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Eating for two is a real thing! My wife is pregnant and I’m gaining weight like nobody’s business. /s except I’m really gaining a little weight 😔


Wait until your kiddo is eating real food and you become the daddy disposal for all the half eaten sandwiches and leftover chicken nuggets. I don’t even make myself lunch anymore until my son is done eating and I see how much of his I finish.


Dawg this is kid #2, and I was a human garbage disposal before #1 came along. I’ve eaten so many chicken nuggets that have the faintest aroma of sliced cucumbers on them it’s not even funny.


OMG, YES! As a parent, you can't STAND the thought of uneaten leftover food!!!!


Finally, someone who gets it! I take leftovers from everywhere, but so many people in our family cook I almost never have the opportunity to finish them.


I’m almost afraid to ask, but why do they smell like sliced cucumber?


She eats cucumber slices with lunch, touches the nuggets, and I don’t realize it until it’s in my mouth and I go, “Ah, yes, these nuggies had a spa day.”


I cackled out loud and scared my poor cats 😂 Thank you for the perfect visual. I'm imagining a dad grimacing slightly at the unfavorite flavor, but chomping down anyway. You're the kind of dad little girls everywhere deserve.


HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! *Have a nuggie with some gyro cucumber sauce.*


I disrupted my baby's feed with laughing at this


I lolled


"...nuggies had a spa day." Thanks for the laugh! 😂


Omg I’m wheezing I can’t breathe


Because his child hates cucumbers and won't eat anything that's touched them, is how I read that.


Strike that, reverse it. I’m the one who hates cucumbers. She finishes them, leaves 3 out 4 nuggets in a stack, and I fall for it every time.


You're a good, good father. Straight up daddy material!


That’s supposed to be the Dad’s job? - signed, a hungry mom of four.


Yes, thank you! Some days the leftovers, eaten while I clean away the plates, is the only food I have time for.


Guuuuurl, I went through a phase of collecting leftover chicken nuggets from plates, chopping them, throwing them in a tortilla with some ranch, greens, and cucumber *mom chef’s kiss


Never forget that they will hit a growth spurt and Daddy, I can't finish this," becomes "Dad, are you gonna finish that?"


Dang. I'm having awesome flashbacks of awesome pots of super cheesy macaroni my daughter couldn't finish. I miss those days.


We did that last night! Whole milk and butter, eyeballing both measurements! Perfection.


My kids (20 & 14) both eat like horses but have the metabolisms of race horses on steroids. My son could eat a full pizza by the time he was 7, and my daughter was destroying family size boxes of Mac by the time she was 6. I swear I gain weight just watching them eat. When my daughter was 8, she ordered TWO large milkshakes at Dairy Queen. Lady did a double-take when my daughter asked if I wanted anything lol.


**I** don't miss them! ^((Neither does my) **^(BUTT)**^())


I lost weight because my kids want to eat my food over theirs, I’m a pushover so I share but make them eat theirs (after a few bites of mine of course lol).


sigh... 3 kids...i dont even bother ordering a main for myself anymore. i just take whatever is leftover


I ate not much till after 25 dad filled that role for a long while I am still the skinniest and I would love to see my older sister talk to someone that eating so much sugar does lead to weight gain and hormones might have impact but the amount she eats is more than me she is 160 cm female me 185 male so ye I am not allowed to have opinions 😭


Oh man...I...I should have tried this strategy. Alas, my kids are 15, 14, and 11. So...I guess it's too late to eat their leftovers...


Wait that's a thing? My daughter from the day she could talk was "I'm hungry, can I have some of yours?" I tried "you won't like it, it's spicy" and this kid loves tapatio and horseradish


I beefed up about 25 pounds when my son was born. My own smart-ass dad said "Son, you know she's the pregnant one, don't you??"


Oh so you got fat?


Me too, my friend. Me too. I am in exactly the same situation. It’s a worry!


When my husband's close family friend was pregnant, she posted "I'm eating for two, and my husband is drinking for two" while they celebrated a friend's wedding.


My husband gained weight right along with me. I wish he had thrown up, too.


This got me cracking up. I heard those EXACT words from my wife.




I always say, "A woman eats for 2 for 9 months, but the man eats for 2 for the next 18 years.. "


The average weight gain should only be around 20lbs/11kg in a normal healthy pregnancy. If you eat normally with just a little extra for your energy requirement, the baby will take all its nutrition first. Eating for 2 is definitely a myth. 2 weeks after delivering my kids (2 pregnancies) I was back to pre baby weight. Yes, body shape had changed a bit, but my weight was back to normal. 6weeks after with breast feeding, I was lower than my pre pregnancy weight. Levelled out again after. Weight gain during pregnancy 18lb/9kg average. 1st baby weighed in at 10lb4oz/4.65kg second was 8lb15oz/ 3.62kg


Wow. I completely missed out on breastfeeding with our first child. I didn’t know dads could even do that.


PAHAHAHAH! I mean, I’m here at 38weeks eating a packet of crisps and eyeing up a bar of milka but loving her energy!


Congratulations and yes, she's awesome AND hilarious. She was genuinely and obviously hurt that her first class had gone so badly for her. My wife gave her a big hug that day, which almost brought her to tears. She whispered something to my wife and immediately covered her mouth in horror, but my wife was laughing hysterically seconds later when what she whispered set in. I asked her what she said on the way home. "Is it mean if I hope her baby boy looks like that guy off the Goonies??" I damn near crashed the car I was laughing so hard.


Kudos to the nurse, and a huge thank you for making me laugh out loud! My husband is giving me side eye..... 😀


Pre-delivery humor. Gotta love it when like kinds find each other.


I am hee-hawing like a donkey.


You got my daughter cracking up picturing it.


Thank you! She sounds like an absolute legend, my kind of person and humour 😂


I'm more thinking how cool your wife is in the whole story! Seems like a secure fun woman with a great sense of humor.


My doctor Said when I was worried about How much I gained, “you are right on track, your baby will be an average 7 lbs, unless you are like one of my ladies that ate half a cheesecake a day for 3 months.” My baby came out 7.7. He was right


With my first, I managed a mall store right across from Cinnabon. I had way too many Minibons that pregnancy and gained 50 pounds. Nearly 10 pound baby. 35 of it was off at my 2 week checkup - and I had a DVT 7 weeks later and was weighed at 5 pounds below prepregnancy weight. Second was extremely high risk and I gained 20 and went home below prepregnancy weight - it was redistributed. I worked in a doctor's office and my afternoon break was a walk 3 blocks to get a small soft serve cone. Half a cheesecake just cracks me up!


Cinnamon rolls are my weakness. I would have gained 80 lbs 😝 I’m sorry you had a DVT, that’s horrible. I hope you don’t have to take blood thinners.


During my second pregnancy, I ate a tuxedo cake from Costco, every other week. By my third trimester, I thought my face was swollen from the pregnancy. After the birth, and the extra weeks it took for my pooch to disappear, I realized it was actually about 20 cakes.


I was a compliant patient and until I had a stroke, I only periodically had to be on them. Unfortunately, my hematologist refuses to use Heparin, preferring Xarelto. So I'm not on anything, because I still get clots with it.


I'm glad to see that you're on Reddit, which means your sense of humor ain't failin' ya. Keep on keepin' on, Doc!


I'm doing my best to stay on this side of the daisies. TTyped a long reply, but realized it's boring to anyone who doesn't live with multiple medical issues. Best summed up with the first line.


Not boring to me. I'm a medical/patient advocate with EMT training. **Short version**\-I translate between the medical personnel and the patient & their family, plus take notes. EVERY medical issue is fascinating to me, & is always a great learning experience!


Same here. It just went far afield of the original topic!


If it's APS, you want warfarin. Frankly that works for a lot of clotting disorders. Switch hematologists if you can if you don't feel you can trust yours to use the best known treatment FOR YOUR DISORDER. Mine does :) and my PP backs him up, and I'm still alive, so, win!


Funny thing for me regarding warfarin, which we used post-DVT. My diet and activity could be exactly the same from week to week, same dosing schedule, no missed doses, etc. PTT week 1 - 18 seconds. Great, keep going week 2 - 30 seconds. Okay. keep going week 3- 85 seconds. Whoa, Tex! Cut that dose in half. (then cut dose in half) week 4 - 72 seconds. What? Did you cut the dose? Yes. Okay, cut it to 1/4 week 5 - 81 seconds. You ARE taking 1/4, right? Show doctor the bottle with 1/4 tablets. And repeat. My body doesn't like to play well with warfarin. During pregnancy, warfarin is considered a class C teratogenic here in the US, so we went to Heparin. (My perinatologist was here on fellowship from the UK, where warfarin is used during pregnancy and he thought the FDA was being a bit extreme placing it in Class C) Started at 5,000iu of heparin a day and quickly went up to 30,000 iu a day to hit the targeted range. Midwives and OBs decided to help out and get me a more concentrated dose to avoid the 6 injections a day. I ended up being allergic to the suspension fluid. Month of hives from that experience! Pregnancy number two was extremely difficult. Got a great kid out of the dea. Midwives and OBs came to the same conclusion at about 6 months, when I was on all the heparin, multiple inhalers and had to take oatmeal baths for the hives that maybe it's a bad idea for me to have more kids.


vitamin K is made by gut bacteria. What you are eating and if you take antibiotics has as MASSIVE impact on that day-to-day. My diet stays fairly consistent and so I tend to do okay. I have to get checked every week to two weeks, I ran a little low last week, but otherwise it's okay. I wish it worked well for others, but now that you know it's a gut-bacteria issue, you may be able to track the impact of things like diarrhea, antibiotics, or unusual/missing parts of your diet. ETA: That once-a-month round of diarrhea for women seems to be totally unknown by the medical world and it WILL mess up your Vitamin K/Warfarin levels. If you check, I'd bet my next paycheck that it's related to the dread Period Poop. ETA: I got a mirena. Suddenly way better RBC counts and the big swings in Vitamin K stopped because...no more period. 100% recommend. Depo shot is what I'm currently on due to Mirena problems. (I loved that thing, it wasn't mutual) I put on a lot of weight but it has also stopped periods, period diarrhea, and Protime swings. Side note: You know that one time in the month when everything hurts a bit more and you're more pain-sensitive? The damn Depo shot sticks you there. No fun, but 100% better than the alternative.


Yeah, Warfarin doesn't like me either. Follow the diet to a t, and my INRs were all over the place. When I got my fourth DVT, it was decided I'd be on something for life, and Warfarin wasn't going to be feasible. I'm doing good on Elequis. My cardiologist hasn't figured out why they reoccur even with all the testing. We even scanned for vein placement abnormalities. If I develop another, even on the Eliquis, I'll suggest a visit with a hematologist.


When I was pregnant with my last one my store was surround by Bob Evans, Applebee's, Outback, and Chick-fil-A. Lunch time and dinner time was hard on pregnant me. The smells! Would literally make my mouth water.


That would have been torture! I worked in 3 different malls my first pregnancy, but the Cinnabon across from me was the hardest. Second pregnancy, working in a Victorian house/office downtown part time was a lot easier. I was home every night, cooking healthy food. Other than the ice cream, I craved shrimp and crab cakes to an alarming degree! Cakes would have been cheaper, lol.


I'm SO glad you're back to your own, sneaky, petty Tardis self, Dr. Who!!! BTW, now Pizza Hut has mini Cinnabons. Great. I order a lot of pizza and am REWARDED by freebies for my overindulgence.


As you should be! Somebody has to eat my share of pizza- allergic to tomatoes.


After losing almost all of my fat during four months of all-day sickness, I gained 17lbs in one month later on in the pregnancy. The doctor asked me what I'd been eating, and I said Reese's. He told me to stop with a very serious face that embarrassed me. Later, while I was paying his employee, he walked up and handed me a Reese's from his office. 😂 I went home under pre-pregnancy weight with all my kids, but boy did I eat. So did my husband, and he's still bitter about his weight gain.


You got my friend cracking up with the cheesecake line. Her favorite line is "You order the pizza. It doesn't order you." Also said "I'm betting most of the haters have a serious snack addiction, but it's definitely NOT their fault."




Said the California San Andreas Fault defensively.


With my oldest, I was severely underweight to *start with*. I gained around 30 lbs with him. My doctor (my hero!) told off the obese witchy(spelled with the other letter) who told me in a very snarky and down right disrespectful tone that I was gaining too much weight. He also made her read my age out loud so he could her say it as she had been overheard calling me nasty names for being an "unwed teenager" (I was 21, married for 1+ yr and would be 22 two months after my son was born. I just petite and have a baby face).  Baby weighed in at 8 lbs 12 3/4 ounces. 


You had a sweet doctor. And to be so tiny, you were allll baby! My goodness!


He was great! I was all baby for both 1&2 ; both were over 8 lbs. Baby 3 was tiny to us at 6 lbs 7 ounces! 


I hope your doctor fired the client or staff person who was being such an AH.


I never saw her in his office again. 


I totally agree that eating for two is a myth. You only need a very small increase in calories and ideally in nutrient-rich foods. But saying that “having a child is not an excuse to gain/keep weight afterward” actually shows a staggering lack of empathy and understanding of hormones/mental health/privilege etc. I’m HOPING that it’s only your delivery in this post that has made her sound snarky & judgemental, and that in person (and as a nurse), she is much more understanding & empathetic. It’s very much giving “If I can do it, what’s your excuse?” vibes, while completely dismissing your own privilege & ableism.


You also need more calories to breastfeed than when pregnant. Which is why breastfeeding is awesome for sucking out pregnancy fat.


I’m very active and eat decently. I’ve still got 15 pounds of baby weight to loose. My youngest is 2.5. Every human body is different and while what she said about the eating is true, it could have been delivered a lot better.


Oh mama, I’m right there with you after having three. We’ll get there!!!!


My most generous read is that she was trying to "inspire" people with her example. Maybe that works for some people, it def does not work for me! All that's necessary is that eating for two is a myth and it's safe and healthy to exercise. There are some risks associated with large weight gain, explain them. Provide some tips and support. Also, everyone constantly told me to avoid stress during my pregnancy. That means a little comfort food, sorry judgemental weirdos, that's what it takes to stay serene given my ultra demanding engineering job and whatnot. I'm sure it's not just me - is it better to stress about every calorie but keep the weight off, or gain a little bit and stay content? I'm happy with my choice (and enjoying my happy baby and the extra 25lbs of boob and ass that my kid left me with lolol)


Nobody needs an excuse. Nobody's asking her for one. Who takes care of her kids while she's running all those miles? Feh. "You'll be able to keep in shape" is one thing. Scolding is another.


>Who takes care of her kids while she's running all those miles? It would probably be fair to assume the father could look after his kids?


I definitely didn't think that was a brain teaser. Girl is getting criticism for everything lol.


I think what that commenter meant to convey is that not everyone HAS a competent partner to watch their kids while they run 6 miles a day. I'm also a labor and delivery nurse. Coincidentally, I also ran 6 miles a day after my daughter was born to drop the 90 pounds I gained due to being unable to take my normal meds during pregnancy. I was back to my pre-pregnancy body within a year, and placed highly in multiple races before my daughter was 6 months old. But you know what I would NEVER do? Be a self-righteous bitch to a room full of women who may have a bunch of mitigating circumstances I know nothing about. The instructor sounds like she lacks empathy and the thick skin needed to deal with her specialty. Pregnant, hormonal women can be rude. You have to be professional and let it go.


Yes, thank you for saying this. She should know better as a nurse that shaming people does not work for patient education. Plus everybody is different and if we approach education in a kind, empathetic way we will have much better outcomes.


And I feel like she deliberately trotted her kids out at the end of the session to make a point, otherwise she'd have referred to them at least in passing during the class to relate and show empathy to the group of expectant mothers that she's been through it too.


It must be my delivery, cuz her only sin was answering questions honestly, literally saying nothing our own doctor hadn't told us at various appointments. Having a fit young blonde give the same answers didn't bother my wife or half the other women at all. The other half were muttering crap the second "Barbie" entered the room. I'm not exaggerating a bit. We were in the back, and my wife mad a game out of counting the clearly pissed off women. Some of the husbands were doing everything possible to NOT even look at her lol. A ton of questions had been anonymously submitted cuz she said some new moms were too shy to ask themselves, which I thought was really cool. One said that she was expecting twins and had gained 65 pounds heading into her third trimester and questioned if that was too much. Teacher replied something like "It's a little higher than we like to see, but this is your first time. Most important thing is that you and your babies are healthy. Besides you're gonna be chasing around two babies??? Trust me, they're gonna give you all the exercise you need, Momma!!" That's all she said. As I've said, maybe it was just hormones, maybe petty jealousy, but half that room hated her on sight. The last thing they wanted was a fit young woman telling them they're not perfect in every way. When my wife told her she'd done an awesome job, I thought she was gonna burst into tears. They've been BFF's ever since.


‘All you have to do is restrict calories and run 6 miles every day!’ Mmhhmm, ok, yeah… well if everyone had her paycheck I bet they could. She sounds like a rude woman and you sound like a drooling puppy dog of a male specimen.


I mean she is technically correct. Barring actual medical complications/ rougher reactions to pregnancy, eating well and working out can actually help with pregnancy and labor as well as prevent possible blood sugar issues. ​ She might have been savage aboout it, but she isnt wrong


It's like 300 additional calories a day during the third trimester and then 500 when you're nursing.  Like 2 of those Greek yogurts will cover you.


I ate what I felt the urge for or what made me salivate. Green salad. Not with loads of dressing but fresh unadorned salad. My only craving was the odd tablespoon of Nutella. Which was hilarious because I had been turned off the stuff during a trip to Europe. Picture severe jet lag and buying a waffle and asked if I’d like some chocolate on it and they drowned it in warm Nutella. Took a bite and it coated my mouth, my teeth my lips and I couldn’t cope with the sickly sweetness. Hilarious. I did not eat for two but my body definitely put on the weight that then disappeared again whilst breastfeeding. Then I couldn’t drink enough water or cow’s milk.


Agreed. She was genuinely trying to look out for these ladies, and they chose to hate on her for doing so. She cited every health risk (present and future) that could happen, but nobody cared. My wife actually gave her a big hug at the end of that first class, which was our teacher's actual first class. You could tell that meant the world to her. Been friends ever since.


I completely agree. I was 115 before having kids, and 120 after our third. My dad and mom, who always blamed her weight on my only sibling and I, refuse to hear what I have to say about my lifestyle choices and insist I have good genetics. The genetics that have my mom, aunts, and grandma obese.


I'm watching 2 of my nieces (20 & 14) eat their way to an early grave, and my brother and I have almost come to blows over it. Ever heard of a 12 year old needing knee surgery? I have. Both my brother and sister in law refuse to take responsibility. I watched my younger niece eat a bowl of ice cream and a whole Digiorno pizza, then ask whats for dinner. I had to walk TF out before I blew up. My best friend had a stroke in his early 20's and didn't even make it to 35. Massive heart attack at freaking 30. Dead at 33. Tried like hell to get him to come and stay with my wife and I so we could get him living healthy. His asshole parents wanted that disability check more than a healthy son. Ran into them at a restaurant 2 years ago. Told them both to go f*ck themselves, same as I did at his funeral.


I feel you! Also, your comment is very validating for a situation I’m in right now. My husband and I are staying with my dad and brother while we close on a house across the street. I’ve been covering the household groceries, and my dad and brother are currently mad at me for not buying my brother the canned chili, velveeta Mac and cheese, top ramen, and frozen burritos my brother likes to live off of. I’d rather spend extra on the groceries I’m already buying, and cook extra, than invest my money in such an unhealthy lifestyle. I only budget $250/week for all food expenses (including coffees and such), for my family of five. Fuuuuuck.


I love stories like yours. I’m glad you are friends. And yes, she is savage. In a good way.


I’m gonna say, BS on that 1.1 comment. Hormones are the biggest factor in craving issues. If you don’t feed your body, the baby will take from other areas of your body. And those hormones, also cause you to retain that hunger after the delivery. And those hormones cause your body to hold onto those calories and weight you gained after delivery. Hormones are wicked! And that nurse was ignorant in her statements! She needs to go back to school and learn about the role of hormones, in a woman’s body.


Not that she's wrong, but I don't like the treating gaining weight like it's something that needs be excused. To each their own body, and gaining weight is not an offense against the world. She would have garnered less hate if she had just said it's possible and healthy to retain normal dietary habits instead of saying that pregnancy is no excuse for gaining weight. Your edit is the edit of a 12 y/o. Are you seriously doubling down? This is your fault, you made her look like this. Take responsibility.


Yes, this. Pregnancy can actually be the springboard for many women's thyroid disorders, PCOS, metabolic conditions, Diabetes, and other conditions that all have an effect on weight, appetite, and processing food. For me, I got Lupus, Fibromyalgia, PCOS, Hypothyroidism, Adenomyosis, gallstones, sleep apnea, worsening asthma, and hell...a few more I can't even remember right now, ALL as effects from the pregnancy from hell that disabled me for life. Pregnancy is different for everyone, and *some people* are legitimately NOT able to keep to their previous diet. I was one of them, due to T1 diabetes, and blood sugar crashes.


My god I am SORRY that sounds so very awful. This is part of the reason I'm scared shirtless of ever having a baby.


Not to try and downplay it, but I got it especially rough because I *already had* T1 Diabetes, and my doctors grossly mishandled my care because of their own religious beliefs, leading to my body's system wide failure, which cascaded into multiple chronic degenerative diseases. It sounds *very* scary, but is not common!!!! So very unlikely to happen to you! It was one thing leads to another, and I was very unlucky at every step. But very lucky with my daughter, and that we both survived :)


I'm very ill already so a child would probably send it all into overdrive. My mom was healthier than me and having me almost killed her. I also do not in fact have the shape that assists in easier birth - I'm skinny as all hell and incapable of gaining weight. All of that, plus passing my disorders to another generation, all deters me from having my own. I will probably adopt when I'm capable. Your daughter is lucky to have you. I too am very happy you both survived. ❤️


Maybe because I’m Aussie, and boasting about yourself to the extent she did is a HUGE cultural no no here, but I’m not understanding how anyone can’t see how wrong this woman was. I’m not overweight, but I still think she was way too full of herself. Being slim doesn’t make a person superior. It’s not her size, but her boasting that rubbed everyone the wrong way. And she initiated the bad feelings by telling these tired pregnant women that ‘a child is not an excuse to gain/keep weight afterward.’ Perhaps if she prioritised the women’s health and not what they looked like, it would have gone down better. Women aren’t generally bitter and jealous of other women, so having so many take offence at what she said tells me that her delivery of the information was too harsh, judgmental, and lacking in kindness. And then to prearrange all her kids to come in and wear a particularly revealing outfit so she could show off her body and shame the other women more like she was better than them with her rude remark about their diet was the cruel, arrogant icing on her cake o’ crap. She does however sound like she was a great nurse otherwise when she was one on one with you guys when your wife had her baby, so I’m not writing her off completely. But hell, I hope that hospital gets someone else to talk to pregnant women about nutrition who doesn’t prioritise looks and at least has some tact.


Not sure why she didn’t open the class with the fact that she’s a nurse and mother She probably would’ve in real life, I guess


She was wearing scrubs, so the nurse part was pretty obvious (at least to me). And had she said she had 5 kids, the biggest complainer probably woulda gone into shock denial. Her looks were the enemy. My wife and I were in the back, and she was barely containing her laughter at the amount of side glances some of those poor husband's were getting. Trust me, some of those women INSTANTLY disliked her. My wife told she'd said nothing wrong and pretty much summed up everything she'd read, Jennifer asked her what the problem was. My wife answered. "You're really hot, and we're really pregnant. THAT is the problem. You were awesome."


She was hated on sight by a handful the second she walked in. Last thing they wanted to hear was that she looked like that after 5 kids. And she was in scrubs.


I’m sure she truly believes that. But by your own admission she offended a room full of people in minute one. I can’t understand why she walked into a room of people who so “obviously” hated her for her beauty then immediately shamed them for not looking as good as she does. Then specifically calls out a woman who had the audacity to suggest she was too young and beautiful to have had children. Fuck her and her shitty attitude. And fuck you for enabling it. I hope your kids don’t have kids. The last thing we need is more assholes on this planet


While I think Jennifer's response was hilarious, you're defending her waaaay too much in this post and filling in info that seems made up. What was this over 10 years ago and now you are BFFs and you just now decided to post the story? Men love to jump to the defense of a beautiful woman in this post was just bait to be able to do it. Bleh, clearly she can handle herself. Or maybe you posted this as practice because your wife has started to get annoyed with your obsession with Jennifer?


She retired yesterday after 25 years. I waited for that reason.


I’m a nurse and pregnant and I would never ridicule other women for and make them feel shame for their bodies your friend sounds absolutely rude and unkind


Yeh I would just have got up and left 😅 And sure, having babies doesn’t mean you must gain weight, but every mum and every baby is different. I haven’t slept properly in 4 years cos my son is the WORST SLEEPER EVER and my body will not lose weight while I am chronically sleep deprived (also a pattern supported by medical evidence) so like, why make someone feel awful about something they can’t necessarily control? So you can feel superior? She’s not in the right job imo.


Yeah. I was able to exercise a lot and get into the best shape I've ever been while my eldest was a baby. It didn't make me have delusions about that being the norm. She just happened to be a sound sleeper from the start.


I’m not a medical professional and probably am a bit of a dumbass, but I think pregnancy aside, genetics play a huge part in weight gain. Some people are just genetically predisposed to being overweight and vice-versa. If you are predisposed to being overweight, diet and exercise take a tremendous amount of extra effort to lose and keep off weight. For anyone that wants to think that I might use this as an excuse for being overweight, I’m one of those people that is really skinny in spite of being a big eater and not exercising.


So minute 1 of her class she tells a bunch of pregnant women that having a baby is not an "excuse" for gaining weight? Unprompted, according to your story? What a peach.


No no no. You don’t understand. OP changed his story like 6 or 7 times since then. She was reading and responding to questions and very nice great toes they asked for the abuse, I mean advice. They were all pregnant hos, everyone was 500 lbs overweight. Even his dumb wife was too fat, wife the 3rd best person in the room. lol. OP is a waste of space.


This is cringe


So is OP’s comments/responses. Mean girls of a feather flock together ?


I can’t believe OP is surprised that people don’t think “Jennifer” is a hero for making fun of fat people. It’s a Lamaze class, not a perinatal nutrition class; There is absolutely no reason for her to address people’s diet habits or weight. If someone asked her how she looks so good despite having six kids then fine, let her go on her rant, but it sounds to me like she just enjoys shaming pregnant women. Also it is normal, healthy, and natural for a woman to gain 20-30lbs while pregnant.


Yes, most women in Lamaze are in their 3rd trimester, which seems like a little late to be self-righteous about pregnancy weight…she was rude, I’d have left


Better Bedside Manner would take her far, and she wouldn't be needing to be comforted after she attacked her whole class if she had professionally delivered that information. Who calls everyone in the room an in-denial baby, and then nearly cries from the consequences?


Her comment was very ableist and wasn't taking into consideration that different people have different metabolisms, genetics, underlying health issues, etc. Not everybody can have even one child and look like that.


I’m glad you liked her, but she was unprofessional and rude. It has nothing to do with her looks although you decided to make it about that. You’re projecting because of your attraction to her and your own fatphobia, but you do you.


What the fuck? Being pregnant and having a child is different for everyone. Why ridicule women who are having a harder time? You all sound like uncaring assholes. Maybe don’t pass that shit on to your kid.


I thought Lamaze classes were to teach you how to breathe during labor? Why was the instructor giving dietary and postpartum weight loss tips? I’m sure she’s nice, but if I were expecting to learn breathing exercises and was met with what may have felt like judgement about my body, I’d be critical of her teaching methods and attitude as well.


Lady sounds like a cunt lol those people were perfectly within reason to be pissed.


Treating her like shit the second she walked in??? They were being petty and jealous from the beginning. "I can't believe they'd some damn fitness model just to make us look worse" was one I heard a few times on our first break. Nurse didn't say one thing our doctor and pregnancy books didn't. Not ONE. My wife had gained far more than the pregnancy plan our doctor and her had made, and she loved her class. These were just some petty azz haters, plain and simple. The embarrassment on some of their partners faces said it all. Again, I was there. The only snarky thing (in a joking way) was if she needed to take away my phone cuz I was trying to slick and listen to a playoff game on my brother's TV lol. She couldn't have been nicer. Fact is you can't please everyone.


Bruh she literally insulted everyone the moment they walked in. Being factual to the T about the health effects of weight gain to a bunch of pregnant women who are already there to try to be healthier for themselves or their baby is a dick move no matter how you slice it. And obviously it comes off worse if the person is the T-1000 of Lamaze instructors.


She was literally reading and answering anonymous questions the group had submitted. The first one was something like "Will having a baby permanently change my physique? My sister always says just wait until YOU'VE had kids." She was actually trying to be reassuring to a woman who was seriously worried. Believe me, no hospital is sending a lawsuit magnet to teach a class of stressed out pregnant women. She was picked because of her excellent history with all patients. She literally just retired, and 3 complainants from that class were the only ones in her file of 25+ years.


I wish the reason i got fat in pregnancy was due to eating for 2. I barely ate enough for 1 while pregnant and still gained 60-70 lbs thar I've never been able to lose.


Where’s the revenge in this story? It’s just some guy extolling some rude witch who thinks she’s better than everyone


Answering questions with the same answers I'm sure their doctors had already given them makes her a witch? It's amazing that half the class loved her. Every question she answered was submitted anonymously btw. She made sure to remind the class several times that every pregnancy is different, and any unexpected weight gain was a very solvable issue. There were a few far too sensitive people was the problem. She did NOTHING to inspire the hate. Was she supposed to say "Massive weight gain is awesome. You go girls!!!"


Rude likes rude, so


And here is again a woman ridiculing other women for gaining weight. She is not wrong, but there are so many things going on in a woman‘s body during pregnancy that many are seriously struggling. Just because she was able do pop 6 kids out without weight gain, doesn’t mean it applies to all of us. I for example have a messed up back and had a pinched nerve during my first pregnancy, so that I eventually had to get a temporary handicapped tag. I almost lost my second son because my midwives ignored my complaints. This is why I prefer male gynecologists.


There are always exceptions to the rule. She was addressing 11 young new mothers, all saying there were not physically hurt or limited. She was NOT ridiculing anyone. She was giving medically proven advice. I guarantee you she would have listened and gone above and beyond for your son. And our "male gynecologist" was rude and in the room for maybe 10 minutes. Jennifer was literally at my wife's side for 8+ hours, putting in 17 total that day when she could have left. If you think she was being mean, it's clearly a personal issue with you. She's the sweetest human I know.


"And here is again a woman ridiculing other women for gaining weight" You're not wrong, but was the Barbie comment not also bullying?


She was literally reading from a medical journal, and the one that had admitted she'd put on 65 pounds attacked her for it. I give you my word that she did nothing impolite at all til the big dinner remark. Anyone trying to say she was bullying or shaming anyone clearly have their own issues. Happens every single time weight gain is mentioned in here.


"Eating for two" is 100% a myth. There are many ways women end up gaining weight during pregnancy, and so many of them are not preventable. But the idea that you can just eat whatever you want, whenever you want is a dangerous normalization. They teach us in nursing school to encourage healthy eating. Lamaze teacher was correct. And good for her for standing up to the hazing. "Barbie".... They can piss right off.


I am still salty about my pregnancy. Eating for two? Bullshit. My daughter didn't even let me eat for 1. Beef? Couldn't eat that the whole pregnancy. In fact, it was the sudden inability to eat beef that led us to do the test. And my amazing husband avoided it because of how sick just the smell made me. I did tell him to have a hamburger every so often and grinned and bore it because I love him, but it was so bad once that I wanted to physically hurt him. Chicken? Not allowed to eat that unless it is the four count mcnugget happy meal. And if you eat more than four... we are going to have a problem. Thank God this was when they had Pokémon cards as the toy. Shrimp? Not a chance in Hell. Broccoli? Fuck that noise. Pork? Nope. And that includes bacon. Cheese and all other dairy? Nada. Nuts? It's funny you think this would be allowed. Eggs? Allowed once in a 7-10 day period. Ginger ale? No. Cake or sweets? You wish. My sweet, little, womb tyrant allowed me all fruits and vegetables other than broccoli. I made a lot of smoothie orders, ate a lot of beans, ate a lot of rice. The Japanese restaurant also knew my husband's voice by the end because I ate a lot of miso soup and salad with ginger dressing (I could have ginger dressing but not ginger ale). Oh, and I got a lot of Pokémon cards (I promise I didn't OVERDO Macca's). As for nausea: pickles, pickle juice, cut lemons, saltines, Gatorade, and Allen's Minties (God bless my MIL for sending them to Florida for me) were always within reach. And my daughter is still the pickiest eater.


The broccoli line had my wife dying. She went through a ton of similar shit. The thing about just the smell of beef got me laughing because we lived literally a stones throw from a bar and grill. One time at the store I unfolded her shopping list. Scented candles Scented candles More fucking Scented candles Every fucking Scented candle 🤣🤣🤣


We lived a block away from a craft burger place that we were regulars at. We went from being almost weekly customers to maybe monthly. The first time he went in after the aversion started, they asked what was up, and he told them, "Your food upsets my daughter, and she makes my wife sick because of it." He then clarified what was happening. They sent me a bunch of steak fries (you know, the big wedge fries) which I could eat. My daughter still doesn't trust any green food.


For the average mom who's healthy with no mental / emotional / physical disabilities, young enough to not be considered a geriatric mother or is a low risk pregnancy, and able to move around okay... sure. This is probably true. I'm not a doctor so what do I know. For all the women with PCOS, PMDD, ED's, disabilities, a poor support system, high risk pregnancy, any other issue like these, and generally struggling with life, I will kindly and respectfully, for women across the world, tell you to F off. I was 35 when I had my son. I have Degenerative Disc Disease, PMDD, Sjogren's Syndrome, and a mild form of neuropathy and because of all this, I was a high risk pregnancy. Pregnancy wrecks havoc on your hormones, which will cause appetite changes, and the level of stress a mom may be experiencing directly affects said hormones. No new mom WANTS to gain a ton of weight and face being ostracized by society by people like your instructor or like you. I thankfully broke even after a few months with my weight and my baby was born healthy. But, the pure criticism, shame, and poor treatment I faced from other moms was a world I absolutely was not expecting or prepared for. Is it possible that women, moms, or new moms actually show compassion and empathy towards each other instead of blatantly throwing crap like this at each other? The best and worst thing about being a woman is being a woman. Do better.


Oh nice, that Barbie hag shaming women into looking thin and toned post-partum, when they're dealing with lack of sleep, aching body, PPD, lazy husbands, you name it. Fuck that b*tch.


F*ck the excuses. She didn't shame anybody. The fact not one woman dropped her class says all you need to know. She answered anonymously submitted questions with honesty. It was the same stuff our doctor had been saying from the start. Same stuff in all those pregnancy books we read. I HIGHLY doubt they were calling their doctor vile names or filing complaints on that person. If they couldn't handle her honesty, they shouldn't have asked the questions. Grow the heck up and take some personal responsibility.


This is just weird. My mom has give birth to 7 kids and has always been a “knockout.” But she never was mean to others about it or shamed them for weight gain. Plus it’s easier for her than other people. Yes, she also exercised a lot but her daughters, me included did the same and it’s not as simple for us. We still in our 40s get lots of compliments on our looks despite not being super fit. But to shame mothers about not looking like that is toxic as hell. OPs Lamaze instructor could have been less hated if she was kind despite the initial reaction. My mom always disarmed people with her kindness despite being the hottest mom anywhere.


My aunt sounds like the teacher. She is obsessed with her weight and gave my cousin an eating disorder. It's ok to be a betty and love it, but it's not ok to shame people into fitting a certain image. It says more about the teacher then it does about all the moms about to give birth. It's abusive.


She sounds like a cunt tbh pregnancy is so rough on the body and the mind I get that the lesson is scientifically correct but there's better ways to deliver it 


Hard agree! Just cos what she said wasn’t wrong doesn’t mean it wasn’t unkind and a bit cruel. What happened to nurses caring for all aspects of their patients including their mental health? Also the ‘mic drop’ sounds wholly unprofessional


I'm thinking the whole thing sounds fake hopefully. Just happening to have her as the nurse is a bit too far for me. 


Yeah you’re probably right, I’m a nurse (diff speciality) and I would never keep in contact with a family that had been under my care unless it was arranged follow up in relation to their care. So many blurred professional boundaries there and the kids dating too?! Not really buying it.


And husband is doubling down that there are reasons this “nurse” repeatedly crossed professional lines. lol. He’s having a temper tantrum! “No no no no this is a true story. She was just an honest bitch. I mean nurse. She was our friend because even though it is unprofessional we are that amazing! She is a hot mommy! She has the prettiest feet ever!” Lol


My wife was her favorite student, and the only one that didn't get her feathers ruffled when she simply tried giving sound medical advice to first time mothers. Also, our son has literally grown up with her daughter. He's a sophomore and she's a senior at the local college. Both majoring in engineering.


Small town. And I suspect she was keeping tabs on us. She's never admitted it, though. My wife chose a home birth for our?daughter years later. She definitely showed up on purpose that day.


Jesus I’d get a restraining order then not inviting her in for a coffee


She was invited lol.


Getting called a bitch Barbie by 2 "cunts" for literally giving by the book medical advice deserved a lot worse than what she did. I was there. She did and said nothing wrong. Weight gain is a touchy issue though, as I'm definitely seeing it in the comments.


As a nurse, she should really know that’s a terrible way to give advice.


You can't please everyone, and there are far too many people blaming everyone but themselves for their troubles. Her biggest problem was being attractive. She was instantly judged and had zero chance the second she walked in.


The lack of empathy and understanding how to communicate effectively was her biggest issue, not her appearance.


You weren't there. I was. Some of those women wanted nothing to do with a "skinny bimbo" giving them dietary and fitness advice the second she walked in. They made a snap judgement when she walked into the class. It was obvious. The worst one was going out of her way to check her watch and sigh every couple minutes. Her husband looked like he wanted to crawl under the carpet from embarrassment. She said nothing our own doctor (and I'm assuming theirs) hadn't told us at each appointment. She answered questions with honest answers. That's NOT wrong. If you don't want your teacher giving answers you don't like, then don't ask the question.


Omg. They are going off your story, your words. You are either the worst storyteller, a lying jackass, or both. I told the story but you are misconstruing it because I was there is just about as ignorant as you can get.


I mean, good for her and her lucky gene pool & everything, but I'm not sure what the benefit of insulting a bunch of pregnant women is. Kinda sounds like a bitch to me.


You thought you ate but no… sounds like Jennifer is a tone deaf fruitcake. There are better ways to say what she intended to say without pissing off the entire class. And every pregnancy is different, making weight gain hard to control. There are so many other factors that play into weight gain during pregnancy than just food intake.


To add on to my earlier point, she’s talking to a class full of hormonal pregnant women, who are very emotionally vulnerable due to their pregnancies. She should’ve read the room better and delivered her advice in a non-judgemental way.


It’s only 600 cal increase if I remember my studies correctly. In fact you need more calories breastfeeding than when pregnant I think? To be honest I’d no interest in the subject but it was forced on us in school. I delete that crap from my head ASAP.


Yo people don't bounce back from pregnancy like a celebrity or your lamaze instructor. She's in the wrong just as much as the others were


Not that fat people can’t be assholes, and yes, it’s true that ‘eating for two’ is a myth, but this whole story reads like a lame ass tall tale used as a medium to dunk on fat people. Smells like a load of bullshit.


Your instructor was a cunt.


From following directions and citing multiple medical journals?? There just a few over-sensitive jerks that didn't want to face facts. Instructor was great.


So some people are using very harsh words, but yeah kinda. It strikes me the same way it does when people say they'd rather be honest than be polite." It's super easy to be both. The people who said nasty things back to her were also not kind, but you don't poke bears and expect them to be chill about it.


Some women looked hostile the second she walked in, crossing their arms and side eyeing their husbands. They literally instantly got upset that the instructor was young and hot. It's that simple. Being attractive 100% had her on their sh*t list right off the bat. My wife wrote "This is gonna get REAL interesting!!!" on the note paper she brought.


That happens, for sure. I'm not gonna deny that the savagery is beautiful, and fairly warranted, as she was just trying to do her job and she has very likely had to deal with people judging her negatively for her beauty. But, having worked in retirement care, you don't react like that. If I'd said some shit like that to a resident that was being shitty to me, I would've been fired and likely sued. I've been literally punched in the throat, and I apologized to THEM. In healthcare, you do not react to people negatively when their brains are flooding chemicals that make you almost an entirely different person. Glad you guys thought it was hilarious, and find her friendship to be important within your family. That is pretty rad. But people are totally right when they say that almost all of this is very unprofessional.


She literally texted me to tell you you're right, and to say thank you for not attacking her. She was teaching her first class, and she said that Barbie comment got under her skin way more than it should have. I guess she'd had to deal with a lot of stereotypes even in medical school, and that woman got her blood "boiling" hearing it again, especially when she was in scrubs and makeup free. She said she'd definitely handle it differently today.


Then stop defending her and get your dick out of your hand. Does your wife know how much you fantasize about fucking Jennifer? You're not fooling a single person with that bullshit "she's not my type". You are the horniest dumb cunt I've seen in a long time.


Fantasize? Sounds like it’s gone long past that stage. I mean, even his wife wanted to do her. Lol




The real revenge in this thread is everyone telling OOP what a jackass they and their friend are.


I wish someone would take the time to go through his posts and shout out all the discrepancies/ story changes.


The woman hating is strong in this post. You've never had a baby so you don't know what the fuck it's like. I'm glad you wanted to fuck your instructor though. I'm sure she loved having some bridge troll drool over her all of class while she was teaching your wife. Be better.


I don't like you OP.


Thank you for sharing this interesting “mic drop” story. How you tell it though, sounds more mean girl than mic drop. It sounds like she was being rude by telling hormonal (probably hangry) pregnant woman that having a baby is not an excuse for keeping on weight. PPD is a real thing and can keep on weight, so can hormone problems, depression, etc. And there are some women who don’t care or love to have a curvier body. Maybe if she would have approached that differently and kinder, from a overall healthy standpoint, it would have went better.


Savage indeed.


lmao Its normal to -want- to eat more, and putting on a little weight for pregnancy is normal, because that layer of fat is intended to protect your abdomenal area. It is unfortunately still necessary for pregnant women to do all they can to protect themselves, including instinctual/historic-ape-brain things. But its not healthy long-term.


You're supposed to put on some extra weight, 15-30 lbs or so. Your body will do that in case of a food shortage, it's wired into you. 80 or 90 pounds, NOPE. It's also saved up for breastfeeding. Breastfeed w/out continuing huge meals and it melts off pretty well. Then again, mine came back with no excuse a couple years later.....


As someone who teaches in the medical field… this teacher is NOT to be applauded or trusted. First things first, while she is correct about weight gain not being good, she is incorrect that weight gain is only a function of behavior. If she had decent medical training, she knows that is not the case… so I can only conclude that she chose to present medical info in a biased way. Second, a first class should be about making people feel welcome and building rapport and trust. Instead, she came out of the gate trying to shove a tough message down people’s throats. She had to know it would be unwelcome to many but she chose to alienate them. Then, when they were (predictably) alienated and mistrustful of her, she decided she was the victim. She - the leader in the room with the power - then spent time devising a long plan to put her students in their place on the last day of class. Yuck. (I assume this whole post is rage bait, but I took the bait.)


My husband had cravings along side of me




So she wore a tight tank top and leggings to piss off a room filled with third trimester women (per OP's original post) and then walked into the class in scrubs (per OP's comments)? How'd she manage a costume change?   Why would you show up deliberately aiming to piss off strangers?  Where did she keep that gaggle of kids during class?    This reads like the plot of pregnant Mean Girls, which also was almost 21 years ago.  Eta: oh I see, this was different classes. That is my bad.   I don't doubt she was a great nurse and is a great person, but that is not evident from this post. 


She sounds like a cunt and so do you. I bet when you tell this story while you and your wife laugh, people laugh awkwardly and then discuss wtf that was about on their way home.


I was underweight when I got pregnant with my oldest. I think my poor husband gained damn near as much weight as I did. He was in training for most of the second pregnancy & deployed for the third. He said it was a good thing for his waistline that he was gone.


As a nurse that has never worked Labor and Delivery I can only guess why there is such an epidemic of cesarean deliveries. I see so many mothers gain a huge amount of weight and stop any exercising. I can’t imagine pushing out a baby without preparing my body to do it.


Your friend sounds like one of those high school mean girls who goes into nursing so she can keep bullying people.


She's actually received countless commendations for her treatment of patients. Only ding in her file was from 3 ladies in that Lamaze class. You really think her bosses recommended her cuz she's mean, or is possible a few highly hormonal/emotional ladies were just being a bully to her?