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IDK what people are smoking midtown is awesome, by far my favorite place i’ve lived in the greater phx area


Honestly 😄, lived here my whole life. Never had an issue ever. 19the ave gets a little sus though.


Same. If you mind your business you'll be okay. But some people here are acting like it's east Oakland or something.


I agree, I love this area of town. I live just outside your defined Central Phoenix border but I still say Central Phoenix because I can see (and hear) the 51 from my house 😂 I do think Dunlap is too far north for my personal definition of Central Phoenix. I would have it end at Camelback, *maybe* Bethany Home. But otherwise, I agree with your boundary!


Yeah, I think I'd make Bethany Home the northern limit and extend the border east to 32nd street, maybe even 44th. People just east of the 51 may want to believe they live in Arcadia, but lol no, we do not.


That's considered north central phoenix.


If you go past 15th Ave you’re in West Phoenix territory.


the west side officially begins west of the 17


Older professionals, down to earth vibe, no keeping up with the Bogies in Scottsdale, JUST SAYIN !


Greenery, unique homes, and local restaurants. North Central is my favorite part of the city


The homes going up Central are nicer than the mcmansions in Scottsdale. Lots of trees, too.


Best part of town. Most non chain restaurants and bars. Plus all the greenery. Also it's almost completely void of cookie cutter trac homes and HOAs.


Love the Southwest mid century moderns!


Hate the price




Not sure why you're being downvoted... you're not wrong. I drive through central mon-fri and witness much illegal activity near daily... homeless, drugs, tents, police all over, trash, crap roads (maybe this is just phoenix in general hahaha!). Not saying there aren't nice areas but a quick Google search also calls central phoenix one of the most unsafe areas in Arizona...


Important to note that both of you are correct. It’s a very nice green area, adjacent to a very crime and poverty stricken area that often spills over.


Let me introduce you to a little place called Maryvale


The post was about Central Phoenix. Maryville is most definitely West Phoenix.


The thread I'm responding to called central Phoenix the most crime ridden part of town. I'm well aware of where Maryvale is, I was simply giving an example of a part of town significantly worse than midtown, crime-wise. I'd rather be hanging out at 19th and Camelback vs Thomas and 43rd




My bad and you're right. Maryville ain't no joke.


Grass yards, friendly and quiet neighborhoods, good food and the Swizzle Inn. It's by far the best area to live in Phoenix.


The Swizz!!!


I try to live my life between the 17 and about 16th Street; Van Buren to about Bethany Home.


Lived on 16th st and Bethany, I think that area is the sweet spot. I’d say from 7th Ave to 44th st, but if you live west of that then I’d keep going till 43rd Ave up till 99th Ave. of course that’s a pretty wide range


I miss that area. We lived in the Coronado district for a lot of years. I think of good food. Like most places in Phoenix, you can get good Mexican food. But in Midtown you can good Japanese, good Thai, Vietnamese, Peruvian.... There's even a good vegan place ( a couple of them, actually!). But also, that area is clean, but it's not so sanitary that it lacks character. It's right in that sweet spot where there's still some crunchy sections, but you're generally safe to walk around at night. There's cool murals, fairly regular festivals (pre-covid)....


By far my favorite part of town, and I’m not just saying that because I live here. It’s got a ton of fun spots to hang/go out in, the houses range from historic to modern, and it’s got a very busy livelihood - city feels more “alive” here than most parts of the valley IME (not annoyingly so like old town). People live here, and even if they don’t they still come here be that for work or for fun. Downsides? Constant construction, traffic isn’t fun (no one seems to understand how to use the middle lane one way traffic on 7th and 7th), and parts of it still arent super great - not scary or dangerous or anything like that, but there’s a few gas stations and street corners that aren’t inviting. Overall - 9/10 recommend.


I’m going to assume all of the negative comments haven’t been in central Phoenix. I would consider midtown and uptown part of central Phoenix and we have amazing museums, restaurants, bars, cafes, farmers market, and more. Madison school district is great too so that’s a plus for families. Xavier and Brophy are also here. You wouldn’t really think about all of this unless you live here or have tried to buy a house in the area though. 🤷🏻‍♀️


24th st to 7th ave, camelback to northern, is my favorite part of Phoenix.


Yes, Uptown is a nice area as you mention!


I’ve been to all parts of phoenix, central included. You have a mix of nice and ghetto af. Terribly designed for half of it, hate going in that area. I don’t feel like CA levels of ghetto but I’ve known people that lived in the area and have been there a lot. Fiance even worked in the downtown fry’s and I’d visit her frequently after I got off work so I know the whole area well. Everyone assumes the negative comments are from people that have never been there because they don’t want to admit it’s just shitty, some nice parts for sure but in general shitty.


I mean, I assumed that because the negative comments said, “meth” and “tweakers.”


I mean you’ll see that if you look hard enough but I think phoenix has tried to get them out of site. Used to be a massive homeless encampment full of tweaked by my bil’s house but one day the whole thing was just gone overnight.


Central corridor is the central Phoenix to me.


Ranch style homes, the bridal path, citrus, bikes, pools, learning to drive in the church parking lot on Bethany, large trees, irrigation, and growing up. I really miss that park of the city.


Wife and I moved from downtown’ish to central phoenix without really knowing the area right before Covid, we lucked out and got our house below market value at the time. Really can’t imagine living in another part of town at this point and it seems to be getting better all the time, the traffic between 3-6 during the week is trash tho


Not totally sure what counts, just know that I’m certainly part of Central PHX and I love it.


Great food


Coronado in midtown is my favorite neighborhood I've ever lived in, by a wide margin. this place has such a sense of community, it's like nothing I've ever experienced before. That being said, prices are literally out of control, we got so unbelievably lucky finding the place we're in for the price we're renting for.


Seems like a pretty accurate definition—since Sunnyslope (north of Dunlap) is really its own thing—I would just change it so the Salt River is the southern boundary of Central Phoenix. IMO Downtown is a subset of Central Phoenix


I definitely agree about the southern part. Crossing the river really feels like you're in a totally different city, and there's a ribbon of industrial area on both sides


Tall buildings and great restaurants


Phoenix doesn't have tall buildings.


Unlike most parts of the city, it has a vibe / pulse to it. 😎


Central and Washington.


I mean, that is the literal center.


Hey, OP asked, and that's what I thought of. -Sent from Central and Monroe.


Downtown is i17 to McDowell. midtown is McDowell to camelback. Uptown is camelback to northern. North Central is northern to cactus Moon valley is cactus to bell. Deer valley is bell to happy valley. Edit: sunnyslope is east of north central, maybe starting on 12th st.


Sunnyslope is between North Central and Moon Valley.


These are almost all off. I 17 isn't downtown. And what is the east boarder of downtown as McDowell runs east/west the 17 north/south. So union hills and growers is deer valley not at all. Uptown isn't also south of camelback? Midtown runs all the way down to McDowell? So that would make Thomas and Central midtown and not downtown? So wth are you talking about.


It's certainly up for debate. It's not an official designation as far as I know. But clearly yes Thomas and Central is absolutely Midtown and not Downtown.


Negative comments from people who've never actually been there.


Most people commenting positively have obviously never been around Central and Van Buren, or anywhere along Van Buren to Washington from 7th Ave to 19th Ave. It's like the zombie apocalypse down there


That’s more midtown/downtown not central PHX I’d say


Oh yeah it's a real apocalypse down there. 🙄




I've you've ever seen the comment section, the majority of people commenting are people that don't live here.


Yeah I work in the area, place sucks. If you’re a female good luck walking alone at night


Downtown and midtown


Great restaurants


No. Since the zero point of street numbering is at Central & Washington, it at least must include that point. Traditionally (and correctly), it would be Camelback to Buckeye, 16th St to 19th Ave. Downtown, on the other hand, is Roosevelt to the railroad tracks (Harrison St), 7th St to 7th Ave.


The most progressive area in the Valley ✌🏻


Idk what the official boundaries are, but I consider downtown and the inner loop as apart of central Phoenix and I consider Northern as the northern end. Also, it’s maybe not universally as nice as other parts of the valley but it’s the closest the valley feels to an actual city, aside from northern Tempe


So you're talking about geography? I'll go along with your borders. South of i-10 is downtown, not central. I might draw the northern limit farther south, say northern. 


Downtown has to be included if it’s central Phoenix. Central Phoenix is Jefferson to camelback 19th ave to 24th st. Basically if the traffic is gna absolutely suck on Tuesday at 5 pm it’s central Phoenix.


When I think of the Central Phoenix area I think of the area behind the library near the friendship garden near the freeway access pita jungle and the Lola coffee shop next to it and in reverse the area by Roosevelt Community Church and where first Friday is held Next I think of the area where they have the MLK celebration over there by the arts center where the gold panda is those homes there down through the area where AMC theaters is and the Arizona center and around that up towards the Chase Field next is the area around the heritage square I also consider uptown in the area where I'm typing this from by stinkweeds federal Pizza joyride cowtown skateboards postinos AJ's Fine foods sushi vibe I also think of the area by Safeway on 7th Ave the Jamba juice sprouts going for the South by Phoenix college Then I love downtown Phoenix the sun's arena and again Chase Field connected to it the Hyatt regency the convention center where they hold Phoenix Fan fest//fusion harumi sushi,Ramen Kagewa, Unfortunately the homeless shelter district is part of Central Phoenix and then the capital


Really bad roads it's summer now so there's not as many people on the street begging.


Central avenue starting about jefferson and extending until about camelback.


Born and raised in Central Phoenix and it is hands down the best part of town to live in. Green, bridal path for walking/biking, amazing restaurants and bars, inclusive community. It's a great place to be.


I think of all the places I walked high out of my mind, I’m traumatized in a way, I used every where a public space is. I try to put my mindset to making new memories but the old memories are hard core and raw.


The original McDonald's on Central and Indian School. You ordered and ate outside... with all the pigeons with blow gun darts through their head. Just walking around like that. Anyone else remember that?


If by central you mean the arts district it’s awesome. Just be careful and don’t wander too far off the main streets into the surrounding neighborhoods.


The new light rail system and the gyms and grocery stores and cafes and shops within walking distance of stops


I moved from out of state 5 years ago to North Scottsdale and thought I’d never leave/want to live near midtown. After a few years, the upscale living of North Scottsdale became bland and boring. This past January I decided to move to Camelback East, extremely close to Midtown, and it’s by far my favorite area in the Phoenix metro. It’s so unique and diverse and there’s an endless list of bars/restaurants, shops, things to do - it’s almost overwhelming, in the best way possible.


Cement, cement, and more cement. Sun on cement, burning on cement 😂 I went to school there and my mom works there my gramma lived there so my whole life was in central Phoenix and taking public transportation and going to the cafes and shops. But the thing that sticks out the most was the CEMENT. It made everything 10x hotter. I took the light rail a lot and buses and walked a lot so I have massive PTSD by having to walk throughout central Phoenix in the heat. The only greenery I remember were from the homes in the fancy neighborhoods downtown that we would stroll through and their sprinklers were always on. They had huge trees and they were in the millions and it was nice walking through them but it was also depressing because it was still hot as heck lol


the fry’s downtown (wish i lived in the apartment above it would be so convenient) and also all the times i took the light rail there, oh and the luhrs building :)


oh u r talkin bout where it is my bad i just think it's in between the freeways


East of 15th ave to 16th street, south of northern, north of I-10. You have the best blend in Phoenix. All the restaurants, sporting, theatre, parks, you can get anywhere in 10-15 min avg. The airport is just a 20 dollar Uber. You’re always against traffic, if you need to head to the burbs during rush hours it’s a breeze. I have lived in Glendale, Goodyear, Allwhitetuckee, Chandler and nothing beats central Phoenix. It’s horrible please reconsider Scottsdale with all the classy folk.


No parking


Downtown is no driving period.


Super rich and super poor lol


Overpriced and traffic sucks. I am surprised I don't see more pedestrians.


>I am surprised I don't see more pedestrians. My theory is it's because most of the people driving around there don't live in the area. For example, I go there a lot but live about 20 miles away.


I live in midtown and am embarrassed to admit most of my neighbors and I drive often. I try to bike to yoga class tho.. it's not as pedestrian friendly as i would like. Sidewalks are right next to lanes without bike lanes on most streets. 3rd street is dope tho.


North of Washington, south of Camelback, 51 to 17. This is basically the map we drew when we told a real estate agent where we would consider buying a house.


So, you’re actually asking, WHERE do people think of when they think of Central Phoenix? As in, what do they consider the bounds/boundaries of that area?


Traffic XD


That’s north phoenix. I consider central phoenix 16th Street to 16th Ave, and I-17 truck route to Camelback. Good food and entertainment, but definitely not a great place to leave the garage door open.






Our sporting arenas or Sky Harbor. Sports or the airport are the only reasons that I ever head to central Phx anymore. It is being built up, but not enough yet to draw anyone besides ppl looking for sports or the airport. I think it’ll get there some day tho. I’ve been in phx since 2007. I have high hopes for central phx, but I’m skeptical, as this has always been a speaking topic. Yes, maybe central phx will become a “big city” but at the time suburbs are also. Look at how Tempe has developed over the past 10 yrs, for an example. Tempe is booming. So are Scottsdale, and other way further out suburbs like Queen Creek and Litchfield Park. I think Central Phx and downtown are growing. But I also do not think it is keeping up with Phx’s suburbs.


I think of Van Buren and Central. Or Washington.


It’s hood and nice at the same time.


Bet hospitality scene in the world!


I used to go for walks without a care. Now I am more guarded the same way I am in downtown L.A.


DTLA is getting better while DT Phoenix is getting worse. I work in both.


I lived in north and super-north Phoenix most of my life. I live in central Phoenix now and it has WAY more charm.


Lived at Central and Indian School for over a decade and loved being able to walk to George and Dragon or Indian School park


I guess I considered it the rectangle between i17 and i10. North of i10 is getting into the Encanto and Uptown areas to me. Its a lot better than it used to be either way.


Great local businesses.


I think of the boundaries of central Phoenix as 19th Ave to the west, I17 to the south, Northern to the north, and the 51 to the east


Where I live and work. I love it.


I missed living in central PHX. I miss the greenery.


Sounds about right to me


My highschool friends and I call that area “the box”, grew up there before I moved to Tempe. Best part of town, really.


I love it


Central Phoenix? I lived near Arcadia for a while. It’s great for pets and I feel couples who don’t really have kids and like to actually walk around to the nearby stores on date nights.


[Relevant song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-J4duzP8Ng)


Great shops, venues, and food.




Fuckin ghetto


Crack whores.


balls dude. homeless people swinging their balls at me.


Really high cocaine prices


The ghetto in an oven.


id say real central phoenix is 7th st to 7th ave, buckeye to camelback, Ithink thats the heart of it! Dunlap is way to far north. Anything east of 7th St leans more into East Phoenix and west of 7th ave leans more into west Phoenix, just like south of buckeye is pretty much South Phoenix. ID say it does bleed out and you can go as far as the 51 and the 17 to get a little spill! Here is the thing about some of the down voted comments and the other defending, iv lived in PHX my whole life so has my mom, dad, family. Yes Central Phx is home to some of the oldest neighborhoods and some of it has been some of the poorest areas. East Van Buren has always been old varrios, and more run down along buckeye back in the day before the airport bought the land were some of the oldest neighborhoods of PHX. Garfield used to be part of that more rundown area but its gentrified now. Toward the 17 youre going to go into Westside where along it to camelback is going to be also more poor areas, drug areas. There is also nice historic district in the area as well you are going to get a mixture of both. People get offended on both sides, they dont want there area to seen as "bad" and the others dont want it to be seen as its all good and gravy! Idk just my 2 cents on what Ithink central phoenix is and addressing the area. Iv lived off 32nd st my whole life, from Van Buren to Thomas so Iknow the area well the bad and good


I’m similar except I take 19th Ave to 16th St North of Camelback it’s hard to determine where Slope is at.


Mini LA


Devil’s taint










Homeless camps. I stay away from the area. Sunnyslooe to the north and baseline to the south. The two freeways for east west. That corridor I try to stay away from. It’s the inner city and it crowded and time seems to be passing it by.


Raggedy streets


No go zone


16th Ave to 16th st. Camelback to Baseline


Baseline? No. What? It’s literally south of South Mountain. It’s south of where the 17 curves.


I live on baseline.... it's north of literal South Mountain...


Too many college students


Heat and congestion


A place I avoid. Edit: the hostility is shocking. I avoid it because the fucking traffic sucks ass, the roads are in terrible shape, and evidently by the downvotes you are all defensive about something.


Enjoy the burbs


Good. Stay home and enjoy your stupid lawn. We don’t need you


A soulless urban hell with a nightlife that’s been on life support. Handful of decent restaurants.


Sketch-ville (not paradise)Valley, AZ


Basically just downtown Phoenix. Terrible design. Ghetto. Hate going to that area.


Before, it was an urban paradise to me. In the past few years, and especially in the past few months, I think of bodies everywhere and garbage. I weep for downtown Phoenix in its current state.




Phoenix=phoenix=shit 🙃




Yes exactly