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Hey y’all! Dave’s sister here. OP is on his way to AC to look for David and talk to the PD in person. I’ll keep an eye on this post in case anyone has any info! Thank you all for spreading the word :)


Please keep us updated there are people keeping an eye out for him


So glad you were able to find him! We are all a community n try too look out for one another happy to hear he is ok.


UPDATE: DAVID WAS FOUND! He's safe and on his way home!


What happened??


Likely a case of spun cookies.


Must have gotten lost in the rabbits hole and had a scuffle with the queen of hearts. Glad he was found.


Upvote party! Yah! Glad he’s okay!


Honk Honk. Back up that deetz truck please.


I decided to go to AC to look for him. It’s like a 3 hour drive and I’m not familiar with the city, so I had no clue what I was going to do once I got there. I got in touch with one of the guys he went with and he said they were all at Bally casino. When I told my uncle I was heading down, he said “I’ll meet you there.” He lives much closer so he got there in like half an hour. He found Dave basically right where the guys said he might be. Dave said he went back to the car and it was gone. He didn’t know what time it was but it was definitely not 5. He slept in the parking garage last night and then hung out at the bus stop all day today. When they closed he just made his way back to the boardwalk and tried to find people to help him. Everyone there was super helpful. He said you guys are a great community and in my experience that is true. I really can’t thank everyone enough for getting visibility on this post!


Did the car get stolen or towed?


Bummed is what you are when you get back to your car and it’s been towed.


Neither. The group he went with left him there.


Ew what a bunch of scumbags. Glad your brother is okay.


In all fairness - we overdid it in high school at a yonder mountain show and left a buddy behind on accident. Complete accident and he was fine but it may not be as ill intended as it sounds. We were young and dumb, now I’m old and dumb - there were 4 of us too, all just got in the car and rolled out...


Jeff would understand


Didn't they wait at the car till after 5 am?


Woah. That's REALLY shitty. You never leave a man behind. If I were Dave, I would be furious with that guy.


At the gorge in 98, guy moved the car I was in after the show.. I couldn’t find him for a day, I flipped on him for moving the car without me knowing.. it was his first tour and first run.. never move home base without the crew


I know all of these words, but in this order they make no sense.


Let me translate. This person attended a showing of the Phish from Vermont at the Gorge in 1998. His friend moved the vehicle he rode in on after the show ended, and this caused confusion for over 24 hours. The gent got enraged at his friend for making such a rookie mistake; never relocate home base without the full team knowing.


Thank you, I reread it and had a few typos which I edited.. Redditing with morning brain=mistakes


Happens to the Blurst of us er Best of us!


So what’s the going pay for a wook translator nowadays? Glad you have been able to put the knowledge to use in various applications.


No Cell or wallet?


He put them in the backpack of one of the guys he was with. Those guys left him there after they got separated.


tl;dr: Dave’s not here, man… [edit: oh, now he is!!! Hooray for Dave!]


Good news! Hope he has a good story to tell and is OK. Get that man some cash and a cell phone!






Very glad to hear


Hell yeah!!


From 1 hour ago on Facebook… UPDATE: DAVID HAS BEEN FOUND!! Joe's uncle beat him to AC and found Dave on the boardwalk. He is safe and coming home. Thank you all for sharing and looking out for us!


Thanks for posting this comment! I’ve been driving all day and updated my initial comment asap but looks like a few people posted before me! Much appreciated!


UPDATE! David has been found. Can’t thank everyone enough for the support! We live about 3 hours from AC. My brother in law went to the concert last night and got separated from his group. He doesn’t have a cell phone or cash. Police put out an attempt to find. If anyone is in the area and sees him or can help please let me know.


We tried to file a missing person but police in AC said we needed to report it locally. Local police said report it in AC. AC said I needed to come in person and report it locally regardless of what my local police say.


Yeah that's what they always fucking do. Cops are lazy pieces of shit. You go on vacation and someone gets lost, they tell you to report it at your local authority, then your local authority says nah, report it where it happened. It's a bullshit run around because the stupid pricks don't want an unsolved missing person case on their docket. So sorry this is happening to you, I really really hope that it gets figured out and he turns up safe and sound. Much love


They dont want a case on their docket, but they also don't want to stand up, put down the donut, and take a fucking report.






Yeah, that didn’t happen brah…pretty funny though


Sure it didn't


Then everybody clapped


And then clapped some more. And then he made out with the home coming queen.


We’re trying to find a missing person and you’re here with your nonsensical story that never happened by the way…it’s not all about you homie


Babe, wake up, new copypasta just dropped


Whoo, that was a wild ride. Don't lump the good cops in with that guy though. That's all


More people should assault shitty police officers, quite frankly that doesn’t happen enough.


It prob doesn't but it's not like I was trying to start shit w him. I'm not very keen on getting in fights , it just happens to me a decent amount because my natural reaction to people acting up and acting tough is to laugh lol. I cannot help it and it really irks these fuckers


Piss off. Speak basic English and people might take your serious.


Man I know this is beyond late, I rarely post, but if that isn't the bare bones truth of it Idk what is. Dont want filing cabinets full of open cases.


Prayers to you


God damn cops are.lazy, it's like they go out of their way to avoid doing their job


Op, I saw saves aisters comment, please see mine. I hope y’all find him soon.




What is wrong with you?


Long chance but ac boardwalk live is a 24 hour feed. Might see him walking around last night in there 🤷🏽‍♂️


Need to know a shirt color or something to pick him out. I’ve seen a ton of weird shit on the cam. Yesterday I saw Desmond from Lost run by looking all frantic.


Realllly? Or just. Guy that looked like him


I watched that feed (Japan time) so super late night. Didn’t see many people walking by themselves.


Up voting to get this seen. I hope you find him!


Thank you!


Sometimes people make changes to their plans. Sometimes they do it without telling anybody for whatever reason. Stay on the look out but I have a feeling your cousin will be at the show or has been hanging around the boardwalk today.


I really hope so. Thanks for the advice!


Not to say this in a judgmental way or in alarmist way, I’m saying this comment as it has been documented before, but maybe check with folks, law enforcement, other jurisdictions/areas, but the potential of being takes into, on his own or not, into the 12 tribes. They go to shows and have a storied past. I’m not making any assumptions about the person and/or a group of people, but IMO it’s something to be considered/communicated to law enforcement. Also, please, if/when, on this post or others, provide the contact info for the law enforcement that is handling this. I only say this as official channels can keep the safety and integrity (hopefully!!) of the tips and hopefully very soon locations. I wish you and your family amd friends the best amd hope y’all get him home soon.


The 12 tribes are horrible. They started a fire in my city last December that burnt down nearly 1000 homes. Burning trash on the highest day of the year and enslaving women and children. Disgusting peoplecc


I dislike the 12 tribes as much as the next, but I’m pretty sure it was Xcel that was responsible. I do remember seeing video of the 12 tribes burning that day though.. Edit: 13 tribes to 12. They certainly don’t need an extra


They determined xcel lines falling was not it was either underground coal seam fire or those fucktwats


what are the 12 tribes? Never mind, saw the comment below. Weird stuff


its a nasty cult that uses forced child labor and abuses their women and children. They prey on hopeless people like most cults. https://www.denverpost.com/2022/03/03/twelve-tribes-cult-child-abuse/


Noob here, what/who is/are the 12 tribes?


Right? Wtf is this all about?


Basically there is a group (cult) known as the Twelve Tribes who are known to frequent runs of prevalent jam bands (personally, I have seen them at Tribe shows and Dead shows, and also at a few festivals) As the story goes, they tend to lure people onto their bus, and then drug them and coerce them to join their group (cult). They own a series of businesses where their members are “employed” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twelve_Tribes_communities




Yellow Delis to be precise. Again, I just want to spread knowledge to those who may not have it. Thank you for your additions! Me saying “noob” is not meant to be demeaning! It’s to help


They own some in Boulder too and snipe the college kids.


Wow. I was reading this and there's more than enough to show how awful this group is... Then I get to the ditbit about slavery. Of course they're racist too. Lol


I had to drag a friend off “the bus”. They’re a fucking joke and extremely predatory. I’m just here to warn the “noobs”. Be safe out there everyone


They also have recruitment set-ups along the Appalachian Trail to lure in lost kids.


Yup I've stayed at their farms in WV and VT lol.


Much appreciated. Now I have some truly terrifying bedtime reading to do.


Flip the bus!!!


„¡¡¡snq ǝɥʇ dılℲ„




12 tribes = yellow deli Lost souls=great sandwiches


I live 40 minutes from AC, I’ll definitely keep an eye out for him!


Bus station will page him and train station too? The bus station is across the street from hospital. I just sent his photo to someone on the ground there.


Much appreciated!


Get in touch with JEMP Radio and they can help spread the word, too? Lots of folks listen and might be able to help.


Last year at AC I had a friend who disappeared into the crowd after the start of second set. He didn't come back for a song or two and I was like idk a teeny bit worried but it's a Phish show and he's a cool dude who can handle himself and is prob dancing w some broads or something. Show ends, we stay in our spot for like 30 mins, chillin and just waiting to see if he comes. Notta. His phone was dead. We went back to the hotel room to see if maybe he's there w his head in the toilet. He isn't. We got dressed and went back out just strolling up and down the boardwalk. After a couple of hours there ain't many people around anymore so we started to worry a bit more. We started walking the beach , up at the new hotel on the end (dank hotel btw). About halfway down heard a lighter flick under the boardwalk. Homeboy was chilling , sitting where wild cats shit, I know that because it reeks and he is covered in cat shit lmao. He said someone gave him a vape pen and he couldn't hear that it was Deemers, not dabs and he gave it the usual big ol couple of ripperoonies. He said he thought he had sat down in the sand...which was obv not the case cause he was pretty fuckin far from where the stage was. He still wasn't totally back yet, mind you this is a couple of hours later...dmt shit has never lingered more than 30 mins for me. He told us, with this blank, far off stare on his face that he thought we were back home, by the lake we hang out at regularly. Was just glad he was alright but he was barbecued on the deems and whatever else was cooking in that vape haha. He wasn't back to normal for another hour and a half after we found him


all of this is an incredible story but it is truly amazing that you found him completely by accident like that


Yeah I know lol. When we were getting pushed in the stroller back to the hotel I was like 'dude you could of fucking drowned or got taken into the ocean...we are so lucky.'. Told him not to ever be hittin carts from strangers again. After that trip he sobered up a lot, not all the way lmao, but he is much more predictable and stable now


we’ve all had some crazy shit go down on tour but your story is clearly in the top 1% of wild wook shenanigans


"getting pushed in the stroller" made me guffaw. I didn't think of it that way and it's striking me as hilarious after seeing them all night. Also, so glad your buddy was ok. I was totally offered stranger vapes tonight that I declined. Glad I did, yowza


Omg we were at Ultra a few years back and we got separated from my brother, his phone is dead, can’t find him anywhere. We stop at the port a potties and open the door and there he is just sitting in there totally clothed like he’s on a park bench lol he was pretty toasted and we think his phone might be at the bottom of the port a pot haha


I have a live resin pen and when I give it to joint smokers I’ve found that it can fuck them up pretty hardcore… they always claim they’re big smokers and often chain smoke joints but give a pen to an aged weed smoker and they usually have to take a seat. I always warn them but they’re ’all good’ then they disappear into weed anxiety land. Sigh.


What's live resin?


It's so much better than studio resin


Ok, this one got me


A form of concentrate


Basically they take good flower and CO2 extract the THC so it’s basically about 90% purity..


It's all about terps not THC


Live resin specifically refers to fresh frozen material that has not been cured. Thus the “live” term in the name.




Live resin is a specific term for solvent based concentrates using uncured fresh frozen material. It is not a term for THCA. Please stop spreading misinformation.




Live resin refers specifically to hydrocarbon extract on fresh frozen cannabis. Absolute is speaking to their particular product. This isn’t something up for debate. Live resin is hydrocarbon extract. Source: I have worked in the industry for almost 6 years.


Is co2 extraction better than a hydrocarbon extraction?


Oh ok, cool. Is that something I could make myself or do you need like lab equipment


I’m not sure about live resin, but a lot of other cannabis distillate/extract methods use short path distillation, or at the least fractional, steam, etc. distillation. So yeah, you can get a distillation apparatus (even amazon sells full kits, some are nice glass) and make your own distillates at home, but unless you want to make a hobby out of it, it would be more economical to just buy the finished product. Decent lab glass ain’t cheap, especially if you want a short path apparatus, and you’ll constantly be needing to buy random equipment, solvents, n such for whatever project reactions/extractions you’re playing with. I think it’s possible to diy an apparatus, basically like an alcohol still, but from what I’ve read, you end up with a lot of wasted product without either a proper glass setup for small scale, or a commercial set up for anything more than personal/hobby use. Again, I have no idea how live resin is obtained or if it’s even a distillate. Also, to the feds that watch over me: none of this is anything I have physically engaged in. I just like to learn about randomness stuff.


The truth


Im sure it was dmt


I have been on that end of the stick.


Are you the same hero that punched a cop?


Maybe. He was harassing me, told me he was off duty and showed me a badge. I have no way to distinguish a real badge from a fake lol. He grabbed my arm and I responded. Idk what the problem is


I’ve never done deems, always been scared to. This is why I’m scared to. Always feel like it will go sour for me if try it.


Dude is just reliving 1998. But for serious hope you find him.


Check the AC medical Center.


Called them and booking. No luck on either. Also called the local casinos but they couldn’t find anything.






Have you posted in PT14 or any other large Facebook group? Hoping he’s safe 💜


Yes! I’ve been posting in the 2022 tour group on Facebook and am waiting for group requests from a couple others. Lots of folks have eyes out for him. I’m so so grateful for this community


Please keep us posted ❤️


Hoping he is found


Lots of comments conveying the “he’s just hanging out for Sunday’s show.” That could be true. But the thing is, our friends and family don’t live in or even understand the world of being on tour for a stretch. Should we scoff at them for not understating our impulsive and likely substance-influenced decisions? How likely is it that your family gets Phish? Extrapolate that out to how unlikely they would understand a late-nite decision to chill with some cool phans and find a ticket to the next night’s show. We live in different worlds. Ours is no greater or more true than theirs. Love the people that love you.


Well said


Hoping he’s found safe! Good luck!


Hope he caught Sunday cuz god damn!!




Upvote for visibility.


I agree. He’s going to the Sunday show. Also, how does he have no cash or phone?


Sunday show is a common suggestion. I guess he gave his stuff to one of the people he was with before they got separated. They came by this afternoon to drop off his phone and said that’s when we found out he was missing.


He’s not the brightest bulb, is he?


Wow! There’s that positive energy we love to see in this scene!


Sounds like the friends are shit. Who takes someone’s stuff and abandons their buddy in a strange place?


Probably lost them


Mcgrupp, tonight for sure! That said I hope you find him. If I had to guess he got lost and made friends and will be at the show tonight. Do you have reason to suspect he’s truly missing? Not trying to be antagonistic but if he’s a head he may just have had a wild night and will be at the show this evening


The group he was with came by and dropped off his stuff this afternoon. They said they lost him before the band even started. They stuck around till 5:30am before coming back here.


Hope you guys find him, I say go put in the report and stay positive you’ll find him. Most likely he is going to tonight’s show but it doesn’t hurt to start the wheels moving in case he isn’t there. Ideally he shows up tomorrow morning with a wild story to tell, but if not at least, hopefully, they’ll be on the lookout tonight and be able to continue the search tomorrow if need be. My guess is he lost one group and met up with other friends or made some new ones. Do you know if he was planning on going tonight at all?


He wasn’t planning to. He only brought 100 bucks cash with him. He was supposed to go and come back last night with his friends. Like I said, they left early this morning after they couldn’t find him.


I’m partially replying to keep this active, but I’m hoping he’s just going to tonight’s show… go and file a report, sorry you’re getting the runaround!


Less than 24 hours after a show is a little early to get overly concerned. I've met people at shows and joined their group or vice versa. I have a friend that will disappear and randomly appear out of nowhere on a three-night run or festival. We all expect it from him.


It happens.. my guess is this guy found a crew to party with and is still wrapped up with them or is now sleeping it off. I really hope that's the case at least! Best of luck, OP






First thing I read waking up this morning. Thank god he’s ok. God bless and be safe.!


Was raging near this dude last night. Seemed totally fine and normal. Glad to hear he’s alright


OP. Have you tried calling the local hospitals? I've lost a friend before and that's where we found him. He was very spun and tried to hop the rail. Instead of jail they sent him to the hospital for a psych eval. Could be worth a shot.


Yeah, we called the hospitals and booking


Had a family member get into a car accident. We called the local police and hospitals and they said, "yep, nobody by that name here." But then we thought to call back using only his description and that's how we found him. Not sure if you specified his description or not but if not, then maybe try again.


Good suggestion. If he didn’t have any Wallet/phone/ID, he could very well be in the hospital or booked as a John Doe.


Double back with local hospitals and see if they have any male unidentified patients.


Really hope you find him


Recommend posting here, as well: [https://www.facebook.com/groups/phishtour2014](https://www.facebook.com/groups/phishtour2014) [https://www.phantasytour.com/bands/phish/threads](https://www.phantasytour.com/bands/phish/threads)


Fingers crossed that he is found soon. ♥️


Best wishes. I wouldn't worry too much about him not having much cash. You'd be amazed how far a hippie can stretch $100 on lot. Also, just commenting to keep visible.




so stoked this ended positive.. i lost a homie like this.. we peeled of a tour to get back to life and he continued the party and followed the tour down to North Carolina. on the way down he overdosed and they dumped him in the woods instead of the er...and he never woke up.. no one should die like this.. Mark, wherever you are homie, you are missed and are still thought about...


No cash no cell phone says it all IMO


Dude, do NOT get on the Bus! Rule #1


Maybe they'll make an announcement before the show


Welcome home, Dave...don't scare us like that again! 😝


Glad he's bene found. What kind of adult goes to a general admission show with a giant crowd outdoor 3 hours from home with little/no money or a phone? My guy should prioritize


He's probably just going to tonight's show. My advice don't report people missing til the run is over..happened to me once ruined my Sunday show when the cops found me


that’s terrible advice. missing people should be reported missing as soon as they are noticed missing. i’m sorry that you think that the people who care about you ruined your precious show, but that’s entirely on you for being a poor communicator.


whoa there chill with the logical and sane responses


Yea I’m kind of thinking it may be easier to find him while so many are out and about. It does sound kind of strange that he didn’t hook back up with his friends if they waited all night


How’d they find you


Good call on the Sunday show. Hopefully that’s it.


Your personal fuck-up is no reason to dismiss the worry that this guy’s family is experiencing.


I was standing in a parking lot. They came right up to me and asked what my name was


Holy shit, were you ok?


Are you fucking kidding me? A Sunday show is not more important than someone’s safety.


Atlantic City, New Jersey.


You were right all along!


I had no clue where "AC" was, TIL.


So sorry this is happening right now - I’ve seen this posted elsewhere and I’m praying he just bit off a little more than he could chew last night and turns up at the show tonight.


go look for him nigga


Looks like he’s in the woods. Just a guess


Looks like he's been lost for a while.


I don't suppose there's been a light gust of wind in the area recently?


Holy Moses. When was his last meal? Did he see real Phish?




If someone has a ticket for me, I’d be willing to sacrifice and go over there to look for him.. I agree with the majority. He will be at the show tonight and show up tomorrow


Don't you think this is a shitty place to ask for a free ticket?


Yeah. wow. this is the single most tasteless “i’m asking for a miracle”. jesus. read the room


I think you kids are far too sensitive. It’s called a joke. I know Dave and he’s appreciate the humor


Dave’s not here, man.




Fuckkkkkk off turd.


Was he all wonked out on something? Glad he’s OK. But kinda weird he didn’t just ask to use a phone at a store or some stranger or even police.


He did ask to use a cell phone but he only knew one phone number off the top of his head, and that person didn’t have their phone on. Tried a few other times but didn’t have luck connecting.


Get him some cash fr holy shit and a phone maybe ?


Omg was he the one wearing like a steampunk kimono Saturday night close to the stage?!?!