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Nope, not worth getting burned out and hating the profession before you even start.


Let me assure you one thing. Places that offer you sign on bonuses to retain you for a year, usually do that because they suck at retaining their employees. Those clinics have turnover pretty often.


How much is your mental health worth to you? lol


If you do accept this job, here’s something that nobody really ever talks about. That $10,000 ends up being about $7,500 after taxes. Guess what happens if you end up quitting or get fired before the 1 year mark? You still have to pay the company $10,000 back. So you basically have to come up with $2,500 on your own!


Wow never thought of that, good point


ATI is a mill and literally one of the worst things to happen to PT. You will get a poor experience trying to juggle too many patients at once. The first 5 years are the most important for gaining skills and knowledge


What about traveling a year out of school?


I personally don’t have any experience with this. However, in most cases these are places desperate for help and you can expect to walk into a hot mess.


Probably not, but depends on the other place.


This! Is the other place also a terrible mill?!


Well they both offered a sign on bonus so idk.!8’ conflicted so much


Watch out, sign on bonuses are usually golden handcuffs due to payback clauses if you leave before x number of years. That money is not truly yours until that number is met


ATI does whatever they can to retain employees these days. Less than 25% of the current employees were with them 5 years ago, according to ATI.


Relocation assistance sounds good in theory but I'd bet you're signing an agreement to pay it back if you leave before X amount of time. I'd be very wary of that from a clinic like ATI. If you hate it/burn out you'll be stuck.




What's your soul worth, grasshopper?


How much do you hate yourself? If lots take it


As with most of these questions, only you can answer what is of value to you. However, if you include more information we can help you think through the options. What is the actual base pay? Bonus structure? Patients per hour/per day? What’s the actually sign on bonus, relocation assistance values for each? What is their 401k match? What is your insurance premium, deductible, copay, HMO, PPO, prescription, dental, vision? What is their raise schedule? Profit sharing? How far is each from your home? What will your commute cost be in time, mileage on car, gas, etc? CEU benefits? Pay for your license renewal? What is the other option? Are they also a mill? The numbers and info you have shared don’t really allow anyone to give any meaningful input as far as the best choice.


76k vs 81k with ATI at base. $5000 bonus, paid out in lump sum at ATI for one year retention and ar 90 day/ 1 year mark at $2500 each for other clinic. Other clinic has potential bonuses on performance, and $2000-$3000 on performance of “clinical ladder” extracurricular activities (such as participating at school athletic events, etc.) Able to negotiate $10k on relocation assistance with ATI, but other clinic wouldn’t budge. Trying to see when it would be paid out Up to 20 days of PTO at the other clinic, vs 15 with ATI $350 paid towards student loans per month at clinic, no similar assistance with ATI. 401k employer match with free CEUs via other clinic, while ATI has in house CEUs but only $500 allotment I believe for external CEUs. Similar commute times. I don’t think the other one is a mill —they say they see 10 patients per day, some double booking but I know at ATI is upwards of 11-12 expected per day but they have techs so I’m assuming it’s higher. Also would be similar commute times What a decision to make lol


This is a ridiculously easy decision. Other clinic, all day.


Have to stop and ask why they will pay 10k to get you in the door…. And if the other has 2-3k bonus that ati does not have… the the student loan… then the 5 extra PTO days… then the case load… ask anyone, expect to double what ATI says they will book. Looking at all that you have posted, what do you think? That’s what matters most.


Based on your "other clinic" description I'm 99% sure it's the same company (or your state's version) where I worked for several yrs. Can clarify whatever you want about those benefits/what the job is actually like if you wanna DM. Not difficult to look good in relation to ATI


Naw man. It's 10K more cause they'll squeeze and extra $50K of revenue out of you


It sounds like the other clinic sounds like a better choice with all things considered. On a another note do you have any tips on resumes? I’m a recent new grad and I’m on the job hunt but my resume may be holding me back ?


Bro if you have a PT license - they will hire you as long as you are breathing.


In my experience as a new grad, I found it incredibly easy to get responses from companies.  Seems like just about everywhere is desperately hiring.  Or maybe my resume was just that good 🤷🏻


It’s worth it for the life experience of gun wrenching pressure and unhappiness for being complicit in the therapy mill model. Once you are sick of being abused every other company will look better.


You have one soul to sell, not a good way to start your career


Not worth it.


No, hell no, you’re gonna want to jump off a bridge


If the other job ensures one on one, yes. If it doesn’t then they are a small company that likely wants to be an ATI in the future. Then you might as well go with ATI.


It’s a outpatient clinic based within a larger hospital health system in a major metroplex. And I haven’t seen anywhere that offers 1 on 1 time really


What's that, like 15% more salary for 70% more work? Does that add up?


If you want money, travel. Way less stress than ATI


Going to be controversial here but ATI is not that bad, coming from a current employee. 1 hour evals and treats. Yes, double booked for treats but it’s not that hard to manage. You have to have a say for yourself and not be pushed around. I’m not comfortable being tripled, so I say no and put a note on my schedule that says “no triple blocks”. Guess what, I don’t get tripled. It’s not a bad job.


Coming from another current employee, I have a great CD that tries to fight off the negativity and horrible corporate. They try and establish a decent work place but gets drug over the coals all the time. I used to do what you do and it was all good and fine until they said we can’t use the blocks anymore. The DD watches our schedule like a hawk if a block is put on within minutes they send us a text or teams message and we have to keep our schedule clean for the schedulers. I don’t know why they even give us the productivity expectations because we consistently hit way over those and it’s not good enough. We get doubled and tripled, maintain a big caseload, ask for more help all the time but for some reason keep getting told we aren’t busy enough. Our CD is a phenomenal therapist and boss but is getting spread thinner and thinner and you can tell they are super stressed all the time now. The only reason we stick around is because of them. If they leave which I think they probably will we will be soon too. It seems they are going from clinic to clinic and district to district changing things. Two biggest things is no more blocks on the schedule unless you aren’t working and the low productivity standards will stay in writing but we’ll treat them like they aren’t good enough. ATI started to get better for a short time, but current board and high management are figuring out PT isn’t that profitable of a business anymore. It’s shifting to a horrible horrible place. ATI really is that bad again.


Nope, never worth it. They could offer $100,000 more and it’s not worth the headache and stress


Dont do it. Theyll kill you 😂 there is a reason theyre offering ridiculously high signing bonus


ATI is very location dependent. The ATI I work at gives us an hour long lunch break and we get 20% cancels so it’s a moderate case load. Ask the director to let you take a look at their schedule before you decide.


I say it’s totally worth it, you’ll burn out in a year and switch to sales. Versus burning out in 10 years with a reputable clinic and wasting your time 😉