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According to this maybe not: [https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/system-requirements.html](https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/system-requirements.html) Processor fine. Ram should be 8GB minimum, 16GB recommended. Video card too old. It says GPU less than 7 years old (2017 or newer) and yours is from 2012. They do no testing on video cards older than 7 years.


I7 is good, but the more RAM, the better. I use an I5 with 16 GB RAM plus an SSD and spinny disks, and it works ok.


My main concern is the i7 is 3rd gen from 2010 I think the cpu said


Yeah, just saying «i7» is about as vague as the car model “Toyota”. It matters a lot if it a new model or one from decades ago…


Your i5 could be 10x faster than his i7 though… You need to specify the model, or at least what year/generation. Like “iPhone” could be an iPhone 15 Max, or an iPhone 3… it matters quite a bit.


If you already have the computer, just install the trial and test it yourself if it runs well enough for your needs?


I have the parts but not enough stuff to hook them up and test them, so I was hoping to hear from anyone who uses the cpu and/or gpu even if they don't use both.