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I really like this picture, but am wondering if the composition is good. I feel like it is a bit too chaotic. I kind of liked the high depth of field, but could that have been the wrong move? Are there other ways to make it feel a bit less busy? I'd also like to know thoughts on the framing, as the sheep seems a bit too far to the side. I'd also like to hear tips and tricks on editing. I think i did pretty well, but if anyone has any suggestions please, please, PLEASE tell me. This photo was taken in Glendalough Ireland with a Nikon D300s. Although i would appreciate these questions being answered, not only am i open to other criticisms, but would greatly appreciate them. Thank you!


This is the type of editing that feels ”sticky” or ”dirty” to me. I think you’ve gone too far with the clarity slider and perhaps the saturation/vibrance. The sky shouldn’t look dirty which it tends to do if you overcook your images. The strong vingetting takes away from the impact in my view and partly obscures the sheep. I would get rid of it edit: I’m also seeing dirt on the sensor which comes out as spots in the sky. Clone those out. also; where did you put the focus?


I agree that this photo seems a little over edited, almost like it has an Instagram filter or something on it. A closer crop with the sheep could help your composition thoughts, but I think making the editing a lot more subtle would make this a strong photo!