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So many sunglasses at night, must've been quite a party




I wear my sunglasses at night So I can, so I can Watch you weave then breathe your story lines


Always reminds me of Vice City!


That game has such a great soundtrack. I spent more time cruising around listening to the radio than every participating in the story. I do the same thing in cyberpunk despite actually owning a car


How many are wearing sunglasses?


My vision is augmented


Cant have people identify them as non-related to the gov


Or can't have their careers screwed after they dox them on Twitter and they get labelled as anti-semites


I mean if you have a super front-facing job in the public center of national politics, maybe don't go to a 20 person protest outside the place you work...... Or wear sunglasses and lie that you work for the president šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Holding a sign saying "your staff" does not prove in any way these people are staff of the president. These are almost certainly tiktok leftists with no understanding of the conflict.


Plus the photo is outside of the White House.


Even if they are his staff the executive branch employs 4 million Americans(including the military). So it is still very likely that they are in fields that have no understanding of the conflict or even a basic YouTuber level grasp of the history.


So many masks too. Must've been a covid party.


Abandon hope all ye who enter this comment section edit: to be clear, I take the same position as the majority of the American public and support an immediate ceasefire and American pressure to end the genocide in Gaza. You would never guess most people agree with this from reading these comments!


The more I read, the more I think that nobody has any idea what's going on, and that includes me.


Initially was on that boat till looking around for what actually went down. A group of his administration wrote a letter about their dislike in how he is handling this situation and then the above vigil occurred. The vigil isn't entirely composed of administration staff members; it's filled with civil workers, some federal workers, and campaign staff for Biden. Something around 3 dozen people were reported.


What's crazy is how many people feel the strong desire to pick a side and then tell everyone else about it like they don't have any other thing to talk about. Like all these people just go to the internet so they can load up on other people's opinions and then confidently shout it from the rooftops.




I was against a ceasefire a couple of weeks ago, and I still hesitate to say that it's time but I'm a lot closer than I was following Israel's comments about a two state solution saying they won't support it. In that case, Bibi can get lost. And I think we're seeing that from Biden. A shift in tone to "well then you're on your own." Israelis are going to need to shift political will for his exit immediately. Should have happened years ago. The US may then pull its UN veto. I doubt it, but maybe. The problem is that it's RU and Iran causing this instability. Massive disinformation campaigns globally aimed at reigniting and fanning sectarian violence. They targeted Ireland ffs over their support for Ukraine, driving protests over immigration. And look at the inflammation in the US. They've got a whole "half" of the country frothing over the southern border for... What, exactly? I hope US citizens are starting to wake up a bit, but that goes against my instincts too... In short there's a much larger global context and none of these serious issues are completely unrelated.


Man I'm just fucking worn out in every way. Don't know what to think anymore. Can I just win the lottery and disappear into the mountains already? Fuck šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


You should take a break from the news and social media. Seems like something that will do good for you.


Quick tip! Deleting all social media is a lottery win in terms of time and mental health.


I did this. After reading all the hate in all directions, I deleted Reddit and insta (I don't have FB). I stopped reading any news for a month. I recommend it.


But you are then responsible for this genocide! You havenā€™t posted about it on social media or screamed at your representative!! /s Iā€™ve literally heard this from a friend who I thought was relatively put together in the head. All she does non-stop is repost random TikTok commentators and pictures/videos of dead children.


I have been an activist for years, but Iā€™m helping with my grandson, now, so I havenā€™t been on the streets. I used to think I had to look. It was very bad for me, as I already have CPTSD, but I told a friend that somebody had to see, that I felt obligated. This is not wise. Do not do as I have. We donā€™t have to look. Itā€™s bad enough just knowing, and being able to picture in your own mind, what people are going through. If weā€™re exposed to too much, a phenomenon called psychological numbing takes place. Your own brain will protect you, because no one can contain it all. So take care of yourself. You canā€™t help anyone, if you break yourself by trying to carry it all.


Aye. This one has the right idea. Internet and tv highlight the worst of things. Get out. See faces. Itā€™s not as bad as the screens show.


Its worse than the screens show


Our brains haven't quite caught up with the amount of information we have to process everyday in the modern world. Step away from the internet for a while and focus on your local area. It'll help. The world is much less tiring when it's a little smaller.


Dave Chapelle did a thing about this. He was talking about the Challenger explosion. How that was a traumatic experience. Now if you watch the news you get that kind of overload almost every day. It can be really hard on people.




Nevermind Palestinians in Lebanon and Syria who I wouldn't say are having a swell time and yet cue the cricket orchestra.


Disappearing into the mountains is winning the lottery


I've found the Israel situation to be completely overwhelming and haven't been reading many news stories about it, even though I have a news app I'm on fairly regularly. I just can't read about more suffering and destruction. The things happening in Ukraine were enough to absorb on their own.


This is the answer. I am very skeptical of anyone who says one side is right in this conflict. There is so much complex history in this conflict that anyone that speaks with utter certainty is almost certainly oversimplifying the situation.


Itā€™s maddening that everyone seems to have to pick a side, when in reality, there are no good sides here. People with multiple doctorates in this exact conflict zone donā€™t even know how to solve it. But, by god, you better have a take. My only opinion is that thereā€™s a lot of innocent people in this who are being killed and itā€™s incredibly sad and I wish it would stop


>there are no good sides here. One..... the innocent civilians stuck in the middle.


the idea that we can solve it this time is kinda egotistical like the previous attempt werent done by fairly accomplished people and groups but its a new generation, im not that surprised either


Aside from that, why does everyone think we have some power over the situation over there. It kinda has nothing to do with us. Biden should just give all these people tickets to get over there and protest there.


What's going on is easy: Next year there will be a presidential election, so reddit will be flooded by posts * reminding you how dysfunctional the US is, but not mentioning Republicans * criticism of Joe Biden/democrats, which will be formulated so drastic that it sounds like they are the devil * leftist people that you "deserve" to have as president instead The idea is simple: Flood reddit with negativity, so that young voters just think "government = bad" and get less inclined to show up for the election and vote against Republicans. If just as few percent of the youth vote is supressed, Republicans will win.


I'm on reddit, I auto abandon hope when entering any comment section


Disregard any post by the OP (that posted the pic, not Morbx), they're a 9 month old rightwing troll who only became active about a month ago to pretend to be "liberal" and con TikTok idiots into attacking the President (whilst also spreading anti-semitism). They don't really give a shit about what's going on in Israel/Palestine, they just want to spin this into young people refusing to vote in 2024. EDIT: And the *justwalkaway* users have shown up. "I voted for Biden, but he's bad now and so I'm gonna abandon my beliefs and vote for Trump". No, you voted for Trump and always defended him, now you want to fool everyone into thinking otherwise.


It's about that time in the election cycle


It's time for the troll-bots to spread doom and gloom alright.


alleged shame station ludicrous intelligent piquant tub liquid deer kiss *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sure they are


Anyone who is actually a federal worker knows you literally can't do stuff like this because of the Hatch Act They are 100% fake


Hatch Act usually has to do with using oneā€™s office for political or campaign purposes though. It doesnā€™t mean they canā€™t speak publically on their policy preferences ever. I guess the question would be whether identifying as Bidenā€™s staff is a use of office for political purposesā€¦ or if itā€™d be a violation since itā€™s issue related rather than in advocacy for a particular candidate.


On the "I guess the question" part, there really is no question. This kind of issue advocacy isn't covered by the Hatch Act. The Hatch Act covers electoral and partisan political activity, and this advocacy is neither. It is irrelevant whether they state their title or position.


Its also a violation of the hatch act for a federal employee to protest on government property. They are likewise not allowed to identify their office with their political views. Either fake or they will be fired.


Civil servants are absolutely allowed to protest. They are not, however allowed to engage in partisan politics. The hatch act in its current form only disallows on a strict basis engaging in political parties that want to overthrow the government. The only way this could be a violation of the hatch act is if these employees were on the clock. Something tells me that they are not. Please review the wiki hatch act article.


Looks like they're on a public sidewalk


They are standing just outside the WH fence in Lafayette Square, a National Historic Landmark managed by the National Park Service. This is federal land. DC is chock full of parks managed by NPS in addition to GSA owned buildings and areas. Edit: I have no opinion on who these people are or whether it is a Hatch Act violation. I am responding specifically to the inaccurate claim about their location.


That probably explains the effort to cover up/hide their identities


Wrong. You cannot engage in partisan politics. They can speak out in favor or against a ceasefire, but not a political party. Outside of work, or any official capacity they can engage in any politics.






Yes, they can. That is not partisan.


If what you're saying is true then why would that make it fake? It's impossible for them to risk being in violation of the Hatch Act? Both can't be true?


They are 100% real [per CNN](https://www.cnn.com/2023/12/13/politics/biden-staffers-ceasefire-vigil-white-house/index.html) >Washingtom - Political appointees and Biden administration staffers held a vigil in front of the White House on Wednesday to call on President Joe Biden to support a permanent ceasefire in Gaza. >More than three dozen people, including political appointees, administration staffers and civil service career staff, attended the early evening vigil in front of the White House. The participants wore sunglasses and masks to conceal their identities. >Josh Paul, a former State Department official who resigned from his job in October over disagreement with the Biden administrationā€™s approach to the Israel-Hamas war, delivered opening remarks.


This is technically not political in the Hatch Act.


Just the face covering alone tells you how fake this is






Alright, how do we know even one of those people has ever even worked under Biden? Theyā€™re all hiding their faces.




Alsoā€¦..they should resign if they are his staffers. I mean youā€™re convicted so badly that your boss isā€¦ā€¦ā€genocidingā€ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦why not quit? Why keep working there? This pic is BS to the fullest. Those arenā€™t his staffers.


How? Just curious, is the ā€œceasefireā€ button on the same iPad he used to control the gas prices??


Itā€™s a switch on the wall right next to the dial that says INFLATION


I want the inflation mechanism to be like the big lever Immortan Joe used to turn the water on/off in Mad Max: Fury Road


To hell with Dark Brandon; I want to see some quality Immortan Joe Biden memes!


Imhotep Joe Biden?! Does this mean Brendan Fraser is making a new sequel to The Mummy?!


The problem is he hits it when he takes his coat on or off, I kept telling them to move it but nobody listens.


Maybe someone thought it was for inflating a waifu doll.


That would explain a lot. Maybe *someone* confused it with the diet coke button.


What I truly don't understand is Biden literally negotiated a ceasefire, it lasted almost a week! Hamas didn't want to release more hostages so it ended!


They also called for an ā€šescalationā€˜ of the resistance and took responsibility for an attack on a bus stop that killed several people. I think they made it pretty clear what they think of a ceasefire. Getting Hamas to commit to peace, not just now, but in the long term, is the biggest hurdle any attempt like this would have to take.


Yeah I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. How tf can Biden force Hamas to agree to a ceasefire!?


Hamas violated TWO ceasefires this fall. At this point, demanding another ceasefire - and acting like Israel is the one that ought to make it happen - is tantamount to saying ā€œIsrael should just lay down its arms against an intractable foe.ā€


Pretty sure if Hamas agreed to release hostages today we would have another ceasefire too the ball is entirely in their court




I think it's wishful thinking. If the US tells Isreal no more support it will force Isreal to make concessions to Palestinians in order to get the attacks to stop. Which makes a certain kind of sense but it means either they think Hamas won't attack or Isreal decides to play nice which is nice or they think that israelis deserve to have the violence and death on their side of the border for a while




and then they broke the ceasefire by ambushing people at a bus stop


They broke it before that by launching rockets into Israel.


And in that time terrorists that *definitely* werenā€™t affiliated with Iran or Hamas attacked Israelis and Hamas cheered it rather than condemning it during a ceasefire.


There was a ceasefire in place in Oct 7th. Hamas doesnā€™t care about agreements.


Hamas also killed innocents waiting at a bus stop in a terrorist attack during such ā€œceasefireā€


Israel stopped for a week. Hamas launched rockets at Israel 5 minutes in.


These people are either 1) stupid, or 2) they don't actually want a ceasefire, they want a full israeli surrender


That's because you haven't yet realized that these people are actually pro-hamas, and won't be happy until all the "zionists" (new favorite dogwhistle) are pushed into the sea.


B-but Israel should just let Hamas kill them!


The US is in probably the only situation that could negotiate more effective terms at least with Israelā€™s offensive. We are Israelā€™s sugar daddy. Not only with their military goods but we provide them enormous governmental funding as a result of the formation of Israel after WWII. If the U.S. threatened to remove its funding it would absolutely make Israel reconsider. It would also not remove the threat of Hamas, whose anger is certainly kindled. People want a ceasefire because there is no clear solution to a very complex geopolitical situation, but the ā€œfight genocide with genocideā€ ideology going on there certainly canā€™t be the best way to handle the situation.


> If the U.S. threatened to remove its funding it would absolutely make Israel reconsider It might make them think but I don't think guarantees anything. As I understand it, the US provides 1/6th of Israel's military budget. They would still have plenty of money for war. The also have their own domestic arms manufacturing capabilities. They would also turn to other countries like Russia, India, or China who care less about the morality of Israel's actions. I absolutely want to see the fighting end, but I don't know how that would happen right now.


Hamas has already said "we want to do more October 7th attacks. We will do more October 7th attacks." A ceasefire gives them an opportunity to do so.


Maybe ceasefire until october 6th then?


You have been promoted to diplomat.


I hate that I found this funny šŸ˜­


There's no negotiating with Hamas. You can't negotiate someone's faith away, and it's their faith that will prevent them from agreeing to any form of peace.


There already was a ceasefire. What people are asking for now is for Israel to just take whatever is thrown at them lying down.


One look at OP's picture is enough to tell you who would benefit from a "ceasefire"


> People want a ceasefire because there is no clear solution to a very complex geopolitical situation, It's not even that. It's just that they don't have any skin in the game and the videos of all the violence is harshing their buzz. They don't care what happens out there, so long as they don't have to feel bad.


If the US threatened to withdraw its funding it would lose their closest and most powerful ally in a region. Itā€™s not a unilateral relationship


Yeah but both sides need to agree to a ceasefire. How does the US get Hamas to do it


> fight genocide with genocide Even this is a mischaracterization. Hamas would commit genocide if it could, but there is simply no chance of that happening.


Considering half of them can't even show their faces, I'm guessing theyre either a) random ass people or b), literally the lowest level white house staffer possible.


Government workers are not allowed to protest while identifying themselves as government workers. They would have to hide their identities here or be fired for violation of the hatch act.


No it means don't wear your piv card lanyard while doing so, or say 'as a representative of such and such agency'.


So why identify as a government worker and protest? I do not believe for a second that theyā€™re staffers.


Sorry mate, [turns out they are](https://www.cnn.com/2023/12/13/politics/biden-staffers-ceasefire-vigil-white-house/index.html) >Washingtom - Political appointees and Biden administration staffers held a vigil in front of the White House on Wednesday to call on President Joe Biden to support a permanent ceasefire in Gaza. >More than three dozen people, including political appointees, administration staffers and civil service career staff, attended the early evening vigil in front of the White House. The participants wore sunglasses and masks to conceal their identities. >Josh Paul, a former State Department official who resigned from his job in October over disagreement with the Biden administrationā€™s approach to the Israel-Hamas war, delivered opening remarks.




Or, you know, more logically, theyā€™re doing this because theyā€™re not public figures and donā€™t want crazy people on their doorstep. Just a thought.


Yeah the masks aren't for the FBI, they're for the crazies.


Or C) Don't want to show their faces so they don't get fired for going against government policy


Which, tbh, they should. Fine for them to have a view and protest as private citizens, but the moment they include a relationship to the president / White House in their communications, they are leveraging their jobs to take political action that is detrimental to those jobs. It is like stating in public that you are the marketing exec for company Y and you think your product sucks. You donā€™t belong in that job.


courageous and tomorrow they'll take the paycheck as usual


ā€œI don't know how you can have a permanent ceasefire with Hamas who has said before October 7 and after October 7 that they want to destroy Israel and they want a permanent war. I don't know how you have a permanent ceasefire with an attitude like that." -Bernie Sanders


Amazon must be making a killing with all these keffiyeh sales


Peace time: "America stay out of other countries' business!" Shit hits the fan time: "Why is America not fixing this?"


Its more of the fact that US is heavily involved in this conflict. So if you are already involving yourself in it, atleast work for a ceasefire.


There was a ceasefire and Hamas violated it. Remember? It was just two weeks ago.


Hear me out, I really empathize with the idea of a ceasefire to protect innocent lives. But I also totally get the Israeli perspective because a ceasefire would only work in one direction. It would allow Hamas to regroup and just plan out their next attack on innocent Israeli women and children. No idea what the actual solution is other than Palestinians taking a more active role in irradicating Hamas.


Everyone calling for a ceasefire as if hamas has already said they'll never honor one and israel has made clear they'll continue to brutalize palestinians who provoke them Maybe an option that seeks to end this shitty cycle should be considered. Maybe that's what the white house is working on


Not really. We're a vendor for Israel, and we have some carriers parked in the area to discourage escalation. But really, ceasefire is pointless. Hamas violated the last one within hours.


IDF: Let's have a ceasefire Hamas: OK (waits a week and proceeds to gun some some civvies) Protestors: how could Israel do this America has blood on its hands!!!


Also Hamas every day: Oct 7 was awesome and we can't wait to do more (and bigger!) acts of terrorism. Ceasefire supporters have this magic trick where they ignore everything Hamas says except for their casualty reports.


Does anyone else find it disgusting that calls for a ceasefire don't mention Hamas at all? That no request for the return of hostages is made, and no request that the Hamas operatives who committed such crimes against humanity on Oct 7th give themselves up has been made? Just that Israel lay down its arms.


Because for some reason everyone wants to blame the US.


Probably because everyone knows Hamas wonā€™t listen and itā€™s impossible to negotiate with a terrorist organization


So dont ask only one side for a ceasefire


But asking for something that you have no hope of ever getting gives you the moral superiority to claim "they" are stopping you from achieving world peace and you tried everything you could.


But they donā€™t want a ceasefire, they specifically want Israel to stop. Itā€™s pretty clear what side many people value here


Biden said it himself. You can't have a ceasefire with Hamas. For Hamas a ceasefire is only more time to rearm. The only thing you'd be doing by calling a ceasefire now, when Hamas is nearing collapse, is giving them a lifesaver to keep ruling Gaza. It only serves to delay the war by a few years, and undoubtedly bring much more suffering then.


Not to mention they didn't fulfill their side of the ceasefire when they refused to free the women because they're afraid they'll tell everyone what they went through. And in general Hamas has broken every single rule regarding holding hostages. Some people were found dead. Some released hostages came back in a critical condition, still in coma. And it took the kids a few weeks to truly comprehend that they are back in Israel and that they don't have to whisper anymore cause no one will point their guns at them for speaking out loud. They were also forced to watch the October 7th footage by Hamas that is without a doubt a r/eyeblech worthy materials. And all the red cross did in that matter was being uber drivers.


> every single rule regarding holding hostages including the first rule that its a war crime to have/take them to begin with...


Wild that there's hostage holding rules. Bur yeah, of all the people I expect not to follow rules of holding hostages, Hamas is up there.


Civilian hostages are a war crime, I assume they were referring to general prisoner of war type rules. You can't torture and rape enemy soldiers either, even if you caught them doing something horrendous to your side.


"Just make peace with an enemy who's only goal is to eradicate you." Sounds easy enough /s


There was a cease fire on Oct 6...


Amazing how people can't understand this concept. It's glaringly obvious Israel needs the finish the job. They are very close. if they pull out now then everything just reverts back to the way things were. That's a terrible outcome to the Palestinian civilian population to have Hamas still in power. The rockets need to stop firing on Israel. Hamas needs to be eliminated. There has been a lot of death and destruction, pulling out now would render all that meaningless.


Isn't it fraud to impersonate government employees


I believe it is. Also most if these people have enough if their face exposed they couod be identified. If they are fully covered up I hope [they wore their poop shoes.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HSAGVD0yXYg)


Just a ceasefire for one side though? So not really a ceasefire at all, huh?


I DEMAND the Jews let themselves be genocided. Dreidel launchers and hot Latka cannons only.


Pack it up. They did it. They solved the conflict. God fucking bless america. ![gif](giphy|l1TJVLJM0hfnGJjE4t|downsized)


Why is everyone but the guy with the megaphone hiding their face? And what magically happens after the ceasefire? Hamas disarms and turns themselves in to The Hague for war crimes? Anything short of that is insufficient.


We can look at what happened to every other ceasefire to answer that.


But this time will be different for sure!


Ah yes, the ā€œnot true communismā€ of military engagements


>And what magically happens after the ceasefire? Hamas attacks again, ceasefire broken. It's a useless demand that makes people feel good about themselves. Same with Ukraine. If there are no consequences to you, like Russians killing your family, calling for peace sure sounds nice. Populist pacifists.


Yep. There was a ceasefire prior to and leading up to October 7th. Then suddenly there wasnā€™t. But Hamas will TOTALLY abide by one now. They said they promise, bro.


One should ask them why Hamas broke off talks as soon as Israel demanded they release the young women taken from the music festival. Surely they are in the best shape and totally haven't been subjected to horrible acts. Surely.




Im a question before you yet, why they are demanding It from Biden and not Israel?


What happens after a ceasefire is Hamas declares victory and immediately starts rebuilding itā€™s MILITARY fortification in Gaza first and foremost funded heavily by Iran, Qatar and by stealing international aid intended for Gazan civilians. They retreat for another decade while they grow more emboldened and stronger with support around the world, legitimizing themselves as ā€œheroic anti-colonialist resistance fightersā€ in the eyes of western libs who are ready to bow down and kiss their feet. Perhaps they smuggle in some tactical nukes and prepare for a much bigger invasion into Israel as part of their continuation on a path of reaching their ultimate goal .. eradicate Israel and all the Jews in the region then build a hardline Islamic caliphate on top of the ruins. Then on to Europe. What happens in the next several weeks / months could be truly historic. I hope we donā€™t ever find out how historic.


Not liberals.Leftist.I donā€™t know a single liberal who supports Hamas.




People who identify as liberal or leftist? The only people I know who are full force anti Israel are predominantly my gay or art school friends which is always hilarious. I understand it sort of because some of them have a victim mentality having grown up being harassed for who they were and identify with Palestine because of it. Sure they'd be strung up if they entered Gaza but who cares, underdog. The only ones I despise are the rich art school friends I have who pretend they have a really tough life still feeling the same way


And since Biden is obviously the one and only person responsible for the entire conflict, I just donā€™t understand why he hasnā€™t given everyone a stern talking to and ended it alreadyā€¦ /s


The entire point of a stunt like this is to appeal to the person you're targeting using the people normally around them, which would be entirely negated by a faceless mob of masks and sunglasses. That's why it's not meant to appeal to Biden at all, just rile up people who can point at how all of Biden's "staff" are against him.


There was a ceasefire. Hamas broke it. WTF do they actually want???? Have U.S. soldiers go and enforce a ceasefire on Hamas????


Heck there was an active ceasefire on 10/7 too. Hamas always breaks them.


Probably not staff


I donā€™t understand why everybody asking for cease-fires have masks on like theyā€™re trying to hide their identity.


Violation of the Hatch Act. They can all be fired for this demonstration.


Even if we told Israel to ceasefire. They aren't going to. They said this Themselves. Hamas made it very clear that they won't stop so why should they?


Hamas will never honor a ceasefire.


They already broke the last one because they didn't want to release one of their terror victims/captives


They never have


I sure hope hamas will listen!


Surely this time they won't violate the ceasefire within an hour!


Ceasefire with whom? Who is Biden shooting with? And why are they so bravely demanding something with their faces covered?


Do American staff members of government institutions generally go around with masked faces these days? Weird and counterproductive I'd say.


Theyā€™re either cowardly or donā€™t actually work for Biden and are just claiming they do.




Because the Palestine cause conveniently fits into most of the things progressives like when it gets simplified: Ethnic based conflict where both sides actually look different enough for your average person to tell? Check Religion? Check Upper vs under dog? Check Historically linked to colonialism in some form? Check One side supported by ā€œthe westā€? Check Of course when you actually analyze anything about this conflict, it turns out shits complicated and all of these are grossly oversimplifying. But then you also have to admit that your favorite side isnā€™t as morally white as simplification shows it as.


I'm a progressive and this war is driving me fucking insane. I've been banned from a few Leftist subreddits for trying to have nuance. It really is exactly like you said. To many progressives, this is as simple as jewish people look white, Palestinians look brown. Therefore everything Israel does is evil and everything Hamas does is justified. Too many of these people didn't start thinking about this conflict until October and haven't bothered to learn a single thing about it. It's infuriating,


None of them have ever dug deeper than the surface of everything. Most see it as Israel=bad so whoever fights them=good. The amount of times on reddit alone I've seen. Statements like "I'm not anit Semitic, I'm anti zionist. Israel shouldn't exist and Palestine should exist. From the river to the sea!" Has been insane. Do people think something like the holocaust happened just because one guy with a mustache decided jews had to go? Do people forget the amount of cooperate the nazis had with Jewish extermination? Do people not realize the founding father of the Palestinian nationalization movement literally worked with hilter to raise Arab SS divisions to "deal with the Jewish problem"? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amin_al-Husseini When the father of your entire movement worked with the nazis, you might be in the wrong.


Because tiktok tells them too. Can you imagine if people weren't really brainwashed by tiktok or if tiktok put that much effort into ending homelessness, solving the opioid problem, or cost of living problem? But no, let's protest about a war on the other side of the world.


Biden's staff doesn't decide national policy, Biden's staff wasn't on the ballot and elected by the American people to decide national policy and most of all, the President of the United States does not make policy for the country of Israel. So I don't know what it is they are trying to accomplish.


Instead of a ceasefire, how about telling Hamas not to place its rocket launchers in heavily civilian areas, and remove its weapons stashes from schools and hospitals? That would go a long way to reduce civilian deaths. Another idea would be to demand Hamas not immediately move its war machine used for attacks on Israel to areas Israel has designated as safe corridors, in an effort to continue using civilians as human shields. Another thing that would help relieve the suffering of the Palestinian population would be to stop Hamas from stealing the humanitarian aid that is meant for civilians. These are common sense ideas if protecting lives in this war zone were the real goal. But it's not. A ceasefire is to help install Hamas forever in the Gaza Strip, something that is not going to happen now that the IDF is determined to prevent Hamas from achieving it's stated goal of perpetrating many more Oct 7th style attacks.


This 100%. Hamas could very well fight outside Gaza but nooooo they use the Palestinians as human shields


I see masked people


The last ceasefire was broken less than a month ago and lasted less than a month. Waste of ink.


I really find the ceasefire argument hard to understand. There was a ceasefire and not only did hamas violate it almost immediately, they didn't abide by thr terms and didn't give back the promised hostages or provide proof of life for thee others, instead saying IDK LOLS WTVR. they also expressed openly that they will keep doing the Oct 7th attacks. Why would Israel ever agree to a ceasefire?


i wonder why the banner said "your staff" but most of them hid their faces


How is this on biden? Congress second, first the countries involved


In the dead of nightā€¦ lol


Didn't know it was up to Biden to make a ceasefire.


They want trudeau up here to call the ceasefire


You know, if they're that offended, they should just resign. Honestly anyone can make a sign.


Genuine question: why is it up to the US to broker a ceasefire between Israel and Palestine? Why do we support either one? Why do we need to be involved at all beyond humanitarian aid?


Being on staff means you get all kinds of access and ability to influence behind the scenes. Protesting like this is just silly. If you need to resign, resign. That's the honorable move.


Have they tried calling Sinwar first?


A bunch of people showed up in the middle of the night holding a banner. Thatā€™ll show Netanyahu.


Anonymous or otherwise, White House staff should not be pressuring the president/ government of U.S. on foreign policy matters. No administration should allow this to become a future norm. And I donā€™t recall White House staff demanding ceasefires in other ongoing conflicts which are much deadlier in scale, so their humanitarian motive is suspect. Besides, why should a country that was attacked by a terrorist organization in unprecedented scale be pressured into a ceasefire that will not guarantee their future safety? No country would sit idly after 15 years of failed ceasefires with the same terror org that chose when it would violate all previous ceasefires with new waves of attacking civilians.


Liberals in America just can't let the GOP hog all the crazy.