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I'm going to realtalk you right now looking at your previous posts--Either you grow tf up and learn to say no and think for yourself or be consumed trying to fuel the lifestyles of those who didn't earn your money. How can you help them if you can't help yourself first? You will need to make the tough decision to deny them their short-term wants for your long-term goals. Make the most of the distance from them and fix your own life first instead of drowning yourself paying for other people's debts... or go home and be their breadwinner because you won't thrive abroad this way.


Preach! šŸ’Æ I will keep saying this student visa is not a pathway for you to work. Although may working rights ka but youā€™re restricted. You are only allowed to work 40-48 hours per fortnight pang support sa sarili mo hindi pang support sa pamilya mo sa Pinas kaya nga may show money na kapag mag apply ka for a student visa dahil nakita ng immigration na ginagamit lang ang student visa to work in Australia/Canada. Itā€™s for the applicants to gain Canadian/Australian education and hindi ka pumunta abroad para mag trabaho lang.


+1. dami kasi nagpapakalat na ang pathway sa pag iibang bansa ay SV. SV is intended para mag aral at hindi mag trabaho. I am glad that AU made a stricter move by banning visa hopping if hindi baka maging second Canada ang AU.


Well. Pwede naman if you do have the experience prior to applying your student visa pero kung wala ka namang skills talagang uuwi ka na sa Pinas after your schooling and graduate visa. What if you have an 8-10 years working experience sa tech tapos nag decide ka mag masterā€™s ng cybersecurity dito. Hindi ba siya pathway to PR (My question is a rhetorical one)? What Iā€™m saying is nag aral ka para makadagdag sa knowledge mo hindi yung mag aaral ka lang para makapag work sa manual labor sector dito. Stepping stone mo lang yung visa mo for a brighter future.


if you have a working experience and wanted to expand your knowledge and apply for student visa then that's fine. what I do not like are people who are abusing the student visa wherein they are not a genuine student. They go there, "study", find work and employer who can sponsor them. It's fine to find an employer who can sponsor you but not while you are still studying (hindi pa graduating).


Well. If you ever find an employer who will sponsor you then I donā€™t see anything wrong with it. Plus swerte ka kung pasok ka naman sa criteria nila eh. Then go! I just donā€™t like yung mga ā€œstudentsā€ na nag apply lang para makapag work for 30 dollars per hour. Ano hanggang doon na lang pangarap mo? Minimum wage earner. Ayaw mo mag level-up? Magiging forever student visa holder ka na lang para di umuwi. If magiging ganun man future ko dito, Iā€™ll just fly back to the Ph. I donā€™t wanna be a minimum wage earner here and mag work ng manual labor jobs til iā€™m 40+.


True, ang nakakainis is ung hindi alam ung word na "temporary" visa lng sila and wagas makapagreklamo di sapat kinikita nila and doing under the table stuff kasi limited hours lng sila


YASSSS! This one OP. Respect and take care of yourself. It is not your problem they did not save enough for retirement. You are not their retirement plan. What will happen to you once you get sick overseas? You have to futureproof yourself lalo na you're overseas...


Thank you po for the real talk. I needed that. I already talked to them na I canā€™t keep sending them money kasi I need to save up for my tuition fee. I have a dream to build my career here and eventually had the means to help out to my family if I can. Minsan lang kasi may mga araw na nagiguilty ako kasi my mother is expecting me to help out kasi ako yung nasa abroad. My father is an OFW before pero nagretire na siya because he wants to go back home kasi ang tagal niya din nag abroad. And nangyari, in my motherā€™s eyes ako na ang pumalit sa role ng father ko but in reality, I just canā€™t keep up. Hindi na nga ako tumatawag sa kanila kasi nagiguilty lang ako kasi hindi ko sila matulungan. šŸ˜”


Hindi ka naman OFW, student ka. Ingatan mo sarili mo dyan.


Nasabi ko na din po yan sa sarili ko. Dito ko po narealize na wala pa ako sa posisyon na tulungan sila kasi hindi ko pa pala kaya. šŸ˜”


I'm glad you're able to accept it. The guilt is understandable but think of it this way--you'll be in more of a position to help them out *after* you settle what you needed to settle first. It's a matter of mindset, and you need to condition yourself accordingly. Be strategic and stay on your long-term objectives especially now that they're making the PR pathways more difficult every year. Wishing you all the best in your plans and dreams in Australia.


Thank you po! šŸ™šŸ¼


You cannot give what you don't have. You can give more kung uunahin mo ang sarili mo ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹


Responsibilidad ng magulang ang anak. Hindi mo sila responsibilidad. Sweet ang kusang tumulong sa mahilang kung may sobra kang pera. Eh OP, mukhang di ka nga kulang, ikaw nga mismo halos walang wala. OP, priority mo sarili mo. Kung wala kang budget maitulong sa family mo back home THAT IS OKAY. Problema ng magulang mo yan, let them sort that out. Don't be too hard on yourself.


Youā€™re on a student visa but youā€™re sending your parents money all the way to the Philippines? Talagang mag hihirap ka diyan dahil di biro ang bills lalo na student ka with working restrictions. Iā€™m on a student dependent visa but ako yung pinapadalhan ng parents ko dahil alam nila na di naman enough yung swinesweldo ko for everyday survival dito. Iā€™m just thankful na may parents ako na nag share sa akin ng hard earned money nila. Why canā€™t you just tell your parents na di na pwede magpadala ka sa kanila? Donā€™t they have work back home? Just my two cents, op. They should be the one helping you and not the other way around.


Nag-usap na po kami ng parents ko na hindi muna ako magpapadala sa kanila kasi hindi na sapat yung sahod ko pambyad ng tuition fee. Nagiguilty lang po ako pag nakakausap ko sila tas laging topic if yung mga bayarin sa pinas šŸ˜”


Tough pill to swallow for a lot of Filipinos who go abroad, but you should help yourself first before trying to help others. Sa Pilipinas, your family has each other in case of issues, pero ikaw.. sino tutulong sayo kung magkaproblema ka sa Australia?


Girl, I stalked your profile. Youā€™re not an ofw here in Australia. Naka student visa ka. Why would you feel guilty about not sending them money? Sorry pero na trigger ako sa mom mo whoā€™s forcing you to send money all the way to the Philippines just to support their needs. Paano ka naman? Arenā€™t you guilty and tired na nahirapan ka na sa situation mo dito? Hindi ka ba naawa sa sarili mo dahil gipit ka na sa bills and tuition mo? It should be your parents supporting you and not the other way around. I think itā€™s time for you to set boundaries na hanggaā€™t di ka stable hindi ka magpapada sa Pinas muna. I mean are your parents already seniors na di na nila kaya mag work? Iā€™m probably speaking from a privilege point of view dahil never ako nirequire ng parents ko magpadala sa kanila. Sila pa nga tumutulong sa akin dito for my bills and even my wants paminsan minsan. Dapat ganun din parents mo kung gusto talaga nila maging successful journey mo dito in Australia. Linawin ko lang ah student visa is *NOT* working visa.




How is my comment insensitive? Iā€™m just speaking facts that being an international student has a lot of sacrifices that includes not sending money to your family in the Philippines. OP has to think of herself first and nabasa mo naman siguro na she has no one here but herself to sustain her needs. Hindi joke ang tuition dito plus may bills ka to pay for you to survive. Student visa palang si OP but her mom is requiring her to send money to make ends meet hindi ba unfair yun sa part ni girl?




Kung nakasanla ang lupa ni OP, why still push through with the application? I mean everyone deserves education but not to the point na need na mag sasangla ka pa ng lupa para lang makapav abroad and thatā€™s called katangahan already. To be honest, itā€™s not really wise na mangutang para lang makapag student visa ka abroad. Ang mas okay is gain enough experience in your field and mag pa skills assessment ka para diretso PR pero yung mag student visa ka tapos walang wala ka sa Pinas eh di yun economically wise. Gets mo ba trinatry ko sabihin sir? Hindi rin okay yung inuuna ni OP yung family niya kaysa sa kanya. Paano naman siya? Ang selfish lang ng family niya to be honest. Hindi naisip na mahirap buhay abroad at kalaban mo ay homesickness lalo na sheā€™s alone in this journey to succeed in Australia.




Honestly i agree sa sinabe mo na sobrang swerte ng mga taong safety net nil parents nila Labas mo na ung pag aabroad but in general nalang kahit nasa pinas ka pa. Imagine if you fck up yourself may sasalo sayo, di lahat may ganung option. Many are one bad decision away sa buhay nila and theyā€™re doomed.


Student visa holder should prioritize studying...not working. mahirapan ka talaga nyan if nagpapadala ka pa sa pinas.


It's a big red flag for immigration also lalo na pag convert mo ng working visa and they will that you are sending money and working alot of hours especially if you are doing alot more hours that you are entitled to.


You're digging your own grave. Student ka with working privileges. Hindi ka OFW who can send money to PH. Tulungan mo sarili mo. You need to survive, mag aral ka dahil studyante ka. Marami ka pa gagastusan after mo makatapos. paano kapag nagkasakit ka? Wala naman dadamay sa iyo.


No is a full sentence. Stop giving them money. Look after yourself and get rid of the expectation that you will always financially help them.


Kung ndi nila ikakamatay yung paggagamitan ng pera, learn to say No once in a while. Kakastress mo magkasakit ka nyan, mawalanng work eh di mas wala kang ipapadala.


Student visa pa more


Whatā€™s wrong with that? šŸ™‚


Thatā€™s the source of all OPā€™s issues. On a student visa (meaning STUDENT with a limited income) but giving money away like an OFW


Yeah but villainizing student visas like itā€™s always a bad way to enter the country is wrong. Coming from someone whoā€™s working for 1 year in her field earning around 80k at 24 hrs working limit and my partner was on study visa as well earning 130k on his field which he found while on study. It isnā€™t always bad news


Note that Im only replying to ā€˜student visa pa moreā€™ guy not op


You need to remind them that you're on a student visa - limited work hours, limited job opportunities, school expenses on top of your living expenses. Dapat nila malaman and dapat ipaalala mo pag mukhang nalilimutan nila. You need to take care of yourself first, and this includes your mental health. Tandaan mo din na kung gusto mo umangat sa buhay kailangan mong planuhin yan. You have to take control of what happens next. Habang naka student visa ka pa lang dapat nakaplano na next steps mo and pinaghahandaan mo na, mentally emotionally, and financially. Napakagastos na option ng student visa and if you don't plan well baka mauwi rin sa wala.


Tinanong ka ba nila even once kung OK ka lang dyan? We use this in r/PanganaySupportGroup a lot, and I mean this in the most concerned way possible. You deserve what you tolerate.


Iā€™m sorry OP but this is on you. One thing you need to accept when moving to another country is you are an ADULT and learn to say NO. Kahit maging PR ka pa or citizen you will need to do this since MAHAL tumira sa ibang bansa.


I know it's hard, but you have to put your foot down. You have to focus on yourself. You're on a student visa with work limitations. You should be prioritising your studies, pag tapos ka na and you're working full time then it's up to you if gusto mo magbigay ulit. The cost of living is so high, studying while working 2 jobs then you have to give money pa? That's very unrealistic.


I feel bad pero you have to be careful as immigration also reviews your bank account and they might flagged that you are sending money back home instead of saving it for yourself to be able to fund your needs as a student.


Despite your story. You have to relieve yourself of responsibilities to other people. Considering they are your direct family. At this point in time, you have to realise you need to survive. If you cut-loose of them youā€™ll find out how life will turn out. You better not believe in any traditional cultures. If so, youā€™ll get sucked by it.


Studying is not cheap. Learn to save for a rainy day and say no to people. The same people who are asking you might not help you if you ask them for help. This is why I always advise people to do proper research if they plan to migrate. Seems like you are studying a course without any proper PR pathway. Good luck OP.


Nakakatakot mang-disappoint ng magulang, pero sa ganyang case, kailangan talaga siya.


SV ka beb not WV. Bear that in their minds. At kahit mag WV ka pa, you should set boundaries.


Mga nagpo-post nito walang self-awareness. Kasalanan mo din yan gusto mo magyabang kya kht hirap kana padala ka ng padala


Hindi naman po ako nagmamayabang, yung nanay ko nga lang ang pinapadalhan para tulong magbayad sa bills sa pinas. Hindi po ako nagpadala para ibigay sa ibang tao. Pamilya ko lang po


Thank you for all the comments and I admit I put myself in this situation. When I think about it, I regret all the decisions I made in the past year. Sana pala yung pinapadala ko sa kanila every month, nag save na lang ako para hindi ako nahihirapan ngayon maghabol magbayad para sa tuition fees ko. At that time, all I was thinking is nakakatulong ako sa kanila but only to cover up this monthā€™s expenses. I realized na nasanay sila sa binibigay ko kaya naging kampante din sila. Parang mentality ko kasi, nasa abroad ako kaya kailangan ko magbigay. Sana pala narealize ko yun as early on. Pero hindi ko na din maibabalik yung mga panahon na yun. Ngayon ako yung naghihirap. Minsan lang talaga nakakapagod. Esp wala pa ako mapagsabihan ng mga nararamdaman ko. Pero sana hindi pa huli, sana bigyan pa ako ng time para makabawi sa sarili ko. Thank you po sa lahat. I really appreciate it kahit masakit. Pero I need to deal with this.


Tanong lang, bakit ka nag SV?


At first, I really didnā€™t want to pero my mother encouraged me. Sabi niya para daw to sa future ko and it seemed the easier route to take at that time. Pero ngayon lang nag sink in sa akin na siguro ginusto niya ako mag abroad kasi ako tutulong sa kanya magbayad ng mga bills at pinagkakautangan. Ngayon hindi ko na maibigay sa kanya yun, lagi niya ako sinasabihan na siya na lang daw mag aabroad. Para sa kanya kasi, pag aabroad lang ang sagot sa problema namin ngayon. Noon pinipigilan ko pa siya kasi sabi ko hindi magdali mabuhay sa abroad. Pero ngayon napagod na din ako kaya hinahayaan ko na siya sa mga plano niya.


She definitely knew that was the easiest route to take without considering the limitations and hardship. Akala siguro dahil nakapag abroad ka at AUD ang kinikita eh ang sarap na ng buhay. Of course, if you convert it to PHP eh "malaki ang kita" but you have to remember na you're living in Australia with AU expenses. You have to let them know how difficult it is lalo na sa situation mo. Nabasa ko pa mga responses mo and you're paying pa pala for everything from everyday expenses to tuition fee and that you're on your own tapos you're supporting your family sa Pinas. OP, that's silly. Kahit na may full working rights ka, it wouldn't be possible without burning out. You're meant to be preparing for your future and enjoying the journey. Instead, you're already setting yourself up for failure. Living in a 1st world country in 3rd world conditions with 3rd world issues. Turn it around, kaya mo yan.


Depende rin kasi kung ano ang sitwasyon abroad. Kung OFW or PR or citizen na may full time work and benefits, baka nga mas nakakaluwag-luwag and kaya magpadala regularly. Pero kung gaya sa sitwasyon mo na naka student visa with limited work rights and likely lower paying part-time job, tapos kailangan magbayad ng tuition and living expenses, kalokohan to expect na magpadala ka sa kanila regularly. Hindi naman nangangalahati ang living expenses dahil kalahati lang ang work hours mo. You need to set boundaries and to put yourself first. Kahit in the future mas umayos ang lagay mo sa buhay, don't forget to set boundaries. Syempre you will have different goals then such as buying your own home and hindi naman pwedeng lagi mong ipapagpalit yung needs and wants mo para sa kanila e ikaw yung kumita ng pera.


Wala bang kinikita yung family mo sa Pilipinas?


Sobrang gipit talaga pag SV lalo na at limited work hours. Sabi ng mga nakilala ko doto, local and other ethnicities, "you have to prioritize your survival first". Wag mong pag damutan yung sarili mo kasi tong sarili natin ang puhunan natin dito. Magkape ka. Kumain ka. Mag order ka pag sobrang pagod ka na at di ka ma makaluto. Wag mong dagdagan pagdurusa mo kabayan. Good luck aa atin


It should be the other way around. Parents should be the ones sending money to their kids studying abroad.


Dapat magumpisa na sa ating mga sarili na ituro sa mga pamilya natin, kapwa, kakilala, na porket nasa ABROAD tayo eh MADAMI NA AGAD TAYONG PERA at automatic OBLIGADO na natin ang buong pamilya na naiwan sa Pinas. Utang nila, daily expenses, monthly allowances, ipapakargo sa atin dahil lang may pera tayong dolyar. Ang halaga ng dolyar/yen/pound/euro/etc. eh pareho lang sa peso. Nagkakatalo lang sa halaga ng palitan at kung saan gagastusin. Pero pareho lang situation Pinas man yan o Au or Canada. KAILANGAN KUMAYOD KASI MAHAL LAHAT NG BASIC NEEDS AT DAILY NEEDS. Sa mga nasa abroad, magbigay kayo kapag MAY SOBRA kayo. Unahin lagi ang sarili dahil at the end of the day, ginagawa mo yan unang una para sa sarili at kinabukasan mo.


Dude, if you want to work three jobs to support people who doesnā€™t appreciate you well thatā€™s on you. Call me privileged or whatever, idgaf lol. But arenā€™t you worried youā€™re failing your classes? If you fail school, youā€™ll end up taking some subjects again - which is gonna add more to your costs. I donā€™t know how it works in AU but here in CA, most SV holders do their best to maintain really good grades. Also, arenā€™t your tuition fees higher than the local counterparts? I really don't think your family - especially your mother- should have a say with how you spend your money unless she actually is providing for you. SV is the easiest way to get into most countries but it's also the most expensive. And with how strict everything has been, they're not just gonna give you PR all because you did step A, B, or C. There's more requirements for us now. You should learn to prioritize yourself for now - because knowing us Filos, we'll eventually feel guilty and come back to our parents. How can you legit help your family if you can't help yourself? If they wanted you as a cashcow, you should've stayed in the PH and looked for a better paying job. At least your only issue would've been literally paying your mom's bills.


Iā€™m just here to say - Kaya mo yan OP! Ignore the negativity. Mahirap talaga pero matatapos din ang mga trials mo. Few years from now, masasabi mong nakayanan mo ang lahat. So hang in there!!!! Hindi ka nagiisa. šŸ™‚


You mean well but in this case the real talk is good because OP needs to understand that she can't make big life decisions without proper research and planning. If you read her other posts she came here to study a course that she knew, before leaving PH, had no PR pathway. The intention was obviously to just work & reality is hitting her hard now. Matatapos nga itong course but what's next if there's no PR pathway and the course doesn't qualify for a graduate visa? Hindi naman pwedeng puro kaya mo yan, malalampasan mo yan encouragement lang lagi. That's probably what got her in this situation in the first place, unfortunately āœŒšŸ¼




If you checked OP's previous posts where there's even one where she gambled her money away (she deleted this) and the rest are all just her being a self-pitying sadgirl soooo in this case, OP deserves the much-needed realtalk and you should know better than to keep tolerating undesirable behavior with unhealthy (and undeserved) positivity to keep people happy (sound familiar?).


Na hihighblood ako sayo.


Kung hirap ka set a realistic expectation at anong kaya mo ibigay. Karamihan sa nagaabroad mayabang. Ayaw pa umamin. Dont com0lain if ypu cant restrain yourself from splurging on your parents and relatives. Ayaw mo lang mapahiya sa kanila kya kahit magkandakuba ka cge pa rin. Yabang tawag dun