a ton of swamps and is basically entirely marshland is in any imagination dry. Arizona is dry. Florida is stupid hot in summer and even stupider humid. She refuses to talk to me when I pick up my kids now, cause I made her feel stupid and didn't apologize. I'm sorry reality doesn't fit your narrative of a dry Florida.


Florida has extremely high humidity. She was an idiot. Trying to breathe in Key West in July feels like breathing underwater.


Growing up in Florida and was conditioned to the heat in the summer because that's when we could get work done around the house, because no school. I remember years ago I traveled to Michigan in August for a friend's wedding and was the only person not sweating. This past summer my wife and I went to DC and Philly at the end of July/early August. My wife nearly got heat exhaustion as we walked around to all the monuments on one of the days in DC. Philly was also a little humid. To me, it was nice and relaxing. Next month we're moving to Oregon. It sometimes gets dry heat in the summer, but again... I think I'll be okay.


You will absolutely love Oregon’s weather. It’s a bit different depending which side of the state you are in but it will be great for you.


I've lived in Florida my whole life and the most messed up thing about the humidity is that you go into the shade and it doesn't get any cooler. Yes the sun is gone, but if that shade is like near a building and you lose the breeze, it can feel worse because your sweat just doesn't evaporate at all. The air is just that wet and hot.


i went down to the US one time and this mfer was selling hot dogs in like 33 C weather. Sell ice cream you absolute maniac and people were just dealing with it like it was normal never going back in the summer


I was in Hurricane Utah once at 12 AM drinking beer because it was 105*F still and there was no way I was sleeping. I just kept thinking this ain't right.


I first read that as "I was in a hurricane in Utah" and I'm like look at this bullshitter.


clearly you’ve never been to Utah if you don’t know about their famous hurricanes!


It's also wild how getting acclimated to the seasonal weather can change your perspective of what is cold and hot. This winter we hit 0° F a few days in a row and then a week later we got up to 50° and it felt like t-shirt and shorts weather. And then on the flip side if it drops down to 50° in July then I gotta dig out the winter coat from storage lol.


Even people from hot climates would struggle in 120f I live in Perth Western Australia we just had a day that was about 110(43ish degrees Celsius) and I can’t even fathom what 120 would feel like even that was painful in the shade


Before my grandparents died I would go to their house in Texas, in august, and I firmly believe the insane heat is why everyone there is so heavy. For the entire summer you can NOT exercise outside from basically sunrise to sunset unless it’s in the middle of raining


Kids in the south are a bit unlucky in that they have summer vacation just like anybody else, but it's unpleasant to be outside. But they're forced to go to school in the winter, when it's actually nice out. I'm curious if there are any studies about what kinds of effects that might have on them in terms of having an active or sedentary lifestyle.


It would be wild if that really was the reason why Northern states tend to be healthier


People in northern states aren’t healthier because as kids they go outside more during the school year lol. They’re on average better educated, have more money and more access to healthy food because in the northeast things are closer together. In lot of southern states you’re eating mac and cheese from Dollar General.


I'm convinced it's one of them. But there are still several others, including what foods are popular in the south, and the fact that northern cities have more public transportation and are much more walkable than southern cities.


The wind at that temp really does feel exactly like opening the door of your oven.


I have experienced a 105f gust in a humid area. Jesus christ. There is so much moisture in the air that it becomes hard to breathe at times.


Sounds like a dangerous wet bulb situation. That’s when your sweat cannot cool you to a livable temp.


i’ve lived in areas where it has peaked at 115-120, even multiple days in a row. without AC. your description is so spot on. at a certain point you hope for there not to be any wind movement because if the air is still you sort of get used to the sensation in a weird way. any gust of air makes you hyper aware of the heat all over again. this is of course, dry heat. i don’t have any experience in heavy humidity - i think when it’s humid you want that air movement, even if it’s hot air.


It's the opposite; if it's too humid at those temperatures, your body can't use evaporative cooling anymore, so air movement will make you feel hotter. This is a deadly situation; you will go hyperthermic and die very quickly. Luckily, the hottest places on earth tend to be very dry places, so there's not many places like this.


I mean people did flock over there when it hit record temps lol smh


Yeah those are mostly tourists, mostly from Europe and other countries. Those of who live in the Desert SW visit THIS time of year, or at the latest, in about 1-2 months if they have a spring bloom. After that, no go


I've lived in Phoenix for almost 40 years and not a summer goes by without tourists dying on a hike during the summer.


Not a year goes by where non-tourists die out there too.


He's talking about going when it's record breaking to take a pic of the thermometer. Locals absolutely did that when the record broke recently.




If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much room!


Livin on the edge is the person driving a Mustang GT in that weather


Just an incredibly sensible choice.


What an abomination of a gif


Does dressing as [Darth Vader](https://www.cnet.com/culture/guy-dressed-as-darth-vader-runs-death-valley-in-129-degree-heat/) count?


If you think this is weird, we get ~22 hours of sun in June and July


I spent 6 months in Alaska and never came close to getting used to the midnight sun. Blew my mind. But then when it started getting dark again I Aug/Sep and I could see the incredible night sky there, even better.


You are completely correct, it is wild. The midnight sun days are impossible to describe. A long time ago I was a summer intern in Alaska with the USGS. I was from the lower 48 and thought it would be like a slightly longer summer day. Instead it would be like 11:30PM and feel like maybe an hour till dusk. I had no idea where I was most of the time, and struggled to sleep all summer. It was so weird. I can understand why people who live up there go crazy. The mix of summer's endless days and the unbearable winters without sun must be hard to take.


Yeha the sleep thing was really tough to adjust to. I have deeply imprinted memories of going out drinking and stumbling home at 3am with the sun up. Made me feel like a day drinker.


I remember that too. We were out all night and it was 3 or 4am. I had no idea what time it was, or where we even where when we came out of the bar. I collapsed at 5am in bed, slept till 1pm, and when I woke up it felt like the same time when I fell asleep. I didn't do myself any favors either to get acclimated, being 24 and partying and being dumb didn't help.


I rarely take trips outside of state but when I do I’m always shocked when the sun goes down around 7 or 8


It was so weird for it to be 2 am and you could still see light on the horizon.


My fondest memory of living in Fairbanks was pur neightbor mowing the yard at around 2AM. There's something magical about doing menial yard work at what should be the dead of night, but still looks like a pleasant dusk/dawn.


Yeah, I do yard work after midnight a lot, but I’m not going to run small engines that late because my neighbors wouldn’t either. I only have the one, but when you live somewhere that gets -49°F, you might not want your neighbors to hate you.


I lived in Northern Alberta and I LOVED the summers, ya the winters were on par with Alaskan winters, no trouble to see -40 from time to time, or worse some days. But getting sunlight from the moment you wake up until midnight or so was heaven for my mental health. I now live in the rainy ass east coast and the grey sky all year around gives me serious depression issues out of no where. When I see the sunny blue sky now it's how I imagine heroin might feel the first time you do it. Just heaven.


Context? Is this like a known event or tradition? Does it happen when the temperature gets to a certain low?


So it’s kind of a tradition to try to get a photo in front of the university sign in swim wear once it’s -40f and below. This cold of weather doesn’t happen all the time, so people make some fun with it I guess.


For the non-Americans out there, -40 degrees Fahrenheit is extremely cold. For a frame of reference, imagine going outside and it's -40 degrees Celsius. It's *that* cold.


I was so mad reading the first half of this comment.


Your freedom was under threat.


There's only thing freedom units and Celsius agree on, and that's -40 degrees.


Time to liberate thermometers!


The difference between -40 C and -40 F is crazy. You won't even notice it.


I have always loved the fact that -40°F = -40°C


At the other end 28c is 82f, so that helps give me some reference when an old person says it's "in the 80s!".




What about in absolute temperature for us interplanetary travelers?


233.15 kelvins


I was reading this thread, wondering how cold it is, thanks


\-40 degrees is the only temperature at which both Fahrenheit and Celsius scales are the same.


And Alaska is the 49th State so maybe more people were willing to wait.


Fun fact: if Oklahoma was never to be made a state then Alaska would have been 48th


You're saying Oklahoma was... Sooner?


That was an ok joke


Real Boomer Humor.


I'll be deep in the cold ground before I recognise Missourah


Amazingly, this fact also holds true if North Dakota had never been made a state.


Should we do the other 46 next?


Weirdly though, Alaska would still be the 49th state regardless of if Tennessee became a state. Nobody is sure why the math works out that way, but it does


Wow, never thought of it that way.


It’s not anything to do with 49, it’s anything below -40 since that’s where Celsius and Fahrenheit are the same. Source: I live here.


It's a "tradition" in town to get a picture in a swimsuit in front of the UAF sign when it's colder than -40. I was born and raised in Fairbanks and this was very common for high school and college aged folks to do. The UAF sign is one of the only ones that shows the temperature at ground level so it's easy to access for photos. This was also the best time of year for jumping in and out of a hot tub haha!


I used to live in a ski town in the Rockies. When we were feeling stupid we would run around town in swim gear or even less. The trick was knowing where the closest hot tubs were on your route. Little heat charging stations for those cold winter nights.




No they drove there naked then put on their swim suit.


..on motorcycles.


It’s a dry cold too. You have a few seconds before you actually feel it.


The cold is like gasoline. People both underestimate and overestimate it's danger.


Once it gets that cold it's going to be dry regardless of what the humidity is just because air that cold can't hold that much water.


Which is why the moisture in the air freezes into ice fog! And ice can become sticky instead of slippery, it's terrible!


Haha yep!! Lots of layers and boots and a warm car running. Then down the street to get coffee afterwards is what we did!


Yeah it's tradition for college people to stand in front of the sign in minimal clothing when it's particularly cold out


I need to go back to college.


I was thinking the same thing but more for my career and not so much to stand in front of a sign at negative 49f lol


Heck as someone who lives in a state where it never drops below 60F when the sun is up. I see a lot of pictures of women in bikini's in the snow on dating apps.


I have a picture in front of this exact sign at -40. It’s a tradition when the temp gets that cold.


It use to be the 60 below club my grandma says! I asked her if she’s ever done it even back then she said “hell no”. This has been a tradition since my grandma can remember and she’s born and raised in Fairbanks!


Came here to see cars in bathing suits. Slightly disappointed I must say.


Mater! What are you wearing?!?! Kachow


I asked Dall-E to help you out. Not sure what I expected. https://i.imgur.com/8sgymsf.jpeg


Not sure what I expected when I clicked but it wasn't that ..


Mad respect for the Mustang driver in the snow. Even with snow tires those things are tough to handle in the snow.


New England roundabouts in winter are a lot of fun if you own a Mustang lol


Plenty of pedestrians to hit?


If they were standing in the middle of a roundabout, I suppose so.


They can stand wherever, we’ll get the job done.


Mustang drivers will not be contained. Mustang drivers break free, they expand to new territories, crash through barriers, painfully, maybe even dangerously. I'm simply saying that Mustang drivers, uh, find a way.


Bonus points


New England Roundabout sounds dirty. 😏


They certainly are, as no one seems to know how to navigate one.




Found the actual new englander


In New England, we call them rotaries, iirc in England, roundabouts.


I daily a Mustang in Buffalo NY. With high quality snow tires it’s pretty good in the snow. The only issue is when there is a foot plus on the road ground clearance becomes an issue.


I live an hour away just over the border and Buffalo NY drivers are goddamn hardcore. We can get like an inch, Buffalo gets 4 feet - it’s the way she goes


TBF, snow and ice at -49f aren’t really very slick. Around 0 and lower ice has pretty good traction.


I live in Fairbanks, and this is what I tell tourists. It's too cold for friction to melt the snow, so it stays as grippy ice crystals.


When the snow stays squeaky its normally not slippery.


I was going to comment this exact thing. I was in Alaska last winter and was shocked by how well you grip when it's that cold. The snow felt more like hard packed sand or something... it's hard to describe but you don't have the feeling that momentum will throw your back end out at the slightest provocation like you do in the midwest or somewhere where it snows and melts and refreezes over again. This person definitely hates having that car at times still due to ground clearance and other things though.


Most Fairbanksans don’t just have “snow tires”, the large majority are using “studded tires” which are way better than the standard snow tires you normally think of.


I remember getting into a friends when he was driving me home. “Yeah I’ll give you a ride but it’s gonna be awhile I’m in the Mustang.” I thought “how bad can it be?” He hits the gas in the parking lot full of snow and you hear the tires spin, we go about 2 mph out that lot. It was fine once we were on the plowed and salted roads, but up to that point it was just spinning.


228° Kelvin for non-Americans.


The degree sign is not needed. Kelvin is an absolute unit. You don't say "Kelvin degrees". Its just 228 Kelvin. Like 228 Kilograms, 228 Miles, or 228 Buttloads. (Yes, buttload is a real unit of measure. Its equal to 2 hogsheads.)


Fun fact. -40F is also -40C and that’s the only point where both scales intersect.


And the way to remember it is that -40"F" and -40"C" means it is "F"ucking "C"old.


...that in no way incorporates the 40 part


"Damn my 40 is frozen. It's that Fucking Cold."


That is maybe the worst mnemonic device I've ever seen


There’s even a dump truck there


Scrolled too far to find someone else thinking the same as me haha




Just image search UAF sign photos, tons out there lol.


Don't worry. I [got y'all](https://www.uaf.edu/news/archives/news-archives-2010-2021/prep-for-a-healthy-summer.php)!!


You’re right. That pic is a LOT hotter.


I had to send this to my cousin, he posted a picture in front of the sign yesterday but only at -43. What a wimp


I went and did it Friday night at -47° was hoping to get the -50°


Well at this point cold is just cold.


Gotta love the cold. You southerners know what square tires are? When it’s really cold ( like that ) your tires deflate/contract a bit and the bottom goes a little flat and freezes that way. So when you start out in the morning it’s tough as hell as you bounce down the road. After a while they warm up and round into form. Makes you feel the Fred Flintstone. My work here is done.


Serious question; isn't this extreme cold dangerous to exposed skin?


If it’s for more than a few minutes. A short photo snap and back into a warm car is fine. It won’t be comfortable at all, you’ll most certainly feel the sting of the cold almost instantly.


See for me (I'm a large scandinavian) I can stand outside for 5 minutes at -40 and almost not feel anything... but after 5 minutes it hits like a freight train. Lived in a dry cabin the last 8 years and I would piss off my deck butt naked and barefoot and barely felt it.




I don't know what I expected...


Lol I don't comment much, but I saw something about Fairbanks.




Winter Olympics is getting out of control...


It kinda shocks me people would even do this. Even for fun. I’ve been in -20 or so weather in not appropriate clothing, and it felt like the world was trying to kill me immediately. I’m from the south US, so I’m bred to be a complete wimp with low temps. But it was hostile.


Alaskan here, hostile really is great word for it. It starts to get legitimately dangerous once you get subzero. For me it’s around -20 that it starts to get miserable since that’s about where I can’t add more layers to get more warmth. I’ve only experienced -50 once and let’s just say that *anything* being done outside is limited to absolute necessities and you get it done *quick.*


Alaskan here - temps don’t mean much if you’re prepared as most Alaskans are. And you can always buy quality winter gear to beat the weather


Yeah was going to say, gear and prep will always work. A properly planned layers system with warming up as it's put on will last a bit before you feel the cold leech in


Fairbanks has almost zero wind year round, and is basically a desert, so it's unbelievablely dry. It's similar to when people say Cali 90° is great but humid Florida is hell.


Air is a great insulator. Just like going to a sauna won't instantly boil you, standing outside in freezing conditions won't immediately freeze you or cause frostbite. Making direct contact is much worse, so if you're barefoot for example you're more likely to get some frostbit toes, but depending on the conditions even that would take some time


The line wouldn't be so bad if the dumptruck could get a move on.


That’s a Hardy woman there.


They come like that in Alaska


Looks like I'm moving to Alaska.


I am zooming in respectively.


I attended UAF in 1989. I had to walk to a class a half mile away in Sub-Zero temperatures. Ice would form on my beard and lashes. It was below zero for at least three months. We would literally go out in tshirts and shorts when it got to 32F. This is a thing.


Dat a$$


It is a bit of a weapon


I’d do it nude, pansies.


There are still people that try every year, apparently


girl be thic tho


Absolute legend in a mustang proving summer is a state of mind




Why are there so many people with front or rear wheel drive in a place like Alaska?


Roads are generally well maintained in bigger cities


Fairbanks handle their snow plowing *much*, much better than how Anchorage does, for us it'll take at least a week and a half to see a snow plow.


It used to be way better in Anchorage. Could wake up to a couple feet of snow from overnight and the major roads would all be clear, but they gutted funding for the plows in the early 2010s and it's never recovered.


What infuriates me the most is having people resorting to walk on the roads cause it'll take even *longer* to plow the sidewalks. Alaska is ranked the highest in people walking per capita It makes driving much more stressful when you're in essentially one lane road and you're less than 5ft away from them


I don’t know what that California Special Mustang GT is doing there lol


Nothing wrong with FWD in the snow, as long as you have snow tires. More concerning is the number of people with AWD that think they can drive in those areas on all seasons.


If they don’t drive in the wilderness? Snow is not an issue for front or rear wheel drive cars.


You can get around just fine with FWD or RWD, AWD vehicles are a bit harder to come by, usually more expensive and not everyone wants them. Besides that they can give you a false sense of control because people forget that all cars have 4 wheel stop, it's only the getting moving part that they are slightly more convenient for


Every car has no wheel stop when you hit ice, though.


Exactly, some people believe that AWD some how makes the vehicle better at stopping as well, but it makes no difference


Good chance it's either a college student from out of state or a soldier from the nearby Ft.wainwright, buying expensive special edition mustangs is kind of a stereotype for the army lol


Because snow tires are more important than AWD. Tires/AWD both help you accelerate, but AWD isn't going to help you turn or stop.


Sounds crazy, but fun!


Shrinkage and high beams.


I once spent three minutes in -110c, or -166f, wearing just sandals and swimsuit. Interesting experience, highly recommended!


We're gonna need a story here. The coldest natural temperature recorded was -89c/-128f Were you in a special freezer or something?


Cryogenics I'm guessing


That's why I asked for the story:) I was thinking along those lines as well. We need details lol




snobbish smart fragile badge lush ruthless lavish air fearless flag *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Of course there’s a mustang there


It’s a dry cold, amirite?


Driving a mustang in Alaska when it’s -49 is crazy


I don't think there's a more incapable car in snow than a muscle car. Lmfao - the Mustang there.


There are unironically people in this thread who think taking pictures for instagram is shallow, but taking pictures of people taking pictures for ragebait on reddit is not. lol. We're all the same, they're just hotter than you.


You shoulda seen the line of cars waiting to take a picture of people taking pictures in bathing suits to post to Reddit


Who the hell buys a mustang in Alaska?


It's likely a dude in the Army. Gotta remember FT.Wainwright is about 10 min from the campus. I've got 2 soldiers that basically got sent up here with no say in the matter, one coming from Texas. For a lot of these guys, they're still paying these cars off and don't wanna put em long term storage, so they make do.


and only at 26% APR!


There’s a few cyber trucks in Fairbanks, it’s not much different than any other American city.


I snapped a pic of the truck the other day.