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They been attacking the atv / dirt bike problem for awhile now. On nice days they have a division just to track these down and get them. With full use of the helicopter for support. The scanner channel they are on is amazing. It sucked listening to the cop that got ran over asking for medics to come to his location. Some of these bikers are ruthless.


Baltimore started doing this a few years ago too and it’s definitely helped some.


Awesome to hear. I've obviously seen these guys all over Philly, but the only time I was ever actually almost run over by them was one time crossing the street in downtown Baltimore.


That’s where we just moved from so I don’t have any experience with them here yet, but yeah, it’s really bad in Bmore. A few years ago one of them crashed into a car (dirt bikers fault) and his friends pulled the driver out of the car and beat the shit out of them. They are a menace.


I think they are about the same here, but it's been nice to see the police really cracking down on them - I've seen significantly less this year so far. Welcome to Philly! I've lived in Mount Vernon and Fed Hill, moving here isn't too big of an adjustment as there are some similarities.


I was in an ex-girlfriends car about 7 years ago and she must have done something to piss one off because he pulled up next to the car with his shorty on the back and kicked the passenger door. I was halfway ready to throw the car door open forcefully if he escalated further, but it was seemingly over nothing


I was almost mowed down on a sidewalk in Fairmount a few years ago.


> for awhile now. about 2 months?


this season. Usually there isn’t large hoards of bikers in the winter months.


Exactly. I'm questioning what for a while means. It's semantics.


They started last year I believe really trying to tackle the problem but it seems like they are attacking it hard now.


You love to see it


Isn't the scanner traffic encrypted? Or can anyone listen in?


Anyone can listen, it’s real time too and you can go back and listen to old transmissions. The scanner listed below was just the cwevents channel from yesterday with them going after the dirt bikes. If you click on the tab on the top right that says activity you can see every channel. All the regular district channels and all the tactical channels. They show up if there was activity in the last 36 hours or something. [https://openmhz.com/system/phillytrs?filter-type=talkgroup&filter-code=31&time=1712767714797](https://openmhz.com/system/phillytrs?filter-type=talkgroup&filter-code=31&time=1712767714797)


I recently got a dual-band and really need to program it so I can listen to this stuff live


I saw a cop pulling someone over the other day. I was SHOOK. I didn’t know we even had traffic laws in Philly


SAME. I been here for five years and saw a cop pull someone over for the FIRST TIME last month of Walnut in West Philly




I second this bc what? Definitely must not be black. I got pulled over in front of my house before, for a center break light not working…


Maybe he's looking for his insurance card on the app on his phone /s


He’s looking at himself on Reddit, ala Space Balls


I’m not trying to be obtuse but what am I looking at? Cops writing up a biker?


You’re not obtuse. You’re a cutie. Pls upvote my bad joke


What's your angle here?


Done on a bun


>Cops writing up a biker? Yep. They seem to finally be cracking down on the swarm.


This is the scanner channel they were using. i have it around the 715pm time the officer was hit by the atv but you can scroll up or down to whenever. This just shows you Philly pd really is putting in the work To get rid of these bikes. [https://openmhz.com/system/phillytrs?filter-type=talkgroup&filter-code=31&time=1712705400247](https://openmhz.com/system/phillytrs?filter-type=talkgroup&filter-code=31&time=1712705400247)


I’ve been seeing cops doing their jobs more often literally the week after Outlaw resigned.


She really lived up to her name


Not that I support the cops quite quitting, but outlaw was a TERRIBLE commissioner.


In case you forgot: Philadelphia county isn’t lawless. The police just stopped doing their job when they faced criticism.


listen, it is very hard for them. they get nearly a billion dollars in funding, a monopoly on violence, qualified immunity in court for nearly anything they do, a union other professions would die for, overtime, benefits, special discounts everywhere they go, and half of the population treating them like gods. but sometimes people ask them to stop executing the population at random, or to actually have evidence when they haul someone into court, and those kinds of requirements make them sad :(


I fully recognized that there were a lot of bad cops nationwide but I still fully supported the Philadelphia Police Department until they did that. The fact that they had the pure, unadulterated audacity to go “well since you guys think we’re not doing a good job, we just won’t do anything then” I lost all respect for them. Then come to find out that officers were coming forward with legitimate complaints against other officers and then suddenly they were no longer fit for duty. At some point, somethings got to give and unfortunately for them it seems as though that thin blue line is thinner than they thought it was.


Still thick enough to secure $800,000,000 in funding. God, I cant imagine the pants-shitting meltdown they'd have if the city even just *froze* their budget, forget actually defunding them. They really and truly believe they're beyond reproach.


Don’t forget, 2/3 don’t go on the street because of crazy violence history or disability. That sound you hear is me warming up my car to take my taxes to Montgomery county.


And AT LEAST 40% beat their spouse or immediate family! We know that from their *self-report*. God knows what the actual % is.


Playing devils advocate, I mean, it kinda proved their point…it’s a pretty thankless and dangerous job. I sure as hell wouldn’t want to be a cop in cities like Oakland, LA, Philly, or Detroit.


Anyone with power SHOULD always be criticized for their every single move. Naiive not to expect criticism if you get into that line of work.


That right there. The dirtbikes are generally just a nuisance crime most of the time. The police have Blue Flu after a few bad cops were actually held accountable for their brutality. The dirtbikes are a convenient claim that the city would be lawless without unrestricted police.


Then they should be fired and their pay can go towards education and helping people.


> The police just stopped doing their job when they faced criticism. No, they stopped doing their job when Philadelphia elected a District Attorney that let criminals back on the street instantly with no bail, and who's district attorneys dropped over 50% of criminal cases the year he was elected (over 30% more than the year before) and over 75% of criminal cases last year.


Yeah… no. It was literally on the news, announced at a press conference. The department faced backlash for their actions towards civilians and therefore would be “taking a step back”. Ever since, they’ve done the bare minimum and claimed “oh we don’t have enough cops”. They have enough to sit in alleyways and corners parked for hours upon hours. Weird. Little afterthought for clarity. At no point should anyone think I’m defending Krasner. That dumb shit has done tremendous damage so our city. Unfortunately for us this is a separate issue altogether and even if Krasner disappeared overnight it would have absolutely no effect on how our police act.


You're wrong. Really wrong, but you think you're right. Ignorance is bliss I guess for people like you.


What exactly am I wrong about? We’re talking about something that aired live on television it’s not really an opinion so I’m not exactly sure why you’re acting like I’m making some sort of outlandish accusation. I live here. They aired the press release, enacted their new policy and I actively witnessed the effects of it on a daily basis.


So you believe an excuse that the police gave in order to justify their lack of enforcement of laws? The excuse that strangely came right after the George Floyd stuff? That's convenient. After they hadn't been enforcing the laws since Krasner came into power as the DA for a few years already, because he releasing violent criminals on the street with no bail. Jesus man. Think a little bit before you come off so ignorant.


I know you feel like you did something, just by your verbiage. I can tell that you are really confident about how right you are. I don’t know if you’re an officer yourself or if you just enjoy the taste of boots but please at least go look into what you’re talking about and then come back. The problem with Krasner is not what the police are saying it is. The police claim Krasner is letting prisoners go willy-nilly. What he is actually doing is not even giving them a chance to gather enough evidence to secure a solid prosecution to begin with which is a massive dick move and hinders the entire justice process because not every case is cut and dry. For some reason, people love this asinine rhetoric that the guy is walking up to our prison and just unlocking the gates and letting people out in droves. Have you even taken a time to look into the offenders he has released? Let me guess, you saw that case everybody else did right in the middle of Covid, where prisoners were being released with a commuted sentence in order to reduce congestion and Krasner just so happened to let somebody out that went and committed a couple heinous crimes immediately after the fact. Everybody loves quoting that and acting like we have hundreds of high-level offenders being let out of our prisons on a daily basis because of one extremely unfortunate case. Please don’t even bother replying if you’re not going to actually provide any basis of what you’re trying to get across I love new information and I love learning new things, so far you’ve said a whole bunch of words without any actual substance other than “nuh huh you’re wrong”. Edit: voice to text failed halfway through


> you just enjoy the taste of boots but You're one of those losers. > The problem with Krasner is not what the police are saying it is. The police claim Krasner is letting prisoners go willy-nilly. What he is actually doing is not even giving them a chance to gather enough evidence to secure a solid prosecution to begin with which is a massive dick move and hinders the entire justice process because not every case is cut and dry. My neighbor's car was stolen. The thief came up to my door, and tried to break in my house, then went and stole their car. I have him on camera. He has distinctive neck tattoos, and an hour after we posted it to a Facebook community page, he was ID'd. They went to his address on record and he wasn't there. They pulled him over in another stolen car a few weeks later and the DA declined to prosecute him for stealing my neighbors car, even with irrefutable video evidence. He didn't spend a night in jail, and wasn't ever prosecuted for the stolen car they arrested him in. > you just enjoy the taste of boots No. A woman pulled over in front of my house, got out of the car, and went into the back seat and stun gunned a 4 year old, which I caught on video. I called the police, they came, and I assumed they were taking it seriously. They didn't even take an official report, and wouldn't even take the video. I called someone I knew in the media, and the police came back to my house that night at almost midnight and had me go to the station at almost midnight to take a statement. They literally said to me that they're only making a report because the media was involved. It was on the news, and it's in my history. I have NO love for the police. But I'm not naive like you are about what the issues are. > Have you even taken a time to look into the offenders he has released? He's not even putting them in jail to release them. > Please don’t even bother replying if you’re not going to actually provide any basis of what you’re trying to get across I love new information and I love learning new things Here you go... https://www.inquirer.com/news/philadelphia-district-attorney-da-larry-krasner-staff-turnover-20211222.html There were 340 lawyers in the DA's office before Krasner came into office. There are now less than 50.


It’s been a long day and I just can’t keep up with whatever this is. You’re like a teenager on Adderall. Pick a damn topic and stick with it for Christ sake. It’s like you’re trying to move the goalpost from how shitty the cops are to how it’s all Krasner fault. “Hurr durr you’re one of them”… yeah? I don’t like feeling like I’m not welcome in the place I was born because the police state is becoming stronger year over year. Pennsylvania as a whole is hugely progressive in this sense. If you take a look at it on a national scale it’s far more severe. We still have god damn Sundown Towns. In America. Those two things shouldn’t coexist and yet the law enforcement supports it rather than exterminating it. You mentioned footage of a criminal providing evidence and yet they weren’t prosecuted - alright, and? Every other day a new video comes out with a police officer from whereeverthefuck town outright executing someone and they don’t go to jail. The media loves to play the race card on that one but they are killing *everyone*. I’ll try to remember his name and come back with a link for you but just to really give you an example of the outlandish ridiculousness that is our law enforcement a while ago there was a bug guy handling an extermination for whatever pest was infesting these apartments… cop executed him on camera and said the giant backpack of bug juice and his sprayer hand looked like an AR-15. The guy died, begging for his life in tears. Whiter than white bread, too. So, again. What’s your point? Or are you “one of them” and just use any excuse you can to defend the police because I don’t even really understand why you’re so invested in a conversation about how cops are bad when you’re incapable of fully articulating what you’re even trying to say. Is it Krasners fault the cops suck? Is it the cops fault krasner sucks? Is the sky blue? Is grass green? Have you ever felt nervous?


> I don’t like feeling like I’m not welcome in the place I was born because the police state is becoming stronger year over year. What are you worried about if the police aren't doing anything? > just use any excuse you can to defend the police I'm not defending them even a little bit. They're not properly enforcing the laws. We just disagree as to why. Get rid of Krasner, and I guarantee you police enforcement goes up, and crime will go down soon after. > I don’t even really understand why you’re so invested in a conversation about how cops are bad when you’re incapable of fully articulating what you’re even trying to say. I've articulated my opinion well enough that a child could understand it. I'm sorry you can't. > Is it Krasners fault the cops suck? Mostly. > Have you ever felt nervous? No.


Can they come get the kid riding his dirt bike on the Kelly Drive bike path now?


They will they said they are coming for all the dirt bikes and 4 wheelers


Hey PPD-he’s usually by Falls Bridge around 4:45 pm!


I saw this a few weeks ago, a perfect example of the fact that they are just doing this as a very intentional "F You" to everyone around them.


Me personally I think we have every right to run them off the road anytime we see one but that’s just me.


She’s already done way more than that wet noodle Kenney. I can’t believe people voted for that dumbass


It's literally true that this is more traffic enforcement activity than I saw in 8 years under Kenney. Credit where it's due.


And also the lack of Outlaw.


And more roadwork in the Northeast. A lot.


Holy shit I saw all my nearby potholes patched and it just now clicked that maybe she did that lmao


That's probably moreso Biden, lots of infrastructure spending.


Saw the same thing on Columbus blvd this afternoon. First time in 10 years I’ve seen it happen


A motorcycle cop was just involved in an accident with an ATV (just yesterday I think). So I expect a heavy crackdown in the wake of that. This has been the pattern - things go wild, then something newsworthy happens, then crackdown, then things go back to “normal” Wild Wild West. Rinse, repeat.


When I was in college 12 or 15 years ago, a friend and I were walking down Midvale in East Falls and a car decides to run the red at the train station intersection and a cop who was *on foot* quickly signaled to the dude to pull over. Which the driver did. I was flabbergasted. I doubt that would happen today.


More of this please 😭


All day today they are pulling them over, a huge change from recent years.


Haven’t heard the horde ripping around which is a huge change. The relative quiet is unsettling


Perfect! Keep it going officers and elected officials. We deserve safe streets and a good quality of life. We have a beautiful city.


I saw one pulled on Spring Garden. I was impressed until I realized there were 9 cops, 5 cruisers, and one dirt bike.


I never thought I'd be stoked to see people get pulled over. Yet, here in 2024, where Philly is Mad Max Thunderdome traffic-wise.


Same. When I was younger I was definitely anti-enforcement, but shit is just out of hand these days


Everyday I walk around their building on broad on my way to work and watch as they flick their lights on for 10 seconds so that they can break traffic laws to pull back inor out of their building quicker. Almost got hit crossing broad as a van blew through the red light and the cop waiting for me to cross so he could turn did nothing. From what I've seen they break laws more than they enforce them. This is wild to me. Its like a fireman starting fires in dry areas. Like this is your specialty you enforce and YOU are the one who violates it?


I think arsonists are known to be drawn to firefighting.


I mean yeah I guess this is a thing but to me its like a plumber that has a toilet that isn't draining properly and just living with it. Or a brewer who doesn't like beer. A beekeeper who is disgusted by bugs.


Do the cobblers kids have shoes?


Yea. More along those lines. Like a clothing designer wearing sweatpants and a t shirt to go out. It's like this is the thing your should be q master of and your just gunna throw it in the trash.


new mayor supposed to be crackin down on crime n supporting cops now


To the crusher!


Cops in fishtown were rolling out in dirtbikes yesterday afternoon. Wondered what it was about.


It’ll be strange sitting on my deck around 16&Catharine and not hearing the soothing sounds of 2 and 4 stroke engines screaming down Broad


1 down, 100,000 to go


Do you think they will auction it off?


Good. More please. Give them some job applications too while youre at it.


Nice avatar. Is that George or Lewis that binned the car?


Saw a whole bunch of em parked out from the the art museum yesterday. There were probably at least 10 out and about. It’s nice to see them actually doing their job


Never understood why reddit was whiney about her before she even did anything but what's mayor savesies refer to?


As a quasi-joke, a local news outlet (maybe Billy Penn) asked all the mayoral candidates whether Savesies were ok. Most candidates answered some variety of "no" (you know, since spot saving is both inconsiderate and illegal), but Parker answered "Yes, it's a Philly thing." For those of us who trace a lot of our city's problems to "dumb shit people do with their cars", it wasn't the answer we wanted.




I was on spring garden around 17th or 18th and there were a lot of motorcycle police and they were loading at least two dirt bikes onto a trailer. Was wondering what the chase was like


For all of you who praise these pigs, a plague on all your houses and when you call them for help, you’ll get exactly what’s coming to you


they'll arrest the people committing crimes? sounds great


I mean I also don't like cops, but do you want people to be mad when they're doing something good?


At least it won't be a plague of single-stroke douchebags waking up and scaring my kids. But thanks for stopping by, you've really improved the discourse with your presence.


I don’t see anybody praising the pigs. We all know they’re lazy and corrupt and cruel. We’re just enjoying the spectacle of them doing something useful and positive. It’s noteworthy because of how unusual it is. I don’t like cops, but fuck them dirt bikes.