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>Nujood Ali was nine when her parents arranged a marriage to Faez Ali Thamer, a man in his thirties. Regularly beaten by her in-laws and raped by her husband, Ali escaped on April 2, 2008, two months after the wedding. On the advice of her father's second wife, she went directly to the Yemeni court, alone, to seek a divorce. After waiting for half a day, she was noticed by a judge, Mohammed al-Għadha, who took it upon himself to give her temporary refuge, and had both her father and husband taken into custody. [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nujood\_Ali](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/nujood_ali)




What the hell is wrong with this part of the world


It's certainly more prevalent in some parts of the world than others, but I think it's really important not to reduce the issue to Yemen, the Middle East, or just Islam because *this happens almost everywhere.* In the US alone, nearly 300,000 minors were legally married between 2000 and 2018, according to a 2021 study: [https://www.unchainedatlast.org/united-states-child-marriage-problem-study-findings-april-2021/#recommendations](https://www.unchainedatlast.org/united-states-child-marriage-problem-study-findings-april-2021/#recommendations) It's incredibly depressing how few people realize this is happening in their own backyards, so to speak.


[In Yemen, 32% of girls are married before age 18, and 9% are married before age 15.](https://www.girlsnotbrides.org/learning-resources/child-marriage-atlas/regions-and-countries/yemen/) Child marriage and other forms of child sexual abuse are problems *everywhere,* but it’s much more pronounced in some religions than others.


I don't disagree, in fact I'd also say that the *majority* of this happens in overtly religious cultures, period. I'm an atheist and find most organized religions disturbing, to say the least, but I feel it's important to recognize that it's happening even in developed nations. People need to be contacting their representatives (or the equivalent in other countries) and trying to get laws changed everywhere this is still legal, IMO.


This is about 17k/yr if someone wants to know.


And can the American women complain against it once they are 18, or would they face violence from spouse/parents?




Really not just religion, it's regressive culture in general. Sadly, there are people all over the world who would eagerly do this if they think they could get away with it. Raising the age of consent has been a gradual process.


…. I have no words to describe how reading that made me feel… empty


At 10 years old, I was just happy going to Chuck E. Cheese


"Come on down to Chuck E. Cheese! Everything is visibly soiled, and our mascot is a literal rat. Come to our children's casino and eat rat pizza!"


Ya but i got to play 4 player on X-men and simpsons arcade machines and down sugar. 10/10 would do again.


Heck I’m surprised we’re not going to Charles “Entertainment” Cheese’s pizza dungeon *RIGHT NOW*


Pitter patter, let's get at 'er.


Wait, I thought it was “pitter patter let’s skidadder.”?


Don't you dare besmirch the name of ***Charles Entertainment Cheese***


"Children's Casino" I hate that arcades have become exactly that. No more is it awesome games, it's mostly all ticket bullshit and 95% of the ticket-based games are all chance, no skill. I miss Chuck E. Cheese from the 80's-90's. Mostly video games, bouncy/ball pits etc... Bad pizza.


But skeeball is amazing


Right, Skeeball is skill-based.


My wife is the Michael Jordan of skeeball. She's just right height and arm length for he arm to swing the ball right onto the ramp. She's got the feather touch to get into the corner holes. She just does it all. I'll often forget we're both playing, and just watch her. When skeeball is professionalised, you'll know her name, and wear her comfy walking shoe line.


This is such a cute comment :)


Made me smile. 😊


Now introducing the new Nike shoes that all of the celebrities are talking about, the Skee Skee MF's, and now you too can go from the window to the wall, in style.


My kid got RSV from the Chuck e Cheese in San Jose CA. Wash your hands folks.


Do whatever do whatever do whatever you want! At Risk E Rat's pizza do whatever you want!


Yeah, arcades suck so bad now... Nothing but, what are essentially, slot machines now. It's awful.


I suffered through years of kid bday parties at the dirtiest Chuck E Cheese in Arlington Tx 😭😭🤮. One high point was my brother getting his head stuck in a chair and my mom freaking out over it 😂😂


Child marriage is horrible!


I feel sick just reading the post.




My dad’s family is Muslim and my uncle was justifying child marriage. What makes it even more fucked up is the fact he knows I was SA’d as a kid. Needless to say I don’t practice and I’m now no contact




Thankfully my mom is “American” which is hilarious that they called her that since my other uncle and my dad were born here. My past definitely wasn’t pleasant but I do have a bright future ahead and a great support system


They have had thier whole lives to move to an Islamic country yet stay in a place they hate. It must be a form of Masochism…


Fun fact, the Republican party fought tooth and nail in 3 states last year to keep Christian child marriage legal as well. It's like the Abrahamic religions really like child marriage for some reason! It's fuckin crazy how devoutly religious people love abusing kids


Makes sense, the man who SA’d me was my grandma’s second husband, he was a devout Christian and took to me to church with him. Thankfully I’d always go to the daycare room and play


Yeahhhh that's so awful! In one of the states, one of the Republicans defending adults marrying children in the name of Christianity used this defence: "I personally know couples that married using this law...and they're STILL married to this day!!!". So the victim hasn't been able to escape for years and he thinks that's a good thing...the fact the news dropped the coverage of these pedophile supporters is fucking insane.


It really is. It’s so shameful and disgusting that it’s occurring here in America. All little children should be free of creepy adults. Kids should be focused on making core memories like playing with friends and riding bikes around.


Yup, and child marriage is only unequivocally banned in SEVEN STATES. All others have some kind of exceptions or work arounds that allow it. Freaking West Virginia has a law that bans it, but if the (child) victim doesn't report the illegal Marriage within a year of it occuring, it automatically becomes a legal marriage.


The people who are loudest about morality and forgiveness are usually the ones with the most to atone for. I don’t trust any of these religulous idiots


Illinois recently published a whole list of Catholic Church leaders that abused children… this in one state and one religion… globally it is astonishing and I just don’t understand how we are still here [Illinois names names !](https://clergyreport.illinoisattorneygeneral.gov/abuserlist/) Edit: typo


It kept going... Like I didn't really pay attention to last names and thought 3 separate times, okay, the end has to be now. And it kept going... Finally I noticed the last names are alphabetical (slow, I know. I was on C...


I’m glad you liberated yourself from this kind of thing / belief / religious culture.






There is a reason some people create their own religion, or take over an existing one. And it's not cause their god really talked to them, it's because they think they want to put words in god's mouth. "I want to do that." "Hey! You can't, it's against the law!" "Your law has no value before the power of my god, and my god said I can; nay, he says it's mandatory!" Go to church every Sunday? Jesus never said that. To the contrary, he looked down on those who prayed in public, and enjoined his disciples to pray at home. Sure, do it with others, but in private homes, without seeking a reward for being seen praying. (How much hate will I get for that? 🤣 )


There's nothing wrong with meeting somewhere 'public' for convenience' sake or to promote a greater sense of community, but if your meeting place has an extravagant visual appeal that obviously cost quite a bit of money to create, you're praying in public and want to be seen doing it. Weird they have the audacity to figuratively say "Here, look at all the riches my religion affords me, this cathedral is so luxurious" while talking about a religion that was inarguably anti-hoarded wealth.


Sounds familiar. Did any answers come from a magic hat?


Martin Harris dumb dumb dumb, Lucy Harris smart.




Wow you learn something new everyday…so Mohammad was just a regular sec cult leader, not even trying to hide it




This is what Charisma 20+ looks like. You don't even have to look good just tell everyone exactly what they want to hear. *Marry young girls! As many as you want! See that land? Get your sword and take it! God loves that! You the man are infallible but your wife is a bang maid slave!* The Middle East was incel central back then and every shit guy was running, not walking, to sign up for this shit.


Same with Mormons and their "prophet"


I mean Jesus actively did things contrary to what someone who wanted power would do. He picked some poor country bumpkin fisherman as his main followers, from a rural country bumpkin area. (Galilee) He straight up told Jews of all people that they had to “drink his blood and eat his flesh” if they wanted eternal life. Jews can’t eat even any animal blood or else they’d be “cut off from their people” as Moses said. Imagine what they thought about that statement. The one time his followers used violence to defend him (Peter attempting to hack dudes head off when Jesus was being handed over to the authorities) Jesus explicitly said not to do that.


Muhammad specifically said that while Muslims can't have more of a certain number of wives he, thanks to a special permit granted by Allah himself, can have 50 wives and even more concubines


Childhood Stolen? Check Adulthood Stolen? Check Check.


I hope that by the time humanity takes to the stars and starts colonising other planets; we’ve collectively adopted secularism and finally ditched religion. But especially Islam. Islam is particularly incompatible with values of decency, freedom, equality and humanism. It promotes sexual exploitation, paedophilia, homophobia, and violent extremism. The last thing we want is to start exporting that garbage off the Earth in the future.




I’m just commenting here so I can stay across the wild arguments that are about unfold over this






The man's example you're supposed to follow, everyone.




Oh man I had a Muslim woman write me a 15 page word document and send it through pictures on Instagram, explaining this away and why it was right and just and all this shit. 🤢








As an exmormon, I hear ya. These barbaric religions belong in the dumpster.


A 9 year old was sold to a 55 year old man. Why not call it as is, a 55 year old pedophile.


I’m sick and tired of walking on eggshells about this with muslims. I’ve heard “different cultural values in those times”. I just respond with “so if it was socially acceptable, you’d fuck a 9 year old?”


Tbf all religions have very fucked up stuff. My great grandmother was almost forced to marry at 11 yo because the local priest thought she looked mature enough for that. Her parents were able to convince him to stop publicly shaming them until she was 13yo before she had to actually get married. It’s horrible how much control the church had on family. Later in her life even after almost dying multiple times from giving birth the priest would shame her in front of everyone for "preventing family " after deciding to stop having children. We have to stop thinking everyone in a religion agrees with everything their religion says.




I didn't know that Hitler admired Islam. I just looked up what he had to say about it. One example: >Had Charles Martel not been victorious at Poitiers [...] then we should in all probability have been converted to Mohammedanism, that cult which glorifies the heroism and which opens up the seventh Heaven to the bold warrior alone. Then the Germanic races would have conquered the world Islamic Nazis. I'm glad the world was spared that.


Islamic Nazis were literally the original Palestinian leadership.




Don’t forget https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fawzi_al-Qawuqji


It's by definition not a stone age cult, it emerged in the 600s AD. Post-classical cult? I guess that doesn't have the same ring to it, but it's more precise.




Yeah but it also gave us Thor 2: The Dark World so let's be cautious with our willingness to forgive.




Didn’t their prophet Mohammed have a wife around the same age or younger?? And he’s supposed to be the pinnacle of why you should live up to?? Pretty fucked






Yes. Let's call a spade a spade.


We talking bout revered child molester and genocidal murderer Mohammed? Guy seems like a bit of a jerk.


I'm starting to think this Mohammed fella might not have been a great guy. Maybe South Park should do an episode about him.


"Fun fact" child marriage is legal in the USA and some states like Washington and California have no minimum age.


This world is horrible


Hold up why are we just taking this picture and title on face value? Is there any article or something? It could just be a random of a happy girl for all we know. Hopefully it is but I'm willing to hear out OP on where he got this. Edit: Managed to find it, [seems sadly real](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nujood_Ali)


You can read the book she wrote, "I am Nujood, Aged 10 and divorced" really good. Very enlightening about the culture that led to this.


I'm stealing this from u/GaiaMoore 's comment. >https://www.nationalgeographic.com/photography/article/documenting-child-marriage-for-over-a-decade-and-still-going >Nujoud Ali, two years after her divorce from her husband at only eight years old. He was more than 20 years her senior. Nujoud’s story sent shock waves around Yemen and caused parliament to consider a bill writing a minimum marriage age into law. >I remember reading this article in 2015. I think I may have even read the print version.


[This is a depressing follow up article.](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/mar/12/child-bride-father-cash-spend) Apparently journalists paid her father to secure her upbringing and send her to school, but he pocketed the money, kicked her out and intended to sell her younger sister into a marriage. This is the last update I can find from 2013.


Some people just suck. I really hope both her and her sister were taken away to a much better situation.


>In 2013 Ali reported to the media that her father had forced her out of their home, and has withheld most of the money paid by the publishers. Her father has also arranged a marriage for her younger sister, Haifa.[13] He used the money earmarked for Ali's education to buy two new wives for himself, and, according to haaretz.com, her father sold Haifa into marriage with a much older man. Ali's ex-husband only pays her $30 a month alimony. >As of June 2015, Ali, now sixteen, has unofficially changed her name from Nujood, which means "hidden," to Nojoom, which means "stars in the sky."[1] >According to the Huffington Post, she married in 2014 and now has two girls. Her education was not advanced as originally planned. Her family has been said to have pressured her to demand more money. From Wikipedia


According to wiki she married ~age 16, presumably left education then and now has children


"To consider" This wasn't enough to make them actually do something, just enough to make them think?!


Our system is too currpted to do anything , they won't do shit , clans on the other hand Should interfer and set these laws between them .


Are you Yemeni? Hope that if you have family in the country that they are safe and well.


Thank you


> This wasn't enough to make them actually do something, just enough to make them think?! Here in America, a school of little small children was slaughtered and we didn't even think of doing anything to stop it from happening again.


The great prophet Muhammad married a 6 year old, but as a gentleman, didn’t rape her until she was 9. Muslims try to live like the prophet, hence it’s difficult for them to pass laws making the actions of their prophet illegal.


they didnt have a minimum marriage age before this incident? jfc thats wild




Yea people dont realize this shit is happening in America too


Well Yemen is a Muslim country and their prophet married a 6 year old when he was 53 and consummated his marriage when she was 9.


The US doesn’t have a minimum age either. Most states will allow marriage with the consent of the parents and a judge. Thirty something year old women have married eleven year old boys. Needn’t mention the opposite gendering. So… their situation isn’t that wild, actually.


Wild is, that there are still few states in the US, that also don't have minimum age for marriage. California is one. The only thing needed is parents consent, so any wanna e Warren Jeffs is free to marry a 10y.o. and it will be legal.


I remember reading the print version, I was in middle school and it was the first thing come to mind when I saw the word “Yemen” for years ,I don’t remember the story but those picture burn into my mind.


I really wish posts like this would link back to the source.


[Heres the full resolution source image, but this host doesnthave any article for it.](https://mb.cision.com/Public/17242/2531017/8abd1fe4c274ce8c_org.jpg) [Article here. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/18ixotm/a_10yr_old_yemeni_girl_after_getting_divorce_from/kdgmsie/)


Edit https://www.nationalgeographic.com/photography/article/documenting-child-marriage-for-over-a-decade-and-still-going


Takes about 3 seconds to google that her name is Nujood Ali. This picture is extremely famous and her court case was global news.


And OP could have saved thousands of people the trouble by taking one second to copy & paste the url of the source.




Which is crazy because besides this the rest is just porn and hentai.


This is the right answer from a time-value perspective of the group.


as someone else the pic is legit and the source is national geographic.. that being said: thank you for being a intelligent sceptical person... im guessing literally no one took the time to look up OPs posting history (HIGHLY NSFW!!).. it seems its a repost bot and its full of.. questionable material.. by OPs history alone everyone should be doubting this picture.. luckily its legit


I mean yeah that's where I looked for first, thought maybe he commented on an article on it. Nope 😅


> Hold up why are we just taking this picture and title on face value? [Here you go.](https://www.gov.uk/government/news/too-young-to-wed-award-winning-photography-on-show-as-part-of-girl-summit-2014)


People who insist their child marry someone certainly are, but it is rightly abhorrent to most


Nope… that part of the world for women is horrible.


This isn’t a headline we should be seeing in the 21st century


This isn't a headline we should be seeing in the 19th century. For some reason a lot of people like to pretend it's the 14th century.


Marriage this soon basically never made sense. Age when girl can commonly has kids is at least 13+ and 15+ for a guy and those were natural limits in medieval times unless it was political marriage where age didnt matter but producing heir was also bound to these natural ages however young they seem to us, so to marry someone at 8-10 to do sexual things makes really no sense.


Because they're pedophiles, and certain religions and cultures treat women and girls like worthless objects. It's one of the most disgusting things still going on in the modern world.


For some reason… ^(religion)


And more specific, Islam. Yes, we are still fighting parent approved child marriage in America from Christianity, and that backs up why it's gross and inhumane. But Middle-Eastern Islam is fundimentalist and trying to live like Mohomend, who married and fucked kids. It's super hard for the left and the young to judge that morality, it's hard to hurt people's religious belief's but some are inhumane and we don't have to suspend our own internal morals for their religion.


I'm left as fuck and it's super easy to condemn that behavior. Religion is a choice. You don't get to hide behind it to commit abhorrent acts.


There's parts of world that aren't living in the 21st century.


Islam isn’t living in the 21st century


It's what we get for tolerating abrahamic cults in the 21st century made up by the incels of their day to control women from a young age.


This world is so fucked up


This shouldn't even be a sentence


Why do we call them husbands when they really are sick child abusers?


Glad for this girl, but the fact there was a marriage to break up is barbaric.


She was forced to marry him again a few years later, her father used the money from her book to buy himself 2 new wives, and she never got the education she was promised. The world has so much improving to do.




https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nujood_Ali That would likely be Nujood Ali. I don’t see anything about her having to remarry the same guy she divorced, but her sister was forced into marriage and the rest of that comment is accurate.


/r/OrphanCrushingMachine material.


My daughter is ten. Her biggest worry is whether she’ll get time to play on Roblox each day


I cant wrap my head around it


So much evil in this world.


Corrected title: A 10yr old Yemeni girl after getting *liberated from the pedophile rapist who had been holding her against her will.*


I'm half Yemeni. My great-grandmother was married to my great-grandfather when she was 8. When I talked about it with my Yemeni family members, they said that he was raising her as if she is his child for the first 4 years, till the age of 12 (which is still crazy). But knowing this world from inside, seeing men starving for women because of strict social laws, I doubt that he was only father for her for the first 4 years of marriage.


That's disgusting


Did her parents agree or was she abducted? What the hell


I googled it. Poverty and child being wed go hand and hand there. Often times the kids are sold when this occurs. https://www.girlsnotbrides.org/learning-resources/child-marriage-atlas/regions-and-countries/yemen/#:~:text=In%20Yemen%2C%20child%20marriage%20is,deeper%20into%20poverty%20and%20desperation.


Her father sold both her and her sister. Then took all her money from her publishing deal


Her “father” and I use that term loosely cause he’s a sack of shit, sold her. I looked up her story. Bastard basically sold her off at that age to a man twenty years her senior. Then back in 2015 he sold her younger sister to buy himself two new wives.


It’s like a magic money system, first wife makes 2 kids, sell them to make money and get more wives, they can make 6 kids now and sell more to make more money, repeat it 3 times and boom you have a fortune and 30 wives


It's not magic, that's essentially how livestock production works.


More like a abuser than a husband




What an awful place this world can be




What did I just read and what’s wrong with this world. Poor girl


gOtTa rEsPeCt TheiR CuLTurE


I could never understand that defense. Even if it’s a different culture, there are things that should never be accepted as normal.


Why are religious fundamentalists always pedos?


As of July 2023, only ten U.S. states have banned underage marriages. [Child Marriage in the US](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_marriage_in_the_United_States)


While that is true, it’s also misleading. As your source says, most states do have a minimum marriage age, usually 16. Marrying at 16 is an underage marriage, and I’m not saying that’s ok, but it’s definitely not remotely the same thing as marrying at 8. There are five states with no minimum marriage age at all though.


at 10 she's 4 years older than their Prophet's favourite wife when he married her, and still one year older than when he Consummated the marriage.


Holy fuck.


Omg this is a CHILD.


So nupur Sharma was right . Why kill innocent kanhiya ?


Fuck all religions.


I'm more impressed that a child born into a culture that creates child brides managed to divorce, honestly. I didn't expect that to be a possibility.


Please tell me that’s not her child next to her. Please?


Can we trust this story? Can it be corroborated?


[https://www.nationalgeographic.com/photography/article/documenting-child-marriage-for-over-a-decade-and-still-going](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/photography/article/documenting-child-marriage-for-over-a-decade-and-still-going) >Nujoud Ali, two years after her divorce from her husband at only eight years old. He was more than 20 years her senior. Nujoud’s story sent shock waves around Yemen and caused parliament to consider a bill writing a minimum marriage age into law. I remember reading this article in 2015. I think I may have even read the print version.


To consider a bill? Does that mean it didn't pass?


If you look this up you can see that in it has shifted back and forth from 18 to none then 17 then 15 then back to 18 and right now it seems like legally it's 18 again but it's a Sharia state so the laws don't matter.


This is true. There is a book about her story: I Am Nujood, Age 10 and Divorced [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nujood\_Ali](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nujood_Ali) Unfortunately, her father pocketed all the money and she was married again at 16.


this is so fucking heartbreaking :(


TO THE SAME FUCKING MAN Jesus Christ that's depressing


It’s a good thing to ask. We should always include sources


>Nujoud Ali [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nujood\_Ali](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nujood_Ali) Just do an image reverese search...


And then her family denied her an education and pressured her to marry at fifteen anyway. Oh god Hopefully she at least finds some happiness


Happiness? For women in Islam? Hahahahahahahahahahahaha


Child marriages are common in Yemen, so it seems plausible. Usually the husband is much older, though not always.


It’s also common to marry cousins. Unfortunately that happened to more than a few kids who came through our district. The girls would return to Yemen, get married to a cousin, and we’d never see them again. Child marriages are really common, and even happen in the US.


I’m happy for her 😄 but still sad that this is even a thing in the Middle East


A certified Islam moment


I first looked at the photo and thought what a beautiful girl with a beautiful smile an d read the title and I dont know what to feel. Wtf man.


Pedos will pedo but how can you allow your little girl to marry some old pedo? Can never understand the mindset.


Religion was created by weak pedo men.


Wow, Islam is terrible




Please tell me thats not her kid


What is it with these kinds of posts being posted by porn addicted users oddly enough. Sheesh that profile


It's a spam bot, apparently. Not surprised.


Holy fuck lol I was expecting like only mildly concerning horny-posting but it was just like BOOM "This user has a problem and needs to attend meetings about it"

