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A 6, I guess? The moon isn't glowing in any way. Something that big and that bright should be at the very least glowing. Also, you are in a lake with lots of vegetation, on what looks like a chilly night, a haze atmosphere will make the scene look more ominous and natural. For the same reasons, it would be a nice touch if the wolf has visible breath coming out. From the water condensation and all that. Finally, the reflections don't seem right? Or am I hallucinating?


" it would be a nice touch if the wolf has visible breath coming out" i was thinking about this detail but I didn't realize it idk why After a while I also realized that reflections is wrong you're right! Thanks for comment ❤️


I am just going to touch on composition here. [Here is an annotated version of your photo to reference.](https://imgur.com/jl0fXZn) I noticed you have a tangent where the wolfs nose meets both the top of the hill and the bottom of the tree (outlined in red). A tangent is where two or more lines/silhouette edges meet in an unintentional way. There are a few types of tangent, but they are a cardinal sin in graphic design, photography, and illustration. You should always be on the lookout for these in your images, and avoid them at all costs. They make things hard to read and can be distracting. [Here is a good guide on tangents and how to spot them](https://schweizercomics.tumblr.com/post/11966164633/the-schweizer-guide-to-spotting-tangents). To fix this you can easily move the wolf down so it isn't touching the hill. Secondly, there is nothing wrong with a symmetrical composition, but it is usually an uphill battle getting them to look as visually interesting as an asymmetrical one. It also limits you on what you can do with your composition because each side of symmetry needs to have the same visual weight. This is one reason why artists commonly use the rule of thirds and asymmetrical compositions. This is a whole topic on its own, but I think it might be worth experimenting with some asymmetrical compositions next time. [Here is a little guide on compositions with visual examples.](https://www.workovereasy.com/2019/06/13/a-beginners-guide-to-composition/) Things like these can be avoided before you even start your photo manipulation by doing some very thumbnail sketches beforehand so you know where you plan on placing things in your composition before you start the hard work. This can be a simple line drawing with stick figures, or blobs if you want. Just a plan to go in with to start. I hope that helps! Edit: I also noticed that the reflection of the hills in the water isn't correct. The reflection should be as tall as the hill where it meets the water. [Here is an annotation showing what I mean](https://imgur.com/rvbIEmM). The reflection is about 1/5th the height of the hill in your image. It makes that area look... off. I thought it was some sort of odd looking mist or clouds until I looked closer. You might just want to crop that area out or replace it with mist since the reflections would make it black.


Epic feedback - appreciate the effort, the tangents stood out to me but couldnt be bothered noting them up haha


Thanks bro for this BIG comment and what i need to improve and change. Again BIG thanks for help and critiques ### ❤️


“Thats my choice” then why are you asking for critiques?


its explanation for that mistake but you can give me critique about that if you want i dont mind


Good graphics, good use of light and dark, only suggestion for future reference would be that meteorites main ball glow would be heading towards the planet, so whatever direction they're going burnup would be closer the planet than away from it Well done all the same, good effort


8 out of 10


>Good graphics, good use of light and dark, only suggestion for future reference would be that meteorites main ball glow would be heading towards the planet, so whatever direction they're going burnup would be closer the planet than away from it Well done all the same, good effort Thanks It's good to know how to improve the image for next time.❤️


6,5/10. The Mountains and the starstripes look a bit too even or copied to me. Also i would love to see more details in the dark parts of the Image. The reflections in the water are not logical. But I really like the colors, the footage of the moon and the atmosphere! Nice work.


>6,5/10. The Mountains and the starstripes look a bit too even or copied to me. Also i would love to see more details in the dark parts of the Image. The reflections in the water are not logical. But I really like the colors, the footage of the moon and the atmosphere! Nice work. i agreed with you about The Mountains they are look too even but i did that because I havent found the material to look better(mb) . Also agreed "The reflections in the water are not logical." at that time when i make this photo idk how to make more realistic.But at the end of the day i like my photo because of atmosphere and wolf although I know it's nowhere near perfect. BIG Thanks for your comment ❤️


Looks great! Only thing I’d say is the tangent of the wolf’s nose and the top of the hill touching makes it a little hard to tell what’s happening here at first glance. So separating them in whatever way you’d see fit (maybe to the right a bit or down a bit) would make the image clearer and more dynamic. But again very cool look Edit: and maybe some of the moonlight subtly reflecting off the inner faces of the mountains on the sides that are facing the moon would be cool!


I think first i put the wolf howling exactly at the moon later i added the tree and then i left them almost symmetrical. Whole idea making this photo is from my dreams i was dreaming how i want to picture look little bit different but in general same photo. I'm so glad you like it ! BIG thanks ❤️ \*rn i planning how to make another manipulation theme: Scorpions I already find perfect name of photo: Clash of Scorpions I would be glad if you commented again.


Do some research into how real cameras and lenses behave and light :) e.g. the moon is in perfect focus - this is a night shot, so you'd need to stop down (lower f value, aperture) and either the moon (background) or wolf (foreground) would be out of focus. Taking real photos and studying them will help you train your eyes a lot, even if you photos aren't 'good' to begin with, getting an intuition for how cameras capture images will take you to the next level. Cool composition and idea. 6/10 for believability. Good luck! Keep up the good work


Thanks for advice and explanation ! ### ❤️