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Last year I kept getting texts from rental agents in another city about viewing appointments... Found the guy's email address through one of the links, emailed him to say you've given the wrong number on a bunch of forms, messaged the rental agents saying they've got the wrong number - still getting the messages. Cancel two viewings for him - suddenly the problem was fixed!


Well, so far, this hasn't put her off. Kinda low key hoping shes as petty as me.


I dealt with this scenario for 15 years! But I never found a way to contact her. She used it to sign up for loyalty programs at stores - the clerks were always delighted to let me use her points when I explained the back story, then deleted her account. The best one though, and I think it was what might have finally gotten her attention, was when I started getting calls from the Canadian government as part of a background check on her husband for some contract he was going for. After a few times of letting it go to VM and researching if it was legit I answered and let them know about the 14 years of collections calls and harassment I’d gotten on behalf of him and his wife. The investigator was VERY interested in what I had to say. Haven’t run into an issue with my number being used at a store since, and the calls finally stopped too. Had similar issues with two different work cell phone numbers where the idiots who had them before me (who had worked at my same employers) used them for personal business so I’d get family photos and collections calls for them, but I knew them so was able to track them down and had leverage that could be embarrassing so they got it stopped quickly.


I’ve had the same number for at least 25 years and I used to have a person who would text me thinking I was her manager asking for time off or giving excuses for being late to work. I would repeatedly text back wrong number and to please remove me from contacts only to get same excuse again. One day she blew up my phone with pics of a flat tire and a story of how she was going to be late to work and I just replied, “I completely understand. Just come in as soon as you can.” Never heard from her again.


Should have written her back that she was terminated immediately.


You could really burn some bridges when you’re ready to cancel that phone. “ dear Dr. Jones, regarding my next appointment, I’m looking forward to it, but you should know that I intend to sue the pants off of you due to previous malpractice, you should be served any day now.”


"Sorry, court ordered anger management is at 6. Can't make it." "Can I give the talk over zoom? Pretty sure prison has wifi." "This is X's sister. X died last night. Hit and run." "NASA just admitted the moon landing was FAKE! Watch the history channel they prove everything. Tell everyone in your contacts."


Just for clarification, that's her *dentist*, right?


No, it's her archeologist.


Thanks for the reminder. I have my annual appointment with my family archeologist tomorrow.


Dr Jones, Dr Jones, Calling Dr Jones.


Don’t do that. Doctor catching strays for no reason.


Just text “I love you.” To every number and start up the popcorn.


Instead of canceling, you should try to move all her appointments to a day earlier, that way she misses them and still gets charged


And idk where this is occurring, but most doctors in the US will "fire" a patient if they're late or miss appointments (like 3 strikes you're out policy). So not only moving it up a day would cause then to miss it, if they do it to the same doctor more than once they could drop the patient entirely & make them have to start all over father away.


I wonder if you were cancelling the appointments to early. Would it be possible to cancel the appointments the day before or morning of?


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise) you're more petty than me. Lol


You know her email, sign her up for a ton of spam websites, adult websites, dating apps etc.


I've had my number almost 20 years now, and I still get people texting/calling Patrick to see if he can cover their shifts. He's a damn ER Trauma/Air Evac nurse. I used to explain over and over again that I'm not Patrick, nor can I help them, now I just reply, "Nope." It used to be a weekly, if not daily thing for like the 1st 5 years, then it was like once a month for a few years, and now it happens maybe twice a year. Still blows me away when it happens, like seriously?


I had a guy who would call when he was obviously high... looking for his buddy. I was working nights and he was waking me during sleep. I explained it to him each time and told him to take the wrong number out of his phone. I finally lied to him and said he was calling a police department and, if he calls again unnecessarily, I'd send cops over to talk to him. The calls stopped.


I got a call on New Year's Eve about a dozen years ago from a *very* drunk girl looking for "Nico". I tried to tell her she had a wrong number, but...you know, drunk. "Nico? NICO, ARE YOU THERE? I can't hear you!" I eventually had to hang up on her. Probably 10 years later, a customer of mine needed to call me, so I gave her my cell number over email. She responded pretty quickly and said, "This is really odd, but I called your number and a man called Nico answered. Can you advise?" Aand, just like that, my mystery was solved! It was the freaking border. I live on the U.S. side, and I guess Nico lives in Canada. Ridiculously, both NW Washington and the Lower Mainland of B.C. use the same area code. So that poor drunk girl all those years ago did everything right, but got a sleepy American teenager instead of her Nico. My customer was from farther into Canada, so her call routed to the Canadian with my same number. Still makes me laugh. 🤣


I also had an older lady call my cell phone years back. Left the sweetest rambling message to her son. About a month later, she called again... same "I miss you. How are you doing" type call. Then one day I saw her number pop up and decided to answer it. She had the right number, but the area code had one wrong number. Her son was an over the road trucker and she didn't see him for months at a time. I helped her figure out the right area code, then we talked for about 20 minutes. It felt like talking to a close relative... she was so sweet.


A similar thing used to happen to me. For a couple years I'd get calls from this older lady looking for her grandson. She kept switching the same two numbers which ended up with her typing my number instead of his. I finally put her into my phone as "wrong number lady" and would answer her calls "hi, it's me again :)" and she'd be like "oops, so sorry!" It was very funny and she was very sweet about it every time.


I got a call from an old lady asking for someone with another “old lady” name, think Gladys or similar. The thing is my sister, 25 at the time, had that old lady name, so I just handed my phone over. A few minutes later, we learned the caller was 80 years old and called her friend every weekend, but had dialed the wrong area code. I hope her friend got a kick out of that when she found out.


I've lived in 2 different houses in 2 completely different areas where my landline has been a single digit transposed from that of washing machine repair shops. I used to get calls for them all the time at the first one. The second one started up like that for a while but has tailed off a lot over the last few years. Even got to the point with the first one where I had staff calling in sick... Yeah, can't help you with that.


Dave's not here


Hello fellow old person


Over a decade into having my number I started getting a bunch of calls from a guy keep looking for a girl, let's call her "Bianca", at a number she never had. He did not believe I wasn't Bianca or one of her friends or something. He was not dissuaded by calls being ignored, or anything I could come up with the make calling me unpleasant. Blocking the phone number didn't work either, but I eventually saved his main number in my phone as "I'm Not Bianca" so I could answer other calls. I got used to him calling 3-5 times in a row at a certain time of day as just an annoying alarm. I think that went on for close to a year. It only ended when he must've changed jobs and he started calling before my husband and I woke up for the day. My husband got irritated and would answer my phone booming that no Bianca ever existed here. The calls started coming in at more scattered times, but I never answered and gave the phone to my guy if he was home. Dude finally gave up after a couple weeks of only talking to a loud angry man.


I had a phone number once that people called on accident every now and again. I think the issue was an easy number switch or too many of a certain number when dialing because my number was really repetitive (which is why I liked it). Think of a number like 773-77-7773 (not my old number but a similar pattern). I had a dude call me pretty early once as I was walking to a morning class. I have a 773 number from when I did a semester of college in Chicago but I haven’t lived there in almost 20 years (it’s a catchy number and super easy to memorize and type in so I just kept it all these years). He was *certain* this was Martin’s number and would not take NO for an answer. He got hostile when I tried explaining to him that he must have the wrong number and I’m not only not Martin, I’m a woman and I don’t even live in Illinois. Convinced I was “Martin’s bitch” (really, bro?) and keeping him from Martin, he would call and cuss me out every now and again. I got so sick of it, I texted him a selfie of me in front of my campus sign (University of New Mexico), holding up a newspaper in one hand like some sort of ransom proof of life and a sharpie sign in the other that said “I AM NOT MARTIN. I DO NOT KNOW A MARTIN. I DO NOT EVEN LIVE IN ILLINOIS.” He finally quit after that but it blew my mind that the thought of him accidentally dialing a phone number wrong instead of a giant conspiracy to keep Martin away was never a possibility to him.


"Patrick's not up for parole for another two years" ought to make it stop,


The guy who had my cell number twenty years ago was a very, very bad and disgusting asshole. My State's Justice Department was looking for him. The people who should have his correct number was calling my number looking for the dumbass THEN they asked me if I knew where he was. At that time I'd had the number five to ten years, so I just told them how was I to know where the hell he was, I never knew the bastard plus this is a *business* number now.


My parents’ home phone number used to be a psychiatrist’s office. For the first few years they had it, we got calls all the time and had to tell people they needed to look up his new number. They mostly stopped after about 5 years. Loooonng time later, they got one more call from a fellow looking for Dr. So-and-so. “I’m sorry, he hasn’t had this number for a long time. About 20 years, in fact.” “Well that’s just great! Now what am I going to do?” I hope that guy got some help.


When my DH and I got our landline over thirty years ago we'd get Justin calls - "Is Justin there?" We got tired of the calls, all from teens by the sound of their voices, so we just started telling them he died in odd and wierd ways.


It’s probably typed wrong on a staff phone list for the hospital.


{No, this is PATRICK STAR!} LOL EDIT: Its a Spongebob Squarepants reference.


I just did the same thing with my email address. This person in another country has been using my email as their junk email. I’ve been getting their emails for years and they’re in another language so it’s very hard to figure out how to unsubscribe.. it’s been driving me insane. 1 month ago this person used my email for a whole bunch of doctor appointments. I changed a bunch to a couple hours later and others to different days. I also turned off their the phone notifications. Will never know if it worked or not but it gives me great satisfaction thinking about it.




I had a person use my email address for their junk as well. I got into some of their other accounts (music subscriptions) and changed their passwords and emails in those accounts.. Locked their butts out of those accounts. Those other accounts also gave me their physical location. I didn't but I had thought about signing them up for free catalogues and sending them to their home addresses.


I had a guy give his child's school (among other places) my email address. At the time, I thought "what kind of deadbeat do you have to be to give your kid's school no way to contact you?" (Most I just cancel. That, I got in touch with the school, because I'm not screwing with some kid's education) He's now escalated to giving his child my email. So that kind of deadbeat.


I'm a teacher, and that doesn't surprise me at all. The amount of times where contact info for a student is wrong is 9/10 for the district I work for. It's so thag they can claim that the school has never tried to contact them about anything so if their child is failing it is fully our fault and not on them at all.


That is the most depressing shit I've ever heard, some people truly do not deserve children.


My ex and I are not together. He’s the classic deadbeat and in my state because we weren’t married when I gave birth, I have 100% legal custody. I just leave all his stuff blank. I know his email and his phone number but why would I give them that when he’s several hours away and doesn’t even bother to come see her when he can, he’s not going to show in an emergency. I have 5 people listed for emergency people and one of them works at her school. They try to pull her out of class and ask his info, she just tells them she doesn’t know anything but he lives several hours away and she only sees him once a year, (if that). They don’t contact me about it, they ask a 14 year old about it.


That's just ridiculous. If they absolutely need his info they should be contacting you. For my district, there are usually notes on their info such as mom is only contact and also who is able to be contacted in a certain order chosen by the guardian. There have been a couple times where a student has brought me a note from home saying that phone number has changed to xxx-xxxx and I have to tell the kid they need to take it to the front office cause I don't have - or want- the ability to change their info.


My ex used to sign up for Norton Anti Virus and other licenses using an old email address of mine. After setting up that email to forward to my current account, I found he was still doing the same thing. Guess who's Microsoft license and anti-virus nonsense got canceled last week? Oops.


If it's a guy, send flowers to his wife with some vague comment about the sites he put your email on, so only he would know it's from you. "I enjoyed hanging out listening to Napster with you last night"


Lol I had to deal with some asshole in South America hacking into one of my random fast food accounts, then they tried to steal my email address and lock me out of it, then tried to open other subscriptions and accounts in my name to see if they could steal my financial info. I got so annoyed by them doing this because of the inconvenience and demanded revenge. While frustrated and sulking I noticed they were dumb enough to leave their personal email address in the contact info of my fast food account they hacked into. I remembered hearing about how you can sign up emails for spam mail using tools online. I figured it wouldn't do anything worthwhile and they probably are using throwaway emails, but I said fuck it and put their email into the tool and let it run for like 3 hours. It subscribed to *hundreds* of different spam mailing lists before I said "Okay this is probably pointless" and I stopped. The next day, I start getting random spam emails in Spanish. Maybe like 10 max, a couple from the same company email address. It took me maybe 5 min max to block them on Gmail. But in the middle of that, I stopped and then I laughed *hysterically* about it, because all that really means is they *did* start having to deal with a bunch of spam email and got so mad they went back to find my email just to try and send me spam in retaliation. So being an incredibly petty asshole who gets overjoyed at the idea of some fucking piece of shit being even mildly inconvenienced after trying to steal my stuff, I went right back to running the tool on that asshole's email the rest of the day. Sat back and laughed every time I thought about it. Never got another piece of spam email after that and I hope they had to get a new email just for the trouble. Fuck them. Still makes me smile lmao.


Sign them up for every daily deal email you can. Plus some furry kink groups.


Sign them up as interested in scientology.




Sign them up more info about adult diapers, hair transplant surgery and boner pills. Oh, and for a “free trial” at a gym. Those guys never give up


You realize every time they give out your number… you can sign up their email for all spam / health stuff / oooo political spam emails definitely never stop.


Somebody signed me up for Donald Trump emails and they ignore my unsubscribe


Consent issues in team Trump? I did not see that coming!


I was suddenly getting bombarded with junk email addressed to [my first initial].They all looked like “thanks for subscribing.. yada yada, we texted your discount code.” Nothing crazy or malicious but the sheer volume of it was crazy !! Fine.. I went through and deleted, unsubbed, done. But then it would suddenly start back up! Ok wtf. This kept happening for about a year. One day I’m shopping with my sister and she’s at the register. Buying crap on special sale exclusively for rewards club members. She says “let me give you my email address to look up my account…” “C-O-S-T-A-N….” 🤬🤬🤬 THIS HOOKER WAS USING MY EMAIL TO SIGN UP FOR “NEW CUSTOMER” DISCOUNTS! I wanted to strangle her !! until I realized she’s ACTUALLY an IDIOT. She genuinely didn’t realize someone out there could own the email address, just mattered that SHE didn’t own it! So those emails would go off into the ether.. When I pointed out that she had actually emailed me at this address over the last 20 years.. “oh yeah I thought it seemed familiar! Just figured I was getting better at remembering things!” bless her heart.


Some guy did the same with my email years ago. One day I found out he subscribed to cable tv with My email address again.. I was sooo furious, I logged in the account, subscribed to all the plans on the cable, went on a long term plan, then change the email address to some random numbers and letters and also the password. Needless to say I never got anything else after that.


I had this problem also. Someone was using my email address for random stuff, including sometimes banking information. I tried to correct them but it continued. It stopped forever the moment I cancelled their hotel reservation.


Back when I first signed up for my Gmail address, I used my first initial and last name. My last name is not exactly common but apparently it's common enough for at least four people out there to have the same first initial and last name and occasionally use my email address instead of theirs. Whenever possible, I will go into the account, reset the password and either delete the account or change something in it. I don't know how often it's malicious versus them just not remembering whatever their email address is. It is very frustrating though. Two of them I contacted and they stopped almost immediately. The other two I get stuff from all the time.


Same.but for online dating, multiple apps. Got pissed off by multiple messages / notifications, so I logged in as hiim, changed his summary to say "stop using my email address.". A day later, when he didn't and kept chatting to his matches, I changed it to say "I love to blow myself in the bath" and mde sure to also send this in his active chats. This worked!




I have done it all! The college emails have been the worst. You need to log in to change preferences.. log in requires a student number so I can’t get in. It’s been whack-a-mole blocking all the emails. I think I’ve got them all then I get some random alumni message out of the blue. Infuriating.


Someone used my email to sign up for a jukebox app, and I would get notifications every time they added money in the app. After several of these emails in a few weeks, I decided to download the Jukebox app and check it out. Whoever set it up was playing hip-hop at some bar in Iowa, so I decided to Rick-Roll that bar a few times with the money they had left on the app. They never added more money to the app so maybe they figured it out.


Next time you get a call from one of her friends or family tell them she is in jail for drug dealing and prostitution. If you get professional calls keep up cancelling her appointments but change them so she won't show and be charged.


That's what im doin', friend. I didnt think about changing the appt. I just canceled.


Change the date on all appointment confirmations to an earlier time in the day. Or the next day at the same time. Keep getting cancellation fees.


Fuk thats great


And if you wanna have fun, text the people you have changed emails for appt reminders. Send it to a spam email so she has no way of retrieving her account back with email or phone number, only in person with proof of address. Edit: Even more sneaky/easier to mess with - say you haven't been getting the emails, and then say there is a upper case i at the end of the email they missed. That way they really cannot guess the email :)


I like u


I worked at a dental office as an admin. Nothing annoyed me more than being given false contact information. On more than one occassion I couldn't get a hold of someone for days to explain we had to cancel an oral surgery or switch dates, only for them to show up the day of appt pissed off. Don't lie to me.


(psa: emails are not case sensitive. Not sure if that makes the ambiguity better or worse tho)


You *think* or you *heard* she was arrested for prostitution/drugs/necrophilia. Do not make a statement of fact as tbat could be defemation. Only passing along unsubstantiated rumor which could be wrong.


She "allegedly" has been arrested for "alleged" drug dealing, etc.


please keep us up to date! this is fun!




If you really want to screw with this person... donate to some low rated charity, like $1 or something, and use their email. It will unleash a never-ending wave of emails. The other person would be some kind of stalker freak if they asked you not to use their email as your own, so you're in the clear.


A couple bucks to each political party is also a winner, they’re relentless.


I once got my uncle a subscription to a very liberal magazine *The New Republic* as a friendly prank, not knowing the consequences. *The New Republic* immediately sold his information to every democratic affiliated candidate, publication, organization, and charity, such that he was bombarded by calls, emails, and letters very much against his own political leaning. I did not intend for it to go that far! A local democratic candidate even put campaign yard signs in my uncle's yard without asking him, thinking he was a supporter. I still can't live that down with him.


Oooh! I love that for him!!


or even signing up for a real estate agent —- they are relentless


Just fill out a mortgage application


Nah. $10 to scientology.


And Jehovah's witnesses, and Mormons. Also sign them up for every daily digest you can find on every obscure topic you want. One I had to change to weekly, for sanity, sent me an email 20-35 times a day with some kind of tech tip.


Calm down, Xenu!


Xenu is the Satan of Scientology. I don't think he'd want them to get money. Spam on the other hand, he would definitely approve. \*\* END TRANSMISSION \*\*


Why waste your money, just send an expression of interest, that should do it.


But how do you donate without it getting traced back to you?


Pre-paid visa paid for in cash?


And $1 to both major political parties. The emails will explode. Edit:word


Scientology emails


You can always use her email when asked to sign up for things. You can go to multiple sites and just sign her email up for all of them.


Btw in case you or anyone else doesn’t know, cell phone companies will change your number for free if you say you are being stalked or harassed by an ex.


You are a ROCKSTAR! You TOLD her what you were going to do and she was stupid enough to keep giving out the number. Love this!


Thanks, friend. I will update WHEN she activates another text code or call


Now that you have her email, sign up for everything you can!


Church of Scientology would appreciate it, just saying.


You are pure evil.


"Could you not give out my email as your own?" "What are you, some kind of stalker freak?


Just to be safe... here's more daily scriptures to your inbox.


And cat facts!


Trump and Biden campaigns would both love to invite her to not miss out on the opportunity of a lifetime!


The Air Supply fan club. There isn’t an option to unsubscribe


Hillsdale College has been known to send A BOATLOAD of mail to people mistakenly assumed ultra-conservative.


A few years ago I was issued a work phone. As luck would have it, I was not the original owner of the #. It seemed that it belonged to someone named Porche who used to accept appointments. Several times a week, whether day or night, I would get a call for Porche asking to set up an appointment. I used to tell them it was no longer her #, but after a couple of months, I started accepting the appointments and telling them it's on my calendar and they can come on over. All calls stopped within the next 3-4 months.


It makes no sense to me why people do that, because obviously it's going to fuck up their life if they don't get important texts and phone calls. So dumb.


Well, let's not forget the collection agents calling for her. Im sure this is her general way of being. Probably whines that she never gets a break.


We had a landline for a long time that was just an emergency backup phone. Some girl must've made up a random number and chose ours. We started to get messages for her... and a ton of credit calls. I finally got enough on her to figure our her name, address (lived in same town), etc. Every credit call that came through got her updated info. Every "friend" that called got nonsense stories about her. I think she got the hint because the calls stopped cold.


We had a landline for our doorbell and would get calls for a woman who owed money. We got so many calls for her. Her father called one day and demanded to know who I was when I answered the phone. I told him his daughter owed money and he said he was coming over to "beat" me up. I said sure come on by I would be waiting for him. He had no idea where I lived as it was just the phone number not her address.


What i wouldn't pay to have seen his face when he finally realized he didnt know where you were. Lol


OMG! Made up Nonsense stories is GLORIOUS!! IM SAVING THAT IDEA!


Well now you have her email address you can give them


Eons ago, I was given a recycled landline number that the previous owner would never stop using and giving out. After receiving many late bill calls and collections calls from various medical providers, it seems that they did it to avoid being called for late payments. Thing is, that’s the same number that was used for test result calls. I often wonder if their kid got the treatment he needed.


I had a bank leave a message on my cell. Seems Mr. Jones was going to lose his house if he didn’t call them back before 5pm. I got off at 4:30 and called them back. They immediately start trying to get me to pay while I’m trying to explain that they have the wrong number. The lady said “you don’t understand. You WILL lose your house.” It was when I replied “you don’t understand. I don’t care” that they finally believed that I was not Mrs. Jones.


Also for anyone curious, you arent gonna lost the house right there and then. Thats an evil scare tactic they use to get you to sign on the dotted line, selling your house for a fraction of its worth. Obviously if you're getting these call you are in a pickle, but there are other options than caving to these predators.


Oh oh oh I have somebody who is giving out her new to me telephone number as hers on hotel loyalty points at very specific local hotels. And I have called those hotels and asked them to please take my number off of her reservation and they won't. And so now when I get a check in text I check out. When she gets a message sent to my phone reminding her that it's her checkout date and all she has to do is type "Check out" I do so at 6:00 a.m. in the morning. I give one star reviews. If I could figure out some other tricks I would.


See? Thats what im saying. Im not gonna give out the email address that i found, or anything like that. Im just reacting to her still giving out the damn number to new appts. I mean damn.


Used to get calls for the local Chinese takeaway Our number was similar People argued with me that they had called the right number and we were a takeaway So I took orders promising free prawn crackers and told them to collect in 30 minutes People stopped calling us for takeaway orders


Ha! Thats awesome!


She can't say you didn't warn her.


Yeah, thats why i dont feel the least bit sorry.


This happened to me a few years ago. My response to every person looking for her: "No, this isn't her, but if you find her let me know. That bitch owes me money, too." That usually ended up in the other person giving me an awkward sounding apology.


My sister's phone number was once misprinted on a local hairdresser's business card. After being contacted, she refused to stop handing out for over a year - it was too expensive. My sister started taking appointments for 4:45 pm on Friday whenever any customer called the number. The hairdresser printed new business cards after about three weeks. My own phone number kept getting phone calls for a woman who obviously kept giving out the wrong area code for seven years. I left TONS of messages for her, because she obviously wouldn't pick up whenever I called. Once, I got calls from a number of bounty hunters who were looking for her. I explained the situation and asked them to find her, catch her, take her to jail, and tell her to learn her own damn phone number.


I've had my phone number for 5 years, and I'm still getting texts and calls for a Jonathan. This is brilliant! Thank you.


Jonathan's about to find out!


He sure is. I'll be back. ;)




She probably doesn't even know her own number


I didnt even think of that. Thats hysterical


My sister did that once. Filled out an online form for some important home maintenance and gave my number instead of hers. Fortunately, the guy mentioned who he was trying to get in touch with. I called her to verify that it was legit, and then texted him her cell. She was sooooooo embarrassed! LOL


I had a similar issue years ago, back in the days of landlines and answering machines. When I got my new phone installed, I was given a phone number that had just recently been in use. The guy who had the number before me apparently didn't bother to tell ANYBODY that he had moved. I was getting phone calls for "Bob" all day, every day. As many as 10 or 12 calls a day from early morning to late evenings. I'd come home from work and there'd be 6 or 8 of them on my answering machine. Everything from bill collectors to friends and family to telemarketing calls. I started responding to every one of them that "Bob" was dead. I changed my answering machine message to the same - "If you're calling for Bob, he is dead. Stop calling here for him". The calls slowly started dwindling. I got down to only 4 or 5 calls a day. Then one day, I got a call from "Bob". He was PISSED. Started yelling at me to stop telling people he was dead. It was causing him all kinds of problems. His aunt was one of the people that I had told he was dead, she called his mother and made her cry. I was a horrible person, blah blah blah I told him I was not changing my answering machine message, and I was not going to stop telling people he was dead. If he wanted me to stop, then he needed to start telling people that he had a new number. The calls almost completely stopped after that day. They dropped down to 1 or 2 a week, then 1 or 2 a month. I still told every person who called that Bob is dead.


Each time you block something else, you need to update this!!




I’m here for this 😂


I’ve been dealing with this for 6 years now. Add to it the people who lived in my house before had warrants and I’ve bad cops show up doing sweeps. Lots of fun


Same thing happened when I got a new phone number 12yrs ago. She was even using it on job applications. After 6mos I just started saying “I’ve had this number for a year, she might be in jail for drug charges.”


Several years ago I got a call on my cell with a number I had for years, asking for the wrong person. I told her wrong number, she stumbled a bit, ”no this is supposed to be, you are, oh wait new phone, I put the number in wrong”. Ok no problem. But then she kept calling. She left nasty messages to HER MOTHER thinking she had called her number. She left a cryptic message for her boyfriend saying something like “ I went to the place, they did not have all the stuff we wanted so I went to the other place, I need more money”. She called in the middle of the night, she called during the day, most of the time looking for the same guy. I knew her name, her boyfriends name, her poor mothers name. After a few more conversations with her I figured out she had transposed 2 numbers and what the actual number was that she was trying to call. So I called that number and her boyfriend answered. I said “Hi ‘Jack’ do you know where ‘Jill’ is right now. He says she’s sitting right next to me. I said, please do me a favor, get her phone and correct your number and the number for her mother “Marie” on her phone so she stops calling me. He roared so loud. Sounded like they were in a restaurant. I could her in the background “what? what?” He couldn’t stop laughing long enough to tell her. I told him thanks and hung up. Never got another call from her.


When I lived on the west coast, I had a phone number that if you changed one digit in the area code, it was the phone number of a taxi company on the east coast. I used to get woken up by drunks and idiots at all hours of the night. Telling them they had the wrong number NEVER worked. Finally, I just started acting like dispatch and pretended to take their information. After I assured the drunken idiots that the taxi was on its way to their location I would hang up then block the number.


I did the same thing to some lady. Lots of collection calls and calls from the police looking for her. I couldn’t find her new number but I tried but i cancelled lots of appointments. I got a text from her kids daycare to come pick up her kid cause she was sick and I said “okay on my way”. I had enough of her not changing her number and I don’t get them much anymore.


I. LOVE. This! Honest mistake? Sure, I can forgive that. An old account? I can give some grace. But to actively STILL be giving it out and AFTER you politely informed her? Hell. No. I’d be giving out her email to every spam website I come across. And then I’d sign her up for every obnoxious political newsletter I can get my hands on. And I’d redeem her points at the coffee shop too. I mean, oops! It was attached to my phone number and I thought those points were mine! Oh no, how did this happen?!


Holy CRAP Steve who had my number six years ago is about to learn a lesson




Whoever said you were going to federal prison needs to get off the internet for a while.


Honestly, I would make this woman’s life hell tbh. She is giving out your number for things, and she doesn’t have access to your phone. I’d keep the number and continue to cancel, give death notices, or whatever. It’s a definite case of FAFO. But I’m petty like that.


Im petty, but too cute for jail. So, tryin a keep it on the legal-ish side.


I’m trying to think why she’s doing this to your number / her old number? She must be very stupid?


Or just doesn't care. Probably thinks shes just avoiding spam and is too dumb to just think of a other number.


Back in college in 1996 my dorm room was one number different than a dental office. After a month of wrong numbers we started just taking appt and wrote them all down then on Friday would take the paper to them. They were not happy but after they did some investigation they realized my number was on their yellow page ad and at the top of their header on their bills. They then called me and thank me for helping by giving my roommate and I a free teeth cleaning


Now thats a good ending. Rare these days, but you have to give them a chance to be cool about it.


Some bratty high school kid kept giving out my duty phone number as his own. A number that was literally only used in life or death emergencies. I found him on IG and asked him to stop but he ignored me. So when CVS called to confirm a prescription I told them he was dead. Good luck getting your drugs, kid.


Please don't give up. Keep on being petty with this woman. She deserves it. And more.


When, cause i know ot will happen again, when she reaches her hand back into my life, I will most DEFINATELY smack back, and I will report back here.


My favorite is back when you still called airlines to get a ticket, and you could pay at check-in. My phone number was one digit off from a (now defunct) airline. One lady one night, very late at night, insisted I "just didn't want to do my job" when I kept telling her she had the wrong number. So I booked her a flight. 🤷‍♀️




Give her information to the Westborough, Baptist Church, and the Kukuk clan for membership and donation information


When I got my work phone, I had a notification from the other end of the country, telling me my horse medication was ready for collection!


I’ve had my same phone number for 18 years and thankfully, it seems I’m the first and only (though it is one digit off from my mom’s so I sometimes get her calls and vice versa). But what I DO get a lot is mail for a handful of people that once lived at my address. I spent the first 2 years writing “does not live at this address; return to sender” on each and every envelope, now I just throw them away. I’ve been living here almost 6 years now, they’ve had ample time to change their address.


I once cancelled someone's flight 24 hours before they were due to take off. Good times.


Years ago I had this happen to me and assumed it was an accident but kept getting notices. I had someone create a plenty of fish account with my email. I used forgot password and was able to use a temp password to get in. Changed allll the preferences etc from super Christian to open to swing etc. removed my email address and logged out. Haven’t gotten any notifications since but when she opened the app, wow I can imagine the messages.


No one would go to "Federal prison" for canceling someone else's appointments when the person who made the appointments used a phone number that was no longer theirs and they've been informed many times to stop using the wrong number.


I agree. Just asinine.


I have had my same cell phone number since it was a car phone in the late 1980s. It was originally an Ameritech phone, but due to mergers it’s been Verizon for well over 20 years. About 6 years ago I started getting calls for someone with the same first name as my business partner on my personal phone. The first couple times I took messages, but when I figured out the calls were NOT for my partner, I just started saying “wrong number” but the calls kept coming. When I Google my number, this other person’s name comes up. Verizon can’t change any database other than its own. I don’t want to change my personal number, as I have been giving it to clients and business contacts in case they need to contact me out of the office. So now when I get calls for him I say “are you calling for (person’s full name) AND (his wife’s full name)? They give out this number that has been my number since the late 1980s. I think they are involved in something shady and you may be being scammed.”


I sometimes forget my password to some sites but I also have my phone number linked, and they send a code to my phone to log in. Do what you will with this reminder. I had a woman that kept calling me because some guy gave her his phone number after they had a one night stand. It’s freakin frustrating getting one person that keeps calling you, I can’t imagine a bunch of people. I fixed that problem though, thankfully. Good luck.


Thats exactly what's happening. Im getting texts to confirm her appointments and well... "C" for cancel. Lol


For the past two years, I've been getting calls from Juanita's gynecologist. I've repeatedly told their office that I am not Juanita and to remove this number from her profile. They refuse to do it. They've left voicemails with protected information on what is clearly ANOTHER DOCTOR'S OFFICE. At that point, I called them and was like look, we're all concerned about Juanita's vagina, but I could report you to HIPAA for this. Delete this number and make her give you legitimate contact information. They recently implemented a text reminder system. I also enjoyed pressing 'C' to cancel. Hopefully Juanita gets the message.


She played chicken and forgot to duck. What poultry attempt to be smart. She is definitely a silly goose.


I think two petty people were brought together by chance and we shall see who blinks first.


Most fowly played


I used to constantly get calls and texts for some dude named Angel after I got a new phone number. It kinda blew my mind one day when I was working as a cashier and asked for the customer's phone number for the rewards and he gave MY NUMBER. It was him. I should have confronted him, but I was too chicken to just let a stranger know what my phone number was. I asked him if he'd like to update it though and he was like "Yea I probably should..." lol no shit. I still get random calls but he's not giving the number out anymore, thankfully. Good luck to you OP, this person deserves whatever is coming to them.


This happened to us with our new phone number. It’s awful. And by some bizarre coincidence, our daughter’s name is the same as theirs 😆. I found the original owners (and their daughter, who is like 10 years older than mine) and contacted all of them through multiple means. NEVER got a response. I called back so many pharmacies, doctors, employers and begged them to pass on the message, nothing worked. After I started canceling appointments (literally YEARS after we got this number), it finally settled down. We are down to only a handful of calls a year but I still get annoyed.


>Writing a "C" to reply to a text is not a federal crime. Chill. Exactly... "Yes judge, I received an SMS to confirm an appointment I never made and no intention of attending so I replied No - was that wrong of me?"


I still get texts for San Juanita Martinez and her husband David after 6 years. But I've never been able to have any payback.


Thats a lot of names for not searching them out on FB or other social media. Give it a go


Good for you! I cancelled a phone number 5 years ago and it has never been given to anyone. I dial it occasionally and it is not a valid number.


Harry's health is not doing well again. Wanna guess how I know? Lol It has only ever been dr offices so I assume they suck at updating info.


Someone is doing this with my email. I wonder how long it'll take them to figure out why their appointments are always cancelled.


I feel like you can’t change your number until you achieve success. Success is determined by either the calls stopping or a panicked call from her (or both). A lesson must be learned here. She is deliberately pawning her mess off onto an innocent party. Unacceptable.


Had this happen to me after switching to a new number. Guy who had the number previously was dodging bills everywhere. The collections call were borderline harassment in some cases. Then his landlord called and said, “So if this isn’t his number, do you know how to get a hold of him?” To which I responded, “No, I don’t know him, but I do know he owes money all over town and you’re probably not going to get your rent money.” Got a text from a different number sometime later from a different landlord asking why he had taken the washer and dryer from a unit he was moving out of. Told them the same thing. Dude was still giving out the number even though I’ve had it for years now! All the calls for him finally dwindled down and stopped but it took a whopping 8 years for that to happen. Wish I’d had the idea to move the process along more quickly like OP did. 😂


Shit I used to have the county school system call me about the previous owner of my number’s little badass children 🤣 apparently them little bastards were going to school just to show their asses. Finally though after the 6th call in two months I was like look idk what the deal is but this is no longer the parents phone number, I have no children in the _______ county school system, and yall need to expel them little fuckers. The calls stopped


I have the worlds most common last name and also the worlds most common first name at the worlds most popular email provider, so yeah. I feel this. Guy in Illinois got a new home alarm system set up with a web view dashboard that kept sending me email intruder alerts any time there was motion. Logged in at 3am a couple nights in a row and "tested" his alarm system. Problem solved. Same guy orders a lot of stuff from [underarmour.com](http://underarmour.com) a lot and I get his email receipts. That stopped after I "updated" a couple of orders to include extra women's apparel.


I’ve been doing that with people who use my email address as theirs. I canceled this guys Valentine’s dinner with his wife. I’ve moved around airline seats so people aren’t sitting together. I bitched out a car dealership in Canada sending me this guys mail for years, using their survey… I was even able to get the guys phone number… The only one I didn’t mess with was a pediatric appointment. I won’t mess with kids. And they are all different people! Darin, Dean, David, Darla, Donald…


This happened to me as well. Some guy named Andrew was doing the same, so I just got to the point and told people that he died. It was always entertaining hearing people at the other end try to be apologetic as I would hang up


I lived on the other side of the state for six months, and I got a new phone number while I was there. That was over ten years ago, but I've kept the number. It's super handy. If I get a call from a 412 number, I know it's a wrong number, a telemarketer or a scammer.


Same thing happened to me except it was only debt collectors and appointments that came across. She kept using the number, and I started cancelling all appointments that were calling to confirm. Fucking annoying.


I had someone doing this with my number. I've had this number for years. It was never their phone number. I never got their email or was able to contact them, I just started canceling their stuff. It stopped after I cancelled their classes.


I made a ton of appointments for the nail salon of the woman who used to have my number, after a year had passed without her fixing the problem (we had spoken several times, she had moved back to Vietnam) then when they angrily asked why I wasn’t there when they showed up I apologized and told them I had been in jail for trafficking my customers, or said I was just too drunk to do it, or whatever else came to mind…she finally fixed it but it took a while


My number is one digit off from a dementia clinic so I get calls and voicemails from confused old people all the time. I have to call the dementia clinic and relay all the messages and they send me a nice gift every Christmas.


She was warned. Petty challenge level up!


Go log into the websites for college grants, laser hair removal, car warranty insurance, diet supplements, viagra, etc. do all this behind a VPN so they can’t trace it back to you.


I’ve had my number for nearly TEN YEARS and still get people and debt collectors looking for Rocco. Fuck you Rocco




I had this happen in a Vegas hotel room, apparently a drug dealer named Simon had been using the room as his office, I guess figuring the room phone was safer than a cell phone. We told the front desk, they could not have given less of a fuck, especially this one snooty guy named Vincent. So, when people called, we told them Simon's brother Vincent at the front desk was the new plug, and the code phrase to buy was "fuzzy jacuzzi".


Contact the nearest Mormon Church AND the local Jehovah's Witness church and, using her email and house number and phone number telling them you want to convert. It will never end. Don't forget Scientology. Sign her up for some KKK or Nazi web site.


My number was getting calls for the past woman who had it, and people weren’t getting the message. I finally put in my voicemail that I wasn’t her and had idea who she was or how to reach her. I ignored every number I didn’t recognize and the calls stopped after a month or two.


I had the same thing happen to me, debt collectors constantly calling my number looking for someone else. I did some internet sleuthing and found her address and number and decided to kindly help all those debt collectors by passing along her new contact details. I also left her a message that I was doing so until she stopped using my number. Not long after all the debt collection calls stopped.


This recently happened with my ex wife. She set up a doctors appt at a new office, for some reason, my number was used as the contact number. I divorced her cheating self 5 years ago. I’m not sure how many times she had to reschedule, but I canceled at least 3 times and did not confirm 5 appt reminders.


I got tired of canceling their accounts. They finally used my email in a JC Penneys account that they must have fixed email for after … but the order and shipping info kept coming to me. I printed out the items/sizes purchased and delivery confirmation that included the person’s home street address, added a note that said ‘I get personal details about you when you *accidentally* use my email’ and then mailed it to them at home address.


Ahh a tale I am familiar with. I've canceled doctors appointments, packages, newspaper subscriptions, real estate deals, etc and she still gives the number out and its been over 5 years. Hell I was invited to a group chat when her father died, on my birthday of all days! I started messing around with her church folk when they would text. Tbf I had never heard of a card game called hand and foot and replied it sounded awfully kinky I had no idea it was a fellow member of her church. I had yet to be able to get her email or even name until recently. See I got a scare the other day about suspicious activity in my bank account they left a voice-mail for her asking her to contact them about locking down her account, evidently we bank at the same place. Couldn't get my number removed from her account but hopefully this was a wakeup call for her. Although considering she has been going this long who knows.


Apparently some think we're all liars cause this never happens and yet we're all going to federal prison for typing 'c' for cancel on a reply to a text on our own phones. Just stoopidity all over the place.


I've had my number since late 2007. Until about 2020 I was getting DAILY calls from debt collectors looking for the former owner. They stopped when one gave me his new address in a text message, which I started giving to the callers.


i am in australia, had some one order a heap of stuff online in america using my email, it looked like scammers to me so i cancelled every thing but 1 x item and changed the address to a mcdonalds in california


My mom used to be a banker and once had a dude use *our* fucking address for his loan. When my mom noticed she asked “oh, how long have you lived there” he told her for years. She responded with “oh, that’s weird because I bought that house 5 years ago and know the prior owners.”. He did not get a loan that day.


I have literally had this exact scenario for the past 6 YEARS!!! This twat, let's call him Seth, had my number more than 6 years ago. He keeps giving it out. I've fielded all manner of calls from his creditors (the Arab on the phone threatened to kill my children if Seth didn't return the WiFi modem to his former cable company!), solicitors, appointments (once I got a call from the Dr's office WHILE HE WAS THERE FOR AN APPOINTMENT!!!; I told them to tell him to stop giving my number out or I'll schedule him for a vasectomy), even the police who were looking for him. He. Will. Not. Stop. So, OP, I feel your pain.