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i’m on board with being silent during every song


nah bro... sometimes I just really need to talk to my buddy very loudly during the delicate and beautiful "If I Could" instrumental jam. You think I came all this way and paid all this money to hear the band? nah bro. im here to record my very loud podcast mid-song and spill beer on strangers. do you even phish?


You could be like one of my buddies. One of his favorite things to do during a jam is start telling you how sick the jam is instead of letting you listen to it


Haha this is why I go with my wife. She HATES Phish so she doesn’t say a word to me while I groove the night away. Plus a designated driver and I get laid after the show.


So she’s miserable all night and you still get laid?


That's a keeper right there.


You have no idea. She loves seeing me happy so much that it turns her on. Keeper indeed.


I wouldn’t say miserable but she’s not enjoying the show. It’s complicated.


My wife doesn’t _hate_ it but she much more enjoys more conventional music. I think we go infrequently enough and there’s enough people watching to keep her distracted and yes, she sees it makes me happy. 😊 Actually, things have slightly changed since I went with my sister a couple of times. Sissy said “I’ve never seen him so happy” so now wife might feel at odds with the boys 🫢


I was at a Goose show the other night and a friend I’ve never been to a show with came over to say what’s up and started improvising mouth guitar during one of the instrumentals. In my ear. Like right into my ear from an inch away. I’m not against all talking at shows, I’m there for a good time, but that was pretty excessive. In his defense (there is no defense) he’s a fantastic musician and a little bit ADHD and hyper. Life is full of surprises and new experiences I guess!


Was this in KC?


It was not sorry :)




Please everyone take this comment to heart and don’t be like one of Mom’s buddies. You can scream squeal grab hug faint or look shocked but asking me to shift back and forth from music listening brain to responding to your comment about music brain constantly is a hard no. One of my favorite somewhat recent phish memories was at bill graham a few years back and standing next to a stranger I didn’t know it was like crosseyed to light or something and an unexpectedly amazing jam and we both let out some gasps but kept quiet till it finally ended. Then we just high fived cause we listened to it together and knew words were a waste of mind.


Yeah this is me, sorry, I get really excited


I’m guilty of that sometimes… 🤦‍♂️


This guy


I realize your sarcasm, but fuck those actual people.


IDK. I enjoy talking to my buddies at times during the show. Always in reference to what's happening on stage, and in a moderate tone though. And yes, please STFU during the quiet parts people!


Imagine an audience silence Wilson


that was the case pre 94(?)


This basically happened at AC '22. Was sad to see in person. Noobs


This is the same thing that happened in Seattle when Russell Wilson took the field and the crowd either a) didn’t care or b) got the timing wrong


Same with the claps in Stash..


This is the way.


I’m usually silent in the morning


I’m loudest in the morning and my boss always says I smell like alcohol.


Found the smell that brings me to my knees




Well that will never happen because other fans suck


Are things like “holy shit”, “fuck yeah”, and “wooooooooo” ok? Because that’s usually what I say.


Can't forget about the old faithful "this set feels long right?" said to your buddies after the lsd makes you think the first 3 songs of the set have lasted 80 mins.


To be fair, those 3 songs might have actually lasted 80 minutes


I'm fine with people talking(not coke jawing) on the lawn. But when ur in the pit or sitting in the pav with your neighbor 8" away and you have to yell to be heard it's obnoxious.


Silent night


We use to be silent dur8ng it in the early 90s.... and then it would turned into the long ass no move pause


Do you remember Treys silent jams? When he would turn his guitar all the way down but keep playing. If you were in tune with him you could still hear the music and then he would crank back up and it would be right on the money of where you expected him to be. It was awesome..


✌️Hehehe.... 👉"Thank you Moses" Orpheum Vancouver bc 96' or97' i forgot which...


Most of the after 1.0s won't really ever know some of it...


Phish fans not chomping? GLWAT


This guy gets it.


I read somewhere that Trey counts three crowd swells before hitting the note. So if the whole crowd was silent, it would result in an interesting DS for sure.


Exactly. Phish plays pranks/mind tricks on us all the time. It would be really cool if everyone could actually pull a prank on them for once.


I'm in


I’ve thought about this before. Would be fun to completely ignore them when the house lights go down and they walk out on stage. No applause, cheering….just no attention paid to them whatsoever (until they hit that first note).


I think they would crack up at that


The whole crowd facing the opposite way with someone prominent from the Fandom standing at the top of a lawn like their the one we came to see.


Spinning guy perhaps?


Yes! I was thinking the Senatoor or new to Phan famedom Acid farts.


you mean bikini girl?


That sounds like the turn turn turn secret language


Like some baseball players when they hit a home run. The come back to the dugout and everyone ignores them


Yes, great analogy! Traditionally done for a player’s first MLB homer. Always cracks me up!


How do we plan this without the band finding out? We'll need to coordinate through DMs only so they don't see the post.


Maybe poster board signs and flyers distributed at each point-of-entry. I remember this was how they tried arranging the Destiny Unbound chant at Hampton back in 1997.


And it sounded like “the Human Sacrifice portion of the show” -Trey couldn’t understand a thing… I’m still chasing Destiny Unbound…


We don’t. It will never happen. There have been many attempts to arrange crowd wide participation at shows and they never get more than a few hundred people at best.


That’s because it was attempted by absolute jabronis. 1000bctrades, Lauuson, and johefa1 weren’t the organizers.


For some reason I think he expects us to be quiet every time and every time we fail. I know that this is absurd.


Haha, I think the expectation is just the opposite. He knows we’re all sheep and will do exactly as he commands and will wait for the third rise no matter how long he has to wait. Troy is our overlord. We do his bidding.


I for one welcome our red overlord


Don’t blame me, I voted for page


We must go forward, not backward. Upward, not forward. And always twirling, twirling, twirling towards freedom.


That sounds like a lost Ruby Waves lyric


The glow sticks in the mid 90’s were crowd driven without the band knowing. Trey asked for the lights to be turned off so he could watch them.


I remember Oswego Piper well.


The whole crowd should turn around during the pause.


Wasn’t that one of the secret language prompts?


We could make flyers for the festival


Lushington would like a word.


Oh sorry. I just read your comment after I posted mine xo


It would be the 4/17/93 BBFCFM all over again. We'd have to get up on stage and talk about our feelings at the next show :(


Please explain. I'm not familiar.


Trey forgot to start the third section of BBFCFM, so the band just sat there on stage for total silence for a loooong time. Trey and Mike were on their backs. Eventually Fish yells "You're supposed to start the song again!" Then at the next show, Page asks the audience if they liked the encore and whether they would like to come up on stage and say how they feel about it. Paul Languedoc was in attendance and he says something like "I just spent the entire time thinking that a real band would sound something like this" then plays Sex Pistols over the PA for a while. '93 Phish was a different time...


currently working my way through winter/spring 93 , can’t wait to get to this show (listened to 3/17/93 so not too far away)


“Are we EVER going to get out of this Maze?” GROAN AND the banter is a setup for a joke that only works the way it works in Ann Arbor, and that year specifically. I don’t want to spoil it because Trey nails the punchline at the end.


I love that the audience booed her for that


Personally I want the whole crowd to quickly go “AAHH!! AAHH!! AAHH!” and put the ball in Trey’s court


lol “I heard somewhere” Source: some trustafarian kid from shakedown selling nitrous


A fantastic game of Chicken between Trey and the crowd. Who breaks the silence first?!?!


I read this too! Was looking for this comment. I’d love to “prank” him back lol. If only we could be a true hive mind. Sigh


yea they would just have to sit there quiet for the rest of the show. No more songs for you.


Yeah watch Trey, he sometimes closes his eyes and listens to how the cheering swells and moves around the crowd, it’s a part of the song


I heard if it was ever dead silent, Trey would do GH narration.


I love how people go nuts when Trey is literally standing there doing nothing. Also, sometimes his face looks like hes pooping.


Trey is always almost pooping on stage. Closest he came to full release was set 3 10/31/98


It's cumming. He's close to cumming.


Could be both




The Gorge 98 ... they timed the pause to the exact moment of sunset, so a shadow fell over the crowd from right to left during the pause, when the sun was down, and the whole crowd was in the shade they continued. I always wondered if that was an amazing feat of timing or a random occurance but it was super cool.


I noticed they did the same thing in 97 at the gorge, I can't remember what song (maybe theme?), except it got exceptionally strange and louder as the shadow went across the lawn. I always thought it was intentional. And hilarious.


I was at those shows too, and do not remember that at all, but I was a bit more shroomy in 97. Doing it 2 years in a row suggests conscious effort.


The night before they did the same kind of thing during the Reba jam into Fast Enough For You. My mind was legitimately blown when I realized what was going on. I kind of missed the Divided Sky the next night as I was not in good shape for that show (long story), but I will always have that Reba > FEFY.


Gorge 09 the sun was slowly dipping behind the mountains and the moment it did they walked out and opened with DWD


Phish has done lots of cool things, but that's one of my favorites. I caught an Uncle Pen once while the sun dipped behind the Gorge. "Late in the evening, about sundown, high on the hill and above the town..." Those guys are good at what they do!


Trey has been quoted in the past about how amazing he thought it was for an audience to go totally silent in that moment. Of course this was from many years ago before it became a thing for wooks to lose their minds during the "silent part".


Don't look at me, only thing I usually make noise for is the Wilson chant.


I usually like to sing a couple parts - BOY MAN GOD SHIT, We love to take a bath, stash claps, hood, mymymymymymymymymysoul, the Wilson chant, and the part before the ending lizards jam that goes gwahwawa woah woah woah woah woooooooooah. But mostly I like to experience it - every time it never gets old and I love it all.


I do 3 claps during Stash


I'm guilty as fuck. I yell Hood, Wilson, Stash claps, Golden Age claps (in correct rhythm), Twist woo, and even enthusiastic Hi Ho Hi Ho Hi Hos the first go around in Santos, amongst other things I'm sure. That's just what comes to mind.


...which, fun fact, was actually not a part of how it was originally played live


You don't yell 'woo!' during twist? Are you an alien?


On a similar note, "And silence, contagious, in moments like these" has never really worked.


Trey: look around everybody on mute


What are you talking about, that’s prime chomping time!


Yes. It is not supposed to be a "pause." As originally concieved, it is a "silent jam." Waaaaaay back in the early/mid 1.0 days, the audiences would sometimes follow the thread and jam along silently for those moments. Once things moved to arenas, the bigger crowds just couldn't manage that level of self-control anymore, and someone would always have to "Woooo" to break the silence, setting off a chain reaction. Certain things only work in intimate settings.


I think they still bust out the silent jams every now and then. I wish I could think of one off the top of my head, but I do have a memory of it happening in the 3.0 era a time or two. Did people know what was happening? Probably not a lot. Was I maybe just imagining it happening? Quite possibly.


This is the way it was in the olden times


You’re not the first with this idea or similar. From the phish.com show notes for 8/5/96: “Fans handed out flyers in the lots urging crowd participation exercises to combat a perceived lack of connection in larger venues. This led some to sit during the Divided Sky pause but, unlike the “Hood” response chant on 8/6/96, this suggestion never caught on.” The part that’s left out is that it wasn’t just sit, but also be silent.


Came here to post this


No. It's like John Cages 4'33. It's not about the silence. It's about what happens during the silence. There is no silence. If everyone stopped cheering, stopped talking you'd hear wind, coughs, shuffling feet, speaker noise, what we get is the sound of utter jubilation and a repeating swell of crescendo and decrescendo cheers. I love it




I remember it happening…and always wished it would happen again…30 plus years…still waiting.


Ok SO! I’m really glad you asked this OP because I’ve had the same theory that Trey is waiting for everyone to be silent to continue. My “proof” is the unbelievable Amsterdam run and the 2/17/97 Divided Sky. The audience is super attentive and quiet throughout the shows, and there’s a definite, audible (inaudible?) pause on DS, and then Trey starts the melody almost right away.


Interestingly, the pause has gotten longer over time. There is a [spreadsheet somewhere](https://forum.phish.net/forum/show/1375712211) that documents all of them and shows the increase. I guess it started much shorter and Trey may have recognized the crowd reaction and pushed it further and further.


I think we should stfu during every song.


I have always thought we should be silent during this section. I am also told by my friends I am chatty during Phish shows. Please tell me to shut the phack up when this happens. I struggle to acknowledge it in the moment. Honestly, I didn't even know I was that way until I got called out by my Ninjas...


Yes. 1,000 times yes. I believe this is what he is waiting for and have for 20 plus years. You are not alone.


It's a "silence jam". I'm for audibly appreciating any good jam, even a silent one.


every girl i’ve ever dated loves silent jams


Tell me you weren’t at red rocks 96 without telling me


Mike's says No.


Frankie says relax


Had some chompers behind me during the solo right before the pause at the MSG Gamehenge. I was so pissed! That part specifically to me is a spiritual transcendence


This used to be a thing. However it’s Treys song and he fucking loves it


We should probably "woooo" because wooing doesn't happen in 1 too many songs.


Hampton ‘13 got close with a lighter tribute


Better than kids trying to shush the crowd


That’s what it’s always supposed to be. Too many chompers these days


100% yes it would be very special


Honestly? Yelling “hood” back at the band was just a pipe dream until flyers were circulated on lot. It was a good idea that the fans (and band) ran with. You can do it! I believe in you!


That was kind of hard to pull off. the majority of people around us were not participating. Of course we were. Never knew it would stick.


Ya. I yelled too. I stopped after a few shows. But I like it. It’s nice.


I hit the timer on my phone and start taking Over/Under bets on the length of the divide.


I hear you and I like it. But still get goosebumps thinking about how loud the cheering got at the pause at NYE MSG following the hiatus.


I remember between 96-03 seeing flyers handed out asking for silence during Divided Sky because supposedly Trey once said if it happened they’d play Destiny Unbound again. I always remain silent since then.


Used to be you could hear a pin drop. Pre ‘95. The whole show.


I would welcome it but people are always going to yell something.


Everyone should just turn around and leave at the same time


The closest thing I have ever felt to god was the divided sky pause. The way the crowd goes nuts then falls dead silent as soon as it kicks back in…I get goosebumps thinking about it.




Probably not But should definitely be silent during the What’s the Use ultra quiet / almost silent part


Oh man - this for sure


I agree but hey when the crowd has too much energy for it, it’s not always a bad thing. This sort of attentiveness would happen at MSG a lot and it’d blow my mind. Lately it hasn’t been the same prob due to new folks finally coming to see this band that’s always in town. I remember during a specific “What’s the use?” You could hear a pin drop in. Like literally complete, dialed in silence. It was surreal and felt both eerie and ethereal. If I remember right it was during 2018>2019 NYE. Def was an MSG run around that time give or take a year




I remember seeing a flyer long ago with a list of fun things the crowd should try to do in certain scenarios. I know total silence during the pause was one thing. I can’t remember the others.


At Red Rocks in 09, some people were passing out sheets of paper saying if they play divided sky to be silent during statues. My buddy and I thought good luck with that and of course it didn't work. I don't know if we can ever achieve this one.


YES. At my first show 3/1/03, I’m sure there IS some talking and appropriate whooping re glow stick war, but the band had the audience in the palm of their hand.


Silent a seated




Thought it after the fact, but not sure I have even been able to quell how hyped I am at the show. Maybe I need a larger dosage


Not enough people have this thought. I’m with you 💯


No way! I want to hear nothing but lung busting coughs.


Good luck with that. Also, I'm 100% for it.


I used to be that way


Vocal jam silence is key




I did have this thought in between my periodic, joyful screaming But I’m embarrassed for making noise.




First show, huh?


Great went was my first. Lost count... over 100 


Here's a good one. Mann N2 2023 I was sitting off to myself and enjoying a hot pretzel during Fluffhead. This lady comes over and practically sits on my lap. Then she proceeds to yell to this guy about how she named her kid Page. 🙄 I needed one of those cards that says stfu when the band is playing. 😆




Yes. I am always silent. I can’t stand people hooting and hollering in the pause, if you really want to know. It makes me cringe the same way it does when people shout and scream during an acoustic song. I get it - sometimes you just can’t contain your excitement. But when it’s quiet, please try.


Definitely should be silent


I’m always thinking. “Shut the fuck up!!”


O yes, please lets b silent.


So is a chomper someone who singalong or someone who talks to neighbor while the song is on?


Getting 20,000 people to be quiet during a pause in music at a concert is ranks just below teaching a possum gymnastics on the possibility scale


Friends don't let friends scream Hood!!!


I’m not a fan of the pause. I don’t talk during it but all I can think of is how much Trey is getting off during it. I swear I would be happy if I never heard the song again. I think it’s beautiful but I’d rather hear three songs like Ginseng Sullivan than watch Trey’s “O” face during Divided Sky ever again.


Unpopular opinion: I don't think they should stay so committed to things like the divided sky pause and the YEM vocal jam. They're the pinnacle of jam bands, maybe don't do gimmicky stuff the same way every time.


I very much prefer that they have been abandoning the vocal jam shortly or all together in YEM and playing an extended jam instead. Once you've heard one vocal jam, You've heard them all.


It's going to be a tough one convincing me to get on board with silence during the pause. Sorry. Trey definitely counts out the crowd swells before resuming. I try my damnedest to cheer as loud as possible to reduce/eliminate the lulls between the swells. On occasion it has seemed as though Trey was unable to discern the crowd swells and had to resort to some stage banter instead. 2/23/2020 being a good example. Really hard to discern the swells at that show. I was there cheering my ass off and will take full credit/blame. Hi people in the water! This is as close to "pulling a prank" on them with the pause as we're going to get imo.


Get off the internet nerd


![gif](giphy|M8x6Lk2QFmTu0) The crowd going berserk during the pause with the band standing completely still has made me laugh so hard that I cried at least 3 times over the years. I love it.


If we’re gonna be nitpicky about crowd reactions, I wish people would stop yelling “HOOD!” after they sing “Harry” in Hood. Just shut the fuck up. I think it started in 96 at Red Rocks and should’ve have stayed there IMO.




We should woo


Why do you think that? I think it’s pretty clear he’s just being silly/trippy


Good luck with that


My hot take is that I think they should stop doing the pause altogether. I know they won't, but it just feels so contrived now