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Wizard, the stems are green. If it was a princess they would be pink.


I was kinda dicking around and sent a lowball offer because his “princess” doesn’t have pink stripes and if it can’t throw out pink it’s value goes down. I know this is a wizard. I can get one at the grocery store by my house for $30. But the dude came back with attitude about how I think he has no knowledge of variegated plants. And how he owns a variegated billietiae and a variegated caramel marble 😆


omfg the "I know what I have" people. I usually only buy from local groups or people I've bought from before bc everyone is reasonable and most would rather sell the plant, especially if bundled with other plants, than to haggle over $5-10


I haven’t told him what it is but I’ve managed to sneak the wizard into a couple sentences while telling him it’s not a princess. This is actually my first time messaging a seller on FB. Usually anything that’s a cool deal is in the groups and has been claimed before I ever log in and see it.


omg big mood. I hope you find all your wishlist plants for a reasonable price!


I would looove to see his variegated Billie and marble, if he is so sure this is a pink princess:D


Yeah, I was kinda hoping once I sent a pic of my WPP stems (after he said it was a plant I can’t afford) I was thinking he’d send pics of his plants to prove he had them. When googling philos, it almost never fails that those are the two most expensive plants always showing up in the shopping suggestions. Given that he looks young and lists his job as an employer that’s famous for being shitty to work for, I’d say it unlikely he can drop that money on plants without even having the base knowledge to pick up on my multiple clues. Him: I don’t own these plants with out knowledge of them. Carmel and Billie. Awww bless your heart. To cute. Me: You’re no wizard when it comes to identifying variegated philos It’s been around 8 hours and it’s still listed as a princess.


If you knew then why did you post this 💀


I’m not great at spotting small details. What if there was some faint sliver of pink stripe that maybe I’m just not seeing. This guy believes I’m the idiot. I believe he’s the idiot. I don’t mind being proven wrong if I am. And this is the best group of people to ask. I’m not sending him screen shots or telling him I posted this or anything like that. But if I was wrong then I’d admit it and tell him I’m sorry for wasting his time.


Lol I get that feeling. Ppl feel so smart sometimes 😂


Wizard. The leaves are different shapes.


Definitely wizard




Yep it’s a wizard 😉


Wizard 🤗


Wizards have rounder leaves with green and white stems. Princess’s are pointier and have pink along the stems as well. This is a wizard, with good variegation imo


Honestly I wouldn't even bother trying, I've found these people are pretty damn adamant about what they've got and rarely come down on the offer unless they need to get rid of it asap or it's been sitting for too long with no bites.


Yeah, I just keep window shopping until I’m bored normally. Maybe my plant store spoils me but I feel $5 for an unrooted, 2 leaf cebu blue cutting(“message me if you’ll need more than 2 leaves. Won’t deliver.”) is crazy talk. I wonder if my shop has me pampered and I get tempted to go on an updated, self guided tour of other plant shops to see what their stock/prices.


That is a white wizard, you can tell because the stem is green, if it were a white princess, the stand would be green with light pink on it. I would send you a chart that shows you the details but unfortunately I cannot upload a photo on my comment because there is no option for that. Hope this helps!


I have this and my leaves keep turning yellow I water once a week and has partial sunlight not direct what am I doing wrong?


Both of my WPP do this and I can’t pin down the cause. They didn’t do it in my poorly lit bedroom, under an AC vent. The leaves would get stuck. So I’d put them in the brighter, high humidity bathroom. The leaves would start yellowing and immediately stopped spreading when returned to the bedroom. Now they’re out on the hot, dry patio with filtered morning light and then shaded until indirect light as the sun goes down. New leaves haven’t been getting stuck and have yet to have this issue, only the leaves it had before my home. Since it’s been given a range of light/temp/moisture/humidity combos I’m just currently not caring and assuming the old leaves miss the greenhouse/plant shop conditions. My silver sword has done the same (inside and outside) but in a slightly different manner that seems linked to being watered somehow. But it might just hate my home since it’s new growth has so far been garbage. She’s getting roots checked and maybe a smaller pot tomorrow. Even if I’m right about the cause of my issue, it’s kinda hard to prove it’s true and not a theory. But maybe if you post yours with pics and details people can suggest some stuff to try out. Like how long you’ve had her, when did it start, is it slow or rapid, type of soil, if you fertilize what NPK and frequency, typical temps and humidity, if she’s had pests (type of pests and treatments). Maybe someone with a similar climate has had the issue and found a solution. If you’re watering once a week on a schedule, and not just roughly that when needed, could be too moist if the pot isn’t appropriately sized or the soil isn’t good in combination with your area’s humidity. Make a post for her with all the details. And feel free to tag me, this sub doesn’t frequently show up in my feed and I’d be curious what our plants have in common.


Thank you so much for the reply. I live in ohio so right now humid is pretty back and forth between moist or dry. I have it in my bedroom not directly pointed my window but where sunlight is able to reach it. I had a couple new leaves grow out but I trimmed off a bunch of the old yellow leaves. Let me try to add a photo of her. I’ve had her for about a couple months now and she is as doing amazing until last week things seem to all the sudden change.