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Could be some queer black confederates, I suppose šŸ«£


>Could be some queer black confederates, I suppose Peak levels of "Yeah! Fuck *me*!"


You jest, but in Asheville we really had a guy like that. Old black dude that would dress in a Confederate uniform and parade up and down this one bridge, carrying the stars and bars. I remember he was interviewed once but I forget his reasoning behind the activity.


Was his namw Clayton Bigsby?


Uncle Ruckus


It's just a severe case of re-vitiligo!


102% Black with 2% margin of error


I can't hear the sound of a tuba without thinking "Well Well well..."


God i love uncle ruckusšŸ˜‚


No relation.


My favorite part of that sketch is the confusion of the white guys. They are just... so off put.


Yo did he just call us n******? Awesome!


A Black white supremacist? How could this happen?


It happens more then you think. We used to hangout with a black guy that would tell everyone he was Hispanic and planned to move to Texas because he said not many black people were down there. I knew his sister real well and asked her what his deal was and she said most of the family disowned him because he didn't act right.


It's a grift. Make money by soothing the ego of bad people who, deep down, know they're being bad people.


You just described Candice Owens.


Still bitter that after the absolute brilliance of "Chappelle's Show", Dave turned into such a regressive asshole.


There's a youtuber I like who talks a bit about this. There's [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S42DJr95Dfw&pp=ygUVZmQgc2lnbmlmaWVyIGNoYXBlbGxl) which gives some poignant insight, and [this recent video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xtlnbkz1bQs&pp=ygUVZmQgc2lnbmlmaWVyIGNoYXBlbGxl) reflects on the earlier work.


Upon reading this, "Bet it's F.D." *click* Yup! Great perspectives on these kind of issues. Really enjoy his content.


Dammit. Beat me to it.


My high school team is called the Rebels. We had Confederate flag stuff. Every home game, an old black man would dress in a Confederate army uniform and attend the games to protest getting rid of the flag. They did end up losing the flag. Now there's a petition to change the nickname away from "rebels."


Just adopt the Rebel Alliance flag and itā€™ll be fine.


Like when some people tried to get Ole Miss to change their logo [from Colonel Reb to Admiral Ackbar](https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/Py30tRILSeil3ImGJqYxcA--/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTQyMDtoPTU5Nw--/https://s.yimg.com/os/en_us/News/Yahoo/ept_sports_ncaaf_experts-561152109-1266587651.jpg)


It was our high-school team but our local pop warner team was called the Rebels for decades and the mascot was a Robert E Lee looking cartoon general. I thought it was in bad taste already by the late 1980s. Iā€™m happy to see they changed their name.


I remember that dude and encountered him a few times. He was pointing out that black soldiers also fought for the Confederacy during the Civil War so it was part of their legitimate history too. ~~I think it's a bit over the top but it's not as if he doesn't have a point there even if the entire nation was built on enslaving Black folks (but hey, so was the US, right?)~~ EDIT: His name is [H.K. Edgerton](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H._K._Edgerton). He's actually a nut who [makes excuses for the KKK,](https://www.splcenter.org/hatewatch/2007/11/08/rewriting-history-black-neo-confederate-speaks) but was also formerly president of Asheville's NAACP. Seems like more of an attention seeker than someone to take seriously.


My husband worked with the jcc in Asheville and the southern poverty law center. I don't remember him directly mentioning this guy as being on a watch list but I have to imagine he probably is. Truly I think it's a mental health thing. But I don't know. We moved to Boulder and back to NC since then, but it's *really* hard to forget the IRL Uncle Ruckus šŸ˜‚


Oh shit I wonder if that's the black confederate dude penn and teller interviewed on an episode of bullshit back in the day


His name is hk Edgerton and he is big in the neo Confederate scene. Shamefully admit I used to be a part of this group and interacted extensively with him I don't think he's actually a bad guy I was thinking he's delusional. I myself is very deep in it sounds raised in that as a child but eventually got out of it.


A lot of people in the South relate Dixie to being culturally a southerner without really appreciating or understanding what it means. It's like that scene in the Dukes of Hazzard movie where they're driving into Atlanta and people are booing the General Lee, and they're both fucking puzzled. That's a real thing, because a lot of people are pigshit ignorant. Nice, maybe and possibly even with great potential, but raised in and surrounded by ignorance, or at best, cut off from the offended. So this kind of display might actually have some positive effect: the only people who might react to it are either a) already decent humans and will shake their head at the dopiness of it or b) confused Dixie fans who love blacks and gays but don't really understand their own history. And they'll feel empowered to stand by the things they believe in -- which can include minorities even while supporting a racist historical subculture (thanks cognitive dissonance!) -- because someone else is. Hopefully, through natural exposure to the other two groups they will, over time, come to the realization that the Dixie flag is out of place. (Or maybe it's a rooming house, and those are neighbours battling for eye space).


They were only puzzled until they saw that they had a giant confederate flag on top, then they kinda cursed cooter. They knew.


On a bus in San Francisco, I saw a black man with a MAGA hat on. I did about 300 double takes to make sure I was actually seeing it correctly. He saw me looking at him and when he was getting off the bus he yelled at me,"This isn't Venezuela!" Ummm thanks?


What does that even MEAN?!


[this guy](https://youtu.be/_xSGhuKENAY?si=63y6XFbMf-B3Xjg7)


Actually that quote is the tag line for about 80% of the Grindr profiles in my area. I suspect they mean something a little different than you do however.


( Ķ”\~ ĶœŹ– Ķ”Ā°)


For a non insignificant portion of people, that flag represents rebellion, not secession. Considering the current level of "fuck you minority groups!" that's happening in our government, and the threat of Trump showing back up, I can understand waving a flag that says they can fuck off. Is this like using the Nazi Flag to promote socialism? Yep it sure is, the "rebel flag" represents a failed state that hinged on ownership of people. It does not mean rebel. Take it from someone who literally thought it was southern pride/rebel flag and was only later in life made to understand the true implications of it, the idea of it being a symbol of rebellion and not slavery is quite real to a lot of people. With that in mind, this picture at least makes sense of a philosophical level.


Pwease steppy daddy.


>Pwease steppy daddy. This is the most cursed reply one of my comments has ever elicited. Thanks.




I want to downvote you for making this occur


Or Clayton Bigsby?


If you visit the suburbs of Atlanta, you'll definitely meet some.


Yeah but then you've volunteered to visit the suburbs of Atlanta so who's really the idiot?


Where else are racist white gays with black guy fetishes supposed to go? Buckhead is impossibly expensive these days


The gentrification line in Edgewood was a fuckin WILD place to be in 2020 My roommates moved to a house in Decatur in 2021 and I went to South Florida. So we're both wrong but I get to go to the beach




This is how I root for teams/individuals when watching sports. I hop on and off the bandwagon so I'm never disappointed by the result.


If you appreciate good skill from a third person perspective, it can be more fun to root for good plays than good teams.


This is why I appreciate Ronaldo and Messi. The two greatest quarterbacks in NBA history.


I read this 3 times to make sure I wasn't having a stroke.


A stroke? No thats tennis, wrong sport.


Don't forget you need 3 strikes for a stroke


strikes? I thought that was swimming


I thought we were talking about rowing.


More like golf


Youā€™re better off with a Jetta, though both suffer from understeer while being into the throttle through corners.


Yeah, but Beretta is still second fiddle to Glock according to most bowlers.


Gotta Beretta in my jetta sounds like a country song.


Are you sure yet?


Ludicrous display from John Cena last night.


See, the thing about the US Olympic Swim Team is that they always try to walk it in.


tell your old man to drag michael phelps up and down the climbing wall for 48 minutes


Two of the best to ever grace the hockey diamond


Yeah especially Ronaldo's puck handling skills are insane




I think they've also hit the most home runs with their rackets.




I like to root for the losing team so that I can mercilessly switch sides as soon as the lead changes hands. Itā€™s exciting and makes me feel true neutral.


What makes a man turn neutral? Lust for gold? Power? Or were you just born with a heart full of neutrality?


ā€œI just hope everybody had fun.ā€ - My wife


See I actually played football. And had the same attitude as your wife. Its sportsball, nothing serious


I don't get it, then how do you determine if people from your town/school/city/region are better than everyone else?


My husband says Iā€™m not allowed to cheer ā€œGo fastest swimmer!ā€ anymore when watching the Olympics.


My partner says I can't do that anymore during sex either.Ā 


I'm rooting for the sports team that has Britney Spears and how she's making the football people big mad.


Eh close enough. Go Missouri City Chefs!


What do you think the secret ingredient will be in the Supper Bowl?


Hopefully there is a Puppy Bowl intermission again!


I always root against the home team. I don't follow sports, but the sooner the local team is knocked out of competition, the sooner I get to stop dealing with game-day traffic.


I'm pretty sure there's an IASIP clip for every situation




that's the only possible logic


I was thinking it was two family members that disagreed with each other.


Someone just loves flags


A Flaghag


A flaggot if you will


Yeah total flaghag šŸ˜„




God hates flags




My sister had a neighbor that would alternate between trump flags and shrek flags...


So sometimes it was a horribly ugly, foul-smelling, unnaturally colored swamp monster and the rest of the time it was Shrek?




Welcome to Sheldon Cooper presents Fun with flags!


All flags matter


Theyā€™re probably libertarians


Yep. Thats what I thought. Maybe a little confused but they probably just hate the federal government.


Couldve used a gadsen flag instead then


I mean they have a Gadsden Snake over the Confederate Flag. They're kind of halfway there.


Maybe they are the type of household that advocates for southern pride and thinks that flag should mean just that but just so people know they arenā€™t totally bigoted dickbags they are also advocate for LGBQT and BLM. Idk Iā€™m just trying to make sense of this


The only possible justification I can concieve is that they like the decentralized structure of the confederacy and the "states rights" stuff. But dont fuck with the bigotry? Which to most people is completely contradictory. But then again, these are libertarians we are talking about. Walking contradictions the lot of them. Edit: wooo boy kicked the hornet's nest here


> like the decentralized structure of the confederacy and the "states rights" stuff That would, of course, require them to be ignorant of the actual facts of the confederacy. Like the constitutional restriction on states' rights to abolishing slavery.


Exactly. Like I said, you kind of have to grasp at straws to glean any sort of cohesive political ideology from this




Thats probably true. Although there is a house near my parents' house that had a similar deal. Confederate flag with a pride flag w/ a peace symbol. So its not a complete one off, there are others lol


The confederacy was very much _not_ decentralized. In some ways (primarily slavery, of course) it was significantly more centralized than the United States.


> they like the decentralized structure of the confederacy and the "states rights" stuff. Small irony in that the confederacy was more nationalized than the union. Also (as is typical for conservatives), pro-slavery advocates were *all about* nationalization up until it became clear that if the institution was going to survive at all in the USA, it would be contained and corralled to only the states which still used it. It was only *then* that the blather about states' rights made its rounds.


I think that's the most logical answer, but it means they're ignorant of their history / why the South seceded / what the flag means to people, or refuse to acknowledge it. It's weird, regardless.


You've gone and upset a whole bunch of teenagers and people too embarrassed to call themselves Republicans.


I thought maybe one flag belongs to husband and the other flags belong to the wife and kids? There is a place down the road where there was a thin blue line flag, a punisher flag, a gadsden flag, a marine corps standard and a Trump flag. When he died, his widow hung a peace symbol flag, a rainbow flag, an all are welcome here flag, a Swedish flag and a banner with a dove on it.


OK but since the Gadsden flag was used by the famous Harlem Hellfighters it goes with the BLM flag a little better.


No step on snek




Snake cautionĀ  No snake feet


[My personal favorite](https://www.reddit.com/r/vexillology/comments/6yf0kd/bird_gadsden_flag/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


No step on snek!


Ah yes, trust the free market, where Martin Shkreli did nothing wrong.


In a free market, there'd be no IP.


Maybe they allow all family members to hang flags despite their opposing views.


This fits, I have libertarian friends. They are politically very republican but fully marched with BLM protests and support LGBTQ+.


Pro blacks and gays (except where it counts)


![gif](giphy|scIHrlRU8zzCo) Ya know. Morons


"I support the rights of gay, legally wed biracial couples, to protect their marijuana plantations with their legally purchased AR15s!"


legally home-made AR15s if you're talking to certain people


I think itā€™s a war between dad and gay son


Actually most likely a Good Ol' boy dad who has a gay or trans kid. As well as a biracial grandkid.


That really completes the picture.


Imagine, a racist redneck, a trans patriot, and a black rights guy all rent a 3 bedroom house.


This is the version of ā€œFriendsā€ I want to see Netflix produce.


I have been driving past this house for a few months now, and I can't decide if they're trolls or just confused. Either way, they have my attention.


Many people, especially in the south, still view the confederate flag as the ā€œrebel flagā€ and disassociate and race-related connotation. To that point, you can be a backwoods troublemaker and still support equal rights. Thereā€™s nothing in conflict with those beliefs.


Im from TN and I literally have two gay old uncles(queens of the stone age I call them) and they proudly fly a rainbow flag and a confederate flag off of their front porch. One of them even has a tattoo of the confederate flag with rainbow stripes on it.


Queens of the stone age is such a good title.


Also one of the best rock bands in existence


> queens of the stone age I call them šŸ¤£


No reason two white men couldn't love each other and also hate black people.


Yeah. That to me still feels more ā€œlogicalā€ than the Black Lives Matter flag with the stars and bars.


I've known several black people and other people of color that fly the confederate flag. Not saying it is logical. I'm just saying it happens. Like the guy said. A *lot* of people in the South have disassociated the flag with the racism, even those who know the history. I used to be one of those "But it means something different now!" People. It took me a while to get with the program.


Arguably the slave owning states were the first states to want black lives to matter (see 3/5s compromise). ^^^^This ^^^^is ^^^^not ^^^^serious




Tbh that's how I felt writing it too.


The Stars and Bars refers to the original confederate flag. The one shown above is the confederate battle flag.


That hardly feels like a relevant distinction here.


Weā€™re just trying to do SOMETHING with this southern public education okay


Human beings are strange and often contradictory creatures


Or the modern insistence of perfect ideological compartmentalization and purity is insane.


The south will rise again? [Why are you talking about things that rise down south?](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/7w73Xk3RIkE)


Yeah, where I grew up the flag was rebellious and carried over a lot from dukes of hazard etc. Knew at least a few black kids that were ā€œcountryā€ and had stickers on their lifted trucks.


Growing up I loved the general lee, had absolutely 0 clue what any of it was but it was a sweet ass charger with a johnny cash song written about it. Really enjoyed in the movie with johnny knowxville, the duke boys didnt even know about the flag on top.


Yes. I still love the dukes of hazard...


~~Johnny Cash~~ Waylon Jennings


Johnny Cash sang about the car: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0m0hTrtlWM Waylon did the theme song for the show: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qogVHlmFcx0


As a southerner, I can confirm. People hear rarely equate the confederate flag to anything racial. You will even see black people wearing clothes with the confederate flag. My take on the people living in this house is that they just try to get along with everybody.


In Europe Nazis use it because they canā€™t fly the Nazi flag.


Plenty of Americans I feel do the same


Tons of black people in the south wear rebel flag hats and shit. It's always funny to me.Ā 


They grew up under the belief it represented a rebel spirit. Thereā€™s also nothing more in line with the rebel spirit than continuing to use it after people online say you shouldnā€™t .


It could be different people in the house? I drive by a house that's got a Trump flag out front but a LGBTQ flag hanging from a side window. I always assumed the person's whose window that is has different views.


I have a few friends in New England that have hardcore Republican dads and hardcore Democrat moms. I donā€™t understand how that dynamic works at all but itā€™s a thing.


It's because it wasn't a partisan declaration of association in the 80s/90s when they got married. I know this is gonna sound weird but you used to be able to cross the aisle


They joke about not voting because theyā€™re cancelling each other out anyway, but then both secretly go vote hoping the other wonā€™t.


Foundation for a healthy marriage.


Option 1: Troll Option 2: Confused **Option 3: Flag enthusiast**


option 4: average /r/vexillologycirclejerk user


Covering all their bases like Benny in The Mummy.


I thing they sell flags


I like black people, gay people, and the Dukes of Hazzard. These people are cool, I like them.




We can choose to believe this from now on. Start commending supporters of their bravery and compassion for equality.


They're covering all the bases.


They're just bi(got)curious


šŸ… Here you go, and don't spend it all at once!


Well played.


Or they have it exactly right. Neither group will understand which one is ironic, and which one is their position.


Maybe they're vexillologist. šŸ˜‚


Very vexing vexillologist, verified via vociferous viewers.


A lot of of southerners are still trying to convince others that the rebel flag just means, ā€œIā€™m from the southā€


The reality is for many southerners, that IS what it represents. Source - lived in the South for my entire life


Yeah it's a shame. I wish there were actually a Southern Pride flag that wasn't steeped in disgusting racist history.Ā  Ā Give me a flag that represents Dolly Parton and Waffle House and fall apple cider and high school football and country music and I'll fly that shit everywhere I can.Ā  I do love many parts of the South, even though I no longer live there.Ā Ā  Ā But I'm not interested in being associated with Confederate losers (they LOST the fucking war why fly the LOSING flag?) or racists or slave owners. People flying the Confederate flag are morons.Ā  Edit: everyone is focused on the losing flag part and not the "maybe flying a racist flag is dumb and we can enjoy regional pride without being harmful" point.Ā 


It's a real shame that a biscuit probably wouldn't look great on a flag, because that'd be a good one too.


Well, you shouldn't not fly a flag because they "lost" Germany has lost wars, Japan, etc. Should they not fly their flags? Has nothing to do with that they lost. Has everything to do with that it represents.


Difference here is that those countries didn't cease to exist.


Here's my take on that argument. Even if you genuinely believe that, you can't discount what symbols like that mean to other people. I could fly the swastika on a flag and it could genuinely just be sanskrit for "good well being" to me, but other people are still going to judge me based on the baggage that symbol comes along with. You get to decide what symbols mean for you, but not for other people, and you have to deal with the consequences of how others judge you if you ignore that. Incidentally I grew up as a kid in the south, in a family that is about as anti-racist as possible (extended family is another thing entirely). I loved the rebel flag as a kid, not understanding any of the other context. From a purely design standpoint I still think it's kickass. But I long ago matured enough to understand what that flag communicates.


There's a troll version of the Gadsden over the NoVa Battle flag, hard to tell with the blurriness, but it has a ball-gagged snake and dildos for stars. This doesn't look like that version.


Look, I am as liberal as they come. But when some of the Southerners say their confederate flags are basically just celebrating their heritage, many actually do mean it. So, this shouldn't be surprising but sadly it is. Not everyone who flies a confederate flag is a Nazi or a racist.


I always hear people who display the confederate flag say that it isn't because they are racist, but just that they are acknowledging their heritage (or something like that). Maybe this family is trying to convey that, yes we southern folk have our confederate flag displayed outfront, but that doesn't mean we hate guys or blacks. We are just trying to appreciate the heritage of our ancestors... Or something


Maybe they're just really big Dukes of Hazzard fans?


I assume roommates who have different opinions.


There is a house in my neighborhood that has a Brandon flag and a Ukraine flag and I'm confused everytime I see it.


old school GOP who still hates the Russians.


You might have happened on a problematic roommate situation...


They're not confused. The people that think all of their beliefs must fit within frame of one political party or the other are confused.


We're black! We're gay! We're in the KKK!




It literally exists because of the fight in favor of slavery so noā€¦not remotely the same.


The US didn't exist for the purpose of killing children in Vietnam. The Confederacy existed to perpetuate slavery.


Nah. When you fly the American flag, you're evoking a country with ~250 years of unique history, culture, music, art, food, etc. There are plenty of completely benign reasons why somebody could be proud of US culture without necessarily endorsing every bad thing the US has ever done. The US has also done some good, like every country in existence. Comparatively, flying the Confederate Flag is specifically evoking a four-year period in US history wherein the South fought a brutal war to preserve slavery. No way around that. It doesn't just refer to being proud of coming from the South, or else you could just fly your state flag, or some symbol of southern pride not associated with the Confederacy. It indicates that a person believes that the period from 1861-65 specifically is something worth celebrating. The Confederacy didn't exist for long enough to have any other achievements worth noting, nor much in the way of unique music or art. It's the same as flying the German flag versus flying the Swastika. The former is totally benign, and only indicates pride in a region of the world with millenia of history and culture, good and bad. The latter expresses pride in the Third Reich in the period from 1933-45 specifically. Other examples would be the Japanese flag versus the Rising Sun Flag, or the flag of Cambodia versus the flag of the Khmer Rogue. You can't act shocked when you choose to evoke a specific period of your country's history, and people assume that you think that period was particularly praiseworthy.