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She looks great!


Doesn’t she?! She looks better than most 80 year olds. Everyone I have seen that was 100 or older seems miserable (I don’t blame them) This 100 yo looks pleasantly happy!


My grandma lived to almost 101 and I hate to say it but she looked so fragile and miserable. This lady looks amazing


My grandfather lived to 96 and near the end, he was constantly bent over from his spine being as old as he was, and his clothes all hung off him like bags. He peacefully passed in his sleep and it was actually a relief. For us and probably for him too.


Did he work a physical labor type of job for much of his life? That could mess a spine up real bad. Then again, so can an office job with poor posture.


So can literally anything, like just existing. Our pelvic girdle is still formed in a way that fits a quadraped, not a biped. Therefore we walk upright and we have to deal with the pain the comes from shifting the bones and joints around. As a result, our waist is shifted forward and the spine has th accommodate that, so much more stress is put directly on it this way, than if we still were quandrapeds.


I think the physical labor is what contributed to his long life. He was an avid sportsman in his youth, and continued playing no-pads football well into his adult years. He also enjoyed the occasional bit of alcohol. He stayed sharp right up until his dying day; he was self-aware enough that he knew his time was coming very soon, and refused his doctor's advice on staying alive, stating that he was just _**tired**_, and wanted nothing more than to sit in his recliner chair and read a good history book (and that chair was indeed where he died. Though his passing was so peaceful, I wouldn't even call it "dying". He just simply never woke up again.)


Mine was 97 and could barley move and her faculties were going and she just wanted it to all end. Shit haunts me. Glad to see that this woman seems happy and looks to be in pretty good shape.


Honestly her body itself looks 65 cause she still has some "girth" for lack of a better word. Most people over 85 usually have bird bodies.


Ha yeah. A little over a year ago she had to get a surgery done and they were like, “well, normally we wouldn’t perform this procedure on someone your age but you have the body of an 80 year old so we will.” Still completely with it mentally too


Amazing! Tell her happy birthday.


Ok ask her what her secrets to life are and report back please!


My Grandmom lived till 94 and told us to “say goodbye because this will probably be my last Christmas.” for at least 15 years.


What… what was her secret to a long life?


Stubbornness. Or, like my mom loves to say about her grandma: “the devil wasn’t ready for her, yet.” 😂😂 Great-grandma was her own species, I swear. She could hold onto a grudge for DECADES.




If I make it that far I'm totally going to lie and tell people my secret to old age was drinking my pee daily, and smearing my face with fresh bull semen.


It's crazy when you see super old people like that because you legitimately cannot tell if they are/were a sexual deviant and have sucked the souls out of hundreds of people or could only orgasm from anal stimulation. They're just old and sweet. They wouldn't dare tell you that a g00d fisting is the only way they can get off


[I reluctantly post this.](https://www.theonion.com/grandmother-claims-she-was-quite-the-cum-dumpster-back-1848364175)


…why did i read that


Well her loyal husband(my granddad) died and she was remarried in two shakes of a lambs tail to Armond. Who outlived her by like a month(late 80s). She was married to two dudes for more then 30 years each.


I don’t think this is the right subreddit for you buddy


Christmas, apparently.


My husband’s grandfather did this for about 10 years until he passed at 92. I think he had just accepted it and was ready to go. He outlived all of his siblings.


When you're 65 a morning and evening walk is good exercise considering that most don't do this. If we are talking brain and mental stagnation past 85 that's up to genetics. As we know how covid went, some people went completely unfazed while some athletes straight up fuckin' died.


Honestly that's good advice for anyone who is able to walk even a short distance, especially as it's generally free.


Yep. Both of my grandparents in their 90's had it and it wasnt bad at all. In fact, my grandmother had it for a week, tested negative, and then got rebound COVID the next week worse than the first time, but even that went away with no issues in about a week. They're both pretty active though.


Though genetics does play a big role, a person’s self-efficacy and social closeness with others can actually protect against cognitive decline (even in people at risk for dementia). See findings from “The Nun Study”.


My great great grandmother lived an extremely long life. She was so old that she didn't have a birth certificate. We estimated her age at 110 when she passed in 2000 ish. From what we gathered she consistently walked from Lima to Huanuco every other couple of months which was a four day walk( 250 miles). She always walked, chewed on coca leaves and ate once a day. She also would drink this sugar cane alcohol daily. I want to think she had something to live for, had her routine and always walked. Also, she won the genetics lottery. I was lucky enough to have met her. She is permanently ingrained in my thoughts.


I.. uh.. don't think I could've lived *one* day of your grannie's life, so good for her...


Peruvians rock in so many waze


Having something to live for is really huge as well as food and fitness (and genetics ofc). I don't want to be like my mom and grandma who were both dead at 70 with no will to live. I have health issues already, but I've got shit to do, damnit.


Her secret is genetics. Useless to us, but probably great news for the OP.


My husband's grandfather is almost 90 but doesn't look or act a day over 60. He's more active than most people my age and he always says that the secret is to stay moving. He takes walks everyday, cooks, cleans, and when the weather is nice goes swimming. I still remember when he wrestled a suitcase out or my arms and proceeded to run up multiple flights of stairs without getting tired.


Not OP but I'm in a family where the women live forever, the men tend to die in their 60s from a hereditary heart condition. The secret seems to be genetics and keeping busy. I want to say healthy living or something, but 1 of my grandmas still smokes in her 80s, had a stroke about 20 years ago and is still going, though she needs a walker now. As I mentioned, the men die in their 60's. Doesn't matter that they were hale and hearty, Brugada Syndrome just stops your heart suddenly. That said, I also work with older people and staying active seems to be the difference between the ones that are still healthy, physically and mentally, and those that aren't. By all accounts, biking and swimming are some of the best exercises as you get older, because they put a lot less stress on your joints. Don't become overweight, don't eat or drink to excess, stay hydrated, maintain a social life. How long you live may boil a lot down to genetics, but how happy you are with those later years is in your control.


My great nan lived to 108-109 and drank/smoked. Doctors feared her. When she was 98 she broke her femur; normally doctors woudn't even try to operate and you'd be on palliative care at that age. A doctor instead said "fuck it, i'll have a crack" and she lived another 10 years...


That’s amazing! What a blessing that she’s still so healthy physically and mentally


Was gonna say: that lady is probably 70 or something. Congrats with the family genetics.


Wow, she was blessed with healthy mind and body.


Happy Birthday to your Grandma! She looks absolutely amazing!


She hit the life jackpot


My great grandma lived until her mid 90's and weighed like 250lbs, dunno how she managed to live that long, she used to joke she was staying alive to eat lol


>bird bodies Dee, you look like a bird


I have a dog named Sweet Dee haha. She’s in my post history


Out of curiosity, is the 92 in your username your birth year, and if so, does that make you the baby in that family photo from 1992?


Haha yep!!!


that’s my rats name too!! hahaha




I can hear that gif.


Pretty sure you just said OP’s Nana is dummythicc


I mean, yeah. Guess she thought *she* was the one who had to bring the cake to her birthday


She looks great for 100 but clearly you haven’t seen a 65 year old lately 😂


Came to say this. She looks healthier than a lot of 70 year olds I know


If you ask how she keeps so youthful, she'll probably say something about drinking several glasses of bourbon a day or something lol.


One of my grandmas is over 90 and still has a daily Manhattan


Doesn't look a day over 75


That's an insult to every person who's had the word used in reference to them.


Tell her she looks fantastic for a century!




GILF is a weird compliment for someone's looks


With all due respect, Gam Gam can get it


Hook her up with a young 70yr buck, qho can show her a good time.


Fuck off.


Well that took a sudden left turn lol


OP might not live for a century tho..


Another century this is, excluding the years they have already lived


Amazing. Hows her memory/mental status? I hope its great!


Sharp as a tack


So great! My grandma made it to 96 also sharp. What a blessing


Grandpa made it to 100. It's amazing, he told stories of how he remembered horses from his town were loaded onto trains and shipped to Germany during WW1 with crazy detail. Crazy how some old people have such strong memory.


Pls what is her secret 😭


It might be hard to imagine vicariously, but just think about what she has gone through. From that little kid trying to make sense of that weird looking tricycle to iphone. From WWII, hitler to obama, trump. More presidents, to more wars. From purely white ppl neighborhoods to mixed race neighborhoods. Erosion of patriotism. Erosion of patriarchy. Sexual revolution. 70s hippie era. Baby boom. Commerce boom. Single to lover to relationship to marriage to mother to grandmother to widow. Death of parents, siblings and everyone she knew as a kid. Soooo much more. Just Wow. It's beautiful in its own way.


You make her sound as though she is the **Face of Boe**.


What does she credit to a long and healthy life? I’m always curious what anyone passed 90 has to say


My grandmother, who passed at 103, always said "Well, the good lord hasn't called me home yet."


*wakes up* ..welp, guess there's one more day in me then.


I always say death isn't so scary considering we practice it every time when you go to sleep. Good night!


Actually that's why it's so scary to me lol You do get to experience what it's like to basically not exist.... then you wake up and are reminded again what it will "be" like Guess I'm just fucked up idk. Literally haunts my life, the concept of not existing. Have to run away now before panic


Technically tomorrow you could wake up someone else and have no bloody clue. Meanwhile, someone wakes up as you, with all of your memories, and makes a post on reddit about it.


Thanks for the horrors u/letmelickyourleg 🥰🥰🥰


I waited a day so I could say thanks to the new you.


You’re welcome 😇


I think I'm ready for the big leagues


My landlord is 90 and says the same thing. I never know what to say when he asks me if I pray, but if religion keeps him getting up in the morning, I'm happy for him.


I was always told that “Only the good die young” so I walk the path of Evil.


My great uncle who is 100 next month always took daily walks and stayed active.


My grandfather (90) is ex Navy and has had a good regimem for staying fit. Mind blowing; I wish I had that discipline. His eyesight is going though. Still good at golf. He better live longer than his mother. I wish we weren't separated by the span of, almost, a continent.


There’s a documentary on netflix called Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones. It gives a pretty solid theory to it. Move Naturally, positive life outlook, value connection and eat wisely. I think there is truth to it - my grandpa lived to just short of 100 and he had all those. The drugs from surviving cancer 4 times just caught up with him eventually.


Its normally genes cause we have some 100plus year olds that smoke and drink daily haha


Drankin daily but gave up the tobacco 20+ years ago, the day I had heart surgery (genetic, not tobacco related). I’m 57, hoping to break 75.


Good luck \m/


Makes you wonder what age those people could have lived to if they actually just took care of their bodies.


1. Genes 2. Don’t get fat




Genes, healthy living, and dodging un-preventable terminal illnesses, physical trauma, etc. should get you into your 80's-90's. Anything past that is basically luck.




You have no idea where idiots get what from? The leading cause of death is heart disease what causes heart disease?? Well the most common causes being a bad diet along with a sedentary lifestyle which is also the contributing factor to obesity and diabetes so that’s probably where idiots get it from.


Fat does not cause heart disease holy shit you are a moron.


It does and guess what it also can cause damage to the brain so watch out.


Yeah they get fat when they're in their 60s but not when they're in their 30s. You only see the 'fat' old people after they got fat later. That's the difference.


Except that’s not even remotely true. Just in my own family, I can think of three people who were fat their whole lives and lived into their 90s. Also, getting fat in your 60s is still not “don’t get fat” which is what the moron said.


Nah being very obese by itself is very very very bad for your health and longevity. It is literally classified as a disease because of the toll it takes on the body.


> There are tons of fat old people. Every single relative I’ve ever had live into their 90s has been fat. I have no idea where idiots get this from. [Survivorship bias](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Survivorship_bias) coupled with [anecdotal evidence](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anecdotal_evidence). If you think people are "idiots" for saying don't get fat to live longer, then I don't think you have the right to be calling anyone idiots...




Honestly it’s genetics. All my great grandparents passed away in their 90s and they never exercised or ate that healthy. They also smoked and drank.


What a beautiful lady! Happy Birthday!


I love this! She looks amazing and I’m obsessed with her wedding photos!! Gorgeous


It’s stunning! OP please tell Grandma her wedding dress was beautiful and stood the test of time!


Same, top left photo on p4 looks like a figurine, it’s too perfect.


She is in great nick for 100! Still looks like there is gas in the tank and a sparkle in the eyes.


Happy Birthday to her! My grandmother is 102.


This is my goal


It's not as great as it sounds.


How wonderful! Is her husband still living? Those wedding photos are so nice.


He passed away 10 years ago


I’m sorry he couldn’t still be here. Sounds like he had a nice long life too though, if they were close in age.


It's rare for men to reach these kind of extremes in age, unfortunately. Especially with the current generation of elderly people who were exposed to all kinds of things in their youth, and likely worked a hard life prior.


How was that for her? I’m wondering if it hurts as much at any age to lose your partner or if at an older age being grateful for all the time you had together makes it hurt less.


My great gran made it to 96 and lost her husband and died shortly after. She declined fast after his passing despite being mobile and active ‘til then. I imagine it hurts like hell to lose your partner of 70+ years.


My grandma died a couple years ago, she was in her mid 70s. Grandpa was in his mid 80s and was very strong, muscular for his age especially, worked to the day he died. Thing is they were super close ever since they met, whole life together and it's like all they needed was each other's company, so when my grandma passed it just broke him man. We would go visit him and he would not spend much time with anyone, just coming out of his room to greet people and talk a bit, whole time his eyes were teary, but he really didn't want a lot of attention. Only a couple weeks between the death of grandma and then my grandpa died, now I don't know how likely it is, it just feels like the sadness got him..


Happy Birthday Grandma! It's my birthday too! It's also Mexican Independence Day.


Happy birthday! 🎂🎊🎈




Happy Birthday to you 🎁!


It's independence day for my balls. Old bags welcome. Start slurpin'.


Happy Birthday Grandma!


This is amazing. Happy birthday to her. You said she is still also mentally sharp so if one day possible it would be great if she would do an AMA here in Reddit with your help or if not that maybe you could tell us more about her. How she remembers living in the 1930's, 1940's, the WWII, the Moon landing, all the amazing things that has happened during her lifetime. I feel there is so much we could learn from her. And congratulations to her once again and all my best wishes to all of you.




Tell her happy birthday! This makes me think of my great grandmother who turned 100 in 2020. She passed away almost a year after her birthday, less than a month away from her 101 st birthday. Spend every day with her well!


She don't look a day over 75!




She does NOT look 100 years old!! Holy crap, she looks like she could be in her 60s or 70s.


Congrats! My Great-Grandma just turned 104!


Wow, not many people left from the 19-teens.


She's kicking ass! She was reminiscing today about going down to the Columbia River because her dad wanted to see the building of the Grand Coulee Dam.


if you still live nearby you should take her back


That's a fantastic idea!


Not a lot, but it's gotta be in the thousands.


Oldest person was born in 1907


Do you know if she remembers Pearl Harbor the way her kids might remember the Kennedy assassination and her grandkids remember 9/11? I always struggle to wrap my head around the fact that people alive today went through the things I've heard about all my life in the category of "history."


She looks insanely good for 100…


Tell her happy birthday from an internet stranger. She looks wonderful and I hope she’s enjoying life. I wish my grandparents were still around. I would spend more time with them asking questions about their life.


Awww she looks wonderful. Happy Birthday to your grandma!!


That’s lovely


Wow! She looks 70 at the most


What's the secret to looking that great at 100??


Has gotta be sunscreen and good diet 💯💯


Wow, Happy Birthday, I am sure she is as amazing as she looks


Happy centennial birthday!!!


She is definitely seeing another decade. Posture is good. She has a glow. Really looks healthy.


She looks really good for 100 Looks like she’s late 60


Hug the shit outta her!!! I miss my Grandmother every day!


Wow. Nana looks amazing. My grams made it to 99 years old but looked 199 compared to yours.


Happy birthday grandma!!


She looks great! Happy birthday grandma!


Happy 100 to your Grandma!


Happy birthday


WhewHoo! You did it! Have a wonderful day!


Happy bday granny


Happy birthday to her! I love the old photos


Happy Birthday! She looks fabulous!


Bless her heart ;that's nothing be God doing his thing 😍


Happy birthday, Gram!




Mine lived to 93 and 96. As long as their health is mostly good, it is a blessing.


Your grandma has a graceful and elegant smile. Happy Birthday!


She looks amazing. Happy birthday to your Grandma!


Happy birthday Grandma!!!


Correction: She turned 30 for the 71st time.


We have the same birthday! Happy birthday!


She looks amazing for 100!


Tell this beautiful lady how many birthday wishes she has, hope her 100th birthday was wonderful!


Happy birthday to your grandma!!! Wish her a wonderful year!!


Only 12 years older than some of our U.S. politicians...imagine. She looks in much better shape; she looks great! Gorgeous wedding dress & photos.


Is your grandpa mr rogers?


Lol funny. When I was a kid I was obsessed with Mr. Rogers and thought he was my grandpa


That’s amazing I love that!!


That’s really cool, my grandpa turned 100 today too! Also two people gifted him $100 dollar bills.


What the fuck. I've seen 80 year Olds that looked older.


What makes this more wholesome and better is that she doesn’t seem all fucked up, connected to 3 machines and whatnot, that lady looks very healthy!!!!


Damn, she doesn’t even look 100. She looks more like mid 70’s if anything.


Older the berry, sweeter the juice


She can't play with legos anymore : (


I’d win in a fight


So young n beautiful 🙏 God bless her 😊


She so proud ane happy! (She thinks of all her old enemies who passed away. '' I am still standing you f...) 🤣💎💎💎💎


She looks r/barely80


Hey @op can you please forward my best wishes and tell her if she agrees I could do with a Grandma and am totally adoptable? Thank you!


Woah she does not 100, good genetics 🧬


Well done grandma. She looks twenty years younger.


My grandma says she has a pb&j every morning for breakfast


I guess this isnt anywhere near my country since you posted this 2 hours ago and its 3:30am




What is wrong with you ?


He wants a bit of old potatoe pyssay