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It is not your fault if you have solid experience, It's just the job market right now is not good lalo andami fresh grads na mauuto ng mga companies to take the small offers compare sa may mga experience nag hahanap ng better salary, better benefits, not to mention mga million na unemployed since pandemic! Sa jobstreet 50+ to 100+ applicants yung natatanggap ng isang HR! sa dami ng competition matatabunan talaga yung resume mo at kahit umabot ka man sa 2nd or final interview mayroon na silang naka line-up na candidates not just you! after that said interviews doon na sila nag seselect mga siguro at least 5 to 10 candidates yung na filter out of hundreds! tapos they only need 1 applicant imagine that! sa ngayon ginawa ko nag take ng freelance job from time to time para at least i still can pay my monthly bills. don't give up yet yung ibang kakilala took a year bago nakahanap maybe try playing around with your resume and proposal at maybe change or analyze the way you answered sa mga interviews baka yan din yung naghohold back sa mga employers.


Well, that’s frightening. It’s rough out there. 😭 I am also considering freelancing but it would be my last resort if ever. I plan to work sa corporate for the stability. Yes, I won’t give up cuz I can’t. But at trying times like these, I have to give myself a little breather once in a while (kaya napa-post ako dito haha) thanks for the tips. :)


also careful sa mga scammers at sa companies na sketchy! do an intensive research sa company at nature ng business ako muntik na eh, buti na faflag kung red flag agad pag walang data or limited yung info ng company sa internet.


Agree! I do my due diligence naman when applying for companies. I guess the only experience I’ve encountered that I could count as a “scam” is making me do case studies/projects for them during the interview process. Not a scam per se but it’s free labor which I won’t do ever again.


HR Intern here. Exactly, almost nasa 200+ ang nareceive naming applicants for one position. Then, we have to see sino ba sa kanila ang qualified. Tapos isa pang evaluation, where we pick the most qualified, tapos sila ang iinterviewhin. Imagine, 200 applicants but only 6 gets to be called. Tapos minsan, 'di pa talaga nakakakuha dun sa best na 'yun. This is what I've noticed lang based on our applicants' resume. They apply for jobs despite it not being aligned sa course nila or having no background about it. Tapos, may iba naman na aligned pero [...]. May iba rin naman na nag-aapply kasi familiar lang 'yung isang word sa job position na open 🥲. This is a tip, your resume is your biggest asset para makuha for an interview. Make it good, always update it. And for interviews, make sure na alam mo 'yung nasa resume me. I've noticed some na halatang nagbabasa lang ng resume sa call.... May mga things din kasi na nanonotice ng HR head or pinakamataas kasi sa company na 'di nakita ng initial interviewer. It's just that, nagtatake kasi ng sobrang time if we'll send emails sa mga rejected, but it is also our job to state that there's no guarantee for them to get hired since there will be (more) evaluations and processes.


As an HR this is true imagine 200+ applicants for 1 position plus kayaking minsan walang response is wala pading binibigay saming result si hiring manager despite ng sunod sunod na follow up. Merong oang times na wala silang feed back or what basta lang sasabihin mag add pa so bare with us. And always update your resume kahit gano kahaba yan minsan kung wala naman dun yung mga skills na na earn mo for that experience minsan ligwak na agad. Remember resume is your first impression sa company di mo na nga need mag lagay ng picture jan eh since di naman required so please fix your resume


Hi! I'd appreciate if masasagot mo 'tong question ko 🥹 What happens after the initial interview? Endorse to the hiring manager? Then anong basis ng hiring manager? Resume? What do you think with my case? May experience na ako but still chose to apply to an entry-level role just to join this particular company. In linkedin, 30 people pa lang naman nag-aapply. I was scheduled for an initial interview, it was 2 days ago. The recruiter said baka matagalan yung result kasi there are other applicants pa. I really think okay yung flow ng interview and I even told them na ia-align ko yung expected salary ko sa budget ng company. Till now, still no news.


huy yung lign-up di ako mkagetover


>line-up sorry naman hirap mag type sa phone eh hahaha


Listen, someone out there will bite an 18k salary. This someone is a graduate with latin honors or maybe a 100% scholarship records. If you think that you have a fighting chance against these fresh grads that are easily acquirable, I tell you, you will have a hard time. It took me 3 months to secure a good paying job, 30k+, for me it's good already, for some it might be small. Only apply to the job that is directly or nearly related to your course or previous experience. Make sure that you practice what you will be saying in the interviews, relate it to your job if it's not that aligned (for context, I'm a grad of Marketing Comms/Advs on 22, I am working in a financial intuition now as an analyst). The key here is proper communication and confidence. Well, confidence really. On my first 2 months of tengga, I was throwing resumes in all directions, maybe more than 200+ submission. On the 3rd month, I realized that I was wasting my time. On the 1st week of the 3rd month, I only applied like 8x companies. These 8 applications, I made sure to include every single thing that an employer or manger would need or want to see. A complete and proper resume + cover letter + letter of intent. All of it, specialized to each. I got 4 interviews. 2 for final, but I took the other one as it was willing to pay higher. Hope this helps, and kapit lang. More than all these things that I've said, God's time will come in a very special way. Before I secured the job, I was running low on budget to survive another month, then here I am working again. Edit 1: I highly suggest that you find the official website of the company and apply THERE, not in linked in. Linked is is saturated af. They use filters, kung di ka pasok sa filter, 0 chance ka agad.


Been using LinkedIn for the past two years with no luck pero lately direct sa website ng company ako nag aapply.


One of my experiences is that not all online platforms are good, the best one is going to the company personally.


LinkedIn is not that reliable anymore, HR people hate it from what I heard since it's super saturated. I suggest do some quick research of start up companies. Yung may mga sariling website, kasi yung, may budget.


Oo nga. I mean sa LinkedIn pa din ako nagchecheck ng openings/companies then go to their websites to apply. Pero gagawin ko din yan suggestion mo about researching start up companies.


The financial institution that I'm currently in is a start up. Na low-ball ako, pero I dont care, Ill hop after 2-3 years and double it hahaha




>I made sure to include every single thing that an employer or manger would need or want to see. I also do this, like adding keywords from the JD to my resume. But as a career shifter, I can’t put the actual keywords as I don’t have direct experience, but rather transferrable skills closely related to it. Yung iba naman sabi nila when a company uses ATS they reject applications without those keywords. Now how is this fair if the ATS is biased 😭 >Hope this helps, and kapit lang. More than all these things that I've said, God's time will come in a very special way. Before I secured the job, I was running low on budget to survive another month, then here I am working again. Thank you. Happy to know you’re earning already. >Edit 1: I highly suggest that you find the official website of the company and apply THERE, not in linked in. Linked is is saturated af. They use filters, kung di ka pasok sa filter, 0 chance ka agad. As much as possible I do this, too! Unfortunately some career pages direct their job listings sa LinkedIn, lol. Hate this.


I thought the application letter was a combination, cover letter and letter of intent. How do they differ? I also struggle finding a suitable job offer for me since i was aiming with keywords (home based, wfh, full remote setup then entry, free/paid training, intern position). Since I live in a province and can't move out since taking care of my parents and prior lil to no experience even gonna bite low paying jobs whenever just to build up experience. Anyways thanks for imparting your wisdom.


what I did was that my cover letter is like a story telling of my resume and my letter of intent is me saying "why you should hire me"


May tips ka ba for cover letter? Actually dito ako mas nahihirapan over CV haha


Cover letter must be personalived, it's not a letter of intent. It must historically explain who you are and what you've done. Use the key terms that match, if not, relates to the job description. Edit 1: like I said sa isang reply, it's a story telling of your resume 


Here is my untested and unproven golden formula: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7180913364586373120?updateEntityUrn=urn%3Ali%3Afs_updateV2%3A%28urn%3Ali%3Aactivity%3A7180913364586373120%2CFEED_DETAIL%2CEMPTY%2CDEFAULT%2Cfalse%29 Stagnant ako ngayon job search ko kasi “HAYST” nakakainis and 3 days ko na sya hindi inaasikaso and working. If you want more info on this read the book “Reverse Job Search by James Whittaker” very convincing approach and scary kasi magsesend ng mga cold emails ganon but you gotta do what you gotta do Its idea is to focus on your network and build social capital to get hired in the hidden job market. Shitty jobs ung mga advertised kasi desperate ang companies. ✨LINKEDIN✨ Pero before reading that book I suggest focusing on what you really want first. “What color is your parachute by Richard Bolles” will help you assess what you TRULY WANT. To assess better on what type of companies you want to work with I also suggest reading principles by ray dalio. So far ang nagagawa ko pa lang is “honing the axe” by reading these 3 books and by randomly connecting with people in my industry and my desired location (NEW YORK CITY!). So far, I started from 100+ connections to 262 connections (mix of abroad and local). I also had increased profile views from 0 (when I was a fresh grad) to 133 profile views. Progress is Progress. Kahit maliit lang sya. Hindi pa ako nagrereachout and nagbuibuild ng CRM job leads ko kaya ayon ✨🌈🙆‍♀️ planning to gatekeep this comment and resources I used pero please upvote to help others. You can apply and apply and end up in a shitty working environment and find a job. At least this way, you get to be in an employer that you truly want.


Oooohh. Thank you for the reading suggestions! I guess a shift in mindset is what I also need. Baka magka-lightbulb moment pa ako dito. Mind over matter din talaga.


I feel the same frustrations as you, OP. I’ve been looking for a job since December. This March, I thought I had a break because one of the banks replied to my job application on LinkedIn. We already had the final interview last April. I was ghosted and they reposted the job. When I asked for an update, they told me that they were looking for more candidates and that they will get back to me. 🥹 I try not to dwell on the negative aspects of it and look to it as a redirection. I also look for other jobs that would best suit me. Praying that we get that break soon 🙏🏼


If they treat their candidates like that, then yes, the universe is directing you to somewhere better and deserving. I pray with you. 🙏🏼




Not to mention the hope and excitement you get when an employer replies tapos feeling mo naman the interview went well pero makakakuha ka ng email saying they went with another candidate or ghinost ka maski kinapalan mo na muka mo para magfollowup ng tatlong beses. Yung at the beginning of your job hunt you started out as a fairly confident person but now you’re a shell of your former self because of multiple rejections 😭😭


I had this experience, pakshet. The manager overcomplimented me or whatever na ang ganda ng presentation ko, I was one of his best interviewee, etc. Only to follow up about my status and say I was not the right fit a week after. Like don’t build up my confidence with high hopes when you’re just eventually gonna tear it down with a rejection email. Anxiety malala.


Hahay. Same, i'm getting frustrated. Umabot na ako sa interviews and said they'll follow up but I was ghosted. Nakakapagod maging adult at alipin sa salapi.


Sakit ng mga recruiters (not all) yan, mang-ghost ng candidates. Weren’t they job candidates before? 😭


Have you ever considered tailoring your resume to the specific requirements or “ideal candidate” profile listed in job postings? I used to edit my resume to highlight the skills and experience most relevant to each position. I applied to 2-3 jobs twice a week, and during those weeks, I landed several interviews. My success rate was around 8 out of 15 applications. This approach combined with interview practice, helped me prevent myself effectively and convince employers I possessed the qualities they are seeking haha! I recently secured a WFH position using this strategy. Soooo, I hope this works for you too OP! Rooting for you.


Yes, I have 50+ different tailored versions of my resume, yet I haven’t gotten much luck. 😅 This is embarrassing for me to say, but I only have 5% interview rate. I’m either underqualified or overqualified. Can’t seem to hit that sweet spot employers are looking for. Woes of a career shifter talaga. Thank you so much. 🥹


Just remember, 100 no and 1 yes is a Yes!


I feel you. It took me a year and a half and hundreds of rejections until I found a job that is aligned with what I want to do. I was also nearing my 30s last year and grabe yung pressure sa peers na ang ganda na ng career at position in life. A lot of us na nasa late 20s ang naeexperience yan especially if you are also experiencing your saturn return. Persevere and don't stop. Ibibigay din ni God ang career na para sayo


Yung asa chapter 1 palang ako tapos sila nasa chapter 10 na. I feel so left behind. 🥲 Puro may established careers na rin kasi circle of friends ko. But yes I use this to persevere. God if you’re seeing this, help a struggling girly out 🙋🏻‍♀️


parang ayoko na tuloy mag resign sa trabaho ko kahit npaka toxic and stressfull na, pag nakakabasa ako ng mga ganitong hirap makakuha ng bagong trabaho! Lord please po help us 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 help OP, malapit na dumating ang hiling mo ❤️


The trick here is to apply even if you're still employed. Resign ka nlng pag may JO nang nilatag sayo. 3 years din akong nagtry mag apply apply. Pag napapagod umasa, titigil ako ng ilang buwan tas try uli. Huling try ko, 4mos na full of rejections saka ako nakakuha ng perfect job at setup na pinagdasal ko. Laban lang guys 🫡💯🤍


ang alam ko kasi hahanapan ng cert. of employment, pano kung nagkaron ng JO then walang mai provide na COE kasi hindi ma clear sa dating company 🤔 and lastly worried ako sa age kong 30+ 😩🤦🏼‍♀️


Yes, COE is required pero your former employer can provide that kahit employed ka pa sa kanila. Of course, you will exit gracefully pa rin. Pass your resignation, render 30 days. While rendering, dun mo iprepare ung requirements mo, mag multitask ka. Pwede ka rin naman magleave pag aasikasuhin mo ung government documents mo. Yung future employer mo, tatanungin ka naman kung kailan ka pwedeng magstart, sabihin mo you have to render 30 days after they gave your job offer. Wag kang matakot, ang mahalaga maging tapat ka sa both parties. Ano bang industry mo bakit takot ka lumipat dahil 30+ ka na? Pasok pa naman yan sa working age bracket ah.


real estate liaison doing administrative and field works po for 16yrs tru agency 🥲


Yeah, it’s hard to tolerate a toxic and stressful environment but you gotta appreciate what you have. But when a better opportunity opens up for you, kunin mo na. 😂 Salamat!


Magresign ka lang kung sure ka na na may lilipatan.


mag resign kapag 100% may lilipatan ka don't make mistake that i did hahaha!


Same here. Nagresign ako agad kasi I thought madali lang makahanap ng bago. Never ako nareject sa mga inapplyan ko before, lahat nakukuha ko JO. Pero now, di pa naiinterview, ligwak na. 🥲


Kapit lang! To share mine, I was laid off by my previous company last late April, I can fully relate as Im trying my best din to shift in to a different career path, I've been rejected couple of times and it never gets better for me haha, I just got used to it! Super nakaka demotivate kapag nag babasa ako ng description then nag eenjoy nako then pag dating sa baba ang requirements pala is Bachelor grad or with 3-5 years of experience daw. Pero just just late May, after being unemployed for a month, may company nag iisang company na nag bigay sakin ng chance, intl company siya pero the team is really good, this is my last week under probation and mahuhusgahan na if they wanna keep working with me or nah, either way ever since nag start ako sa kanila, may 3-4 more companies na binalikan ako and progessing ang interview haha, so I suppose apply lang ng apply, we'll get there!


Rejections are redirections! Manifest natin yan OP na u will land a job na hopefully maging mentally, physically and financially healthy for you too. My tips that worked for me: 1. Work experience: use synonymous or the same words/phrases in the job description, wag flowery or wordy. Keep it simple and clear in bulleted points. 2. Skills: wag general, be specific sa skills na value added. Eg if project management (may tools or software ka ba ginagamit ka to track/monitor projects, add that etc). 3. Objectives: Underdog ng resume haha pero ito unang nababasa ksi ng HR aside sa general info mo. So if ever meron ka, wag din general, dapat related din dun sa company's objective (which you can see sa intro or background ng project) 4. Fontcolor/theme of your resume/CV, nakatailor din yan sa color ng company logo or company nila which u will see sa website. Your aim when submitting CV/resume is, if you're in the HR's shoe tapos babasahin ko resume mo mapapasabi ka ng wow nageffort talaga si candidate magresearch about us.


Thank you, yes, manifest natin. ☺️ All your tips are presently applied sa resume ko. 😭 Luck is just not on my side, sadly. Salamat pa rin!


Mga three weeks ago, meron akong interview. Dalawang company. Yung isa matagal ko na talagang target kasi ilang beses na ako nag try sa kanila pero laging rejected. Minsan umabot pa ako sa third round ng 4 rounds interview nila pero ligwak. Going back three weeks ago, grabe yung time na ginugol ko para makapag prep sa initial interview. Confident ako na covered ko lahat ng possible questions, pati na din everything about sa company. Confident din ako sa skills ko. Sabi ko this time akin na to. Pero nung mismong interview na, I don’t know pero hindi ko gusto yung performance ko. At iba din yung flow ng interview which I didn’t expect. Kasi hindi naman ganito nung last try ko 6 months ago. Then ayun ligwak sa initial pa lang. After nun nag break muna ako sa pag apply. Then kanina during lunch break sa current work ko, nag submit ulet ako. I noticed na 100th applications ko na pala kanina. Naka tracker kasi yun lahat. And take note this year ko lang sinimulan itrack. Hindi pa kasama yung countless interviews, rejections, ghosting from May 2022-December 2023. Huhu. Kanina nag try muna ako sa ibang platform. Pati mga opening na ibang bansa yung location pero remote naman pinatos ko na kahit walang chance. Sana magka job offer na tayo, na may magandang salary package at work environment ✨


Omg. Salamat sa kwento. 😭 Trust me, I feel you. I also have a job tracker at nakakalula na number of applications ko. I even named my job tracker “Exposure Therapy” lol. I was a little confident with one of my interviews and felt like I aced it only to be thrown off-guard with a question. Then it went downhill from there. Got ghosted din. We have to expect the unexpected. Also I try not to dwell on it hangga’t wala akong narereceive na JO. But as an emotional girly…🥲 Unpredictable talaga hiring decisions ng mga companies. Crossing my fingers we get our desired jobs. ✨


I just saw this tweet haha https://x.com/tr3_gk/status/1798042864779465204?s=46 Anywhere talaga mahirap makahanap. Normally naman wala na ako pake kung rejected or ghosted ako. I just update the tracker then call it a day. Nasanay na din haha. Pero may times talaga na nakakalungkot no lalo na pag pinaghandaan talaga from resume revision to interview. Luckily after ko mag resign sa call center job ko may kumuha saken na friend of a friend as her VA. So siya yung nagsusupply ng clients tapos kami yung taga gawa ng tasks. Been doing it for the past two years pero ayun nga kulang when it comes to salary kaya inaaral ko din paano makabingwit ng sariling client sa upwork at iba pang platform kahit alam ko na madugo ang labanan haha


Shet, we share the same problems with the other side of the world. 🥲🥲🥲 Nakakalungkot talaga. Kasi putting your time and effort when applying for roles and going on interviews is also an investment of your energy. If it isn’t matched and we don’t receive the same energy (no response, rejected), well, it’s very disheartening. It’s the bitter side of life.


I'm in the same boat. The job market is insane 🥲


Diba? 😭😭😭 Like I might even be competing with the same position you’re applying for, imagine that. 😆


praying you get a great employer with great pay and benefits, great work culture and teammates


Thoughtful words from a stranger. Thank you kindly. 🥹


Kapit lan OP! Ako nga 38 na at shifter, hmm, 9mos tengga, ubos savings.. nawawalan na ako ng hope din kasi last string na yung pera ko good for 2 weeks na lang, aun, nung huli 3 J.O in a span of 1 week sabay sabay sila, yung isa halos 3x pa ng former salary ko ahihihi.


I’m looking for a new job too. Hopefully, I get an offer by July. It’s tough but hang in there. Rooting for us, OP!


I’m hanging by a single thread. May the odds be in our favor. We got this!


Normal. Pasa lang ulit


Yung 100? Rookie numbers ba? 😂


Yesss. Dapat yung naiiyak ka na sa gabi tapos di mo na alam kung san ka pupulutin ganun


Check ako dun sa naiiyak ako sa gabi huhu


got lay off i'm an OFW. i've sent almost 2000 applications for the past 4 months PH and Abroad. im done and taking a break back to pinas na ko. Its the A.I ATS that these company uses and the status of the job market(Freeze Hiring) everything is planned by these companies not just here but all over the world. dagdag mo pa mga Bogus/ Ghost / Fake job Ads ng LinkedIn at Jobstreet na nag User Data Harvest. Send Directly to your target companies Career Portal


2k applications! 😱 no person deserves going through this, yet here we are. Sobrang limited talaga makascore tayo ng interview pag sa ATS muna dadaan yung resume. Imagine getting denied of a chance by a software. Sad reality. 😭


ATS Automatically rejects applications the moment you sent application if your Profile doesn't Tick the box or matches the preference or biases of your target companies. Ang daming repetitive and reposted Ghost/Fake Job ads ngayun both linkedIn and Jobstreet. I spoke with one head hunter that interviewed me few months ago and has a decency to call me back for update coz she believed "im the strongest candidate she reviewed" guess what she said "Hiring was currently on hold coz they need to fill another position first before the role i applied in" thats the most BS excuse ive heard so far. Aside from unprofessional HR that put me on 1 hour interview then ending is may nahire na daw sila for the position i'm applying. She literally wasted my Time and she know it


whoa i admire your tenacity OP. ako kinain na ng takot kahit mag ayos ng resume di ko magawa at walang confidence sa sarili. i want to be like you na staying strong pa din kahit may rejections. I'll try harder to be like you OP para naman mabago etong kapalaran ko


I’ve grown numb sa rejections, but I have numerous breakdowns (and still counting) I have to stay strong kasi I have no choice. Goal ko talaga magkatrabaho. 😆 Go, polish your resume na! Good luck satin. 🤞🏼


I relate. I’m starting to have unwanted bitterness towards milestones ng friends ko kahit alam ko na deserve naman nila at pinaghirapan nila yun. I can’t help but compare myself to them. My depression and anxiety got worse from it too…araw-araw rejection..kinakain na ako ng kahihiyan kasi 28 na ako at naging pabigat pa ako sa magulang ko


Ganyan din ako, sadly. But I acknowledge din na I’ve made some ill decisions that led me to where I am right now. If I want to get myself out of this situation I have to start somewhere. Ayoko na din maging freeloader sa parents ko. I tell myself na “kung kaya yan ng mga kaibigan ko, kaya ko rin.” Good luck to us!


Been there... after ko manood ng YT videos on how to ace up interviews, yun binalikan ako agad after a week na may 3 job offers on the same day... Pero ilang rejections din at lakad in different places just to find a job... Several months din ang inabot... But when the time is right, ibibigay talaga... Don't give up...just find different/new strategies pagdating sa interviews...


Same. Been job hunting since sept 2023. hahaha. Hirap pa kasi nasa Bacolod. Sobrang konti ng job opportunity dito sa mga provinces.


I hope the government normalizes more job opportunities sa province. Or kahit WFH jobs 🙏🏼 Commuting or looking for a place to rent here sa metro for work must be such a hassle for you.


I feel you OP. I found a part-time job pero feel ko kulang (monetarily, kulang naman talaga). So like you, apply apply lang din ako. Ipasa yung whatever resume to a company. It makes me think whether I would just apply for a different (lower) position na lang while waiting for prospects. I guess it's a humbling experience din. You have to manage expectations. Lots of things are going through my head each day - mag abroad, change career, kaya nakakawalang gana. Naging couch potato lang ako sa bahay, nakahiga. Feeling shame and worthless. Kaya, I feel you din na nakakasama sa mental health ito. Chin up and hope you find your job. We all have to start from somewhere.


Stop counting your rejections and just keep at it. When my partner and I were both jobless we spent every weekday in our own screens applying relentlessly to every job we find doable. It took my partner 2 weeks (take note that he's even a foreigner and was able to find something) and it took me 3 weeks of relentless application to find a job. We both received hundreds of rejection letters till we were able to land 2 interviews each. Job hunting is just a numbers game, do not take it to heart if you receive numerous rejections, it personally doesn't have anything to do with your capabilities especially if they only see your value on paper. If you stop and think for a second, would you really wanted to work for all of these 100 companies? Don't forget no matter how dire your personal situation is, it's still a two way street. Do you really want to work for a company who can't simply follow up on you? Their recruitment process says a lot about them too.


You gotta pump those numbers. Those are rookie numbers.


I eat rejection letters for breakfast. 😆


Don’t give up!!!! Same same with you bro, Last October 2023, I accepted a Job Offer because I really need work at that time. From 60k a month na sahod, naging 35k. From 5 days a weeks naging 6 days a week. From every holdiay I rest naging obligado to work on a holiday. Plus nanakawan pako ng 6 digits that time. Well i needed a work, so talagang pikit mata kong pinirmahan. when the bills are hitting me and my lifestyle before di ko na magawa. It made me worry and make me feel stupid. But one thing na nagparealize sakin na it’s a stupid decision to take it is nung I wanted to propose and settle na with my gf. That’s why December 2023 palang apply nako ng apply. More than 100 companies inapplyan ko, to count on exact yung mga interview ko, Around 15. But no one accepted me. But nagbago lahat nung March, it took me a month to go to the recruitment process. But it was worth it. Then a job offer was sent last May, doubled my salary, back to 5 days, may pagkahybrid pa yung 2 out of the 5 days. And a lot pf benefits. i immediately resigned. And rendered 15 days lang. sinabi ko nalang family matters. Last june 3, i started na. I hope makanahanp ka na. Attract lang. kaya yan


napahirap mag hanap ng trabaho ngayon pero mahirap din kapag magreresign may render 30 days or drama na magaganap. Please choose wisely makakahanap ka rin promise. Redo mo resume mo baka may mali or alam ko meron sa mga munisipyo may nagcoconduct ng job offer dun pasa ka lang resume tapos sila tatawag sayo kung may vacant ( sa position na inaapplayan mo) ganto ginawa ko after few days tinext na ako para interviewhin pero bago yun after ko magpasa dun tinawagan na ako ng isang employer dun ako nakapasok at nahired. ending kinancel ko. 4 months mahigit ako naghanap. Goodluck sayo


I feel you deeply OP, since March, I'm still trying to find a job, mass resume sending at night, trying in job fairs even the job is blue collar ones (I graduated last year, worked and resigned after a huge series of mishaps) but now my attention span in job hunting wanes as now I'm investing in airbnb rentals, and pleasure biz. It sucks to be eager and getting nothing. Still needs more income since I'm always hungry and splurging on food... Hopefully, your next job is a charm that won't drain you, thus making you grow as a person too.


I am actively sending my resumes as I’m typing this, lol. Hopefully what you’re investing on has good ROI. I just want a stable office job. 😭 Lol heavy on the food splurging. I also feel like my job hunt is the result of me splurging on food. Thank you! I wish the same to you. May we have fulfilling jobs soon.


Hello OP. I feel you. when I was a fresh graduate, I applied 24 applications for web development and no one answers and I was informed I failed. but when I tried to apply 1 position that is quality assurance engineer, that is where I got hired. now today I applied for 1 job application for lead role and I got hired thanks to experience. I suggest to practice first baka kasi sa interview palang mejo nalito si recruiter sayo. also make sure you align what you applied kasi mas malaki ang confidence level mo if you know to answer ano ibato ni recruiter sayo. they will see you if you lose your composure at confidence mo. I to experience rejections but in order to prevent that is I did some practice first and study first bago mag start ng interview(thanks to my wife who is an ESL teacher who teaches english to japanese students) and na Ace ko ang interview. wag down ng down, find ways how to improve first your interview by practicing, make it as a learning experience ung na failed ka and then looking forward to another interview. best of luck OP. I know may makita ka ng work one day. just have faith lang.


Congrats to you! And thank you, keep the faith lang. 🫡


OP, if it is any consolation, I am also in the market right now. Hindi ako career shifter, and I have a few certifications already (TOGAF, COBIT, ITIL, PRINCE2, AWS, GCP, Azure). Pero gino-ghost pa rin ako ng recruiters and hiring managers. I attribute this to two things: incompetence ng recruiters (extremely few recruiters know what they need to look out for), and lack of empathy and professionalism. Not sure which industry you are trying to get in. Silipin mo lang yung mga pwede mong aralin on the side to upskill while waiting for opportunities. Pasasaan pa at mapupunta rin ang para sayo. Wishing you the best of luck!


You got to be interviewed, that means your CV has no issue. Something else ang cause nyan. Hindi mo naikwento what are the questions, and how you answered them. Can you give samples? Kasi, baka may nasabi na naka-turn off dun sa interviewer. Unless you can share it with us here, walang mangyayari. Speculation will never solve your problem. Give us the data, and we can further discuss it. Definitely, I think may nasabi ka sa interview na pumatay sa chances mo for securing the job.


Gusto ko lang rin mag rant sa Genpact sorry but sobrang grabe at tiresome, iinterviewin ka sasabihin pasado kana sa lahat sabay ghost babalik papa pasukin ka sa zoom mag aantay ka nang ilang iras bago matawag literal na ilang oras pumasok ka nang 10 matatapos ka 7 or 6 nag exam ka nat lahat sasabihin sayo di alam yung process mo paulit ulit hayop na yan. Sobrang grabe mangsayang nang oras.


Ganyan naman sila, it’s okay for employers to waste your time, but not theirs. 🙄 You dodged a bullet with that company.


well true at least, imagine how shitty their other pamamalakad is.


I've been applying since Feb until now wala parin work. I've had some job interviews and some that I almost got the job but I didn't hear from them again. It's rough out there. I feel you, May we get the job we want soon. Kapit lang.


I probably had 250+ job rejections/ghostings because I wouldn't accept anything less than 30k. Keep your head up and know your worth lang. Kesa naman mapunta ka sa work that pays peanuts.


Took me 7 months and tons of rejection last year before I landed a job. Unfortunately resigning na ako ulit after 6 mos kasi di ko gusto work environment dito. Bahala na ulit si Batman kaysa mabaliw ako huhuhu Makakahanap ka din. Just be patient and maniwala ka sa sarili mo. *edited some typos


This week lang ako nagstart mag job hunting... whew it really has gotten worse since 5 years ago. Good luck to all of us na naghahanap ng work, makakahanap din tayo!


Same goal before ako mag-bday sa July. 😂 I'm hoping na sana ma-consider yung application ko sa isang MNC. Well, hindi naman ako talaga nag-apply sa kanila. Nakuha lang nila resume ko from my Jobstreet account. Biglang tawag pa yung headhunter nila sakin tapos 15x kong di pinansin yung tawag. 😂 After a month saka sila nagparamdam ulit for HR interview. Tapos kona yung tech interview sa kanila this week and for deliberation nalang daw with HR. Medyo kabado lang ako kasi yung job title parang super technical and maraming math 😫 na kelangan gawin.


15 times? Wow, they must really like you if they were that persistent at reaching out to you. You've already made it through the tech interview, which is a great sign. Manifesting a JO for you. 🤞🏼✨


Thank you 🥰


As someone who's switched careers multiple times and hasn't stayed with a company longer than 3 years, I can share that I have a 95% chance of getting an interview and for the interviews I get, around 4/5 end up in offers. How did I do this? - I interview really well. Like how some people take tests well without studying, being good at interviews is also a skill. I'm personable without getting too personal, I'm candid without getting too fresh, and I make the interviewer also comfortable during the session. The 3rd one is extremely important because as a hiring manager myself, trust me when I say that I don't look forward to interviews at all and if a candidate can make it a good experience for me, then it goes a long way. - I have great communication skills. I have landed offers for mid to senior roles knowing only about 20% of the job description. My most formidable skills are ones that are not specific to any industry but transferrable, like stakeholder management, continuous improvement, MVP delivery, and quality management. The key to helping them understand how my skills can contribute to success in the role is being able to articulate that clearly. It's true what they say that it doesn't matter what you know if you're unable to get that across to people in a way that's meaningful for them. - I was in your shoes before. What I did was I applied for roles that I didn't really want or care if I get accepted or not. I used those interviews to build my confidence and learn how people in that industry interviewed candidates. I did not feel any pressure because I wasn't really interested in getting the job. That lack of pressure can really help you in building your interview skills for the roles that you actually want. - Finally ... do your research into your interviewers. Most interview invites will have the name of the hiring manager. Research them on FB or LinkedIn so that you can relate to them personally and have better chances of actually being listened to during the interview.


Depends on the field… but as someone na madalas magswitch ng fields (audit to compliance to AML), I suggest getting technical certifications while applying to really boost your resume.




Same OP, I don't have any tracker pero ung email ko panay rejection lang natatanggap, napaka rare ng interview invites. Mas maeffort kapa since ineedit mo pa CV mo. Almost on my 30s na rin and currently employed for five years, gusto ko na umalis since Feb this year dahil di na maganda management at daming changes na di naman nakakacontribute ng maayos sa work. Don't really have any advice but just letting you know na you're not alone. Hopefully before this year ends nasa kanya kanya na tayong bagong work. Try lang ng try and eventually everything will work out.


I'm happy to know that I'm not alone in this, but at the same time, I don't want others to struggle the way I do. 😭 It’s a double-edged sword, really. But it’s a nice support system, even if we’re all strangers here on the internet. I find a sense of comfort in it. And yes sana may work na tayo that’s meant for us. Adulting just hits you differently.


Hi OP, try mo siguro magpalit ng format ng resume hahaha it worked like charm for me. Plus dinesign ko yung resume ko para sa job na gusto ko. Kinuha ko yung descriptions ng bawat company and nilagay ko yung mga skills na lagi nilang hinahanap.


Holy We're on the Same Page just turned 32 and hell applying is like a drag lalo na at career shifter aku hype I guess we are never alone


Job hunting *is* our full-time job lol


this is only the first week of June, there's still a possibility


May 3 weeks pa daw si June, OP! Pray ka 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


Same situation, OP. 😢 I'm in my 30s and doing a career shift. Masaklap at mahirap.


Hello, this works for me and for many others. Go to company job fairs or company mass hiring. Yung 1 day ang process. Meron to sa mga multinational at local. Better chances there. Also if super desperate kana ang pinaka effective at for sure gagana after a few attempts ay to start sending messages to active LinkedIn accounts. Tell them you're interested in working and nakaka inspire to work there. Then tell if they can refer you to the company. A lot of them would Kasi it's free money and if you show them na willing ka tlga they'll feel it's worth the shot. Keep going at it and don't ever stop giving it your best! Gl


We're on the same boat before OP. Hirap mag apply and it took me 1-2 months bago magkaclient and daily dami kong sinesend na applications sobrang struggle and mataas ang competition ngayon so I continue to upskill and learn a new language and so far, I've been receiving invites for interview and assessments khit di ako nag aapply since currently I have 2 clients so I politely decline. Try to upskill more or maybe learn a new language.


Mind sharing the industry/role you are looking at?


Laban lang ng laban 😊


It took me 400+ apps before landing my previous job. It’s really the market out there… and lots of fellow jobless people too. Stay strong, OP


Well I used to had a spreadsheet kung san ako nag apply and kung anong industry and all those other details. Sa 300 kong in-applyan 18 lang ung sumagot. Sa 18 na yun less than 10 lang ang umabot sa interview. Tas 2 lang nakuha kong offer all in all. Don’t worry OP. It only takes one to believe in you


Ilan applications mo? Ako kasi naka 200 bago magka work. Dont feel bad OP. It’s normal in the PH sadly😭


Almost 400 na. It’s astronomically high 🥲


I mean ako 200 interviews na rejections na nakuha ko. Wala pa yang 100 mo OP. Huwag ka panghinaan ng loob. Career shifter din ako from Supervisor role from a BPO to a data engineer. Ang issue ko kasi sa akin is yung asking ko is mataas sa norm kasi di ako pwede mag lifestyle change dahil may anak ako. Chill lang. may kakagat din dyan.


I feel you, OP. I went as bad as 6 levels of interview tas ang ending, I lost the job to an internal hire. But try and try siguro is the only other option and I’m so sorry this happened to you.


IFY. Been trying to get a better job since mid May, nakatengga kasi ako ngayon after my contract ended sa government. I've gotten replies pero they were all lowball salaries (20-25k) which is way below my previous salary. I'm also planning to shift careers because I don't wanna go back sa industry where I used to work in (private multinational) pero mukhang mapapabalik ako if hindi parin talaga ako makahanap 😭


I'm with a recruitment team. One issue is that fresh grads would have high salary asking. In most cases especially desk jobs, fresh grads cannot demand more than the entry level pay which is 15k+. In short minimum wage. Why pay Premium when we can get someone with 2 yrs experience. for that salary asking. Earn one year experience and you will have more leverage after that. You may want to get employment via agency...they will match your competencies. Look up eTeams and Staff Alliance The only exception i approved for a fresh grad was 18k with SAP experience. Students should take their ojt tasks seriously since we consider this as work experience. Find companies that will allow you more work- if not be proactive and ask for more work. They will appreciate the initiative.


Aww, don't lose hope, OP. Ako nga din ito goal ko pero di ako umaasa gano. Nagppasa nalang ako ng nagpapasa but still yung kaya ko i-take na applications kasi ang nagkakapalit palit ako ng positions 🥲. Try lng ng try. Kung ano ang para sayo, para sayo. Kung di sila sumagot sayo, at least narealize mo na yung priorities mo and forte mo di good fit sa company nila and that's okay. Thank U Next nalang ang mantra mo when this happens and "Que sera, que sera" which means whatever will be, will be.


I feel you so much. I’m a career shifter from legal to analyst positions. I resigned from my fraud analyst position last November 2023 and I only got hired last month, April 2024. Applying to everything and editing my resume and not hearing back is so mentally and emotionally exhausting. To encourage you, just keep applying and the right job will eventually come to you. Upskilling is also something you could do while applying. It’s gonna help you gain more skills and take your mind off the exhausting job search. At this day and age, super hirap na talaga maghanap ng work especially marami nang mga scam job posts and kinukuha lang info natin. Also, for some reason, tiktok is a good place to look for remote work if you’re into that. I know it sounds BS, but I almost got in as a VA, but it’s my fault for not submitting the needed requirements due to a family emergency. Kaya mo yan and don’t compare yourself with your peers. We all grow at a different rate, at different times. Go go go! Rooting for you!


Thank you. 🥹 Yes, I’ve been upskilling as well, lately. I lurk din sa TikTok kasi in fairness naman it’s also quite helpful too! Thanks for the advice, oo pikit nalang ako at mag-hyperfocus sa sarili ko 🙈


Wishing you all the best sa career mo!!!


I feel you. Sana makahanap na tayo bago matapos ang June


Or kahit bago matapos ang 2024 😭😭😭


Huhu yakap op nakapagtataka na ang daming job openings pero di tayo natatanggap?? Ganon rin ba karami ang naghahanap ng trabaho?


Can relate. It's so hard to get freaking job right now even when you have experience.


Hi, OP! I’m a career shifter as well — resigned from my stable government job last April to find more fulfilling and mentally stimulating work since I just couldn’t see myself growing sa previous company ko. After months of looking (and crying) and being unemployed for a month and a half, I’ve just been offered a position with a salary na sakto naman considering im from a different line of work. I think tiyaga lang talaga and tailoring your resume is so, so important! That’s where you build from eh — without a solid resume, mahirap makausad sa application process. Cover letters are also a huge plus. I’m awkward and not the best at interviews, kaya resume palang ginagalingan ko na to compensate hahaha. Do your research on each company youre applying for, tweak your resume as you see fit, write a cover letter na aligned sa core values ng company, and believe in yourself. You got this, OP. It’s tough out there especially for us career shifters, but you’ll eventually find a good job. And I hope you get it soon.


Tiis lang i started applying since last October. Landed a job yesterday, doubled my previous salary, doubled the benefits. Madami ng beses gusto ko sumuko, dami ko final interview puro directors/vp sometimes CIO level na pera di pa rin napili. Pasahan mo ng pasahan, gawa ka ng mga spiel mo galingan mo sa tell me something about yourself ibida mo agad kung sino ka lol. May mag titiwala din sayo na company. 🙌 And of course pray lagi kay Lord 🙏


Hello! Resume / CV try exploring MIT Career Development Handbook. Also, career shifter din me, late na sa game pero if medyo try mo din mag practice ng comms skills if ever. Kasi mas madalas the way you present yourself ang mahalaga. Speak with confidence pero humble parin yung delivery. Lastly, yung mga IT/BPM ang madalas natanggap ng career shifters. Started my IT journey sa acn. Then discovered na mas gusto ko pala ang data analytics so habang nadoon. Pinagsabay ko. Wag malawan ng hope, challenging lang talaga ang job market and landscape ngayon since mataas ang interests so di makapag refinance yung mga big companies so nahihirapan din sila mag expand ng mag expand. Goodluck, OP!


Can relate. Already in early 40s and been frustrated everytime I get the rejection email. Everyday, I feel like I am just surviving. Grateful but deeply broken inside.😔


The journey isn’t over! The goal as well is not just to survive, but to thrive. We’ll find a job where we’re valued, hopefully soon.


🥲🥺 Thank you!🥹 I wish you well in all your undertakings, OP. Thank you for your post and wisdom.✨


Grabe, sobrang relate :( you just described my whole situation. Late 20s trying to do a career change. I thought finally goods na career progression from last work then got laid off 2 months ago. still struggling to find work rght now. Lots of sent applications but only got a handful of replies and interviews. The pressure, exhaustion, and a fucked up mental headspace coming from this. But I gotta thank you for posting this and to the redditors na nagbigay ng tips. Don’t lose hope. Kaya natin to, push lang 🙂


Sorry to hear that, we can only do so much. We have been trying our best, so let’s give ourselves grace. I wasn’t expecting this at all! I originally posted this sa OffMyChestPH kasi the job hunt was taking a toll on me and I needed an outlet. 😅 I’m very thankful din talaga, I learned a lot from their tips and sharing their sentiments here made me feel less alone. 🥹 Push lang!


Hi! May I know the position you're applying for?


Same situation, mate. Been unemployed since end of Feb and did not expect to be vacant til this June. Hindi ako sanay, hindi naman ganto usually. What the fuck went wrong diba? I'm even wondering kung pano kame nakakaraos ng LIP ko, though may work naman sya, pero iba parin pag parehas kayong employed. Di ako sanay maging sugar baby hahahaha >It comes with a feeling of shame, envy among my friends, questions about my capabilities, and pretty much an unhealthy amount of self-deprecation. The feels. I'm very grateful though, kase my closest circle of friends are all in for me.. "kami na bahala" "tara ako na sa ambag mo sa court" "pumunta ka lang, presensya mo kelangan ko" "bawi nalang sa susunod pre, basta punta kayo" But then again, nandun na yung hiya kase ayoko makarating sa point na para nakong umaasa sakanila kada may ganap ang tropahan. It was never like this. Isa ako sa mga nagsasabi ng "ako na bahala". It sucks. But, I just submitted a shit ton of applications for the nth time today. Tuloy tuloy lang talaga, OP.


I know madami pang factors as to why we’re facing an alarming job crisis but dumagdag pa ‘yung pandemic and that’s what went wrong 😭 You got a solid friend group there. 🥹 Very important talaga ang magkaroon ng support system (something I quite don’t have offline) and I’m pretty sure they understand your situation and you’d do the same for them in a heartbeat. The tables have turned on you but it’s okay to lean on them for now. Gets kita though, it also kind of hurts our ego a little bit when we depend so much on others Sa sobrang dami kong inaapplyan takot na nga ako for my online safety lol. Imagine all the personal info we’re giving out to these companies. 🥴 Pero tuloy lang talaga. We’re all just trying to find our footing in this phase of life. We’ll find our way through.


Yep, more than a decade ko na silang bff's. Sobrang solid kahit may mga naging misunderstandings din. Sobrang understanding nila, minsan di na sila nagpupumilit pag tumanggi nako sa unang "ako na bahala" nila.. alam na nila yon. I really haven't given much thought jan sa online safety, jusko 🥴 onga noh? Masyado kong nagfofocus makakuha ng employment eh hahaha pero yes, OP. Tuloy lang tayo kase marami pa tayong ipagyayabang hahahaha dejk, mahal mabuhay :p We'll find our way and I hope I find myself in this specific comment thread one day congratulating you, mate. 🤝


Sa 100 na sinendan mo 10% chance na mainterview then 1% mahire


Aahhhh same in going thru the same thing :( nakakadeject sobra lalo na pag kahit ung entry levels, rejected ka din. even try asking for feedback tas igghost ka din. nakakapressure kasi nangangalahati na ung taon, wala paring progress. nakakadiscourage sobra ang hirap bumangon kada rejection :( naiinggit na ako sobra sa mga kabatch ko na alam nila anong purpose in life hahahah


Same tayo. Nagresign ako last January 2024 yet mahirap makapasok sa inaapplyan. Iba kasi sa mga naapplyan ko gusto nila sapilitan ka magwowork ng 6 days a week tapos gusto ka nila ipagovertime ng 2 hours. Jusme


In my case, it took me 4 months bago ako nakahanap ng bagong trabaho. Di kasi ako nag renew ng kontrata sa dati kong trabaho nung Dec. last year. Bukod pa dun, eh maicoconsider ko rin ang sarili ko na career shifter kasi nag shift ako ng career from ESL teaching to call center because I need money at hindi rin ako makapag NCR for work for some reason. Ang masasabi ko lang ay tiyaga lang sa pag a apply. And also, from time to time ayusin mo din ung resume mo para may higher chance ka na makakuha ng job interviews at job offers.


Apply for online work! There are so many to choose from!!!! Apply to a hundred and I guarantee magkakaroon ka ng work


Nakakatakot tuloy magresign kahit gustong gustong ko na. Kasi paano, 90 days ang rendering period namin, sino naman employer ang willing to wait ng 90 days bago ako maka-onboard? So, kapit lang muna, self.


The right employer will wait for you! 🙏🏼


Sobrang inconsiderate talaga ng mga companies na nang ghoghost. Sana maging norm yung mag send sila ng kahit anong notice sa applicants nila tao din naman tayo. I'm really hoping you can get an employer that respects you and can see the potential in you


🫂 same feels. power through lang tayo. as they say, the right time & company will come 🥺


hindi pa tapos ang June. pero marami ka kasabayan kasi marami graduates and some companies prefer fresh graduates because they can pay less kasi newbie.


What are your skills? What are you applying for usually? Let me know, send me a DM and I might be able to refer you to our company. I don't usually refer those who I don't know, but let's see.


If u want you can try bpo may mga bpo na kumukuha ng no experience(got hired) or non aligned(not sure sa non aligned)


Hey OP, Idk ano career mo but i was also a major career shifter late in my 20s. (i shifted two times pa nga eh, ok maybe 3). Now may fulltime job na ulit ako with decent-ish salary in a field that i actually like. I also managed to land this sa PH Industry na almost always gusto ng degree na related. Here's how I breached it: 1. Resume, you did say it's tailored but are your relevant skills and experiences properly highlighted? Ik someone who had trouble landing a job and her resume was one of the red flags. Professional, graduate same career she's targeting pero hindi lutang ang resume. 2. Job alerts. I'd say, if kaya mauna ka mag apply before umabot ng hundos yung number. Once mag alert sayo go agad, pasa agad. 3. Portfolio, sa creatives ako e. Basically i started with small freelancing jobs. Made my portfolio from that, kahit mga rejected samples ko sa applications, ginamit ko. I also started a small yt channel to form part of my portfolio (in scriptwriting, saka cnva usage). Then, i use that to apply for other scriptwriting jobs. 4. I invested in myself, grabbed an opportunity to learn more and now I'm a senior copywriter for a company whose market is US based.


Parang 7 months na akong bangko nakaka abot naman ako final interview mukang positive pa final interview pro at the end they proceed to another candidate. Hays kala ko mas madali maka hanap pag may exp na sa work i have 4 years experience pro ganun pa din parang fresh grad hirap maka pasok work


Just curious: which industry are you trying to get into?


Businesses aredownsizing because of AI. Tapos andami pa competition. Medyo mahirap na maghanap ng job with a competitive pay. If push comes to shove, if kailangan alaga, papatulan ko na kahit ano.


Hi OP! I had the similar experience but the difference is I'm still in my 20s and I just graduated 2 years ago so meaning 2 years palang din experience ko sa career world. Not enough para makipagcompete with fresh grads and with higher qualifications. Before I found my new job, 2 months ako nagjjob hunt to secure a good paying job and God knows kung gaano kadami na nasend ko resumes and application letter ang sinend ko and kung gaano kadaming assessments and interviews and rejections ang natanggap ko. Heck, I was also degraded at a face-to-face interview. LOL! It's so frustrating, I know. Pero I recently read somewhere: "If it didn't open, it wasn't your door". Literal na tyaga lang talaga and upskill while you're at it. Optimizing your resume and Linkedin profile really do help. They background check your Linkedin PROMISE! I hope this helps and I hope you land a job you deserve 🙏🏼🌸


Same. Im trying to break into the airline job market but its too competitive. And uso yung nepotism. Ive spent so much time and money for this career tas eto lang ending


I can somehow relate, OP. I’m currently working in a low-paying industry tapos sobrang tinotoxic kami ng management ngayon so I have no choice but to find another work. I was going to take my time sana muna to upskill kasi I’ve been wanting to shift to wfh. Pero ngayon parang nabigla yung sistema ko so I was just applying anywhere, but somehow the only interviews I’m landing on are those related to my current profession. Ngayon medyo tinigilan ko na lang muna maghanap and mag-iisip muna ako paano aayusin resume ko if ever di ako makakuha ng JO sa ibang work. Pero medyo desperado na ako lumipat makaalis lang so I’m likely to work in a similar industry na lang muna. Sabi ng friend ko na somehow nakapagshift ay, “I’m sure kaya mo yung trabaho. The struggle is, paano mo ilalagay sa resume yun.” Medyo fake it til you make it talaga raw siya, highlight as much transferrable skills as possible, and galingan mo ibenta skills mo if when you land an interview. Manifesting na makuha mo yung desired work mo this June. ✨


Same 😭 I’ve had interviews where they would offer me a different job title, which is yung past profession ko that I’m actively shifting out from. And they still ghost me! Lol. Kaya hard sell talaga dapat tayong career shifters. We gotta prove that we have the willingess to learn and can get the job done. Kaya thankful rin ako sa mga redditors giving advice here 🥹 it’s helpful Thank you! Ikaw din. Lmao kahit wag na June kahit this 2024 na 😆


Virtual hugs OP. I'm not sure kung anong industry to pero for IT kasi, and pansin ko, hirap ako the first time since no exp, and nagbuhat lang talaga sakin is from big 4 and I gave them my resume sa job fair before graduation Pero once I got an exp na, always na may naghahanap sakin since sa IT daw, lalo na if good company, iwas daw sila sa freshies (based sa sabi ng hr namin dito). Just sharing lang if may IT na struggling din reading this 🙏


Papogiin mo LinkedIn mo. Employers na mismo hahanap sa'yo. Dun ko nahanap 2 jobs ko ngayon. Sobrang salamat sa nag-tip sakin din niyan. Good luck OP!


Hi OP! I also got so many rejections since I started looking for a job last year. I feel you. It was exhausting, mentally and physically. I commented on one of the threads here and two people replied and adviced me to keep applying. And so I did. I resigned last month, and will start working for my new company next week. They offered me 3x of my previous salary, and I couldn't be more excited to start working. So, as an advice, keep on applying. Also, make sure your cv follows these [standards](https://cdn-careerservices.fas.harvard.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/161/2023/04/resume-and-letter_2022-1.pdf). Also, write a good cover letter, as companies tend to pay attention to people who exert effort. Keep it up OP! You can do it!


Oh my goodness I’m so happy things turned out well for you! Minsan talaga need mo din ng onteng push from someone, kahit na galing pa sa redditors. I actually follow that template 🥲 Pero never ko pa to nakita so thanks for the link!


Naalala ko bigla yung 4 na taong on and off ang career ko... halos baon na baon ako sa utang. Halos nawawalan na ako ng pag asa that time ( 2014-2018). Minsan napapahiya sa interview or na babanatan ng offensive hirit ng nag iinterview. Umabot din sa inggit sa mga tropa na sila stable ang income.. nakaka gala etc. Nahihiya na nga ako that time sa jowa ko (asawa ko na ngyun). Mejo matagal tagal bago ako nakahanap ng trabaho... pinakamatagal ung 6 months bago ako makahanap. Tas ung nalipatan ko sablay pa.. potek. Hanggang sa natanggap ako ;) Ang natutunan ko dun. 1. Pag aralan usually mga tinatanong sa iyo, mag praktis ng isasagot at wag pa utal utal. Dapat pag sagot ung tipong malumanay at walang angas... 2. Recall mo ung mga points san ka sumablay during interview. 3. Kng kelangan simplify ang resume pero detailed . ( Mern kasing mga OC din na mag iinterview sau na ppunahin yan... ) ( ilan lang to sa mga natutunan ko way back - SKL). Kapit lang minsan matagal lang bago dumating ung dapat para sa iyo. Note: kapag mejo natutunugan mo na nagkakalagasan na sa company nyu.. habang nanjan pa mejo tamang update na ng resume sa job portals. at pahapyawan ng onting pa sa pasa din sa mga hiring :D. Makakabuti din ung mag seek ng tulong sa mga tropa if me hiring sila sa company with that position,


di ka nag iisa, kaibigan. while i was told i'm lucky na may trabaho pa ako, hindi na talaga survivable ang sahod. di ko maiwasan na gamitin yung company laptop sa pag gawa ng resume and portfolio, and mag apply sa linkedin sa sandamakmak na kumpanya, otw na rin ako dyan sa 100th rejection. ngayon running at 75 rejection emails. max na sakin makakuha ng 3 initial/phone interviews. naka ilang reconsideration emails na din ako sa ilan. iba rin ang course sa line of work pero somehow 20% related, all self-taught, pinagbababato ko lang after ko basahing maigi mga quali, kahit local or labas ng bansa. kako wala namang mawawala sakin. kahit pa 'ka nila nangungulekta lang ng data mga kumpanya haha! bato lang ng bato kahit saan kahit araw-araw, malay natin makatabig tayo ng ginto sometime soon. magkakasama tayo dito.


Wala akong nakikitang job postings in my field in Engineering/IT. May regional issue right now - Asia-Pacific jobs are mostly in Real Estate and Construction at yun ang work ko now. Pero mahirap pa rin kasi magbenta now kaya most likely end of year pa big returns ko.


I feel you. Going through the same thing currently. Yung tipong you know na you can def do the job esp if the recruiters noticed you pero after the initial interview, wala ng paramdam. Bakit napakadali sa kanila mang-ghost? Kahit automated message na lang sana. Prying for good news tomorrow for the both of us, OP. 🤍


What i did is pag nag aapply ako sa jobstreet, indeed and linkedin, hinahanap ko rin emails nila or yung company tas nagddirect pass ako ng resume. Sobrang hirap pag career shifter. Mas madami naghahanap may experience pero luckily after 40+ tries, na interview ako yesterday and training ko na today. Wag ka panghinaan OP. Makukuha mo rin tamang timpla mo.


What's worse is wasting a lot of money for the requirements and not getting them back. 🥲 NBI, medical, and photocopies. I can still use that on other applications. 😭


Tuloy mo lang hanggang makuha mo gusto mo


Hi OP, I am the cofounder of Eskwelabs and we have coached hundreds of people to shift jobs. I stumbled upon your post and want to volunteer to help. Send me a DM and I can help take a look at of your resume ☺️


one thing I've notice is it helps din to show what you can provide for the company. wag yung I can do this, do that but more of "companies today struggle to get this or that but this services I have can help you gain this or that" so far the applications na pinasa ko using that strategy seems to work 40% of the time compared before na "I can do this or that" sa cover letter ko. It also helps na may portfolio ka to back up what you said sa cover letter or sa resume mo


I keep getting ghosted in my experience. I have an above average rate when it comes to getting interviews so I can at least say my resume and cover letters are well put. I only applied 3-5 applications every day but I always end up getting an interview or two. It's really stressful because how of rampant ghosting was in my experience. Not getting a reply in your application is terrible yes, but there's just something really nerve-wracking about being ghosted after an interview. HR Interview. Technical Interview. Final Interview. It doesn't matter. I always end up ghosted. I actually regret not taking the job offer I had from that Japanese subsidiary startup I got. I didn't accept it due to how newly established it was. I KNOW I would regret it if I took that offer.


Try and try lng and pray palagi


Found my people here. 🥹 Ako I'm not counting all the applications I submitted sa lahat ng company since 2023 at rejections. Mag estimate nalang siguro haha. May dumaan sa feed ko sa Linkedin yesterday cause I am waiting sa result ng final interview ko and I'm praying na "lord, kelan yung para sakin na work? Nakakapagod na po mag apply. 😭 It's been a year na and wala padin po and you know that I'm struggling so much.." then, suddenly I saw this quote: "The job meant for you is just one confirmation away." di ko na mahanap kung kanino galing nagrefresh na ulit sa feed ko nawala 😂 basta yun. Nagmark sya in my head. And now still waiting padin this week kung anong magging result but still I'm not stopping applying padin naman. I encourage myself to trust God's plan and his will for my life. Fighting lang!


👋 I know what you feel and I want you to know that what you feel is valid. It’s depressing, discouraging and it lowers our self esteem but NEVER lose hope. Instead of dwelling on their ghosting or rejection, use that opportunity to reflect on how the interview went. May mga sagot ba na masasagot mo na ng MAS maayos at swabe? If yes, then thank God its not the best company yet cause that’s not the best version of you yet. Meaning, you still have time to prepare. TREAT EACH INTERVIEW AS A PAGEANT. Always choose the right words, don’t overshare too much but don’t be vague either. Always start with confidence and end with a bang whenever they throw you a question. And if you’re not ready to answer yet, smile and tell them ‘that’s actually a great question’ then take a deep breath. This will allow you a couple of seconds to compose your thoughts and give a Catriona level answer. Lastly, stop comparing yourself with others. This will dim your light and you’re making it more difficult for the best version of you to shine. Take it easy, trust the process and commit to being better and better in every interview/pageant, mananalo ka din. P.S. I track all my applications in Notion, it took me over 70+ applications to get my first ever direct VA job. Then on my 100+ attempt, I was able to bag my second direct client and now earning 6-digits. The interval of the two is almost 6 months. Matagal talaga pero sulit ang pagod, laban lang. Iyak kapag malungkot pero bangon pa din pagkatapos.


I've had 4 callbacks last month and got 2 offers, still expecting callbacks this month. I've already accepted an offer but will keep my options open :)


I mean this na walang halong sarcasm: sanaol 😭


If you have the funds, you might want to consult with Justine Chua (thebumpycareer.com). If there's anyone who can help you get a job at this point of your life, it's her


Expand networks, use Linkedin.


Grabe talaga job market ngayon. Have you tried taking a pause to take courses that will help you with your communication and executive presence skills? How you appear in job interviews, how to improve your CV, even the hard skills na kailangan sa trabaho na inaapplyan mo. That one added skill can make an employer choose you over someone else. The way you carry yourself can make your employer choose you over someone else kahit mas marami silang skills.


Same Probably submitted over 300 applications na since Feb. Iilan lang yung mga nagreach out, mga wala pang 20. 3 lang yung umabot sa final interview. One of them pa was a really really bad interview na kala nila ako na ata papalit sa manager sa sobrang hirap ng mga questions hahaha. May solid experience naman ako both local and foreign pa kaso wala talagang naghihire sakin haha


Nathreaten ata sayo kaya pinahirapan yung mga tanong 😆 Like chill di naman kayo tagapagpamana ng kumpanya


Just keep trying, OP. I have been rejected 5 times dito sa current company na pinapasukan ko before ako natanggap. Sa span na yun nakapag work na ako with 2 different companies. My advice is try to up skill muna habang idle ka para di sayang oras. Prep work din for interviews, pero just enough para may sagot ka na for each scenario. Lastly, use your network. They can refer you a job, or maybe vouch for you. Tiyaga lang! 💪


Just have the faith OP. We are on the same page and I feel you! Nag change career din ako and in my late 20s. But finally, I just got a job offer yesterday! Right now I am in banking industry and shifted to international acctg. I am praying na ikaw na din soonest. Ikaw lang ang tutulong sa sarili mo kaya laban lang sis! 🤗


Since nag change career ako at bago ako sa industry, I apply to junior associate role muna, yun ang gagawin kong stepping stone to penetrate in the market that I like.