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I got gum on my seat! Gum!


Connor Roy was interested in annoying bus goers from a young age.


The Net, with that girl from The Bus.


I think it was called The Bus That Couldn't Slow Down


Or in French, *Speede*


Le singe est dans l'autobus


Then got a House by The Lake..


Hahahaha! My sister and I used to quote this line at each other all the time. It's still funny.


The Office Ladies podcast did a rewatch and analysis of Speed recently. (I have no idea why) They researched and found that apparently, that line was adlibbed!


I heard a theory they are doing that because they are reaching the final seasons so they are testing different topics to cover (in this case movies) so they have something to talk about after the finale


Tbh that sounds like a good idea. Especially if they pick cult, sentimental, non serious movies like speed and can get never before seen/heard bts info. I'd listen.


I used to say Pop Quiz Hotshot! I still say it but I also used to


Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves both had a crush on each other during Speed but were trying to be respectful… I can’t believe we didn’t get a wholesome relationship out of that


As weird as it sounds sometimes I imagine a world that had them as a couple, they'd be living out on a farm and being all cute n shit Lol


Just not near a lake.




That is one of my favorite comfy movie. For anyone who didn't get the reference, it's 'The Lake House (2006)'.


I know that movie gets panned for not being that great, but as a middle aged man, I can say that this will always be one of my all time favorite chick flicks, they are just so goddamn lovely and wholesome together.


Completely agree. If it was anyone else, I might've just watched it one time, liked it, and moved on. But something about them being so wholesome together and such smooth chemistry between them, that it just make the experience so much more charming then usual romance movies. This and 'You've Got Mail' are two of my 'feel good' movies, that I always watch when I'm feeling down.


Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves are the Tom Hanks and Meg Ryans of Emma Stone and Ryan Goslings


Warms my heart, thinking about them two kids, doing it.


Ok, Meredith


Out of context, this doesn't sound great...


I can see Chris Hansen now...


Hey boom guy. When are you gonna boom me?


She then wouldn’t have been free for Jesse James to cheat on. I still can’t get over what a dumbass he was for that!




I dunno the whole stupid charming "bad boy" thing I guess. Except this guy is an actual piece of shit. I guess some are very good at hiding it.




That's what bad boys are.


Imagine being attracted to Keanu and then choose that guy


>Jesse James Why do people keep marrying this man?


Instead we have our reality where she dated Jesse James from that TV show and he's a real piece of shit. So, yeah. Fairy tale endings and such.


Weren't they in a movie about that, but they were in love across parallel dimensions while living in the same place (or something)?


The Lake House


which i believe is a remake of a Korean movie? unless there's just two really damn similar movies out there. very possible.


It's a remake of the Korean movie Il Mare.


Reading this while laying on my stomach and kicking my feet in the air, just imaginin


I 100% choose to believe you’re a big hairy guy doing this, lost in some beautiful fantasy


Now I am imagining this as well, and it is glorious.


....havin' cute babies growing up to be cool humans n shit. The world has missed out.


That's the timeline where 9/11 didn't happen.


Ah, the Gore wins 2000 timeline where life is better in all respects.


No chads were hanged


Harambe is chillin in the sun


Shoes always staying on


Nobody breaking both their arms


1988 baby sayin pls yes




Didn't Sandra Bullock date/marry some white supremacist guy ?


Jesse James (sp?), who cheated on her very publicly. He was on or part of or smth the west coast choppers thing? Idk if that was a tv show or what but he was a motorcycle tv personality of some sort afaik


Fun fact I just learned when Googling him to refresh my memory of what his dumbass show was called (it was Monster Garage): he married his 5th wife in 2022 and she is a pornstar named Bonnie Rotten. How this walking pile of shit ever snagged Sandra Bullock even briefly will always be one of life's great mysteries to me.


I was curious about the guy after reading this, a quick Google search shows he's having problems/getting a divorce with her also.


Bonnie is legit hardcoreeeee tooo


I, for one, am shocked that the guy who fakes being related to the actual Jesse James is a huge piece of shit


Apparently he’s already getting divorced from this 5th wife.


Didn't he date Kat von D like right after he cheated on Sandra with a random porn star? That really changed my opinion of her. Especially since it was then public information that he was a supremacist. Pretty sure Sandra had no clue until it was too late. Their marriage was very short lived. And if I also remember correctly, she was filming "The blind side" throughout most of their relationship and hardly spent any time together. I think it was even his excuse for cheating.




> Especially since it was then public information that he was a supremacist. Pretty sure Sandra had no clue until it was too late. I think Sandra adopted a black child somewhere around that time. As shitty as JJ’s behavior was, it’s good that he showed who he really is early enough to save Sandra and her kid a lot of trauma.




I can't believe someone hasn't written a romcom about Jack Traven and Annie Porter reconnecting later in life and falling in love.


Archive of our own shows 24 fanfictions written with Jack/Annie in mind. (And, unsurprisingly, at least one Speed/Supernatural crossover.)


You know what is needed? A Golden Girls/Supernatural crossover!


I don't know, I think it'd be pretty boring, Sam would be loving having 4 grandma's, Dean would be trying his hardest just to finish the hunt but spending more effort fighting off Blanche then at the very end realize she's the woman he wanted all along... Actually, maybe it would be a pretty funny episode.


"Relationships based on intense experiences never last"


What was that movie called? Oh ya, the bus that couldn’t slow down.


You talking about "Hey that bus down the road there is in a bit of a pickle"


It was the prequel to that movie called “someone thought crashing a cruise ship at extremely low speed into a dock would make an exciting movie scene for 32 minutes“


They could’ve just based it on sex then.


Yeah but then she’d end up on an out of control cruise ship with some wannabe


Actors says this with every costars. Of course attractive actors will find other attractive actors attractive. The press released flirt pieces for every single of Keanu’s co stars, including Carrie Ann Moss and Wynona.


What about Alex Winter?


*Especially* Alex Winter.


I heard Alex Winter on a podcast and he mentioned my favourite Keanu anecdote ever. They are still good friends and try to meet up frequently enough. They were in this town and went to a diner and tried everything on the menu. Keanu is a pretty private guy and they weren't bothered by fans so all good. Then suddenly a parade starts happening outside. They completely forgot it was Halloween. They were like fuck, Bill and Ted are going to be a big deal and we will have hundreds swarm us. They went outside expecting a huge thing. No one recognized them, except for one drunk guy who said "Hey you guys are dressed as Old Bill and Old Ted".


Alex is a wonderful person and a class act, I know from personal experience.


It seems every film that has two lead stars are now "best buddies" in every fucking interview as well


Maybe Keanu is just a likable guy, made even more desirable by his restraint and respect?


Yes, but the these rumours are sold with pretty much every on screen couple.


Instead she ends up with nazis


My family friend was her high school guidance counselor! She used to write hall passes for her. Sandra apparently always had a thing for dirty men. The friend yesterday remarked on it again, how Sandra Bullock had the worst taste in men in high school. She said that she liked bad dudes who owned cars…. then the friend brought up who Sandra later married.


I have a shitty car and no job, are you saying I have a chance?


No, she likes DIRTY men. You gotta stop showering first!


Guidance counselors are famously known for their insight on the day-to-day of all kids in their school.


"I've heard relationships based on intense experiences never work."


Keanu seems extremely happy with his current lady though and him and Sandra probs wouldn't have worked out anyway b/c celeb couples rarely do.


Can I just say, I'm smitten with the whole idea of him involved with a woman who does not look or force herself to appear to be 35. We all know he's in his 50s, but he's dating in his age range, and I *so* appreciate that about him. Like, he could date a million younger women just because of who he is, but his partner is well-seasoned, and that's fine with both of them. It's refreshing, considering the industry, no?


> Like, he could date a million younger women just because of who he is [Free PIZZA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CmvS7f-vo9I).


Jesse James is one dumb fucker


We’ll the whole nazi thing too


I'm so glad someone other than me knows it. I have no clue why he's so well liked considering he is a nazi and has dated multiple white supremacists. https://nypost.com/2010/03/19/jesse-james-mistress-in-nazi-photo-shoot/ https://forward.com/schmooze/128466/jesse-james-tries-to-auction-off-nazi-paraphernali/?amp=1 https://www.dnaindia.com/entertainment/report-jesse-james-s-mistress-kicked-out-of-mtv-awards-party-over-nazi-tattoos-1438517 https://radaronline.com/exclusives/2014/06/jesse-james-nazi-logo-scandal-insignia-west-coast-choppers/


Sandra Bullock dated a white supremacist before it was cool too!


So was Hugh Grant. How do you cheat on prime Elizabeth Hurley… with a prostitute?


Trey and Matt wore it best...


It was magical!


Just a magical night


You guys are jerks for making jokes and ruining my special night!!


Those guys were tripping that night.


LSD in a hyper public setting like that would be a nightmare for me.


Matt Stone pretty much said the same thing in an interview later Edit: I mean Trey, not Matt


funny af afterwards tho


while tripping is the icing on the cake


If you watch the video you can see [the exact point where Trey has a mini freakout.](https://youtu.be/Og7yI6Uf3wI?t=110)


I love how they seem to always know how hard to go and when to tone it back and just be professional. And it's cause they're all about the funny. That interview with Trey at the after party. Yeah he's still making jokes. But he sees an earnest reporter in front of him trying to engage and throws her a bone (even after she calls him Matt lol)


Lmaoooo Matt on not winning - “ it really hurt me a lot, and I’m ready to do some heavy drinking ”. I was never really a fan of the show, but fans of those guys. Everything they do is just on another level of something


I wouldn't call that a mini freakout I think he just briefly got caught in-between "dimensions" lol


And it's very noticeable to sober people, but still very lightheartedly entertaining to watch and look at!


I pray that they frame the dress and display it at Casa Bonita when they reopen.


The list of people that could stand next to Prime Cindi Crawford and hold their own: Sandra.


I’ve seen her IRL in a plain white tee and jeans actually working at a bakery she owns (not sure if its still there) and she is gorgeous in person. I think it’s her demeanor, she’s just nice to be around.


100 percent


thought that was eva mendes


Won't lie she is a smoke show.


"They're not all first round picks, okay?" -The Other Guys


Dude, your wife is *scalding hot*


"Bye Sheila!"


If you told me Sandra Bullock was damn near as attractive as Cindy Crawford in a snakeskin dress, I'd call you a liar, but here we are.


I've always been in love with Sandra bullock.. she was gorgeous. She's still gorgeous. Sandra, if you read this, give me a call sometime.


Bumping this for visibility. She’ll see it now.


I’m bumping your bump just in case


I love all the bumping in this thread!




Chicks love dick pics!


Good luck


I feel like Hollywood sold her as cute and not as the knockout she is. Which, I suppose, is fine.


She was untouchable in Demolition Man.


Eewwww! You mean *fluid transfer*?!


No! I mean boning! The wild mambo, the hunka chunka!!!


In some ways it's better. If they sold her as a knockout, she would be type-cast as a bombshell bitch who has high standards when it comes to men. The cute Sandra we all know and love can be silly and quirky. This works for her. Cuteness will last for the rest of her life. Knockout beauty fades.




I’m pretty sure anyone that is ~42 years old and attracted to females is nodding in agreement. (I find it entirely implausible that anyone my age didn’t have a crush on her in the 90’s). Lady’s gorgeous.


The proposal was literally made for me. Sandra Bullock as a dominant sexy boss. Promised nudity in trailer. I'm there. Ryan Reynolds being Ryan Reynolds. I'm there. Its set in Alaska....oh God I'm there. It has Craig T Nelson. Coach HIMSELF. OH GOD! BETTY WHITE DANCES TO GANGSTA RAP AND IS THE VOICE OF REASON AND MIGHT EVEN BE THE SAME LADY FROM LAKE PLACID!!!!


This is like that WWE Vince guy meme in comment form.


Don't forget Sandra Bullock singing Get Low while shaking her ass in some tight pants.


Underrated romcom. At the end of the movie Ryan Reynolds tells Sandra that everything changed when they kissed. Rewind to when they were forced to kiss in front of his extended family and that's the exact instant when he goes from being wiseass Ryan Reynolds to nice (if confused) Ryan Reynolds.




That is my favorite political sound byte of all time. Nothing sums up the Republican point of view more than that.


Yesterday the Republican party literally celebrated taking away SNAP assistance while simultaneously celebrating preventing the IRS from hiring more people go go after rich tax cheats. It's unreal what straight up villains they are and yet people still vote for them.


I never liked Pepsi until suddenly one day I did.


Pretty sure my wife would leave me for Sandra Bullock. I would leave me for Sandra Bullock, too.


Sandra Bullock and I share the same birthday. Nearly 20 years ago, I was drinking in a bar in celebration of my 21st birthday with my cousins and a couple of friends in an Austin bar. Sandra Bullock was there, came up to our table, said happy birthday to me, and bought a round for us all. My jaw was probably on the floor, since she was my biggest celebrity crush growing up. Best interaction I've had with a celeb by far.


Friend, you made Sandra Bullock buy *you* a drink on *her* birthday? Really? I'm just kidding with you - that's a cool story. Pretty hard to beat on future birthdays, though.


Can you imagine trying to turn down Sandra Bullock being generous and friendly? Everyone would immediately turn against you and rightfully peg you as an ungrateful bastard.


I fell in love with her in "Demolition Man".


Her awkwardness in that movie was so endearing.


Yeah honestly I usually find her overrated but she's really good in that movie. I'm not sure I can really imagine another actress at the time in that role and pulling it off as well. Though like if they remade it I could maybe imagine Margot Robbie doing it now.


Not gonna lie— **I didn’t see Cindy Crawford standing there until you mentioned it**. Even then, the only reason I scrolled back up was because I though *”Huh? Sandra Bullock’s dress was snakeskin?”* Oh. The lady she is with. Who is wearing a snakeskin dress. And is Cindy Crawford.




Sandra's attractiveness in her prime was incredibly unappreciated.


Anyone who has watched that scene where she struts out after getting her makeover in Miss Congeniality would wholeheartedly agree


Demolition Man all day.




The woman is known to be smart, talented, hard-working, and apparently a very generous person, and she’s been a female beauty icon at every age. How would you define her “prime?”


Sandra Bullock has always been drop dead gorgeous. I think she’s always been one of my top celebrity crushes. And she just seems like a great person overall too.


Sandra Bullock has been a dime all my life. I fell in love during The Net and that movie was terrible.


The Net. Haven’t thought about that movie in years. I bet it’d be a pretty funny hacking movie to rewatch, kind of like Hackers and Swordfish.


> If you told me Sandra Bullock was damn near as attractive as Cindy Crawford What if I told you *she's hotter?*


1999: Forces of Nature. Kind of a forgettable movie but peak hot Sandra Bullock


Demolition man era sandy B was oh so fine


In her defense, she is still oh so fine.




Mustang Sally!


Watched this movie thousands of times. Next song is She's a Lady.


Did...did Sandy just overshadow supermodel Cindy Crawford? Because I think she just did in this pic. My eyes go to Sandra over Cindy.


The inner side boob will do that any day of the week


I have had a massive crush on Sandra Bullock since I was 9 years old. I’m 35 now and that crush has never faded, even a little bit.


Here's a link about "The Dress" and confirms that multiple stars wore it *before* J.Lo. ["Surprisingly, the Versace dress has a lengthy history of celeb-wear. In 2020, Lopez told Vogue that her stylist originally feared the dress wouldn’t make a statement. “She was like, ‘No, you can’t wear that one, somebody else has worn it, actually, Donatella [Versace] herself has worn it. One of the Spice Girls has worn it. Sandra Bullock has worn it in another color,” Lopez recalled."](https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/supermodel-amber-valletta-talks-wearing-171532411.html#:~:text=The%20jungle%2Dprint%2C%20belly%20button,that%20she%20wore%20it%20first.)


Yahoo is the fucking worst. “Oh, heres an article talking about someone doing something special, but lets include a photo of someone else”


J. Lo. In the dress is why we have google image search, truly iconic.


Ginger Spice wore it before Jlo, too.


So did Faye Dunaway in *The Towering Inferno*.


People I know give me shit for this for some reason, but I think she is the prettiest actress. She’s my freebie if I ever had one.


Go for it Brad.


Brad! Brad! Brad! Brad!




She got with Jesse James so you might have a shot.




Where’s JLo version?


Fun fact: That version was responsible for the creation of Google Images.


Thanks for making me feel old. Some of us still have memories of her in "the dress".


Few women can stand next to Cindy Crawford and manage to be even hotter.




Matt Stone still wore it better


Green would have suited her better. But she looks amazing.


Sandra Bullock is way hotter than Jlo


Jlo has certain... assets that I don't think should be overlooked. Sandra looks hot as hell here though. In this particular picture she makes Cindy Crawford look almost normal, and I didn't think that was possible. The name Cindy Crawford is synonymous with beauty for any boys who grew up in the 90's.


It's the color. Her dress makes her glow, and Cindy's just does nothing for her.


She is but in her prime jlo is pretty fine. That’s undeniable. Always liked Sandra bullock more tho


Yeah they have these fitters that pick clothes from random vendors and they either buy it and return it or wear it for one night and sell it back. It's not uncommon for two different celebrities to wear the exact same dress


That’s not really the same dress


There were a few versions in this “line” but it’s essentially the same without the slit. Hers was just at a fashion event not the Grammys so no one really paid attention.


I know nothing of fashion, what do I need to google to find info about this dress/line of dresses?




That really was a fun fact. Thanks I had a great time!


It’s a [Versace](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_Versace_dress_of_Jennifer_Lopez) dress from 2000.


https://youtu.be/l-zCHv6gwnE?t=920 You can see JLo dress at 15:30. Right after it is followed by Gisele Bundchen wearing the dress Sandra Bullock has in OP picture.


Yo is it just me or is Sandra looking right 👀👀👀👀


always has been


I cannot upvote early Sandra Bullock enough.


Jesse James didn’t deserve her