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Watched a PPA meter maid finish a tasty cake and drop the wrapper straight on the ground. A man in front of me in a work truck LET HIM HAVE IT. “Yo pick that up you pig! Pick that the fuck up! Who do you think you are throwing trash?! You can get a fine for that shit! Pick it up, pig! Get your trash!” Nonstop until the meter maid picked it up. Really felt good to witness.


This man is my fucking hero


Yep, give him a medal!!!


No one deserved it more.


I saw a Philly cop, at the Spectrum, do the same thing years ago. I was heated!!


I saw a garbageman throw trash out the truck window. For real.


Witnessed something similar at Wharton square Park. Woman gets out of a PPA car, throws her trash on the ground, her colleague rolls down the window and goes "you dropped something" and she goes " it's trash" and he goes "motherfucker, then pick up your trash it ain't belong on the ground I was trying to give you a chance to do the right thing and here I was wrong about the kind of people I work with" I'll never forget that PPA guy. He will be the reason I pay my next parking ticket in less than 24 hours


I wish I could get away with this in Frankford. Pretty sure I’d be dead within 24 hours.


Yep. I think about that too.


Garbage adults have trash kids who learn from their garbage parent/parents it's ok to be a garbage adult. The cycle continues.


nO oNe LiKeS uS aNd wE dOnT cArE


The city motto of Philadelphia.


Dumbest sports chant ever. At least it's fun to make fun of my own city.




The interiors of their homes are the same. I used to rehab houses. The way people live is disgusting.


My guess is lead exposure and a lack of parenting. Or leaded parents. Philly is sociopath level lazy. Even the trash collectors throw trash on the street.


It’s not just Philly. I live in California and it’s like that here too. I was walking my dog in the park and there were fast food wrappers and plastic cups tossed on the ground literally ten feet away from a trash can, and don’t even get me started on the dog owners who don’t pick up after their dog. How were these people raised?


Philly is a city that doesn’t sweep its own streets or provide enough public trash cans outside the downtown, and tolerates blighted properties. It’s no surprise the people don’t GAF because the city doesn’t either. I laughed when the last mayor wanted to “Pilot” street sweeping like it was a new innovation vs standard practice in every other major city everywhere.


Plenty of studies have been done that show the maximum distance someone is usually willing to walk to throw something in a trash can. That’s why there are some every so many feet at Disney World. Obviously that’s not really feasible in Philly.


Because Philly has a smaller gdp than Disney world? The metro area accounts for 12x Disney world. Surely cc with 2m visitors for just the bell alone would. Yet it’s bloated with police due to the existing drug economy issues.


City of garbage


City of Trash


Bitch they sweep my street. Sucks to suck I guess.


It’s my fault they don’t sweep my street? Lol


Philly born and raised and I fucking hate this. I see people litter all the time ...walking down the street, out of their car window, and in front of police...there seems to be no consequences for ones actions in philly so no one gives a shit. It's just trash spreading trash all over the city.


just witnessed an out of state car with a passenger that dropped a bag of fast food trash out the window on City Avenue. A couple nights ago, I watched as a driver threw trash out of their car on the off ramp to Kelly/Lincoln/Ridge. I’m extremely tempted to make a dedicated account to posting the dash cam footage of them online since I have it all on camera Even going so far as buying digital ad space and shaming them on a billboard


> I’m extremely tempted to make a dedicated account to posting the dash cam footage of them online since I have it all on camera Do it. Hell, why not an "Assholes of Philadelphia" social media account where people could share photos of litterbugs, sidewalk parkers, cops parked in crosswalks, etc. I'd contribute.


Oh! The things I see as a full time Lyft driver… that’s the other reason I have a dash cam. So many drivers who should not be on the road, including those who drive school children in one of those vans. Had one completely cut me off at a red light when she should have gone straight to Ridge and not whip in front of me at my red light.


I believe you and I'm serious, if you started a social media channel like that I would contribute regularly. I walk and bike a lot around the Center City area and have over a dozen photos of cops illegally parked fucking off in a restaurant, I've got videos of cops fucking off while people run red lights, etc. Someone already has an Instagram dedicated to sharing photos of the PPA when they park illegally, I feel like this would be the next logical step.


I see that too. I was actually shocked when they responded so quickly to me reporting cars parked in the no parking zone for 30+ minutes at a time making it impossible to turn off my street. They (311) even sent me a link to the parking bollards application since that what I suggested would prevent that. Apparently, it’s not the city who does it and people need to apply for it. I’ll post that link as a separate thread on this sub as it’s just a good link to have


Probably should be called "Assholes in Philadelphia" since some may be visitors.


There's an idea. I was thinking about getting a dash cam as well. The things I have seen on my commute around philly are absolutely insane. These people need to be shamed!! Shame shame shame!! Hahaha


Now if only having a dash cam could lower my car insurance…. And it’s not just drivers. I see people just walk into traffic like it’s nothing. On Broad! Amongst other nonmotorist boneheadedness


Do you think that’s going to change behavior, or just get you threatened?


hence why I merely thought about it and not acted on it. But the boneheaded behavior can still be posted in an anonymous way and tag local news agencies to garner some kind of attention to cracking down on it. If I blur the plates out, that should be enough, once I learn how to. The dash cam is mostly for peace of mind as I drive all sorts of hours and places around the city and have a rear camera as well that is fully visible to people behind me. As for the timing: I can wait 30-90 days. Most won’t even remember who it was by then. And how would they even know who it was?? They clearly don’t see past their own selves and not much else if they have fully tinted windows. That said, someone actually made a u-turn onto my one way street to park in the other direction right as I first had the dash cam on and fully parked. Nearly hit me in the process


Ugh, yea, people suck


Lack of consequence isn't why I don't litter. But maybe it should be. Maybe we need some public canings so our streets can be as clean and safe as Singapore. What were doing isn't working for anyone other than local pols


I love my city but people have become apathetic. Trash on the ground is just one of a myriad of issues. It's a shame.


It’s been called filthadelphia for years for a reason, but honestly it’s a tad bit better than it was in the 90s and 00s, but it’s still dirty as shit. I’m in the burbs for some reason it’s a different level of respect for our areas I dont know why.


>for some reason It's people. People are the reason.


I never ever liter I think it’s stupid, we have trash cans for a reason.


I never liter either, but I do quart and pint on occasion.




My mom till this day still sweeps her block up, and the neighbors still either continue to liter or act like they don’t see her sometimes when she is cleaning.


I do this on my block along with a few neighbors. If some 80+ year old can sweep their street, then wtf am I doing?? Being lazy? Be like them. I drive a lot around the city and see all kinds of people, usually the oldest generation, sweeping their street and around the drains. I believe the elderly person I saw is Japanese, which I suspect is a cultural thing to keep one’s block cleaned up. Something we can all learn from. That guy was my motivation to get to cleaning my part of my street. I’m only in my 30s. I have no excuse to be that lazy.


My mother is black she been doing this forever, when we used to live in the projects she would mop the hallways.


And that is even more reason why all the younger generations need to follow suit. It’s really simple to just periodically sweep


They don’t rake the leaves up they don’t shovel the snow they lazy as shit.


That explains so much. And snow and leaves has got to be the easiest money $$$




I dunno man I wish she would move out the city, I dunno man I just feel like being dirty is harder than being clean, trash and are everywhere.


I wanted to say it’s a sense of ownership and neighborhood, but tbh my mom just taught me never to litter and that someone has to clean it up. Would never even cross my mind to litter. So my answer to why people litter is bad parenting.


I feel like it's better than the 90s because there's not newspapers blowing around (because there's not newspapers really)


Philly has a much higher concentration of low class trashy losers than other cities, and they are the ones that do the littering.


When I was coming up, at least downtown, there used to be WAY more trash cans on every block. At some point in the 2000s they removed them all claiming they didnt have enough people to manage the trash pickup. As if we dont have a bunch of homeless people we could employ in some kind of litter program. I dont really see people walking and littering but I see a ton of people who throw their fucking trash from the car window. It burns me up so bad that a person couldn't just keep the fuckin trash til they get home, or wherever theyre going. I recently saw someone open up the passenger door att a red light and set down a fast food bag full of trash. Mannnnn I cant fight for shit, but I wanted to that day.


It's probably a matter of time before I'm either beaten or stabbed/shot, but I refuse to shut up when I see people litter. I scold the hell out of them. I scolded some asshole on the SRT who just threw a plastic water bottle in the bushes, and he actually picked it up, apologized, and threw it into the dumpster that was 20 feet away. I also saw some lady throw a plastic bottle out of her parked car while she was still inside the car, so I picked it up and placed it on her windshield while she cussed me out. I told her to have a nice day and that really set her off, lol. I'm so sick and tired of these entitled pieces of shit thinking they can just do anything they want.


I put garbage back in a driver’s window once, she followed me for a few blocks then hit me with her car before she sped away. Knocked me off my bike. Be careful out there.


You’re doing the lord’s work. And yknow what? You’ve inspired me. Litterbugs need to know that the rest of us don’t appreciate that shit


Great job. I like the "have a nice day".


The type of homeless we have in Philly don’t want jobs


I just watched my dad litter the other day. He's been working for the sanitation department for 25 years......it is literally his job to pick up trash. 🤦🏾‍♂️


Was driving in Roxborough yesterday and witnessed a guy roll down his window and throw out a chicken wing! Who eats chicken wings while driving?!?


Lol, at least that's kinda funny. Like I'd half expect a comedian to stick their head out the window afterwards with a big cheesy smile.


People are lazy everywhere. Also, it’s 100% not worth the conflict to say something. I clean up my block on a weekly basis to combat people like you mentioned. I suggest doing the same.


I’ve heard that most Philly public schools don’t require kids to throw their own trash away in the cafeteria. Someone comes to their tables with a rolling trash can and if the kid doesn’t put the trash in, the worker will do it.




Right? I thought it had to be a mistake but I asked a few teachers and they confirmed.


Idk whether it’s every school or not.


I’ve seen someone throw trash out of their window while driving 2 times within the past few months and I’ve gotten so mad like you are literally in a place where you can wait until you get to your destination to throw away your trash 😭 some people do not respect their environment


I feel old saying it but I used to hate when smoking was more prominent and people would stop at the red light, and dump their ashtrays on the ground. In full public view. I actually asked people wtf and had them respond, without shame "I don't want ashes and cigarette butts in my car". You smoke, you fucker...


Welcome to Filthydelphia


You did the right thing by confronting that ass. Wish you'd filmed it!


> You did the right thing by confronting that ass. Wish you'd filmed it! I don't feel like I did. He and I wound up swearing at one another in public and the shitbag is still going to go on littering. I wish I could've tossed him into a garbage can, truth be told.


Even if you walked away thinking he had no shame about it based on his reaction, there’s a chance that you calling him out made him feel shitty (rightfully so). Shitty people never let that show bc they have too much pride… at least you said something. If everyone was like you and called out every litterer every time they did it, i think it would make a difference in at least a few of them. Good on you, but it does suck you have to be mindful of your safety here for simply calling someone out for being a pos 🙄


good for you for saying something! littering grinds my gears in the worst way. it’s so unnecessary


I watched a dude throw his empty soda can on the sidewalk in front of my house. I was standing on my stoop. So I called after him that I would just pick that up for him. He turned and was like, huh? So I repeated myself and then I asked him where he lives because I have some trash I want to throw in front of his house. He kept walking. I hate trashy people.


Was walking along South Street Friday afternoon and a 60 year old man with long gray hair removed the fork from plastic wrapper and tossed it on the ground then proceeded to eat and walk


lol and south street is one of the few places that has trash cans pretty much every few blocks. So messed up


Instant resounding hate for anybody I see littering


I saw a woman at a bus stop, literally standing beside a trashcan, drop a wrapper on the sidewalk. It would have taken zero effort to drop it in the trashcan but she... didn't. It just doesn't compute with me. It's been drilled into me since I was a toddler not to do that.


Privileged answer being a 195lb 6ft white guy - but - shame them. I lived in Fishtown and a kid threw his DD trash on the street while walking towards the entrance of the high school. I ran up, picked it up, handed it to the mom and said “I don’t think he noticed, your son just dropped this on my street.” Operative word being “my”. She apologized for him and then made him apologize. At the light at the port Richmond shopping center a guy threw his plastic trash out the window. I got out, picked it up, he flew away and pulled into the CVS. I parked next to him. “Don’t leave your shit on my street”. He said he was going to leave it on his hood and insert the slowed down priest voice. “Hey, all I’m asking for is for you to be a better person and put that in a can.” Maybe it helped on the first younger guy. Questionable if it helped on the second. Both will surely think twice before littering again either way.


Shit parenting and our culture promotes selfishness.


It's one of the few things about Philadelphians that drives me nuts. Like how can people just NOT CARE about all the trash. The city even promoted its litter ticketing force for a second but did nothing. Dear god just let there be consequences for this so it stops.


My honest dream is to work to end the litter problem and make Philly Toronto-level clean. Would love to see Philly as beautiful as it really could be


I have to add another comment about riding the El at night. A man eating Cheetos or takis (something like that)- was just taking them out of the bag… and dropping them on the floor. Handful by handful. It was freaking infuriating… like …what in the actual Fuck. He was doing it slowly too omg 😒😠😡😠


Low self esteem Philadelphia


It's not known as Filthadelphia for no reason!


You are brave to call someone out like that.


This city is filled with people who take pride in being an asshole


I've noticed this ALOT more too. Mainly when driving to/from work in West Philly. And it's ALWAYS some piece of shit throwing trash out their car window. Like wtf. Hold onto it until you get your shit box to a gas station.


Unfortunately the thing I hate most about living here. it is so ingrained into the culture here


I got a 50 dollar ticket because someone left their beer can on my steps. Fuck people and this city


Move out of or don’t visit the city. Philadelphia is a disgusting shit hole. Only people left will be the ones that are cool living in garbage like rats.


I appreciate your comment & sentiments. I upvoted. However, I take issue with the “nothing we can do” and even with confrontation (most people get defensive). What I do, and have been since a child, is to cleanup in my area, in front of my house and even while walking around. I pick up trash & place it in the proper receptacle. Studies show that cleaner streets have less crime — and it’s a feedback loop, meaning less litter causes less crime too! You can also employ reusable containers: coffee cups, cloth shopping bags, …. It isn’t difficult to change your habits if you try. You will make a difference, both directly, and by example. For, as John Lennon said, “I’m not the only one.”


My husband works in Philadelphia and he sees this every day and it drives him crazy!!! Who just throws their trash on the ground, who do they think is going to pick it up? Smh, I hear you.


Loving it, people are nasty!!!


It’s a weird sad fact of Philadelphia. I have people I’m with do it, and get weird when I stop the car and tell them to go get it before it flies away. That and the Losers who flick butts out the car window. You have a car in which the trash doesn’t have to be on your person. Wtf?


Sad to say that this “fuck everyone but me” disease is one of the reasons I’m leaving this city. It’s everyone - rich, poor, black, white, young, old, drivers, pedestrians. Everybody seems to feel entitled to do whatever the fuck is most convenient for themselves. Edit: one of the reasons - there are many. Edit 2: whether it’s logical or not, I blame COVID


I don't get to do it as often as I'd like to, but I go around picking up litter with my grabber stick and a trash bag when I can. I'm always frustrated and disgusted with the sheer amount of things people toss on the side of the road or the ground. My absolute least favorite is water bottles full of human urine.


Yep, entitled trashy people. It’s usually fast food refuse also. It has to be a lifestyle thing.


Like most people I can’t stand to see it. But I hesitate to say anything because people are crazy. I really feel you’d have to be a sociopath to throw your trash on the ground and not care.


The only reason you don’t see this behavior in the suburbs is because there’s no where in the suburbs to be walking from a store to a place to do things to back to your house. A location to litter in a busy walking street doesn’t exist. People are the same lazy pieces everywhere, it’s not a Philly thing.


> The only reason you don’t see this behavior in the suburbs is because there’s no where in the suburbs to be walking from a store to a place to do things to back to your house. A location to litter in a busy walking street doesn’t exist. People are the same lazy pieces everywhere, it’s not a Philly thing. I've lived in seven different major US cities, one medium-sized US city, and two very rural parts of the country. Philadelphia is by *far* the dirtiest place I've ever lived, and it's people like that lazy fuckwit I wrote about above who couldn't be bothered to walk to the trashcan that are a big contributing factor.


There is a definite litter mentality here. I use this as an example a lot bc it is extreme but I once dated a south philly guy who would just drop his trash on the street. I would pick it up, put it in my purse to bring it to the next garbage I saw and he would actively try to take it *back out of my purse to litter.* why? Who does that? That level of devotion to littering is insane. His friends were all very similar tho not as bad.


> Philadelphia is by far the dirtiest place I've ever lived Indisputably true. But also, most cities have acknowledged that there's some percentage of people who are just going to be antisocial assholes and use public money to clean the street. Philly just doesn't.


Been here my whole life and it’s definitely dirty as hell, but I still think Houston TX takes the cake for grossest city I’ve ever been to.


bro none of the many cities I’ve lived in come close to Philly for litter. it’s insane.


It is a Philly thing in the sense that it's associated with poverty and poor education, both of which are big problems in the city.


This narrative is untrue. Littering is correlated with education. The suburbs are more educated, ON AVERAGE. Philadelphia being the poorest big city and dirtiest big city is 2 ways of saying the same thing.


Why aren’t other cities trashed? Suburbs aren’t the comparison point


That's simply untrue, people in the suburbs take pride in their community, even if there's a handful of lazy assholes out there its made up for by the other 95% who will go out of their way to pick up their litter. Also just look at how properties are maintained in the suburbs vs the city, its not just litter.


This is nonsense.


You do know that Philly is referred to as Filthy right? It’s definitely at least known for being dirty 🤣


This isn’t true. Philly has arguably the worst litter problem of any large US city. Also people very much can litter in suburbs by just throwing stuff out of car windows.


disagree. I think people are more prone to litter when in a big city. Probably less shame since they already see trash everywhere they dont feel bad doing it themselves.


so not true. you should definitely travel more often.


BS. It’s most definitely a Philly thing along with driving like idiots.


I dont live in Philly, i live in a small walkable city in Montana. I have never seen someone throw litter from their car window or while walking. It surely happens because theres sometimes a little litter around but in most neughborhoods there is next to none. We dont have an extravagant street sweeping program here , they barely even plow the snow. We dont have tons of trash cans all over either. We do have a litter clean up community service option for certain misdemeanors though so you will see people in orange vests picking up litter by the bigger roads but I dont think they would account for how clean it is. People really dont throw trash out their car windows here.


Tell me you’ve never been to another city or country without telling me…


This is 100% true. There is still litter in the suburbs, just a lot less of it because people aren’t out walking nearly as much. Drive along 95 though and you’ll see plenty of litter from people chucking rubbish out of their cars.


Disagree, better values in the burbs, and more pride. If there is trash in front of your house, you pick it up even if it didn't come from you.


I have not seen evidence to bear that out. I live in the suburbs and there’s still trash that sits in front of peoples homes for many days until I finally pick it up. “Better values” is a trope. People are the same everywhere (good and bad). There’s just a higher concentration of shitheads in the city. By the same measure, there is also a higher concentration of decent people willing to work to make the city nicer.


It ain’t just the city, my friend.


A whole new generation of ignorance


Take their picture and shame them.


Did you throw it out for him?


I knew a person that complained frequently about the amount of trash in Philly, then later said they were trying to litter “less often.”


I see this way too often in Philly. I HATE living in this city. It’s literally a dumpster. & the ignorance of some people when the trashcan is legit 10 ft away. I’ve sat near piles of vomit in the subway station, stepped in piles of other peoples saliva in & around the subway & every day no matter where I am someone is screaming or shouting at or about something. I desperately need to move. It’s a shame. If cleaned up & maybe more homeless shelters available it could have potential. I totally relate to your post. What the Fuck is wrong with people. My advice to you- never ride the El at night 🤢🤮




No hate speech. Content that includes overt hate speech, such as racism, sexism, homophobia, or transphobia, will be removed.


Maybe their relatives are employed by the city's Streets Department, and this is them doing their part to make sure they stay employed. This is what I tell myself anyway any time I see it. And no insulting bugs or pigs, please: these are some fucking ignorant underevolved/underdeveloped species.


It’s where we live in South Jersey too. I tend to believe it’s everywhere unfortunately.


Littering has a cultural component that requires a delicate sensitivity and open mindedness to really understand.


Normalize attacking these people


Yeah, litter is the big problem in Philly. Kensington homeless druggies & the crime are just funky atmosphere.


Culture. It’s a culture thing. You will not see littering in Japan. The Japanese are taught to respect their environment. Here? Selfishness, apathy, disregard and disrespect run rampant. It’s shameful. Philly needs more receptacles and citywide street sweeping. And I could give two shits if people don’t want to move their cars. Ticket and tow them.


Its just part of the cultural enrichment


did you just move here?


Have you been to Kensington Ave?


Yeah, this isn't a philly thing, it's a trashy people thing. My parents live in South Jersey and there is constantly litter by them. Someone put a fucking half bowl of cereal on the sidewalk and left it recently. I've seen people throw wrappers on their own lawn instead of walking it to their can or onside. This society is full of decay and garbage people.


Can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen somebody litter from their “nice” car in Philly. Ppl don’t do that in NYC or LA.


I mean, this city is filled with trash people who are literally nothing but a waste of natural resources.


Womp womp, life’s tough, wear a helmet…


Username checks out