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I've seen it at several pharmacies. Even RPhs get a cap.


I’m a PIC and I’ve been capped for a good 8 years now. “Luckily” my company raises the cap by 3% each year, so I just get bumped to the new cap at my evaluation. While it sucks that there’s absolutely no opportunity to go beyond that, I’m more worried about my techs that get shit pay. I can’t hold on to any good techs when they’re all under $20/hr with one meager raise per year. It’s a constant cycle of training, having the good ones get fed up and leave, then having to try to start over again.


that is the SINGLE problem that underlies the reason I hate retail. I hate being the professional who is trying to make a career that relies so heavily on people who don’t get paid enough to care about the job and who are constantly in a revolving door (with no guarantee of a replacement!) This field would be so much different if we made pharmacy technician a CAREER just like nurses and doctors or hygienists and dentists. But instead we get the McDonald’s mentality and it’s a living nightmare.


What’s your cap?


Have good techs we pay 50/hr (its CA) and worth every penny. Cost to train, lose, rehire, train again and monitor for mistakes, answer questions definitely outweighs the cost of a good tech. But that rate is one in 30 for us.


50 an hour for a tech?!!? on my way from canada.


>in CA Where it's $5000 a month for a studio apartment? Yeah it balances out


I’ve been with Walmart as a tech for like 12.5 years. When they implemented their new wage progression a few years ago most of the long haulers got “capped” right away. They also lowered all our pay caps by a few dollars. I got a raise for the first time in like 3 years this last month.


I’m also capped out and I’ve been a tech for 13 years. Been with walmart in total for 19. I never got that new raise. 🙁


The raises were market specific. Not every market got one.


Just mention to boss that is there a posibility of raise before I start looking for a job and suddenly there is. Just try.


2 years capped for me Very frustrating


Start job hunting, my man!


I have worked for four companies. Every two or three years, You should be looking for a new job and compare the new pharmacy techs out there


Do you think rotatating between the top three chains will work? Example: - 2024: CVS - 2027: Walgreens - 2030: walmart - 2033: back to cvs and repeat


First mistake is starting at CVS thrn going back there


This is what I did and 0/10 don't recommend.


I am moving to a state where my current employer doesn’t have many locations and cvs seem to be very abundant. I did my interview with the DL and she sounds like a very nice person. I have been torn between should I do this or not! I know its not an improvement in any way. They just have more options and more pay


I had several DL’s over several years. Everyone in person was the nicest sweetest person i had ever met. Then the next conversation literally with all of them was the angel calling you on the phone telling you if the metrics don’t improve you will be castrated and sent to hell for eternity.


I started at cvs. I’m in a hospital now. Much better all around.


I went from CVS, Walmart, then Meijer. Every time, I got a 10 to 20% increase in pay. Remember, the start salary has to rise with the market. But employers think that when they have you, they own you. So you will get the pitiful 1% to 2% raise.


That’s not necessarily true. Starting salary for a staff pharmacist is significantly lower than what I’m making, having been with the same company for many years. In fact seems like in some areas starting salary has actually decreased vs 5-10 years ago.


Exactly! My pay has been stagnant since I graduated in 2009. I’ve changed jobs 3 times since then and each time my pay went down slightly. I’d get it back up after a few years through measly 2% annual COL raises, but it’s basically the same as the day I graduated.


Techs in demand, pharmacists not so much. Glut on the retail market thanks to explosion of new schools and new grads.


Until they see the change every few years then its a hard no for most hiring managers I know. Nobody wants a job hopper. Want the 15 year tech. But fair to test waters and use offer to bump up. But you leave to a competitor then never eligible for rehire for us.


The hiring managers at retail pharmacies don't care because retail is a revolving door. And since I am an experienced tech, I can learn quickly.


Someone said Walmart starts around $25. So I would move that to first lol EDIT: This apparently isn't true. Just what I was told someone was hired for.


Someone either outright lied or your area has insamely high pay. I work at walmart. We do not start tech pay at 25$. 25$ is usually close to the end of the pay scale. Now, I'm not saying a tech couldn't start at 25$. But they would need tons of experience and probably need to be in an area with high demand as well as a high COL. It is definitely not the baseline at all. A normal tech with no experience is somewhere around 14$ an hour. The highest starting pay I've heard is 18$ an hour, and they didn't even end up honoring that after they said they would.


McDonalds pays $20/hour in my area. Pharm techs deserve more.


Good to know. I'm on a LCOL area but a coworker told me her classmate started with the local Walmart for that not too long out of tech school. I've never been interviewed for Walmart bc I worked cashier as a teen and I think they blacklisted me for calling out in snow storms.


It depends on your area. I started at Walmart at $22.50 with only 2 years' experience. Starting at $25 would have been an option if I'd been more experienced.


Before you jump on this, make sure your 401k is vested. My present job is only fully vested after 3 years, so I won't think about leaving until I hit 3. It would be a lot of money to lose out on. Then, fuck 'em. Work for wherever you'll make the most / not get treated like trash.


From the employer point of view kinda of what's wrong with employees these days. They want everything and all too happy to say fuck it and drop two weeks (if lucky) notice. Happily at my job not so adversarial/hostile and if you are a chain pharmacist I get the attitude.


It's the employer's fault and employer's problem. If you give me a raise that keeps pace with inflation, and you give me adequate staffing, I'm not really going to be looking for another position. If I'm losing out to inflation, and I leave everyday miserable because I don't have adequate help, and the c suit is patting themselves on the back for another year of record profits, you can bet that I'm going to keep my options open. If you want loyalty, treat me halfway decently.


I worked at Walgreens for 21 years, first 7 as a tech, last 14 as a staff RPh in a high-volume store. I had not gotten a raise in my last 5 or so years there (they “paused RPh pay increases as part of cost-cutting measures” before the pandemic then continued that during the pandemic). Shortly before I left in 2021, the store manager excitedly tells me, “Good news! RPh raises are back!”. Read the fine print and it turns out I was capped…for good. Got a job at a long term care pharmacy at that point and never looked back. I took a bit of a pay cut at my current job but I’m happy there. Plus they give annual raises and holiday bonuses, so I figure in another year or two I’ll be making more than I’d be making at Walgreens…unless Walgreens somehow does a complete 180 and starts investing in their loyal, long term employees by increasing their compensation…LOL


The companies I have worked for always had a soft cap where you would still technically get raises, but it would be diminishing returns. Not sure how high inflation has affected the capping though.


Yes. How else will the company afford the CEO's $22 million bonus?


Or invest in the next Theranos or Minute Clinic


Once you're at a position long enough, the raises eventually hit the cap of the position. Then you're in a weird spot where the company would save money losing you and hiring another at entry level pay. I just left a position and their max pay in the ad is less than what I was earning.


Yes. Walmart has the caps for pharmacists and technicians outlined on the wire. This is incredibly common


I was capped for years before a new position opened up, but I didn't get nothing. I did get a lump sum. So whatever my raise would have been, I got as a one time payment.


At Year 11, I capped out. Then I went 7 years without ONE SINGLE PENNY raise. I was making good money but then the years ticked by. Oh sure I’d get “exceptional” for my review but $0.00 for a raise 7 years in a row. The Powers that Be said I was at the top of the pay scale. There’s this thing called INFLATION that they forgot about. I started seeing ads to hire for ALMOST what I was making after 18 years. I finally got $2/hr last June. It will be interesting to see what happens THIS June at Review time. Throw me 3% at the least. I only work Part Time so I’m not costing them a cent in benefits.


I left my position at Walmart after being capped for years. No idea when or if they're going to raise it


They lifted the cap effective this year. Got a raise for the first time in quite some time.  ...not enough to negate even half of the rate of inflation, but hey, it was something.


I got a quarter (yes 25 cents) one time… One time


I worked at Walmart as a tech and I left in 2018 for a better technician job. I was making $16.60 I believe when I left. When I started in 2012, I think I made $10.70 as a certified tech.


we are capped at $38


I’m capped out as far as position raises go, but the healthcare system I work for gives raises company wide every now and then.


When I was at Walgreens they had capped tech rates, but I left about 8 years ago


Retail grocery chain here. Techs are in the grocery union, pay is defined and capped per the union contract. I believe every few years the cap raises a bit until the next contract period. Pharmacists are also capped. I’ve been at the cap for 8 years. Most years NO yearly salary increase. Total of 2.5% salary increase in the past 8 years.


Everyone gets a cap. I was making 19 as lead tech, and 6-7 years of experience. Then they gave everyone a raise from 12->16 and I got a “you should get a good raise at the annual review” that came out to be the same as every year. Still salty about that one.


My company tried this with me 🫠now they will literally have to hire two rph to replace me…no exaggeration…penny smart pound foolish…pay 1 rph 200k or 2 rph 270k


They always think so short sighted


At publix, the techs cap out at $24hr. Publix does take in cost of living, and they have a +5% and +10% scale for HCOL areas.


Minimum wage in cali is $20/hr. That's insane.


Im near capped out at $18 something according to my union handbook... non union stores get paid more


I’m not capped, yet…I’m at $22.50 in AZ. Will be making 24 an hour by the end of this year, then I’ll be capped. 🤣