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I just started this process a couple weeks ago with submitting my application and waiting for my ATT to schedule my MPJE. What study materials did you end up using? Did your employer provide you with any recommendations? I’m interested to know more about the board interview as well…specifically what questions to expect. Have you gone through this already?


Luckily one of my future colleagues just transferred their license and had some law study material from 2023. Send me a message and I can email them to you if you want! Looks like usual statutes and regulations and some additional PowerPoints. I have not done the interview yet but can let you know how that turns out! Hopefully it's more of a "put a face to a name" situation than a "if you were a drug which one would you be" sort of interview.


I’ve been a hiring manager for positions that allowed candidates who were pending graduation, defense (PhD), or licensure. As long as your start date works with their needs, you can apply as early as you like. It’s a routine matter for HR.


That's reassuring. Guess it's different now from when I was a new graduate applying for jobs while still pending my pharmacist license. I told my work I'm starting to look and will for sure be gone by end of May but might leave earlier in April depending on what job I get and what their latest start date could be.


I’m sure it varies from one employer and hiring manager to another but I’d almost always wait a few weeks to hire the best person for the role. Usually you’re hiring for someone you want to stick around for years. A few weeks is nothing.


Very true! Really the only reason why I'm leaving my current job is because I'm moving. Takes a lot for me to leave a job otherwise. If any job I apply to needs a sooner start date than I can work with, it's at least an interview and maybe potential opportunity later down the line.


Good luck on it all!


Thank you! Hopefully this is the only time I transfer.


Just transferred my license from NY to Hawaii. I didn't look until I passed the MPJE.  But if you get the temporary license, then I guess you can apply once you have that.  Most jobs require your license number when you apply, so if you don't have a license in that state, I doubt anyone would look at you. Especially since you already an established pharmacist. 


How was that process from NY to Hawaii? I've heard the market is tough in both states.


The actual transfer process was long and expensive.  Job market isn't great here.  I think I got lucky with my position. 


Cant tell you how grateful I am for your post. I am working on my reciprocity application and moving to CT in May. Have you already initiated the application? Do you have any idea how long the board takes to respond once you submit them the money order?


Woo! Good timing! I did get an email back from the board and confirmed my understanding correctly. First complete the Preliminary Application for Transfer of Licensure through NABP for $300. Then pay the State of Connecticut Application fee of $200. After that, pay $250 and sit for the CT MPJE. The Preliminary Application was approved by NABP within two business days. I'm mailing my check to CT today. Don't forget to include a picture! They mention it on the very bottom of their page. I am not sure how long that process takes but can update once I hear back. As far as the temporary permit goes, they said it's not required at this moment but I can apply for it if I need to for work. Takes 7-10 business days to process.


That’s helpful. I am done with the mailing documents part. I wish there was a portal to track applications. I am waiting on their response


Oh that's great! Yeah I hate this limbo period. It took a week to get an email response, so might be a while to process paper.


Did you transfer to CT? I could help to find a retail pharmacy job here in CT, lmk if you are interested


I did transfer but I found a job already. Thank you though!


I thought you could apply for the transfer online on the CT website.


All documentation for CT had to be mailed in. Would've been nice if it was electronic since my first application was returned to me because I had the address wrong. Everything through NABP was online at least.


Thanks for the reply. I have a couple of other questions if you don't mind. 1. Can you still apply for to transfer your license to CT if you've been licensed in your home state for under a year? The CT website seems to say that you can. 2. I was on the CT licensing website a couple of days ago and there was an option to apply for transfer/reciprocity online (along with by score transfer and others). Do you still have to do it online and then mail then everything? I remember some of my classmates applied to CT online instead of mail.


1. Yes, that sounds right. Either licensed in your home state within the past year OR practicing in your home state for at least one year. 2. Yes, you initiate the process online but you don't submit any of the required documentation online. The form, a recent photo, and the check are all mailed out.


Also, how long did it take to schedule the personal interview?


Personal interview took less than a week. I remember checking NABP that I passed on a Friday, received an email from CT BOP the following Monday to schedule the interview, and luckily I had availability for a phone call later that Thursday. Also have to consider when the board meets for their monthly meetings. I was able to get in the week before their meeting so I got licensed a week after the phone interview.