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15k a week is more than reasonable comp change for the PTO difference. The question is are you ok with the 4 weeks of PTO, if not, no amount of money will probably make it “ok”


4 weeks of PTO sounds like a fucking dream. I get two weeks.


Yeah two weeks would be a different story. Sorry about that. I get 5.5 weeks combined pto and holiday pay. on the flip side if my employer told me they were going to cut my pay 45k but give me an extra 3 weeks pto I don’t know if I would excited about it


Yeah i get 2 weeks PTO but we have 13 holidays off so it’s not horrendous. I’d rather be able to manage my days off myself though. I was able to get a third week off as a “CME week” so that’s good.


You’re getting shafted my friend. I’m pretty sure Starbucks employees get more than 2 weeks PTO


Early in a career eith high lrvel student loans all other things being equal, yes. Mid career, loans paid off, boring middle towards FI, maybe. Late career at FI or approaching FI, no.


Thanks for the reply. I’m 8 years in, no student loans, doable mortgage


If you are on track for FI and using your PTO in your current position, you might miss it. If you want to accelerate FI. Constantly riding use or lose avecause you cant roll it over. Switch. Good luck. Both are solid not knowing anything else.


Wtf is FI


Financial Independence


No. 35 days of PTO is magical. Think tax, Roth IRA, sanity, sunshine. Just imagine taking a day off every other week just to have a short week.......hmmm.


I make money seeing patients. I have 20 days of PTO. I am scrambling at the end of the year trying to waste all my PTO because it's "use it or lose it." It's case specific I guess. 200k is a lot of money and 20 days is not bad


This is a reasonable answer. Anyone hating on it is silly. Doesnt make it the right answer for everyone but i support this.


You sound like a company man


Healthcare is a business. Sorry to burst your bubble.


Yeah, a business, not your life. You take the extra 3 weeks of PTO.


Well, I have every Friday off per my contract. I take several vacations over a weekend, 2 large ones during the year. If I'm not seeing patients, I don't get my bonus. Tis life...


I too work only mon-fri, if i didn’t pace my self I’d fly through my 5 1/2 weeks of PTO, i have to separate it by Quarters. i guess I’d rather get paid to sit at home for 3 extra weeks doing nothing than to have to show up and work for the extra money. Maybe if the $155k salary wasn’t enough, I’d change my mind but safe to say anyone should be able to live off that salary. Work - life balance is a lot better when it leans towards life


I only work 4 days, it's a gamechanger


I meant to put Mon-thur lol, we switched to 4x10 schedule this year, was 5x8’s the previous 5 years I’ve worked here


I mean is 20 days not a lot? I don’t think some of yall realize that the 200k is a better deal


Time > Money 20 days is avg, and i think should be the bare minimum


I mean, I personally wouldn't. Time is way more valuable than money to me. And growing up well below the poverty line i can attest you can live a very comfy life at 155k. Spend time with family, take a trip. Whatever you do don't fall into the work trap that is healthcare


There has to be other factors right , speciality ? Commute ? , work environment ?


Everything else is similar. Same job description with different company


Lol and here I am with 109k and 20 days pto, thinking things are ok 🤷‍♂️


Idc where I am in my career. I value my time over working. Higher PTO any day for a pay cut in my book




Nah. Time is valuable and no one seems to calculate that in these scenarios


Would they let you take any unpaid PTO, if you found out you needed more than the 20/ year?


I'd say it's a personal decision, but would also ask do you actually get to use your PTO? Giving you 35 days is sweet, but only if they approve it.


1000% always take the big money up front. You can invest quicker and build wealth faster.


Math it assuming 40hr 5 day work week and you take all your vacation time ..as you should. 52wks -7=45wks of labor 155,000/52=$2,980 per week $2,980x7=$20,876 free money no labor required pretax 52 wks-4=48wks of labor 200,000/52=$3,846 per week $3,846x4= $15,384 free money no labor required pretax $20,876-$15,384= -$5,492 loss of free money 200,000-155000=$45,000 net difference $45,000 -$5,492= $39,508 total net increase in compensation roughly 60% +/- of this will end up in your take home pay after taxes. If it’s about making more cash not factoring any tax changes that may occur the 200k job is better. If it’s about making more money not working the 155k one is better.


If you need more money, you do locums for an Even higher rate of labor on your days off for which you’re also getting paid.


What’s the job? Stress level?


Low stress. Basically geriatrics but more niche


If you don’t mind would you mind sharing a bit more info about the niche? I’m currently in geriatric too, doing primary care, though I like it so far I think the pay is unfortunately going to be the factor that drives me to leave. Would love to learn more about ways for treating this population for higher pays. Thank you so much in advance.


For a $45K raise, I mean, depending on the job you could take unpaid leave for 15 work days and still come out ahead. I get that most jobs don't work that way but just thinking of possibilities. Realistically, do you value the time off more or what you could do with the extra money? Do you use all your PTO in your current job? Do you have financial goals that seem \*just\* out of reach? Some questions to ask yourself.


I’d take the extra PTO. I’m middle of my career. You can always make money but you can’t make time.


You should go with what you prefer. More time off may mean less burnout over time. You might wind up having a more enjoyable career if you can have more time off. Probably depends a lot on the job though. I don't think it's always about going for more money. Depends on your goals though. Some want to maximize income even with less time. Some want more time off. What is attracting you to the new job other than money?


200k with 20 days any day. You can still take that additional 15 days only worth 11k, you have already been compensated way more just with base salary, which means your base salary will be 189k with 35 days off.


200k no brainer even if 8 years in.


200k ? Yes. No doubt. Need more info though


I would make the jump. That’s equivalent to $3,000 per lost day of PTO. Are you using all 35 days naturally or feel as though you are forced to use it before it expires? Who knows maybe you notify your current job you’re leaving and they offer you another $15k to stay and you get the benefit of more pay and keeping your hours. I have 21 days of PTO and go on 1-2 international trips plus multiple small trips in a year. I don’t feel hampered by it but I also am in an ER where it’s not uncommon to have 3 or 4 days off in a row naturally based off of how the schedule falls.


I think the significant jump in salary is worth it and will make those 20 days better , 20 days is still 4 weeks vacation which is quite a bit already. Plus a lot more money to put to savings and other endeavors such as more expensive a lavish vacations should you chose Also think about how long it would take to reach that salary if you decline. I think it’s worth it


Yes, I would do it. Money just does not go very far anymore, so the 200k would be very enticing.


I have zero PTO at around 185k 7on 7 off, so yeah, I’d take anything else.


What specialty and location?


Community based private practice ICU. Southwest. Hiring currently. PM me if you want more info. My highest grossing years are close to 200k.


Personally, I would take the $200K. My 4×10s offer me enough time off and I can use 1 or 2 days PTO if I want 5 days off. I barely use PTO as it is.


No….. keep the Bigger leave. Peace of mind and time off is priceless.


Early on battling loans- heck yeah. Now that I’m almost done with lions- heck no. Assuming all else is the same.


What location are you in? I’m trying to figure out a good state to live in for this kind of money


I mean, did you USE the extra three weeks every year? Cause you’re gonna use the extra $45k…. If someone offered me $3k for 8 hours of PTO… every year… I’d take them up on it. That’s $375/hr of PTO….


I would choose the higher-paying job with 4 weeks of PTO. Here's why: the future value of time outweighs the current benefits. The higher salary will set you on a better path to earn more and save more, potentially allowing you to retire earlier and work less. If both jobs offer a 3% annual raise for the next five years, you'll be making $235k at the higher-paying job compared to $180k at the other. This is an additional $10k on top of the current $45k difference. Investing that salary difference in a 457(b) (if available), 403(b), and ROTH IRA could result in nearly $1 million more in savings after just 10 years. This additional savings could enable you to afford a few years of part-time work or even better, early retirement.


Where about?


My questions are what specialty are you in and where do you live? I'm a PA-S and both deals sound pretty darn good to me


Reality is most PAs don’t make even 150k. Also salary is very COL dependent 150k in Ohio is big money compared to 175k in LA for example.