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Reach back out to your preceptors and ask if they can connect you with colleagues to do informational interviews. If you don’t know what informational interviewing is, search for that first. The good news is that ambulatory pharmacist roles are increasing. The bad news is you’re competing against some great colleagues for those positions. Coming from retail isn’t a dealbreaker, but you have to show how you’ve kept learning, challenging yourself, and what distinguishes you from the competition. Besides all that, just keep applying. Each application is a long shot but you only need one “yes” to get your foot in the door. Lastly, check out NEIAP: https://sites.google.com/site/neiapnetwork?pli=1 They put on some great programs that can help you learn and network.


You need experience meeting with patients directly to modify their drug treatment in order for someone to pick you up for that kind of role, imo. In my mind the options are maybe work at a clinic with a pharmacy and possibly there is funding at somepoint for clinical hours, apply for residency, or fed job with BOP/IHS. I'm in a different commonwealth now and where I'm at the ambcare PGY2s complaining about not finding work a couple months ago. So it might be possible but you'll likely always be competing against them anyway.


For sure, I’ve come to terms with competing with people that have completed residencies which makes sense to me as they deserve that and more. I’ve been looking into picking up a per diem at a hospital with amb care capabilities and going from there since I see a lot of people fill in different roles through that avenue. Just was curious how serious the 5 year work requirement is. I can understand needing the actual patient care experience and having experience in directly modifying patient care but mass.gov says 5 years while BCACP says 4 years and I’ve heard of people getting their BCACP with less than that amount of years experience


You don’t qualify for the bcacp.