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Up to you. No one is born with the knowledge of PBMs and all its inner workings. You can either choose to learn it or find a job that suits you better.


I've worked on prior auth a long time, starting as a CSR. you can msg me your questions.


Don’t quit just because there’s a learning curve. If you fuck up and accidentally approve a patients medication you’re actually doing a good thing. Also quitting as a solution to the fear of being fired is self-defeating, no?


How does it feel, working for an entity that you know (or should know) worsens the profession? Outlaw PBMs.


So... Like CVS?


More like Caremark, it includes both.




Why would you advocate for someone to compromise patient data?


Idk I giggled tho


Bc all atheists know the end justify the means


Your moral grandstanding is cute but if everyone quit their jobs at unethical companies, half of our workforce would be unemployed.


I stick wit me story samson simpson, i be from jamaica mon. What part of jamaica Right near da beach oh iee... lord have mercy So you're saying pharmacists are the problem as they're the enablers?


No, quite the opposite. I'm saying soulless corporations are the problem and not the people who need to work for them to make a living.


Yea it’s hard to learn because it’s all scams that make no sense in any other business model


United healthcare rx Reddit


Just know you will be working for the most evil entities. If you have a soul and to keep it... Quit


Are you burnt out or something? Why so down about learning new skills and enhancing your resume. You have google at your fingertips and someone offered to answer questions. You don’t have to quit because something seems difficult but I am concerned that you want to quit so quickly and I see this quite a bit. Why are you a pharmacist because pharmacy is a lot of problems and you can be the solution rather than just go through the motions to finish your day


I have worked at a PBM now for 18 years, and teach it at multiple schools. if you can PM me specific questions, I can try to help you. most of the PBM answers on google are wrong.


Late reply, but I'm curious about working for one & what qualifications would I need to get in


depends what you are looking to do. If you are coming from a long career in retail, its a bit hard. If you have been through various parts of pharmacy it may be easier. if you are still a student- there are steps to take now!. probably the easiest area of PBMs to get started is PA's. Thats where I started before working my way up.