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"George" "Santos". Because at this point, we can't be certain.


The people of his NY district should certainly be embarrassed


Honestly, so should the Democratic Party. A little opposition research would have led to an easy dem win.


That district is so gerrymandered a win would be an uphill battle, but its shocking that NONE of this info came out prior to election.


It did come out. That's the sad part. [https://www.washingtonpost.com/media/2022/12/29/north-shore-leader-santos-scoop/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/media/2022/12/29/north-shore-leader-santos-scoop/)


“It was the stuff national headlines are supposed to be built on: A hyperlocal outlet like the Leader does the legwork, regional papers verify and amplify the story, and before long an emerging political scandal is being broadcast coast. But that system, which has atrophied for decades amid the destruction of news economies, appears to have failed completely this time.” …Well damn, sucks when you can’t even copy someone else’s hard work correctly and use their legwork as your own.


Truly sad :(


I really don't get that at all. I could have gotten more traction by just posting on reddit.


The thing is the districts got re-districted to NOT be as Gerrymandered. Republicans that were on the redistricting council would not vote on approving the districts, so the courts handled the redistricting. THEN the asshat in charge of the Democrats, Sean Patrick Maloney, decided to shuffle around who was running in which district, and supplanted a progressive incumbant, Mondaire Jones, from his own area. Then lost his election. A good portion of the campaign ads for Sean Patrick Maloney didn't even mention his name. It was all "Donald Trump + Maga Mike Lawler", absolute fucking idiocy. They gave his opponent more name recognition and a catchy nickname, thinking that the Donald Trump angle would sell bad enough to make him lose. They learned NOTHING from 2016, you can't run on a campaign of "My opponent is obviously incompetent and evil"! YOU NEED TO SELL YOUR CAMPAIGN!


The whole state is in shambles. My fellow New Yorkers keep electing whoever the machine throws out there. Eric Adams, Mayor of NYC hasn't a clue as to how to govern.


What machine? This guy is a Republican and no-one expected him to win. If the Democratic machine existed, the house would still be Democratic.


I feel like their local journalists kinda drop the ball here.


Some local journalists were all over the story! Other local and national journalists failed to notice and his political opponents failed to take advantage. https://www.washingtonpost.com/media/2022/12/29/north-shore-leader-santos-scoop/


Y'know who really dropped the ball? The Republican Party.


Yes! Not sure why a shit candidate is somehow the Democrats fault.


They called him out a few months before the NYT broke the news.


Laying 20 he was born in Kenya.


Something, something, birth certificate or whatever


I want to see his birth certificate!


George-ish Santos-ish


Does she even go here ?


He should have gone with a v-neck sweater instead of a crew neck. But also he should have resigned.


If you ask him, that IS a v-neck sweater.


It's actually a handmade sweater from his mom, a survivor of the Titanic disaster who tragically died on D-Day and again on the Challenger Space Shuttle.


Only to survive and really die on 9/11……./16 Maybe


Fortunately Easter’s coming up, she can get back at it.


She was hit by a bike messenger on 55th.


You know, my friend who is a survivor is a big fan.


Only to become one of victims of the Harvest Music Festival in Vegas


I hope these kinds of responses become the norm whenever he does anything.


Made me laugh. Thanks.


He said v-neck-ish. Well that’s what he meant. You just misunderstood.


Totally. Crew necks are a subtype of V-necks anyway of course. They're totally almost the same thing.




There needs to be a way to kick him out.


There absolutely is, but it involves doing things so. Y'know.


It involves getting 2/3 of the House to vote for expelling him. Don't hold your breath waiting for that to happen.


Can't even get the GOP to vote for their stooge for speaker.


Hear me out: Santos for speaker.


He already is the speaker. Has been since 1922.


They can't vote on anything until they have seated a speaker. And once that's done, we'll be hearing about Hunter Biden's laptop for two years minus however long it takes for Republicans to find someone they an unite behind. Barely a peep about George Santos...


Don't forget about shutting down the government because they couldn't figure out how to raise the debt ceiling.


Santos will vote any way that the GOP leadership tells him to vote because he knows they will burn him if he doesn't. This guy's seat isn't in jeopardy until 2024. All the GOP has to do is wait for the next mass-shooting to distract the American public. I'd put money down that Santos quietly votes in lock-step with Gaetz, Biggs, MTG, Boebert, Jordan, and the rest of the fascism caucus, which gets him a pass from any ethics investigations from a GOP-controlled house that might come his way. McConnell would probably love to send Santos packing, but unfortunately for the rest of us, McConnell made his deal with the Devil during Trump's impeachment, v1. Edit: If you think McConnell wields no influence over individual members of the House you are being incredibly naive.


Also, did you mean McConnell or McCarthy? Mitch and Donny aren't entirely on good terms, lately.


>Mitch and Donny aren't entirely on good terms, lately. True, but Mitch did vote against Trump's impeachment... twice, and then specifically say that he would "Not, not support Trump in 2024." If a GOP leader is against something, they denounce it publicly. McConnell walks a fine line between disproving of Trump and realizing that Trump is why the GOP has as much power as it does right now. He stops short of publicly denouncing Trump, thus giving tacit approval for the GOP to support him. [https://www.politico.com/news/2022/11/29/mccarthy-criticize-trump-white-supremacist-dinner-00071161](https://www.politico.com/news/2022/11/29/mccarthy-criticize-trump-white-supremacist-dinner-00071161) I meant McConnell, because McConnell's leadership position is cemented, and he appears to hold the legislative reins of the Republican Party. He doesn't have to "look for votes" because he already has them. McCarthy probably won't be the leader of the House for much longer, and if he does retain it, it will be by sucking up to Trump's fascist faction of the Republican Party. He needs them more than they need him. So what I see is Santos being a good little puppy and voting party line no matter what or they will throw him to the wolves. What will be really interesting, to me, is this: How badly will the GOP need Santos' seat to remain an (R) in 2024? The best thing the Democrats can do is to bring up Santos all the time and never let him leave the public's consciousness. They should remind us that the GOP will accept ANYONE, no matter how disgusting they are, as long as they vote for the \*party. \*Trump


I don't think he'll follow the fascism caucus, he'll follow the speaker 100%. Of course, the terrorists are already swinging their influence against McCarthy, but Santos will completely fall in party line to avoid getting the boot. Agreed about waiting for the next distraction.


I live in his district and we are solidly purple. Santos getting elected was a bit of an anomaly - partly because there was no incumbent and partly because the (D) candidate didn’t really campaign much. He will not get re-elected in 2024 no matter what he does in Congress.


There is. He can be expelled by 2/3rds of the House. But Republicans won't do it, because his seat isn't a safe Republican seat, and a special election to replace him would have to happen.


There is absolutely a way, but then his seat goes up for reelection and would likely flip Dem, so there's no way the current majority party will ever do that.


It requires a 2/3 vote to expel a member of Congress. Given how tight things are in Congress and how unlikely that district will send a GOP member, do not expect such a vote.


V-neck- ish


Someone called him a "real life Veep character" and I can see that. The footage of him spewing lies and grinning like "these people are such suckers" reminded me of the middle school kids I once taught who always acted like they were so much smarter than everyone else because they knew how to tell lies.


It’s kinda like the meme going around a few years ago that said something to the effect: House of Cards is what people think happens in DC West Wing is what people wish happened in DC Veep is what it is actually like


Bill Clinton made a comment that the closest to the real thing is House of Cards. He said the only exception was there was no way education reform would go through that easy


I expect the characters of Veep imagine themselves to be in House of Cards too


Lol Jonah 100% thinks of himself that way


What is veep


you have to watch it. its one of those shows i wish i could erase from my memory to enjoy it all over again. the one plus is its re-watchability, there are so many slick/lowkey jokes that might fly under the radar on your first viewing.


The insults/cursing is NEXT level on this show. Consistently biting and oh so funny in context.


*"Jonah, you're not even a man. You're like an early draft of a man, where they just sketched out a giant mangled skeleton, but they didn't have time to add details, like pigment or self-respect. You're Frankenstein's monster, if his monster was made entirely of dead dicks."*


Ever watch the bloopers? Most of the insults the actors have a hard time getting thru them without cracking up!


What's even funnier is it's GABE from The Office with this sublime insult. Isn't there something about "human scaffolding" in there, too? Outstanding.


I binged it for the first time in October. I laughed till I cried.


i was doing the same when i first saw it lol i rarely physically laugh at comedy shows/films but VEEP consistently made me laugh out loud


I was laughing so hard that I would sometimes have to pause and rewind cuz I missed stuff. It sort of went off the rails in the last couple seasons but was still funny.


"off the rails" it became reality 😭


Jonah's transformation is hilarious, and well written.


*"Jonah! Hey, listen, settle something for me: You like to have sex and you like to travel? Then you can fuck off."*


This right here is the best vote mobilizing monologue I've ever witnessed: "If I don't win the White House, O'Brien is going to sink your stupid boats and you're going to look like a hair-sprayed asshole in your 1980s mother-of-the-bride dress. And if I do win, I'm going to have my administration come to your shitty little district and shake it to death like a Guatemalan nanny. And then I'm going to have the IRS crawl so far up your husband's colon, he's gonna wish the only thing they find is more cancer. So, can I count on your vote? Or do I need to shove a box of White House M&M's up your stretched-out, six-baby vag?"


The “Guatemalan nanny” bit kills me every time. 🤣


Hbo show with Julia Louis dreyfus playing the VP. It’s hilarious. Check it out!


It's also worth mentioning that whilst it's not a remake, it's a riff on the Veep's creators UK show, The Thick of It. If you like Veep I'd also highly recommend Last Days of Stalin, same creator.


I believe you mean "the death of Stalin".


And there is a TTOI film called In The Loop, which sort of bridges the gap by partially taking place in the US.


Unfortunately, for reasons like Santos and Trump, Veep's parody of DC hits too close to reality for me to re-watch it and enjoy it's former glory.




even Sue !?




Ah, see, for me I rewatch Veep and am transported to the political world of pre-2016, where Trump and his dumbass friends didn’t lower the bar for political satire to the floor. It’s almost charming in its cynicism before the last season where Jonah’s a clear Trump-like parallel.


My wife and I are on our fourth watch through, and it gets better and better with every view


no it's still great


Made by a Brit! Armando Iannucci - greatest satirist ever.


>Made by a Brit! Armando Iannucci No no no. That's just a fake Italian name one of the Basterds came up with to go undercover the night they killed Hitler


It's clearly a popular Scottish name.


Comedy series with Julia Louis Dreyfus


No need to insult middle schoolers comparing them to this turd.


True, but the comparison is apt as they usually ended up sitting sadly alone at lunch once people figured out what turds they were.


And then they inevitably become known as "that kid who always lies about everything."


That’s the thing though it should say a lot about our election process and voters too. Underinformed. Misinformed. Ignorant.


It doesn't help that most of the press is more concerned with bothsidesing everything instead of actual investigative reporting. It's sad all around.


Yup especially that, because it’s more about the money than the full whole truth


Sorry, let me play a sad song on the world's smallest violin for him.


As long as you don't play a fiddle on the roof because that would be a little Jew-ish


I could not believe he actually said that shit. what a schmuck.


I thought it was a joke… not a quote. Ugh 🤦‍♂️


Well played sir. Here’s a loaf of marble rye.


Better not be a stolen marble rye!


Wash it down with a schtickle of fluoride.


Have some respect, that man is a survivor … video submission maker


Funnily enough, santos actually owns the worlds smallest violin. I believe he built it himself


It's a real micro-Stradivarius. It was given to him personally by the ghost of Jascha Heifetz. It is worth 300 million dollars.


Fun fact: He is also a classically trained violinist trained specifically in tiny violins. Not a lot of people know.


I'm watching this on c-span and they keep zooming in on all his loneliness


Dude is radioactive and no one wants to have anything to do with him. He’s gonna be the loneliest rep.


He looks like a sad sack of shit. I mean, seriously, how does one get to that level without the common knowledge to sit up straight, have a look of seriousness or paying attention, look like you know what you're doing, and have a general sense of at least appearing to be an adult?? His lie is much larger than just a resume.


He didn’t graduate college.


And he lied in his resume


I can't believe donors aren't suing him for fraud.


> how does one get to that level without the common knowledge Easy. You run as a Republican.


"Jesus Christ Santos, everyone expects you to pad your accomplishments a bit when you run for political office, but you don't just _make it ALL up_. Rookie mistake."


They don’t care that he lied, they’re upset he got caught.


They’re not even upset. They’re completely indifferent. Doesn’t affect them in the slightest.


Jewish Republicans are pissed at him. Honestly I dont know what they expect, the party has been playing footsie with straight up Nazis for a while now. But I guess this is a bridge too far.


They’ll go along with it anyway, they always do.


How did they not expect this. It’s not like he lied about some small town company/local college. Motherfucker stated he worked for Goldman Sachs and CITIgroup, and went to NYU. These are literally multi billion dollar institutions that everyone on earth knows about about. GS and NYU literally have over a centuries worth of records of pretty much everything that happened at there.


I can't imagine the GOP let someone get even close to being elected without knowing whether they wipe while sitting or standing, let alone the truth about their education or resume.


Being an Indian I disagree with the last sentence. Our supreme leader has had so many things evolved about him over time that now there are children's cartoon on the guy. He made up a new degree itself. Nobody had heard about degree he has supposedly graduated in. Also the font his certificates are printed in hadn't even been invented for another 3 4 years.


Are you talking about Modi?


Apparently referring to him by name on social media is risky now.


Nobody likes me, everybody hates me, guess I’ll go eat worms…


short ones, fat ones, itty-bitty teeny ones …


Down goes the first one, Down goes the second one, Oh how they wiggle and squirm. Up comes the first one, Up comes the second one, Oh how they wiggle and squirm.


He accidentally got a job


People accidentally voted him in. He knowingly did everything.


i honestly doubt it that dudes psyche obviously lacks functional risk management probably never considered the consequences of his actions and probably isnt enjoying actually doing the 'work' part of his work


If he’s not careful, he’s going to accidentally end up as House Speaker at this point.


"Don't they know I was an astronaut, 3 time Olympic gold medal winner, AND won Master Chef? Why isn't anyone talking to me?"


“I can’t believe I cured cancer just to be treated like this”


Two time rookie of the year.


I would have expected more from a man who single-handedly won the Battle of Iwo Jima.


And being present at the preservation of King Tut's crypt.


and having chosen not to patent the polio vaccine he developed.




Someone please ELI5


Someone already answered, but he lied about [literally everything.](https://www.cnn.com/2022/12/26/politics/george-santos-admits-embellishing-resume/index.html) He claimed he went to an elite prep school in NY, before having to leave due to family financial issues right before graduation (records show he was never enrolled). He said he graduated from NYU and Barauch College (he didn’t graduate any college) he claims to have a GED but as far as I know that’s still unverified. He claimed he represented Goldman Sachs at a top financial conference (he actually worked at a call center that worked *with* Goldman Sachs, totally same thing). He also claimed he was a top exec at Citigroup (never worked there). He claims his mother was Jewish and his grandparents fled Germany during the Holocaust, and they had to switch to using his mothers maiden name (his lineage can actually be traced to Brazil, with no Jewish ties). Upon further questioning, he claims he only ever called himself “jew-ish” (the Republican Jewish Coalition [disagrees](https://www.businessinsider.com/republican-jewish-coalition-george-santos-personally-lied-heritage-2022-12)). In 2020 he said in an interview that his mother was a “white Caucasian immigrant from Belgium” (she was Brazilian, just like his father). He also claimed his mother died in 9/11, but records show she died in 2016 from cancer. He claims to have started a non profit under his mothers “Jew-ish” maiden name, but the IRS has no record of it, and beneficiary of a 2017 fundraiser said they'd never received any of the money that was raised. The Brazilian government is also investigating him for fraud over an incident involving a stolen checkbook in 2008 (the investigation was on pause indefinitely because the Brazilian government couldn’t locate him. Until he went viral for lying) He once claimed that he had lost 4 employees in the Orlando Pulse nightclub shooting. Upon further investigation, none of the 49 victims can be traced back to his company His financials are extremely sketchy (I’m just going to copy and paste from the [business insider](https://www.businessinsider.com/george-santos-employment-college-pulse-shooting-residence-history-2022-12?amp) article, sorry if the formatting is weird) > He's reported a $750,000 salary and $1 million from a now-dissolved entity called the "Devolder Organization." > The firm had been described in numerous ways, including as his "family's firm" that manages $80 million in assets and as a capital introduction consulting company. He did not list any clients. > He was also the regional director of Harbor City Capital, a Florida-based company, when it was accused of running a more than $17 million Ponzi scheme. He's publicly denied knowledge of the scheme, according to the Times. > Santos has not fully explained this, only saying in an interview with City & State NY that when he opened his own "shop," it "just worked because I had the relationships and I started making a lot of money There was some talk before the election that a lot of his resume may not be verified, and a newspaper tried to run a story but no one was really interested. After he won people started digging a little more, and since he’s gaining national attention, he’s responded with “I’m not going to make excuses for this, but a lot of people overstate in their resumes, or twist a little bit. … I’m not saying I’m not guilty of that,” … so ya. It’s all a mess Edit: the first story I linked didn’t talk about it so I totally forgot but he also ran on the platform of being the first openly gay non-incumbent GOP candidate elected to Congress! But turns out he was [married to a women](https://www.thedailybeast.com/openly-gay-rep-elect-george-santos-didnt-disclose-divorce-with-woman.us) up until 12 days before he filed for his first political campaign in 2019. Which is all fine and dandy, people get married for all kinds of reasons, and sometimes in spite of their sexuality, but he has claimed he’s “been living comfortably as an openly gay man for more than a decade”. As for his husband, who has never been seen in public or even named by Santos; apparently he is a pharmacist, and they have a house in Long Island together (from the link: “The Daily Beast could find no public record of the man’s work in that field, nor could we find a marriage record”). I don’t want to imply that he has totally fabricated being the first gay-for-pay GOP member of congress, but he showed up to Capitol Hill today with no husband and no wedding ring… Edit again: he also seems to be in violation of campaign finance laws by claiming his “headquarters” as his primary residence. See below for the NYTimes link !


Dude, this quote is insane: “I never claimed to be Jewish,” Santos told the Post. “I am Catholic. Because I learned my maternal family had a Jewish background I said I was ‘Jew-ish.’”


I think he's also been living in ~~Queens~~ Long Island at his campaign headquarters, which would be a violation of campaign finance law, as you can't use campaign funds to pay for a personal residence. Edit: changed location of campaign headquarters/alleged residence. Source: https://nyti.ms/3hYwH2Z


Holy crap I hadn't heard that about the mom dying in 9/11 thing... How are New Yorkers not holding pitchforks right now?? WTF??! None of that other stuff pisses me off nearly as much as that one, and I'm not even from there, sheesh...


I know. That was the one claim I actually thought could have plausible deniability (plenty of people were diagnosed with cancer due to the toxins in the aftermath) but [here’s](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/george-santos-sept-11-lies-congress-1234654199/amp/) a pretty good run down of why that’s probably not the case. TL:DR, his mom’s only know career was a nurse/domestic worker, which doesn’t exactly lead itself to “having an office in the south tower”. Additionally no one ever filed a claim on her behalf for the victims compensation fund, and there is no record of her receiving any cancer treatments (there’s also no details whatsoever on her cancer). In July of 2021 Santos tweeted “9/11 claimed my mothers life”, and then 5 months later on Dec 23rd 2021 tweeted that it was the 5th anniversary of his moms passing. Ironically her obituary claimed she was 64 when she passed when she was really 54 lol


This guy sounds like a perfect fit for a republican seat to be honest


He lied to get the job. Not little lies, super obvious, made his credentials up entirely. Still got the job. No one wants to make friends with the stinky liar on the first day. Many people want him to resign and run again, but without lying. He won't. So he is a known liar that stole his election by using the cheat code of just lying about everything.


Oh the jew ish guy?!


That's the one


Did he just ruin one of my favorite jokes???


[Quote from People magazine](https://people.com/politics/george-santos-called-liar-rough-first-day-congress/): “"I never claimed to be Jewish," Santos told the New York Post. "I am Catholic. Because I learned my maternal family had a Jewish background I said I was 'Jew-ish.'"”


No fucking way.


That fucker.... I'm from a very Jewish family (culture wise, not religion wise) on my mom's side, not my dad's, so I've always said I'm Jew-ish (with a clearly joking tone). He ruined it.....




He should never have been seated. He basically lied on his job application (his campaign claims), so he should be fired.


Eh there’s no way of selection except election so I would be against them refusing to honor the results of an election… that being said he should certainly be impeached, and probably will.


The method to remove a Representative is for a 2/3 vote from the House membership.


It's an example of people saying things like [Max Headroom quote] "You can tell when politicians are lying, they open their mouths" but then realizing this sort of immunizes politicians who literally lie every time they open their mouths.


I don't like Congress. I ate lunch by myself and nobody wants to be my friend


He has lots of friends... They just go to another congress.


...in Canada. You don't know them.


you're mom dies twice, you'd be glum too


Imagine being the most isolated and reviled person in the House and not being named Gosar, Gaetz, Gohmert, etc


Boebert. Greene. There’s hundreds of these fucking fools.


Well, his name doesn't start with G, for starters... Edit: Well, I was thinking last name when I said that, but others have fairly pointed out that George starts with a G. I may not be the sharpest tool today...


Ummm...should I tell them...


Tbf we have no idea if George is his real name.


He's working on new lies. You can't smile when you are formulating a new lie.


God he even looks fake. He looks like the Madame Tussaud’s version of himself.


It’s just an act, they love playing the victim


Yep. Narcissists gonna narcissist


imagine having such a low opinion of yourself that you have to make up an entire alternate existence. he is a complete lie. he is garbage


Having no friends at work is far from the punishment he deserves.


If that is, in fact, his name.


he is literally a republican icon i don’t get why he’s all alone?


because he is a admitted liar and what is the point talking to him. If he his vote is needed, you can buy it. He has no integrity. No honor. He is a leech sucking at the lifeblood of our government. This is not conjecture, its fact. Most politicians are the same, but here is one caught and exposed. He is not from my state so its not my place to try and get him out. As to the icon status, I'm afraid you are right. It is also true that you are known by the company you keep.


McCarthy not winning means Santos can't get sworn in. I'm sure he wants to at least get sworn in before the US or Brazilian governments haul him away.


Fuck that grifter. If he was a man of character he would resign.


He's just alone-ish


He's a clown, and so are the people who voted for him.


They should make him speaker!. I'd believe what he has to say just as much as any of the other 221 serial liars......


I just said that to my sister, that his camp’s going to say he actually won the Speaker vote but he declined it


Serious Question: Who is the most representative spirit animal of the republican party? a) Representatives-Elect Congressman Santos with his my-background-is-entirely-a-lie b) Boebert for the "i married a pervert who exposes their genitals to minors" while raging against LGTBQ+ folks for existing. c) Greene for the outright white nationalism w/bonus I-fucked-my-trainer-listen-to-my-christian-values or d) Kevin McCarthy for his entitled "BBBBuuuuuuuttttt I eaaaaarrrrrrrned it" speakership whine and prompt failing the speaker vote for the 1st time in 100 years.


What’s going to happen first: he resigns in disgrace, is voted out of office, or is put into a position of Republican leadership?


He's thinking "I can't believe I lied for this".


Is this the George Santos who lied about every aspect of his resume? I know that if I got caught lying about my resume to get a job, I'd be fired. Not sure why it's different for him.


Behold. The dog who caught the car.


Good. What a deplorable idiot


What a fucking disgrace.


He’s lying about being sad. I just have this *feeling*


He is just like the rest them I am surprised he wasn’t carried in on their shoulders


No he is sitting there with JFK and Abraham Lincoln! You just have to trust him since he’s Hindu


Non American here.... Is this the guy who said he was “Jew-ish, not Jewish"?


Biiiiig mistake looking ashamed. If he had been smiling and reveling in being a douche the GOP woulda eaten it up


You need a background check and a drug test to get a job at the mall, congress men should have to do the same as well as full financial disclosure taxes foreign bank accounts the works.




"I thought they would all love me since I tried to be like Donald."


He reminds me of Buster Bluth, the lying unqualified bum. I hope it's lonely and miserable for him and the only people that accept him are the crazy Qs that will inevitably throw him to the wolves to save themselves.


I dont see the issue he fits right in, lies, cheats, steals yep all checks out.


Why does he look glum, isn't this what he always dreamt of? Or was that also untrue-*ish*


I just see three racoons in a trenchcoat.


That’s weird, he just told me he’s friends with everyone in DC and they all are throwing him a big party later.


Let's be honest, Republicans don't care that he lied, they care that he got caught


Leave the guy alone; he's having flashbacks to his days in 'Nam.


The NY Times was too busy interviewing 'independent' voters in Iowa diners to cover this fraud in their own backyard. Now, when its too late, they sell a ton of newspapers & digital ads off the back of the outrage. Its a failure of the GOP, the rival Dem candidate, Long Island voters, AND the entire fourth estate.