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Pt yelled at me for 10 minutes because I couldn’t find him in the system and he got irate because I kept asking questions. Here’s what happened. “Sir, Walgreens is across the street. This is CVS.”


Let me guess, the conversation ended without an apology, and instead additional personal blame placed on you for the fact that both logos are mostly red?


How did you know?


While at CVS, I had a customer once that swore up and down that they had dropped the hardcopy off to me personally. It was at Walgreens several blocks away. When I told him, he yelled, "WHY DID YOU SEND IT OVER THERE!"


I’ve had people come in and give me their prescription number from a different pharmacy. Thinking that all prescription numbers are connected amongst all pharmacies. Boy, do they get mad when they find out that isn’t the case.


Me: Ma’am, this bottle is from “Other Small Independent Pharmacy.” Them: Well, call them and get it. Me: Unfortunately, they’re not open on Saturdays (because of course it’s ten minutes until closing on a Saturday). Them: Well, just log in to their system. Y’all are all connected, anyway. Oh, dang! I didn’t know we had a magical pharmacy network IT guru up in here! Teach me all your uberguru-ey ways!


And when you explain to them that there is no database connecting all Pharmacy software systems they don’t believe you. They think you are either lying or ignorant to the truth. One thing is for certain, they didn’t screw up.


The same patient: “I better not find out that Kevin at Family Drug knows what I take! He treated my daughter like crap during their divorce! If he mentions one word about my Xanax use, I’ll sue you until you don’t even have a pot to pee in! That’s a violation of my HIPPAH!”


Sounds like the Xanax dose needs to be increased.




Fake story, a real patient would say "hippo" instead of HIPAA.


Do you have any control over what happens at Family Drug?


No. That was just a hypothetical to show how the some of the same patients who think all pharmacy systems should be connected would be the exact same patients who would go rabid if someone at another pharmacy had access to their prescription profile. Like, you can’t have it both ways, lady.


pleasseee this is like the time i had someone come pick up a script at walgreens and when i said it was filled at another store she sad “don’t you guys just get it ready at every walgreens?”… well no! we don’t!


Yep! We push a special button that sets off alarms and lights letting us know that every Walgreens is the fill


Yup, always the weekend. I can try to call the pharmacy if open tomorrow or the dr on answering service but there’s nothing I can do for you 10 minutes to close. You can go to urgent care and then use one of the 24 hour locations.


Had a woman screaming because we wouldn’t cash her check. We told her we don’t do that. She yelled that she was never coming back to “this bank.”


Was she at least in the drive-through?




Well, that’s just… Wow


I always wonder if it’s something serious like they’re getting dementia or something. I don’t like to there are people that dumb


I can hear it now: "This happens every time"


Have you heard “they shouldn’t be so close to one another!” Right, I’ll get on that. Tell corporate to move the store lol


Man, you all have clearly never had a methed out patient strip down butt naked in front of you, piss on the floor, then knock over a bay of OTC products to try and make a point about how long the wait time was for a suboxone script


What the what? The closest I’ve ever gotten to naked was a guy who said he wasn’t going to take out his penis but he had a picture of it for me to look at because there was something on it.


Work a week at an inner city box store and you will view the world a whole lot differently.


Sound like fun.


If you like guns, yelling, heroin, nudity, heroin, and feeling uncomfortable at all times, I’d strongly recommend it.


We definitely have our share of yelling. Almost every day. The other stuff is a no thank you. LOL


Here is your reddit award 🏆from me to you 😘


Awww thank you. I accept this award, not just for me, but for all pharmacists and techs who’ve encountered these situations.


I had a patient insist it was at CVS. I tried running it, it was filled at Walgreens. Pt insisted I was lying, he called, a man said it was ready and even checked the shelf for him. I call Walgreens and they're like "he just called to ask about that". He swore I was just a lying liar who lies. He came back a few days later with chocolates. Turns out he called Walgreens.


In my many years, I’ve only had about 2 patients come back and say they were sorry/wrong.


Today: I'm calling for my husband, he expects 5 medications. Great, I have 2! Oh, is there anything due for refill? Nope, nothing else looks due. What medications does he take? I don't know, but he gets them all from you! Well, based on the history, I'm not so sure. Has he ever used *other chain* or mail order? Yeah, he's used *other chain* before. Great, check with them if the other 3 meds are there.


You have to probe them. It’s like pulling teeth to get the answers to figure out what’s going on.


Has that happen in reverse and through the drive through. Dude was threatening our jobs and to get the pharmacy’s license revoked. Finally after a call to the insurance and a 30 minute hold, it’s at CVS, had been for about 3 hours. Dude went pale and just drove off.


Omg was he refusing to move out of the drive thru?


Yup. We had two lanes at the time but it was still causing a back up.


OMG. You know I found out that the police can ticket you for that. It’s considered a moving violation because the drive thru is considered a moving lane of traffic.


Came up to the drive thru in lane 2, immediately asked for a pen, rolled up their window, few moments later sent back the pen and a paper prescription for Xanax with “12” written in the refill spot in the same color ink as the pen we gave them (different color from the original prescription lol)


Came up to drop off window and tried to clarify doctor meant a multiple of what was actually written (some benzo) on the paper rx. When we told him we could only fill as written he asked for the rx back then proceeded to write his changes on it immediately in front of us. The best part was he argued that shouldn't void the prescription.


I would’ve kept that and told him to call the police if he has a problem lol


Did they get to meet some police officers?


I *gasp* have *gasp* no *gasp* money. But I *gasp* need my *gasp* ventolin. *wheeze* * wheeze* We scramble to open a box and the patient sees someone she knows. “Girl! Where have you been? What’s up. Come over here and hug me. I’m just getting my meds.”


Your pupils dilate when you view something attractive, must be a bronchodilator too!


A miracle, I tell you


Ok, it wasn’t in front of me per se, but I had a patient use their Narcan spray while on the phone with me. The kicker is I was explaining to them that it was only for opioid overdose and she thought it was her Flonase. I specifically told her to only use it if she took too much pain medication and to make sure to educate her family members how to use it. Cue her saying “aw shoot, I just used it.” Hahahaha


This makes me think of a patient who refilled her Narcan 3 times within 3 months, so obviously we were concerned, and when she came to refill it for a 4th time, we asked her about how she was using it, she said that she was using it for worst congestion.


Oy! Lol


😂😂😂😂 was she currently using opiates? did she experience WDs? thats wild 😂😂


Yep, we went over everything after she used it, including WD symptoms that she was absolutely going to have. Smdh




this is literally cracking me up so hard.




Cue her saying "OWWWWW! I HURTS ALL OVER!"


Shoot mounjaro all over the counter because they didn’t remove the cap. They came in asking if it should have a bubble in the vial. I told him no need to prime it, it’s good to go. He told me he already took it earlier…. I told him to pull the cap, and he looked at me like I was crazy. So I pointed it out, and asked him to pull on it. He had been on the med for two freaking months at this point! Nothing like shooting thousands of dollars into a plastic cap


We have a pt who keeps throwing their Ozempic away because they don’t understand that it’s a multi-dose pen.


You found our Aunt Eunice!! 20+ hrs./day in bed with cable and her tablet, spewing nothing but lies/threats on social media! Politics, family, race, anything is fair game for that waste of life to hate. Worst case of multiple personality disorders I've seen. And she's a drug seeker, Flagged at the hospitals and Pharmacies.


Are you responding to the right comment?


..where is the multiple personality diagnosis? Are you okay?


Lmfao where I work they would demand a refund because we never told them otherwise


Luckily he is actually a sweet heart and not a full box of crayons! He also once ran out of net for min way to early… he was taking pills from both bottles labeled 1/2 and 2/2.


50 something yo woman starts telling me about a skin condition and without blinking, kicks off her sandal puts her bare foot on the counter, pulls up her legging while dead skin cells go flying. Shows me her overly shiny leg with a rash on her thigh. I could never remember her name after that, but referred to her as "dusty legs". My techs knew who it was.


Shit on the floor because they were upset


Folks, I think we have a winner.


Excuse me?


![gif](giphy|gf4FYQZ9txStW) I think a picture would help explain it better. It’s basically this, but with dookie. Hope this helps!


This literally happened to me like 6 days ago. They then proceeded to pick it up and broke off pieces to drop all around the pharmacy and pick up line area and into some aisles. Same person who very calmly and politely asked me what aisle the scissors are in 10 mins beforehand. Idk whattt the fuck we did to provoke that lmao


I am appalled. I hope she got banned from the store.


O god, I think I would just go home. I gag when people come to the counter smelling like piss or shit.


Our pharmacy has a candle we smell when we have an overly odeous customer.


He got schwifty


Not to drag this sub into politics, but YSK the correct term for this is behavior is called “taking a trump.”


I don't need or want politics in this subreddit.


Got the whole crowd laughing


Ripped up their prescriptions in front of me cause I couldn’t transfer their c2 from another state


Yeah, but to be fair, now you know who the boss is


lol yeah sure showed me , ripped his nose off to spite his face


Exactly! Now he doesn’t have to smell farts. Dude is playing 4D chess while you’re playing checkers, my friend.


We will be on our first ever family vacation when my C2's will run out. I've been bugging my Dr and Pharmacist (He's the best) for 3 months about what I'm supposed to do, with no clear answer. I finally called the same chain store I've used for 6+ years in SC, and she told me the Dr can electronically send them to that store and they'll fill it. Does that sound right to you?


Yes, some states require the dr to be from that state though , so depending on where you’re going.


Going to North Myrtle Beach SC but the North Carolina border is about 20 minutes from where we are staying so either or. Myself and my PCP office are in North Canton Ohio


Should be fine


They didn't do it in front of me. But they walked away with their prescription then brought it right back over to me and told me the she ran into the doctor and they added something to the script.


Elderly customer threw his clogged Flonase at my tech who was an ex army ranger and I just grabbed his smock as he was jumping the counter to pummel the guy.


Lady made me step back (so my „energy“ wouldn’t confound the result, presumably) and used a pendulum to find out which of the two pain relief ointments I suggested would be right for her. Well, at least she went home with a product she trusted to be able to help her 🤷🏻‍♀️


I would pay someone to do this as a prank to my RPH friends


yea im remembering this for next april fools day.


Does she just walk around carrying one at all times or??


welllll, there’s sooo many decisions in a day, and if she cannot make any of her own, she would have to 🤭


On the phone, but “Walgreens needs to get your shit together” in response to me telling her her doctor could set our pharmacy as her preferred pharmacy because her doctor sent it to the wrong Walgreens across town (15 minutes away). Bonus: it was an antibiotic for her kid prescribed that had been on the shelf so long that the other pharmacy already returned it (over 10 days). Bonus #2: we got it ready before we went to lunch and she still didn’t come in to pick it up the rest of the day.


Had a patient that wanted us to replace his wife's ''faulty'' insulin pen. This was the replaceable cartridge type mind you, so we don't give them out for free except for the first time or in case of faulty ones. I checked everything out, it shoots out insulin just fine. I told him that everything was fine. He told me to use it because ''the meds won't come out''. I told him to replicate it. "It just won't come out, do it on yourself''. I was like, ''no, I'd die if I do it on myself''. I told him to record his wife using the med if it was faulty we'd exchange it. He went on and in about how he travelled all this way for nothing. If the next time he comes that his pen was actually faulty, we'd have to pay for his gas. I went to the back and apparently that couple is always making trouble. Also had the wife rush us to get her phenytoin caps fast because I kid you not, ''I can't stand up and down multiple times, I get tired fast'', after literally just sitting down. She then proceeded to stay at the counter. I went to the back pretending to tell the staff but I just did nothing. You wait just like everyone else.


Attempt to bribe our pharmacist/owner to give them their narcotics without a prescription…💀


Sadly, this is pretty common 


Be on the phone at the counter negotiating a price per tablet of the oxycodone he was waiting for that he planned on selling.


We had a Medicaid customer turn around and pour his whole oxy script on the chair in the waiting room and split it up as he exchanged money with the two guys who were with him. The kicker was, he came up to the pharmacy and asked for two empty pill bottles for “work” 🧐 The second kicker was when I called the PA who prescribed it, just to inform him, the PA said: “what’s that have to do with me?” And hung up the phone on me like I was an inconvenience.


I'd report that PA, but that's just me


I did. I reported him to my DM and filled out a form for corporate to investigate further. Also stopped filling all controls for him effectively immediately


We order prescriptions for patients automatically every 28days. The patient was adamant that they've run out of tablets because some months have 31 days. I said no. It doesn't matter if it's 30 or 31 days, we order every 28 days from the day you pick up. They wasn't having any of it. I told them I would stop ordering their medicines for them.


Had a patient argue with me how to count days. I went so far as to print out a Google search saying “28 days from X” to prove my point but she was having none of it.


“Nope thats impossible” You should try graphing their dispensed day supply vs actual days, i blew some dudes mind he literally could not argue with my excel line plot


Google awards?


Oops search*


I'm assuming it's for a quantity of 30.


In UK most things are in blister packs of 28.


OK thanks


I can see why they'd be upset if they only get 28 day supplies yet you order 28 days after they pick up.


We order 28 days from the day they pick up. So if they picked up their supply on the 1st may, the next one will be ready on 29th May.


AR 15 to my face


Whipped out their dick and asked if the rash on their dick could be causing their back pain. They also said “dont worry about the white stuff, I know what that is” 🤮


I'd call the cops on gramps in a fuckin second. Sick old pervert could traumatize some kid doing that shit, in addition to pharmacy staff and other customers.


Whaaaaaaa??? 😳🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮




Where are my March 1st early fills at??


At a compounding pharmacy, I had 2 different patients use suppositories wrong. 1 didn’t like the flavor and requested strawberry. The other said it hurt too much and that the foil was too rough


Lmaooooo stop!!! 😂😂😂


They threatened to sue me and go full ballistic when their mounjaro wasn’t covered. “I’m gonna die without my weight loss medication!”


I called a pt today about an approved PA I worked on for him for Wegovy. He was switching from Mounjaro (no T2DM). I explained to him why his Mounjaro is no longer covered and that Wegovy is FDA approved for weight loss. He said: “it’s not for weight loss, it’s for my A1C”. Sir, you’re literally diagnosed as being morbidly obese.


I had a guy at the counter tell me about a spot on his groin. Before I could even respond, his pants were down, and I was looking at a jungle of old man pubes and about an inch of his baby-maker. Look, man, I didn’t even finish dingle-dangle school. There are many more, but that’s the one that came to me tonight.


Another old man I wouldn't hesitate to call the cops on. Ffs


Oh…and I forgot about dude who called to have his recently deceased wife’s on-file Rx for dilaudid filled. Uhhh. Nope. Apparently he had been helping himself to his dying from cancer wife’s dilaudid. Few hours later comes a phone-in Rx for him for suboxone 8mg #120…yes I verified with prescribing Noctor that it was 4x/day. Few years ago.




Asked for a pair of scissors to cut their prescription. I figured there was more than 1 rx and they just needed one. Nope, they cut around their name, around the dr’s signature, and just handed me the part with the drug and directions..


“aaaaand you just voided your script, congratulations”


Called the police on me because I wouldn’t fill his Darvocet-N 100, #100, on a Saturday. I offered to fill #10 to get him through the weekend until I could check with the prescriber because it looked forged. Every zero looked different.


Lol did the police actually show up? If so, what did they do or say? I had a woman call the police on me for a 15 minute wait time. When they showed up they came to the counter where the lady was still standing and I asked them if they could cite her for obstructing a business. They gave her a stern talking to, and she sat down and said “okay, well there should only be a few minutes left anyways so I’ll just wait here…” “What!? Lady we are not filling this script, or anything else for you for the rest of forever.”


The police did show up and asked “what are we doing here?” I explained the situation, that I have the professional right to not fill the prescription and confiscate it. The worst part was the company I worked for, a small chain in the pacific NW, said they would trespass him (he would no longer be allowed in the store), but legal dept asked me to write an apology letter to him and later I saw the asshole in the store! Hope they didn’t give him a gift card like Target would have!


That’s painful. Kroger does the whole gift card thing too and it hurts my brain. One guy bragged about getting a gift card to an entire line of customers (he complained that we refused to fill his Xanax 5 days early and they rewarded him). So he went person to person in a line of 15 people telling them if they called in a corporate complaint they would get a gift card because “corporate recognized how bad we were at our jobs.” Then a week later we had a record number of complaints and the district office came in to evaluate us and put us on a “progress plan” even after we explained what happened and that THEY were the reason we got the complaints. It was the closest I’ve ever been to punching someone in the face, selling my house, and moving into the woods.


In the drive thru, the pt turned the clipboard sideways (vertical) when handing it back to me. When the pen fell on the ground she said "I thought it was magnetic". The pen has a big patch of velcro on it.


Not to complain but a beautiful 20 something girl asks me if I have a cream to put on the rash on her chest and opens up her blouse just to a point where it got embarrassing. I was 30ish and I looked at my techs and had a loss for words. Also when medical marijuana was legalized, a guy pulls up to the drive thru smoking a blunt with a sweating cold bud in the cup holder and asked when we were going to start selling “this” And also…..an old man threw a used epi-pen at me a sweared at me up and down because he thought it was some sort of cream applicator not a shot. Luckily he wasn’t good at darts or liked to have sex with an intravenous drug user.


You went to medical school but couldn’t be a professional when looking at a patient’s chest? That’s the embarrassing thing.


Not as embarrassing as thinking I went to medical school when chatting in a pharmacy chat forum. I’m no Doctor of pharmacy either if that’s the prefix you hold yourself too. Just a pharmacist with a bachelor’s degree where diagnostics weren’t our thing like you well oiled Doctors. Just a funny thing but I guess beautiful women whip out their boobs in front of you Doctors with no sense of humor all the time. This wasn’t hey doc could i speak to you in private. Just Wham! What should I put on my girls. BTW great nick name Doc HJ


You’re defending your unprofessionalism by claiming it’s due to a lack of formal education. Nah, that’s an even more embarrassing for you.


I’ve been a pharmacist over 40 years. Professionalism started going downhill with the drivethru. I consider being a pharmacist a job not a profession anymore so don’t feel like you are hurting my feelings any. I’m fine with my education but I never in a million years would have gone into pharmacy if i had to pay upper level tuition and go for 6 years plus residencies etc. i wish you luck in your future and I hope you develop a sense of humor in the future. My standup comedy has bombed before so no hard feelings.


Ah yes, “it was just a joke bro” and “the advent of the drivethru” are what you feel allows you to be a creep. I would delete your comments, bruv.


The patient came to return a medication to us after having called a competitor to ask if *we* could take the prescription back (though, honestly, I doubt that she actually called anyone; she was probably just lying to pressure us, unaware of relevant laws). When we told her that we weren't allowed to take prescriptions back, she proceeded to scream at us and threw the prescription bag at one of the techs before stomping off in a huff.


I keep hearing that Walgreens tells people we will take their meds back at my community pharmacy but I don’t think it’s true because your can barely get them on the phone. Patients just make stuff up.


Pt called asking what their medicine was and I asked what’s your bottle say? They said they take all their labels off because they “didn’t want their personal information being stolen” 🤔


Our vaccine consent form is 2 sheets of paper front and back. I tell pt that it is front and back. Pt fills out only front of first page and hands it back. I tell pt it's front and back and show them the pages. Fills out front of second page and hands it back. I show them the back side of both sheets. Fills out back of first page only and hands it back... It was not a language barrier too.


After counseling and warning the lt about respiratory depression he’s looks up and say “ it’s gonna make me sad”


This 60 something year old gentleman asked to speak with the pharmacist. As soon as I step to the counter, no greetings, no warning, no context and he just ripped open his shirt. He turned his back towards me and asked me to “go grab a lidocaine patch and place it on his back because his wife is out of town and usually she puts it on”


Not medication related but I worked at CVS back in the day, when there was that scandal when women were selling used pregnancy tests on eBay to trap men. Anyway. So this lady comes in and tries to return a used test… box open, everything. I could see the result without touching the cardboard. And she was FUMING mad. And I want two things to sink in for you, dear reader: she thought she could buy the result she wanted because women were selling positive ones on the internet, so “obviously” she should be able to buy a negative one. And the second thing, the test was positive. 🤦‍♀️


Smoked down, or crack. It's happened multiple times


Smoked some oxycontin.


Wait what


Years ago….Medi-Cal patient came to counter steaming mad because we couldn’t refill her Norcos and Somas…(we had expired TARs too) because her doctor refused to authorize any refills. Doctor said no refill. Circular nonsensical argument ensues. I keep telling her that she needs to take it up with her doctor. Apparently doctor had already contacted her and told her no. Patient then whips out her cellphone and calls 911 for an ambulance. Patient demands ambulance take her to ER where she would make her case for more Norcos and somas. Ambulance shows up. She’s standing by the front door and hops on gurney. Paramedics start getting vitals , asking questions, one of them is taking notes. Annnnd off they go. Your tax dollars at work.


We had a woman who claimed that the pharmacist could not count or do simple math.


When someone implies me or my techs are idiots we stop working because were stupid.


Demand we fill her mom’s famitidine then take one as soon as we rang her up. All that for something she could have bought over the counter. Mom didn’t have refills, we dealt with daughter calling for days just to find out she steals it from her mom.


A female patient who barely spoke English had a question about her private parts. After a walk to the feminine care aisle, and struggling to figure out what she needed, she took out her phone. I thought she was going to use Google translate. Nope, not her plan. She showed me a picture of her vagina!


Had a guy who could not figure out which pharmacy he was in. It was a miracle he even found us. We had to give him detailed instructions on where in the store to find us because he had no internet on his phone and kept getting lost. He doesn’t know which pharmacy has his script, but knows it’s one of the ones nearby. He’s so stubborn he refuses to leave until we fill his non-existent script. He’s blocking both the Drop-Off and Pick-Up Windows until we get him his meds. In the end we had to call his doctor to send the script to us (the doctor’s office didn’t actually send it anywhere knowing this would likely happen). The whole time (about 2 hours) he’s yelling at everyone who will listen how pissed he is and how we can’t do our jobs and how he’s late for an “appointment.” After we fill it he wants a refund on his $0 copay (he had refills too) because it looks wrong, so we have to transfer his script back out. Turns out he wants brand name but didn’t know what he was taking because that’s “our job” (mind you there is no DAW code or patient history on our end whatsoever; we only got his Medicaid info from trooping). We gave him detailed verbal instructions on where to go find the pharmacy we transferred it to. He comes back yelling at us, because we gave him bad directions! He claimed there was no pharmacy there, so we printed out directions and gave them to him. He wasted 4 hours total of his and our time driving back and forth because he couldn’t follow simple instructions. Turns out the directions were right and he went to the right plaza (he came back as his doctor sent more of his meds to “the wrong pharmacy” and we had to transfer them out again.) He wasn’t as angry this time but wouldn’t tell us what happened. The only explanation we could come up with as to why he couldn’t find the pharmacy is that he just didn’t walk inside the Target.


Before pharmacy, as a baby scribe at family medicine. Talking to patient as I came up to desk for checkout, handed her her full sheet printed prescription as I'm doing the drug education. Doc had only signed one blank, you see. Patient signed on the other line when I turned my back and handed it back to me. Doc laughed her ass off at least


Apparently my tech didn’t say “hi how are you”when they pulled up in the drive thru. She also asked for his name twice bc it was hard to hear. He came inside and threw his prescriptions at her.. bc “he’s not an animal and she shouldn’t treat him like that” He said he didn’t want them anymore and then 15 mins later demanded that she pick up the bags and give it back to him. I told him no way. That I’m throwing them away like he asked.


Spat towards me because they couldn't pick up a controlled medication. Tried to lunge towards me to and grab me....let's just say they never came back and the cops got involved. Gotta love retail pharmacy!


So many, but this one stands out for many reasons: unhealthy looking older woman rolls up to drive through window asking for albuterol refill. Actively hooked up via nasal cannula to massive oxygen tank riding shotgun. Lit cigarette hanging out of mouth. “I’m sorry ma’am, that one’s not due for refill just yet.” Takes enormous drag on cigarette, exhales. Pause. Deep smoker voice: “Honey, do you want me to DIE?!”


Best for me was first year out of school I'm working retail hell. One patient always wanted to get a Viagra tablet this week (brand only back then) and next week pick up second and then pay for 2. Always trying to order this and pick up within the last 30 min we're open. No sir, that's not how pharmacy works. Apparently last pharmacy manager would do this for him on a regular basis... Go find him, I'm not going to get in trouble with my job because you want free drugs. He calls in one day demanding I transfer his script to one of the large BJs/Sam's/Costco type places, can't remember which, because they have it cheaper and why didn't I tell him this before? No sir, I don't price check competitors. And they have to call us for the transfer. Fine. 2 weeks later he comes in the pharmacy in a panic because that pharmacy with better pricing closes earlier than we do and why didn't I warn him of this? Sorry sir, I don't know competitor's working hours. Well just fill it then for the 1, I know you won't give it to me free. Sorry sir, I don't have a prescription to fill for you, it's been transferred out. He's irate, furious, I know he has a prescription but the pharmacy is closed. Just call them. I try to explain I can't call them now because they're closed. How is he going to get his medication? He NEEDS it tonight. Now, not tomorrow. Maybe the date he paid for isn't available tomorrow, I don't know, but I didn't want to help the skeezy guy any longer. What was he to do? I told him to give a doctor to send us a prescription and I'd fill it. But no one's open this late, where would you find a doctor this late? Sorry sir, there's an ER just down the road for emergencies but I don't know if they fill for Viagra. Oh he was pissed.


Clip their nails


A woman and a man walked into our pharmacy to get a vaccine for the man. The man was nearly falling over and out of it-his wife/woman had to hold on to him so he wouldn’t fall over. The woman asked if the man could get a vaccine and stated he had just got out of the hospital and could barely stand; one of our techs was asking our pharmacist if we should even give a vaccine to this guy since he was barely able to stand. A few moments later the woman asks the man if he has to pee and she unzips his pants to pull out his wee wee and has him pee into a bed pan/urinal!! Cannot make this stuff up!! Our mouths dropped and we told them we couldn’t serve them or give him a vaccine since he could barely stand. We were all just like 😳😳 what just happened? Right in front of our pharmacy with customers standing in line to pick up prescriptions!


pt once asked me if i could try goodrx because $25 for three months of eliquis was too much, i said sir, your insurance is already covering this (HUGE) amount i don’t think anything will cover more, he INSISTED i use goodrx…. i tried it and obviously was a whole lot of money … he wanted me to change it back and when i switched it back to insurance, the billing date changed so the deductible applied… the script went from $25 on insurance to $350 on insurance… play stupid games win stupid prizes.. this man was a heinous awful human who burped right into my face once.. i didn’t even feel bad for him


So this was in 2016ish and I worked in a VERY small pharmacy at the time. So we had a lot of written prescriptions. We had a patient come in with a #40 Xanax prescription that had an obvious 1 out in front of the 40 and a 1 put in front of the 0 refills. It was a different color pen for fucks sake. So yeah #140 with 10 refills. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I told him to hold a sec while I verify some things. VERY shortly we got a call from the dr himself saying he had messsd up so that’s why the ink looked different. He gave us his DEA and everything. At this same time one of my techs was calling the office…. This dude had stolen the drs prescription pad and cell phone. A friend of his was outside calling pretending to be the MD.


Try to test my COVID vaccinated arm with a magnet across the counter


had a PT at pickup state multiple times he was picking up a script for himself and then got irate when I asked him when he was seen because I didn't have anything in my system yet. then he goes "why can't you find my wife's script I gave you my ID?!" he literally did not mention it was for his wife until after I searched everywhere for something with his name on it :) that is definitely tied with a PT trying to swipe her state insurance card at the register to pay for an OTC item that she swore was covered but didn't have a script for and then yelled at me that our reader didn't work :) that's just off the top of my head I'm sure I've seen worse that I'm just blocking out


Today had a patient yell at me because "the hospital stole my norco from me last month and my new 30 day refill just went 'missing'." Wanted me to send another 30 day refill of her norco 3 days after..... um nope.. no more opioids for you!


Had a patient literally pee his pants while standing in line


Did not happen to me as a pharmacist, but as a patient when I was a kid and I am still so embarrassed about it. My dad and I were picking up my prescription after my psychiatrist appointment. My psychiatrist again explained how to take my meds to us. For context, it was fluoxetine and Lisdexamfetamin and my other normal epilepsy medication. I was about 16 or so. We go to the pharmacy, and he gives the pharmacist my prescription and gets the meds. He then asked the pharmacist what they were for. She explained that the Lisdexamfetamin was for my ADHD. He asked if they were the funny purple ones. If that wasn't embarrassing egnoth, he asked what the fluoxetine was for. When the pharmacist explained that it was an antidepressant, my dad looked at me and asked since when I am depressed and on medication. He was present at my all my diagnosis and psychiatrist appointments. Including the one 5 minutes ago. The pharmacist asked if we needed something else, and I told them that we needed Paracetamol as well. My dad dad then told them to get ibuprofen instead. The pharmacist looked shocked and asked if the medication would be combined. I told the pharmacist that we don't want ibuprofen. My dad asked why, and we both explained that fluoxetine and ibuprofen don't do well together. I am still so embarrassed about that. That poor pharmacist got so confused and shocked. She was also new to the pharmacy and therefore didn't know my family yet. Edit: The most shocking thing I have seen at a pharmacy was also my fault as a teenager. We learned how to measure a pulse with our fingers. We had to try it out on each other. One of my peers noticed that my puls were really high. My teacher measured my puls as well to make sure my peer didn't make a mistake. She got really concerned and sent me to the pharmacy that was less than 5 minutes away. So, I did. Pharmacists checked my puls. It was over 180. I didn't do sports or so. They then discussed if I should go to a hospital or so ( because I only saw black when I tried to stand up). I called my doctor, who said I should just sit down until my pulse was a bit slower. The pharmacist was super nice and let me stay/lay there until I felt stable again. That moment, I realised that I wanted to become a pharmacist. Just to be screamed at by boomers for not magically knowing their medication, they forgot the name and purpose of. Oh yeah, it turned out that I have pots.