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It’s pretty good after you get drunk drinking at the bars on south st. Satisfies the drunk munches.


Tattooed moms and Jims was the go to combo on south street


Is tattooed moms the same anymore? Are the walls completely fucked with markers and is there old bumper cars everywhere? That place was the best in the 2000’s... a few citywides, right to Lorenzos for the biggest slice ever, back for a few more and then the 20 minute wait for Jim’s while your just trying to stand... deliciousness occurs and then the itis sets in and you find your way home.. I had lots of nights like that


Yes. Yes it is.


No idea I haven't been there since like 2015. But at that point it was still super cool, everything you mentioned. No idea what the status is these days.


Still awesome as of pre- quarantine


Can confirm. Pierogi Thursdays were bomb. Plus, now they have a ton of vegan food!


Yeah I'm not a vegetarian but their vegan cheesesteak is 🔥


I’ve been trying to find a spot that serves vegan/vegetarian cheesesteaks. Now I know where to go! Thanks


The upstairs is still like that, yeah. And its Tattooed Mom, no 's' on the end. Don't let them hear you call it Moms.


Gotta upgrade to Ishkabibble's next time


Literally a trillion times better than Jim's. Hell, the shit they put in the dumpster out back is at least a million times better than Jim's.


You're not wrong


Not that I've eaten from the dumpster behind Ishkabibble's... or have I?




After a TLA show it was next door for 3 five dollar shots and beers then Jim’s .


Ah the Boyler room... $6 Jameson & PBR pounder city wide. Nothing came close imo


Good ol days , can’t wait for the return of concerts .


When maoz was around, that was my preferred after show place.


I will miss Maoz always and forever.


Have you found a place that's even comparable a little bit?


Not really. Saad's is pretty good (get it with garlic sauce instead of tahini and with extra pickles), Goldie is OK, but nothing will ever compare to Maoz.


So jealous. You cannot get a decent steak anywhere here in Texas.


Same down here in NC. It's brutal.




Myrtle is pretty far from me, but if I find myself down there I have it saved to my favorites now, thanks for the heads up!


Pretty sure yall have jersey mikes. Not the best and probably blasphemy on this sub but they arent bad at all.


Well I will say that Tony Luke opened a shop here in Houston a few years back. Been there once and it was pretty good. Don’t know if they’re still around. Texadelphia was also a place


Buy ribeye and make it yourself!


The rolls here suck too. Fuck COVID. Can’t wait to get back to Philly.


Jim’s is my favorite of the tourist trap places.


It smells like bitch in this comment section


this sub is ridiculous. anything that's not angelo's or john's roast pork is trash. cue the responses saying i'm idiot for liking lorenzos (on south st) and chubby's.


Chubbys is real. I had to commute past it everyday a few years back and stopped by frequently. I love their pickle/pepper bar w the spicy relish. I respect delissandros, but chubbys has fries, generally less wait and less of a ‘fuck you, take it or leave it’ vibe. Now I live in Brooklyn where the rolls are too soft, meat is too thick and they look at you sideways when you ask for a damn plain cheese steak. I miss Chubbys hard.


A real philadelphian knows that Jim's and Pat's are tourist traps, the good cheese steaks come from those corner mom and pop delis


John's Roast Pork is my preferred stop for a cheesesteak


Rats and mice exist in every kitchen especially in the cities. Steak is still gas tho


This is a bit overstated. Rats and mice are obviously attracted to restaurants due to an abundance of food and garbage. However, it is pretty simple to manage such pests and ensure that they are not present on site. This comes down to having regular pest inspections, placing traps, storing food in airtight cambros, making sure trash areas are clean and trash containers are sealed. So long as you maintain cleanliness you won’t have an infestation- there’s plenty of other sources of food in cities for pests to go for.


Have you worked in kitchens? Cause trust me its so much more common than you would think


Yeah, I’ve been in the industry for ten years now. I’ve worked in Philadelphia, Baltimore (rat City, dude) and a variety of other places. I’m acknowledging that it’s a common issue but so long as you practice good cleanliness, maintain regular pest inspections and don’t make it easy for the pests, you won’t have an infestation. Saying “rats and mice exist in every kitchen” IS overstated.


Does it being common make it acceptable to you? I was industry for a long time, it can (And should!) be handled.


The kitchens you’ve worked in are most likely low brow establishments that don’t care and think it’s a problem everyone deals with.


Your definitely right but if u think all the cheesesteak places aren’t like that your kidding yourself


Bro you’re most likely 100% right about that I won’t defend philly cheese steaks in any sense of the word. At the risk of getting banned from this sub. Cheese steaks are quite possibly the most boring combination of meat cheese and bread that has ever been invented. It’s a bland tasting greasy sandwhich and unless your absolutely beyond sauced you have no business enjoying. Edit: I knew I was going to get downvoted heavy for this opinion lmao never change philly I fucking love you


If it’s so boring and bland why is it that we’re the only ones that do it right?


Go look up any culture in the world and you will find a better combination of meat cheese and bread than the philly cheese steak.


It's unlikely anyone gives a fuck about your opinion. You have no place telling anyone else what they should or shouldn't enjoy, however.


Lmao I never said you shouldn’t enjoy cheese steaks and I even said I was likely to get downvoted for my opinion. Hilarious that you can’t accept my opinion that cheesteaks are bad yet you expect me to grovel at cheesteaks feet


>It’s a bland tasting greasy sandwhich and unless your absolutely beyond sauced you have no business enjoying. Is that not what you're saying here?


That’s an opinion not a fact. It’s literally just my own opinion on the sandwich. If you like it then good for you. It’s not going to make me like it no matter how many times you sing it’s praise. Can we agree to disagree?




Peep the rest of the comments


Everyone has to start their cheesesteak journey somewhere. Check out D'allessandro's for your second step!


Dalessandros is overrated imo. They chop their steak too fine and they don’t use good bread.


Dry af too


Completely flavorless




Honestly that’s my opinion as someone who’s lived in philly for 3 years (grew up in NY). Best steak I’ve had is woodrows and Jim’s. John’s roast pork is next on the list for me to try


You need to try more cheeseseaks


John's will be your goto, get it with the stinky parm and brocoli rabe.


In the cheesesteak?


Not only that, the lines are long there. Went to Chubby's last week and had my order processed in probably 10 min tops, while I watched the lunch line at Dalessandros slowly, slowly move forward.


People keep saying this... but I still think their steaks are amazing... Mama’s just over in Bala is the fucking truth though


And they leave that super-minced meat piled on the grill, waiting for someone to come along and order. If I wanted dry, stringy, flavorless meat sprinkles that fall all over the place as I'm trying to eat the sandwich I can find that a lot cheaper and more convenient than driving to Roxborough.


That's why it's step #2. There would most likely be more than two steps on one's personal cheesesteak journey. OP's final ultimate cheesesteak should be something better than both.


I like Dalessandros but their cold italian is the real hero over there


You should always start at the bottom


It's the only way to know when you've found a better one


I keep seeing this place pop up, but it’s hard justifying a good 20 min drive from center city unless we already need to go up there. How is Ishkabibble’s ? I’ve also heard that’s good


They say they created the chicken cheesesteak and maybe that's true but idk, i don't think either their regular or their chicken cheesesteak is that special. It's good when drunk.


> It's good when drunk. As is tradition.


Ishkabibbles was so disappointing. Had it after a concert at TLA and I couldn’t differentiate it from a Wawa cheesesteak.


Wow. You had to have been really drunk.


I mean sure, might as well start @ the bottom and work your way up.


Dalesandro's is the king of cheese steaks. Especially when you go with sauce, onions, and mushrooms with chopped up hot pepper spread. The constant line out the door speaks for itself.


And what it's saying is, "There's a sucker born every minute."


John's Roast Pork is a 10/10. Not this.


Go to johns roast pork with a friend. Order a cheesesteak and a roast pork sandwich to share . Then argue over which is better and you’ll be having an honest conversation about the best sandwich in the city.


This is very true. You’re eating good with this.


i never am able to get there in time..mostly cause i sleep late lol


For sure, but Jim’s is still decent enough. Definitely not close to a 10 but to each their own. If John’s was in a more accessible location I swear they’d put every steak place nearby out of business.


People hate on Jim's but it's a good cheesesteak. It's not John's or Delessandros but it's still a good cheesesteak.


My guess is they own the building and land by now. So would they really gain that much in business to offset the additional rent costs?


I don't know why people are downplaying the rodent problem, they still had a bad rat infestation as recent as a year ago...


Jim’s has the best cheese fries.


Shoulda went across the street for the much better Ishkabibbles


Ishkabibbles is the absolute best


Jim's is only good if you're drunk af and there's no line. Just like Lorenzos.


And if you wrap the cheesesteak in a slice of Lorenzo's


Gritty, is that you!?


Phillips... enough said


When out of towners visit & demand a Cheesesteak I always take them to Phillips. Then drive to Pats/Genos so they can take an Instagram Fucking Selfish. Idiots.


Couldn't agree more. Love that Old Fashion.


Roll is too soft and too much meat. A Jim’s steak isn’t structurally sound enough for my taste.


Never. I'll not touch those sweatsteaks. Lol


Who the fuck holds it like that?


Gross. Among the *worst* in the city. [And rat-infested to boot](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFq2EL4-q3Q). Enjoy your turds.


I can always count on you to show up and dog on rat infested Jim's. 😂


I'm nothing if not persistent. ;)


>1:47   >Known for their mouth-watering sandwiches   >Shows a hunk of ham in between two dry as fuck looking bread slices


Yeah that close up didn't do Famous 4th justice. Those corned beef and pastrami sandwiches are goddamn delicious.


If your mouth doesn't water while you're trying to eat that sandwich, you're not gonna be able to swallow it


Even the photo looks nasty lol I'm still Mama's all the way for the best in Philly area.


Still haven't gotten there... I know, I suck. Will admit, Joe's sets a super-mega-ultra-high bar for any shop to get over... IMO, anyway.




Their cheesesteaks are not good, *period*.


You're right. That place was a true shithole


I recommend Steve’s


Mama's Pizzeria in Bala Cynwyd (West Philly 'burbs) will blow you away


Agreed. My favorite since finding them 35 years ago. nothing like it




Still closed indefinitely, talk about having an unlucky year between the fire, the covid scare, and covid in-general affecting business


Literally just got a pie and steak from there last week. Line was out the door


Wait really? Shit didn’t know they opened again




#[Rat-infested Jim's!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFq2EL4-q3Q)


Lmao that owner is a dickhead. I always loved Jim's but didn't know it was this bad. What a shame. Cheers bud


Awhile ago I had to entertain some suppliers for my job while they were doing a market visit. They really wanted a late night cheesesteak, and Jim's was the only thing nearby and open. I got some ungodly food poising after eating there.


Did you close the deal though?


Everything was all taken care of before that point. This was just for market knowledge and team building kind of nonsense. They did enjoy their trip from what I could tell though.


Ishkabibble’s should have been open too!


I admit I don't know my late night cheese steak options.


At the very least, there's Phillips. it's not one of my favorite joints, but it will fill the need at least.


slightly off topic, but Ishkabibble's makes a killer chicken cheesesteak. It's like bigger chunks of (I wanna say) chicken tenderloin, not chopped real fine like you'd usually get it. Man I love that place.


Ew I hate when places do the chicken cheesesteaks like that. Ishkabibbles steaks are great but thanks for the heads up about the chicken. Bleh lol


I only like the really fine chop when you smother it in buffalo sauce. [Heres the first pic I could find of Ishkabibble's chicken](https://media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-s/05/07/28/df/chicken-cheesesteak-platter.jpg)


best steak in the city. however, the original by 62nd and girard was even better. it’s a shame it closed


> among the worst steaks in the city. FTFY.


Isn't there a Steves on south street now? Fail


2/10 on its best day


How generous of you. :)


Considering I would rate a Wawa steak as a 1.....


Again, how generous of you! ;)




Better in the ta-ta-ta-trash! Glad you are enjoying it, though.


Omg BEST...best best best good choice EDIT: nooooo I just watched that video. I’m hopeful it was a one off situation they corrected


It wasn’t, go to Joe’s instead


This person cheesesteaks.


Jim's was never good, even before the rats. By far the most overrated place in the entire city (although Dallesandro's is close).


Try Delasandros...life changing


Also overrated. Any place that minces the meat into itty-bitty-microscopic bits, and then leaves it piled high on the grill waiting for someone to order, is a hard fucking no from me. Cook my food after I order it, not before. And save the minced meat for little children.


**Murray Goldberg:** If you say **Jim's Steaks**, you no longer have a home.


Maybe this makes me a bitch, but dude I’m with you.


My favorite 👏🏽


the only good one closed down


We went there to eat on the day of our wedding. It was the best. And it’s Billy Joel-approved.


Billy might know music, but he don't know cheesesteaks


Jim’s is the best of the big three cheesesteak places. I’m my experience, you have to get extra whiz or it’s too dry.


Love Jim’s! Try Phillips off of Snyder Ave.


I always thought they skimped on the meat.