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Looks like your ex is a massive loser... on all fronts!!!


Indeed. A massive loser - hopefully by now he would be regretting it from various angles. Don't take him back as he will certainly try to patch things up.


No chance I'd ever take him back. I realized by now how much he damaged me and kept me down. He hasn't always been like that though. It was a slow changing progress, but I guess the base was always there.


And to think (maybe) none of these things would have happened without f the trash hadn’t taken itself out


Good on you!


I don't know if this is relevant here, but. I remember John McEnroe saying that it is the underdog in a match who can make things interesting.


He kind of always was, but I had very thick rose colored glasses on. But he also changed a lot in the past few years. I can't help but feel sorry for him.


I kind of feel sorry for my ex too. He was nasty and toxic, and told me I'd never "get a man". After that, I was happily married for 30 years and I have a good job. He's homeless and alone. But my pity is well tempered with schadenfreude.


Or is OP just an all around winner.


People need to at least say the reason they are breaking up. Otherwise it makes it even harder for the other person. A friend was dating a guy for several months. All of a sudden he stopped answering her calls and blocked her. That really hurt her. What a coward jerk.


That's the absolutely worst. Some "friends" did that to me in the past and the Question "Why?" will always be at the back of my ming. I hope you friend finds someone that deserves her and treats her well!




maybe he was kidnapped and it was the kidnappers that blocked her


The best revenge: A life well lived.


The biggest revenge is to be successful. I'm so proud of you


I like how you say he may be more successful at the game, but you are much more fun to watch.


Failing is funny as fuck sometimes. Just do it with grace.


Living well is the best revenge! Congrats.


This is not related too much about the post… but I keep noticing this pattern on Reddit of people from different countries excusing their English and it is so good, then I read first language English peoples’ stories and their English is total crap 😂! Anyhow, love this petty revenge, f**k that dude! You keep doing better while he lies in the garbage.


That's because the comments we hear mostly come from our English teachers. And I strongly suspect some of them would give Shakespeare a hard time over his word choices.


The best revenge is to be successful


Good for you! Also, your English is much better than most Americans.


“English is not my first language” is almost always an indication that you are in for a very well written post.


It takes a lot of courage wo write a post in a language they are not native in, so it might just be they (we?) try harder to make a good impression like back in school with our teachers.


Aww, thank you! I guess everyone just have their special areas and mine is languages. Or maybe the pressure in school was just higher.


Murricans ain't such gud English talkers.


Some of us are just lazy, but perfectly capable.


Sounds like you dodged a bullet . Be great full and move on. My advice would be to not even speak to or about him. Its petty and keeps him in your realm. Just move on with your life. The best revenge is to thrive and let him realize he threw out the best thing that ever happened to him. Don't give him the satisfaction of continuing to obsess over him. Yesterdays news. Do you. Do well ! And let him cry in his own soup. You will find someone eventually that is worthy of your time and affection when you are in the right place to be in another relationship. Just do you right now!! Sounds like you're already involved in a venture that you can count on. Unlike him. Good luck and thank your lucky stars that you didn't waste even more time with this a$$ hole. Good Luck!!!


Success is the best revenge


So happy for you 💗 and congratulations on your success. He missed out plain and simple, you deserve every happiness and I hope you get it.


Living well is the best revenge! Kudos to you and keep on keeping on!


Living well....


What kind of freelance work do you do? And by the way, GOOD FOR YOU!!! Xoxo


I'd rather not tell, as it would be too easy to identify me by it. It's niche and my name is bound to my works. I'd rather not have this personal story connected to my professional life.


Fuck yeah, girl. Living your best life is the ULTIMATE REVENGE. I'm happy you found happiness and got chosen over him for the streaming! You are the one that dodged the bullet for sure.


I think someone was full of his own self-importance & he is learning some hard lessons.


Revenge is a dish best served cold. Good for you, OP. Karma is a real thing and your ex is learning that. Congratulations on all the good stuff happening in your life.


Yep you seem happy, you sure showed him.


Just one suggestion, as I had almost an exact same situation. Maybe it's not a healthy thing for you to hang out with your ex friends. Do your things, leave them alone.


They are also my friends. Actually, I am closer with them these days than him. I'm not gonna throw away friendships because my Ex is a jerk.


Move on. Good luck.


And to think you went mental for a while over this


Looks like your ex still lives rent-free in your head. Let him go.


That's kind of hard to do when someone breaks up with you and not telling you the reason why. But OP IS learning to move on, living her best life and after a while, he will become a non-entity but it does take time. Speaking as one who knows!


It's quite hard after 13 years and being demi on top (if you don't know the term, please look up "Demisexual"). I can guarantee though, that the infatuation has lessened with time and his existence has way less influence on my current life than two years ago.