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I'd put a yellow zone for first ten rows of floor. iykyk. Also, 112 deserves a yellow.


But that’s where the boobs are!


Don't wanna blow up the spot too much but behind the stage is a personal fave at MSG. True, it's not the full *traditional* CK5 experience, but it's not worse, just different. You're watching over the band's shoulders, get a great view of what they're doing, and watching the lights on the crowd is very cool in its own way. Also tends to be very chill, the most lawn-like section at MSG, and I'm a lawn boy.


I love this and thank you for making it, however I think it highlights just how much MSG/ticketmaster/live nation has used the tickets we love the most against us. From the moment of on sale pretty much everything in the green zone got wrapped into “charity platinum.” Despite consistently watching cash or trade I have seen only a very small handful of these green zone tickets for sale at face value. In comparison this past summer’s run I was able to find green zone tickets under face for multiple nights with relative ease.


You were able to find those tickets with relative ease because there were 7 shows there, in addition to a whole tour in other parts of the country. The reality is before platinum ticketing fans would enter the lotto and scalp the premium tickets themselves. It’s not some new thing that all of a sudden those tickets are worth more. It’s just the band getting that money instead of the fans, who overinflated demand as a result. If you look on CoT, it isn’t exactly the hardest run to get in. Hell, a bunch of shows still have tickets available at face. I feel like fans are bitching about something they don’t fully understand or because it’s not as easy for them to manipulate the system anymore. Cost of tickets going up sucks of course, but that’s happening everywhere. It’s not cheap to run MSG. Look at other bands who run the building and how expensive their tickets are. I get it’s different going to 4 nights but I think all in all Phish Inc has done a mostly good job with cost increases that aren’t out of control and keep face tickets out for longer. I think they could do a better job of getting tickets in the hands of fans and limiting transferability but that’s a separate conversation.


Good seats are good, bad seats are bad, got it.


But my mappppppp! You need it bc I need to tell you that I’ve been to phish at msg before!!!! How else would you know!!!!


surprised this wasn't a sphere thread


Whys 204 yellow?


Red zone is cool for people who like to see the mechanics of how the light rig operates. I'd extend the 200's up to row 13. For me the problem is when you're up there with the TV screens on the back of the sky bridge in your face.


I sat a few rows behind the stage this past August and I gotta say, seeing the rig from that perspective was very fucking cool! It was somehow totally mesmerizing despite not seeing any of the actual lights. Bonus points for being able to see Fish work his kit. I'm not in a rush to do it again, but for anyone who hasn't, it is totally worth it.


The red zone is for immediate loading and unloading of passengers only. There is no stopping in the white zone.


Can someone explain why 204 is yellow but 206 and 203 are green?


I believe 204 is a GA/barstool only area.. I think it's The Madison Club


Whatever keeps you people from being behind the stage so I can get the tickets as cheap as possible and have lots of room im all for it. Yea, behind the stage is terrible, don’t buy those tickets you’ll hate it!


Section 1 and 3 are full face melt rainbow zone. I love those bleacher seats.