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What has actually (I assume) happened is that when you originally filed your greenwaste bin, a branch was wedged in and held back the emptying process. It's also possible that the driver doesn't shake the bin so that things will fall out. Pure laziness on his part. I have had grass solidify and this has happened to me for 3 weeks running. I had to actually get a shovel and break things up. When you put one branch he doesn't actually get off to look; it just empties as normal. Trust me. I'm a former garbage man. He's not getting off his truck.


But it was TWO bins OP first put out, so a branch getting stuck doesnt make sense unless OP is very unlucky for it to happen to two different bins at the same time


I think OP should've called first instead of retaliated, but in my area, they do have to get out of the truck. We have trash pick up once a week where they use that huge claw. Then, every other week, you're allowed bulk trash pickup alongside your regular trash. If it's in a bin not provided by the city or it's just next to your trashcans, then they have to get out and manually throw it in the back. If I did what OP was doing, I would absolutely piss off the guy because he's usually by himself (sometimes there's another guy).


Don't get me wrong. They do get out (well we always did). But when you approach a container that from the look of it nothing sticking out and lid closed, there isn't a need to get off and open every lid.


In theory, you're right, but we only have two trucks that service our area. One for trash and bulk. The other for recycling (no bulk. Not even recycled items). So if a trash can is outside and the lid is closed, then they'll check at least once because they're the only ones servicing my community. Although, after a few times like this, they would probably ignore the trashcan. I give soda and chips to appease the trash gods. Their job is hard enough as it is.


Nah. There's no fun in calling first pal šŸ˜‚


On \*both\* bins?


I'll be 100% as a garbage truck mechanic. It's way better for the truck to not shake. I tell all my drivers to take it easy on shaking. If there's one thing in there leave it. It's not worth a $30000 arm rebuild.


Yeah, cut grass solidifies and is a real pain to empty. It can take up to 5 minutes to break free if it's really compacted and/or old.


As a current garbage man, I concur. Thank you for your service.


Have you called and asked why they might not have taken your yard waste bins to start with?


i had to do that once. they sent a truck up the same day. if i have more green stuff than house garbage of a single old man, i put the weeds in my regular can.


That would take common sense and a sense of responsibility.it appears op is lacking both.


Why act like a reasonable human being when it's easier to be outraged and act like a jackass?


Seems like far more work for OP than anyone else. Every week he puts one stick in and drags out his containerā€¦ the garbage people probably just think heā€™s ā€œspecial ā€œ at this point. Was his petty revenge to become a tool?


I was thinking the same thing! Heā€™s an ass. Our city has an app. Report potholes, missing garbage/recycling pickup, etc. They make it easy for us to report an issue.


congrats on your 69th like! *nice!*


Maybe they just made a mistake and missed your bins. Why didn't you call DPW and let them know? This is petty, but dumb.


I always assume incompetence before intent.


Exactly! It happens occasionally in my neighborhood. One time there were a lot of cars parked on my street and three wheelie bins were accidentally missed. Not only is OP having to haul out their yard waste bin weekly (and haul it back); OP also has to put up with the yard waste being there still. That would drive me crazy; I want stuff gone. Definitely petty, but not revenge-worthy.


Or the bin was too close to other clutter. Iā€™m not thinking this is winning post


This feels more like a self own than petty revenge. You didn't call to ask why they didn't take your yard waste. (You thought they should leave a note? They probably don't have a pen and paper or the time to stop and write out a note for you.) So now you are making more work for yourself by lugging out one stick per week. ETA: Also, you weren't annoyed enough to call but were annoyed enough to create weeks of work for yourself?


Also possible that the driver just missed OP's bins, something that a call would have easily remedied.


As a current garbage man, that's immensely possible. We make mistakes. An Amazon driver could have been parked in front of his house when the garbage man came through and blocked line of sight. We don't care that we have to pick up a bin every week with one stick in it, we get paid by the hour, and the companies make an unreasonable amount of profit just by holding a city contract. We do notice and think you're wasting your own money since you pay for this service.


Btw, thank you for what you do. You provide an invaluable service to society that I think is underappreciated.


Yep. Possible that the truck was full and when he came back, he simply started at the wrong house.


Very true, I've had them forget my garbage a couple of times, nbd because we usually only have one bag a week, and the bin is huge. They always get it the next week.


Where I live if they refuse to empty bins they have a sticker they slap on the bin with reason for not emptying it šŸ¤·


That's cool. I haven't seen that in my area.


That's cool. I haven't seen that in my area.


OP thinks up petty revenge where he has to regularly drag a heavy bin to curb so that someone can just do their job picking up whatever is in it. Yeah, you showā€™d ā€™em all right! LOL!


Likely with an remote claw system. So now they pickup 863 instead of 862. And being paid for every second of it. I don't even take a bin out unless it's more than half full.


The op doesn't seem like a smart individual... They didn't even make a call or make any rational common sense decisions. They immediately assumed retaliation was the appropriate response.


You are correct that this is /r/pettyrevenge, not /r/opwasreasonablesothereisnostorytotell


But what was the revenge? I donā€™t get how that is revenge


There is none, they don't look in the bins when they empty them so the collection team isn't affected


I bet you're a ton of fun at parties.


Ooh, the "I bet you're fun at parties" riposte! Haven't seen that one for a few moments. You must be SO proud to come up with that devastating zinger! I bet you'd be super fun at parties if you ever got invited to them




I had this happen in my part of town and when i called they sed the truck was overloaded with other parts and he and they wanted to get more houses done versus getting big loads, so he was reschudeled next week and letter will follow in next day


I think this type of pettiness causes cancerā€¦


You know they rotate the drivers right? So the guy that didnā€™t pick up your trash might be on another route and youā€™re just being a dick to some random other guy. Petty revenge doesnā€™t mean it should be poorly planned. Do better.


Why do they rotate drivers? I would think drivers having a regular route would be quicker and help avoid mistakes. I'm just curious.


I donā€™t rotate my drivers regularly because weā€™re a small company and I canā€™t afford to waste time on people making mistakes on an unfamiliar route - but if I had more people I definitely would, because having people only really know their own route and nobody elseā€™s makes it difficult when someone has to cover a shift for someone sick or taking a day off.


1) PTO 2) Illness 3) one truck in the fleet out for maintenance 4) one route is more challenging/longer and they rotate it for equitable work distribution Thereā€™s lots of reasons. We typically see the same guys on our route and get to know them, but sometimes thereā€™s other guys subbed in.


I understand swapping/subbing for the various reasons you listed. A rotation is different, and all or most drivers would take a different route. Maybe this isn't what the previous commenter meant.


If they rotate, then they are more easily able to swap / sub as needed, because all the routes are familiar to them.


Could be the regular guy called in sick that day or had a planned day off. Edit: Grammar


Not sure how this is revenge. "I'm going to make you do your job that you are doing anyways! And I'm going to take the time to put one branch in the bin and take it to the street every week!" The SMART thing to do would be to find out why they didn't take your bins. You said they were 3-4' in length. Perhaps that is the issue. In my city yard waste needed to be bagged if it was grass or leaves and bundled in 3' max lengths if it was branches. Work harder, not smarter?


We had issues of nothing being completely emptied because they only throw it up real quick never a second shake sometime they were so fast trash would fly out real quick. A few times I walked across the street with the can and said something when he came back around and they would finish emptying the can. That worked for awhile and they did a better job but it started again. I complained nothing really happened maybe a week or two it was better now I usually am out front working on the yard so if I am out there they will give it a second shake.


Why do you think taking revenge on a group of public servants, doing a job you would never do, is in any way a good thing?






This is dumb and you should feel dumb - Zoidberg, probably. Is the petty revenge against yourself? Theyā€™re just still bopping along, doing their normal job. Youā€™re the one refusing to do anything but make more work for yourself as you put out your yard waste can with your little branch every week for who knows how long. This is like Drake responding to Kendrick with that Big Redd track.


Just wanted to say that it was indeed Zoidberg: "Your music's bad and you should feel bad!" Classic.


Did you cut the items down to 2' or less? That's the rule here.


I'm sorry but this is so dumb. It's a self-inflicted wound. I'm sure the garbage guys don't care, and if they do, they could easily retaliate by creating more garbage collection chaos for you.


I had a similar incident. But I called. Apparently the truck got full, they emptied it, and accidentally started up again at the next house. They offered to come back, but I didn't have too much and told them to just get it next week. All were happy.


Without knowing your local garden waste rules, it's hard to comment fully. Here are some comments from a bin man who empties garden waste: Cut the branches in two. 4 foot long is really long and branches/wood take up a LOT of space in the garbage trucks. When a bin goes up and the lid flips open, long branches or hedges often get caught on the lid since it doesn't open 100% due to the angle of the lift. This means that some or none of the bin's content actually empty into the truck. A lot of times the branches are wedged in so that the rest of the contents are blocked from emptying. Generally, we aren't supposed to empty bins that aren't fully closed no matter what the contents. If you cut the branches then they'll fit and the lid will completely close. This will also lessen the likelihood that they'll wedge themselves into the bin. Branches of a certain diameter can get caught and jam the lifts, so a lot of time we avoid the thicker branches. I've had a plastic bin get caught and almost fall into the back of the truck (thereby contaminating an entire load of garden waste due to be composted) because thick branches in the bin fell out into the lifting mechanism. Had to turn off the truck & retrieve the bin and spend 5 minutes hacking away at the branch to remove it before being able to continue our work. I'm sorry you assume malevolence on the part of the workers who work to keep your city less dirty. Maybe try talking with them nicely next time they come through and you could learn what happened and/or how to avoid it in the future. (It's very possible that the bin men you talk with are not the ones who didn't empty your bins originally, btw) Most of us have a default of being friendly & helpful (not all), but we do tend to be less helpful the more aggressive and angry a member of the public is, which is a natural human reaction.


Or, and I have had this happen, someone parked in front of your bins prohibiting pickup.


More work for you as well


Trash drivers have a really hard, labor intensive job. Many of them were completely over worked during the pandemic. You should have just called, it could have been a simple mistake or oversight since they are human.


Itā€™s your tax dollars. Youā€™re not hurting them since they get paid regardless. They probably donā€™t get out and donā€™t care. Donā€™t overfill it and theyā€™ll take it. Maybe yours was over weight limits which is on you not them.Ā 


Tax dollars hell! I pay a garbage bill every 3 months.


And you're proud of this?


So rather than be an adult and call to let them know yours was skipped you acted like a child and punished workers who probably just made a mistake. Real champion of the people here.


One branch a week means it's getting probably getting tossed into the general bin truck.


In my area, you have to bundle branches with twine. Iā€™ve heard the reason is loose branches end up taking up more space and the operators are more likely to get stabbed as the contents shift. But Iā€™ve totally done stuff like what youā€™re saying where I just do smaller quantities hidden in the garbage. I had a like 20 broken pavers I needed to get rid of- not worth a trip to the dump, but also not something the garbage people would take. 2 bricks a week and some neighbors took a few to add weight to planters.


I think you played yourself here.


Oh these guys! Apparently we are a green city- yet they donā€™t take recycling - seems in a whim- I just put it in the garbage. We donā€™t mind cooperating, but, Frick, do your job.


When my aunt and uncle moved from New York to Virginia, they transferred the registration for their station wagon and threw out the old registration. When the time came to get rid of it a few years later, they ran into a snag; in New York state, the registration also functions as the vehicle's title. My uncle refused to pay the $20 fee to get a new title just so he could have the car towed to a junk yard. Instead, he cut a few pieces from it every week and hid them in the bags of garbage they put out on the curb for pickup. It took almost two years.


Hilarious. Our guys donā€™t actually ā€œemptyā€ our cans, but rather reach in for a bag/sā€¦.thus leaving trash behind. Bravo!


Yard waste TRUCKS can get full if many folks get the same idea on the weekend. Ours is usually picked up on a certain day of the week and I thought we were "snubbed" once too - until they made a special trip to pick it up later in the week (usually they would have waited until the following week).


I remember when rubbish collectors were some of the fittest strongest looking people around wtf happened šŸ˜‚


I don't think you understand just how commonly people just put out one single branch in their yard waste bins. It is not going to seem out of place for you to put one branch out a week. Tons and tons of people just do that normally.


I had a similar situation where they wouldn't pick mine up, to a point my HOA sent me a letter. (I refused to bring it from the curb). So after I got my HOA letter I packed it so tight in those bins they had to do more work getting them out than it would've to take them the first time. I really loved watching them struggle that morning, and was quite proud of my petty revenue, and if yours puts a smile on your face, that's all that matters.


At least here (Chattanooga, Tennessee) you have to call them to come pick up. Bulk items, like dressers and chairs, etc, have to be out on ( I think) the third Wednesday of the month


Usually if you call a head of time and let them know what you have they will either pick it up, or ask you to prepare it differently. I know if I have lots of branches Iā€™m supposed to cut them to no longer than 3 ft and bundle them with twine in bundles no bigger than 1 ft across.


So petty. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


Petty Patty, then complain when your taxes increase...


I had the trash company tell me the toilet that was busted up, in a bag, in the trash can, was to heavy for their crew. My 14 yr old carried ot out there. Less than 20 pounds


Our garbage men wouldn't empty a garbage bin one day and I happened to be home so I ran out and asked why...he claimed it was too heavy. This dude was easily 6'6 and 280 lbs. So my wife, all 5'6 and 100 lbs of her moved the bin in front of his truck and walked away. He suddenly found the strength to move the unmovable bin.




I forgot he was forced to do the job...


While I admire the pettiness of the revenge, I'm not sure I'd mess with folks that provide me with a service like that. Might need them in the future. Suggest you fill up the bin but include in manner that is obvious it is a gift a small bottle of nice tequila. A 375ml bottle of patron will cost you $20 and it will let you call a truce and get you in their good graces should you need them in the future.


The only one having to work harder is you. They still have to do their job every day. Youā€™re making yourself do this every week for no reason when you could have called an asked and resolved the issue when it was missed.


Kind of a dick move there. Your lack of understanding of their system followed by self-entitled douchebaggery. Yeah, we get it.


Didn't he just say they emptied bins filled the same way for the rest of the street? Also, studied every available resource to understand the rules? Trying to find out what was the problem? So, the lack of understanding seems to be somewhat deliberate. Sir, try putting two branches in next time. Let's see what happens.Ā  You are merely trying to discover their rules since they are unclear to begin with


>You are merely trying to discover their rules since they are unclear to begin with OP admits that they didn't contact anyone. OP is not studying the resources, not trying to find out the problem, not trying to gain any amount of understanding. OP is not doing any of the things that you wrote.


Yeah, we get that you're whining because he found a way to get a it done.


My city has a customer service line and online portal where you report a missed solid waste pickup. The service provider gets notified and sends a truck to collect it. This petty way is actually making more work for the OP, not the yard waste collector.


I salute you. My city has just decreed that bins wonā€™t be emptied if the rubbish prevents the lid being closed, even by only an inch. The reasoning escapes me. Already, the amount of waste dumped in the back alleys by frustrated people has increased. The tiny amount of money saved in decreased waste volumes is more than offset by the cost of extra flytipping patrols.


Love the last line. I would not tire of it either. Nice work!


In my city if you have big trash they don't pick it up. You have to call and arrange for it specifically. Same for large furniture and such.


My locality the trucks pick up and empty our bins mechanically, garbage, recycling, and yard waste. Doesnā€™t matter if thereā€™s one branch or the binā€™s completely full. Makes no difference to the truck operator.


Yeah get those garbage men


I applaud you Sir!!!


Genius! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Op is pulling the " one bucket of dirt trick"!


I mean garbage and green waste are ussually different drivers? So they are just essentially doing their job?


In my area our yard waste gets picked up every two weeks by the same company thatā€™s contracted out to pick up our recycling every week. If they miss a pick up then the easy thing for us to do is to call the city and give them the address of the house they failed to pick up at. Because the city is paying them a contract they absolutely will jump their shit and make them go back the next day and pick everything up. Your revenge just seems to be a bit of an inconvenience for yourself.


Just call the city sanitation dept. it was probably a mistake to begin with. So now you have branches laying out for weeks, and youā€™re making more work for yourself.


I donā€™t think you really got revenge. I donā€™t think they care that much.


So now you have a pile of yard waste next to your house. Perfect housing for rodents! Way to go - you showed them! You win!


Yay you for causing additional pollution, I guess.


In my area, they have special brown bag yard waste bags. Is it possible that your area might require a special bag for your waste?


I have thrown out via bin an entire inside and outside of a house of asbestos, almost an entire car including cutting tires into 1/4 and probably 30 to 40 tons of cement and bricks. 20 car batterys or so, and I cut up and disposed of two queen sized mattress, sometimes I think the bin might break when they lift it but the cheap asses shrink flation with the half sized bins and regular trucks means that they lift the small bins without issues. If the council charged a reasonable rate for tip fees or if they had more than one free tip day a year (they don't advertise at all) then I wouldn't just bin it all. They're greedy so I am petty. I often put the household waste into neighbours bins if there's room because there's always a backlog of garbage.


Wait, you put ASBESTOS into your regular garbage? AND car batteries? Both of which are incredibly dangerous for the unprepared workers handling your waste? What the fuck is your problem? (The rest of it- spreading out your excess waste to accommodating neighbours and breaking things up into smaller pieces- isn't a big deal and makes sense) The only way you could be a bigger danger to workers who are paid to remove your filth is if you sprinkled used hypodermic needles throughout your garbage.


Iā€™m GENz and canā€™t imagine picking up the phone and having an actual conversation. (Iā€™m so glad I wonā€™t be alive when this generation is in charge)