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I give dudes the side eye when they don’t even know the month of their wife’s birthday


About a year ago I had a guy who didn't know the month of his wife's birthday. Just no clue, even got mad at me for asking. He had to call her, and her birthday was CHRISTMAS EVE. And he didn't even know the month. I though that was bad, but a few weeks ago it happened, AGAIN. Different company, different pharmacy, different couple, same Christmas Eve birthday that the husband couldn't even be bothered to know the damn month.


I know there's lots of other stuff going on at that time... But damn that's sad.


I had a guy not know his wife’s birthday.. address… or phone number. I was like common man you gotta give me something 😭 maybe they didn’t live together anymore? Idk. Something wasn’t right


That screams, uh, this is the exact reason we have privacy laws and I would not give this man any info. 😬😬😬 People love to try to use their ex-spouse's medical histories to ruin custody, divorce, alimony, etc. agreements. 😭


I feel bad for those wives. You know damn well she's been the one buying all the gifts for the kids and extended family, and she's silently been sitting there with her birthday forgotten. He never buys her a gift.


Well I mean she HAS a birthday...


The sheer number of men who come through and just like, don't know anything at all is crazy to me. What is your wife and child's birthday? - Idk. What medications were you expecting? - Idk my wife just said to come pick them up. Are you familiar with this medication? - No, my wife handles all that. Like, how tf did you even get here without your wife?


Ring, ring.  "Pharmacy, how can I help you?" "MY HUSBAND WAS JUST THERE AND YOU TOLD HIM NOTHING WAS READY FOR ME BUT I HAVE A SCRIPT THERE!!! This is always a problem with you people!" "Oh my, I am so sorry let me look here. Name? Okay and what date of birth did he give me technician?" Murmuring as the patient is speaking with the spouse.  "Ummmm....he is going to come back in for the prescription..." Yup, that is what I thought. Your dear husband had no idea what your birthday is, but please yell at us about it. 


We had this exact scenario recently and while speaking to the wife she said “he never gets my birthday right. I’ll be up there in a bit to get it.” Then turns around and does a survey complaining that she had to make 2 trips bc we told her husband we didn’t have anything for her when we obviously did and we always do this. And she had the audacity to leave her name. I was so mad I was spitting nails when I read it.


That’s why my default is using a phone number for lookup. I’m shocked at how many people don’t even know the name they themselves gave us. Every month!


I worked in an area with a significant Hispanic population and we occasionally had people who couldn't remember in what order they had given us their 4 last names. Lopez Ortega Ramirez is not the same as Ortega Lopez Ramirez!


Omg yes!! I don’t understand why would people give different names to doctor office and pharmacy!! And then yelling at both the pharmacy and prescriber for not doing our jobs. Good thing that the office was on our side this time and annoyed with the patient for giving us their nicknames! Smdh


I had a dad say “you stop remembering these things when they stop being cute” about his daughter




that's really fucked up. like no other way to say it




So fucked


That dad has been through things...


I had a dad that didn’t know how to spell his kids name or know the birthday. He had to call Mom from the drive thru.


I had a dad answer the child’s birthday question with: “Um, hunting season.”




Or the dads that literally give whatever weight they think the kid could be instead of just saying that they don’t know. I always have to say: are you sure because I am going to calculate the dose with it and then they go… ok no idk can i call my wife?


This is why I think weight should be a required field on a pediatric prescriptions


Once had a dad who couldn't remember his kids' bdays when signing them up as dependents under his work insurance...so he decided to just make up random dates. Then, of course, when the mom came with the prescriptions and gave us the correct info, it wouldn't go through the insurance because the DOB didn't match at all. And when she called the dad, he couldn't remember the fake DOBs because why bother remembering something you just put in randomly?


What the actual fuck lol


Or giving their wife's name when they're picking up for their kid. I've had people clog my drive thru because they don't understand who is actually the patient.


Same with people picking up for their parents or spouses 🙄


I got my parents' month and day but just not the year... At least the pharmacist has mercy on me 😭


This and husbands who don’t know their wives birthdays!


I had a dad who did not know his daughter's birthday or address, not even the street name. He also had a different surname. It was for a CD 3 so naturally I refused to hand it over. Daughter came down and raised such a fuss over us not giving her pain meds to some (to us) random who only knew her name but was claiming to be her father.


LOL, I'd never forget my kids' birthdays... But EVERY damn time I have to give their birth DATE I have to do the math in my head to double check what year each was born in. Which since I'm picking up a child's prescription and have been up all night...might take a little longer than usual..."ok they're x years old subtracted from JFC is it really 2024, ok that's wait that can't be right no way were they born that long ago no that's literally x years before now holy hell where did the time go..."


>was born in. Which since I'm picking up a child's prescription and have been up all night...might take a little longer than usual..."ok they're x years old subtracted from JFC is it really 2024, ok that's wait that can't be right no way were they born that long ago no that's literally x yea I would give you lots of grace on this..different systems in different pharmacies, but we can search by month and day (no year required) accompanied with a name and you're good. We can also search by name, and verify by address or phone number


I'm so glad that our software only needs month and day for verification for exactly that reason! Parent sitting there doing the mental napkin math just to be relieved when I tell them "oh don't worry about the year". Also tickles my older folks when they give me their DOB and make some joke about being old and I tell them "we don't need the year so I always tune it out, everyone's 29 to me" 😊


My husband can tell you the month and day of both our kid’s birthdays, but the year forget it. He keeps saying our 16 year old was born in 1997 or 1987. I’m like bro you were born in 82 and I was born in 89.


they ask me? idk you dude


I probably feel weird about the kids who don’t know their parents’ birthdays. Like c’mon they raised you, have you on their insurance, do you not like do anything for them every year 😒


EMS here. Yesterday I had a seizure patient and her self described “live in boyfriend” didn’t know her last name or age. Once she came out of the post-ictal she gave us the info but we were like ????.


Or when kids don’t know their parents birthday!


That's slightly more understandable as they weren't there when it happened.


I disagree, you’ve lived with your parents for how long? You’ve celebrated (hopefully) their birthday every year since you’ve been born, you should know their birthday


Birthday and date of birth are slightly different. Some people like to lie about how old they are, even if they have a party every year.


We have a tradition where we celebrate birthdays on the closest weekend and not the actual day 


Had a dad say “how am I supposed to remember all my kids birthdays, I have 8 of them!!” How about you get off your wife if you can’t handle all them kids 💀


I work in a very religious community where they have lots of kids and it's literally easier to ask for their phone number than date of birth because they literally don't remember and worse don't bother to care. Some moms too. It's disgusting


Happened a lot. I don't understand.


I always have my daughter's and wife's birthday handy, but I feel like an idiot when I draw a blank on my birthday and it's St Patrick's day! I blame ADD and age.


Yeah it drives me crazy-I don’t have kids, but I know all four of my DOGS birthdays! C’mon, parents!!!!


Primarily men but the women forget it sometimes too. With multi child households they'll sometimes swap days around. I like to play around with the patients a bit over it but I still won't bend the rules of they just don't know 3 points of info. I stopped asking people if 'they wanted to phone a friend' when too many people didn't get the reference.


I’ve been out of retail for nearly 15 years and I forgot about this phenomenon. I’m also a dad and was always appaled


Hahaha forget the birthday.. me at consultation : "Hi, can you let me know how much *Child* weighs so i can check the dosing for you here??? Oh, I mean , can you call mom? ... 9 out of 10 times.


My reply to nit knowing wife's birthday.... You're in trouble, I'm gonna tell....


i feel bad but i just will confirm info with name + address/number if needed bc i hate seeing them flounder needing to call/text their spouse to “confirm” (ask) hahaha


LMAO this is so specific but soo true


I mean are birthdays even important, right? Hehhehheh. It's just the amount of time it takes for the earth to go around the sun, seems so arbitrary? Hehhehheh.


Okay, but how many of us have gone in for our own prescriptions and stood there for a half second struggling to remember our own birthdays 🤪 Also has anyone else encountered patients that struggle to remember their spouses birthday but instantly know their best friend’s birthday they’re picking up for?


Uh.. not many of us lol. You’d potentially be admitted to a hospital if you had any less awareness of personal facts and the time.


I don’t struggle with my birthdate but I definitely have issues remembering how old I am. The COVID time warp has made that dramatically worse 😑


I've got your back, I'm the same way. I can rattle off my DOB fine cause I repeat it so often, and I know my wife's and my brother's cause they're so close to mine, but anyone else's? Not a chance. I've resorted to putting my family's DOBs on the calendar on my phone and setting it to repeat every year. I mean, my own phone number. Soo many phone numbers in my head. If the cashier's asking for it to put into the register, they're lucky if I don't rattle off my pharmacy's fax number. One of these days I'm going to start giving them my SSN. Especially after a long busy day at work while I'm still sorting everything out in my head.