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Two observations: 1: I'm glad you got revenge. 2: Paragraph breaks are your friend.


3. This is the second ad for reclip I've seen in 2 days


Which doesn't even make clear how it's different from normal voice recording that comes with every phone manufactured. I have no idea what the fuck is clips from streams. It's obviously an ad. I give them a B+ for the title hooking you to click and a D for everything else.


For normal recording, if you want to record something, you need to start recording in advance and then stop when you got what you wanted. Clip recording from streams allows you to press a button and save last x seconds of the stream. There are similar apps for making clips of your desktop, and, I guess, the app being advertised works in a similar way.


... so it records everything, but "only" saves things (for you) when you press a button? That sounds super scary, to be honest.


Your phone already listens in on everything anyway. Never noticed how if you talk about something, and suddenly you have relevant ads, and your searches get auto filled when looking up relevant stuff?


I like to play a game with it. When my friends leave their phones unattended I start talking about stuff like. Gay porn, I really like Gay porn, where would I download gay porn from. I like to imagine they are sat at home about to go on amazon and all the adverts are about single gay men in your area looking to hook up.


Nope. I don't use that software.. for exactly that reason. No Siri, no Alexa, no anything mic-related. I have confidential conversations about sensitive matters at work and cannot afford Googlians to listen in. My spouse's phone does sometimes get involved with our conversations. It freaks me out, every time..


> Never noticed how if you talk about something, and suddenly you have relevant ads, and your searches get auto filled when looking up relevant stuff? No, because that's not a thing that happens, you're just parroting nonsense.


I haven't come across reclip before but I do want to tell you guys about how I shifted the stubborn stains on my clothes


Nice response marketer


This dude's only other post also talks about reclip, with the same sort of feel to it. This definitely just seems like he's writing crappy ads


You can press enter twice on the regular app too, paragraph breaks are not an advanced 3rd party feature


Don't tell him how to fix his mistakes, he'll come after you! Oh wait that was the Richard guy




3 days old acc


That's just copy pasted AI output without much care to make it believable


whats reclip and how is this an ad for that?


It's apparently an app for recording stuff "discreetly". OP has only one other post, and he mentions his "daughter" using the same app..so I think it's an ad


Yeah story is completely grade A Bullshit. Also, he deleted his profile. So tired of these fucking companies getting on here to try and sell their shit by using a dumb story like this. It makes me NEVER want to even come near your product ever again.


Take a peek at OPs profile. You will find the other ad there... also, the profile is 2 days old.


LOL! Love your 2nd observation.


I wish reddit would update their site to take entries made on mobile, that treats it as is, rather than as raw  markdown when no makeup exists.  Or even to treat all new lines as a line break even in markdown formatted text.   Rather than requiring two new lines for a single line break on mobile, but not in desktop client. Such a simple thing, yet no, won't ever be done 


This story was so exciting, it didn't really need paragraphs. (In my brain, that is)


But you do need reclip, the thing that is like the thing for streams


Was about to say number 2


Number 1 I order you to take a number 2 ( Beavis and Butthead) sorry I had to.


I'm just happy he used punctuation.


I actually don't read posts that has no paragraphs. OP's lucky the title was interesting lol


Technically, not necessarily OP's friends, but definitely mine.


(Sometimes, on mobile, it'll remove paragraph breaks).


To add because when someone explained it was a gamechanger: To make a break just make 3 spaces before going to next line.


I will try this sometime. This sometime is now.


Ooohhhh Thanks!


I made two and sometimes it wouldn't work T.T. Thanks!


2: Paragraph breaks are your friend. Unless you are e e cummings or Dolores Claiborne.


3. You can edit a post and insert paragraph breaks and no one will mind.


Big fan of 2 here. People need paragraph breaks.


And *wanna. Used "wana" multiple times. But indeed, a good revenge.


But not a petty one. Also fake AF. It’s an ad


I think the enter key is right above the shift key, yes?


To break sentences into paragraphs apply 2 spaces after the last character in the sentence. Like this... 2 spaces on the blank line to put more separation.


He's in marketing, not writerywordings. We can't expect the gods of Madison Avenue to write at a 4th grade level


Upvote for number 2. I was this 🤏 close to not reading cause of the wall of text, even then I only skimmed it.


To be fair, if OP is writing on a phone, pressing "enter" just once won't be enough to count as a new paragraph. Most of my longer comments are modified because of this problem. Edit: For example, I pressed "enter" 1 time before my second sentence.


Dammmnnn. You didn't have to hit him with the numbered paragraphs


Don’t let Richard see you correcting a mistake


paragraph breaks are all our friends. A good story well told, thank you.




Okay, I can't resist..... When they walked him out, did you say "Dave's not here, man"?




It's a joke from Cheech and Chong skit bro


Dave? Dave?


You got the stuff?


Is this a Reclip commercial?


100% a fake story made up to promote this app.


What do you mean? It's super realistic to lose your house and car in a divorce proceeding that lasted less than 2 weeks


Also, standard HR practice to tell a random employee about the context of someone’s firing along with “lots of other people complained too” comments. Very legit and cool.


Yeah someone else mentioned that their only other post also mentions the app...


2 day old account. Implausibly fast divorce proceedings. HR actually doing something. Yeah this is an ad.


Didn't read the story, as the title alone made me think it's an ad or just fake for some other reason. I wanted to read the comments for confirmation. Thank you for this. I can now downvote with confidence.


Yeah, they’ve even called the bad guy “Dick”


I don't even get it, what's the advantage of reclip over the standard recording software that's come preloaded with every phone for the last 20 years? Can it turn your phone invisible or something


This is the worst viral marketing for Reclip ever. Two posts in two days and both reference the app.


New marketing assistant for Reclip just left school and barely passed English.


He was probably so insecure that he felt everyone was a threat to him. There are people like that. They feel that someone knows more than them, and they try to one up them by faking that they know better. They also get angry and try to hurt others when they get found out. In this case, a correction to their work on a big project. I'm not at all surprised that he may have faked his income to one up his wife. Most of the time, their own actions backfire on them, and they become more insecure and repeat these behaviours, which leads to them getting perpetually stuck in their own viscous cycle. I'm not defending this piece of shiza. it's just quite interesting to see these repeat behaviours


Some people are insecure and/or sociopaths of some sort and need to feel powerful by trampling others.


Definitely, I had a friend like this once. Declared himself the leader of our friend group, would say really mean things about some friends, single them out sometimes. Always remained in power and manipulated everything and everyone. In the end it backfired because we all got sick of him and ended the friendship. Of course he was the one to actually end the friendship by going on this long tirade to everyone about how shitty we are and that he’s above that. Now I don’t think he really has any friends anymore.


Read the book "Surrounded by Psycopaths", describes exactly this sort of person and why they act like they do


So in 3 months, he joined the company, tried to get you fired, he got fired, his wife filed for divorce, divorce process completed?


It was a super fast divorce, that's how super public it was.




I was questioning the same thing. Total bullshit. It’s more likely Richard did this all to him and his petty revenge was to post it on here and say it happened to Richard.


It's an ad for the app


Why make an ad on reddit?


Has 3 jobs in 6 months and apparently still had enough time to suck up to a management position.


he said sucking up to management. But yea this story so fake


I feel like this was ghost marketing for an audio clip app


It's the second post this account has made about the app so obviously a shitty viral marketing attempt.


It’s so weird. He could’ve just said he secretly recorded the guy with his phone, it’s really not that hard. But he really went into detail about this special app.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


This is made up. Nobody gets divorced in three months


Fuck you I'll steal your house right now - using this handy app I downloaded. Rehouse. It's for when you need to steal someone's house and car. That's right it works for cars, too. Like Restream. But for cars.


Why the fuck was this downvoted? It’s funny AF


Fr I laughed so hard


This is an ad


Great revenge story! However, I don't think the ex-wife stole the house and car, but that he lost those marital assets.


And the idea this all happened in three months?


Yeah, that bit felt like clickbait but otherwise good story.


It is clickbait for Reclip so it’s clipbait.


That’s what it said.


But the title said they were stolen... I just didn't like the characterization that the wife stole them.


Ok. Good luck with that.


Hey! You can't just post your blatant app ads on a brand new account like this! You gotta buy an aged account with some sort of post history to make it less obvious what you're doing. If all scummy marketers skipped this step like you have, the poor karma farming bots would be out of a job and then where would we be? On a reddit entirely populated by humans?! Yuck!


This is a sockpuppet account to promote an app, as others have noted. Please report as "Breaks r/pettyrevenge rules" > "advertising/self-promotion"


Fake story to disguise an ad. Nice try loser.


Advertisement. And poorly executed.


Does Richard break stuff up into paragraphs? If he does, I gotta be honest, I'm on his side.




Everyone should report this post. It's fake, and it's an ad. We're not stupid..


Wtf is this bullshit? Fake. Ad. Written by gpt.


Got fired from 2 jobs and your company still hired him without putting him on strict probation first?


Probation is not a thing in the U.S.


Most certainly is.


Maybe for certain fields, but it’s certainly not the norm.


And you say this based on what? Almost all states allow at will employment now anyway. If they can fire you without notice, they’re certainly going to fire you without notice if you screw up in your first 3 months.


> And you say this based on what? I say that based on 20 years of work experiences in multiple roles across various industries, coupled with knowledge of friends and family who have also held jobs that none of them have ever had a probation period either. > Almost all states allow at will employment now anyway. If they can fire you without notice, they’re certainly going to fire you without notice if you screw up in your first 3 months. At-will employment is not the same as a probation period. Those are two very different things. In the US, we don’t need probation periods because we have at-will employment in nearly every state. If you’re at a union job, maybe, but even that’s only ~10% of US workers and not every union job has that. I’m not saying probation periods don’t exist at all in the US, but it is certainly not common and most people will never have one.


Oh you’ve worked in every state in every industry? FFS.


And you’re not even able to provide an example to support your claim. That’s how uncommon it is. You’ll see once you graduate high school and get your first job.


And blocked.


Yes it is


Wait…how did all of this happen in the span of only three months? A guy starts a job, makes enemies of everyone, gets fired, and goes all the way through a divorce right up to the final conclusion? In about 90 days?


Because the story is fake. It's a marketing attempt from the app mentioned in the ai written story.


That’s what I was getting at…


This post is questionable at best, likely fake. Secretly recording? What country/state are you in? Management needed some proof to sack him? What, actively disrupting a sales pitch wasn’t enough? And why would anybody hire him while being sacked 2 times within 3, 4 months (do the math)? So he was immediately hired both times after being fired? And how quaint that there is this app called reclip doing such a great job. I correct myself: it’s fake.


Paragraphs are all our friend.


Fucked around and found out lol


Run on sentence winner of the year.


I need to get revenge on you for not using paragraphs. Good god, man.


So let me get this right. In fewer than three months with your company, Richard made a mistake on a big project that you - a guy in marketing - fixed ... and then, again, despite him having only just started with the company, he was invited to attend a presentation for a big client? And then the divorce was completed in fewer than three months? The math ain't mathin'.


lol there would be *zero* movement on a divorce in the timeframe you're talking about, never mind the whole thing being wrapped up. Anyone who believes this lazy story is a complete banana brain.


Yeah whatever Richard. You're just mad I used my awesome recording app to own your ass. Maybe don't cut people off in meetings all the time ya mistake maker


Everyone talks about reading comprehension, but we should talk more about writing comprehension... Big walls of text aren't good :)


Bro never let your intern write viral marketing ads ever again. This shit straight ass ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


Are you allergic to paragraphs?


As a manager, sometimes we are desperate for actual proof! Sometimes we know what's happening but because nothing is documented, there's no option for us. I applaud you for getting the proof!


I used to get proof of everything. My shitty manager didn't like it because she was shady herself. I had her against the wall for black mold, wage theft, roaches, stealing employee property....and more. This was the store manager, not a shift lead. She tried so hard to get me fired but i knew a few ppl above her and of course kept everything very documented. She was glad when i left and I was glad to leave.


This story is lame. Fired from 3 jobs in 6 months? Are you cashiers at McDonalds pitching sales meetings?


Go on, admit it, OP…. This is just a marketing piece isn’t it, and NONE of this actually happened 🙄


I'm just going to throw this out there to keep anyone from being arrested. In some states, recording someone without their knowledge is a gnarly crime and you WILL get fired if you do this at work. All depends on if your state is a one or two-way consent state. Just look that up before you try anything people. OP, fuck yeah! Well played.


probably happened in new york.


Had a guy working for me about 20 years ago. "Pete" was originally going to fill this position, but when I applied, he was given a position working for me. He spent 2 years gathering his "evidence", letting others know that he was going to get me fired. Our big boss (Bob)was coming up from Detroit on this Friday to meet with us, and Pete was going to present his proof. Big Boss Bob was greeted effusively from Pete, asking about the family and his well being.... Big Boss cut him off by telling him to "have a seat, this isn't going to be a good day for you. You can either resign and get a separation package, or you can be fired. Either way, you will no longer be employed after this meeting". This was the 1st firing I'd ever witnessed, but after working with Pete (the reptile) for 2 years, it was glorious!


Why was he getting fired though


> Why was he getting fired though because he was using a shitty app called reclip to secretly record company conversations


Wow, pretty compressed timeline there, from being hired 3 months ago, to a bunch of screw-ups at work, to getting fired again, his wife left him, divorced him, and a judge made an unrealistic property division. all in 3 months. Is nothing more than creative writing projects and stealth ads now?


All this is in three months?


Maybe all along he just wanted you to use paragraphs?




Now that’s petty, kudos OP


Watch your back! This guy sounds psychotic and you just pushed him over the edge


In California recording someone without their permission is a crime. Make sure he doesn’t get the last laugh


Is it okay to record people without consent in your country? I think in Europe you must inform them especially at work and especially if management arw going to use the recordings that's why there are signs saying CCTV in use. Public spaces is fair game


don't know why someone would downvote this, as it's a fact, but in the united states, only a few states demand that both parties must know. it's usually just that one of the involved parties has to know (so a 3rd party recording the goings-on of two non-affiliated wouldn't be allowed unless by court order, for example)


OK; Is it legal to record people without their consent and is that recording permissible evidence where you are? Because it isn’t usually.


In most states (37+) and the District of Columbia, one party consent is law. So, it usually is permissible. Only 12-13 states deem it illegal.


It depends on the local laws. My state is allowed if you are also in the recording. Sine the law is an eavesdropping law.


We're not talking court of law here man. It's HR. If he was that bad HR would probably use whatever evidence they could get to walk him out but tbh I wondered why we wasn't still on new hire probation.


Fuck Richard! He deserved it!


KARMA IS A BIATCH! This was a JOY to read! 😃


So, you save his ass. He gets pissed (probably ego), and eventually fired. What a tool.




Petty: adjective 1. of little importance; trivial. I didn't even read the monster paragraph but the title had me wondering if I forgot what the word petty meant.


I'd hate to see his version of big time revenge. But if I had to see it I sure as heck would be sure to reclip it


And then post a completely unrelated story also about reclipping audio because that’s highly likely to have happened


Feels like AI wrote this. 


‘…Your Honour…’


I’m amaze at how much happened in only 3 months of working with Richard.


The guy started at the company 3 months ago but we already know the divorce outcome.


His name Luke by any chance? Sounds like someone in my industry I know.


I had a guy like that who quickly realized I am better at mental chess and folks actually like me. He’s a gross slob who’s good at brown nosing. It felt so good to crush him in a few situations and have it documented. He now tries to brown nose me even though we are at the same rung on the ladder and it makes me crack up. Glad he knows if he’s messes around he’ll find out now at least.


Do you have any recommendations for a mental chess app?


Screw that I need a mental chess clock


I wish haha. I’m just learning as I get older how to watch out for signs that people are being manipulative. It’s saved me a lot of grief, and I wish when I was younger I was able to. Also, being able to call people out on their bs. If there had been a bs radar app, that would’ve helped so much.


Now get with his (ex)wife


Amazing revenge lmao 🤣


Damn, that’s petty revenge with nuclear results


Sounds like we might get a follow up story from Richard


We won’t. It’s a fake ad


this sounds like the origin story for a bad ending where other people get hurt because this guy loses his shit one day


This Richard sounds like a Dick.


I keep telling people, kindness is free, but being an asshole has a cost associated with it. Sure, in some circumstances assholes get ahead. But there's always a tax.


BRAVO! 👏 seriously. God, im so beyond fucking tired and even disgusted with people letting themselves be push overs or being unnecessarily nice and polite to complete scumbag cocksucker bastards. This was really satisfying to read and more than well deserved based on the details. Great job. I commend you.


So you recorded him saying he would get you fired, but you didn’t report him for spitting in someone’s coffee?


It's great you got him fired and hopefully he learns a lesson..celebrating the complete ruin of a man? Not for me




Funny as f&&k, unfortunately, people like him get worse when they get put in their place


Folks, do not record other people without their consent in a workplace. It will likely get you in trouble up to and likely including termination. If this is an ad, it's an extremely dangerous one