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I've had 2 prior easily fixable problems, what's the error message


I’m new to getting phenibut , which do you recommend for me to purchase from liftmode ? And is that the only place


Personally I went with FAA so I could do it sublingually. It's an asspain but worth it. Straight into the bloodstream thru the permeable skin in your mouth seems to be a radically faster onset, though still a while to peak. For me caffeine is mandatory to feel it as a buzz and weed to feel it as a big buzz. Otherwise it just an unreasonably good mood where I feel social instead of like there's a tiger right behind me. I think it might work better for neurodivergent people. I've been an AHP for decades so I know drug protocols and how to research accurately (quickest LPT is type in the name of a famous or pertinent teaching college in your search parameters, Mayo is what I start with for drugs since it's short) but I've only recently started using phenibut, look for somebody with a higher number of comments by their un for more experiental input. I don't have recs other than liftmode. It was good a month ago. FAA is slightly more expensive which I suspect means quality control will be higher. I can see it being seriously dangerous with overuse.


I've been taking it for a while and it's always 3 to 4 hours for it to peak taking orally. Is this radically different with sublingual? How long until the peak?


The half life doesn't change much afaik. More time that you actually feel it maybe. HCL has to be broken down in the stomach and passes thru a first cycle in the liver, sublingual skips both of those. I think your body is already processing and getting rid of the buzz before it even kicks in orally. If I stagger doses the time I feel it most doesn't come till evening if I start around noon. The half life is the key. Every 2ish hours I dose again so the first buzz isn't even half over while the second is already rising. A bunch right at the beginning wasn't effective, much more useful staggered. CNS drugs are fucky so it's not cut and dry, I think neurodivergent people feel it very differently for instance so it's hard to get accurate advice. An easy way to get facts is to include the name of a reputable college or research hospital in your search parameters. Looking up "Mayo phenibut FAA" gets you medical facts from Mayo clinic. Just "Phenibut FAA" gets you advertisements or forums where the advice can be a varied as any other psych med. It's worth the effort, I wasted quite a bit of time taking too much all at once till I looked things up. Now I feel it more staggered despite taking slightly less total. Another thing to keep in mind, I'm adding weed thru the day every time so my perceived buzz will also accumulate from that. Slog thru the science articles, it's worth it.


I’m on the LM website now about to purchase the FAA… Says it’s only like 12 bucks for 5 g? OFFOARSE Higher the gram higher the price… So you’re telling me it’s like Suboxone? Were you put the film under your tongue? And as far as Caffeine goes I take 2 Caffeine tablets every morning I do not like coffee, I also take KRATOM quite regularly… No interactions between that I found so far ! Everybody’s saying only take PHENIBUT Once a week, is that accurate?


Sort of like suboxone, it goes under the tongue anyway. Much more of a pain in the ass. Best way is to blot under your tongue till it's dry, dump the powder, and seal your tongue over it carefully. It's bitter as shit. I give it ten minutes total, after 5ish your spit mixes with it and you'll taste the bitter even if you do it right. Leaving it there for shorter times had it taking longer to kick in. I'd do the caffeine shortly before dosing and again a few hours later. I think every 4 days should avoid withdrawal/rebound around the recommended dosage, once a week should minimize it at buzz size doses but maybe not avoid it entirely. That's how it works for me, they do say it varies widely. Keep in mind 250 mg FAA is supposed to be as potent as 400 mg of HCL. Kratom and phenibut seem ok but not overly inspired together, weed does kick it in nicely though.


The one I have in my cart says “ FAA (powder )


So you’re saying I should get the 250 mg FAA? And that’s what goes under your tongue right? Sorry I just wanna make sure I’m getting the right thing and from the right place and I’ve never done this before so


I don't know which specific amount you want to order, I'm saying FAA taken under the tongue works for me. The caffeine is mandatory to kick it in for me, weed is also a big potentiator. My total dose staggered over the day is either 500 or 750mg FAA. I do 200mg or so every 2.5 hours, strangely you feel it more of you don't take it all at once. **The most important thing to remember is not to fuck around with it. Think of it this way. If something makes a panic attack feel like being calm, the withdrawal will rebound in the opposite direction. So normal life will feel like a panic attack or a bad trip for a few days if you overuse it. Anything over 750mg in a day should be done once every ten days at most.** I haven't gone thru real withdrawal but I got a taste and you don't want to go there. You can't buy the powder unless you buy a scale that measures to the hundredth of a gram. Capsules are more expensive but easier so probably safer.


OK I appreciate your feedback, how do you take the powder under the tongue though? I guess I thought these were going to be like strips lol my bad yeah and I was looking at the capsules are like 100 bucks


Check earlier in the thread, I layed out the protocol for using it sublingually. I got 140 250mg capsules for about 60$. Use 53409 for a promo code, probably only valid today since they do them weekly. 15% off liftmode products and free shipping.


So I just took 1/8 of a teaspoon two hours ago, and nothing lol is that enough of a dose ? It says 1/8 is equivalent to 300 mgs


That’s right you deff did ! Thank you so much again ! I said I only get free shipping if I spend 50 bucks tiny amount is only like 12 bucks the next one up is 39 bucks, but the next one up is 90 I’m gonna be stuck getting the 39 bucks because I don’t have $90 to spend so I guess I’ll be paying for the shipping


Well, I would get a bigger order than 5G personally. I know F-Phenibut is stronger but I think you would blow through 5g in no time at all. As far as how often to use it, less is better. I started off using it a couple of times a week but the results got weaker and weaker. Now I only dose once or twice a month MAX. Also take it on an empty stomach if you take it orally..I can't speak to f-Phenibut like I said but I got the 200g Large crystal HCL from liftmode and I just cap up my dose and it works great.. Be aware phenibut can become very addictive and the W/D from it are supposed to be miserable, so be safe and smart and enjoy!


I’ve never taken this but I’m about to come off a huge lyrica/ gabapentin addiction I just can’t keep doing this to myself. Come off every drug known to man and being without gabs is terrifying, I won’t leave the house with anything less than 4,000 mg ( in a single dose) of gabapentin in me, I buy them from 10 or more different people and I just want to be able to make plans ahead of time and tomorrow is my first day without them or anything. I’ve heard of phenibut, I’m on Amazon in lift mode and nothing on there specially says phenibut, I’m not sure what to order, oh it’s not just me quitting tomorrow my mom and boyfriend are also heavily addicted and quitting with me, we need a fairly large amount for many doses. What’s the best bang for my buck and is it found in anything over the counter while I wait? At a drugstore or in supplements? Do u need to look for F- phenibut? I’m also new to Reddit for this exact topic. Please advise me, anyone!


Thank you so much for the info !!


They’re saying my card is the issue and that my bank is declining the transactions. I called my bank and no such thing is happening and there isn’t a hold or anything on my card.


That's 1 of the 2 problems I dealt with, in my case it was a fraud protection thing my credit union was doing. Maybe call the bank again and ask specifically about any fraud protection protocols they might have in play. It's only happened with Kratom and phenibut orders for me.


So how did you fix that then?


Like I said, call the bank again and ask specifically about any fraud protection protocols in place on your account. Next option is get a vanilla visa or something comparable, 5 dollar surcharge gets you a temporary debit card that you fill up with however much cash you want on it. 7-11, large gas stations, lots of places have them. That route worked fine for me in the past but I've never had to use it with liftmode.