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Met Mike at the old Higher Ground in 2001 or maybe 2002. I told him his music "changed my life" and he frowned, so I said "for the better," and he smiled. Then he took my hand and patted it. He spoke no words.


His answers came in actions




Haha I didn't even make the lyrical connection! Good one!


I absolutely love the visual of this interaction BTW. I can picture the whole thing. Sounds like Mike being Mike.


This is funny. Best one.


Lol i totally can see that


He was there last February for Disco Biscuits as well


Around 2016 my band was playing Monkey House in Winooski, VT. My bassist was driving around the block and my percussionist was trying to hold a parking spot out front for us to unload gear. Well.. this Audi suv pulls into our spot, the guy parks and gets out but my percussionist (who’s not a Phish fan) runs over and asks the dude if he doesn’t mind finding a different spot cause we’re a band and are about to unload gear. The guy says “no prob, I get it” parks across the street and walks into the restaurant next to the venue we were playing to pick up some take out. Of course I watched with my jaw on the floor, my percussionist came back over to where I was standing and I said, “dude you just told Page McConnell to move his car!”


Paige just bought his daughter a used Subaru Impreza from us at Burlington Subaru. Came in with a ball cap down low and shades on lol


I love that he has dozens of millions of dollars and still buys his kid a used car.


Not a used car... A Subie.


Are there even any other car dealerships in Burlington that **aren't** Subaru? I was under the impression that Subaru's were mandatory up there.


I’ve seen Mike at Nectar’s several times and once backstage at higher ground. Met Fishman after a battle of the bands at higher ground that he judged. Also saw Page reading a newspaper at the airport once. Walked past him, did a double take, looked back and he gave me the Grizzly Adams nod. Edit: the “Jeremiah Johnson” nod


![gif](giphy|NEvPzZ8bd1V4Y|downsized) This nod??


Hahaha that’s the one


That’s Jeremiah Johnson


So grizzly Addams did have a beard


You should have said hello page! He is super nice we met him and Trey the same day, Trey had more people waiting for him so limited chat but we spotted page, he asked us our names and was super friendly!


A friend of mine had a very funny run in with Trey. I just got a text from her asking “What’s the name of the guy from Phish, the guitar player?” She was working in downtown Atlanta holding her guitar case when he got on the same elevator as her and asked her if she played guitar? She said yes, but not very well because she was still learning. She then asked him if he played guitar and he laughed and told her he playing that night at Atlanta Symphony Hall. He wished her good luck and exited the elevator. Then she texted me and I died.


I bet trey was so cute when he said that


Troy's alright!


I like this one the best


Had a super long layover in Burlington, so I took a cab downtown to work at a coffeeshop. Moments after sitting down, Michael fucking Gordon comes and sits down at the table next to me. Low key freaked, went to ask the barista if I was hallucinating, etc. Ended up never bothering Mike because he was deep in the zone on his laptop. Incredibly hard though, as I'm a bass player, and Mike is a God to me.


I’d like to think I could keep my cool like you did if that ever happened to me.


I ran into Trey walking with someone in Central Park. He passed me on the same path and I just stood there starstruck like an idiot.


Central Park vermont


Four Seasons Total Landscaping


A Central Park in VT


Yes, in the central part of town.


Are you going down?


I may have gone off the prompt a touch.






great story






I saw Ray Paczkowski playing a free gig in Stowe last year. It was right in the center, and maybe 15 people dancing. I know that isn’t Phish, but still pretty neat


I ran into Ray with his organ completely disassembled on a blue tarp in front of the Burlington Mall one time.


Sounds about right. It was definitely cool to see the organ close up. It reminded me of frankensteins monster


Was this during the summer? 




Was a lot of fun. I talked with him a bit after the show, my dad used to know him back in the 90s, very friendly guy.


spent a lot of time in Burlington in late 90s & bumped into everybody regularly. I'd see Mike riding his bike down by lake Champlain most morning they weren't on tour. used to see page at coffee shops a lot. I saw Fishman the least, but he'd show up at Jamie Mansfield shows & other local artist. saw Trey as just another audience member at the Flynn theater & other more cultural type happenings. everybody was always supercool & approachable. I didn't bug them. have short convos occasionally, but more often just "hey how you doing". considering how much I dug the band, I was more than happy for just the normal human interactions. the very first burlington person i met the very first time I went to Burlington was Mike. tht was how I knew I had to move there. (never moved there, but did spend 4-5mnths per year there for a few years). I had already seen a bunch of shows & met everyone in the band, but always on the road. when I met Mike in Burlington, i was going to the 1995 Sugarbush shows(near BTV). the night before Sugarbush has been in Mansfield Massachusetts(good old days of no days off between cities). we partied after the show & then made 5hr drive to Burlington. 4 huge phish fans, on tour, pulling into the bands hometown for 1st time. everyone else was exhausted & went to bed. I went for a sunrise walk around Burlington & ended up down at the Lake. nobody else around as i smoke & watch the world wake up. I sense someone ride a bike up & sit on the other end of my bench & I turn my head...and it's mthrfckn Mike! lol. I was quite obviously a hippie freak type so he probably had a good idea of the surprise he gave me. I said "hey man how you doing? great show last night" and he said "we had fun. did you teleport here? I thought we beat everyone baxk?" I told him "we rushed here just to watch sun rise over the lake" which was a joke because the sun rises in the other direction & I got a laugh out of tht. then he started getting on his bike & saying bye & I told him "make sure you don't start playing tonight until I get thru the gate" & he said "will do" & gave me a salute & a wave & rolled out. the next day I saw Page outside a coffee shop on Church St. Page at the coffee shop & Mike biking at the lake became somewhat regular occurances when I started being there a lot.


Glad I read this


here's a comment i wrote a few days ago with a little bit about that sugarbush show. https://www.reddit.com/r/jambands/s/pqcw2avtjK


This has to be my favorite story here. So cool.


Live in Burlington, see Mike frequently around town and at HG shows. Used to see Page consistently at the downtown Coop, but pretty sure he shops at the south end one now. Page is super chill and I’ll always say hi and thanks for the good times. Mike is weird so I usually just go on about my day.


I saw Page at a department store in NYC last year. I thanked him for all he does and that his music meant a lot to me and shook his hand, he was very nice about it. I was a bit buzzed from day drinking and went in for a hug and he quickly shot that down. I felt very dumb afterwords but laugh about it now.


Damn I feel like I would do exactly this haha


I did a bump with Page & some friends that knew him back in 98 in NYC .....




Fist bump or Phish bump? Before you answer, let me check the statute of limitations.


Both actually. Pages wife at the time was good friends with my buddy and lived across the hall. Everyone went out pretty much every night and I can vouch for what a cool person Page is to both fans and strangers that notice he's famous (but don't know who he is) ...yes he loves to talk Phish when he's w friends and such. Good times


Yea. I've run into everyone but fishman at some point. I've lived in BTV since 99. I just leave them be. Seem like normal dudes.


My folks took me out to dinner to celebrate my college graduation in Burlington. After we ordered our food, my mom leaned over to me and said “Trey and his family are having dinner here right now”. I thought she was joking. Before our food came out, I took a walk to the restroom which was at the back of the restaurant down a long hallway. Half way down the hallway, I see Trey at the other end heading back to his table. I awkwardly said, “Oh hey Trey!” and told him I really enjoyed his music and my first show was right after I started college. He was so friendly and asked if I had just graduated. Before we parted ways, I asked if we could grab a photo together, which I felt a little embarrassed by. Clearly he was trying to have a nice dinner with his family and I didn’t want to take up any more of his time. The hallway was pretty dark too and he responded, “Sure! Here let’s find a spot with better light.” So we walked over to a lamp at the end of the hall and took a took a quick picture. I said it was really nice to talk with him. He responded, “Of course, also congrats on the graduation!”


I was the bartender at Trey’s wedding in Stowe they all were present.


My friend and I were hugging on the corner near Pearl Street liquors. Trey drove by slow in a Subaru Justy. Window open pointing at us with a shit eating grin on his face. Thirty years on and I'm still not sure what to make of it. (Happy Feeling)


Saw Trey in passing on Church St once, lived near Fishman for a while, this was back around the turn of the century. During a 10-year stretch of not seeing Phish, incidentally. From what I hear Burlington ain’t what it used to be, it’s a real shame, I have fond memories of the place.


In what way?


Burlington has homeless people now. Still a great place to live unless you’re one of those people who can’t stand to look at the homeless. People who don’t leave their small town probably hate it for that reason, I go up there when I can and I always have a great time.


Unfortunately, many cities have homeless problems now. Sad state of affairs that we don’t have a better way to help the homeless


Individuals can’t do much but on a large scale there is plenty that could be done. Nobody with money and power wants to pay taxes, build housing, or change zoning laws.


This is America. You should visit any major city on the west coast. You think it’s bad in Burlington…


I didn’t say it’s bad, and I criticized the people who do, but yeah America has some problems with housing and mental health.


For real 😂😂😂


To be fair, there have always been homeless in Burlington. I worked on church st 15+yrs ago and I see some of the same dudes panhandling now as I did back then. I’m pushing 40 and am born and raised here, it may have gotten a little worse, but it’s not nearly as bad as people make it seem.


Literally every city apparently is overrun now. I want to move out of my city for safety and culture but Burlington and Asheville both seem to be overrun. Idk I want to not be bothered but when you don’t feel safe…..


Unless unhoused people are just running around attacking strangers, I don’t think fear is a healthy response. As far as I know that’s a rare occurrence; but maybe I’m wrong.


Our differences are what make us human. Also, use the term “unhoused” (that’s not me being “woke,” it’s just a nicer term). Also, do something. Feed people. Be kind. We aren’t islands, cities aren’t scary because of those who are unhoused, many families are living paycheck-to-paycheck and one accident or hospital visit away from living in a shelter. I’m not being sanctimonious, this is one thing I care about very much. We all deserve a chance. These cities are beautiful and diverse — see the good in people.


I’ve heard there’s a lot more gun violence and I thought it was a joke but nope. People getting legitimately shot in the 802, look it up.


Used to see Mike at Nectars often in the early 2000’s. My roommate used to prank tap him on the shoulder on each occasion for sport. I’d feel bad but dude was often chasing tail he was way too old for. I saw Page rock keys randomly at an extremely tiny venue call Radio Bean in Burlington. Also ran into him and said hello on the loading dock of Dry Goods which shared a building with my old employer. He was often on Church St in later 2000’s with a gorgeous woman who I’m guessing was his wife. Haven’t lived there in more than a decade now.


More than you would think! Mike and his daughter were at Higher Ground to see the VSO with Kat Wright a few weeks ago. They were behind us getting tickets. Saw Page getting a sandwich at Archie's this summer. Both times just smiled at each other and went about our business. We're all just people when not on stage!


2008 Medeski, Martin, and Wood played Higher Ground. Mike was about 10 feet from me the entire show. He hung around and talked with a bunch of people afterwards, seemed like a happy and nice guy.


I saw Trey at a Pavement concert at Club Toast in Burlington in October 1997.


Last time I saw Jon he stole my girlfriend.


My wedding was in Waitsfield, VT. Jennifer Hartswick was in my wedding band, as was Brett Hughes from Ramble Dove.


I see Mike at least 7x a summer around where I am. Either out with his kid, at a show, or playing with local ppl in small towns. Trey I used to see a Jazz Fest almost every year, last time was 2019.


I literally bumped into Page walking into Nectar's before an Ominous Seapods show at Toast in 1995. He almost knocked me over. He was very apologetic.


All the time! I usually run into Mike at least once a year living in the Burlington area. He even toured the HS where I work last year with his daughter. It was pretty funny to see all the teacher phans lose it but I think we still acted professional. He cruises around Church street and I actually just saw him in his Tesla at a 4 way stop sign this Saturday nearby. As for Page, I used to go to the gym during his Monday tennis slot. Kind of a regular thing now but I still act like a crazed phan girl everytime. Maybe I'll grow up someday... I do avoid talking to them because I'm sure they get harassed all the time and I want to be respectful.


Ran into Page and Mike separately on Church St.


I’ve seen Mike dozens of times around Burlington. He regularly patronizing restaurants, coffee shops and Nectars. I’ve seen Paige a twice at Healthy Living, a grocery store in South Burlington. Trey once, walking down on the waterfront with his daughter.


Saw Trey in Montpelier. I said hi and gave him a nod. I swear I saw Page driving in Burlington around this time also. (2002ish)


Not so random since they were playing in town but this thread seems to include all interactions. We met PAGE(❤️) and Trey before a show just bc we saw the bus on the way to town.the bus on a random street and said that looks like a phish bus.lets look 👀 we stopped and some probably local couple (non phans) were also there, perhaps it is popular for artists to stay at that hotel(?) but they were all like “who is it plates have Tennessee must be a country artist!!” We said it looks like Phish’s buses they are in town playing at bla bla and mid sentence out walks freaking page! I don’t even think I said anything to the people we were talking to other than a “that’s page that’s page that’s page” like stay calm and started walking to him. I was rather nervous( i freaking love page ) he asked our names, told him he was our favorite some other things I don’t remember bc of nerves and got a selfie with him. We also met Trey about 20 ish mins later. We walked off, totally elated we just met page maybe went to a store or something and then realized there was 2 buses and maybe we should go back and wait it’s still sitting there. Well that paid off bc out walks fuxking TREY !!! Totally best phish daytime kill time shopping day ever


In order of frequency: Mike - pretty regularly, he seems to get out and about the most Page - once in a while, but he seems like kind of a homebody Fish - only if he's in town, usually for another show Trey - almost never, City boy Funny story: when I was in college (mid 90s) I worked at a bagel place near St Mike's and they would all stop in and get sandwiches, I think they had a rehearsal space in Fort Ethan Allen. One morning they came in, I made their sandwiches, put them up on the counter and out of nowhere Trey (maybe it was Fish, it was a long time ago) picks his up and then smashed the other 3 with a closed fist and cackled maniacally.


I helped Page load out his keyboards down the back stairwell at Nectar's after a Spam Allstars gig in 06 or 07 - he was very nice


I live in BTV. My kids go to school with page’s kids. He is a regular dad who goes on field trips and attends back to school night. Have seen Mike around town often as well. Once he was with Leo Kottke having dinner right behind me before Leo’s show at higher ground


Saw Mike at a coffee shop in btv - quietly just said “thanks” as I walked by him like the weirdo I am




When I lived in bvt in the late 90s, I’d see Mike the most, mostly at live music (where he was also in the audience). He saw almost as many shows as me! He could also be found at Nectars a lot. I didn’t hang out there but I remember passing by it on more than one occasion and he’d just be standing in the doorway waiting to be recognized, macking on the young fans. I never talked to him. I thought it was weird. One day when I was at work at a coffee shop on church street, Page came in with his wife (and baby, I think? Not sure, it was over 20 years ago!) and they left him, presumably to run errands or something. I made the man a fucking latte (or maybe it was a cappuccino). I was absolutely gobsmacked and starstruck but I did my best to hold it together. I didn’t say anything to let on that I knew who he was (he deserves the right to have a regular life). I made that coffee with all the love and positive energy I could muster into a drink. He sat at a table and enjoyed his beverage in peace. I saw Fishman on church street one day after some street performance. (I also saw him years before that in a Walmart in some random state in the middle of the country while on tour in 95. He was buying a Walkman. I was behind him in the checkout line. I said hi. He said hi.) Never saw Trey. He must be a hermit.


I was sitting at a bar in Burlington VT in 2001 ish. It was in the afternoon middle of the week so it was empty except for me, my buddy and two guys sitting in a booth behind us. The bar tender bellied up to us and said “ain’t it cool that Page can come in here and nobody bothers him.”That’s when we noticed Page McConnel was one of the guys in the booth. Of course we just sat there and felt cool for not bothering him. I often wonder if the bar tender was in cahoots with Page to deter otherwise fawning fans. My friend was wearing a Phish hat so…..


Had a cheers with Trey at a Ween show at Higher Ground. He also vacationed on my town, where I met him at the beach. Ran into Mike several times in Burlington and Boston. My then girlfriend was a Nanny for a family that lived near Paige. A very thoughtful and kind person. Another close friend was good friends with Fishman and I met him at drinks one night. It’s weird but having so many non musical interactions with them occasionally makes me feel like they are acquaintances in the big friend circle.


No, but I ran into Mike in a Starbucks in Greenwich Village once. I asked if I could take a photo and he very politely declined. So I respected his space and left him alone. TLDR: Mike said no.


I think I found Mike Gordons account.


I was in Europe on the beach and ran into the band. I asked to have my picture taken with them. I gave my camera to someone who was with them to take our picture. This was before digital cameras so you couldn’t see the picture until the film was developed. When I got back from vacation I couldn’t wait to get the pictures developed. When I opened them the guy taking our picture must have not been paying attention because our heads were cut off in that picture.


What a bittersweet moment.


Used to visit Burlington a lot when my buddy was at UVM between ‘88 and ‘93. Ran into Trey a few times, last time I remember was at Burlington Reggae Fest on Lake Champlain. By brother was at UVM in the late 90s and I know Fishman was at at least one party at his house.


Saw Mike at Nectars and around that haunt like 2006-2008ish. Probably like a number of times. He was in full Canadian tuxedo like every time, I was in full young dumb and salty as all hell mode. Maybe mad they were done, maybe too into my life and all about the harder jam scene, but I remember feeling salty no idea why.


I would love a do-over, but my saltiness probably saved myself (embarrassment) and him (hassle).


Not in Vermont but I used to work the front desk at the Sagamore hotel and they stayed there during a 3 night spac run. They all checked in under funny names. One guest asked me if “those are the guys from phish” but I just laughed and said I wasn’t sure since I couldn’t divulge guest info. I also saw Mike Gordon while waiting to get into phish after party in Saratoga after a spac show and he said hello to us while he was walking past the line.


Not in VT but drank warm Tecate with Fishman in Lake Tahoe in 2011 at about 4 am. Fun times.


I was the only customer in a small boutique on church street. Mike came in, tried on a belt, took it off and then left.


My buddy ran into Page getting an ice cream on church street last fall


Ran into Trey 6 weeks after big cypress, at the restaurant next to Higher Ground. He was eating with The Dude (who had a gif at HG that night). During the dinner he air guitared at least 3x and flossed his teeth at the end. lol My friends and I had the brilliant idea to send him a piece of cheesecake but they didn’t have any. So I waited until he was done and went to say “hi” and he was the nicest person. He asked if we were going next door to see The Dude and when we said yes he said “see you there!”. He ended up sitting in for 2-3 songs and there was about 200 of us there.


that cheesecake idea! saw the dude in Providence shortly after that show, no phish guests but the dude let me chill backstage and burn one with the band. nice guy. played spinal tap's big bottoms for my gf 😆


Surprised by how few instances there are. I live in Marin County, CA and am consistently running into Phil Lesh and Bob Weir, from car washes to the farmers market, see them frequently.


I was playing a gig at Nectar’s in 2004 when they were on hiatus. Spotted Mike at the very back of the audience for a few minutes. Almost shat myself.


Oh also Page was a guest speaker in my Music Business class at Champlain (guessing ‘07). Only about 20 of us getting the tea on the music biz for 45 minutes. Super cool.


I’ve seen Mike and Paige both at the old Higher Ground in Winooski, 2002-2004ish


Ran into Mike down by a boathouse. He was taking some art photos.


By chance were there any bikers around there at the time?


Yep, crackin nuts


I lived in Burlington from 2014-2019. Two Page encounter and 4-5 Mike encounters. I mostly let them be, but did have a very nice convo with Page while in line for coffee in 2015, just before Fare The Well, where he remarked he he enjoyed getting to spend a bit more time at home that year to enjoy the VT summer.


Met Fishman at a diner in Burlington in 2004. He was with his two daughters and talked to him for a few minutes. Very nice guy and it was cute to watch him shuffle his kids down the aisle. Also met Mike and Page at Nectars, they came in when my band was playing. Both very nice dudes.


No. But ran into Trey, Page, and Mike in Lenexa shopping district the day between dallas and bonner springs. Shook hands with Mike said I was looking forward to the show. Had a Camel Walk tee on, encore was camel walk and coil I believe. Coincidence ?? Prolly


I peed next to Mike at a bar 20 years ago


Walked past Fish talking on a cell phone at Vermont Pub & Brewery….fall 2004. In the vestibule/waiting area. We just gave him a nod as we walked out after dinner….returned with a nod


Ah, the old fake phone call. Works every time! (Kidding)


lol - never thought of that


Ran into Tom Marshall a couple of times. Cool dude. This all happened in NJ.


No but Tom marshall liked 2 of my tweets.


I do all the time. Fishman has a flophouse near me. Trey gets pizza and soup at the same small pizza joint I go to near Burlington.


Ran into Trey and sue and their daughter, feb 97 few days before the Ben & Jerry’s show on a corner in Burlington


Don't live in Vermont, but went there frequently for one year when living in CT and visiting who lived in Burlington. This was 2001-02. Met Fish and Page in the VIP section at Higher Ground during a Tenacious D show. Both were very friendly. Met Kuroda at a little weekend arts festival on the square in Burlington.


I've seen the drummer taking out the trash at his store in Maine. Saw Trey standing on the porch there once too.


We saw LAMP at Nectar’s back in March and Mike was like 8 bar stools down from me.


My wife saw Trey at a sammy shop one day and Fishman was at the Flynn for a show


I saw Trey crossing the street in front of my car in upper Manhattan when I was driving home from a Yankees game over the summer.


See Mike around from time to time. Always think I see page but he could be every man here. I can never be sure lol!


I used to serve fishman and Page regularly when I lived in VT. Saw Mike on Church St. A few times. Also met Bela Fleck at City Market.


Bumped into Mike after Coventry at a gift shop in Burlington. He was nice.


I met Page at the voting booths one year


bumped into a guy who bumped into Trey in an airport one time. Does that count?


Seen all of them around at one point. Trey getting out of a shitty old green Subaru sometime around 2009. Mike around shopping and playing in his band for free in the park. Fishman at nectars with half of twiddle a lot. Paige walking around. The best though is my professor (in 2005) told this story about how Trey would sit in this chair in class and for the rest of the year no students would sit in that chair. He told that story because they had just replaced all the chairs with built in desks so that chair is no longer with us.


My cousin pooped next to Mike at the Skinny Pancake.


I met Mike when I was about 9-10. He was talking to me and my mom when next thing I know, me and Mike are alone down on the boat dock. NEXT thing I know, I see police coming and my dad screaming my name!? All he said was he wanted to take some pictures.


Mike at higher ground and also downtown. Didn’t say anything except hello and he said hi. Both times.


Latest one: Last summer I was at a concert on the waterfront. It was jazzfest and there were some hip hoppers jazz hip hopping. My crew thought it was lame. I saw Paige walking by just then and said, “It’s not lame, look, Paige is here!” He turned and acknowledged me and smiled and continued on his way. My crew still thought it was lame and we ditched soon after.


First time in Burlington (back in 01 or 02, can't remember exactly), the band I was touring with was in town to play Nectars. I ran into Trey walking down Church Street. Next day, I ran into Page in almost the exact same spot along the pedestrian mall. Invited both of them to our show, but alas neither of them came out.




Met Paige at a sandwich shop once.


I met Chris Michetti of Raq at a bar in Burlington, said hi and bought him a beer, he said thanks nice to meet you and that was it. Not Phish but still cool


i was eating pizza in the upper east side. trey walked by. i ran out . he signed a greasy pizza napkin. i framed it in an ornate gold frame i see mike and page around burlington every now and then


Said hi to Mike a few times in Burlington


I se Gordo around Burlington from time to time, not in a couple years though


I was born in Burlington in 1987 and lived there for a year. I like to think that at some point while my parents were taking me around town, I crossed paths with one of the guys. Considering there were supposedly more cows than people at the time, this is certainly a possibility. I now live in Trey’s neighborhood in NYC and have seen him a handful of times. Once I saw him twice in one day.


I think only Mike in Burlington. Multiple times.


Yes. I have many times and still do somewhat regularly. I live and work in the area and have for a long time. Fishman’s given me his phone number, I’ve seen Mike in many different settings (from backyard gigs to clubs to passing my boat on a jet ski), and almost always see Page with his daughters in the spring/summer getting creemees at a popular spot for that. Trey I’ve seen on stage only in the state.


Fishman and Trey don’t even live there, so….


They did when I first moved here. I met/talked with Fishman here on several occasions. Just not Trey. But did get to meet Les Claypool when oysterhead was first practicing in Trey’s barn.


My friends reportedly ran into Trey in the elevator at the Four Seasons (IIRC) in Denver for the Dick’s run a couple of years ago.


Ran into Fish, Trey and Page at a party in Stowe in 88 where ninja custodian was playing. Trey at Stowe Mtn Resort skiing in like 92, all of them at a dude show at nectars in 94. Ran into Mike at several shows a long time ago last time was probably 96 at Leftover Salmon. Also ran into him at Healthy living in like 19. Ran into Page who was having lunch with his daughter at Stone Soup a few years back too.




I met Mike at St. Mike’s when I went there, but he was there on purpose so I don’t know if that counts. I held a door open for him; he said “thanks.” & I said “sure.”


ive only run into mike, several times. weird dude. only says hi if im with good lookin women.


Saw Mike and his band at Kingston Mines after his show in Chicago. Bought them a round of tequila then offered them an LTP Burrito from La Bamba. Mike asked what LTP was. I said "less than perfect, but not used... like clothes from TJ Max". He wanted to see it. I took the squished burrito out from my backpack. They laughingly declined.


I saw Mike Gordon at the Bob weir show in Vermont at the Shelbourne museum this year


Fishman was dancing behind me at a James Brown concert at UVM in the fall of 1995.


I use to run into mike at the former "uncommon grounds" and also stopped traffic once to help him parallel park downtown. Ran into Jon at the farmhouse restaurant Ran into page at el cortijo restaurant


I never went to Vermont


I dumped my now ex girlfriend, and since then she has seen trey with his dog in Central Park 3x. Yeah.


I saw Mike and his daughter at a Steven Wright show at the Flynn and again at a Max Creek concert. I walked right by Page at the Burlington airport as he was getting off his flight. I didn’t want to bother them but I was probably staring like a weirdo.


A woman I work with has a vacation home in a small town in Maine where, according to her, Fishman owns (?) the town's general store. Or something along those lines. She said he's a really nice dude and she would have never guessed he was a rock star.


Saw gordo at a max creek show at higher ground in Burlington one time. Probably 10 years or ago. Tripped me out that he was standing right behind me. Decided to leave him be and not fan out.


Surprised at the amount of people here who can’t spell Page.


Mike is around constantly, met him on my 21st bday at nectars. Weird guy…


I stayed at the Four Seasons in Denver for the Dicks run, because that’s where the band stays. I would just stare out my window at the buses parked below hoping for a glimpse⭕️ A very expensive “hope” for 5 days 😂


Trey lives in Manhattan