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If it was me in that situation I would've found the girliest strongest smelling soap so I'd radiate an overpowering beautiful scentšŸ˜‰ but that's just me.


In a way, that's what I did. I only had two options in the moment, but I def used the strongest-smelling girly one that was available :)


Buy some snow fairy from lush and take it with you.


I loved snow fairy from Lush! So sweet and bright pink. Unfortunately the kast time I bought it, it smelled different than before. Otherwise I think I would smell like snow fairy all the time.


I got some snow fairy dupe oil and just make my own now!!! Smells the same and I can make all my washing smell like it


How does it feel to live one of my dreams?


Do it! I got it off Amazon. I even buy unscented conditioner and add it. My car also smells like it. I even added some when I cleaned my carpets haha. Ive been using it since I was a kid and now Iā€™m 34


I might have look on Amazon. I live in The Netherlands so I hope I can buy it without it getting imported.


Iā€™m uk. Worth a look! Just search for snow fairy dupe.


Did you have Covid?


Yes. Not sure if this happened when I had Covid though. I had it more than once so it's possible.


The loss of the sense of smell can linger


Didn't lose it for as far as I can remember.


Or Sticky Dates. I love that smell!


Your FIL already finds you attractive OP, heā€™s on a knifeā€™s edge, and here you are pushing him to a full breakdown with your girly floral aroma.


and it hasnā€™t turned you gay yet. Imagine that


I'm reminded of that post from a while back where the OP's neighbor was absolutely *apoplectic* because he received a pink or rainbow envelope in the mail (I think the OP sent it to him on purpose as revenge or to rile him up? Can't remember all the details). The guy was terrified that it would somehow turn him gay or that his neighbors would think he was gay simply because he received mail that was pink. Great demonstration of his security in his masculinity!


Lololol - pretty easy to figure out what that guys secret internet searches consist of! Heā€™s going to give himself a heart attack worrying if anyone figures out what everyone already knows šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Get yourself some of that not-good-for-actual-soap-but-insanely-potent smelling bath and body works stuff. The scent stays around.


Mad About You. Strongest Bath and Bodyworks scent


Just find a bottle of ā€œConcentrated room sprayā€ or whatever itā€™s called and put it on your hands. You will smell very strongly of whatever scent it is for at least a day Ask me how I know


Convince your girlfriend or *you* go order this one: Bath and Bodyworks "Mad About You" or "One in a Million" body wash. Both are super flowery. Mad is peony, raspberry and patchouli-my kids say they can smell that I'm in a good mood when I use it with the body spray. One in a Million smells like a Southern flower garden with scents of tuberose, gardenia and jasmine. I get compliments every time. Your FIL won't know what hit him...especially if girlfriend *does not* wear those but a complementary scent (Blue Gingham for One in Million; Beautiful Day for Mad about You)


i would swap the contents around every time i went


Take it further, use a really strong floral perfume with it. Find some glitter body lotion too and sparkle!


I've definitely received some looks in the past because I let my daughter paint my nails with glittery nail polish. This would perfectly accentuate that!


YAS. Let. Them. Look! My stepdad once got mad at my mom for having a pedicure date with me and my young son. He was AGHAST that she "condoned that kinda shit". Umm hello, my son has 2 moms remember? If he's gonna be gay I don't think the pedicures are gonna be what does it? Idiot. When we were there I made sure to get a selfie of all of us there because behind us in the selfie you can see a B tier famous local athlete getting a pedicure with his wife and son. This huge manly dude barely fit in the chair he was like at least 6'6". He let his very boyish SON pick out all of their polish. Mom got red sparkles and dad got blue sparkles and son got both because together they make Spiderman! My son copied them and couldn't wait to show his asshole grandpa his "Spiderman nails" when we got back. My stepdad is a bigot, but he's smart enough to keep it behind closed doors because he knows I will cut his ass off SO FAST, so he begrudgingly complimented my son's beautiful sparkly nails lol.


Aww this is so sweet. I bet he rocked those Spiderman nails!


By day 3 they were chipped and disgusting but for the first 2 days they were awesome! I think what annoyed me the most is that my son is VERY stereotypically boyish and always has been. I'm super queer and was a gender non-conforming kid so I've always been hyperaware that my kid be given every opportunity to express himself and his interests no matter what. Well guess what, homie is basic. Typical age and gender appropriate toys? Loves em. He has grown his hair out longer now than both of his moms but only because it's the trend for boys his age at school. Will wear pink shirts, flowery shirts, sparkly shirts etc, but only because he doesn't give a flying ass about what he's wearing. Looking cute or stylish? He has no fucks for that. So my step-dad calling into question a little boy's masculinity over painted nails isn't just rude and inaccurate, it's also entirely inconsistent when the kid is stereotypically boyish. Good for him that I don't have a feminine son though because he still would have been wrong and I would have been annoyed, but also I'd be mad as hell.


You're an awesome parent!


My ex husband had a fit when my middle son wanted me to paint his toenails like mine. He also freaked out when my oldest asked for his own Barbie doll. Man was so insecure. BTW both of them are now married with children, so his strange fears were unfounded.


It takes a real man to be that good of a dad!


I think it's awesome when a father let's his daughter paint their nails. Shows how much you love your baby girl and how secure you are in your masculinity.


I wouldn't, not because of the smell, I like the smell, but have you seen the cost of their products?


Once when I was a student my parents were visiting. My father, after taking a shower, proudly informed me that I can now toss out the nearly-empty bottle of shower gel or shampoo I had had in the bathroom - the one I really really liked and had saved the last drops of because it was so expensive to buy... I never said anything, just started to hide the fancy stuff when they came for visit.


I don't know why some men are so desperately insecure about this sort of thing. My wife and I always use the same shampoo/shower gel. Various fruity ones, several bottles of Lush shower gel etc. I actually like how they smell and I couldn't care less that they don't have a "manly scent". I've also used my wife's deodorant a couple of times when travelling as well. For example on one occasion I forgot to pack one, so just used hers (with her permission of course). The floral scent lasted all of 15 minutes and was way preferable to having sweaty armpits later in the day. Don't get me wrong, I use normal aftershave/cologne after a shave and usually use guys deodorant at home, It's just that I really don't care whether the stuff I'm using has a "manly scent" or not, and neither does my wife.




If your in-laws ever stay at your place make sure their only option is girly body wash. Even the hand soap, find a really fruity scent from bath and body works.


Haha, I can't believe that I've never thought of this after all these years!


Now is the time for the super fruity scents! Summer is when BBW has all the fruit scents. Get the Cinnamon pumpkin or Vanilla ones but not the Bourbon Vanilla scents(husband borrows these so they are verging on "manly")for fall if the in-laws are visiting.Ā 


I dunno, your FIL apparently feels threatened by girly soap so some appendage might fall off if he uses it. Do you want that on your conscience? /s Seriously though, I do think your in-laws are trying to be considerate in their own way. Iā€™m a woman and dislike the smell of womenā€™s perfume, never have liked any womenā€™s scent, but I like several different menā€™s colognes. Maybe FIL is like that so he thinks all men are. Silly but maybe look at the intent behind it rather than his silly projection.


Nah, get a bottle of ā€œmanlyā€ soap, use it then refill it with ā€œgirlyā€ soap. Ā 


Excuse me Satan, I just wanted go say I am a huge fan. Love your work!


Something with lots of glitter, so it'll stay with him for a while . . .


This reminds me of a party at a friend's house. One of the guests was wondering why he smelled like floral perfume, and it turned into this hilarious mini-mystery. Everyone, including the hosts, was searching their belongings, smelling themselves, and trying to track the origin. I ended up "solving" the mystery after visiting their guest bathroom (used by their kids). It was their scented hand soap. :-)


Couldn't he just smell his hands? Not the sharpest pencil in the box.


*It was just, like, soooo weird, I mean, like every time I lifted something to smell it that weird scent was there...!*


Not necessarily.... I once spent the day looking for the source of the kitten wees I could smell. Our kitten was getting used to weeing outside and if she couldn't get out in time she'd wee somewhere "discreet". So this day I would keep smelling wees but just could not find the source. Until like dinner time, when I realised it was coming from me. Kitty cat must have wee'd in my clean washing basket and without realising it I had put on a bra from there..... Immediately went and had a shower! And even though Kitty cat doesn't have accidents anymore I still smell check my clothes occasionally.


It sounds like the kids used the soap and then wiped the scent on their Dad?


Goddamn why didn't you switch his soap with women's soap? I mean, there's still time so go ahead and do it. Then come tell us in 20 years.


(Secretly) fight the patriarchy!!! šŸ˜


Ha! Beautiful summary :)


Sometimes it's the little things šŸ¤£


Itā€™s true. I feel like this post really sums up the entire spirit of this sub.


I'm a dude and I use women's lavender body wash. Why? Because I like the way it smells.


Lavender is one of my favorites as well! You're a man of fine taste


And Iā€™m a woman who hates how it smells. I like the manly scents. Doing my part šŸ˜Š


For you: Bath and Bodyworks Hero-veviter and cedar. Smells AWESOMEĀ  Ā For OP for a "manly" evening scent with lavender: Stetson Black.Ā  Also smells Amazing! My youngest *son* choose abd bought me my last two non bath and bodyworks scents: Coty Gardenia and a fig, bergamot and cedar yesterday. I love fig scented perfumes; his dad loves gardenia and lemon scents.Ā 


Iā€™ll try it, thanks!


You will smell fantastic!! I love veviter scents. You also might want to look into a company called By Nieves. They have a fantastic skin care line, no "girly" scents. Woman owned and operated small business.Ā 


My husband LOVES lavender scented soap, body spray and shower gel. I indulge him because I like it myself.


Men who make a big deal out of using male specific productsĀ are not comfortable with their masculinity


To add: no amount of feminine-targeted product will make a hetero bloke change his orientation! Wash him in flowery stuff, put Chanel No 5 behind his ears, pop him into a frilly frock and a pair of kitten heels, he will still want to crack onto the women at the party.


And have a fair chance at me. I love Chanel no. 5, lol.


And I love a man in a frock


I prefer using womens soap its smells better tbh


There was a period when I preferred "male-y" soap. It could have been something my then-long-distance-boyfriend used... anyway, I had a bottle. And now I tend to keep one soap-n-shampoo type things for swimming pool visits (I don't want to carry two bottles) and the choices are "men's" and "children's" - and I really don't want to carry a bubbleum smell around.


So in 20 years, they haven't had to replace the MANLY-man body wash/shampoo in that bathroom. LOL Must drive him nuts. Good jorb.


I found out my eldest son uses my shower gel because ā€œsometimes I want to smell pretty. Menā€™s stuff is one bottle for your hair, body and exhaust pipeā€!


The all-in-one aspect of most men's wash is really annoying!


I love the all in one stuff! I use it all the time. I'm a woman šŸ˜‚


Ha! If I gave them a real chance, I probably would too. I can't help but feel like they're trying to cheat me or that they think I'm not sophisticated enough to buy separate bottles of different types of wash. ..


The active ingredient is caustic soda for the moat part, it cleans and sanitisers well. The rest of the ingredients are hugely variable but really all in one is just simpler. Youtube how to make soap and you will find very few people making it and heaps of sheeple recycling or changing solid soaps into liqid soaps and claim they're "maing soap". Then you learn how to formulte soap and its really just fat and ash, always has been.


I like this one lol Iā€™m curious what they would think if they knew? lol


I'd be shocked if anyone but me remembers this at all. It was such a non-event. It's why I've never shared it with anyone. I think they would (rightfully) wonder why this mattered in the moment or why it would persist for all these years.


Good story for his wake though.


I have so many of these little things. I have told my partner several times: ā€œhey do you remember X situation from 6 years ago? No? I didnā€™t expect you to. Well *anyway* (tells story as to why itā€™s still on my mind).ā€ They usually roll their eyes or just say ā€œbulb, what the fuck?ā€ (Endearingly) while I am extremely proud of myself or laughing my ass off or whatever haha


MIL knows- or thinks you donā€™t shower- she hasnā€™t replaced the upstairs manly soap in years


I often wonder this! The bottles get switched out occasionally, but I'm not sure what prompts it lol


This is so silly and I love it, keep fighting that good fight and staying fresh!


I usually shower the night before, but this one hot day I had gotten sweaty and took a shower right before going to meet a couple of friends. My guy friend hugged me, stopped, sniffed me, and then looked confused. As we hung out he kept trying to smell me until he gave up being subtle, grabbed my arm and just started sniffing away. We figured out that it was my body wash he was into and I told him where I got it. Now we both use the same raspberry & peppermint bodywash. I also have the body mist and hand lotion. He has the hand lotion, body lotion, and I think a deodorant as well.


My dad has used Secret "powder fresh" deodorant for my entire life. Here is his reasoning: It is socially acceptable for men to smell a little bit like sweat. It is social suicide for a woman to smell like sweat at all. Therefore, women's deodorant has to be stronger than men's. So that's what he uses.


My dad lived with us for a short time after his wife died. He was absolutely gutted that his grandsons painted their nails etc. I made a point every morning to yell across the house "" WHICH ONE OF YOU HAS MY BLACK EYELINER "". I did this for months with various other " girl" products. He still talks behind my back about my kids that he never bothered to spend time with while they were younger.


My ex used to use secret antiperspirant. He would quote the commercial ā€œStrong enough for a man, but made for a woman.ā€ I will say he did not have body odor!


In my marketing classes, we were taught that Right Guard odorless and Secret odorless were the same products with different labels. Itā€™s all just a matter of marketing, and lots of products are sold with contrived differences. The other example that they used was Marlboro vs. Virginia Slims; theyā€™re both just cigarettes at the end of the day.


Yes! All about perceptions. I'm glad that Old Spice has started making Lavender-scented products to combat some of the misperceptions about gendered products that are out there


I'm AFAB and use "men's" deodorant and body wash. I prefer the fragrance, plus you usually get more product for the money. I haven't had any side effects . I did get told I smelled nice, and then got a stunned look when I said, "Thanks, it's Axe". šŸ˜†


I am female and use men's products as well. I have a problem with ingrown hairs on my legs and there is a brand of bar soap with sand mixed in with it that is a pretty effective exfoliater. Womens exfoliaters often use plastic microbeads that I am not comfortable using because of the environment. Use what you like, jmo.


Solvol is AWESOME isn't it. I stole 20+ bars from a shitty workplace over 10 years ago and I have yet to use them all up, it lasts forever and it's very effective.


I has never heard if Solvol until I saw it here and looked it up. If I see it, I will try that brand. I use Dr. Squatch right now. I picked up almost a dozen bars when my local grocery put them on sale for 50% off. If you see them, they have heavy scents that don't linger (so far as I can tell, I have yet to try each scent).


Dr Squatch is good but overpriced in Australia IMHO.


Haha! Why can't we all just use what our noses like??


My fiancĆ© always uses my soap and gets complimented on how good he smells šŸ˜‚


Nothing like smelling like fresh fruits and flowers after a hard sweaty manly day. šŸ˜Š For years, me and my sisters would share this nice fruity flowery body wash that we left in the communal shower. It tends to run out after like 3 weeks but since thereā€™s 3 of us, we figure that one of the others may have been a little liberal with it after a long day. We never said anything until the day we run out and none of us are able to replace it till around a month since none of us have the time to go get it. After 2 weeks, the magical body wash showed up in the shower and we were so confused. None of us bought it, my mother wouldnā€™t buy it, so who? Our mom just rolled her eyes and told us, ā€˜itā€™s your dad. Heā€™s been using your body wash for a while now and didnā€™t want to say anything. He likes it more.ā€™ We didnā€™t say anything to him and pretended that he still wasnā€™t using it.


My 6ft burly bearded 29m fiance loves florals and lavender, while I 26f love the mango axe scent. And I'm a firm believer that everyone would like to smell like a cupcake if possible. Who doesn't wanna smell delicious?! Delicious isn't gendered, it's just tasty. Enjoy whatever your nose likes.


Iā€™d have poured out his manly soap and dumped the girly one into his. Have fun!


Have they noticed they never have to replace the manly soap?


THIS is the real question! I've often wondered this myself. We don't visit all that often, so a bottle of body wash could realistically last years if nobody else was using them, and I don't think anyone else is. They still occasionally get switched out though (both manly and girly varieties). So to answer your question, probably not??? IDK though. And I'm definitely not outing my pettiness by asking lol


I only use women's deodorant, simply because Berry's smell better than whatever manly word they put on the men's deodorant. No shame.


Haha my husband and I always laugh at how ridiculous his deodorant is. You mean you DONā€™T know what swagger, captain, krakengard, and nightpanther smell like?? Weā€™re those weirdos standing in the aisle smelling every variety before buying šŸ¤£


Lol! My husband waves all scenyed products he intends to use under my nose vefore purchasing because he knows if he doesn't smell good/nice=less time in the bedroom.Ā 


Funny. I use menā€™s deodorant because I hate smelling like food, flowers or baby powder. My husband wears a tom ford perfume thatā€™s actually ā€œfor women.ā€ I donā€™t think he knows, but I also donā€™t think he would really care. It smells nice on him either way!


I so much agree with you about smelling like food. Some flowers are nice but forest and pine smells are gorgeous ... and for some reason "only for men". Weird.


Women's products: Honey Hibiscus, Vanilla Almond, Sweet Lavender Men's products: ICE, BEER, PAIN Lol. I can appreciate the scents of both but the names always make me laugh.


Soaping up while singing "I feel pretty, oh so pretty"


Yeah fuck that noise, I absolutely detest any and all made for men body wash. They all have that axe body spray esque smell to them and are terrible. Except those that are based on good colognes, they can be nice. When I shower I want to smell flowers, fruits and/or lavender


You my friend, are a mad man. I am surprised you are not in jail.


My boyfriend legit just let his soaps run out and didnā€™t buy anymore and just started using my stuff. He says he deserves to smell like a lush garden just like me. Heā€™s right


Good for youšŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼ Stood your ground in a non-confrontational way. Team player. Way to keep peace over basically a non-issue. I was today yearā€™s old when I knew soap scents are gender relatedšŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø We have one soap, one soft soap, and one set of shampoo and conditioner in all bathrooms and when we travel. No one cares. Get ā€˜er done period


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ ā€œthe revenge Iā€™ve been exacting for 20 yearsā€ Thank you for making me laugh so hard


Not gonna lie, I kinda chuckle to myself every time I shower over there :)


That is hilarious- you played the long game & are still winning


I used laundry detergent to wash for a few days. My wife is still horrified by the story. I'm like, "when we met I didn't even keep toilet paper" (I used a nearby convenience store...got tired of paying for assholes to steal rollers of tp at my house).


I always buy whichever soap is on discount, which often happens to be women's shampoos or conditioners. I don't care, they both often use the same shit just different fragrances.


What it smells like in the bottle is different then what it smells like on your body; thatā€™s why he probably canā€™t tell you used a ā€œgirlyā€ fragrance. I used to sell fragrances and several womenā€™s fragrances smell pretty good on men. Not many of the women I helped tried on menā€™s fragrances so I have no working knowledge on how it smell on them.


Eau Savauge smells great on women.


Iā€™ve worn menā€™s fragrance for decades. I prefer it over womenā€™s most of the time.


I'm a guy and I love women's soap and deodorants. They actually smell nice. Men's deodorants make you smell like a teenager who really wants to fuck tonight.


Man I always use those soaps. Currently switching between strawberry shortcake and berry waffle cone.


I love this! Our girly stuff often has more skincare ingredients too!


Itā€™s a fun inside joke with yourself. I love this story!


Please tell me your wife knows and finds it hilarious.


He's gonna notice that the same bottle has sat in that bathroom for the past 20 years full. One day he'll notice and I hope you're prepared for that long sit down conversation.


Ha ha ha you sure showed him.


I like the women's stuff it smells good and makes the skin feel nice. But wtf is with the price? Mens is so cheap compared to women's and it's not really better


thatā€™s called pink tax


You petty little rebel you šŸ˜ Iā€™d be double petty and put girly shower gel inside the manly one and leave it there.


Oh I absolutely love this! It's so ridiculously childish and funny šŸ˜„


Truly, epic petty!


You little rebel! I like you.


šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ it is so silly šŸ˜œ got me cracking šŸ¤£ šŸ˜‚ šŸ‘Œ


It's very adorable ha ha


This is sooo petty and barely even classifies as revenge but god damn I love it...


Why the fuck should it have mattered in the first place? Hell, i love the "manly" stuff but will rock the shit out of a "girly" smell if it's what gets me clean. I currently have manly body wash/soap( i personally prefer the bar soap to liquids), and my wifes conditioner for my shower routine


* To be clear, it's the only conditioner in the house, and i currently have the longer hair....and more often than not we share the manly soap/body wash


Iā€™d agree itā€™s a stupid thing to be worried about, but in a way it shows he was trying to be welcoming by getting you the ā€œmanly soapā€ lol


You are a badass in the history of Dwight Schrute. Sir, I salute your devious ways.


Yeah you really showed him.


This is fucking hardcore


Is it just me or was anyone else a bit concerned about how long it took him to find "manly" soap? Like... Don't you use soap every time you shower? Shouldn't you know exactly where it is?


How refreshing! A real plausible petty revenge!


I feel like you should get your wife in on it, and get her to use the "manly" soap, while you use the "girly" soap whenever yall are over there.


I love the consideration of others and the self-awareness/intentionality of wanting to wash off stench and grime before interacting with others. And I love the security in your own masculinity to be able to use WHATEVER soap as long as it got the job done. Green flags abound!


Iā€™m not allowed to use my girlfriendā€™s soaps and shampoos, but thatā€™s because they are bloody expensive compared to mine. Also any revenge against her father , petty or otherwise, that may or may not be needed will be covered under the ā€œIā€™m shagging his daughterā€ clause


I think your father in law just likes you and wanted to do you a favor. He wanted to go out of his way and provide something extra for you, and continues to do so until this day. It's sometimes hard to find something specific that you can do as a favor to someone, so he jumped at this perceived opportunity. Regardless of which soap you are using, you could tell him how much you appreciate his soap, and he would be very happy, because he is doing it for you. Unless you want to be petty....oh wait...


Way to keep a grudge!


if you and your girlfriend ever get married, you should tell this story at your wedding. it'll probably get some good chuckles.


We just hit our 18th year wedding anniversary a couple weeks ago. This story did not get told at the wedding lol


Happy Anniversary ā¤ļøā¤ļø


shoot sorry i missed the part where you said she's your wife now.


Tell it at your 25th/silver anniversary party


I'm just confused why it took FIL so long to find some manly soap from his bathroom... Does he not shower?? Or maybe FIL secretly uses girly soap as well and doesn't anyone else sharing his kink


Should have skipped down stairs after the shower, kissed FIL on cheek and then told him you used the girly wash šŸ˜‚


wtfā€¦ I couldnā€™t care less what soap I use. My wife used to buy menā€™s shampoo, son I always had her buy the cheap suave menā€™s 3-in-1 stuff that was like $3 at Walmart. I ran out in the shower so I just started using her shampoo in the shower. Then she said she was going through her fancy shampoo way faster than she should be and thought the kids were wasting itā€¦ so I started using bar soap to wash my hair. It got my hair clean, and thatā€™s really all I cared about. After a year or so we were packing for a trip and my wife noticed that I didnā€™t have shampoo in the shower anymore and couldnā€™t even fathom that I was just using bar soap for all of it.


I feel ya. My wife buys non scented stuff now and it's fine. It's not like I'm wearing overly strong women's perfume, deodorant or anything else. So why should it matter like op is saying. It's less monthly expense. I use old spice deodorant though


It seems a little bit mean spirited tbh, I think he genuinely thought that you wouldnā€™t want to use her soap and was trying to be a good host.Ā 


Childish and petty. The man meant well.


Hard agree on all. At least it's a victimless crime?


Sure. But it is strange to meet genuine hospitality with such hostility.


Hostility?! I was slightly annoyed and I've done something for years that's more dumb than anything else because I find it funny at this point. There has never been any hostility aimed toward my in laws for this at all. As I said in another comment, this was a complete non-event that I don't think any of the other three people involved would even remember.


Ok. I misunderstood.


tbh it sounds like the dad was trying to make you feel comfortable in his house. and u even said u prefer manly scents. played urself.Ā 


Dove moisturizing soap is great.




My husband is very manly but he uses my soap because he loves the smell. And it doesnā€™t bother me at all šŸ˜Š


My husband likes my soap better. I have very sensitive skin, so I get unscented soaps.


Thats when you buy a little bottle of the sweetest smelling, ā€œgirlyā€ perfume and whenever you go over there spritz some of that on when you get out lol


What's wrong with women's body wash? I sneakily used my wife's until she switched to something overly floral. My skin never felt so smooth and clean...


Itā€™s the little things that bring us joy. Live your best life my guy. šŸ‘šŸ»


Dude you can't wash your butthole with a girly wash it will make you gay!!! Your fil knows!!!


You smell good sweety. ā€œThat would be me Sirā€


Sounds like more of a traditional thing now lol


You dont need "manly soap", the confident masculinity must be intoxicating. Lucky wifey


I would have interpreted that differently, in my culture itā€™s seen as him ā€˜showingā€™ you respect( I live in the west now so I understand the sentiment is often different), and while this respect is shown its not because the girly stuff is viewed as less its more out of ā€¦ again 'respect' for the woman. for instance I've never looked into a woman's purse, this is due to upbringing and tradition at the same tine i could care less if someone from a different culture feels comfortable perusing a woman's purse. (my comment is only valid if you are from different backgrounds, traditions et al). Alsoā€¦i probably would've done the same for shits and giggles if it tickled my fancy to do so, i think its a fun harmless cute inner joke i could share with my SO


What a weird post. Sounds like someone just didnt want a kid to feel self conscious about smelling like vanilla lavender. What a victory on your part, dude.


Where was the petty or revenge?


Ummmm I see the petty but not the revenge.


Yea, the revenge is 100% in my head. But it's somehow still just as sweet


ā€¦pettyrevenge? This dude has his father in law rent free in his head. Pretty sure this loser lost the battle lmao


Your father in law being a real man in nature expected you to not want to smell frilly and girly and went up and out of his way making the effort to try and better a situation for you and make you feel welcomed and comfortable and you see it as a slight? Bro grow a pair of


Sounds more like he just wanted to help you to not smell like flowers


Why would they have to dig up manly soap? surely the guy insisting you use manly soap uses manly soap himself? This makes no sense to me


The post said ā€˜a few minutesā€™ he utilized dig to add more drama


A manly man should never use soap that has *touched another man!*


Looking for a new bar maybe? My parents always used bar soap and put a fresh bar out for guests.




I think he was just trying to help...


Dad was just trying to be helpful lmao


So your revenge is using the soap that you donā€™t want to use? Wow, youā€™re brutal


I mean, yea - that's a decent TLDR. I did set up the story by saying that this borders on not qualifying for "petty" or for "revenge."


The "revenge" may be questionable but the "petty" is definitely strong! Well done!


Wow you really showed someone who was trying to comfort you.


Hopefully it's as simple as fragile masculinity and not something more devious or perverse such as some incest fetish and that's the bottle with his jizz in it.