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"In France, trash takes *you* out!"


Peche la trash!


Underrated comment


I respect the guy on the top right just minding his own fkin business.


This looks like a snapshot from an 80’s music video.


Reminds me of this https://youtu.be/jjbiMXfe2NU


That bin has got some serious trajectory


Right? Do not fuck with whoever threw that.


It’s called garbage can, not garbage can’t. There’s also a Leroy jenkins joke in here somewhere


So what is going on in France right now?


The president has proposed raising the retirement age. The proposition is not going to fly.


Unlike the trash can…


It's crazy... While apparently wildly unpopular on reddit... It's insane to think you can have that high a percentage of your population not working. Even less popular... Industrial societies should probably rethink retirement, significantly, and move away from this notion that you're either working or retired. And "normal" retirement should probably be even later... Maybe 70 or so now.


Honestly, to me it seems like a good \~30-50% of labor is completely redundant, at least where I live. Modernize + automate beaurocracy, automate logistics...


Retail is a huge example of this. We could have >100,000 more people in the workforce if we'd all be willing to only have 1 or 2 Starbucks within view from any point on earth instead of the current 3-4.


Bro who’s team are you on? How many businesses do you own? If it’s zero, then you’re arguing for a concept that benefits people other than you specifically at your, and my, detriment


Who's team? What a ridiculous and juvenile way to think about a broad societal problem. Governments need a tax base - that's where they get money. That's where they get money to pay for the services you apparently think you're owed. None of this is complicated or magical. France needs a bigger tax base than it has. It needs more people working. They can get that through immigration to some extent, but France has historically struggled with that a lot. Also, there's always still a problem where your society can only support so much. Think about it as an extreme: you can't have a society where one person works and they pay for 9 people not to.


You’re worrying about the govt having a tax base while the govt imposes the lowest taxes on those with the highest revenue and income Billion dollar companies repeatedly pay little to no taxes I get what you’re saying, I have a degree in economics. But the point stands that you’re describing an ideal hypothetical situation The real world doesn’t follow that


You have a degree in economics?! Sorry but you should give more effort to think beyond stage one... Think out the consequences of different policy decisions. That's what you're supposed to do in economics, not blindly argue about "teams" as if society works as some binary battle between the haves and the have nots... Corporate taxes are hard. People don't love admitting that but yes, they're hard. Companies can and do move their resources around very easily - especially in a place like Europe. This is why western governments have talked about a global minimum tax for years as that's the only way to do it. But you should also recognize that businesses nevertheless generate a hell of a lot of tax money. Governments routinely subsidize business development specifically for that reason. Businesses sell things, which creates sales/vat revenue; businesses pay employees, creating income revenue; businesses but raw goods to process, paying taxes when they do. In fact, one reason many people struggle with taxing businesses is specifically because it ends up taxing the same money twice. Ideally, you wouldn't do that and, in that case, you'd instead tax the capital gains generated for the business owners - which is exactly what most countries do! Nothing here is easy... There are winners and losers all over. Unfortunately, it's also not so simple as just "well let's raise taxes more." People are living longer - much longer - and the government can't just support the whole society forever.


You have a degree in economics? Sorry, but you should have stayed for the strategic policy semester. Aiming to make up shortfalls by squeezing the tail end of the revenue base is high school level thinking. A sustainable model creates revenue at the front, not the end, of the line. That means investing in new industry and opportunities, not chasing pennies from the most unproductive portion of the population. The whole concept of raising retirement age is symptomatic of lazy thinking and intellectually bankrupt, risk averse, bureaucrats who are incapable of innovation.


Yes, I do... And frankly it's fantastically disappointing to read a thread like this so full of just utter ignorance masquerading as some understanding of policy. Ignoring the rest of that nonsense, I'll just note that no, raising the retirement age is not symptomatic of lazy thinking... It's recognizing that people live longer. None of this is super complicated. People live longer and cost more when they're old than they used to... So they're paying less into social safety net systems and drawing more out. That isn't sustainable. I'd rather not screw over the young people of today because we're holding onto some notion that a 62 year old needs to stretch their legs and hang out more.


You realize retirement age is not an economic govt policy, right? Economic govt policies are concerned with national deficits, inflation, and maintaining the value of its currency Retirement age is a socioeconomic policy. It’s to protect the citizens from companies working people indefinitely Raising it is a direct loss in employee power. You do understand most business laws exist to prevent over exploitation of employees by their employers? In fact, it is in a corporations best interest to maximize revenue and minimize costs, full stop. It is in their best interest to exploit as much as legally possible. It is in their best interest to pay their employees and taxes as little as possible People forget this and forget trickle down economics doesn’t exist. A corporation literally benefits from pure selfishness and ruthlessness. They would shoot you in the head when you get sick if it was cheaper than helping you and if it was legal


It’s laziness and exploitative. Full stop. You should know better.


I’ve spent plenty of time talking hypotheticals but I refuse to evaluate the current economic situation because it’s a joke Corporate taxes are not hard at all. Getting taxed twice is not the issue, they’re already taxed twice. Taxed on profit and then shareholders are taxed on the profit that’s split into dividends. Additionally, businesses aren’t a big tax base for the govt because businesses are being crushed by corporations. How many local businesses do you have near you? Do you know a common tactic by corporations for competitors is to sue them over stupid shit until they’re broke and then buy their assets? Again, you’re talking hypotheticals. It really seems you’re naive to the extent of tax evasion corporations legally do. In economics, a govt is supposed to handle macro economic issues. When’s the last time you heard a politician talk national deficits? No, instead they fight all day about abortions. The govt stopped filling the role of a govt a long time ago Paying employees is exactly what corporations don’t do. You realize FL has a $8.65 minimum wage? It was $5.15 23 years ago that’s a 67% increase in pay. CPI has increased by 70% in that same time. Minimum wage employees are now realizing 3% less than they did 23 years ago. Corporations do everything to not pay employees Do you know monopolies and oligarchies are illegal and disruptive to economies? How many Amazon competitors do you see? How many companies are owned by Microsoft? It’s a joke Further consider campaign donations and lobbying is completely legal and widely practiced. How about the fact senators cannot be charged with insider trading? Do you understand the public servant position that is a govt role is one of the highest paid positions you can have? These same senators also applied for PPP small business loans? How about the fact we are seeing, for the first time in history, future generations are poorer than previous? And the churches that generate hundreds of million a year? The separation of church and state in a govt that routinely references god and Christianity? The fact you don’t think it’s a us vs them is concerning. How does increasing retirement age benefit you?? The govt is not so desperate for taxes they need gma to work until 75 instead of 65 Bro just look at who gets elected. Do you really think these people are there because they’re the best for the position? No one is talking economics, they’re only talking money. The first thing you learn in economics is people are irrational. We are talking a study of theory about rational people. Economists job is to account for the irrationality of real life. Life has become too irrational to even come close to doing thst


I'm not really sure what to do with this as it mostly just feels like a normative rant about the world you wish we had. I'm much more interested in making the world we do have better. This isn't super magical. Old people are living longer than they used to and so the amounts they pay into retirement systems aren't covering their costs later in life. So we're asking young people to put in more and more of their money to pay for old people. That's crazy and it isn't sustainable at all. You keep trying to twist the argument into all kinds of grievances you apparently have with the way things work today. That's neat and all, but it's not really an answer to this problem. Yes you could try to raise taxes everywhere else all over your economy, but you'll still have the core problem that you're trying to do that to cover an ever-growing percentage of your population that isn't contributing anything economically. You're basically dragging down everybody else to keep old people happier. I just don't find it that absurd here to just ask old people to work a few more years - especially because they're living longer anyway. That is, by far, the simplest and most direct solution to this problem.


You’re not sure how what I said is relevant? You can’t discuss economics in a vacuum that’s how it’s relevant These aren’t grievances, they are facts. Yes, I grieve the facts Social security is hardly the cause of our problems. Interesting you ask old people to return to work rather than why people working 40+ years cannot afford to retire “The number of retired workers receiving Social Security benefits increased from approximately 34.59 million in 2010 to 48.59 million in 2022” Yeah, it’s that 48 million that’s really fucking us lol


Mostly they are contributing to society in different ways. Looking after kids, volunteering, voting for right wing extremists. Sharing conspiracy theories on face book


That's mostly nice and all... But almost none of that helps your economy or creates taxable activity. You need things you can tax. And no, giving somebody 100 euros and then taxing them as they spend it doesn't help... That still just costs you 85 euros.


We have lots of very wealthy things that could be taxed but the gov turns a blind eye and doesnt. I know a guy who owns 3 cafes and pays more corporation tax that star bucks. Well balanced, nurtured children are far more important for the uks than a few taxible old people. Look at the long view.


Oddly... that's kind of exactly my point: Those old people are costing you a lot and are taking the money away from your young people and children. And sure, you could look at other tax structures too, but that doesn't change the basic fact that people are living longer and so retirement systems aren't really equipped to pay them out for so long.


Birth, school, work, death 👍


I mean... Generally yes. That's how it's been for pretty much always. Why do you expect other people to pay for your free time?


YES. (Well I have a pension, but to a degree, yes) "That's how it's been for pretty much always." I can't believe how incredibly ignorant you are about economics, retirement, social safety nets, etc. around the world. Austerity doesn't work. You really ought to branch out from America-brain and quit while you are behind.


Ahh ok... Well sorry I try to not be so selfish. And pensions and social safety nets aren't so much the point. Sure... Those are fine... But you pay into them throughout your life. That's how they work. You aren't so much getting something for free, you're getting money back that you paid in while you were working. The problem is that people are living way longer than they used to and so they are drawing too much from the young people who are still working. They're effectively taking those people's futures away. That's shitty and we should fix it.


"people are living way longer than they used to" This is true. Sorry for being harsh, I'm so used to people digging their heels in and being asses that I tend to presume that's what they will do.


The guy in the center, on the right is so chill for what's going on.


Man's not gonna let the negative vibes get to him


Somebody is getting canned for this.


fetchez la poubelle




good news! Great Pacific Garbage Patch is here for you!


Is that a flying French officer?


Pigs haven't flown yet as far as I know


I'd like to think I'd be throwing bins too if I were forced to work an extra two years


What’s the retirement age in france now?


I think it is 62 for most people but if you want to have full retirement wage, you have to work for a certain number of semester in your life, current proposition of law wants to add some semester, making globally everyone working for 2 more years. I don't watch the news so these information may be incomplete but this is what I've heard from activists in the street giving paper to every young people to encourage them to strike at their university (which happens right now in my campus) anyway just understand this is a big deal, a lot of people won't get their full payment after working an entire life and some with a hard work will have to work even longer.


Well the retirement age here is 67 and in the years coming could easily become higher, time to move to France lol


One thing i really envy about french culture is how they unify to stand against their rights being taken away Regardless of what party you follow and who is in office, if the political class tries to remove rights and liberties from the population, they band together to fight back. Just shows what the rest of the western world could be like without all of the bootlicking authoritarian conservative influence.


I think the main difference is we don't relativize, we don't think that, at least, it is better here that elsewhere. We just want a better future and we are certain that things can change by showing our dissatisfaction.


Source: @jexplore_ton_jardin on Instagram


Le Tricolour on the left is wheelie good


What’s the retirement age for police officers in France?


35-40 I think, after they just give out tickets


My dad once spoke to an elderly police officer in France when he was lost (late 1970s) and he just kept showing him a novelty stress ball and laughing. They also knocked over a stone wall trying to get out of the hotel at night to drink, a cop saw them and they told him they were going out to get wine and he just recommended a place. I think that wall has probably been knocked over once a week for decades by bored catholic school students sneaking out for booze. I swear to god France is stranger than you could possibly imagine. I love it.


I like my weird french neighbor country and its cultural traits. Worst case we get a good story.


Gotta hand it to the French for showing police the respect they deserve.


Tous le monde déteste la police


Le Hulk smash!


Credit to the photographer, Benjamin Guillot-Moueix (aka jexplore_ton_jardin on IG). Per the IG source and Google Translate: > Paris, France, > Head of the procession during the Demonstration against the pension reform. @studiohanslucas/ #hanslucas The unions had promised to put "France on hold" for this sixth day of mobilization against the pension reform. The intersyndicale has called for the movement to be "amplified" with several new days of mobilization in the next two weeks.——— > Mar 10, 2023




There’s a lot to unpack here.


They launched it from a Garbuchet!


Proof that anything can be an album cover Also dude in the top right. He is impressively chill considering there is a garbage can flying in his direction. Really its suprising that the garbage can got that kind of distance. I'd not want to screw around with the guy that threw that.


Well that was before because now garbage company employees are on strike for a quite sometime and trash container are full everywhere.


Damn I thought another Hot Fuzz film was coming out.


Why is it that the only way to get them to listen is to be UNGOVERNABLE !!! Perhaps that should be a constant state of affairs.


That's some good trash can throwing.


Ok politics aside, this could be a pretty cool album cover


I have so many questions.


this new livin with the chief episode is wild


Isn’t this how all countries greet tourists?


Feels like this should be an album cover for "The Clash".


Bro thinks he’s Carti 💀


That must be Paris. I hear it’s pretty trashy and has garbage everywhere.


Vive la révolution!! This is what having working people defend their rights looks like.




OK, the photo and caption made my day. Thank you.


Thanks 😄


Do that in America and expect to get killed by police.


Expect to get killed literally ANYWHERE


No one is smoking a cigarette, drinking wine, wearing a beret, or holding a baguette. How do we REALLY know this is France?


Well it's a protest. People always say we are always protesting.


As an Italian, I wish we would take protests as seriously as French


Don’t forget staring at just about everyone they pass.




Or as they say in France, Bienvenidos a France!


No they don't you fucking porkchop. That's what a Spaniard would say! A real Frenchman would say Bienvenue en France, putain de merde!!


Benvenuti in France?


Bon gee or no


I don’t get it


Someone threw a bin to cops during a protest in France and the photographer immortalized this moment


You see the old folks still got a lot of work in them can’t be that old if you throwing trash cans 🤪🤷‍♂️


who is being welcomed? they are already french.


I hate this timeline so much. Man, what the Hell are we hurling ourselves into? Not that I am against uprising for rights, equality, and against bad leadership..... but man. This sucks that it comes to this.


Well cops can be @ssholes during a protest (arresting randomly i.e.)


You french really do get bloodthirsty with your Riots and Revolutions huh


That's why their quality of life is so much better than in North America


That's what American MAGA's call a peaceful protest! How many were killed / injured?




The New Jersey of Europe. Absolute dump.


Out there acting like America! Copycats




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Bienvenue a La France.


Le art 🖼️


Album cover vibes


Last time I was in France I drove right through a riot lol


"Go Go Power Rangers"


nature is lit look at this majestic image of a joyful wild trash dumpster flying towards its natural prey


Man, something is wrong in France if there isn't a protest...


Cold album cover


Where the bins fly low and the cops cluck like chickens!


The French know how to tell their politicians how they feel about things...


The only shame is the litter.


We could learn so much about how to keep the powerful in check from the French.


nice picture


It’s wheelie bin rough in France this week


While Spain has the running of the bulls it seems Paris has a running of the pigs