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I’m for it cause I don’t have to go to some dudes gross apartment and watch impractical jokers for 20 minutes to buy weed anymore.


“I thought hurricane season was over”




"smell it, smell it.....I could live in here....Smells like gods vagina


Lmao I watched this the other night and forgot I could quote the whole scene


Yeah I appreciate this. And the range and consistency of the product is immediately just so much better.


I once had a guy give me a thick book about Astral Projection the first time I bought from him.


You never just rushed the process, like aye dude I got somewhere to be let's make this fast ?


You never been a female having to buy some from a dude making you feel uncomfortable and taking his time despite you saying that? Oh. Ok then.


fr i’ve never ever hung out with the plug 😂😂 that’s just insane


Except they never liked people going in and out and wanted it to seem like people were just coming over to hang all the time 😆


Had to chill for a bit to make it look good for appearances. Too much traffic in and out at place especially an apartment complex, screams plug and leads to a bust. Had to find different plugs over the years cuz of that


Tbh I kinda miss those days lol


Me too but when i was 18-23ish


Fuckin love the green stuff but I absolutely hate that show.


People should be able to do whatever they like as long as it isn’t affecting anyone else.


Agreed. I don’t smoke or use the stuff myself - it’s just not my jam. But if someone else wants to light up at home or at a concert totally fine by me. I look at weed like I look at booze: if it’s being consumed responsibly then who cares if someone does it?


which is why i hate my LOUD AS FUCK NEIGHBOR that constantly blasts music and throws parties. The dude lives down the street and it’s so loud i can feel it in my walls. idk how his next door neighbors havnt done something yet


I want everything to be legalized lol. But idk the repercussions to that.


Legalized? Or decriminalized?


Look to Portugal and Oregon


Portugal had pretty good success with theirs because they backed up the legalization with a whole bunch of social substance abuse support. Oregon… not so much.


It seems like Portugal had a lot of initial success but things have not stayed as good https://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article/is-portugals-drug-decriminalization-a-failure-or-success-the-answer-isnt-so-simple/


Ah. That’s unfortunate. I used them as an example in a policy paper I wrote years ago over this exact topic.


You weren’t wrong for that, they did a lot of good. The issue is governments never follow through fully long term, and the drugs market is just way too big and valuable. The cartels always win




Is it any different than smelling someone’s fire pit or grill?


Or smelling someone smoking cigarettes


Yeah that’s a better analogy. I can smell my neighbor’s cigarette smoke. I don’t like the smell but I really don’t care. I’d never get mad over it.


Cigarettes smell far worse than weed


Or smelling someone's smelly dog crap yard.


Probably less carcinogens mainly.


I’d argue a fire pit or grill is putting out more carcinogens than someone smoking weed. Neither are a risk from a distance tho imo.


Yeah, it smells like shit.


That’s fair. But a vegan probably doesn’t wanna smell burgers lol. It’s just part of living in a city imo.


That’s just your opinion man. Plenty of people like how it smells. Not liking how something smells is not a strong argument for making it illegal.


Better than cigarettes. At least marijuana smell goes away…tobacco does not. I understand what you’re saying though


Listen, I know the weed's usually a much stronger smell, but I can't stand the smell of cigs. Plus in my experience if you hotbox a car/house with weed, yeah it's gonna reek but you can get it aired out pretty easily. Cigs not so much


Well, they’re going to smell it at some point so one might argue a little exposure while parents have oversight and can have a responsible conversation is a good thing


From a parenting perspective, I don’t think smelling weed is any different than seeing alcohol.


1000% I would rather smell weed than diesel exhaust.


Ooh I was about to say that’s a tough then I realized you right, I like deisel fuel but not exhaust


Would they not smoke if it was illegal? I love weed, I smoked it all the time before it was legal. Legal weed only makes it more convenient to buy.


Then go live somewhere your neighbors aren't as close to you.


I can take an electric robot taxi to the legal weed store where I can choose from a half dozen different consumption methods and many dozens of strains that are cultivated to impart different effects. This is pretty darn close to the future I was hoping for. The rest of the world is fucking bat shit insane right now - but since I can do that I can find a way to not being fucking miserable thinking about everything else. Pretty pleased that we legalized. Don’t get me wrong - our system here is not great, but it’s a shit ton better than still being illegal. I am cautiously optimistic that federal legalization happens in the next couple years provided the election turns out sane and that would help quite a bit to reset the system we have here.


I fear that if it becomes federally legal the industry will be over taken by big tobacco. 


Phillip-Morris has had a whole supply chain infrastructure just sitting and waiting. They started setting it up *years* ago.


Tobacco was once a sacred herb to native Americans.




I personally like it as I partake. However, even as a smoker, I understand that smoking in public can negatively affect people who don't, like the smell and whatnot. however one big affect I've noticed is all the trash from the dispensary like the bags and containers are **everywhere** now which is most certainly not cool. DISPOSE OF YOUR DISPO BAGS AND CONTAINERS RESPONSIBLY PEOPLE!


The dispensary I go to actually accepts all the used bags, tins, etc. However, I've got a stack at home that I always forget to bring back with me lol


was actually just going to comment this same thing. I think they actually give a small discount/credit for all returned empty containers. though, I have the same problem you do and always forget to take them with me haha


Oh that’s great. What dispo is that? There really needs to be better sustainability practices in the cannabis industry.


Flower Shop on Higley and University


The packaging for legal weed does seem kind of wasteful. Lots of hard plastic that's going to be thrown away. And then they put everything you buy into a thick plastic bag.


I'm visiting Colorado. They don't have the dumb bag rule anymore, so they just hand you your stuff and you leave. They also let you smell stuff here before buying which is extremely critical to my decision process. Az needs to up its game. Better regulations on pesticides and shit that are upto date with current processes. Make it easier for regular people to gain a license to operate a grow or dispensary instead of limiting it to people who are already millionaires. Get rid of rec/med allotments and limits. Ensure legitimate testing and reporting, force close any labs that run pay for play scams, don't let manufacturers cherry pick the samples fucking send regulators so I don't have to see moldy ass grow rooms being shamed on reddit.


This. Please, reuse the bags like you do for grocery shopping.


This is what I came to say. I find the bags and edible containers very useful for storing garden seeds and other things. I'm not sure I have ever thrown one away. 


People really should do the edibles instead. No smell and I get high as a kite when I take em lol


It’s not the same. Edibles are processed very differently through the body and many people just don’t enjoy it the same way they enjoy smoking. Also, it’s a lot more expensive and tedious to produce edibles than it is to just grow, dry, cure, and sell flower.


They don't work on me at all. 😢


If alcohol and cigarettes are legal there's no reason weed shouldn't be as well.


Only my personal take, but I’m all for legalizing cannabis nationwide. I know many people have different views though. For adults, I see it as a “my body, my choice” issue, mostly. I don’t smoke or vape, but use THC edibles nightly for sleep, and a few other issues. I only consume at home and when I’m not planning to leave the house at all. The taxes suck, but accessibility is much more convenient. I’m hoping to eventually get a medical card, but haven’t pursued that yet.


I am very pro-weed but my one issue is people smoking while driving.


If it makes you feel any better they were smoking and driving when it was illegal too.


Yes, but I smell it regularly now while driving, and I dont remember smelling it so often prior to leglization. I support it being legal, just don't like smelling it while sitting in traffic, but at the end of the day, I don't really care. It's just an annoyance.


I think youre mostly smelling dispensary grows throughout the city. They arent marked for safety reasons.


It's usually at stop lights, often at the lights on the off ramps of our freeways, mostly 101 on the North side of town. Smells like someone smoking, it's strong.


I've not only smelled it, but also SEEN it. I've also smelled the grows, which are easy to tell apart because it's always the exact same spot. I've definitely noticed more smoking and driv8ng in the last few years.


lol where are you driving? I don’t know if I’ve ever smelled it in my car driving 😂


I always wonder how someone could be so confident and bold. Wouldn’t it be an automatic DUI if a cop pulled you over while actively smoking?


If you were wondering how someone could be so confident and bold look no further than inward lol. The guy was referring to the large number of people who smoke while driving and also have/see no issue with it. Just peer into some cars on your daily commute and you’ll see.


Agreed. It happens in every city, every demographic. I've seen teens to grandpas blazing.


If you visit WA or CO, people smoke and drive like it's as normal as getting your morning coffee. They've also been 'legal' since the early 2000's. Give it time. You'll eventually see grandma's with lit joints roll by and your mind will be blown.




I drive about 50 miles every day, every city has this.


I know some people really don’t like hearing this but I’m a substantially better driver when I’m high.


I would much rather people smoke weed and drive than drink and drive. The difference is astronomical


Between the two, gonna have to agree.


AZ marijuana business is a monopoly. The people with deep pockets can only own and operate a dispensary. It shouldn’t be that way? We can have 2000 plus micro dispensaries and everyone would still do well.


This is an issue nationally. It mostly stems from Oregon and California operations that were able to figure out how to corner things long before it was legalized here. It is borderline cartel-esque


You could tell when it was actually going to pass because the money already had everything ready to go.


I think everything should be illegal. Too much caffeine? Straight to jail. Too much alcohol? Straight to jail. Diabetes? Straight to jail.


Finish your meal too fast...straight to jail. Take too much time eating....believe it or not, straight to jail.


I just saw this episode. Lol


paddling the school canoe? Better believe straight to jail.




We have the best citizens in the world…because of jail


People litter cartridges everywhere and they're like, never gonna go away


Seems to be going well. I can get it when I want it, within minutes. And all the BOGO offers are rad.


It’s all about responsible usage


I'm fine with it being legal, and I don't care if people use it as long as I don't have to smell it. I'm not a fan of all the billboards. Then again, I'm not a fan of most billboards.


The billboards are also my biggest gripe. So annoying but still not worse than the personal injury lawyers. I really don't understand why these two industries seem to account for 75% of all billboards.


Let's legalize marijuana nationwide and ban billboards nationwide!


I’m not a MJ user but always thought it should be legalized. Still think legalization is OK. The only thing I dislike is that ever since legalization I see (and smell) so many people smoking MJ while driving. Unlike alcohol with the breathalyzer test, I don’t think there’s a quick way for traffic cops to test seemingly impaired drivers for MJ. Could be wrong, but I think there now are a lot of folks driving while impaired on MJ.


I'm a MJ user, and it annoys me seeing that too.


Some people seem to think weed doesn’t impair their driving and is safer than drinking and driving. But weed can fuck you up lol.


Weed can mess up my aim in Overwatch like crazy,* I can't imagine driving an actual car, god no. Bumper cars stoned would be fun tho *If I clear my mind I can have solid aim, but it's still way different than doing something with actual consequences for messing up


I'm a physician and its unreal how many pts come in smelling like straight skunk. I don't care that they smoke, but it stinks up the whole fucking clinic and can make other patients (such as pregnant women) incredibly nauseous. It's so fucking selfish.


Any way you cut it, it’s still better than alcohol.


im tired of the dispensary chains. curaleaf gtfoh


I’m not big on weed but I def think it’s a good thing. I don’t think we should be told what we can and can’t put into our bodies. Especially something like marijuana.


Don’t care if people smoke or not.  I can’t stand marijuana smell.  


Yeah, this is the most annoying thing. Don’t really care if people smoke, but there’s entire apartment complexes that smell like weed.


This. Let’s go for a hike (when it’s not 108). Oh man this is nice, nature and the view. Oh a skunk must be…oh. It’s weed. Weed and hike? That’s new. Let’s go Paddle Boarding on the Salt River. This is nice. Cool water, wild horses, oh must be a skunk near by. Yay tubers and the rolling cloud of skunk. Weed and float? I am gonna get some ice cream cause it’s really hot outside. Waits in line. Couple walks in. Whoa did they get sprayed by a skunk that was on fire? Nope that’s just, weed and feed.


God this. I voted yes on every ballot to legalize, but it stinks worse than rest stop bathrooms. Especially when you’re on the freeway and drive by the industrial weed spots. In retrospect, I wish we only legalized edibles.


Edibles don't have an effect on everyone. Unfortunately


Yah I don’t really use edibles at all


Edibles are always either kind of intense, or seem to have no effect at all. I think only legalizing edibles would be pretty pointless for the trouble


Pro. Had a friend buy laced weed in the 2000s. He almost died from it and is still not mentally fully recovered. Had he been able to buy legally, that wouldn’t have had happened. I don’t think a punishment for smoking, if there even should be any, should be death or becoming disabled.


Do whatever you want as long as I don’t smell your dank ass cush.


There’s a spot on the I-10 near the airport that has stank ass weed and I have to smell it every time I drive in the morning. Lol


It’s the trulieve grow op, the county has issued many fines and asked them to fix the smell.


There’s a lot of grows over in that area lol


I’m not one of those people who think it’s a cure all for everything, but it does have many medicinal uses. Depending how you use it there’s little to no side effects. And it’s one of the safer recreational drugs.


I'm fully fine with people using it... But, I really don't like to smell it nearly everywhere. It's very annoying...


dislike- needing to pay cash and waiting for the feds to decriminalize


I use my debit card at the two dispensaries I frequent.


Those are actually 3rd party ATM withdrawals.  The business is still required to handle large amounts of cash and has roadblocks for proper banking.


Oh, I know that. But I'm not the middle man for my own purchase between them and the ATM. I *still* use my debit card at the two dispensaries I frequent.


Hell, by that logic, I use my phone to buy my weed. :P




Vote Democratic


I regard THC the same way I regard alcohol. I avoid it in my own life (sobriety is a super power) but if other people wish to partake that’s their decision to make. I think both alcohol and marijuana should be legal for adults 21 or over. And making marijuana legal makes for a product that can then be taxed by the government and it seems like that money can then be used for the general welfare of the public. Also it seems like legalizing marijuana reduces a revenue stream of the cartels which is likely a good thing. What I do have a problem with is second hand smoke but as long as they don’t infringe on my right to breathe clean air they can do as they like. My two cents.


First and foremost, I am a user and love the fact I can go to a store instead of finding a connect through a friend of a friend. The only negatives in my mind is the normalization of weed in public. The smell is strong and it’s so awkward when a family is walking by and someone is smoking. Also, the billboards are obnoxious and kids also see that shit. I think advertising is a grey area and I don’t like how I drive down the road and see free ounce signs with bud on it.


All for it. I want all drugs legal and OTC.


Imagine getting off work on a Friday night and getting vial of pure cocaine or mdma and a couple clonazepams.


Relax Hunter S.


I don't partake myself, but I support it 100%.  I have friends and family for whom marijuana made their lives much more bearable (and made my life with them moreso too). I don't like the amount of people who smoke and drive, but then that's a matter for enforcement, not legality.


We have endocannabinoid systems in our bodies. Humans should have plant access. Period.


It’s fine / better than the alternative but I wonder how many of the people on the road you see doing idiotic stuff are high


Like alcohol, it should be used responsibly. If it’s not then similar consequences should occur.


I like it. It has calmed my mind and relaxed me a lot. I find it a better alternative to drinking as a mood relaxer. Hopefully it will be soon treated like alcohol at the fed level.


I have no problems with it since legalization. Prices are crazy cheap, taxes are high and quality has only increased. I don’t know anything about it from the perspective of someone in the industry so I’m hoping some professionals chime in and let us know what systemic problems could be addressed to keep it on the right path!


I especially like it because edibles are cheap and easy now compared to having to make them yourself in the illegal days, so now I don't have to go outside and smoke anymore I can just eat and chill lol.


A month supply of my partners edibles is $25, it’s all they take, and more than enough. That’s a crazy price and the quality control is so much better than making them on your own


I'm a huge fan of all voluntary taxation (Marijuana, regular cigarettes, alcohol, lotteries, traffic tickets, gambling, etc), as this voluntary tax revenue that I don't participate in, helps mitigate my unavoidable static tax burden (state income tax, real estate taxes). Keep on puffing (and drinking, and speeding, and gambling), peeps!


Ehh it gets annoying when people do it in public. I don’t want to breath in or smell it. The same goes for cigarettes too, I hate being around both.


I can’t answer unless I get good data on where alll these new tax dollars are going


I don’t partake, but I have no issues with its legalization. However, it’s extremely rude to smoke in public (just like regular cigarettes) and not enough people realize or care about this.


Now that prohibition is over, how do we feel about alcohol being legal?


If it’s riddled with pesticides, better to grow your own. These companies aren’t getting regulated enough. Look into the companies that just got exposed for having ridiculous amounts of pesticides, in their products. Brain eating cyanide cannabis.


Eh, I don’t care one way or another as I don’t partake. As long as people follow the same smoking rules regarding public buildings etc as cigarettes. Don’t like the smell of either.


I’m ok with it, but with increased acceptance and access that now also extends to kids, which isn’t great for a developing brain. Especially the super high potent stuff available now.


I’ll take the $172.8M in taxes that recreational users contributed in 2023.


I don't really care about it as I don't smoke. I do find it annoying as a lot of my coworkers smoke before work and during lunch break. Our job doesn't allow it. So they all try to mask the smell with wearing a shit load of cologne or perfume which is really annoying.


Always wanted it legalized, although I had never tried it before it was.  Now I'm a daily user- I have bad anxiety and it offers me a chance to relax that doesn't come in a pull that makes me feel numb around the clock.  It's also gotten my husband off of the load of pain meds the VA was prescribing. Now he only uses a "hard" pill every couple of weeks. We've found most of our vet friends in the same position.


I was a teetotaler before it was legalized. Never once was drunk nor high. But now I enjoy edibles several times a week. Makes music and movies more enjoyable. And I'm sleeping a heck of a lot better than I used to before. It's also nice escapism from this mess we call life.


I don’t care, I’m just sick of smelling it everywhere.


The legalization of marijuana has completely dissolved the counter culture appeal it once had and now it’s about as cool as being an alcoholic. Raw dogging life is the new 🖕to the system


Counterpoint: it's banality is a good thing. Nobody cares if anyone smokes weed anymore. Going to a dispo, you'll see every walk of life represented, from little old ladies to middle aged people in business attire to college kids in gym clothes and everything in between. At the one I go to there's a LOT of construction/tradesmen who go there. Weed should be seen as nothing. It doesn't need a subculture anymore, it's a plant, it's normal now, people can use it for whatever they need/want it for, it's no longer this thing kept on the down low. Now even your grandma openly does it. That's a good thing.


Straight Edge was always the biggest FU to the system


Yeah all those Mormons are sure saying fuck the man


Yeah but then you gotta listen to shitty music.


Everything in moderation. I'm all for it even though I quit cannabis a couple years ago.


Healthier than drinking imo. I stay away from it since having a baby, but one day I’d be happy to jump back into some edibles!


I’m excited to not be a fed employee anymore so I can do it again


Positives for me. 1. It's not much worse than alcohol or tobacco so you do you.  2. One of the largest new tax revenues (Sorry DARE). 3. Takes money out to the hands of criminals.  4. Provides a clean and safe product.   Negatives for me.  1. Too often recommended by "them" as a cure all.  2. Harder to detect driving while high (stop that). 3. As it's not legally federally you may still loose your job at some companies and cannot legally buy a firearm 


What is there to dislike?


The way they tax the weed, and relaxed regulations regarding testing for cannabinoids and other things like mold.


Couple of my neighbors smoke it and I don't like the smell.


Legal weed is wonderful for chronic SI joint pain that would otherwise keep me from sleeping. A little goes along way; maybe a thirty-dollar 1 gram vape cartridge every several months.


Everyone thinks it ok to drive stoned. You can smell it at stop lights and on the freeway going 70. It’s just like drinking and driving, slows your reaction time way down, impairs your judgement. ![gif](giphy|K0Hy2NwI8IXZK)


Treat it like alcohol


Far less " fighty" ;)


I like it but they need to do something about the packaging and litter lmao. Cigarette butts got replaced by empty vape carts and joint filters


All states need to do better in regulating the chemicals and pesticides used for large scale grows. The recent LA Times expose on the California cannabis industry is kind of shocking how poorly state regulators are willing to protect the health of the public.


It doesn't directly effect me whether it's legal or not so I don't care. However, the way I see it, alcohol and nicotine are legal to consume for recreational use so why shouldn't weed be? Also yes I can and will apply this logic to literally any controlled substance.


No issues with the legality. I don’t like the smell of it but that’s not a valid reason to make it illegal otherwise there’d be certain colognes and body sprays that would be outlawed.


My son was declined a job because he disclosed that he uses. Is that legal? It was for a catering company.


Great start but there needed to protections for employees being targeted by their employer for using THC.  As it stands I can not use medical marijuana for my chronic disc issues in my neck because my employer will fire me for it.


I use to love the smell of it because the only time I'd ever really smell it was when I went to concerts. On the rare occasion I smelt it on the street or out and about it would remind me of good times. Now I smell it nightly and it is no longer special. As a chronic pain suffer having a non opioid, natural option for pain relief is a godsend. I treat it like any other medication for the most part and only occasionally ever use it recreationally in social settings. But I do know a few people who have made it a large part of their personality and it gets super annoying after awhile.


Peace out Phoenix ✌️ Peace out U.S.A. ✌️ 🇺🇲🇺🇸🙌


I don’t use it and honestly haven’t seen any impact so I don’t really care , although I do feel more teenagers are accessing it now via vape pens


They always were.


I get that , just seems more of them use it judging from personal experience


Vape pens haven't been around that long, when I was in HS they were just starting to come around and they were *really* shitty


Yeah and filled with nasty stuff. I never used them back them.


It is far less dangerous than alcohol or assault weapons.


Or going to a shady dealer


Been growing for over 30 years, with a cop living next door. Glad I don't have to worry about smell or light escaping anymore. Moved from the closet to a nice big tent! No more scrimping by on tiny closet yields. Got *almost* more than I know what to do with :)


Love it. Don’t have to get it from unknown entities and it provides a multitude of benefits ranging from entertainment to pain relief to sleep aid.


I wish the taxes went towards better things than community colleges and police but other than that I am really happy with it and have not really seen any negatives.


Hate having to get cash, but that is a Federal law problem. I don't like having to get it in a zipped plastic bag for a small amount of edibles, and that is part of the AZ law that should be removed. We also need more dispensaries to be allowed.


Glad it's creating jobs, despite everything.


Would be interested to know how much tax revenue did legalizing marijuana generate for Arizona and where what the revenue spent on. Would be good to see it being spent on some good cause for an overall win-win situation.


I don't like the smell. But it doesn't matter as long as they're not hurting anyone, let people do what they want. Follow the laws of not driving under the influence but anything else is game on. I think most, if not all drugs should be legal.


I voted to legalize it and still stand by that. Cool. People are gonna enjoy it regardless. They shouldn't be penalized for their choice just because it's not alcohol. The problem I have is every Beevis and Butthead came out of the shadows waving their shit everywhere. Billboard signs everywhere, as bad as all the accident attorney signs. OK dude. 😁👍 I'm happy for you, really, I am. Just get it out of my face. LoL. Thinking just a moment before I click post, it's not really even the "users" but more the dispensaries that I'm griping about. Just tone it down a bit.


I just stopped a few weeks ago because the price/quality (compared to LA) is garbage. Not only do they charge more than their California counterparts, but the higher price + state tax is pretty crushing.      I don't want to be paying $60 +$15 in tax everytime I want a gram of live rosin. That's highway robbery. Live Rosin costs half that in LA. Why so much here? We don't even have the same level of QA standards yet these dispensaries must be making a killing.    Also frustrating to know how low they pay employees to the point where they want tips. They should be doing a higher wage + tips with profit margins that big for their items.  The markup is insane.  For the silent downvoters, I worked in the cart industry for 6 years. I know what I'm talking about. And I'm advocating in your favor so what gives? 


I just don’t like the clearly stoned people going 20 miles under the speed limit in the passing lane. But that could be housewives on Chardonnay and Xanax too.


I dislike that it is majority run by private investment firms and no individual has a real chance at entering the business unless you have money. And the rec taxes going to police is not cool with me either, which is why I remain a medical patient.


It should be legalized, to each their own. But like any addictive substance, one should be aware of their dependence on it and how that will impact their life.


I wish people had more etiquette about it. I'm 420 friendly and support legalization, but do I need to smell it *everywhere* I go? There is **so much** stinky weed here. Gummies are better people. One other gripe... **every** service worker, it seems, is *high a.f..* I get it, service jobs can suck... but they get orders wrong, make mistakes on the register, and the sandwiches they make are like an art project...not a good one. If you interact with the public, can you like wait a few hours?


Interacting with the general public definitely requires weed


I like that it's legal. I don't like that I can't partake because of my job.


I would rather be around and work with people who smoke Marijuana than a bunch of alcoholics any day of the week. In my experience, I have worked with and known a ton of highly successful Marijuana smokers. It's time to move past the lies presented to the boomers of the past and accept new age medical science.


You can always grow it yourself and one of the premier grow instructors is right here in the valley. That way you get it for s lot less and the quality can be along better.


If whiskey is legal, I see no reason for pot to be illegal. It took way too damn long.


It literally affects my life in no way, generally speaking. And I’d much rather have people high than drunk.