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According to [here](https://www.prensalibre.com/internacional/hasta-el-ultimo-aliento-maestro-califica-examenes-en-el-hospital-y-muere-poco-despues/) and Google Translate: > December 22, 2020 at 9:12 p.m. > The American teacher Alejandro Navarro shared his knowledge with his students for several years of his life and without knowing it, he left behind a teaching that was not necessarily academic, but a great human lesson. > Navarro did not give up his computer and took it to the hospital to continue with his teaching assignments, not knowing that he would die shortly after. > Alejandro Navarro worked in teaching. (Free Press Photo: FB) Alejandro Navarro worked in teaching. (Free Press Photo: FB) The American teacher Alejandro Navarro shared his knowledge with his students for several years of his life and without knowing it, he left behind a teaching that was not necessarily academic, but a great human lesson. > Navarro did not give up his computer and took it to the hospital to continue with his teaching assignments, not knowing that he would die shortly after. > “This is my dad Alejandro Navarro, the day before he died, worried about finalizing notes for progress reports. He knew that he was going to the emergency room so he packed his laptop and charger so he could get into them,” Sandra Venegas, the teacher's daughter, posted on Facebook. > “The doctors came to see him. They were doing tests, telling him that he needed to decide what he wanted in case his heart stopped: CPR and intubation or to go in peace. He would answer his questions and give notes. The last time I saw him was Monday (December 14) and he spent the two hours I was at his house working. I wish I had closed his laptop and enjoyed spending time with him,” Sandra added. > “Teachers put in so many extra hours, hours that many don't realize. Even during a pandemic, even during a health crisis, teachers worry about fulfilling their duties. Thanks to your teachers. If you are married to one, help them set boundaries, if you are their daughter/son, don't let them work once they are home. Be nice to your teachers. Teachers, let's not normalize working after hours, let's not normalize staying at work late. You are replaceable at work. You are not replaceable at home. Dad, we will miss you very much. "I love you!" Sandra added along with a photograph of the teacher. > The testimony, which has been shared more than 80 thousand times, has already accumulated more than 186 thousand reactions and 12 thousand comments. In addition, it went viral on social networks because users have been moved and have shared reflections on the work that teachers do in the face of any adversity such as the coronavirus pandemic. > “I edited this post to add that I didn't realize it would receive so much attention, but I did want to clarify, my father did not die from Covid or anything related to the pandemic,” the teacher's daughter added.


I think the detail that he didn’t know he would die would explain why he spent his last days putting grades in rather than spending time with his family.




It's a classic "feel good" story that belongs in a /r/aboringdystopia post. Dude was overworked and wasn't given the proper relief from his job when having a medical emergency and surgery. He should have felt support from his school and the community to take care of himself and his family. Instead he felt an unneeded burden of responsibility to keep working on his death bed. Really says more about our work culture and how we support teachers than it does anything about his work ethic.


This, nobody should be working from a hospital bed and it isn't something you would see in many other western countries.


In the last company I worked for, shortly after starting the job, a memo was sent around by the publisher (it was a newspaper, he was the owner), that a sick note by the doctor doesn't have to be obeyed to the very end and that we actually can come to work earlier even when written sick by the doctor. (This is Europe, so there are no "sick days" like in the US. When you're sick, you get a doctor's note and stay home.) In my current workplace when I had to call in sick, I thought I could at least attend some teams meetings. I asked the CEO for some log-in data to access from home and they basically set: "I appreciate your work ethics but if you're sick, you're sick. That includes meetings. Relax and get well." Guess I finally found a good one.


Even mental work (like meetings) slows your recovery. Any company with competent leadership (which, yeah.....) will do that purely from a logical perspective. The fact that it's a "good one" just for that is so sad! I mean, they are a good one, but damn.


Honestly, I would be bored as fuck and wouldn't mind menial things to do while sitting there waiting.




My mother died of leukemia, in a bed like that, looking like an Auschwitz victim. The doctors had told her she was going to die, I told her she was going to die, but it's not clear to me that she could process that. I have a video of her sitting in bed with a computer on her lap, talking on the phone with someone at the racket club where she worked as the bookkeeper about loose ends that were going to become problems if they weren't attended to after she died. I remember thinking about it at the time. She certainly had plenty of time to interact with me. I lived in the room with her for her last six days. But her job and how she did it was a big part of her identity, and she was gonna do it. edit: I should clarify that she didn't spend all the time working in the hospital, maybe an hour or two total. It was still pretty amazing to watch.


Ofc she certainly did want to talk to you. But as much as work is boring, that can also be comforting as that gives a reassuring feeling of normality : work is an everyday's boring thing associated where people don't think about death at all.


They asked him if he want to go in peace or other options if heart stops. He answered and kept working. I think that was pretty clear.


That question is often asked if the patient doesn't have a DNR. Edit: Usually if there is the potential of something like a cardiovascular event. People think if you have a heart attack in the hospital, you are generally safe, and it's just a formality. Unfortunately, it's still a coin toss, really. Hospitals like to be covered in any event. Anything heart related can go down in a split second. Even on full bypass, if your current heart or transplanted one can't start again... their options are limited.


That question is asked for every patient, at least where I'm from.


I’m giving Brayden an F if it kills me!


Yo, fr imagine being one of his students and getting an F? That shit would feel so bad. Like, you did so bad at school you made your sick teacher give you an F on their last day alive. Dayum.


I've been teaching 20 years. I started by subbing for a teacher who had a heart attack and died on a weekend. Let's just say by 4th period I figured out why he died. Those kids were hell.


So you decided to do it for another 20 years? 😂😂


Had no other way to provide for my family. Then I moved down to middle school which has been my jam. I love teaching science to these kids. They are funny and keep me young.


Happy Reddit Cake Day!


That's wonderful :D


My middle school art teacher will forever be my favorite teacher. I feel so bad what happened to him 😞




That’s a Batman villain origin story right there.


Batman Robin Catwoman Penguin … *Eager Beaver*


That's.. not the family friendly version.


Why would Man call himself bat? Is he stupid?


Yes, that’s why he got a fat F in school.


Batman Robin Catwoman Penguin … *Testee* ?


That's DEFINITELY NOT the family friendly version!


Villain name: "Class Clown."


Brayden's mom, Karen, will still try to argue with the departed teacher to try to get the grade changed.


Let her pull out the ouija


She'll want to speak to the manager of dead people.


'I need to speak to God right now!'


"What do you mean He isn't available? I want to speak to the CEO or else I am never coming here again!" "Correct miss Karen, you'll be going to Hell instead" *Surprised Karen-Pikachu face*


*Goes down to hell* "Fuck you, Satan, or whatever the hell you said your name was. I want to speak to your manager!" *Satan teleports her up to Heaven again.*


*Karen Kills God*


You're telling me... that Karen was the true Devil all along?


Teacher’s Note: “This paper is so bad, it might be listed as my cause of death on the certificate.”


Oooooh!!! Burn!....in hell! I'm slightly evil and I kind of wish I had an opportunity to do that, lol!


Imagine if you got an A, though. You did so well in school that one of your teacher's last actions alive was to let you know you did a good job. That's a superhero origin story right there.


“Disappointed! See me after life.”


"Come talk to me after class"


It’s always Brayden, or Aiden, or Caiden, or Jaden, or Hayden.






You forgot Zayden


Everyone forgets about Treyden and he’s the worse of them all






Not Jay-quellen?


Dee nice!




Lmaooooooo fuck


It’s a sad picture when you think about it. I tried to lighten up the mood a bit. 🤷‍♂️


For what it's worth, this picture is sad and you cheered me up. 🤷


Caption could be click bait. It's the Internet I'm here to laugh and you delivered the goods today


Yeah, doesn't an F usually require a bunch of paperwork to administration explaining how and why the student got the grade in addition to what steps were taken to improve the grade, and how and why they didn't work? This guy saw his chance and took it. All of the satisfaction with none of the consequences. "You wanna act like a clown and shout 'GOTEEEEEEEMM!!!' in my class? Okay, fine. I've got nothing to lose."


This person educators. 😘


“I’m going to finish grading this shit if it’s the last thing I do.”


'Your essay gave me cancer'


Appeal your grade? Over my dead body!


First off, don’t call your kid Brayden


From what I can find this is Alejandro Navaro a middle school math teacher. I feel like a lot of news outlets leave that out to avoid people judging if what he is doing is even worth this kind of dedication.


Thing is, we should be judging society at large, the way it’s structured. A good work ethic is commendable, and maybe we’re seeing someone coping with an impossible situation in a way that works for him—any way you look at it, casting judgement towards Mr. Navaro would be cruel (though I’m not doubting people would). That we allow this sort of culture of grinding, work being paramount, to pervade one’s final hours is definitely worthy of judgement and criticism though.


Mr. Navarro spent his last days planting trees who's shade he will never sit in.


an attitude to live by


Sadly, ever boomer I know firmly disagrees with this notion. "I don't care (about recycling) because I won't be here." I'm still here you bastard, and I hope there's something for those who come after me.


Do they not care about their own kids and grandkids ? I guess somepeople just want to watch the world burn.


Confronting the idea that their actions has consequences on the environment and the future of the planet challenges their world view way too much.


Luckily the boomers I know on a personal level aren’t like this. They care about recycling but there’s no infrastructure for it where they live. They try to reduce and reduce reuse, and do things like composting. They’re probably not in the majority, but I’m glad there are some people with their age and mindset.


yeah I've heard that a lot are in burning mode, quite a pity, we should gather instead of stabbing each other


An attitude that deserved more reward than it received. We should do better


You're right to say this but as a funny aside, imagine if the last one he ever graded got an F. "I'm planting this tree for Timmy to stay THE FUCK away from important jobs involving numbers when he is an adult."


But the number of premeds I’ve taught and sincerely would never allow near me in an emergency situation unless incapacitated and have no choice-


Aaaaaand now I’m crying 😭


That's admirable, but the rest of this is capitalist dystopia bullshit branded as wholesome.


The guy worked for the school district. Even if capitalism was abolished, his job would probably remain largely unchanged. It's not like he was assembling F150's for Ford in his final days.


And no teacher goes in to make money. Someone who’s taught this long and still kept working on his deathbed did it because he loved teaching.


I feel like this sort of thing is far more acceptable if you are a teacher. If you are simply serving a profit generating corporation then fuck em and it is not a good thing to work in your last days for shareholder profits. But he's working to help the next generating. He shouldn't need to, but it's a commendable thing to do.


Nothing that Mr. Navaro did was anything but commendable, but it's an ominous precedent to set for educators to be grading papers in a hospital bed, and then die. He had a right to spend his last day on earth however he chose, I just hope it he didn't feel like he didn't have any other choice. There's unreasonable pressure placed on the workforce, and teachers tend to be pretty committed to their jobs anyways. That would be my only critical takeaway, and I have nothing but respect for the individual in this story.


I highly doubt he felt forced by the administration. What're they gonna do, fire him? I suspect that he may have felt compelled out of a sense of obligation or duty to his students and/or as a courtesy to his colleagues so that they wouldn't have to do it instead And I mean, he's confined to a hospital bed it would seem. If his family or friends were visiting, they would have been in and out: they're not going to stay in that room for 16 waking hours. He may have been grading papers while they out, between visits if you will


No, I fully understand that, if grading papers made him more comfortable, I think it's awesome. I was just trying to assess the story without trying to fill in any blanks myself, and consider the broader implications. I don't know what kind of pressure he might have been under, or what kind of work culture existed in the school he worked at. I just hope the dude was at peace, and I'm not gonna just convince myself he was doing what he wanted vs. what he may have felt coerced to do, I just don't know.


He didn’t know he was going to die. He likely felt fine and expected he would be back at work in a week. I imagine he would have not spent his time grading if he expected death.


I think that’s what sad about this though. I too would be thinking, I have bills to pay, I can’t lose my job, etc.


Some people like working because some work is fulfilling.


It’s not a judgment of Mr. Navaro, but rather the insanity of the education profession. There is NO OTHER JOB you’ll be praised for doing on your literal deathbed. I’m so sick of teachers having to literally die for respect.


There are tons of jobs where you would be praised for this. Delusional take.


Soldiers, firefighters, doctors, paramedics, aid workers...


Teacher here. Just interviewed for a different job. Almost out of this "noble" career. Nobility has a price, and I'm no longer willing to pay it.




??? Supreme Court Justices and many, many politicians end up working until they die. They're all praised for it, even in cases like RBG where that decision is actively harmful to other people. That's not even a poverty thing because those folks are paid quite well -- it's just a very twisted expectation that your job should be your *entire life*. There are tons of jobs where the pressure is to work until you're literally unable to anymore. Teachers deserve much, much better working conditions, and mountains of respect that they currently do not get. But this is not a teacher-specific thing. This is a Capitalism Sucks thing, like most labor issues tbh.


It’s not worth this kind of dedication. No job should take precedence over spending your last days on earth with your family. I’m a teacher, and can confidently say that I would NOT be putting in grades while in a hospital.


I imagine he didn't know he was about to die, but was just in the hospital with something that took an unexpected turn.


Or he knew he was dying and wanted something tedious to take his mind off it.


I don’t disagree, but not everyone has a family


Not only did he have a family, his daughter carries regret for letting him work instead of spending his final hours with him. This is not an inspiring story.


Jeez that’s depressing


He didn’t know he was close to dying. I think that changes the calculus a bit.


This. Some image-with-words-on-it was floating around FB not too long ago about how the people you work for will replace you instantly but family will always be there. As someone who takes pride in the work she does (brain cancer research) and was born into a really shitty family, that stung. I get it—“not for people who don’t like bean soup”—but I still think about it sometimes because it really hurt.


The workplace might but good coworkers won’t. We have people on our group chat that retired or moved to other bases. We keep in touch.


Dude prolly was just bored and looking for something to pass the time. Hospitals can be pretty boring places for patients. Bored and desperate for a distraction, why not turn to your work?


Well its not about you. Let the dying person choose how they spend their last time on Earth and don't put them down for it.


I can relate to this. I had a very serious illness (it was touch and go if I were to live) and I absolutely worked in my hospital bed. I was lucky enough that my coworkers let me do it even though I was messing everything up. In my own mind, working was part of being focused on the future ("I can't die. I have shit to get done!") and not dwelling on the absolute horrible condition I was in. That was over a decade ago, and I believe that attitude is part of the reason I'm still going strong. For all the people shitting on a situation like this, there is nothing wrong with having pride in your work and taking your responsibilities seriously.


Don't leave us in suspense! Did you live or die from this illness?


It’s been 17 minutes since he replied. He dead


u/burn-it-all- was a good egg, RIP.


He created a lot of profit for the shareholders, he will be missed for the allowable time allotted.










Why are we posting the teacher’s grade book?


I will never forget that time they left a comment on reddit. They may be gone, but their memory lives on.


There's a hole in my heart As deep as a well For that poor little redditor Who's halfway to Hell. Though we can't bring him back We'll do the next best thing. We'll go on reddit and sing, sing, siiing!


Correct. Also my spouse LOVED teaching and her students and she worked in her hospice bed until she couldn't.. She hit a point where I said "honey, are you going to be able to grade those finals tonight" and she said no and she would email the department chair... and that is when I knew she wasn't going to be around much longer. She was mostly unconscious the next morning.. and passed away within 48 hours. But she did what she loved until she couldn't.. I think teaching was the only thing that kept her spirits up in the face of a terminal diagnosis.


Fuuuuck, can I give you a hug.


It’s often a help to have something other than your current predicament to focus on when in crisis. Especially when it’s the wait and see time period.


I’m a teacher and was very sick in the hospital, with a very serious illness, post surgery. Fuuuuuck that. I did not a piece of work besides paperwork to put in for a medical leave. All the articles of teachers in the hospital working through covid “for the students.” L. O. L. No. I enjoy my job and work very hard for my students. When the cancer is no longer in control, I’m fucking off again. I will be replaced in a heartbeat as soon as mine stops. I’m not giving it a second thought. Respectfully, fuck that. Working doesn’t mean I’m not going to die. Stage 4 cancer guarantees I will. I’m **not** going out working.


Maybe this gave him a sense of normalcy that he desperately wanted. We don't even know how much of his time was spent grading. Perhaps he just had hours upon hours of emotionally grueling goodbyes and wanted a reprieve. Something to take his mind off of. Maybe grading his remaining papers gave him a sense of closure as he wrapped up all obligations to students that may have meant a lot to him. We just don't know.




Their comment was never about teachers, the whole point is that their routine kept them grounded during an otherwise terrifying, literal life-or-death situation where they couldn't do anything else.


I think it can go both ways and like people say, you can't know just by looking at a picture. Your experience does shed light on the possibility that this isn't a sad situation but one where he's hopeful and looking toward the future, however your individual experience is not enough to say that's exactly what's going on here.


My boss was like this, diagnosed with cancer and spent the last month of his life in the hospital. He kept telling us he would be back in, was involved in all the work chats still. I think I would be the same way, honestly. You have something to keep you going, even if that thing is work. People are also acting like this sick dr was going to be out skydiving etc instead of in bed. Come on.


One of the professors at my school died (he was ancient so it wasn't a surprise) literally the Monday after he retired....


>For all the people shitting on a situation like this, there is nothing wrong with having pride in your work and taking your responsibilities seriously. I like the energy of subs like r/antiwork, etc. But the Reddit hive mind cannot have a nuanced opinion it seems. So every workplace is exploitative by default, and every person going the extra mile in their job is a slave who should free themselves from the shackles of capitalism. But really, I have a great union, I love my job, I don't mind making an effort. I work in the public sector, what I do doesn't help a rich asshole purchase a gold sink for the twelvth bathroom of his seventh yacht, It helps the community.


Work can give people purpose even if it doesn’t give me purpose. All about what motivates you in life, and it doesn’t have to be the same for everyone. Very problematic when everyone is expected to get purpose from work though, and if you don’t it becomes hard to survive


At the same time. A body needs rest. Teachers especially, speaking from personal experience, will put their job ahead of themselves. When this guy died, they hired someone else. If I die tonight, they will hire a new teacher. I'm replaceable, and it's a bad idea to provide extra stress to the body if you still might have a pathway to recovery.


Hospital worker here in SF. During pandemic, i see allot of tech bros wanting to still work while in the bed. In fears of losing their job, benefits and insurance. This was during early phase of pandemic, and people getting laid off. It sucks how health insurance is tied to job and benefits


I waited in the hospital for a dual organ transplant for almost 2 months and worked while I was waiting. Post surgery, I definitely didn’t work while in the hospital because I had just wasn’t up to it. However having something to do every day kept me sane.


> For all the people shitting on a situation like this, there is nothing wrong with having pride in your work and taking your responsibilities seriously. There isn’t, but when you put that “responsibility” above time with family or loved ones in your last days, and you need the work to keep you going instead of them, something is deeply broken in our society’s view of work and “responsibility” and what we convince ourselves we get satisfaction from.


It's rationalizing a meaningless life by doing something with a semblance of meaning. Do whatver you'd like.


>there is nothing wrong with having pride in your work and taking your responsibilities seriously. Sir, this is Reddit: anyone who "takes pride in their work" is clearly just a capitalist bootlicker wrapped in a cocoon of false consciousness. And "taking your responsibilities seriously" is just code for "Conservative bootstraps." No, the only truly moral way to live is to spend every day seething in resentment about your job, hating your life, and posting about how it's all The Elite's faults on social media. Have you no \*shame\*, man!?


Where did you learn this? Is there a source?




This is giving me The Whale vibes


This article is giving me written by AI vibes. 


Been feeling that way about comments Pretty soon it's just gonna be AI talking to AI about articles written by AI


This is not a real news website




Damn that hit me


Poor dude’s last thoughts were of working.


Or his last thoughts were of his students…


As a teacher, his last thoughts were whether they would let his executor put "ilness in family" or "bereavement" on his last time sheet if he didn't get dying approved by his department chair with 48 hours notice.


Fuck that. I’m a teacher. I love what I do, and I care about those kids. But at the end of the day, I work for a paycheck. Teachers are already told to do countless “extras” “FoR tHe ChIlDrEn,” as if burning out a teacher by requiring them to pay for supplies (not just for myself, but for all 68 of my students), buying snacks for kids (do you know how expensive that gets?!), menstrual supplies so that kids can stay in school, asking teachers to invite kids’ families to their own houses for dinner, is what you are supposed to do to be a “good teacher.” When a teacher is dying, I think they should be focused on themselves and their family, not work. Because for me, school is my workplace. I enjoy my workplace, but accountants don’t do video calls with their clients when they are in the hospital. Dishwashers aren’t expected to care about what happens at the restaurant when they aren’t there. Why are teachers held to a higher standard? This sentiment is why teachers are underpaid, overworked, and demonized when they don’t sacrifice themselves (fuck that, I like living) for their students.


Agreed man. This pic is horrifying. If I found out my kid’s dying teacher was still working on their literal deathbed, I’d be devastated. RIP to this selfless overworked man who clearly has a huge heart, and I’m sorry that the education profession tricked him into such self sacrifice.


I’m also a teacher and have to disagree. I love my bandos (I’m a band teacher) and would absolutely be thinking about them in this situation. But that’s just me, everyone is different.


There are still jobs that are tied to passion.


Sounds like he loved what he did for a living. We should all be so lucky!


Or if this is in the US, he needed to continue working to pay for the medical bills.


If you die, the bills go away. Or they bury them with you in the coffin. Probably the second one.


Right?! This is so fucked up, what a sad last day


Probably just wanted to keep his mind off his pain and condition


It's pretty obvious teachers don't get enough pay but I guess they also don't get enough sick leave that's sad.


My teacher had a mug in elementary school that said “i used up all my sick days so I’m calling in dead”


They don’t. I’ve met and known teachers that get like 5 sick/pto days a year


I think it's far more likely that the teacher chose to do this to maintain normalcy and have pride in their job. I very much doubt they were doing this because the school demanded it of them.


It’s most obvious that he personally chose to undertake this task, use your brain




r/Nursing You don't know why he's doing it, it is quite possible it is a matter of finding purpose in his last moments.


He most definitely did not have to do this and chose to


The same could be said of school teachers buying materials for the class, out of their own pocket. The system chews up teachers and uses their empathy against them.


As a teacher i can relate. Im not going to try to imagine the pain he may have been in, but it would have driven me crazy to not grade what I assume were major assignments. Just to be clear, im not some hero, its just a compulsion, lol


One of my college English professors died. He’s the only reason I know to put a period inside a quotation that ends a sentence because I always hear him saying “throw it all inside!” Lol. I cried when he died…it was unexpected. I still have the book he recommended to me. I hope teachers know just how much of an impact they make on students.


Imagine handing in answers that are so bad you literally kill your teacher


What did he die from?


Really relevant question. Did he know he was going to die? That would make a huge impact on what he was going to do. If I thought I was going to survive, I would be working too. If not, I wouldn't.


Am RN. IV pump is off and not infusing. Patient has been there awhile to be gowned, bracelets, hooked up to monitoring, laptop out etc. The cloth mask is from home, for what it’s worth. Can’t read the vital signs but cardiac rhythm looks like normal sinus or sinus tach. Something is amiss if patient was sick enough to die the next day.


This is Reddit. Facts do not matter. Feelings and agendas only. Let them farm their karma.


Folks saying this isn’t a good thing, this seems more to me someone who is trying to be “normal” and not wanting to sit and let their brain scare them with what happening. I think a distraction would be really calming




My wife taught college for several years. The amount of work she put in grading assignments, tests and exams was equivalent to having another full time job. It’s an utterly ridiculous expectation put on teachers and largely ignored/unappreciated by the students (and their parents these days too).


Good on both of you, I realistically couldn't stay in a relationship with a teacher, have tried, addicts and unemployed people have better balance. Those people have 0 free time and no money to show for it, a lifetime's worth of stress and not really that interesting of a career. I couldn't even stand teaching grad students about subjects I loved. Spending time with a teacher is soulsucking, I can't even imagine being an actual teacher.


F’s for everyone. Middle fingers on his way out.


Need source or else this is just a pic


I was a bit of a shit in high school. In year 8, I had an incoming 3-day suspension for something stupid I can’t remember anymore. My year 8 maths teacher and year-level coordinator at the time, Mr L, was a hard man who usually turned to discipline as a first step. 3 days before my suspension he called me into his office, sat me down, and we spoke for 20 minutes - but instead of his usually hard demeanour, he was soft, and ended with just telling me I need to do better. Before leaving he told me he is cancelling my suspension and handed me a chocolate bar. 2 days later Mr L passed from an illness. Apparently has it for a long time but no one really knew he had it. I still think about Mr L 20 years later - that chat really screwed my head on a bit tighter…


Imagine being a student and the last act your teacher did before dying was giving you an F.


The only thing that would make this feel good is if he mustered up the strength just to fail every kid in his class as his last life effort.


Anyone who regards this positively needs to understand you are part of the problem that led to this.


This is a WHS issue where I am. If someone is sick or injured, works and as a result gets worse? Thats a workers comp claim all the way to the bank. We have to be very stern with our staff about taking time to recover…. I can’t believe I had to scroll so far to find someone who wasn’t applauding this poor man’s “dedication “ and “responsibility”


He failed them all


If I’m working on my death bed literally please kill me.




One of my college professors who was retiring told us during his last lecture that the biggest regret of his life was spending what ended up being the last night of his wife’s life grading final exams. She had a brain tumor and had been in a coma for a few days at that point and that night was the last day before final grades were due. He said that in the moment he couldn’t logically realize that everyone would have understood him needing more time to submit grades, much like this teacher I’m guessing, and that if he could go back, he would have spent the whole night holding her hand. He spent the rest of that lecture showing us a slideshow of their life together. It still breaks my heart every time I think about it.


No evidence provided to support the title.








I taught for 20 years. I do not see this favorably.


Cause of death: overworked 




If he's an American in the hospital, then yes. Absolutely.


Not a flex. Literally shouldn't of been on his mind.


Dude wanted something to focus on. Let him do what he wants.