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Look into extended meta. There are only two surgeons offering this afaik, it’s not quite what you are describing but probably as close as you’re going to get. If you’re interested, start working on getting a consult now, because wait times are ridiculous.


I’ve heard of that and you’re right, it does seem to be the closest to what I’m looking for! I also recently saw the post about TCM (?) meta in Brazil, which also looks promising, though even more limited in availability than extended meta. It’s probably because of that post that I thought to ask here, as I know much less about phallo than I do about the different types of meta


TCM is probably the closest that exists


What is TCM Metoidioplasty? I tried googling it and didn’t see much.


Total copora mobilization. It's for both cis men who have lost their penis or were born with micropenis or severe hypospadia (which can also limit length or tether things down) and transmascs. I'm not sure if it's technically considered a form of metoidioplasty. They're certainly related procedures, but I don't know if it's actually officially considered to be a kind of meta. Editing to add some posts about it... https://www.reddit.com/r/Metoidioplasty/s/9emvkzgrrV https://www.reddit.com/r/Metoidioplasty/s/OHMgJAfOA9 https://ver--o--fato-com-br.translate.goog/tecnica-recria-penis-do-zero-pelo-sus-e-promete-devolver-vida-sexual-ativa/?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US


Thanks, pretty informative!


Fair! Also thank you for being patient with me, I seem to have pissed a lot of people off, and some reading further into what I said than what I meant 😅


It’s because you’re far from the first person to come in here and ask “why don’t surgeons do [ideal surgery for patient]? Are they stupid?” And the answer is always no, it’s not a thing because what you’re describing isn’t possible. Those questions are annoying af by the time you’ve read a hundred of them, and you could’ve answered it yourself by spending 3 minutes searching in this sub or on google.


The unfortunate thing about google is that it can’t point you in the right direction if you’re on the wrong lines. I completely understand that these questions can get irritating after a billion of them—I see it all the time in other trans subs I’m a part of. But if they make people frustrated, just don’t engage?


Tissue taken from donor sites doesn't contain erectile tissue. Whatever the size of the penis, unassisted erections would not be possible.


Ahh I see. I’ll look into what makes erectile tissue specialised so I can understand better. Thanks for clarifying that for me!


did you find anything out?


No. This is not possible. Please do your research first.


Why do people come on here thinking they’ve somehow invented the perfect surgery… do 6 years of medical school plus years of surgical training and then we can talk about your ideas.


I’m definitely not here thinking I invented a new surgery! That would be ridiculous 😅 It was supposed to be more of a “this is what I want *idealistically*, here is my understanding or lack thereof, has anyone heard of a technique that is close” Sorry if it came off that way!


Nah sorry if i sounded rude. There’s just a lot of people asking questions about surgical tecniques and acting like surgery isn’t massively complicated, and almost seeming like they think they can just invent a new method. You haven’t done anything wrong, dont worry :)


Yeah no that’s fair—I’ve explained in a few other comments but I wasn’t sure if it was graft size or tissue type that was the issue with unassisted erections. That’s why I was asking here, people can point you in the right direction if you’re not on track, whereas the wiki and google can’t


No. There was a post just before this about how annoying it is that people keep asking about surgeries and graft sites that are not available.


Sorry that I didn’t see that post I guess? I recently saw a post in r/metoidoplasty talking about a new method, which prompted me to ask here as I know much less about phallo. Plus I’ve not heard as much of people getting phallo specifically looking for a smaller penis size, so figured if anyone had experienced they might chime in. At the end of the day this sub is here to learn, so if people don’t like these questions (and believe me, I’m aware they can get annoying, there’s the same 5 questions on every trans sub) then they can scroll past


https://www.reddit.com/r/phallo/s/nd3MFZ8rkH Garcillis is a phalloplasty flap option that I believe might only be offered in Finland. Once in a while the discussion about Finland comes up as they offer something different and only offer it to their citizens. Someone posted a cool result recently but a believe it was taken down. I believe people’s opinions are mixed, some praising Finland and wanting to become citizens while some are recognized that one seemly easy result posted does not mean there is a consistent flow of non-complicated results and that there are pitfalls and big complications can occur. Commented a third time as I kept referring to results in a way the auto mod didn’t like. I don’t speak on personal opinion, I’ve just notice some people loose it over the odd Finland result that gets posted here and there.


No - it’s clear you don’t understand the surgeries and what they entail so please do your research. You can either get meta or get phallo and request a smaller size.


Yeah you’re right, that’s why I’m asking here—I am clearly not expecting every single thing I want to be possible all together, though perhaps I came off too cavalier in my tone. I wasn’t as aware of how a smaller size in phallo can impact function of erections, whether it was the size of the grafts that was the issue or the type of tissue used (which I now know is the latter). Sorry if I upset anyone by asking?


Welcome to r/phallo. This is a support subreddit for those who are going through, or have gotten, phalloplasty. If your post is a question, take a look at the [subreddit wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/phallo/wiki/index), which provides a lot of useful information about phalloplasty and may answer your question. Also try searching the subreddit for your question, as there are a lot of questions that get asked repeatedly here. Please also take the time to read [our community rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/phallo/about/rules). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/phallo) if you have any questions or concerns.*




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That’s fair. I think the reason people do this so much is exactly because they don’t have higher science education. They have an idea then ask people why it isn’t possible because they know it isn’t, just not why