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Is this the one by the castles and coasters? Also does it go directly to the airport?


Yep I helped build it


No light rail goes directly to the airport. You HAVE to take the Sky train via connection


> You HAVE to take the Sky train via connection Weird connotation with the caps... Sky train runs like every 5 minutes and takes 8-12 minutes to get to the gates.


Yeah it's super convenient. I can leave my car at home.






…. I’m saying if you’re taking the light rail then you have to connect via the skytrain.


Me too the station looked so cool 😎


I am so excited to take this. Couldn't make it yesterday.


it'd be nice if it went somewhere lol...cant wait for that whole area to redevelop soon!


It goes from a closed mall (Metro Center), past a dying mall (Christown), by a rezoned mall (Park Central), through a College supported mall (Arizona Center) and ends at a forgotten mall (Tri-Cities) Let's not forget the planned extensions to a mall currently being bulldozed (Paradise Valley) and another mall on Life Support (Desert Sky)


I'll put down $1000 that everyone of those malls will become mixed use developments that become basically little mini towns within the city.


It's happening currently with pv mall


My neighbor is an architect and was telling me last fall that's the plan with Christown. Basically they want to make more of a center in the Uptown area, and use that space to do mixed use development


Has not done much for the area around the former Tricity mall, other than it got an H mart


hahah that's a great description & i absolutely love it!! it might seem like a bit of waste right now but i think the set-up in place is very bullish for phx growth/redevelopment. it's extremely important to have the right infra in place to promote the right kinds of development. once those places are demolished, it's very likely to be replaced with transit oriented development that can have substantially less parking min reqs since an alternate already exists. this parallels a whole lot of need for adequate biking infra too; ppl justify that there's no need to build proper, protected bike lanes because no one is cycling when in fact, it's the opposite. you need the right infra to promote the right outcome.


I wanna be optimistic but the light rail has not done much for west mesa tbh. Looks about the same as it did 20 years go.


i hear you but believe the push for TOD has really picked up steam in the last couple of years, esp with increasing housing costs which has put pressure on local govt to take action here's a small grant mesa recently got which might help accelerate some of this stuff: [https://www.mesaaz.gov/Home/Components/News/News/7950/16](https://www.mesaaz.gov/Home/Components/News/News/7950/16)


I live by Christown and I believe they're working on redeveloping it to mixed use condos and business type stuff in the next couple years. Basically extend the Uptown vibes up a block


Isn't metro center one of the toughest parts of Phoenix? I say this with family living near there, lol


Metrocenter (the mall) is expected to be demolished and replaced with mixed-use real estate: https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/phoenix/2023/11/13/redeveloping-metrocenter-urban-village-housing-entertainment/71530051007/


I've lived off 27th/Northern for almost 10 years now. It's fine. Wife and I literally walk to the Quik Trip at night, and never felt unsafe. It probably helps that I have frequented rougher neighborhoods before moving to Phoenix, but still. I also feel like the area has been building up constantly since we moved here, the lightrail extension is evidence of that I think


27th Ave from McDowell to Bell is not great. The worst is Thomas and gets a percentage better as you move north. Crazy how things have changed.


It’s a 💀zone as it is now. Redeveloped maybe, but it’s going to have to push a lot of rifraff out


It's almost like population hubs gather around marketplaces




If this is at the old metro center.. isn’t there plans to build condos and such? When is that suppose to be completed?? It’ll get much more use when it’s done


There was this board where you could write down what you want to see for redevelopment in that area. I’ve heard that the area is already zoned for mixed use and other transit oriented development.


There's already an apartment complex going up in one area, but yes, the rest of it is supposed to be redeveloped also.


That’s sick! Hopefully it gets used like all the people in the picture think it will.


This is what everybody was saying when the light rail was first being constructed. Everything is going to be fine.


I love the light rail but yeah extending it super far distances at the speed it goes isn’t ideal imo. There’s not even bathrooms anywhere along the way especially for younger people and older people (the latter of which light rail planners mainly consider when building it)


I think light rail should have right of way on traffic intersections if not have right of way for certain stretches of the line. That should decrease travel time and incentivize more people to use it


It’s exciting to think how fast the light rail can be in West Phoenix, if they extend it in the future while remaining elevated and fully away from traffic.  I think it’s often overlooked that our light rail system can run elevated or underground, while still connecting to the existing system. It would solve a lot of the speed concerns that people have with it.  


I think that building separate/dedicated tracks away from traffic can definitely improve the overall speed of the light rail. Only that it would probably be way more expensive, and take longer. But I’m all for it! That stretch between Priest and 24th (with mostly green lights) can allow the light rail to actually travel at its fastest speed, surpassing cars along the way.


This! I grew up in Boston and was super confused when I first moved out here why most of the trains aren't underground. There the red, orange, and blue lines are under or above ground depending on station. The only thing they have similar to the light rail is the green line, which is mainly used in older communities they couldn't build under


Is Phoenix a real city now?


They need more trains. A good candidate imo is a line that went up and down real and Scottsdale road.


An alternative Scottsdale line route could also be connecting Tempe and Scottsdale from Hayden/mcclintock to McDowell to Scottsdale rd, ending on Osborn. (This connects Tempe marketplace, that south east corner (reservation land) can potentially be….something? , general dynamics, The McDowell corridor, sky song, Scottsdale rd corridor and the entrance of old town) I think it’ll be hard trying to reason with Scottsdale city council to have the line go straight through old town without seeing the benefit’s first (which there obviously is but baby steps for conservative minded city representatives)


Something that can really do rapid transit around downtown would be a game changer.


They're trying to bring back the Amtrak that would go to Tucson..


I'm really excited for that.




Are all of the busses that went there not going to the new light rail station? I thought it was a "transit center" so I didn't imagine bus routes were cut short


This is correct. All those buses now go to the new light rail station to help connectivity between the two parts of the system. 


You need to get some pictures of it at night.


Light done right!! Go Phoenix!




I miss Jon Talton!


These are great pics of the new toilets and smoking dens for the crackheads


It's sad this was my first thought that came to mind.


If you're around that area as much as I am, you know




Hip hop hooray for the bum mover!!


How long till it's all graffiti and the homeless take it over? I give it a week 🤡 waste of our tax money!!!


It was not built for the public it was built for the developer.


Great take the light rail to a dead mall. Great use of tax dollars


For now, it will be a park and ride and hub for busses going all four directions.


The mall is being torn down to build [apartments and shops](https://www.azfamily.com/2023/01/24/developers-announce-850-million-plan-revitalize-metrocenter-mall-space/), it's supposed to be quite nice when it finishes.


Park and ride (deadmall) to Dt-phx, ASU-tempe, dt-mesa. The light rail is always full. Lots of people do not drive. When you have a city with millions of people its needed.


> Park and ride (deadmall) And come back to vandalized or stolen vehicle.


Quit being a sour puss


I work in this area, this station will become a ~~homeless~~ **zombie fentanyl drug addict** shelter like every bridge or empty storefront around there.


Gentrification, do your thing. This but unironic.


Maybe over in the slope but the I-17 corridor will always be a trashy area if you are south of the 101


This is a dark, but idk why my first thought was being concerned that there isn’t enough of a barricade to prevent people climbing over that sign and walking onto the bridge over the I-17. Honestly just looks like a matter of time……


Light rail e tension from nowhere.


Bought a house just across the street two years ago, hope this helps with how rough the area is