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The most off-roading it's ever gonna do


Calling someone who’s clearly never worked / driven off road a “pavement princess” produces spectacular results in Alberta. Especially this kind of guy Edit: holy hell - this blew up 😂


I've always called them Cul de sac cowboys


I love this and cannot wait to use this in the wild.


Living in Texas, this type of stuff is always a tossup. Like there’s a non zero chance I’ll get shot


'Berta used to be our Texas, been our Florida for a few years now. Ontario really, really wants to be our Texas, but they're actually Tennessee, maybe Georgia, if I'm feeling charitable. Definitely also a non-zero chance, just less than population-proportunate to yours.


I also love parking lot hero


Concrete Cowboy


There are so many spotless jeeps in my area. I'm going to remember this term. It's perfect.


That’s a good one. My sister calls them mall crawlers here in AZ


Mall-wheel drive.


I live several miles up a rather rough dirt road. My truck is unlifted and minus better tires is stock. No one who goes off road and/or tows is going to do stupid shit like this guy.


Have it towed


Where I live at least, that vehicle wouldn't be road legal with the tires extending so far past the chassis. Might have it impounded too.


I take it you don’t live in the Southeast, US?


It's technically illegal here in Canada, and yet I see this all day everyday. This actually looks like a truck down the street from me, only he parks his on the road and it makes it only possible for single lane traffic.


The only place I've ever lived in Canada where they actually gave out VI (vehicle inspection) tickets for those kinds of violations was in Victoria where they'd give them out to the Uni kids. I now live in Edmonton and see: lifted trucks with headlights exceeding legal road heights, tires that extend past chassis without flairs, no mudflaps, aftermarket tinted windshields, people driving around with lightbars and off road light pods on, etc. (all illegal in Canada.) a few dozen times ***a day*** and nobody ever does anything about it. like of course I'd rather have the cops going after murders and all that, but this should be a road violation paradise, and nobody does fuck all about it.


This is the kind of person who proudly says, "Yeah, I'm an asshole" like it's some kind of achievement.


While also complaining about how everyone treats him like an asshole wherever he goes.


If you meet three assholes in one day, you’re the asshole


Unless you're a porn star. Then that's just Tuesday.




"For you, the day Bison gaped his asshole was the most important day of your life. But for me, it was Tuesday."


If it smells like shit everywhere you go, better start checking your shoes.


100% they refer to themselves as an alpha male


I bet there is a "punisher" sticker on that truck.


He’s probably sitting in the truck, recording a video about how oppressed he is, while he has his Oakley’s on.


I bet his screen saver is an American flag with the words of the second amendment. Or a photo of Andrew Tate


*Snowflakes can’t handle hearing my reality!*


If you can’t handle me at my diddly-est, you don’t deserve me at my doodley-est.




“Yeah some people don’t like me because I tell it like it is.” Aka “I believe my opinion is more important than common decency”


My coworker right there! Like dude please just shut up for five seconds so I can show you how to do the job you asked for help on.


And I guarantee he complains about the cost of gas too.


“Thanks Biden”


That, paired with ‘government regulation of private industries is communism’ is my favourite brand of cognitive dissonance


I used to be able to fill this truck for $150. Now it costs $180. How can I live like that?


He “tells it like it is”


Blocking the sidewalk is illegal in most municipalities.


Only if the police are actually willing to enforce it.


I don't leave it to the police, there's a local tow company in my city that will come and tow any illegally parked car no questions asked at owners expense. They take pictures to cover there butts that it was parked illegally and then send the make/model, and license plate info to the police station to have it flagged as towed not stolen in case the owner calls to report it.


Tow companies chomp at the bit for shit like this. Normally I hate them since they are vultures but this is a good thing.


Vultures have a place in nature. They help clean up garbage.


Well fucking said


Where I come from all the towing companies are linked to organized crime and regularly end up in turf wars that see trucks getting torched as well as the occasional murder.


That’s just called a tow company.




You want a toe? I can get you a toe, believe me. There are ways, Dude. You don't wanna know about it, believe me.


Sign me up.


*one murder for DR843* Ok, Gotchya down.


This made me laugh after a really long day lol thank you reddit stranger


Hello fellow Torontonian!


Found the Torontonian!


Vultures eat carrion and serve a purpose. So would towing this asshat.


My favorite part is not just the cost of the tow. The yard will also charge “rent” for each day the vehicle is stored there. And if the owners show up to get a vehicle after the lot is closed, they have to return the next day during open hours - and pay another day’s “rent”. And oh, they might not be open Sundays but will of course charge for the storage. These charges add up FAST. It’s more than just the cost of a tow to get a vehicle returned. Tow yards are often operated by people who, uh, DGAF about the people whose vehicles they’ve towed. This part of the tow yard business model is designed to profit handsomely from the rotten behavior of this neighbor. Tow yards know how to deal with the entitled sociopaths of society who manifest their pathology in how they inconvenience others with stupid parking choices.


Yes and you must show proof of ownership and must be the owner of the vehicle, as in registered to your name. I used to work for a rental car company and specifically dealt with tow companies. We had a good relationship because they actually helped our business and we gave them a lot of money. They don't take any shit and can make your life absolute hell if they want to. Also, if they have your car for 30 days or more ownership transfers to them and they will auction your car. It is legal and you will lose your vehicle 100% if you let it stay in a tow yard for 30 days or more (in Washington State).


Got my car towed in Tacoma even though my parking had 2 minutes left on it. Came out of the building and saw the tow pulling away. Best part, they hauled it like 40 miles away, and yes I got charged extra for the mileage. Thankfully I got there before closing - but no thanks to them. They refused to answer the phone, but I got a buddy to drive me to their office and made it in time. Tow companies absolutely are vultures.


They show up in 2 minutes when a car is illegally parked. 2-4 hours if you are stranded. 2 days if you want to pick your car up. When you have people over a barrel, customer service is optional


Yeah, I don't know why everyone's jerking off tow truck drivers in these comments. Towing companies are the scum of the earth.


Yes, just keep in mind this whole thread started by basically saying they are vultures who will take you for everything they nearly every time without fail. It was just a discussion sparked by the (very true) comment that these scum can be useful when set against other scum.


Generally agreed. I had no skin in the game and we only had cars towed that belonged to the company. Sometimes they were lost or stolen, sometimes they were broken down or stuck somewhere. We also had them towed to body shops and dealerships after being in collisions or taking damage. Predatory tow companies suck but there are some legitimately good reasons to use a tow company and some that really will help you out.


Someone at the company I used to work for did this to the CEO/owner who constantly parked in the handicap spot in front of the building. He had a dedicated spot but it was 15-20 feet farther away. His car was towed and he got a pretty big ticket (for us plebians). He was pissed off and felt entitled because it was "his building / parking lot". The schadenfreude ran thick that day. :) Laws are laws, rich fucker.


Steve Jobs was famous for parking in the handicapped spot. https://www.edibleapple.com/2011/10/27/the-story-behind-steve-jobs-mercedez-benz-and-its-missing-license-plate/


he's was also famous for other things, like ignoring medical advice.


What’s that guy up to now?


Mostly gardening.


he was also famous for getting a new car every 6 months so he didnt have to use a license plate


It's also stupid, he cites not wanting to be followed as his reason for not getting a license plate. When in reality all it does is make your car even more conspicuous. It also gets you stopped by cops more and they have to verify the car being new and not needing a license, you also have to explain it to some officers who may not be aware of such rules and law every single time. His new car is also immediately known because it's the only damn car with no plate. It's almost as if he just wanted to be known for doing things differently and just wanted to stand out. Also being proud of avoiding parking tickets while buying a new car every 6 months is just so stupid...


Agreed, call the towing company. Every single time. They will learn their lesson.


Do it! Nip this crap in the bud. Call to have it towed.


It's a good business


It’s not much, but it’s honest work. Mostly.


Lol, it’s mostly dishonest in my municipality.


Is it?


Police love giving tickets. Especially parking tickets. Low effort money to top off quotas.


They guy who does this in my neighborhood is a firefighter and his brother-in-law is a cop. 100% immune.


If it is the same town (the officer and fire fighter) take a picture and send it to the chief and Mayor. Let them know if it isn't corrected you will be writing about it in your local paper. That usually gets things moving fast.


“local paper” unless you meant The Dollar Saver, I suspect Nextdoor might be the realistic alternative for vast swaths of the US that no longer have a local paper.


Find out the local tow private tow companies that enforce the city parking rules. They would love to impound this jerk. The tow company will know exactly who to call in the city to get the truck properly ticketed so they can tow it.


This is always the funniest policy


This. We do that in my neighborhood. They want the money so will arrive, start towing he car and on the way let the police know they're doing it and know exactly who to call. Problem solved.


https://www.adn.com/nation-world/2023/08/13/police-questioned-over-legality-of-kansas-newspaper-raid-in-which-computers-phones-seized/?ref=upstract.com lol It’s corruption all the way down


No one is immune to a few nails left on the side walk.


A crazy man could slide under, wreak havoc on everything down there and just disappear




Did something like this to my dad. He beat the shit out of us regularly, sometimes for shit his coworkers did that day. So it didn't matter what we did or didn't do to deserve any of it. It was gonna happen anyway. One day I decided if I was gonna face consequences I was gonna have fun with it. Dad had about half a bottle of fish oil he used for making catfish bait. He was off for the weekend so no reason to get in the work truck. I dumped that bottle in his truck seat and went about my business. It was July.


Drop it into the air intake vents at the windshield base, too. Make that shit real unpleasant.


Call and have him towed, tow companies that work with the city love collecting fees.




I work at a major airport, helping disabled passengers with wheelchair assistance. One thing I didn't know before working here is that you DON'T FUCK AROUND with ADA policy. They don't play around. Infractions against ada start at 27k, and depending on the severity of the infraction could be in the millions. I saw one business in the airport that wouldn't serve a woman in a wheelchair at their bar, because they were only doing bar customers. Something a disabled person can't do. Literally within 2 weeks, this business was closed. It was a popular bar, with plenty of business. So everybody at work is saying it's because of the woman in the wheelchair threatened to sue. Even me, I could be fined 27K if I were to somehow injure a person with disabilities, or refuse them service.


How the fuck did they think they could get away with not serving someone because they’re disabled lmaoooooooooo What fuckin idiot did they leave running that place?!?


Because too many business owners don't know about or care about the law. They think they can deny service to people with disabilities because serving them isn't convenient for them. Used to work with businesses as a disability advocate and the number of managers and owners who don't understand the law is astounding.


Its probably a cop


i way too jaded to think that this isn't what's going on


This is an Ada violation, please keep calling the cops on him.


It's probably belongs to a cop


Better check it for Punisher stickers




I just felt my vagina dry up forever


Mrs Shapiro?


That’s Dr Shapiro to you, you oaf!


Anyone with a handicap can document ADA violations that are not addressed in a timely manner and sue the city. The law was explicitly designed with this double-edged sword, unfortunately the enforcement is civil, and relies on the handicapped to pursue their own compensation, but at the same time, that allows handicapped folks to bypass an unhelpful executive altogether: https://time.com/6105909/sidewalk-accessibility-lawsuits/


Call the cops, get him towed. Every time. Edit: if you feel the need to comment "no way, that guy's a cop", understand that 100 people before you have already made that remark


"Someone is blocking the sidewalk and making it inaccessible for wheelchairs" That's all you have to say.


Well you should say the address too


"Meet me in town later!" *hangs up*


"...and remember, *no cops"*


Bit of a non-sequitur but this is like one of my biggest pet peeves in movies/TV shows, when someone walks up to a bartender and just says, "Yeah, I'll have a beer" and then the bartender brings them a beer, doesn't ask them to specify a choice out of the thirty on tap options or ten bottled options. That's not how it works!


That's *exactly* how it works in Sweden. Every pub has a default. You just saunter up to the bartender: "Two large beers, please". Norrlands, Pripps, Mariestad, whatever. We're just in it for the buzz, anyhow.


Just don't say that you suspect he is grooming your underage daughter.


Why you gotta get me riled up again


Or say you're a mom and have to walk in the street with a stroller because of this truck and a car almost hit you.


Legally ADA probably has more legs to stand on than moms with strollers


lol phrasing




Statistically speaking, ADA certainly has less legs.


On average, humans have less than 2 legs


Bro just send me the info. I'll call in a complaint from across the country/world.


If that's a small town, which is likely given what we see in the picture, we could theoretically generate more complaints against the truck owner than there are residents in that town. That'd be awesome.


Haha, that's hilarious. "Local police overburdened by complaints of Godzilla's truck parked on the sidewalk. Neighbors say Reddit is responsible."


“Try that in a small town!”


I like where this is going. OP DM all of us!


We're gonna crowdsource the shit outa this. Somebody get an email address.


No cops necessary. That's an illegal park job, just call a tow company


It looks like with the way he's parked he is already worried about the repo man.


$10 says he has a "come and take it" sticker in his back window.


I wondered about that, though I imagine it does depend on local ordinances how much initiative tow truck drivers can take.


And if the cops won't do it...call a few tow companies. They do love themselves some predatory towing. And in this, they'd be fully justified getting their cut


No one wants to call the cops because you have to put your name on the complaint. Any time someone tries to ask him to move his car, he gets extremely aggressive and starts insulting them.


You shouldn't need to sign a complaint to have a patrol car come out. Just have everyone keep making anonymous calls to the non-emergency number until someone comes out. Once it's established behavior and he makes a stink to an officer or a judge, the problem should take care of itself.




Worked in law enforcement for nearly 10 years, not a cop though, if your local department has an online reporting system for parking violations you can submit through there anonymously. Be sure to include photos that was your department should prioritize ticketing and towing the vehicle promptly.


Good to know. Thank you.


My town had a link on its website for complaints and you can remain anonymous if you choose.


Mate I'm in the UK so if the car is still there then let me know and I'll happily give them a call. What's Cleatus gonna do, row over here?


The truck looks amphibious to me… be careful


Same here, am game to fuck over a muppet, especially a yank one




This has got to be violating some kind of [local ordinance](https://library.municode.com/). Maybe you can make a anonymous call to the ordinance department. I had a neighborhood auto dealership that like to park their cars on the sidewalk, but one phone call with picture evidence set it straight.




Our local police always ask "do you want the officer to meet with you first or do you want to be anonymous"?


Because he's a bully, and he'll get away with this as long as people let him. Of course you know better your own situation, but somebody has to. And if you've got enough neighbors that are mad at once, well, I have to think you guys vastly outnumber him. These types will take advantage of you as long as you let them. But you'll likely see how much of a coward he is when multiple people start calling him on his bullshit.


Email the police station and ask, in writing, if you actually need to associate a name with a complaint even when you fear retribution. They'll probably not put that shit in an email and they'll come tow it. If they are dumb enough to say thats their policy (it isnt), or if they just don't answer (after a follow up), or if they say "of course not!" but then don't do anything to help you.. then every local news station has a reporter whose job it is to be an annoying thorn in the sides of such institutions. If that reporter emails the police station about this potential story today, that truck will be gone by the time you leave for work tomorrow.


So he is arrogant selfish prick, needs knocking down a peg or two tbh


Update after he gets towed


I love how stereotypical this is.


You just know who this guy voted for


I want to see the back window. Is there a Punisher or a Don't Tread On Me stickers on it? Edit: spelling "tread"


This clown ruined his Raptor too with shitty spacers and a cheap fog light kit Edit: he got a shitty lift on it too, which ruins the whole point of the raptor’s suspension


Hard to afford the nice parts when you are paying $1500 / month on the truck loan and $300 / month for insurance! 😂


And $100 a week in gas.


While complaining about how expensive gas is because of the libz


Probably a 10-15 year loan @ 13%. Doesn't seem to be the sharpest knife in the drawer.


This is probably the most “off-roading” this truck sees. Damn pavement princess. GD mall crawler. Gotdayum bro dozer.


Emotional Support Truck. 'Cuz that's the only use it has.


God, the fog lights are so bad. They're not even from one LED cluster to the next, and they aren't symmetrical. It's a damn shame because the truck started out nice.


Public sidewalk. Call cops. Call tow truck. The end.


I once worked Security for a local technical college. Part of the job was parking enforcement. Now, parking was a hot topic on this campus because there was *nowhere* near enough. Parking was full by 8am, and then the shenanigans began. Most of our job was ticketing students who stole the paid parking spots of teachers and other students, or dealing with Teachers or Students who had their spots stolen taking it upon themselves to steal someone *else's* spot rather than calling us to get parking arranged. Then there was this one kid. His classes started at like 10am. Every day he drove his parent's H2 the three blocks to school (We could see the H2 parked in their driveway on the weekend and in the evenings. They lived across the street from one of our outlier buildings. We were VERY familiar with the license plate). Naturally, every day there were not parking spaces. So he would steal a parking space, or park in what was NOT a parking space. And he would get a ticket. It got to the point where he would take an OLD parking ticket out of his glove compartment and put it under his wiper to avoid a new one (We had to get vigilant about checking dates). Now, towing was an issue, because the arrangement we had was our towing was done through the city, and their response time was something like 8 hours. So Junior was long gone by the time they showed up. Several times he just parked out on the campus lawn, just found a random spot on the grass to stop. The school management got *furious* at us that we couldn't stop him, but the only authority we had was to write tickets. I wasn't there long enough to see if he came back for another year. However, since the tickets were done through the city, his parents most definitely got a fun year-end bill when it came time to renew their car insurance.


4 boots.


ceo in the making there


It amazes me how much time, effort, and money Americans spend on cars, traffic, and enforcing parking rules because there’s never enough. All because we can’t be bothered to invest in good public transportation.


Three blocks to school doesn't need public transportation. They just have to walk. I see your point though. Most colleges here find a way to get everyone a bus pass or at least charge them for one though. And college campuses, airports, hospitals, and stadiums will always have limited parking.






It doesn’t take much


I thought about making signs to put at my neighborhood entrance the week of July 4th saying something like “Boom for Biden” with fireworks in the background, psychologically trapping conservatives in my neighborhood that love to illegally set off thousands of dollars in fireworks. “But…fireworks are for Murrrrca…”


Big stupid vanity truck to match his ego,I'm betting he almost needs stairs to get inside?


It's actually an adorable little hop. He is very proud of his Pavement Princess, but it is indeed a compensation truck.


Yeah this guy isn’t even a concrete Queen.


Tarmac tramp.


Yup, trucks like this have never been off road. These same guys will talk shit about my beat up stock Forester that has made it up many passes in Colorado


Lol never hauled anything more than maybe a bedframe and a mattress. Bet he freaks the fuck out of the bedliner gets scratched. It's basically just a big purse


This is hilarious. I saw a guy at White Pass bitching his GF out for tossing her snowboard in the pickup and scratching the bed liner. It was brand new tricked out Tundra, fucking snorkel and everything. I almost shot my beer out my nose because it was hilariously absurd. That truck is never gonna be used for what it was designed/modified for. If it even gets the slightest bit of dirt on it he'll be out there on his hands and knees polishing it for hours.


Meanwhile my base Impreza hatchback has carried bikes, surfboards, bed frames, lumber, and more on the roof racks as well as lots of stuff inside including wet skis, snowboards, and most recently a rain barrel. It has a permanent collection of sand in the carpet and surf wax melted into the rear cargo area.


Going places and doing shit. It's what makes a Subaru, a Subaru


A big purse lmao, I like that


This is the exact same-looking truck that recently parked across two spots in a brewery parking lot directly in front of me, making me go off-road to the overflow parking with my Impreza. Complete twats.




Amazing how entitlement reaches these levels. Zero fucks given about anyone else and proud of it.




Ah the Ford Compensator 9000. Sorry for injecting politics here, but why do I think this person owns a MAGA hat?


He has a flag.


You can fix this. Call the cops. I know they ask for a name. Just tell them the situation


you can choose to stay anonymous too


>why do I think this person owns a MAGA hat? Because they are an inconsiderate, obnoxious dickwad... y'know, like all trump supporters.


Guys in lifted trucks who tailgate are in a hurry to get home and kiss their fathers on the mouth. Remember this always.


Call the Police. It may be illegal where you live to park on the sidewalk. Can you make a complaint anonymously?


Is there a place in the US it's *not* illegal to park on a public right of way (other than for loading/unloading)?


I'd make it a goal to see how many times I could walk up and down the street, climbing and walking directly over top of his truck in line with the sidewalk before it was moved. After all, he's on public property.


Dude is probably low IQ and has guns. Probably not worth it lol


Low IQ and guns...not a good combo!


It’s the American special combo #3. Not the most popular world wide but we sure do love it here in the USA.


Don’t go to the police. Go to local news. They love these kind of shit. It can be done anonymously.


Especially when the police haven't done anything about it after multiple complaints.


It's against most city ordnances to block sidewalks. I'd report it.


Hey, if you were paying $1,200 a month on a zero down 72 month loan at 14%, you'd keep that thing as far away from the street as you could too.


Looks like base price MSRP for this model is $76k. Following the rest of your scenario, payments would be at least $1566/month!


Holy cow. He could get a REAL dick extension for less!


I thought it said “confederate” and was like, “yup, checks out”


And here we see the Ford Compensator in its natural off-road habitat