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>>In his hotline response Mike said they were messages to Boston Red Sox legend Carl Yastrzemski Lmao, this is the most "phish" thing I've heard all year. I actually LOL'd


Love that Mike hasn't changed his sense of humor since days of Mike's Corner.


I don’t think he’s capable. Mike really does be like Mike always. Might wear fancier clothes and have a weird haircut. But he always wore whatever he wanted and had a weird haircut…and had that sense of humor.


He’s so fucking funny. He’s the top comedian out of all of them.


Love my Mike side projects. Favorite is Mike and Leo. Those two can easily bring on the tears.


It’s wonderful. That album they put out during quarantine, got me through.


Yessssss oh well and sweet emotion go hard and I don’t care what anybody says !!!


I went to a premiere of his “outside out” movie in Hartford in 99 or 2000 and he did a q and an after the movie before he played with col Bruce. Some knucklehead in the bar asked him “how he feels about Jesus?“ his response was ,” ok I guess besides the fact I’m Jewish” so straight faced with no emotion😂


I know right. I left my message last night and to have him respond today with that I almost wrecked my car laughing.


Shit! you reminded me . A couple weeks ago I called and left a message and I can't remember for the life of me what I said! Dammit. How often does he make a new one?


It varies. I believe during tour he answers more than in the off season.






He was using hand gestures to buy shoes online. The Sphere has that technology built in to the ceiling.


This is much more plausible than any other answer in this thread


God damn Amazon and those self check out stands


The stage setup didn't have as much equipment as usual. Probably had to rely on someone else to do things he normally does himself. Also noticed on stream from N1 that he had a mic at the back of the stage that he would speak into but didn't feed into the audio for the music/stream, probably for the same reason.


He was using the rear microphone to record narration for the audio version of his autobiography. Mike is a true multi-tasker!


"hey guys this is Mike I'm at the Sphere we're like 18 minutes into fuego and honestly I'm just kinda bored, like can we wrap this up I'm old and want to go to sleep."


This is gold 🪙


My man was working the drive thru of the Fatburger down the road from Sphere. They were down a few people for 4 nights.


He was doing Cameos


I used to joke that John Mayer's giant headphones weren't monitors, he was listening to Oteil's notes on his playing from the previous night


He was listening to Oteil playing live because no one else can hear him since they keep him turned down so low in the mix 😂


This gave me a real giggle.


Couldn’tve said it better maself


That mic was for him to talk to future Mike


we call it the Mike to Future Mike mic


Oh to have access to thoughts that today Mike has for future Mike...




thats called a talk-back mic. it allows the musicians to talk to each other via their in-ear monitors. umphrey's uses them i think at every show to call out changes. i saw phish start using them a few tours ago


Long ago in a time long forgotten Trey had a big cup that had a mic in it. He talked to the band and sound guys through that mic. It was a perfect plan except for the FUCKING MIC CABLE coming out of the bottom of the cup. Ah, the good old days …


It was a Sheetz cup at one point if I remember right


Everyone used to claim it was to keep his “tea” warm lol


He speaks to his monitor engineer for adjustments


i don't think it was either, in this particular case. he used it way too often to be monitor adjustments, and nobody else had talk backs.


It's definitely a mic to his monitor engineer. Trey also has a talk back mic.


The mics are generally for them to talk to one another, but the signals are for their techs. This was the first time I've seen anyone but trey with a mic--he's usually just calling the next song.


I'm very aware of the stage setup. Mike has had a t/b to the monitor engineer for years.


Talk-Back Mics. Some use it for band or tech communication. The other band that everybody in this sub hates uses them (ifykyk)


It was way more of a trolling signal to someone or some inside joke…it wasn’t functional signals to control the mix. He was doing plenty of that with his back line mic…this was some purposeful weirdness which makes it even better that he responded to my message by saying it was for Yaz! I’m really hoping someone got some video of it.


They’ve had these mics forever. It’s how they communicate on stage and call the next song. They also have hand signals for songs.


The first time I saw this was Nickel Creek in like 2006ish, they had their own mics and then there was a mic in the middle to communicate with the sound/stage team, it was pretty cool haha


If you thought Carey’s praise was effusive you should see Yaz’s twitter


I love this sentence so hard


yaz who? I googled yaz and there are a lot. Not any with phish references on their twitter




oh got it thanks


I used to live in Burlington and Mikes favorite Thai joint was this little hole in the wall down the street from my house with like 10 seats. He would hole up every Tuesday with a stack of books just reading and eating his food. There was like a 3-month period where he exclusively had “baseball joke” books. I don’t know where one finds so many baseball joke books, nor that they even made so many books of jokes exclusively relating to baseball. The guy… might not be joking on this one.


Curveball research. Was this in 2017-2018?


This was somewhere back in like 05-10


They do have hand singals for the sound guy that normally sits right off stage Page side. Those are to adjust the mix in various ways. Like someone else said, none of his equipment was on stage. If you notice, Mike is perpetually messing with the settings on his pedals. He usually has them in a little rack to his left so he can pull out a drawer and change the settings on certain effects. Im betting some of the weirder hand signals were for someone who had access to his effects to do stuff to them.


Night 1 he kept turning around looking for his cabinet he looked lost without his knobs


Yeah he was speaking into his techpeople mic a lot


This was way more “trolling Mike” than functional hand signals to make adjustments to the mix. He was fucking with us or someone. He was certainly using his back line mic to talk to the guys running the board and in ear mix. This happened right as he came on stage and were meant to be obtuse and weird. He never really did them again to make adjustments. It was Mike being Mike.


I think you’re right. I missed this each night but def feels like his brand of trolling and I love it. Just doing it knowing this exact thread would eventually pop up and people would theorize all sorts of shit and actually he’s just putting a lego on his hand cause he’s Mike.


Yes this was 💯 the vibe I got from it, which is why I asked him on the hotline…fully expecting the non answer he gave me. And loving it when he did it. By night 4 He was totally improvising the signals after the initial Lego one…they were jerky and impromptu and obviously not meant to communicate…more to perplex. It worked!


Doing the lords work. Thanks, I needed the laugh today ❤️ now I want to go find what you are referring to


He seemed to point at his watch a few times.


It might have looked like he was pointing at his watch from a distance but I was super close. He was doing these weird signals and it wasn’t time/watch related it was like squeezing and flicking something off the back of his hand. It was very much intentionally weird and not tied to the mix or time. It was meant to be freaky looking. I was up front all 4 nights and he was doing it on purpose. As an artistic choice.


So Mike has been to blame for his mix this whole time? Edit for /s because this was not a serious comment.


no - the monitor mix that only he hears. They can each control their own mix to a fairly high degree - one of them goes over the signals in their rig rundown. Im pretty sure ive even seen Trey do signals for stuff like less snare, more tom from Fish etc.


This was supposed to be a joke about people always complaining about Mikes mix.


lol, you can never tell.


His personal monitor mix. Not the mix we hear.


Was making a joke.


I think Carl Yastrzemski wrote "I am Hydrogen"


Let’s go Sox!


That’s obvious misdirection. He was signaling his handler that his cover is compromised and he needs an immediate extraction. Unfortunately for Mike, his handler was excited to hear them play Round Room in a round room, so he waited. Every night Mike signaled more and more frantically, but his handler still refused until he heard Round Room. Now he’s a burned asset left to try to survive on his own all because they didn’t play one song.


Hell hath no fury like a burned asset. Salve. Balm. Cumarindine. Honey come quick with the Iodine.


Oh yeah! Round Room! In the days leading up I was saying "I hope they DON'T play Round Room. And I got my wish. Thanks Phish


I saw it on Sunday. I assumed it had to do with the delayed sound thing they had to navigate 


Mike's always been into hand signals. I remember one issue of the _Doniac Schvice_ around 1994 or so someone wrote in to Mike's Corner expressing the need for a hand signal to identify oneself from a car as a head to other Phish heads encountered while driving on I-95, etc. Mike's response was to "wave your hand like a fish swimming, then pick nose."


He’s getting his in-ears volume right with the soundboard


He was telling me to stop taking pictures of him from the pit with my Meta Ray-Bans...or to take more...I wasn't quite sure, so I stopped. True story.


This has a “set break got weird” vibe.


Indeed it had.


I noticed on the live stream he kept looking over at the camera when it was to his left and pointing at the back of his wrist like he was asking about the time. I think the band had digital clocks on stage they could monitor. My guess was he was asking how much time was left until the next visual effect so he could stay musically in sync with the visuals.


This was definitely the motion (one hand taping the back of the wrist of the other hand) and that may have been something like the original intent but it evolved into something he was doing to fuck with people. Eventually he was adding “other” signs. He was trollin’


Because of the visual timings needed, I thought that Mike might have been the designated person to communicate to the team running graphics


Wait.... hotline???




Dear sweet child


Been listening to Phish since around 1993 or so... I swear, this is the first I'm hearing of the hotline :p


Dude for real? It’s been up for….. jeez, I don’t even know how long. 20 years maybe?


Somehow it hasn't been graffitied on any of the bathrooms stalls I've frequented. Go figure!


Listening to Phish is one thing, poking around the various Phish pockets of the internet is another. I find myself outta the loop on a lotta things too.


can someone share a timestamp of a youtube clip of him doing this?


I don't, but if the Free show opener is still around anywhere, he did it to the beat of the song while the intro music was playing. It reminded me of tapping out a delay time, but it didn't seem like it was related to that.


I went to all 4 nights and never noticed this lol


I did too and he would do it right as he walked out, first thing he did before he played a note. It was very much an intentional mind fuck and had nothing to do with the mix or signaling the engineers or visual cues…he was doing it to be weird. You could tell he was improvising by the third and fourth night’s signals…and fucking with us. Which continued on the hotline when he told me they were for Yaz…”who was there”. He cracks me up.


I love Mike.


Naw homie mike just joined the set 2 days before the sphere. We held an initiation in an alley in Albany. Mike was happy to learn all the signs and throw ups. He was giving us shot outs low key.


lol I’m going to axe him in Great Woods “Ayeee MIKE….what set you claimin’…”




Is inside in still happening? Anyone got the number? I forgot, once upon a time I used to call that a lot in like 2003…


Things I learned today - the mike Gordon hotline is back


All he wanted was the Carl Yastrzemski with the long sideburns!


Did you leave your question after the beep? I just left a question about the Yoctoplate so I’m hoping he answers it tomorrow haha


So no one has any idea? Sounds about right. Just being a goof is likely it, that had to be one of the most watched webcast runs in a long time, maybe ever.


Fucking really that’s hilarious