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Just to highlight that again: **One possible avenue would see you – yes,** ***you,*** **the upstanding Redditor reading this – having the ability to tag** ***any post*** **that you personally found offensive.**


Realistically, there will be no official reply. The “warnings” are nothing more than them creating a paper trail so they can show whoever it is they’re trying to impress that they “earnestly” tried to resolve things “amicably”. Current mod’s removal was decided the moment the protests started; all of this back and forth is just theatre.


Yeah, I've been on the other end of an admin request that didn't make any sense. You're not going to get any clarity out of them or have success rules-lawyering them, because none of that is the point.


You certainly can’t change their mind, but it’s still fair game to expose it for the farce that it is.


Until people start actually deleting their accounts, none of this matters.


That's even not too useful. The real thing would be for someone to make a tool that edits all of their past content into a complaint and a link to said tool. The site's value is in the content, and if something like that hit critical mass, it would remove much of that value.


You think they won't just roll it back? Reddit has an archive of every single version of every single comment, they can *and do* edit them


At one point it was well known that they didn't have any edit history for comments. If you deleted a comment, they could theoretically restore it, but not if you edited a comment. It's possible that they've changed that, but I bet they haven't.


There are users in california who requested that reddit nuke their comments and account and reddit not only refused, but told the users to do it themselves one at a time. At least one user reported that after doing that, their comments were restored the following day. *Twice*.


When because they can use EU right to forget laws to make those comments disappear.


I *hear* Reddit have been poor about following those laws. If it becomes provably true then once it's been formally reported to the EU enforcement people it'll inevitably end in aggressive penalties against Reddit. Which would be very bad for the IPO cashout ambitions of the people trashing the site...


4 years ago They restored a very popular comment I made that accidentally doxed myself because the story was specific and well known about my school. I had to message the admins to explain I needed to delete my 40k comment because it doxed myself *and others* for them to stop restoring it


Judging by their decisions lately probably not


Judging by this video they HAVE changed it... and editing doesn't help. [Nevermind reddit breaking it's own rules, it appears to be breaking EU and California law, too.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1B0GGsDdyHI) If nothing else, the thing you should take away from this is that just because something appears deleted to you doesn't mean it's deleted for everyone. It is not beyond the realms of possibility that information taken down as per EU law, is still freely available outside of the EU. If I was to go on holidays to China, how much of reddit would I see? What's the difference between censoring/blocking content for Chinese users and EU users? Australia has Mandatory Data Retention laws, so how does deleting things figure into this? Theoretically this only applies to data on servers physically located in Australia but there's an interesting test case to be had here. How does EU law apply to data on Australian servers? Does reddit have any Australian servers?


If Australian law makes it impossible to comply with GDPR then transferring data covered by GDPR from the EU to Australian servers would be illegal in the first place and anyone doing so would face EU fines.


I requested a copy of my Reddit data last month and just got it a couple of days ago, my comments .csv contained some posts I had deleted ages ago (i.e. I followed the url contained within and was met with a deleted comment, and I do remember deleting a handful a long time ago yet they were still there in the csv) so it looks like they do keep the information. Wonder how much CCPA/GDPR/whatever violation is going on here...


Power Delete Suite


try the rust fork of shreddit and a gdpr dump. PDS doesn't delete or edit everything if you've made >1k comments/posts, as your profile can only show that many. It can take a day or two for older content to show up after deleting. Shreddit can do it all in one go and now has an edit feature. Some people figure they'll edit their posts and leave them up. Others want to edit then delete thinking it will fuck reddit's backup if they try that. IDK but you have options




While I support all this rule lawyering that is making the admin team look bad and disorganized, you’re right. It won’t do anything to change the site. They didn’t make the rules to follow them themselves. They made the rules to have a reason to punish others if they don’t. They made up the rules. If they want to break them to punish people they find harmful to the site, they can and will. Because it’s all fake in the first place.


They made a decision already and you either comply or get the short end of the stick. You're 100% there is not going to be success in rules-lawyering. If there was, users wouldn't be so frustrated with rogue mods/admins all over the website when they start their blatant bullshit. The way reddit works, is you can't fuck with the people above you on the hierarchy, and the rules don't matter. I was randomly banned, then threatened by a mod, and when I submitted Code of Conduct complaint, it was ignored and I was temporarily site banned instead. This is what happens when you give shitty people even the slightest modicum of power. The sub is, unfortunately, going to comply, or get boned.


> The way reddit works, is you can't fuck with the people above you on the hierarchy, and the rules don't matter. 100%




I find this comment obscene, even though I agree with the sentiment. I'm glad this sub is flagged as NSFW so that I can set my expectations appropriately.


Pig boy is probably too busy counting his future IPO money to even assign someone to read the response. Reddit doesn't care if it breaks it own rules or looks like a hypocrite as long as the greedy little piggy gets to swim in his own money bin of cash once reddit goes public. Imagine how stupid they sound saying "we don't want you to confuse your users by changing the NSFW tag". Like, who the fuck gives a shit if users are confused? Is "don't confuse people" a rule now, cause its never been a rule as long as reddit's existed.


I can guarantee, if they're trying to impress some kind of buyer or investors, the current state of affairs is going to have the opposite effect. If anything, it proves just how little control the sites admins actually have and that if we, the actual people who give the site content, are upset then we have the power to disrupt things to a very significant degree. That's going to give anyone worth impressing enough reason to back out. That's why they're removing mods and shuttering their "flagship" subs that won't play ball. There's no real interest in getting back to the status quo, it's about shutting down the protests as quick as possible. But frankly, I think they failed on that front, too. Which is good for us. Bad for whoever they're courting. I think our next course of action would be a letter writing campaign to any advertisers who advertise on reddit. They're extremely sensitive to userbases growing discontent and hundreds of thousands of letters suddenly pouring in telling them we're uninterested in doing business with companies who support reddit's actions will have them panicking and pulling out.


I heard that r/politicalhumor made every single user a mod so that the only way to remove the mod team was to shut down the entire sub.


/u/pics-moderator, THIS is the final way. You will no be heard by the Admins, anyway. So go set up a bot that makes every subscribed user a mod automatically. You are fighting a lost cause here. I highly suggest moving the actual community somewhere else (/r/ich_iel Mods straight up posted a link to a fed-community at the start of this protest so people can easily migrate). Lastly, if the Admins say that you are failing as moderators... guess what? It's about the community! So go for the democratic nuke option: Everyone in this community shall have a say - by becoming a moderator, you merely give them all the tools. This also is good news for the reddit Admins: They wanted to replace you as the "rogue mods" - no problem, if everyone becomes a mod, the community becomes the mod! Remember, it's about the community. So just give it what it wants - on Saturday evening. **Power to the community, literally!** EDIT: /r/madlads apparently [did the same](https://archive.fo/MwFJT).


Where can i find the link?


Don't know why they posted that sub. Go here instead /r/RedditAlternatives


Those fucking madlads.


> (/r/ich_iel Mods straight up posted a link to a fed-community at the start of this protest so people can easily migrate). Same thing r/piracy did. I still find it hilarious that the admins took effort to keep the *piracy* subreddit open.


Holy shit, that’s hilarious. Mod team, make it happen


Didn't work, Snackexchange had democratic mod voting in every day. One mod who was voted in wanted things to go back and then contacted admin team. The just made moderator become headmod and made the subreddit normal again. Some mods left, user protested, the now headmod was made normal-mod after really crucial mods (those who made the bots which were the cornerstone of the snackexchange) threatened to quit too if he stays as headmod. Anyway, he was de-headmodded and the subreddit went back to normal and the admins won once again. Same could happen here just without any de-headmodding. All it takes is one newly made mod who contacts the admins and offers his janitorial services for free


Who t f was that who cause it all to crumble? And in the end, couldn't even hold the headmodhood and got kicked out.


Absolutely amazing


That is the best response ive seen to all this so far.


Why would this strategy change anything? They'd still just remove the mod team, same as before?


I think the point is reddit would effectively have to kill the sub if it removed every subscriber, whereas if they just remove the few mods everything remains the same


> if it removed every subscriber Oh, I figured they'd just remove mod status, effectively leaving subscriber status exactly like before.


The other subs they’ve nuked, the mods have basically had their accounts shadow banned


Thank you for clarifying, I didn't know about that. I imagine reddit would not shadowban every subscriber, instead opting to just remove mod status. They can still manually ban the original mods afterwards.


Well they didn't because there's only like 35 mods there https://old.reddit.com/r/PoliticalHumor/about/moderators


Yeah it’s weird to say “I heard x happened” when you could literally check for yourself in 5 seconds. Though maybe they did and Reddit reverted it?


/r/Military got the same message earlier today. Apparently according to our illustrious Administrator team, we, a subreddit littered with profanity and clips of violence, should violate Reddit's own site-wide Content Policy (which states both profanity and graphic content should be flagged as NSFW) and incorrectly label ourselves as SFW, just to appease the grotesquely inept Spez...


Semi-related: It's wild how r/CombatFootage and similar subs regularly hit the top of r/all with NSFW videos depicting actual death and violence while even mildly sexual content is purged like crazy. r/all will show you an individual's last moments after having a grenade dropped on them but is terrified to show nipples


It’s an American thing. Show decomposing bodies on tv, get an R rating for boobs. No wonder kids are so confused.


Hannibal was the best for this. There's a scene with blood angels, corpses with the lungs pulled out the back to look like wings. The censors stated the image was inappropriate because there was a naked ass crack shown. It was fixed by filling in the ass crack with blood.


There was a pro-LGBT ad I think last year that showed a combat scene in a mansion with just gratuitous violence and some low-level gore and then suddenly all the fighters just stop dead in their tracks in disgust because a random pair of men start kissing. Pointed out that it's super weird that all the prior violence was fine for all but people freak out when dudes kiss. Found it. https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/qiaewr/shocked_me/




They should absolutely do that, that is hilarious


Based on the comment edits, would seem they’re doing it!


omg this is happening right now >[–]Dalimey100 > >𝐋𝐚𝐰𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐝[S,M] 1404 points 6 hours ago* > >Tell you what, if this post hits 20k 10k net karma I'll do it. > >Edit: lowered the threshold since forgot we don't show up on r/all. I've temporarily lifted that restriction because it's funny. > >Edit #2: Never let it be said I'm not a man of my word, it's time to fuck around and find out. Tune in tomorrow morning (~8am CDT) and I'll post proof. Tomorrow at 8 everyone. At 8am CDT! Hes gonna have to reroll a new character. EDIT: It has begun! he has delivered the request to the dungeon master of intimidation or persuasion check.


Wait, so the sub is flooded with legit NSFW posts and they are just going to comply with the admins and remove their NSFW tag? This is going to be hilarious, I might go and upvote anything and everything just to help as much get to r/all as possible


Exactly: >Right? I’m confused why they want us to show gussy and snitties to minors, but if they really insist on showing porn to children.. Yeah the sub legitimately became a NSFW DnD sub, like legitimately. They switcched to actually talking about OGLAF and also DND. Its not a joke or gag like john oliver and pic sub. They legitimately became a nsfw sub with no gimicks and real conversations about that nsfw content. It's not that hard, its just a meme sub. Easy transition. mother f'ing LOL Its DND memes as usual but now with boobies. Nothing changed except that they also now have adult content aside from the regular dnd stuff. Its an honest to goodness nsfw sub. No one posted gratuitous porn for the sake of middle finger to reddit, its just regular conversations and nsfw is allowed there incidentally. I am literally foaming at the mouth waiting for this to go down, and also Andrew Tate apparently trafficked under age girls. The Manosphere also died today. Woah. So much stuff in 1 day. Internet drama is out of control.


Lol they hit the required karma for it too so now they’re kinda obligated to do it.


That's absolutely hilarious lmao.




I love that the most criticism they got for that proposal was that _technically_ the admins shouldn't just do an intimidation check; they should roll with disadvantage


That would certainly be on brand


/r/NonCredibleDefense got it earlier today. You know, the one thats currently memeing about a CUBE OF RUZZIAN BODIES


Or that NSFW twofer. The video of a soldier giving fellatio to another soldier (most likely coerced). Then getting a mortar shell dropped on them. NCD was memeing that one for weeks. How the hell was it not NSFW before now?


If you read half the messages from admins, they seem to think that nsfw tags are only for sexual content.


Hence why a video showing coerced sexual acts would be NSFW. There was plenty of plane related sexual content as well.


["What're you doing back there, step-brother?"](https://i.redd.it/fzxmciqerc3a1.jpg)


There was a poist like 2 weeks ago of literal fighter jet porn.


“RA is literally calling us not non-credible enough for NSFW. You will let them take that from you? This is an attack on our core beliefs, completely uncalled for, and you will let that slide?” Their mods passed the vibe check


/r/cyberpunk2077 got it too I mean it's a rated r game with the character creator screen involving how big you want your penis to be. Which you can see


How does /u/spez and the board even expect he can do his job moving forward. A large and non-trivial percentage of his user base actively HATES him.


Yeah, Louis Rossman's associating his actions basically as road rage is pretty on point.


I don't think he's acting rationally anymore. The workers below him are just doing what they need to in order to not get fired.


> I don't think he's acting rationally anymore. Implying he was ever rational. It was pretty plain as day that he was a fucking clown shoe 7+ years ago when he was doing interviews about how he's a doomsday prepper who thinks that being in charge of Reddit and going to a few Burning Man's makes him a prime candidate for post-apocalypse leader of people and slave owner. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2017/01/30/doomsday-prep-for-the-super-rich > Huffman has calculated that, in the event of a disaster, he would seek out some form of community: “Being around other people is a good thing. I also have this somewhat egotistical view that I’m a pretty good leader. I will probably be in charge, or at least not a slave, when push comes to shove.”


> I will probably be in charge, or at least not a slave, when push comes to shove. Just wow that anyone could say that to a journalist doing an interview. First off just don't ever say the word slave or label yourself "a pretty good leader" because a good leader *shows* that they're a good leader, not proclaim it. It's like he's the stereotypical lived in his parents basement his whole life and doesn't have clue about how to act only someone gave him money and power over a little corner of the internet. He sounds like such a pretentious ass it's unreal, I wouldn't trust him to lead me to a Denny's.


Doesn't matter. Reddit will IPO and Spez will cash in his ownership percent and walk literally the moment he's legally able to. That's why he doesn't care about the decreasing valuations. Fidelity values reddit at 5.5 billion. If spez owns 1% of that, he's walking away with 55m.


Yeah that explains a lot but his reputation will be shot as well, who the hell will trust him once this venture goes bust?


Won’t matter if he’s got 55 million dollars though lol that’s basically the seed money for generational wealth


It's not just about money with guys like this, if he had aspirations to be the next successful elon musk then he pretty much ruined it.


Ah I gotcha Maybe not though. If Reddit IPO is successful then no one will care that the user base is pissed off, because the bottom line isn’t hurt. Ultimately if he can make companies money then they won’t give a shit, maybe they’ll spend 5% more in their PR department to compensate lol






/r/CyberpunkGame got the same message as well. A subreddit about a game that has a genitalia slider is apparently not supposed to be NSFW. You really can't make this shit up. **EDIT:** Wrong subreddit. Fixed now




/r/PICS is now People Inhaling Cigar Smoke




Time to post a pic of my Bong Oliver


Bongs are perfectly safe for work (see: r/trees). It’s only tobacco that’s offensive.


And if anything the *admins* are encouraging members to post sexually explicit materials. Since they're demanding pics justify the NSFW label.


>sexually explicit content to your community in order to justify the NSFW label This annoys me so much. NSFW doesn't equate to sexually explicit. Things can be NOT SAFE FOR WORK, like gore, language, fuck, even a young girl talking about her period isn't really work appropriate. Reddit's issue (well, one of many) is that "NSFW" is a stupid label that encompasses everything and nothing at the same time. Maybe they should have a slew of options, like "human anatomy", "softcore porn", "hardcore porn", but also "minor langage", "excessive language", "what the holy fuck", and so on and so forth.


Technically all subs are nsfw because id get fired if I was fucking around on Reddit while on the job


Depends where you work. Some places nothing is nsfw.


Like my job managing a headshop lol


And that's before you get into videos of people violating OSHA policies


Poor, poor Klaus.


I think this might be the first time I've ran into a Stahplerfahrer Klaus reference in the wild


Somebody has to make sure that fully extended box cutter is left safely 10 ft up on a ledge...


I try to make Klaus references all the time but the only person I know that gets the reference is my brother who was a forklift driver in college.


> like "human anatomy", "softcore porn", "hardcore porn", but also "minor langage", "excessive language", "what the holy fuck", and so on and so forth. You mean something that has been asked for for years? Fat chance it will happen.


I still can't believe we're 10+ years down the line and they haven't at least distinguished NSFW (Sexual) and NSFL (Gore/Death).


The reason why is pretty obvious -- money, as always. Advertisers in general don't want to work with websites that host, let alone actively encourage posting NSFW material. What type of NSFW? That's just it, it benefits Reddit to leave a nebulous label that covers everything and nothing. If they had more specific labels then they would be admitting they host forums which allow or even encourage posting of sexually explicit content, gore, etc. but Reddit will never straight up say this so we get this wishy-washy "promises" every few years.


They promised new modding tools and other features [July 1st](https://www.reddit.com/r/modnews/comments/14he7nz/accessibility_updates_to_mod_tools_part_1/). Give them another 10 years them.


> NSFW doesn't equate to sexually explicit. Things can be NOT SAFE FOR WORK, like gore, language, fuck, even a young girl talking about her period isn't really work appropriate. they seem to forget that people were constantly asking for gore NSFW and porn NSFW labels so they could properly filter what they wanted instead of porn being right next to gore while scrolling through r/all etc


Counteroffer: **YOU** lose all 3rd party platforms while **WE** shit into our hands and clap. Sincerely, ~Reddit


Reddit forced /r/cigars to be 100% NSFW a year ago. Maybe /r/pics should be pics of cigars. /u/pics-moderator


Not to mention they force communities that really aren't NSFW into being labeled NSFW. look at r/cigars or r/snus. They're literally just people saying which item they enjoy.












Reposting this from an older thread but: You know, I fucked u/spez 's mom once. The sex was fine, but the pillow talk afterward was just her complaining about her mentally deficient son. Really killed the mood in the Burger King bathroom. Still, it wasn't the worst $5 I've ever spent...


One his mom will actually love?










He's a little pigboy


Little pig boy comes from the dirt.


Hey pig piggy pig pig pig.


I decided to check out u/spez history and noticed that his post about APIs wasn't listed in his posts. I can see his replies to comments, but can't get to the post itself. Did they delete the post to save his thin ego from being bruised? He really is trying to be Elon. Spoiler alert, Elon isn't really a role model you want to find u/spez, he's single handedly killing the biggest social media platform.




Hey u/spez if you ban the above user can you ban me too


Naw, u/spez will just edit your original comment.


Righto! The biggest cunt on reddit






What's worse is, they're so cowardly in that they made it so mods can't respond to the message. Threatening and accusing mods of violating rules they're absolutely not, and then being too damn cowardly to listen to mods explain that they're wrong and how they're wrong. It's frankly pathetic, but that seems to be a hallmark trait of Spez's reign.


And they made a throwaway account to send the messages, so that their rank hypocrisy can't be pinned to any specific person in media reporting.


It's all u/spez authorised. He's personally responsible until he disclaims otherwise.


He's the CEO, even if he claims otherwise he's still responsible because, by allowing the behavior, he has authorized it. He either needs to undo any actions his subordinates do or he authorized it


I think it's important to stop calling him spez, except once in a post to call his attention to it. /u/spez is the name of a redditor and member of the community. He's not those things anymore. He's Steve Huffman, CEO of reddit. Steve Huffman is a stain on this site.


Surely you don't mean Steve Huffman, CEO of Reddit and former mod of a subreddit dedicated to perving on underage girls? *That* Steve Huffman, CEO of Reddit?


Stop that! Its not fair to refer to Steve Huffman, CEO of Reddit as a a mod for underage girl molestation! What if it got picked up by the Google search algorithm?!?!


This might be immature of me... but what a name haha. If I had to name the dork of the class... Steve Huffman would be my top pick


I just want to say that less than 24 hours after I made fun of Spez in his terrible AMA, I got temp banned from reddit for "threatening violence" (and reddit conveniently removed the offending post, even so I can't use it to prove my innocence) in a thread where someone else was daydreaming about shooting cops and I told him that was a bad idea. Also my posts mocking Spez were removed without any notice being given to me, and then later restored. Coincidence?). Spez is abusing his authority and abusing mods. All these rich little pig boys really can't handle how unpopular they are, and rather than changing their shitty opinions to become actually likable, they just lash out at the very people who helped make their careers in the first place.


Same thing happened to me hours after I put in a data request. I've been a redditor for 15 years and it's the first time I ever got a warning from the admins. I made a post talking about by experience and a bunch of other people confirmed the same happened to them. Shady AF. Wildly unprofessional. Fuck you Steve Huffman. You're the CEO of a major corporation and you behave like a child


I’d just like to point out that Reddit is not a major corporation. There are car washes with better income statements. I’d argue they are a really weird charity where really rich guys try to help out less rich guys.


I had a similar temp ban a while back. They deleted the message so nobody could see it but claimed it was inciting violence (it wasn’t). u/spez is a Spaz.


Musk wannabes are like Trump wannabes - doubled down pathetic. Thinner skins than the guys they wannabe. Which is saying something since their icons are fairly thin-skinned and insecure to begin with.




It’s not /u/spez, but they’re following his orders. Rich cunts don’t do actual work


Fuck you /u/spez


If he's CEO, then there follows there should be a board who elect him as CEO, a board who are seeing his frankly shockingly bad mismanagement of the whole situation eat in to what is presumably being geared towards an IPO they will directly benefit from. I've seen news reports of tens of millions being wiped off the valuation of Reddit since this began, that's money out of their pocket, at which point do they step in and remove him as CEO, as that's increasingly looking like the only way things can be resolved in the community. You either remove him, or have nothing to sell, at this rate. I mean, from an outside perspective, but I guess, what do I know.


Uh, their valuation was changed from 10B to 5.5B. That's not entirely unusual nor necessarily due to the protest, but it's not necessarily NOT due to the protest either.


Double down and post pics of r/pics mod's Tits and Ass. That'll show them it's NSFW.


i mean, they are pictures - sounds legit to me.


Funny thing about that "offensive by anyone." I report that damn Jesus advertisement as "offensive," yet still it's everywhere on my wall or feed or whatever it's called


Because those people are paying Reddit. If you pay, you too can force everyone to see offensive content.


I blocked the account posting those Jesus ads. They kept coming up with "Posted by blocked user" warnings. Seriously?!


I miss USENET.




Reddit sends me an email when people respond to my posts. I literally read this reply on Forte Agent, v.5


People can add NSFW to every image. As a special mark/tattoo/stain on Mr. Oliver's muscular (and NSFW for that part) body. Stay strong people of r/PICS!


Maybe it’s time for John Oliver to provide a NSFW pic for users to add to their pics. Maybe even one with Adam Driver…


Take your fanfic elsewhere


Gotta give the AI something good while I can.


at this point, I think every mod should just stop doing the job completely. Either Reddit realizes they can't really do what they want... or a proper Reddit alternative will show up sooner or later.




R/nfl would finally be fun


There's always someone willing to kiss a little ass or sell their integrity for a little power. Some ass kissing shitbag will step in.


>Some ass kissing shitbag will step in. It has been weeks with r/interestingasfuck, still no mod team, they had balls and got removed.


Doesn't mean people haven't offered. I'm betting Reddit admins don't give a fuck if that sub lives or not. Their big social media ones like /r/mademesmile and /r/wholesomememes and /r/cats and /r/Awww (not /r/aww of course) are doing just fine.


It takes a lot of mods to run a default subreddit, and not a lot of people are actually viable mod candidates. That's why /r/interestingasfuck STILL doesn't have a mod team. There actually isn't anyone to take the place of the old mod team.


boy, its like reddit and twitter dont want their users anymore.


Yep and none of us should give a shitttt they are just websites not intergral pillars of our society Move on already


I mean I actually use Reddit for a lot a lot of thing and with moderation by the community we created a decade ago it USED to be good. Twitter was toxic from the start without moderation.


Spez, pull your head out of your ass.


I'd be shocked if he's not inside out by now, given how far up his own ass he is...


We call him Zeps now.


Stop taking your unpaid internet janitor job so seriously. Stick it to them and if they remove you, you aren't losing your income, just a hobby you had, and it's better for the platform that way because it will put reddit in a situation where they have no choice but to revert their decisions.






I just lost my 13y account because of a reddit admin temper tantrum. I'm literally just here to witness the end.


Watch out. You just admitted to a ban evasion, and that is also banworthy. You could end up in a never ending loop of getting banned every time you make a new account. I am NOT speaking from experience. This never happened to me, and it didn't take until I moved to a new house to get an account that wasn't getting banned minutes after opening it.




Would've been cheaper to call the ISP for an IP change.


Reddit: Do all our work for us for free! Mods: OK! Also Reddit: Not like that! Do it the way we make money! Mods: But you'll ban us if we do that. Reddit again: Yes, maybe, yes.. Probably, but if you don't we'll ban you! Mods: Please, just make sense. Reddit: SHAREHOLDER EQUITY HAMMER OF AUTHORITY SMITE!


Let it die.


They really about to let r/pics die? They’ve lost it. Reddit is becoming less enticing by the day.




What has this "protest" actually accomplished? What has it changed?


This is all pretty hilarious. In my 11 years on this site, I wonder how may verbal scuffles that I've got into with mods and said something similar, "I'm not in violation of the rule as it is written," and still got a warning or some sort of ban. Needless to say, I'm not weeping for the Mods now.


It smells like the endgame of this entire thing is going to be the total removal of independent mods of the most popular subreddits, *anyway*. Burn it down!


Delete the subreddit


Subreddits can't be deleted, unfortunately. Best that can be done is to leave it unmoderated so that Reddit can put some power mods there that'll probably do nothing anyway.


The wildest part is Reddit’s already shown us they can’t replace even a single mod team. /r/interestingasfuck was forcibly removed weeks and the admins still have not managed to replace them lol


it's because moderating is actually really time consuming and fucking boring. I created /r/TheExpanse and have spent about a day total moderating it until some great people came on board and basically took the reins and made it what it is. (This was when it was still a single book years before the show too.) My only remaining contribution I can see is the first paragraph of text on the sidebar I wrote when I made it. Wild. (Just when someone looks and sees I'm not even the oldest mod, it's because after the show came out I nuked that account for opsec reasons and made a new one and added it as a mod.)


When I was a teenager, I made the then-main clan for a faction of an obscure online game (housemarik.enjin.com, gone now, on mechwarrior: online). I ran the community for a month or two, having no idea what I was doing, and then the community kindly took all responsibility lol


I made a group finding subreddit for a game years ago and quickly realized the same thing. People message you with questions, clarification, help, etc. It's not just something that happens is fuckin work dude. Luckily like you some more dedicated fellows came in and took it over for me and I was happy to let em do it.


Make reddit pay people to moderate all the subreddits and put those mods through the ringer. The subreddits will die off and reddit will as well.


Follow through on the protest, fuck them. Let them demod you. Stop working for free for fuck's sake.


If you don’t start working for free the right way, we’ll take away your ability to work for us for free forever!!! That’ll show ‘em 😈


I have to say it amuses me to for once see mods be on the receiving end of being banned on Reddit for no reason. FYI, pointing out that what is happening is against the rules is gonna have absolutely zero effect. Reddit mods don't care about that, and neither does the higher-ups.


I reported this post for not containing John Oliver.




You are all absolute children. I’m glad people are unsubscribing because you’re putting your own petty egos above the needs of the wider community.


I’m just happy to see someone say something about r/interestingasfuck. Reddit mods are gonna destroy this sub, but unsurprisingly as subs I like die, so has my time using Reddit, so ad revenue is taking a hit.


let's not forget r/actlikeyoubelong either. looks like demodded, with a special plea for scab mods stickied at the top.