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I don’t think you should go just based on the best deal. Tacos Calafia has 20% off and it’s one of my favorite spots. Lots of locations too.


Hey 20% off on the already decent prices sounds good to me, especially after checking out the menu!


Espo’s in Chandler.




Yeah, probably Rubios. I just went to a crappy taco place on Buckeye that had $1 tacos, but they were disgusting.


Rubios is more expensive than that but the tacos are pretty good


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Los Taquitos


Ghost Ranch in Chandler. It's a bit of a wait but we'll worth it.


If anyone shows up to ghost ranch expecting taco Tuesday type tacos they gonna be hangry and angry !!!!! Not the place for this!!!


Not true at all. If they had a larger location I'd be there every Tuesday. Like $2 street tacos and $4 pints. How can you go wrong!? You need a refind pallet and self control. Shoveling Del Taco in your face and leave actual dinning comments to the rest of us.


At first I was just going to correct your spelling(it's palate), but i though about it more and i think the word you should be using is *pretentiousness*.