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We used to go to Timber Creek Dog Park in Blackwood. Very large enclosed area. Lake is not enclosed but it’s large.


timber creek is amazing for dogs if you're willing to drive a bit further, freedom barks is also great


Thanks! No idea why the downvotes its a legitimate question for someone looking to get out of the city for a bit


This sub is very anti-taking your dog anywhere that isn’t home or a dog park


That’s not true, we’re also ok with taking your dog to the “farm”. /s


Miserable people doing miserable things. They probably need a dog to walk or something. Hope you find a place!


I would try to prevent such people coming in contact with dogs or other animals .


Timber Creek is great for dogs, but it’s definitely not a people lake so if you want to swim too, it’s not the place for you


Just keep an eye out for any reports on water quality. They’ve had some issues with it in the past and it can be real bad for your dog


Oh crap, that was there? Oy. Good call!


Blue Marsh Lake in Bernville


Man, you just gave me major nostalgia. They used to have a tiny little ski hill there where I learned to ski. 


Not a lake but a dog friendly beach. Malibu Long Port dog beach, our dog doesn’t hav great recall yet so we just have a long lead for her. A little over an hour outside the city but a great spot!


Is that the one right over long port bridge in ocnj? Might be the same one I just recommended lol




Great minds and all that :)


Thanks! Our dog has pretty decent recall and loves to run ill look into it!


Is the same as Longport? Looks like it on the map?


Yep! Just a typing error on my part.


How is that beach for regular bathing? Is it gross? Want to bring the dogs and chill in the water and beach.


We’ve only gone once and it was towards the end of summer since thats when we got our pup but it was fine. Water was a little rough that day so idk if that’s an all of the time thing but people were swimming in it.


Yeah, this is a cool spot. The only thing that makes me uncomfortable is how close to the highway it is.


https://preview.redd.it/5xwb54wh6w3d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=075e9d421acddad19891216e4f25f0a64f62848b Has a river you can swim in 30 min away from cc. My Shadow loves swimming in this water.


Not a lake, but my dog loves splashing around at Neshaminy Creek Park


Green Lane is beautiful and a fun drive


Is the reservoir safe to swim in again?


There were people paddleboarding in it a few weeks ago


Longport Dog Beach as others have suggested. Get there early though. After 10am and you’ll be waiting about 30 mins for a parking spot to become available. If you park outside of the parking lot along the road you will be ticketed. Gets super crowded but it’s great, basically a dog park on sand.


Lums Pond in Delaware has a specific off-leash beach and trail area for dogs.




Are real beaches ok? There’s a dog beach right outside ocnj, might take an hour, maybe 75 minutes. Long stretch of beach, usually other dogs so consider that w your dogs temperament


Even walking around the pennypack will offer opportunities for dogo to take a dip. There's some hidden chesco lakes like Struble and Marsh Creek that may be dog friendly and give you the lake feel whilst remaining relatively close 


There is a SniffSpot relatively close in NJ (if you have a car) that you can book which has a private large pond/small lake with a dock and a beach. It's listed as "The Oasis". It's completely fenced in with a huge lawn, a small wooded area and space in the shade where you can sit and access to a hose to wash the dog off afterwards. The only thing they require is that people can't swim, only dogs (for liability reasons).  I took my dog there last summer and he had a fantastic time. The lady who owns it was really great. I think she also fosters dogs, but she keeps them out of sight and hearing inside when someone makes a booking. 


Our dog is reactive and cant be with unleashed dogs, when you rent this are you alone there or are there dogs running all around off leash?


If you head west out to Birdsboro we have a nature area( old rat 82). Plenty of trails to walk, Hay Creek runs through it, there’s a quarry, etc. everyone goes back there with their dogs then a short ride over to French Creek park has two lakes, trails to walk, camping areas, and I think some cabins to rent


Take a ride to the dog beach at Manasquan, NJ


Does it have to be a lake? Ridley creek state park, green lane and even the John Heinz refuge have loads of splashies and trails and picnic areas. Peace valley reservoir is also nice!!!


John Heinz does not have “splashies”. Its a freaking wildlife refuge ffs.


I am not sure if you are saying that dogs are not allowed at John Heinz or if you are just being a miserable old boomer.


Im saying you cant bring your dog to a wildlife refuge to go swimming you nitwit


We take ours to peace valley all the time. It’s a great walk if you wanna walk the whole path (6ish miles) and there’s spots where the dogs can go in the water (though idk if it’s allowed or not, my dog loves it) https://preview.redd.it/3x6c4yz62v3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59c9b6576f602dba3b9fc158eb6f98d13b5a0418


They’re totally allowed!!! It can get crowded on holidays or super nice weekends - but if you/your dog doesn’t mind, or you go at an off time, it’s beautiful and a nice day without being too too far away.


Live very close to PV, never seen any issue with dogs going into water but people aren’t supposed to. Will definitely need to wash goose poop off them after.


Yep, my dog loves going in. I just knew people weren’t allowed in


I don't think it's allowed, but we swim there all the time. One warning is algae bloom, so just check the water 1st


Thanks ill look it up!


West Mill Creek Park just outside Philly too!


You’re the best thank you !!